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ITT Nice drawings and other pictures related

Pic rel Sea people
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Has anyone ever figured out what the deal was with sea people? Were they an organized force of a nation or just some pirates that fucked about at the exact right time to nuke civilization?
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Probably they were warriors for hire.

Egyptians managed to defeat them.

Interesting mystery is Tollense battle, around 1300 bc.
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Is this depiction based on any archeological finds? Especially the pauldrons of the guy on the left remind me of examples from the 16th century.
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>The reconstruction was based on the temple reliefs of Ramseum located at Medinet Habu (Egypt). The reliefs depict the battle between Sea People ( Sherden, Peleset ) and the army of Ramesses III.
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>wearing only the plackart without any breastplate or faulds
>over quilted gambeson

Definitely a bold choice
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Thx for the lead. I looked into the temple and it is the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III, which contains a relief of the Battle of the Delta, which was fought between the Egyptians and the Sea Peoples. One article about the reconstruction, which you used, also mentions this relief but doesn't state on which character it is based upon. I searched said relief for anything resembling such armor and pauldrons and found these (pic rel, marked in red) persons - but I think this is too little detail to base a reconstruction upon.
Here the link to the relief: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Medinet_Habu_Ramses_III._Tempel_Nordostwand_Abzeichnung_01.jpg
Still the temple features some banger reliefs
>Medinet Habu Temple, Piles of Genitals. An accounting method of determining how many killed in battle
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love bronze age/early iron age shit
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Multiple groups with different motivations lumped together under one name by contemporaties that bothered to write down history, but didn't care enough to distinguish between them, kinda like with monks describing the Vikings. They used the overall chaos and economic upheaval following the destruction of bronze trade routes and shifting weather patterns for some cheeky raiding and migrating. The Sea People that laid waste in the Levant likely came from around the Black Sea, while The Sea People that attacked Egypt came from Sardinia and Northern Italy. Funny enough Sardinians later ended up in Pharaoh's service.
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Hands off my Bronze Age economy, sea-niggers!
OP shound be put on a fucking stake
Explain yourself dumbo
lel the artist is in the filename
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It's not AI, retard.
Stake thineself faggot
I love the Ancient warrior artworks by JFoliveras and Christos Giannopoulos
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that would actually be terrifying to face, like something out of dark souls.
Horse must be constantly itchy in the nose
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What's the cheapest way to assemble a historically accurate Reniassance kit that is not laughable?
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>1st century CE

Fuck off
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Cry about it.
They mostly raid around northern coastal parts of Calradia and say things like "I'll drink from your skull."
this anon is right
kys nigger
this anon is a knower.
How do you shoot your bow with such heavy armour
Depends on your standards for cheap and historically accurate.

You can make a lot of pieces of armor for cheap if you just buy sheet metal and use a press to bend it into shape, it betrays the original construction method and it will be heavier than it should but from afar it'll look the same after it gets the proper polish.
Munitions armor is so enchantingly different in ways normies will never know. The ultimate mix of simplicity, austerity and practicality with incredible technical sophistication and accomplished, masterful craftsmanship. They were as good as articulated, solid plate armor would ever get but somewhat mass produced, given one-size-fits-all accomodations and even incorporating field repairs and maintenanc into the designs.

>1300 BC near Bronze Age collapse
>5k+ combatants in Northern Germany

Conan the Barbarian was real
I'd say the reconstruction is some serious bollocks. The relief only really allows for speculation but to go full late medieval armor based on 0 material evidence is just insane especially for what were essentially just a ludicrously large mass of tyrrhenian pirates.
Its Nnno Domini you fucking faggot, whether you like it or not you still live in a Chirstian society built on Christian principles given by our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.
The "current year" year is mesauring the time since he was born and so it shall be long after all you fagtheists subhumans get eradicated off the face of the Earth.
what is this based on?
>vulcan eruption or some other shit happens
>crops yields all across the continent plummet
>irrelevant hobo-tribes around mediterranean become real hungry
>they decide to raid/migrate east where "rich" people live
>those hobo-tribes were also the ones who traded tin to bronze empires, so their raidgration annihilated whole supply chain
>having the same famine, destroyed economy and now also tremendous migration crisis, most bronze age empires just fucking collapse in a chain reaction
That's pretty much it.
Based and M&B pilled.
based on the file name, cynane of macedon. Not a good representation tho.
Also most of found guys were Germans, Slavs, Italians. Many had old wounds from other battles.
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True but the pieces I've posted are far from the average munition armor that was issued to the average soldier of the day. The were purchased for "specialists" like cuirassiers, officers and sappeurs.
Pic rel is an pikemans armor piece (who was still rather well equipped) - and it is only made out of iron.
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>Bunch of kuks
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And here the other end of munitions armor - note that the tassets are not articulated.
And of course: mainly the nice pieces survive until now and the average stuff got more often than not reused and reforged.
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Now hopefully rotated correctly
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Fucking hell; technology beyond hand axes was a mistake.
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>Not long after the battle at Tollense valley, the individual scattered farmsteads of northern Europe were replaced by concentrated and heavily fortified settlements.
Sounds like we're missing a whole war
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Have a nice long cry, anon. You might feel better.
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Sucks dick we have absolutely no idea of anything in that area. No nations, no tribal names, nothing.


It's not taking place in a vacuum. Shoulder pauldrons are very very well established in the Aegean/Mycenaeans. As are other Sea-people features, which is why they are usually attributed in some part to being from there (also elsewhere like Sardinia).
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Also the little V segment bits is eluded to I think with the Iliad's 'mitre' or some such term, considered to be a belt/hanging bit on the cuirass (later archaic armors also sometimes had it).
Vulcan history sure is crazy.
Cynane, the daughter of Phillip II by Audata, one of his other wives. She's one of very few women that is known to have killed someone in battle and to have led armies. When Alexander died, she was involved with the wars of the Diadochi, trying to force her daughter Eurydice to marry Phillip III, Phillip II's retarded son by yet another wife. She was killed and her army was wiped out, but the marriage went through anyways because the Macedonians that defeated her weren't happy that they had killed a member of the Argead house and rioted. Alexander's mom Olympias later killed Phillp III and Eurydice. Cassander later beat Olympias and buried Cynane, Phillip III, and Eurydice in the royal tombs at Aegae.
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Imagine how expensive that gear was in 1300 bc
I wonder if they polished that brass everytime or let it patina
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Now compare this. First picture in thread looks like something Ridley Scott would do if he was portraying these warriors.
Yeah, ops>>62483876 pic unironically looks like low effort ai slop and probably is.
No, it's not AI, guy just has such style in drawing. It looks like Conan Barbarian by Boris Valejo.
How artist described armour

>The articulated bronze armour of the warrior on the left and some other elements have been inspired by the amazing reconstructions of Dimitrios Katsikis (Hellenic Armors), based on the Egyptian reliefs of Medinet Habu. The leather armour of the warrior on the right, based on Egyptian representations, as well as the studded shield on the left, are roughly inspired by reconstructions from The Nuragic Foundry. The Naue II and the Late Mycenaean swords, as well as the spear, are replicas of archaeological finds made by Ørjan Engedal (The Bronze Age Warrior Series).

>Egyptian representations of the Sea Peoples also usually represent them wearing jewellery, such as earrings, bracelets, and round medallions around their necks. Golden medallions matching those worn by the Sea Peoples in Egyptian art have been found in the territories of ancient Canaan. The warrior on the right (with the bronze armour) wears a pendant with a representation of the Canaanite / Phoenician goddess Astarte, based on a find from Tell el-Ajjul, in what is now the Gaza Strip. Egyptian art shows the Sea Peoples either clean-shaven or bearded. For the beard, I’ve gone with a Hittite-like style consisting of curls or locks, like West Asian fashions of the Bronze and Iron ages.
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Beaten by pic rel
Imagine life of such people.

Maybe he had some family, but rather he was just fighting, raping and stealing nice things from temples with his best friends. Imagine confidence you had in these times as skilled veteran in rich bronze armour.
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Most were not Germans, just a group that clustered near to them which means nothing because krauts are kind of Iron Age hypermutts and almost everyone in the immediate vicinity would cluster near to them. Most of the dead at Tollense were slaughtered by a group from the immediate North.
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What is this one meant to be, and what are those weapons? Some kind of bronze throwing darts or something?
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this feels like AI.
It's reconstruction of Nuragic culture warrior from Sardinia based on found figurine from era.
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He's having atlatl and javelins for it.
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Even the rougher ones have a lot of subtle shapes and features you only see in armor of that era because they went through centuries of field experience, like the precise angle of the waist. In a way it reminds me of late war simplified guns like the M1 Thompson vs the 1928.
Whats wrong with the spearman's eyebrow?
The most interesting thing for me personally is the evidence of large scale germanic people being hired as guards for the tin and brass merchants that stretched from england to the middle east
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>no beard
>exposed thigh
Nigga on the left pretty zesty tbdesu
We don't know so much about our history. It hurts.
How did it not embarrass you to post this?
Pompey was such a faggot fraud
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>How do you shoot your bow with such heavy armour
Chinese brigandine was significantly lighter than lamellar armor with the same coverage. Compare Hong Taiji's surviving brigandine(12kg) with Koxinga's tegulated scale(18kg) vs Southern Song lamellar(28-31kg).
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Not at all
>how many killed in battle

Almost foolproof method, except for those willing to become palace femboys.
Lots of Renaissance soldiers were random peasants with a gambeson and a tin pot for a helmet.
Interesting to see how high carbon and low carbon steels can totally swap places between different smiths.
The inconsistency is fascinating.
Post-op trannies aren't femboys, you uncultured swine.
If it has a penis it's gay.
You have a penis, therefore you are gay.
Stay in the containment thread faget
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Cry more beach
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Rate my V century equipment (still saving for the hamata squamata)
how come
>muh ai
faggots are always completely incapable of discerning an actual ai generated pic from real art/photos
Pic with hoplites has so much filters going on and poor quality, so it looks like AI generated even if it's real.
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Japanese armor with a European inspired/made breast plate and helmet
Here's another one
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Italian Arditi armor, WW1
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Kingdom of Lithuania's armor look cool af. i'm glag modern Lthuania still uses them for ceremonial purposes
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How does Turkish mirror armor work?
Is the chest plate strong enough to stop a pistol/carbine round like European cuirasses?
Traditional armourcfrom from the Kiribati islands
The helmet is made from porcupine fish skin, the armour is made of coconut husk fibre, and the spear is made of shark teeth
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Brewster Body Shield, WW1
WW1 trench armor
I really like how Conquistadores looked
Scissor gladiator
Crupellarius gladiator
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Brother in arms
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>12 years
Ok, I should have said Kingdom/Duchy/Grand Duchy
Wathever, medieval Lithuania
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I'm out of decent pictures comrades
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C'mon, we still have 16 to go before we reach the image limit
that's pretty cool
Oh shit, kingdom era Rome, don't see that everyday
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Especially considering these were some of the only American tribes using armor and (small) swords made out of metal, they would have likely steamrolled a lot of neighbouring tribes
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Imagine being attacked by thise things in the middle of the night
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Vive la France
That was a fun and interesting thread
Thanks OP
More to come in future
>imagine this charging at you when you get concussed from an arty shell
they are actually Iberian warriors. one of them has an antennae sword which inspired the gladius and the other has a falcata sword possibly descended from the greek kopis from the greek colonies in Iberia.
CE is retarded. Trying to replace BC with 'Common Era' is jewish. The era in CE is still referring to Christ's lifetime, making it redundant. Until jews contribute to society, they don't get to alter our caldendar
>horned helmets that literally no serious military force ever used, which were put on prop helmets by an opera composer in the 19th century to look cool
you're thinking of vikings in which case youd be right. But the picture in OP doesnt depict Vikings but Bronze age sea peoples
Yeah, and there's no archaeological evidence of horned helmets from the Sea Peoples, either. Egyptian relief carvings from the time depict helmets that look like they might have brush-tops or feathers, and Greek depictions of the time show a fairly normal-looking helmet. Pic related.
Son of a bitch, imagelimit

There IS one group of the Sea Peoples, the Sherden, that's depicted as having horned helmets, but nearly all of those depictions also show a giant bulb on the helmet, and that's missing from the OP's photo - which clearly depicts opera-style "Viking" helmets.
There is evidence for horned helmets for the nuragic peoples, as in actual archaeological evidence, and they are theorised as to have very likely been at least one of the participants of the "sea people" raids.
The Macedonians had horns on some helmets, usually an important officer or the king.
those armors look extremely fantasy

the patterns on the bodies could be just about anything, from tatoos or body paint to clothing to ornamentation on armor, to stylized lammelar or quilt.
intricate joints and late medieval pauldrons is extremely unlikely, studded leather is fantasy nonsense
something like this seems more realistic
the horns are interesting though, because i dont think theyre symbolic, so if the sea people were real, the helmets may have looked a bit like fantasy viking helmets
>image limit reached
and since horns seem to be debated ITT, they could have been actual horn, metal or something else, but i dont think its symbolic because they didnt have that specific image of the devil, and its only on the ones that are actually wearing helmets. but horn isnt far fetched
3300 years passed. Maybe then horns were good idea for them. Look at Sardinian warriors.
> In addition were some slaves who were being trained for gladiators, clad after the national fashion in a complete covering of steel. They were called crupellarii, and though they were ill-adapted for inflicting wounds, they were impenetrable to them...[4]
> ...the cavalry threw itself on the flanks, and the infantry charged the van. On the wings there was but a brief resistance. The men in mail were somewhat of an obstacle, as the iron plates did not yield to javelins or swords; but our men, snatching up hatchets and pickaxes, hacked at their bodies and their armour as if they were battering a wall. Some beat down the unwieldy mass with pikes and forked poles, and they were left lying on the ground, without an effort to rise, like dead men.[4]
Fun story.
How to beat a knight? Just gang up and club them until they collapse of exhaustion and overheating.
last time I checked there were anime girls in line infantry
mix of smallish tribes of raiders and refugees of failed city states fleeing crop failures and civil strife
they saw the powerful empires of the near East beginning to fail like back home and decided to get some while the getting was good
Looks tasty.
>number 2
>metal scale in shoulders and legs
>cloth in the chest
>from tatoos or body paint
I have also seen the theory it's their ribs and they are just hungry
Personally i believe the armor/clothing theory
We have reliefs of shirtless prisoners and none of them have that pattern on their chest
Last bump?
Alexander played with ram horns in his imagery to signify his divinity and association to Zeus-Amun then it gets mimicked by successors idk what else you're talking about
New thread here

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