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Let's say you live in a normal house like pic related, what would be the best melee weapon for close quarter combat? Against 1 or many more intruders. Short simple spear? Rapier? 19th century european saber?
Trusting neighbors, the police, a dog, a locked door,
The gun/melee weapon is the last defense and everything before that is a deterrence. If youve been targeted for a burglary youve already failed most of the prerequisites.
not living in michigan
Tazer and pepper spray
idk man my uncle lives in a rich neighborhood, reinforce every door and has level 8 ballistic windows just to have a gang rip through his walls and crack into his safe all under 30mins.
He was out to pick up his kid
>normal house
Probably made of paper

Why are you so poor that you don't live in a homogeneous neighborhood?
>lives in a rich neighborhood
No he doesn't.
>idk maaaaaaaaan
Genetic levels of poverty
A gun
Don't need one. I leave my door unlocked most of the time. There is nothing in my house worth taking and everyone in my neighborhood respects me.
A tritium core and a screwdriver.
Blackpowder revolver. What was your felony?
You didn't inspect the neighborhood for Soon-To-Be-Repossessed-Mobiles before signing? What a retard.
I don’t believe you
a gun
baseball bat
OP is a convicted sex offender, crimes committed against children under 10 years old.
Not the OP, but is the production of ClF3 a felony?
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Cattle prod in nondominant hand, hammer in the dominant. Give them the old zap and whack
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If I was a felon, like you, I'd probably invest in pircel. They look handy and fairly intuitive to use. But I'm not a felon and society actually trusts me with firearms.
Ohv, shivtè, knaves hath come to pillage mine castile.
Literally the worst choice
I'm not that guy, but it's pretty useful for giving bad guys a warm welcome and it's not really classed as a weapon. Cheap, cheerful - go for a metal body.
its the best choice. are you one of the people posting medieval weapons?
Wtf who said I was a felon I just want to know the most ideal melee weapon in such setting
14 year old
OP is a convicted pedophile so his choices are limited.
Do we have confirmation on that, or do we need to summon the local wizard to verify?
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a klewang, a dutch type marine cutlass, one of the last active duty swords used, optimized for close quarters in cramped environments, good hand protection, very light and fast. cold steel makes a repro i heard.
You can literally just grab it and the windup is too long. Absolutely shit tier choice. You'll have one swing and that's it. Shit tier retard choice.

Nta but these type of competent gangs of criminals exist and they know exactly what they are going for. At my former employers‘ bureau they showed up at night, attached a chain to the street level front door and ripped it out using their van. Silent alarm went off but they had all the time they needed to then violently cut through two more consecutive doors and entered just the right room with a safe hidden under a rug, and cut that open as well. For good measure, they also stole a whole server rack. All this took them under 30minutes.

> Verification not required.
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I don't want to clean crackhead aids blood off my walls and floor after I chop their limbs off
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Maybe you just have a weak swing. Grabbing a baseball bat as its swinging is going to fuck up your hands or arms
You gotta have at least 5 INT to be able to access the sock upgrade.
How heavy do you think a normal bat is? Moreover, what do your arms look like?
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>smacks the wall
>smacks the ceiling
>misses his one opportunity to actually hit
>gets stabbed to death
Nothing is a crime if you don’t get caught
> not really classed as a weapon
Who gives a shit? A framing hammer is a better weapon and something you might actually use as a tool. Hell even an axe handle is a better bludgeon than a baseball bat
You’re a felon, underage, or profoundly stupid. Which one is it?
>Best self defense weapon that is not a gun?
How much do you care about the house surviving?
pepper spray, really bright flashlight with strobe, and a metal baseball bat
pepper spray them if possible then use the bat, if you cant then shine the flashlight in their eyes with the strobe mode and run up with the bat
>idk man my uncle lives in a rich neighborhood, reinforce every door and has level 8 ballistic windows
I guess retardation runs in the family. If you want to keep thieves away from your house, DON'T GIVE THEM THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU HAVE SOMETHING WORTH STEALING
Serious answer:
Motion activated perimeter lighting and cameras, brick walls, window bars, solid oak door
Meme answer: 55 gallon drum of ANFO.
What kind of hobbit house do you live in?
A spear
The japs and mariners had shortswords for a reason anon
>hurre just live in a shit hole bro!
I doubt that you have ever touched a hammer, a bat, or an axe. Let alone swung one
Says the guy who lives close enough to niggers that his estate can be studied for later robberies.
Is this you? >>62138870
A GameCube
A boarding cutlas or a pick-backed hammer, obviously.

If you're a felon.

Otherwise, an entry AR15 will do everything you could want.
Xiphos or gladius. Maybe with a spiked buckler.
This, even asian housewives were known to successfully thwart multiple would be invaders using spears and similar shit.
The best weapon is a strong housing community. I'm Malaysian. Nowadays, most housing areas have their own community organisations that either do volunteer night patrols or collect money to build fences, guard houses, boomgates and hire guards. In unity lies strength.
For an untrained retard which you sound like, a baseball bat with a sock on it. At least the first person who grabs it can't grip it, the sock slides off. If you ask retarded woman questions like this you're not going to be any good with a sword. Only women are afraid of guns.
You can literally look up "racial dot map" or "demographic map" and find out what the shitty areas are. "Crime mapping" also shows where and what crimes are happening in certain areas. Both maps identically overlay each other, shitskins literally commit over 95% of crime.
>rip through his walls
Try not living in a cartboard mcmansion next time bozo
flamethrower. they make very portable ones now that fit inside backpacks or under coats.
Not an argument. Tell me oh wise one, why is a bat better.

A hammer is made for delivering an impact onto a small point. It’s metal and will do more damage. It’s quicker, fast to swinger, hit harder, harder to grab, and less likely to hit other things like the ceiling, walls, or furniture. An axe handle is a bat but meant for overhead swings and it’s thinner and slightly more top heavy, which concentrates force. A bat is meant for hitting baseballs. Not people.
Not true, I’ve been sent to the hospital by one when I was coaching baseball for special needs kids, a bat will ruin your day
things that didn't happen
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>At my former employers‘ bureau
Booby traps. Lead intruders into punji pits, bear traps, tripwire dead falls traps, etc. You know where they are, no one else does.
Longer reach. I can stay out of range of your hammer. I'm not limited to wild swings, I can use bayonet movement in close quarters. And in the unlikely event you could grab my bat, I can trap your hand and use the long weapons leverage to break your wrist. I would prefer a baton, but a bat is not a bad weapon.
Most of the weapons you name require a lot of training. If you are not skilled in weapons, I would suggest a zulu type shield and short spear. You could use that effectively with very little training.
You have no clue what you are talking about, do you?
A strong HOA and a loud dog
>Nta but these type of competent gangs of criminals exist and they know exactly what they are going for
They don't
Any kind of traps like that are going to end up with a lawsuit against you. Manslaughter?

Those might work out in the jungle during war, but not in an urban community.
In most jurisdictions, a large-bore air cannon. Some consider them "firearms" also.
gas powered weed whacker with metal braid instead of filament
Your lawyer's business card.
Bear mace and a box cutter
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I did some extremely scientific testing where I smack the shit out of a punching bag with some things mentioned ITT. Here are my peer reviewed conclusions for these self defense items that you may find in your home

The metal baseball bat is good for powerful swings at a decent range. You can swing overhand in tighter spaces or swing outward like you are hitting a baseball. You get a good grip on the handle because of the grip tape and the butt at the bottom. By my estimation you could break ribs and limbs pretty easily with some good swings. If you got hit in the head a few times you would be a vegetable. In a small room it may be too long to swing at full strength.

The hickory axe handle is similar to the bat but it's a little lighter and more slippery. The handle shape helps you hold it a little, but it doesn't have the butt like a baseball bat does. I don't know if you could swing it quite as hard as a bat for this reason, but I'm estimating that it could break hands and fracture limbs if you gave it enough power. Bruises definitely. Memaw has been beating the kids with a hickory stick for hundreds of years for a reason.

The framing and ball peen hammers make a satisfying thump on the bag at close range. From what I felt, you could do some really heavy damage to a single point. Bones wouldn't have much chance. You obviously have to be a little closer to be accurate with them. They are top heavy so if you overswing and miss it might try and flip out of your hands. Grip it tight.

Sock Potato. The sheer destruction that can be unleashed on your target is too much power for one man to wield and it should be prevented at all cost. Similar to .45 ACP, a single blow with the Sock Potato will split an atom. Weapons such as these should be reserved for all out war. I beg you. Do NOT make a Sock Potato. For the sake of humanity.

I don't have a gamecube, flamethrower, mace, or sword.
>"no wait grandma don't step on the..!"
>*a loud crash and the wet meaty thud sound of anon's fat grandma's body impaling on shit smeared bamboo spikes that were hidden under the hallway floor carpet*
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>baseball bat with a sock on the end
>pepper spray
>men's workboots by the front door
>dog warning/alarm company sign
>cat self defense keychain
If grandma doesn't pay attention to the safety training, she gets what she gets.
See this is a counter argument. Thrusting attacks are an advantage and I concede that.
> use the long weapons leverage to break your wrist
Sure man. Whatever you say.

Getting into grappling range is a plausible event, which I why I’d prefer a short sword, short spear, or long knife.
> but a bat is not a bad weapon.
I didn’t say it was. I am saying it’s worse than similar options.
This is not a counter argument. Again. You don’t know what you are talking about but are trying to feign superiority so you don’t have to define anything.
Shit like this is why I still come here
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Niggerwhipper3000 their ingrained generational fear will kick in at the sound of the crack causing them to flee in panic. Especially when used with the battle cry of “BOOOOOY BACK TO THE FIELDS WITH YOU”
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based /k/ scientist
>I don't have a gamecube, flamethrower, mace, or sword.

top zozzle
>t. nigger
>Sure man. Whatever you say.
You can see GM Rodel executing this move at 1:30 in this video. He is an Arnis man, but it is much the same in eskrima. The trick is to trap the hand as your opponent grabs you or your weapon. Even a big man, who has a lot of grip strength, doesn't have the strength to open his hand. Then it's a simple matter to use the weapon to leverage the wristlock.
I don’t have anything negative to say about eskrima, but come on dude. That only works if they grab your wrist and you happen to enough of the bat handle to reach their wrist. Most people are going to grab the bat, not the wrist. Jamal, Pedro or methed up Mike are going for the bat or straight to hitting you. They aren’t going for wrist control. They aren’t trained
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I don't know about you, but I carry my NO SAFE WAY TO CAUSE HEAD TRAUMA at all times.
>best melee weapon for close quarter combat?
A naval cutlass, this has been tested and determined 400 years ago anon, no need to reinvent the wheel.
It's nice to be a harder target than the neighbor. But my midrise building had breakins from outside, between 3rd to 5th floor.
t. house robbing nigger afraid of getting brained by a bat.
What kind of hobbit height does thou possess?
100,000 spiders
Don't you get banned from guns even if you go to Psychiatrist and known by the state to have a condition?
Why do you convince he is felon.
Might be easier to stab with a gladius
always pepper spray
Gun, unironically always gun. an AR or 308 or 12ga with buckshot. Pistols are inferior wounding, but better than nothing.

Boar spear for melee. But melee is always a bad idea. Taser unfortunately doesn't kill.
why did special needs kids decide to give you a battin'
>Don't you get banned from guns even if you go to Psychiatrist and known by the state to have a condition?
No. Not most states anyway
glawk wid da switch
Booby traps
You have to be a child so the DA won't rake you over the coals, though.
It's the same lock. If they grab the weapon, you use the length of the weapon to either get the lock or a breakhold. I'm a little surprised at the lack of knowledge here. I assumed you people trained with weapons. All of you appear to just be regurgitating something you read.
wasp injection knife
>After the blade penetrates a target, at the press of a button the WASP unleashes compressed air into the target that is capable of creating a cavity the size of a basketball
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electric chainsaw
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A dog. Introducers head a dog they usually bounce quickly.
This guy's is not hitting grand slams
OP can you answer if you’re a felon, retarded, or a kid? That helps with the answers.
A trench knife in one hand and a boat horn in the other.
>stab stab honk
>stab stab honk
>stab stab honk
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spear at a choke point, like the top of the stairs
>pepper spray inside the house
Just buy a cheap chef knife with a blade cover/sheath and put it in your night stand. I don’t know about the legality of stabbing someone in self defense (I’ve heard our cucked court system doesn’t like it), but if someone is illegally in my house and within stabbing distance, I’m not going to think too hard about it.
a dog (whatever the breed) that can bark loudly at the smallest suspicious noise is the best thing
baton or tonfa. You need something light for repeated blows but heavy enough to break bones. A framing hammer is another one that no cops can argue having in a car. At a home, potato or hay fork is a good one.
>Best self defense weapon that is not a gun?
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> neighbors garbage cans
> right next to your living room window
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>A framing hammer is another one that no cops can argue having in a car.

Years back, a buddy's much older cousin who had been in and out of prison most of his life told us to keep a baseball glove, ball and bat in our cars, as that legally constitutes "sporting equipment" and not a weapon.
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>ingrained generational fear will kick in
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>At my former employers‘ bureau
VERY based
I don’t doubt he said that and believes it, but that logic has always been retarded. You don’t need an excuse to have certain items in your vehicle or home if they aren’t illegal. If you beat the shit out of someone with a bat having a ball and glove with you changes nothing. It was either an attack and is illegal, or you were defending yourself and it is legal. Even for felons.

It’s the same as “don’t use scary assault rifles for home defense because a wood stocked gun looks better to a jury”. That’s fuddlore with zero examples ever.
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lmfao this weak tard doesn't know that the bat is a battle tested weapon. Enter gonk.
>not a gun
>Blackpowder revolver
Go find your dream job at the AFT, you're retarded enough for it.
>It’s the same as “don’t use scary assault rifles for home defense because a wood stocked gun looks better to a jury”. That’s fuddlore with zero examples ever.
NTA and the circumstances of thr crime will carry 90% of it.
BUT if there is any wiggle room a scary AR vs. a walnut-stocked hunting rifle will absolutely play different for a jury. One is a gun pretty much made (other than plinking) for killing people and the other is designed for killing animals.
Yeah it's not a big deal unless you're shooting people inder questionable circumstances, but if those murky circumstances you definitely don't want an AR or a handgun.
>those murky circumstances [exist]***
I need to go to bed
Short polearm of your choice. Bill, bec de corbin, goedendag, something like that. Focus on thrust but able to give it a swing when you get the chance. If your friendly neighborhood nigger has a knife and a load of drugs, that's going to keep you from getting stabbed better than a gun will. Unless you're a 100lb manlet of course, lmao.
Besides an airgun or a "kinetic launcher" that shoots out pepper balls:
Probably pepper spray and a short sword such as the "Gustav" from Landsknecht Emporium which I love. Roman gladius is also good.
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Unironically something like this cinquedea. Stabby is better than swingy in close quarters. If youre in a wide open room, a bat works sure, but if you get caught in a hallway,or doorframe,or small room any big swing you try to do is gonna catch a wall/ceiling before it ever hits the scholar robbing your house. As it always goes, any weapon is better than no weapon, so do everything you can with what you got

The big disclaimer of course is if you have any sort of blade ,that means getting close, putting you in more danger, especially if the Excited Youth is also armed with a gun or knife. Sure a knife might be better at killing someone close by, but its also better at getting YOU killed/maimed as well.
A small sap might be a good option when paired with something in the other hand
Blackpowder revolvers aren’t “guns” legally speaking. The specifically circumvent the ATF you niggerfaggot. They also mog any melee weapon.
>BUT if there is any wiggle room a scary AR vs. a walnut-stocked hunting rifle will absolutely play different for a jury.
No. Bullshit. There are tens of thousands of self defense shootings nationally every year. Most are with handguns. Tons are with ARs. Show me a single instance where the type of gun used mattered.
>inb4 Albert Fish
Please say him so we can confirm you are an idiot
Shit I meant Harold Fish. Maybe I’m the idiot.
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Unironically a baseball bat.
People GREATLY underestimate the effectiveness of a heavy bludgeoning tool. They cause painful injuries, break bones, bruise organs, rattle the brain. And they do this without risk of getting stuck in the target or nearby obstacles, or slicing the user if not properly handled like with bladed weapons.
Beating something to death with a big stick or heavy rock hasn't gone out of style for thousands of years.
You can have guns in Michigan though and use them if you don’t live in Detroit or flint.

This is more of a New Jersey/ New York/ Minnesota/ Hawaii/california type question where they don’t have gun rights or self defense as a whole.
Baseball bat or modified hammer unironically, it’s perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the law and the public to own one so they won’t bat a eye (pun not intended) on you smashing someone’s head in with one.
If you are a felon however and can’t own guns get a nice medium 23-25 inch sword that you can swing in close spaces, and/ or if your state allows it muzzleloaded black powder firearms are available.
However as a stated with my list of laws it’s super rare for a country that cucked out of gun rights to have self defense laws a whole, so your best bet is fleeing like a pussy. It fucking sucks but hey you lose regardless in those areas.
Kung fu
Yes retard, that's why you're developmentally disabled enough to work for the ATF.
>OP wants a home defense weapon
>recommends best home defense weapon that’s not a firearm
>you reeeee over that
What’s your point? Are you OP and that bootyblasted that I called you a felon or underage or retarded?
>OP wants a home defense weapon
>that is not a gun
>best melee weapon
>BP revolver
I take it back, you're too stupid for the ATF. TSA is more your speed.
Why would you want a melee weapon over a gun? Answer that dipshit
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That is specifically what OP asked about you giant vagina.
If we're living in ATF retard world the best CC gun ever is the FCG out of a SIG pistol, it's super light and easy to conceal. Don't even have to worry about it shooting your nuts off uncommanded BECAUSE THERE'S NOWHERE TO CHAMBER A FUCKING ROUND IN THAT, LEGALLY SPEAKING, "FIREARM".
I told the one on deck to start warming up and he immediately swung while I was standing right next to him and got me in the head

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