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Suomi is a real country that exists.

Previous: >>62126360
>image limit reached

>sound image instructions
Ostwind draws them all with cataracts, WTF
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Hey can any Fingolians make recommendations on knife manufacturers / blacksmiths to buy from? I want a puuko.
It's amazing how an obscure literally who Scandinavian country has become so popular on /ak/ and /k/ from the wknter war, Spurdo to Ostwindprojekt. binland has cemented itself into /k/utlure of the /k/ommando.
Finland has always had a disproportionately large internet presence, Spurdo and Gondola are ancient
lamnia.com has legit puukkos. not a fin, just a /kg/ fag
any of you guys got art featuring the colt DOE/633 smg? im afraid it might be too obscure
"benis" has been popular since like..... the late 2000s.
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Let's love lotat
So has /k/, it goes hand in hand.
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the influence Funland has on the rest of the internet, and global culture at large should not be dismissed, especially given their rounding error size
>responsible for Angry Birds and Clash of Clans, two of the most prolific games of the last 20 years
>not to mention other great titles such as ULTRAKILL, Max Payne, Funger, Unreal World, My Summer Car, and other depressing pieces of art
there are entire countries where they've managed to make ONE good game that can become popular with foreign audiences
the Turks have managed to make Mount & Blade and jack shit fucking else

and yeah not to mention their knack for spawning timeless internet memes like Spurdo, Gondola, :DDDDD, benis, etc
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sneak peak at lovely lottas
don't tell Ostwind
but also it's not the full image anyway
I mean, when you think about it the fact that a small Asian island nation is a household name in pretty much every nation on Earth is also pretty impressive, though I guess at the very least they can thank their car industry for that, Binland really doesn't have any notable exports.
dont forget NOITA
>Binland really doesn't have any notable exports
culture is technically an export
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>Binland really doesn't have any notable exports.
puukkos and my favorite autism simulator definitely count as exports
yep that too
lots of of the most popular stuff from the indie scene comes from Finland (and other Nordic countries)

also why the fuck is Sweden responsible for almost every popular coop horde game from the last couple years?
and then basically the only other popular horde coop game, Deep Rock, was Denmark
I guess Nords just love making games about cooperation with friends

Japan sold consumer electronics, appliances, and cars to fucking EVERYONE
not to mention their cultural exports

most of Finland's exports over the last 150+ years have been lumber and lumber accessories
only in the last 50 or so years did they skyrocket into being this extremely advanced country that makes funny video games
>Japan sold consumer electronics, appliances, and cars to fucking EVERYONE
Yeah, I forgot for a second that they were one of the biggest tech powerhouse of the 80's and 90's, must be seething now that Korea kind surpassed them in that.
Hell, Samsung's sell better in Japan than Sony's do, which is just kinda funny to me.
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>must be seething now that Korea kind surpassed them in that
>Hell, Samsung's sell better in Japan than Sony's do, which is just kinda funny to me.

but with big dick daddy Burger around they keep their retardation in check and make friends
Big enough to hilariously piss off americans with how successful they were too, I swear my country gets pissy over the dumbest shit, like, my man they are the closest thing we have to a vassal in the modern age, what are you getting angry over?
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iirc isn't that because a ton of guys in the American car industry got laid off because they were just severely lagging behind what Toyota and Honda were offering?
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There's also a load of them in international motorsport
>Binland really doesn't have any notable exports.
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it's so strange seeing Boomers occasionally drag up anti-Japan rhetoric like we're still somehow living in the 90s and need to struggle to compete with Japanese businesses

>hey are the closest thing we have to a vassal in the modern age
and they're slowly moving into being much more than that
I think Japan should be a higher priority for entry to the Five Eyes than any other country
they signed some pretty binding trade deals with the US under Trump, and then went to Biden and said "we're fine with this" just to reiterate that they're pretty happy with the status quo

we're trading partners
and pretty soon they'll stop being a protectorate and become an actual military partner
perhaps we'll see an expansion of NATO to include nations outside the North Atlantic space
God knows
>South Korea
>New Zealand
all deserve formal membership in that alliance

that's definitely part of it
doesn't help that certain parts of the US auto manufacturing chain got moved outside the US
the world has not been kind to the Midwest
Part of it, also Japans electronics and just their booming economy in general triggered a bunch of politicians as if having a fucking flourishing ally was a problem. Thankfully that wave o autism induced retardation passed
>and they're slowly moving into being much more than that
yeah its honestly nice to see them get their footing back militarily, and I'm honestly shocked they aren't apart of 5 eyes already, and no need to expand nato, we have the pacific alliance that most of those nations are already apart of hos name I've forgotten for some reason
that's Helsinki Civil Guard though
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>I'm honestly shocked they aren't apart of 5 eyes already
you have to remember who has been running the US up until now
old fucks
old fucks who were raised by old fuck parents who fought in the war
old fucks who didn't grow up with Chinese Cartoons
old fucks with a chip on their shoulder about the Japanese manufacturing explosion
old fucks who think because Japan was an enemy once then they can never be an ally ever
granted hindsight is 20/20 so I can't blame them for not having the VISION to see Japan's potential as an ally, especially when blinded by the past

we basically got to lock down a legitimate imperial power before they could conquer the Pacific
Japan modernized during the Meiji, going at lightspeed from rice farming goobers to a power to rival the empires of Europe
and we just get to the HAVE THEM
as long as we don't fuck this up by making life hell for people in Japan and breeding bad blood with them, then they will remain one of our most important allies for centuries to come

one of them is
the other is a Lotta Svärd
Nokia products, Suunto products, Mercedes-Benzes manufactured in Finland, puukkos, Sako's firearms and ammo, Lapua's ammo, Patria's vehicles and associated systems (F-35 parts will be added to that list soon), lumber, paper, paper machines, oh and culture.
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Another thread lost to the fucking Finns.
Bin them. Now.
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Is Nokia even relevant anymore? I know they make a few low end smartphones but they seem to have a near non-existent market share even competing against the dozens of literally who Chinese brands.
They got laid off due to shitastic management chasing ever increasing profits while looking for ever more ways to fuck the consumer and their own employees. Outside of a truck, what offerings of the big three does anyone really want to buy? Whatever it is, it's a festering lump of plastic interior mediocrity bedazzled with useless infotainment tat with the styling of a funeral hearse and the build quality of a toddler's lincoln log home.
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lmao I love being a Burger
Nokia makes all kinds of stuff in addition to smart phones, Nokia is pretty much the Finnish counterpart for Samsung/Daewoo/Hyundai, they used to make shit like televisions and computers in 1990s and 2000s, and they still make car- and bicycle tires as well as other rubber products.
>what offerings of the big three does anyone really want to buy?
Now-a-days, nothing, cars have gotten extremely steamlined to the point of being pretty much interchangeable, but back when Japan was taking the industry by storm, extremely reliable cars that offered many things standard that Ford was offering as add ons, like cup holders
Its fucking wild how fast those fuckers can adapt, especially consider how rigid their social structure is, but then again maybe that's how they can do it, shame about the propensity for suicide tho, seriously
I love these comics
>they still make car- and bicycle tires as well
They've been separate companies since time immemorial, but they did start as the very same company
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He also drew this suspiciously familiar-looking lotta last year
since the hyperwar?
I bought a woodsknife puukko from varusteleka about 8 years ago and it's been a great knife.
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as do I bro
as do I
Speaking of knives, is Cold Steel still the only scandi-grind folding knife on the market?
Sexo scars
I hope that when the F15 is replaced it isn't sold on to the thirdies but I know in my heart a day will come where that perfect record is tarnished
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Not Finnish but personally my preference are Stromeng Sami knives from Norway for more traditional knives. For a more modern knife either the Jääkäripuukko from Varusteleka or the Korpisoturi from Rokka knives. Alternatively just go to https://www.lamnia.com/en and find something with a blade and handle that satisfies your autism.

No, Helle and Casström also do. But I've never used either
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Just buy a Mora knife if you want to actually use it. It's what we actually use in work and murder alike.
On /k/ specifically it is because of >>62140607
plus conscription.
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boys with guns!
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second on Mora knife its a good knife for the price.
>tfw mora's have doubled in price after youtube celebrities found out about them
damn you mean they're like $10 now? Fuck.
$30 in my shit ass country
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I'm more of an aran sweater fan personally
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Ähähähähääää, Winland wins again :DDDDDD
€1 for a slightly rusty Mora at any flea market
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I will post some glorious DDR Schwarzesmarken waifus because why not. Show sucks (VN is only somewhat better) but the waifus are good.
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Time for morning bite.
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Found this gem on the Terraria workshop. Not necessarily anime, but I think it counts
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I want to impregnate 416!
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I want to fuck 416's mouth like a pussy!
>not imouto edition
>Albanian toe gremlin is back
And just like that the night is ruined
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>honeypot stasimouto canonically sucks golf balls through garden hoses and has a body count that puts all of pattaya bay to shame
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I want to impregnate 416!
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How guilty of this are you, /k/?
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I recon you'd be more likely to see a separate 'SPTO' then an expansion of NATO in the south Pacific.

Cute Hogs
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I want to impregnate 416!
>Chinese soldiers starving to death
Surely modern day Chinese standards are much better with better and safer food safety standards- ACK!

Marttiini is probably the biggest one, you can find their puukkos everywhere from gift shops to supermarkets. Every finns has owned at least one marttiini in some shape or form.
Peltonen is another famous one, they're the manufacturer of the ranger puukko. and thats the only puukko they produce
then theres of course Varusteleka's own series of terävä puukkos. They also have some puukkos from "smaller" shops

Other than that can't think of any, all my puukkos are gifts I've received over the years and most of them don't have manufacturer's marks or the mark has worn away.

>Is Nokia even relevant anymore?
in the consumer market? not really
in the infrastructure market? very much
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>most of Finland's exports over the last 150+ years have been lumber and lumber accessories
And soldiers
>small Asian island nation
What is this "small" nation? Couldn't be Japan with their 130M population.
Luv me some Finnish White Guards
The Finnish Civil War is often forgotten but was pretty devastating despite how short it was, especially for a country with such a small population
Btw iirc that's where the expression "to take someone behind the sauna", which means to kill someone, comes from. There were a lot of summary executions during this war, and saunas are everywhere in Finland, so the enemy was often executed behind them
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I think I know where Ostwind got his inspiration for that Estonian soldier
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>what do they want this Freeman guy for anyway?
>topside, for questioning
>what the hell for, we got him
>why don't we just kill him now?
>and if they find the body?
>hey, what body?
>heh heh
In addition to everything that has already been mentioned, cold war Finland was a quite unique melting point of western quality and slavshit.
The most prominent /k/ example is of course their top tier AK clones, but those interested in military history will find many examples of Finland squeezing more performance out of slavshit than the Soviet Union ever did. And then there's /k/-adjacent technology like their unique "eastinghouse" style nuclear power plants.
Absolutely fascinating stuff from a tiny nation stuck between two different worlds.
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Well it's very simple with finns you win! Also check out Sibelious if you like classical music. The most famous one would be this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE0RbPsC9uE
There's also some very good painters throughout the century. And good cuisine (but only if you like old style peasant tier food).
they develop the Qt framework so they still matter for me
> with finns you win
except the times when you lose
It's fueled by autism and effectively subsidised by the Finnish welfare state. People who would be homeless and harassing people in the streets in most other countries, are instead getting drunk in their homes and growing Finland's Internet presence by harassing people online.
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Was watching black lagoon again, got to the terrorist arc. What exactly was it Takenaka was trying to achieve talking to Rock? Thy guy doesn't really seem like terrorist material you know?
well he's a communist (iirc),and a lot of them really drank the kool-aid
Rock abandoned his wage slave life for a life of piracy. maybe he'll abandon that for a life of commradship

real talk tho: it's a narrative thing, so we the audience could understand that this conflict is ideological, not personal (like the whole shootout with the Triads (or was that the Russians?) that came right before this)
>Finland squeezing more performance out of slavshit than the Soviet Union ever did
We just found that slavshit was even worse than advertised (apart from the AK), but it was almost free and we like free stuff
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he was appealing to him as a jap, you need to realize in the manga everyone else in the camp is straight up flip muslim milfs or that 1 taliban guy. meanwhile tanaka is normal in comparison and speaking japanese. if rock didnt know who tanaka was some guy from your same race speaking your native language is more trustworthy.
>doesn't really seem like terrorist material
That's exactly why he was talking to Rock. If someone doesn't look like your enemy, you're more likely to listen to them.
Does this hurt the Katyusha and tank?
no, because carbon
>artifacted to shit
>still has a larger filesize than the original
Don't worry: they're carbon coated.

As usual Finns make hig quality products before they become popular but don't know how to market them.

Finns made a touch-screen cellphone way before they became on the market globally, but the project was shelved because buttons were more reliable.
Do not burn my wife.
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Better quality
I'm surprised Ostwind never drew Hakkapeliitta
I hope he does one day
vodka bottles and logs
flying rc toys

I don't know how I feel about this
Estonians are just discount Finns with cheaper vodka
Prove me wrong (you can't)
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How do i find a finnish girlfriend? What kind of gifts do they like? What food is best for our first dinner?
Mora. Even though swedish, cheap enough to be abused yet good enough to be used.
Oh you want something expensive? Two Mora and two six packs of beer.
T drunken Finn
ask Joshua Fluke
Finns go in the bin

I wonder what the Polish soldiers were thinking when they saw Hakkapeliittas for the first time.
with Fins, you end up in bins
Esty is Besty
I often wonder how Finland would have fared if it was them who got invaded by russia in 2022
got a kek out of me

Can you read Jap or is there finally a translation available for the VN? I think theres one for the LN maybe
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I want to impregnate 416!
for a started it would have dragged in the entire EU+Norway and England on day one or two
the Fins have been preparing for this, would have mobilized before the invasion.
The Fins would have had no issues blocking the initial russian advance and while high intensity and high casualty rates would see the Fins degrade as well. But by the time that the russians would have degraded the fins enough the first Eu forces would have arrived to help them.
The russians would also have to deal with Kaliningrad getting invaded and having to cover the Baltic states.
All assuming the US doesn't get dragged in.
The combined airpower of the EU nations would have crippled russian air and ground forces, the Baltic sea already was a NATO lake before the war and Finland has more reservists (on paper) than Ukraine has men under arms now
Nice, even got the ignition mechanism right :)
>1970s coat of arms
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Sooo in the short, medium and long term: yellow state is fucked
The internet would feel oddly quiet while the finns are innawoods
>"Eh Jakub, do you understand what those Swedish dogs are screaming?"
>"That's not Swedish, that's some kind of weird ass langu-ACK"
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If you find out, let me know too. t. lone Finn
We would have mobilized in late 2021-early 2022 as the russians were amassing on the border and all the intelligence services were screaming that an invasion was imminent. Ukraine only really started war preparations when missiles were already landing in kiev. Considering the performance of the russians against cops and random civilians armed with ak47s I think we would've been fine with the entire field army equipped, trained and dug in.
>lone Finn
That's what happens when everyone in a country is an anti-social weirdo
Maybe if you people weren't so adamant on living 2km apart from each others you'd find love more easily (and have less depression)
Without outside help, as Russians push on with hundreds of thousands of troops with no care for losses, it would be bad. Similar to the winter war. But we'd make do.
To be honest, it a miracle that we still exist and haven't died from extinction.
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>it a miracle that we still exist
Life, Uh, Finds a Way
Jokes aside, I hope you guys don't disappear, I always liked you and your country
Go make babies now
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>No massive banners.
>No horns or drums.
>No warsongs.
>Look like peasants with those short Finnish horses.

Easy to understand why Poles initially thought they were the rabble chaff cavalry.

And then they fought them for the first time.

And the Hakkapeliittas are silent compared to any other troops on the field. They just keep fighting and killing, despite their losses. But surely their horses tire and we can take some dist...

The smaller Finnish horses bred for forestry work don't tire.

The Hakkapeliittas just keep following your exhausted cavalry. You are forced to watch as your veteran cavalry units get dragged down.
Pretty optimistic. Don't you think the smaller population of Finland and the lack of strategic depth would have benefited the russians in the end?
As >>62143797 said, Finland would probably have been better equipped and prepared, but I doubt it would be sufficient in a war of attrition against the russians
Also, I may be pessimistic, but I'm not so sure the EU would have been eager to directly declare war on russia, even if it was a member state that was attacked
However, unlike in Ukraine, geography would probably have helped a lot. Lakes and forests as far as the eye can see
No warsongs?
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>Finns made a touch-screen cellphone way before they became on the market globally, but the project was shelved because buttons were more reliable.
That isn't even the tip of the iceberg when it came to managerial mismanagement at Nokia, nevermind talking about that shit more broadly.

>a Sampo MG should be hung in the wall of every military museum, military base and government building as a permanent reminder of the criminal neglect that killed thousands of men because of petty vanity and office politics. - Some military historian i don't remember
As a reminder of what exactly? They made whole 35 of them. Two years of usage in and recoil springs are fucking breaking, IT MANAGES TO OVERHEAT. Proper machinegun named MG-42 comes in, which is cheaper and lighter than this attempt at creating a machine gun, which kills L-41. Finns buy some MG-42 for evaluation, and seems like they settle on DP-27 after tests.
Ukraine is in this situation because they got bogged down in a war of attrition. Remember those giant convoys on the way to Kiev? Remember how they just slipped away? This would not be the case here, they would've been destroyed. It would be much more difficult for the russians to replenish their losses if they had to create new units from scratch instead of just training replacements. of course in the long run material realities would start to weigh in,
>one finn equals ten russians!
>but what will we do when the eleventh russian comes?
But the russians would've been so utterly beaten in the opening stages of the war that it wouldn't come to that. This is not some blind patriotism "oh we're so good blablabla" but just a fact based on the russian performance in ukraine, and taking into consideration the preparations we would've taken.
The song is from the 1800s, melody is contemporary however.
>They made whole 35 of them
Yeah, because the project was killed in the crib because Saloranta's ego couldn't take the fact Lahti was a hundred times the weapons designer he was and sperged the fuck out.
M/26 and L-41 both were fucking dogshit.
actually the plan to start manufacturing MG-42s chambered for 7.62x53mmR went ahead, but then the war ended right after the prototypes were ready.
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MG42 in 7,62x53r was the stupidest idea ever.
the FDF's plans for a defensive war call for regional forces to form pockets of resistance that keep the enemy busy with basically guerrilla tactics while the operative forces perform surgical attacks, my own unit would probably have been tasked with keeping VDV busy on the opening day of the war (well, the remnants of the 76th that survived the gauntlet of Hornets and triple-A anyway)
VPT didn't have the capacity to make 7.92x57 in sufficient quantities for a field army armed with MG-42s.
Yes yes, and MG42 in 7,62x53r was the stupidest idea ever. It's not meant for laippakanta.
pray tell dear armchair general, what should have been done then?
idk, sounds based.
Maybe not try to make a gun eat pull-type ammo/belts as it was made for push-type ammo/belts?
Hey Rock you wanna join antifa?
so, WHICH machine gun should Finland have adopted then since MG-42 was stupid & Sampo was shit?
I only speak of MG42 in 76253 being stupid. Square peg into a round hole.
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One dick in an imouto is a tragedy; a million dicks is a statistic.
>I just complain about Finland making the one choice available to it & refuse to come up with an alternative!
OK retard
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>binland has cemented itself into /k/utlure of the /k/ommando
has? always was
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>lack of strategic depth
they have over 750k reservists that are decently trained and have regular call ups for refresher training
that's more than the Ukies have had under arms
they also have a larger and more capable air force, a larger navy . The russian second largest city and largest port right on their doorstep for them too take by the balls
that's all the strategic depth they need to take a war of attrition long enough before it becomes a war of attrition for the entire EU. Then it's the strategic dept off 450milion people and the third largest economy in the world with 3 different countries that have bigger economies than russia.
>the EU would scare out
nigger if the EU doesn't intervene than the EU is over. There is no amount of german gas addiction or shill spergery that can stop direct intervention by the other member states.
It doesn't even have to be the belgians sending their vaunted army, just sending their F-16 piloted by belgian pilots, that's 30+ F-16 in the conflict from week one instead off "before 2025".
the russians would be dead and buried in under a month or two
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what the fuck are these catbox links?
God, that period on the internet where everyone thought Russians were cool is so fucking cringe looking back
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Links to soundfiles.
If you've got a plugin installed they play when the image is opened.
>they have over 750k reservists that are decently trained and have regular call ups for refresher training
How many of them would've fled at the prospect of mobilization, which happened in Ukraine and in Russia?
neekerini, we have literal grannies saying that if ruskis attack, they'd be the first to don dynamite vests & charge at the ruski tanks, if your granny says shit like that, you can bet your ass that it takes more courage to flee abroad than it takes to show up to mustering point when called up.
They made it work and it was successful in trials, wtf are you on
We just realized after the fact that we didn't actually have any sort of stamping industry
> they'd be the first to don dynamite vests & charge at the ruski tanks
I've heard the same from Ukrainian babushkas. Have they done that? How much fled the country legally, illegally, tried to, and got killed when trying to? I remember some funny polls in EU which presented a very funny statistics that only ~20% of population are actually willing to go to war in case if it happens. The rest are probably hoping that someone else will come and die for them.
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Russians are still... well, not cool but... unique in their own way. Special. Yeah, let's go with special.
Whoopsie, war tourists won't like this picture!
Russians are fine until they start escaping the asylum.
>remember some funny polls in EU which presented a very funny statistics that only ~20% of population are actually willing to go to war in case if it happens.
and then there is Finland where over 70% of conscripts consistently respond to the mustering-out questionnaires that they would fight if Finland was attacked, for reservists polled in the same manner the numbers are even higher, with 100% of my own reserve unit answering the question "Finland should fight even if the outcome is uncertain" with "strongly agree"
i meant why specifically those songs to those images
presumably the anon that linked them thought they fit the images. (I didn't open them so I don't know which songs they are)
>so fucking cringe looking back
the that we acknowledge this means we have grown up
war tourists can suck my dick
some will sure, but you will also have people that aren't in the reserves volunteering
but the russians are still fucked.
They don't need their full reserves to man the front long enough for the rest of the civilized world to come and help them out.
the Ukiea have to put so many men under arms because the fuck huge front with tons of (shitty) roads they have to cover. Funland has very few usable roads on their eastern order, the coastal roads are set to be blown at half a dozen points on both the primary and secondary roads.
They could cover the possible paths off attack with 100-150k men tops
plenty of people still think Russians are super cool, but on here we have simply reversed our opinion, which is equally cringe but different. Retards on here pretending like they never liked Russians before has to be the cringiest thing I've ever seen on the internet, and I bet in several years when a new trend has begun the borderline irrational hatred of Russians will be looked back on as being equally as silly as the Russian dick sucking from before
I thought Russians were "cool" in 2013 because I was a 16 year old faggot with no life experience and thought they had really given up their commie larp
as it turns out they are still just a churka horde masquerading as a country
>How much fled the country legally, illegally, tried to, and got killed when trying to?
A negligible amount compared to those who stayed
If you want a good example of a population refusing to fight a foreign invader, Ukraine isn't one
Cataracts are moe
>If you want a good example of a population refusing to fight a foreign invader, Ukraine isn't one
Then I wonder which one is. France in ww2? That wasn't population, that was treason of high command
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>How do i find a finnish girlfriend?
It's pretty simple, really. All you gotta do is go out into the woods with a saucer full of cream and lingonberries and keep walking until you see an oak tree that was struck by lightning. Leave the saucer at the roots of the tree and wait until midnight for the finnish girl to appear. Once she does, you can ask her to become your gf, which she will provided you correctly answer her riddles, nine. The exact questions and answers will vary, but they're usually based off of wordplay of some kind or another. It would so help if you're familiar with agriculture and hunting, since they tend to center around those subjects. Be careful here, because if you get one wrong, your insides will rot for 14 days and 14 nights until you perish. If you get them all right, however, then she'll become your gf and it's mostly smooth-sailing from there. Just make sure to NEVER give her cold iron, or she'll get incredibly offended and she WILL leave you for a dwarf.
hope this helps.
Got any guides that work for those of us still stuck in the fifth world, chummer?
have you tried living in finland and interacting with finnish women?
>Then I wonder which one is
Afaik there is no such example
I don't know of any country in History where the majority of the population said "fuck it, roll over us, we don't want to fight" when faced with foreign invasion
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I'm still a slavaboo, even for Russian shit, though I always liked the jankiness of slavshit and "army fuelled by misery and vodka" of most slav countries so I've always acknowledged that slavshit isn't really that good.
That and slavic food but my family is Czech so I grew up with it.
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What the fuck is this picture.
The rifle she's holding doesn't look anything like a Mosin Nagant.
I was thinking more of a situation where people don't want to be invaded, but still don't want to fight anyway
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Iceland, I guess?
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They still have based retard status but anyone who thinks they are good at anything is retarded
Denmark (or Norway, I forgot which one) as well.
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How do you play this shit the numbers are fucking made up. how do you kill a 300k strength echelons when yours are maxing out at like 30k
just b urself
Why are you playing a gacha puzzle game.
Also the reply is that numbers in GFL are meaningless, you just need the right combo of units (like, Suomi MOD and the FN sisters combo) to simply pass DPS checks and demolish everything.
Don't feel particularly bad, people who truly appreciated the peculiarities of Russkies always knew they were a nation of drunkards with a tendency to obtain everything through blood sacrifice. The post-2022 /k/ that faps to dead bodies is far more cringe.
I love these dorks like you wouldn't believe
Norway fought back, we got really fucked over by our progressive pre-war government who competely cut military spending and downsized our military before the war because "lol we are neutral." Of course we would have lost a direct fight anyways but still. Got lots of help from the brits and french as well, at least before Dunkirk. The brits also trained our partisan units. We send them a crhistmas tree every year as thanks. t. norwegian
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cute groza
Yeah I was pretty sure it was Denmark (but not certain and I was too lazy to look it up).
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Neither, my friend is into it.


Pic related.
Honestly, if you're foreign you don't even need any other advice
The list for foreigners is literally
>talk to Finnish women
If, on the other hand, you exist in their vicinity as a Finnish male, you will get treated as HitlerStalin
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If I was Elon Musk-tier rich, I'd just buy an entire town, model it to look post apocalyptic, and charge admission where people can explore it alone or with a guide with any gear of their choice so they can experience post-apocalyptic larp.
image reminds me of the time I was playing a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod, some loners gave me a mission to rescue a hostage from bandits so I assaulted the bandit camp, of course all the bandits were wearing tracksuits but so was the hostage, anyways, I shot all the bandits, and the hostage takes off running, I round the corner and I see a guy in a tracksuit so I ventilate him, it was the got dang hostage. Really accurate Spetsnaz portrayal there.
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ain't no fortunate weeb, no
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That's the main attitude towards Russians that I remember on this site, very few people unironically believed Russians were super cool supermen but just that slavshit was neat and Russians were meme-worthy as fuck, the whole Russia worship seemed to be more of a normie thing.
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>Where do you think you're going, soldier boy?
"I just got a kilo of coffee & was looking for someone to sample it with me"
What would happen if I…sat next to AK-15?
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More imouto.
can someone explain what this is suppsoed to mean? an entire life together?
>a kilo of coffee
Not for much longer
It looks like a collage of different characters.
Mein Brüder.
Ich möchte eine Quelle.
acceptable price for capturing Tyyne
anything can happen
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Its m16 chan
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I want to impregnate 416!
God hates 9MM Armalites.
The Armalite platform was designed for 7.62x51 and 5.56x45.

you know
little bit of polka
little bit of finnish pop
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I suppose this means that coffee really is good for you after all
Tongue my ass. Maxim, L-41, DP's or even Bren would have made more sense than 53r MG42.
this, most of the frothing Russia haters on here are weird yuros noguns who are to faggoty to just enlist and actually fight the Russians or weird social drop out kids who want to be apart of a group and got psyopped by the pro-ukraine stuff. Russia was always appreciated for their unique jank and charming culture of alcoholism and good-enough attitude
sounds player isn't working, there is no player next to Settings
might need to get violentmonkey for the scripts or whatever
tried tampermonkey and violentmonkey, both install the script but neither does anything
violentmonkey complains about syntax error so the script is broken
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I want to impregnate 416!
what browser?
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You try to live next to them and see why there is hate. I hate Russians and love the aesthetics and poor gear.
damn I'm also using brave
do you also have 4chanx?
might see if that works
both are currently working for me on brave and I'm using violentmonkey v2.20.0
>do you also have 4chanx?
no I don't
I dunno
I think it's worth having anyway and this sound player seems to have built in compatibilities with it
I had 4chan X installed with violentmonkey before I learned that sound images existed
desu it should just work out of the box from that website
I think there were other sound players out there, but I don't know where to the find them

the sound player hasnt been updated in 2 years so it's not like you're on some older disfunctional version or anything
we're using the same shit
still not working, also I immediately hate how the 4chan X makes the site look so it's going
I'm sorry
I'm a layman and can offer no real useful IT
took a look at the script and there are HUNDREDS of syntax errors, what retard wrote this shit?
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I want to impregnate 416!
>Russia was always appreciated for their unique jank and charming culture of alcoholism and good-enough attitude
Apreciated is a strong word
And since 2022, people got to see russia's true self, and their opinion of the country changed accordingly
Only retards believe russia is getting hate because of "muh western psyopp"
They act like subhumans and people rightfully dislike them for it. russia doesn't need anyone to be hated
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nigger, I fucking loved slav aesthetics in the 2010's.
I wasn't even invested the whole Donbass/Crimea situation back then, but once 2022 rolled around I got to see all the shit I denied about Russia unfold infront of me: The devodischina, the utter disregard for human life, the insane corrpution of logistical system, the absolute paper tiger of the army and the ten billion lies they've been feeding the world the past two decades.
The fuckers lied and they can die for it.
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>The devodischina, the utter disregard for human life, the insane corrpution of logistical system, the absolute paper tiger of the army
That shit was always really obvious and only rampant gopniks denied it anon, I just like the aesthetics and feeling of hopelessness in most slav media.
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I want to impregnate 416!
You will be our bitch or Russia's bitch, so show some respect when talking to your betters
Tongue my ass, ryssäneekeri. You'll die screaming.
these retards unironically think Ukraine can still win. Literally so psyopped they sound like "here's how Bernie can still win" schizos lmao. Imagine not knowing that Russia didn't give a shit about the lives of their soldiers. WWII history is right there lmao weak-minded dumbasses
>you'll die screaming
No, you'll die fighting Russians while I sit comfy on the other side of the planet
Seli seli, vitun ryssä.
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But that's untrue and you're retarded if you think that
>hurr being allied to this country with rule of law and democracy is the same as being annexed by a country based on institutional rape and gulag
Then again I shouldn't expect great things from pussia shills
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>thigh high gaiters
Not a bad idea tbqh
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I want to impregnate 416!
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You mean like these?
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everything he has posted on his twitter in the last few weeks is several months old

idk if we're ever gonna get the expanded lore bros :(
>mmm yes, I sent more more men to their deaths than my opponent! Making me the victor!
Funny how the wages for Russian soldiers have increased dramatically, almost as if the Russians are starting to realise that war is bad.
I dress and look like this
Even…holding hands??
the barracks im fucking tired and have to get up at 0300 to setup the ACFT
>I swear I’m not a shill!
>proceeds to panic cope against any (justified, sane, and rightful) disdain for Russia.
Go back to your joke of an internet if you are so thin skinned you can’t handle criticism against a nation for butchering their neighbors, cousins, and own citizens regularly.

No one is leaping to defend any of the other jabs except the ones against Russia. You are glowing.
Russians have been terrorizing Ukraine for over a decade and abused Chechens and Georgians before that.
They are a failed state that only exists on the off chance their nuclear capability still matters after what the world saw of their war machine falling apart in the 3 day special operation.

These threads are meant to be relatively comfy. Run along if you can’t behave mutt.
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What is the tactical advantage of drunk sweaty catgirls?
you can cuddle them and they purr just like cats, but while drunk and sweaty.
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I wonder how artists handle camo. Is it just a texture they stencil on a layer and just deform according to clothing? It seems like the easiest way to do it, but I don't know.
Me personally I'm saving up for a Tikka rifle in order to support the Finish economy. Not sure which model I want in particular yet, ideally one with wood furniture so probably one of the Hunter variants. Then probably slap on a decent Nippon scope or at least one that has Japanese glass in the tube.

Might look into one of those neat little knives the other anons mentioned though as a gift to someone else since I already have a few good and decent beater knives already.
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>and just deform according to clothing?
If they're willing to put in some effort, yes, but a lot of the time you end up with stuff like this >>62147464 where they literally just paste a flat layer of the camo they found on google.
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>Entire show revolving around the authors fat fetish
Now this is peak culture
Every piece of fiction ever created revolves around the author's fetishes. Some just disguise it better than others.
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 delayed again.
Cuwoah look at that tasty bird
that's just sad
I have decided to blame Putin. Again.
Oh well. More time to wait out bullshit GPU prices?
Doing any kind of clothing texture well takes a lot of work so most just don't bother doing it well.
And camo is just about the worst after plaid patterns.
>these retards unironically think Ukraine can still win
My point was that russia is hated for good reasons, not whether Ukraine is winning or not
You're a monumental retard
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>WWII history is right there lmao
Unfortunately, no Lend-Lease for you this time, mobik.
Why isn't China molesting Vietnam while Vietnam is smashing her fist into China's face?
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bbbased pppaywall pppilferer
This Estonian girl looks a bit sus
she has a kitty purring in her lap, kitties always know who is good people and who isn't.
>implying it's going to be remotely good anyway
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I've been worried about pretty much everything thats come out about it

Everything screams its going to be Metro Exodus for Tarkov normies
WTF lmao.
You can't seriously expect S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to maintain the exact same type of gameplay when it's been 15 years since the last S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game? Do you want the guns to have reversed ejection ports too? Maybe even some 2007 Graphics and frequent crashes while we're at it?
>slavshit is pretty cool but russians are kinda cri-
>LMAO this nigger thinks jewkraine can still win! must be a noguns europoor
/sg/nigger or just retarded?
No but I expect them to show some actual gameplay before announcing pre-order multiplayer skins and NFT shit.
It kinda will be, it won't have UI with a character, it's still using the old scenario, but it's also in dev hell(due to reasons unrelated to war too), and will probably be released in basedpunk 2077 state, if not worse.
Show me where they did this.
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> Do you want the guns to have reversed ejection ports too? Maybe even some 2007 Graphics and frequent crashes while we're at it?
yes. I don't want some shit ass "cinematic" console game. I like my slavjank

Also I never had any Stalker game crash ever. Not on windows 7, 8 or 10. The only time it ever gave me shit was if I clicked off screen during launch
>Verification not required.
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Watch your tone with me you uppity sperg. I'm pretty sure you've scanned my CAC at the gate and you looked really sad. Slumped shoulders, haggered face, skipped shaving and you smelled like curry
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Guys I have a confession to make, I.... I really love big tiddies and moms, this weighing on my shoulders I'm glad to get it off.
I scanned your moms CAC.
>Verification not required.
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>People's Republic of China
Between this and the dorm book controversy it really is all ogre now
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Death to blue helmets
Why do PSA AKs cause so much more seethe than PSA ARs?
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Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa,
soi, sana kultainen!
𝄆 Ei laaksoa, ei kukkulaa,
ei vettä rantaa rakkaampaa,
kuin kotimaa tää pohjoinen,
maa kallis isien! 𝄇

On maamme köyhä, siksi jää,
jos kultaa kaivannet
𝄆 Sen vieras kyllä hylkäjää,
mut meille kallein maa on tää,
sen salot, saaret, manteret,
ne meist on kultaiset. 𝄇

Ovatpa meille rakkahat
koskemme kuohuineen,
𝄆 ikuisten honkain huminat,
täht'yömme, kesät kirkkahat,
kaikk'kuvineen ja lauluineen
mi painui sydämeen. 𝄇

Täss auroin, miekoin, miettehin
isämme sotivat,
𝄆 kun päivä piili pilvihin
tai loisti onnen paistehin,
täss Suomen kansan vaikeimmat
he vaivat kokivat. 𝄇

Tään kansan taistelut ken voi
ne kertoella, ken?
𝄆 Kun sota laaksoissamme soi,
ja halla näläntuskan toi,
ken mittasi sen hurmehen
ja kärsimykset sen? 𝄇

Täss on sen veri virrannut
hyväksi meidänkin,
𝄆 täss iloaan on nauttinut
ja murheitansa huokaillut
se kansa, jolle muinaisin
kuormamme pantihin. 𝄇

Tääll' olo meill on verraton
ja kaikki suotuisaa,
𝄆 vaikk onni mikä tulkohon,
maa isänmaa se meillä on.
Mi maailmass on armaampaa
ja mikä kalliimpaa? 𝄇

Ja tässä, täss' on tämä maa,
sen näkee silmämme.
𝄆 me kättä voimme ojentaa
ja vettä rantaa osoittaa
ja sanoa: kas tuoss' on se,
maa armas isäimme. 𝄇

Jos loistoon meitä saatettais
vaikk' kultapilvihin,
𝄆 mis itkien ei huoattais,
vaan tärkein riemun sielu sais,
ois tähän köyhään kotihin
halumme kuitenkin. 𝄇

Totuuden, runon kotimaa
maa tuhatjärvinen
𝄆 miss' elämämme suojan saa,
sa muistojen, sa toivon maa,
ain ollos, onnees tyytyen,
vapaa ja iloinen. 𝄇

Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan
kerrankin puhkeaa,
𝄆 viel lempemme saa nousemaan
sun toivos, riemus loistossaan,
ja kerran, laulus synnyinmaa
korkeemman kaiun saa. 𝄇
Cause they're newer and competing with foreign imports which are generally better. US AK stir up cope and seethe in general, even the "good" ones like KUSA (ran themselves into the ground by being retarded). I think some of it is anger because the good military AK's used to sell for less than PSA AK's. The only AK priced at the good ol days are PSA and Pioneer and they're simply not as good.
>Leopard 2A6 instead of T-72M1 or T-55M
Continuation High should stick to their habit of trolling Pravda by using Soviet designs against other Soviet designs.
New bread?
Vielen dank!
Fuck I was trying to come up with a weight on the shoulders joke related to fat tits but I can’t think of anything..
Clear Sky was notoriously busted.
>The idea of the related NFT is to give the right to recreate its owner’s identity within the game through one of the NPCs. The person will need to come to our studio for a detailed scanning procedure and after that, we will have everything to make this person appear in the game world as one of the characters.
So you’re annoyed a single NFT was made to help fund the game. Are you mad at kickstarters that have backer rewards?
What a retarded fucking take. Disingenuous shitting on a game studio for doing something utterly benign. Grow up.
>NFTs are... le good!
They aren’t, it’s an article from 2021 when every studio was entertaining the idea. It’s also one single NFT that is the equivalent of a backer reward.
You’re just a disingenuous faggot who has something against an ultra ish studio…I wonder why.
>ultra ish
Ukrainian*. Okay Apple.
>You’re just a disingenuous faggot
You're the one who jumped on a guy who wanted stalker to be like stalker gameplay-wise with your screeching about
>Do you want the guns to have reversed ejection ports too? Maybe even some 2007 Graphics and frequent crashes while we're at it?
Also, nice moving the goalposts, you asked to show when they tried to push NFTs even before gameplay, and you proceeded to defend this decision. Are you one of the poles they hire to defend the game and copystrike random youtubers?
>>>Orkainian studio
Didn't knew that Ukraine captured Czech Republic.
>all anons are one anon
How fucking new are you?
>>Post link as requested and nothing else
>Are you mad
>retarded fucking take
>Disingenuous shitting
Please, do show what take I made.
Baking new bread, hold on tight
Bread has been baked
Lingonberry juice and vodka is good stuff.
Voo-oo, I'm a wild animal!
Love and concertina wire!
Sex in Seinäjoki!!!
I feel in love with a loser
I wanna swing arounf drunk!
The anon from Ylilauta song
Gasoline sneaker!!!
One MC, one delay! Yo yo!
You fell in love with this tempo.
Kissing some frogs.
That'ds nod all
As duty officer the whole night
legend of the magical sword
Man crubles apart
Northern grain

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