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Almost the end of summer edition
Old >>62446686

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
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dude I'm not throwing my pvs14 in a random pocket in my ruck to be crushed or hit by other pack contents or hit the ground when I drop the ruck, a padded pouch is a good idea
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What the hell are we doing reaching a new thread already? Is /nvg/ sick?
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I got some new mounts to cobble together a setup for my binos that doesn't just hang off of the ocular for group viewing. I'll need to pilfer the 3 way off one of my smaller tripods for high angle stargazing but I'm happy with the bones of it for now.

The arca qds/compatible mounts aren't strictly needed but I wanted to be able to break it down easily to pack away in a bag.
Posted then thread died:

Giving up on saving for a FLIR or something anywhere near $1k+, but still need a thermal for detection and recording purposes. More than fine with an ugly hand-held. What can I buy now that won't go on sale for half the price in 6 months because thermal only ever gets cheaper?? What kind of specs, sensor quality, and detection range can I expect based on this kind of budget?
posted last thread then it died too

the last things i have to iron out are the caps, the basic caps dont work with the basic sacrificial lenses, so I have to put the ocular cap on the obj but it gets stuck, and leave the eyepiece uncovered bc the day cap doesnt stick.
I'd like butler creek caps because they stay on and I dont have to either velcro them or out them in my pockets, but idk if the butler creek is compatible with the iris, and idk if you can put one on the eyepiece at all.

second thing, the dipoter dot is incorrectly placed so it dosnt show the actual selected correction, not a real problem as I just turn it until it's crisp but it bothers me, i could find the right point an make a dot myself, or disassemble the eyepiece and fix it, but the eyepiece doesnt seem to be made to be disassembled and k fear fucking it up, tell me a solution if you know it.

third thing, i didnt grease the obj o ring because I didn't have the tool to remove the obj stop, I will now order the toolkit from aliexpress, thing is I will have to disassemble everything to take the obj out and grease it so I fear fucking up the tube pins and ribbon

how does this happen? why is the dot incorrectly put?
even in build kits the ocular is already assembled so idk if that's the seller's fault or whatever (the housing is new but he used to make another unit with tube inside and then disassembled it to sell to me, at least that's what he said)

how can I verify if the ocular is carson?
the obj has the cage code written on if you unscrew it, the housing IDK, the battery pack has cage code on the PCB (picrel), and the ocular idk

answer whatever you prefer of the above
It's astonishing how much shit you can ask about such a simple fucking device. I want you to know that you are quite possible the dumbest and most autistic person in this general. Holy shit.
256 obviously keeps you under budget, but there are some 384 units you can find at the top. 50hz+ is a big QoL improvement especially for a scanner you will be... scanning with. Detection range is a fuckfuck game of sensor pixel size, netd, native magnification and then further muddied by image processing quality. It is better to think of how much you value FOV and what your tolerance for hand shake is over magnification. Then with those aspects nailed down detection range becomes just a function of the sensor and firmware so you take what you get. Whichever you choose go for something with a focusable objective, a lot of the cheap units (for either sensor size) are fixed focus. Name brand units that aren't ATN generally have better image processing, user interfaces, and ongoing firmware updates/support so they are not necessarily just brand tax.
>sale for half the price in 6 months
No guarantees, but the next big manufacturing efficiency improvement a'la Obsidian Sensor's printing tech still needs to filter through the Automotive and Defense industries before we see commercial options so near future price drops are just going to come from volume.
it's not dumb to want to learn about minute details in order to better understand the device faggot
just measure the OD of whatever you need the cap to fit on and get the appropriate scope cap or tethered binocular cap.
it REALLY doesn't matter but you can read through the diopter section of TM-11-5855-306-23-P if it really bothers you. Basically you need to play with the locking rings to spin the indicator plate.
if you are worried about disassembling then dont. just lightly grease a qtip or something and dab the inner housing with the objective spun halfway out. work the objective full out then back in a few times and now the oring is lubed. congrats.
>finally bought a full power PEQ-15
>moved LS321 to the Kel Tec

I really enjoy having a military ID.
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think i fucked up anons.

Ordered a chinese MUM14/PVS14 adapter, and when it arrived, it onlyt screws like halfway into my J-arm. I tried to caveman force it like a fucking idiot, but to no use. I'm like a thousand percent sure that the adapter is the problem. wat do?
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might just retap the hole on the chinesium adapter. or fuck it, just print one for now.
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i think my adapter's finished finding itself, and is now ready to settle down...
I'm morbidly curious if china tapped it M6 coarse instead of 1/4-20.
it may well be, i'll go find a tap-and-die set and let's find out.
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nevermind, this is actually bad enough for me to visually confirm that the threading is wrong. fucking hell
ty bro. Judging off that I should go no lower than the G215 with the manual focus, though the FOV appears lower? Bigger lens though, I'm not sure exactly how these things relate. 384/50hz is a good target though $750 would push me towards waiting/saving for a more reputable brand. Are there any options for cheaper?
the plot thickens, they were BOTH M6. turns out the chinese J arms are also just fucking M6. Rethreaded the hole, and it was really light, just felt like i was cleaning it out.
>how these things relate.
Its a bag of worms about focal lengths, crop areas, working distances, and sensor sizes. All you really need to pay attention to is the FOV and native magnification for the sensor size you are looking at.
Using the last 3 in your screengrab as an example, 11.7* horizontal FOV on the G215 is kind of like looking through a 1.5-2x power scope all the time whereas the 24.6* horizontal on the G315 is like 1x on a good LPVO. So if you want maximum awareness of an area the G315 even with no other specs considered is looking great if you just want to see if something is out there quickly. On the other hand you may want to see more detail at further ranges and compromising FOV while having to scan around more is something you are willing to do. At that point you need to consider the other specs (and prices) to see if the G215 or G325 better suit your needs/budget. There is not a wrong answer on FOV, you just need to pick what suits your use case best.
>Are there any options for cheaper?
I haven't really shopped the space thoroughly but AGM/HIKMICRO tends to have options around $1200ish, someone else may be able to better guide you on that near $1k price point.
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Thats fucking rich. I love China and their laser focus on what is easy/cheap over what is proper. You could staple that sellers balls to a chair and he'd still tell you it's your fault for buying it, not his for making it.
It is when they're utterly inconsequential.
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L3 doesn't sell directly to individuals, especially soldiers. They'll sell to your unit, but not yourself. Cops have an easier time with it since they can use private funds on an agency letterhead, but every retailer I tried to buy an FP PEQ or NGAL from told me to kick rocks after signing the laser sale disclosure and asking if I could buy it with non-unit funds.
y u lie?
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Well shit. To clarify, budget is more like 500. Was initially hoping to find a quality unit in the 1-1.5k range but I gave up and accepted my first unit will be from a less than reputable brand. Fortunately this is not something I need to rely on from a hunting/subsistence and certainly not defensive standpoint (currently), more so babbys first thermal. Something that, after some time of use, will hopefully give me an appreciation for what a cheap unit can accomplish, and what I'll need to spend money on if I need an upgrade in any department (sensory quality, refresh rate and native zoom probably being the biggest sacrifices I know I'll be making early on). With that said, buddy brought a suuper shit thermal to the last night shoot and it was still fun to play with. Classic 'dumping old stock and it went on sale' so he said fuck it, what do I have to lose. FAR less capable than the units I'm looking at, so I'm optimistic that even though I know I'll be buying some literal shit early on, it'll still be better than that.

>you just need to pick what suits your use case best
This is the biggest question I'm hoping to answer. But the slippery buy-once slope pushes me towards a FLIR Breach. But if I'm spending that much I'll just save for an RH25. And then I'll realize I could have had (at least a shitty) thermal for the past couple years to play around with and help guide my future purchase
>eg maybe FOV doesn't matter that much to me, maybe refresh is a top priority if I want to potentially run it next to my PVS-14, maybe zoom isn't as important as I thought...etc
stop buying this gay shit and save your money for a proper thermal, 384 minimum preferably 640.
>FLIR Breach.

only makes sense if you want the clip on and helmet and handheld 3 in 1 capabilities>>62494803
>500. Was initially hoping to find a quality unit in the 1-1.5k range
literally just not enough money. save more and aim for 3.5-5k.
the iray Rico alpha looks pretty based
I mostly agree with the others if you have enough of a cashflow issue that it is dictating it would take years to save for something in the midrange or better that you have expressed you do not need, its likely smarter to just not buy a thermal at all until you have that worked out.
Where I depart from them is I feel a lower end handheld spotter is still an effective tool especially when you have NV to back it up. A worse tool than the more expensive options for sure, but it can still (humidity and background depending) show you what no other tool can. Since you do not have a need for it, then a worse but still functional tool is probably okay. It's not so long ago that 256/336 sensors at 19/25Hz were priced where the midrange is now and plenty of work and play was done with those. Only you know your financial situation in detail so buy or do not buy appropriately.
TM10-256 owner and I'm surprised at how well it works and how far I can ID targets with 256px. They're definitely worth it if you're on a budget.
is the wilcox L4 shroud good?
my new helmet comes with it but I fear the plastic around it breaking vs a full metal one.
hows the norotos general purpose shroud in current day?
the only way the plastic would break on you is if you used it to hammer something or applied a lot of heat
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I could afford an RH-25 without even having to sell one of my tubes, but like I said, I'm not looking at thermal bc I need it - I barely kind of want it and think it's an important box to check. People saying 'save 3.5k' are literally telling a person who only needs a Glock that they need to save for Atlas Athena. I don't need something that'll btfo low end units to flex on people, I just want something to play around with and start understanding thermal.

This is my speed, curious what your applications are and how it performs. Saw them on sale recently and when I went to check price just now, saw the actual FLIR model going for $300. Though I like the thought of buying an actual brand, the <9hz refresh is a big point against it and I'd probably jump for better specs on the AGM. Never intended to buy that Goyojo brand POS but the different tiers of the product line were helpful in understanding spec/price relationship and what causes things to increase and what I might be able to do without
A couple places have the sneed M6TR in now. Any recs on who to order from, or is the eBay store still the go-to?
Order from whomever has the best price.
What am I looking at for single pvs14 jarms? Want the ability to switch eyes. That be noisefighters? Could just go bridge... No idea on what would be easier.
Why are you wanting eye switching?
What's the lowest it's reached so far?
At this point experimenting. Left eye dominant. I can live with whatever, but curious what my options are. Initially was set on a bridge for long term, but could initially save some weight.
I don't know what to tell you. Experimenting with your neck is never a good idea in my opinion. Stick to what you are dominant with or comfortable with and get more comfortable with it instead of trying to play a game of switching between eyes when you're bored. If you want to see with both eyes then save up for duals.
All in good time. Probably for the best in not messing with it in the meantime.
Basque. His also doesn't have the stupid fucking eye rape pointer everyone else has.
I thought he was sold out a while ago. I'd buy from him if he has any left right now.
He's had pretty consistent stock from my conversation with him. Just ask I guess.
I'd get it from basque because the low end will be anywhere from 1-2mW which is very usable plus he will actually check the crane ports and I'd just rather deal with him as a middle man than whoever else has them.
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Slow thread, so here's the diffuser cap I'm working on. Still needs some finer adjustments and since I lost my PEQ cap gotta wait til monday for the final version. It's a lil stringy due to it being flexible TPO.
it's obvious you're gonna buy this shit so just go ahead and buy it then
AX14 is good, if you have plans to bridge with something else you can just save the money and go ahead and get what bridge you want with the supplied j arm
What happened? This needs more than just fine adjustments
Bro it's the size of a nickel, what do you mean what happened?
Fair enough. Would you even consider a NVA-14 by code 4 as an alternative or just go noisefighters and be done with it?
looks how I would expect for most hobbyist TPU prints, maybe fussing with heat or flow rate could help it lay better but its never going to finish out like the companies slinging parts made on MJF and SLS machines.
Well, duh. Mind you it's still rapid prototyping so printing at blazing speeds with ironing off. I'll post an actual end product when I get a replacement diffuser lens in.
idk what that one is, but I have the AX14 pro and it is pretty good for a single mono
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Yeah he came through. Total bro. Thanks for the tip
that top build looks sex
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Baby XCR. Ty
Since it was brought to my attention that some didn't know, I do have a pretty consistent stock of M6TRs now. If you need one, just email me.
damn, nice, I remember when the XCR came out, now I feel old
Nta but I bought a recent 25x256 unit for my dad as a birthday gift and I do gotta say that it's actually not shit. I don't regret paying three times as much for my 50x640 because it is much much nicer, but that little $1000 unit still has all the capability that I actually need.
My bad bro, I ment to respond to the dude bagging on it.
how do you store your nods when larping/field ex/deploying/going out/EDC kit
in a random molle pouch i acquired over the years stuffed in my helmet and the helmet strapped against my pack.
Might have some info on laser co. popping up to compete with lasersneed. No info as of yet, but will ask for additional details when I can.
>might have some info
>no info as of yet

Which is it, faggot
I spoke to the retailer on the phone and was very open about the fact that I'm just an individual with a military ID. He said all I'd have to do is sign the laser disclosure saying I promise not to give it to anyone else and some release form saying L3 isn't responsible if I accidentally give someone/myself field expedient lasik.
Once it arrives, I'll post it in here for you guys to see that I'm not bullshitting. Screencap this post if you want.
Hope you didn't get scammed, man. Best of luck.
I am retarded. I considered fixing it, but let it fly. So that's all I got but will have more details soon/ on Monday.
Is it possible to get the XCR for less than 2.5k?
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I bought bnvd 1431's from these guys previously and they were great to do business with. Now that the seed of doubt has been planted, I shall spend my time panicking
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the iris has arrived

I will go innamountains in a few hours to try the unit out, will post pics in 2 days when I come back, cant wait for the helmet and mount to arrive so i can stop using it handheld
not trying to shill TNVC they're jews but their padded NV pouch can hold 2 binos plus other shit, and can be molle mounted or clip on.
that's the one I'm trying to get, but in Europe it's expensive as shit to get new, I'm looking for a used one at a decent price, in the meantime I'm using a headphones semi rigid case I had randomly at home with the pvs wrapped in a balaclava
if I put my pvs14 next to my comtac V cups they start whizzing eith a very faint tinnitus
is it something to do with the high voltage inside the tube creating some magnetic field or whatever
yea if you can find a padded pouch it's good, the TNVC one has padding around the entire interior which I like, some of them only have a certain section. The alternative is any kind of Pelican style small case.
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I got this one used for $900. Came with a 16” 5.56 barrel/bolt which I sold and upgraded to a new type III 300blk barrel/bolt. Found another one for my brother at $1200 (iirc) on arfcom. Yeah it’s definitely possible.
>this one
Should’ve said “that one,” because the pic is obviously a Bren lol
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I already have a peli case but its fuckhuge to carry in my ruck or kit when outing/larping
Just keep it on your helmet?
nigger how do you confuse a Bren with an xcr?
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I was referring to the XCR I posted previously here >>62499995, don’t be an ass
it's a pvs-14. wrap it in a towel and throw it in a cargo pocket
Just wrap it in a towel, shirt, or similar cloth. Stop being a fucking fag, my god.
if it's good enough for marines it's good enough for you
>inb4 out of stock
just find it somewhere else they're not uncommon
That's just noise canceling backloop. It'll whistle when on and hanging out in the air, especially if there's wind. My amps do it, sony xm2 and xm3s do it.
that's literally the one he's talking about. tactical tailor makes the TNVC pouch. he just said he's not in US.
didn't the ACAL get cancelled or something
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First time testing PVS-30 repeatability and offset. It is shockingly perfect.
It did a while back, but this year's Shot Show Z-Bolt brought the project back and will hopefully commit to making it now.
I see now it says early 2025 on their website, betting it comes in at $2000+ which would be suicide seeing as its the same size as the $1600 D2
no it's not the normal static noise, it only when I put the pvs14 next to it
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I don't think it was ever officially cancelled. Their communication was bad is all.
>will hopefully commit to making it now.
They're not going to start making them if they're still tinkering with the design and have to get FDA certification for it.

They promised $1,500 while ago. Hop would bully them if they raise the price.
I member when the ogl was $1200
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I use the cole-tac helmet bag and Night Vision guardian. Helmet bag fits my helmet + mount. Night vision guardian fits inside my helmet and can carry a PVS-14 and my fusion biocular. Side pocket on the helmet bag stores batteries + a phone adapter for the 14. I can also fit a spare J-arm in there but I usually don't.
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Hey, newfag to night vision shit here. I wanna get something badic, like a monocular, to be able to see out in my yard at night. Been hearing fucky noises for a while now, but a flashlight isn't a viable option. But i don't know what to look for. Cheap thermals? Try to find proper nvgs? I'm not expecting any ability to operate or whatever, just to be able to see a bit better without turning on the lights.
are you american?
well then you're fucked, I was going to recommend a refurb pvs-14 for like $2000 from nighthawk. maybe you could find some chinese nnvt shit for like $3000.
Well fuck. Thanks anyway.
Chineseum digital night vision + chineseum focusable IR flashlight if the onboard isn't enough. Probably all said and done for under $100. No need to complicate things or buy better when you just want to see stuff in your yard.
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Looks exactly like what I'm looking for, thanks anon.
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/nvg/ litmus test. Does anon pay the 3 dollars?
I have the pass
When is someone going to make a LEAF style front sight for the Laserspeed suite of LAMs, I would pay money for this. Should be doable w a 3D printer I would think
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Helmet's worn or strapped on the exterior of the pack. Crye nightcap in the medium GP serves as padding for the binos, and with the G24 in the smaller pouch makes the setup self-contained if I don't want to bring a helmet
have you guys seen the low light cameras that drones are getting?
How would it mount? They don't really have a threaded hole in place like the DBALs.
I believe the FL5 has a threaded hole or two near the front. It also has a shelf which could be used to support a sight. I figured you could use a strong adhesive, along with a form that sits in the shelf at the front. I don't have my M6tr yet though so idk how it might work with those
I tried the iris but it was underwhelming, in medium light conditions in the mountains if I closed it enough to have close thing in focus it would so dark that I couldn't see anyway, so it doesn't seem very useful unless you're in a very lit environment like urban
God some of you people are fucking retarded lol
You can use an IR task light.
Honestly just slapping around the focus ring is superior and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
Keep your gain level high and then adjust the iris as needed. t. PHD holder.
what's that for? context
yeah but that would be for navigation and looking at the ground not doing close tasks
it was at max already it just wasn't lit enough
I'm coming to that same conclusion
>it was at max already
Oh also I forgot to address, seeing shit up close is going to be tough regardless. You'll need to close the iris quite a bit and it will be dark. Nothing you can do about it. What I have found in my short ownership of night vision is that it's a game of finding the best usable settings and sticking with them and then coping appropriately when other situations come up.
or I can remove the iris and adjust the focus, because if I'm navigating in the mountains I need to see the path or else I'll fall into holes or trip etc, but i cant do that if it's dark as shit
>adjust the focus
And then you need to re-adjust for other reasons. The point of the iris is to not fuck with your focus.
If you're not fucking with the focus you're fucking with the iris instead, there's not much of a difference.
You do you. I'm not here to argue, I'm giving you advice based on my experience. I have infinite focus set on mine and then adjust the easily adjustable iris as necessary to limit the amount of light coming in but also to kind of see up close objects. I don't want to fuck with the 14's focus itself in field. If you don't want to do it then you can figure out your own solution.
yeah but if you're in mid or low light conditions and crank up the iris you won't be seeing shit
My point is if you're spinning one you might as well be spinning the other. But yeah it depends more largely on the context and whether or not you want to be drowning in IR light
Many places in US National Forests and state parks in some states charge small charge fees to provide funding for upkeep. As a cost saving measure for smaller less developed places rather than have a ranger at a gate 24/7 to collect the fee there's often just some envelopes and a drop box in the parking lot. You fill out the envelope, tear of a portion as a receipt, put cash in and drop the envelope in the drop box. You stick the receipt bit on your car's dash in the off chance a ranger comes by and checks. (They never do).
no an admin/task light is literally for doing admin work hence the name
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An amazon special security camera. Bonus points if you get a separate security camera illumintator to flood your whole backyard. Itll be cheaper than any mono and you have 24/hr recording and motion sensors.
So am I shipping this thing out here or am I just SOL
Tell me where I said anything about static.
If you're asking him about ordering, send him an email and he'll tell you what he needs from you there.
Nah he knows what I'm talking about.
that's what I'm saying
They come in IR
no I meant that you can use the task light to overcome the iris darkness but can't do the same to navigate, and you'll be giving your position away by using a light to navigate, and that defeats the purpose of nvgs
what is the most cost effective way to add night hunting capability to an Opitka 6 3-18x50
Last time I came here I actually bought a NVG from jrh, and it's no doubt cool. Now I'd like to find a better mount for my helmet, and good starter IR laser.

Anyone have any suggestions for a budget IR laser?
a. I'm look at "Klesch-2IKS+laser" gen.3.0 "
b. Holosun LS117IR

Any suggestions on a place to get a budget pvs-14 mount?
>budget pvs-14 mount?
AX14 J arm with Argus A4 (Wilcox G24 clone)
Yeah that and also the bracket. I'm surprised these things are sitting around like junk for cheap.
I've read the eyecup retainers on some monos/binos are epoxied on the threads. How do you safely remove it if that's the case?
this any good?
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Finished the diffuser cap for the sneed.
Before, widest illum beam.
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After, with diffuser.
Nice. How quickly can it be put on and taken off?
Get a Rhino II and jarm from ebay for that price. It is superior in both adjustability and durability to the original Rhino.
Flips to the side same as the original dust cover, so, pretty quick. I'd show you a more proper version but my 3D printer has started shitting the bed tonight only printing halfway, hopefully by tomorrow it'll behave.
why the fuck is nvg/thermal shit so expensive still?
Tube manufacturers are in it soley for contracts so the consumer market has to buy seconds from whatever the next new more expensive upgrade the Gov is ordering.
Price for performance has dropped dramatically. Units are 1/2 or a 1/3 the cost now of similar performance options from several years ago. Adoption of the tech in a smorgasbord of industries keeps volume up even for older tech sensors where cheaper components are more attractive than higher specs. New wizzbang sensors are of course still expensive.

How this?
yeah a listing like that. just make sure it has the t slot rails instead of the notched rods. shop around and see what you can get a good price on in a visible condition you are comfortable with. sometimes the rhino II are listed for cheap as just a surplus or gi nvg mount.
Man you got me firing up the google again.
Are you supposed to be getting a chinweld when passive aiming with a piggybacked red dot? My head is mostly just floating above the stock and barely touching.
What does the A4 do better than a cheap Aliexpress clone?
unless you have an adjustable comb to crank up for night use you just deal with it.
That said, it really depends on your facial structure, how you mount the rifle, and of course optic height what sort of weld if any you can get.
That's why not everyone gets a red dot on top of a scope.
Works great for day shooting. I never shoot under NODS anyway.
piggybacking is already a compromise so its going to come with downsides. optimize for the primary role of the rifle, whatever that is, and accept the additional capabilities you add will be imperfect as a result.
>make sure it has the t slot rails instead of the notched rods
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some guys mislabel Rhino vs Rhino II (or just not at all) and the easiest visual tell is the difference in the carrier rails being t-slot on the Rhino II vs notched rods on the Rhino.
also the fact that it has one more knob to adjust it
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>hand of God.jpg

NIGGERS I bought a Wilcox pvs14 j arm dovetail for 70euros, the screw to adjust the inclination has broken in half and a piece is inside the threaded hole, the screw is easy to replace as its removable, I can drill the hole and re do the thread and buy a slightly bigger screw, but if theres a way to remove the screw inside without having to redo the thread itd be great
The problem is I'm not getting a chinweld.
It took my a few minutes to realize what it meant due to no existential explanation and while I was sitting at that dead of end of a realization then I saw the "T" rail chape, vice the "notches" which I would call teeth.
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Again it ain't pretty but here's a roughed in version.
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is It normal for the manual gain know to be at an angle like this?
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Head too small? I have the opposite problem (giant head). Idk what stock you have on but you could try a riser?

Unrelated, but does anyone know if chinkoid knockoff switches reduce power to light/LAM like the old Surefire switches did? Idc if the switch is less reliable (long term) because I’ll still have button activation, but instead of shelling out $100+ for the real deal I’d like to try the Chinese repro modbutton if it doesn’t reduce light/LAM output

also shoutout to Mr Basque, extremely quick shipping
Is the intention to keep the brackets that thin or are you going to thicken them?
Alright NV nerds, I need you advice.

I was shopping for monocular yesterday and decided i need to do more research before buying in. ( my background, I was Marine infantry from 2009 to 2013, I make decent money now, own my home a bit of property. My prep gear is pretty dialed in, luckily I have been collecting guns since i was 14. I used monos in the corps alot, they were okay, I see their use limitations. After researching yesterday Ive came to the conclusion that the tech has came a long way in 15 years and i need your help.

I plan on using these for CQB in a small town, short distances in the woods and my house if shit hits the fan. I plan on mounting it to my helmet primarily, but like the idea of being able to mount it on a carbine or SMG. Obviously need IR but a combo unit that can also do thermal would be great. ( ive used thermal in the military but had no idea it would be available for as cheap as it is now.

^ is the best option I've come up with but i haven't seen a helmet mount for it.

Ideally i would like to be able to record video with the tube, decent image quality would be a plus. Originally i set a budget of 400 USD but after I've seen the awesome shit out now I'm willing to go a little higher. Is there a tube out there that is IR/Thermal - records video -- has good mounting options. I know you guys have tons of knowledge, I would really appreciate you time. if there is something out there that checks all the boxes for under 500 that would be great, if the closest option is 750is that will be fine if you recommend it. Also, is there any features that are important that i am missing or is one of my wants stupid?

Thank you.
You're not using that shit for anything that you listed.
>Idk what stock you have on but you could try a riser?
I have a CTR and a knockoff RISR, but that makes the 1.5 height LPVO unusable. Guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>I’d like to try the Chinese repro modbutton if it doesn’t reduce light/LAM output
All remote switches noticably reduce output, even the GASCAP and Rein 3.0 switches.
I am referring to a SHTF situation, I like to prep.

Realistically I will just do a couple night shoots a year with it and play around with it on my property to become familiar with it. Other than that it will just sit on my helmet in my paranoid prepper loadout.
They need to be that thin to swivel properly underneath the nubs, any thicker and they start binding. I want to say they clock in at about .1" or so, and in TPU that's stupidly strong so not really a concern.
that's chinkshit, if you make good money as you said buy a pvs14 or a pvs31/dtnvs with good tubes and a good thermal and a COTI
I don't want to shit on him too hard but I found this comical
>was in military
>used mono
>understands its weaknesses
>Makes good money
>Then wants to buy a chinkshit 500 dollar digital thing that requires IR and is basically useless
>All this for "SHTF"
What research did you do that led you to believe 500 dollar chink shit on amazon (Advertised as "viral on tiktok") was your best option for night vision?
Probably the 500 dollar part
Dude, know im not going to get top if the line for that price but i thought it would be helpful asking you guys on a best low cost option.
Yes i make decent money but there are about 15 areas of prepping i am building up.

Saving for a .338 ( massive long range round is the only thing my collection is missing ( plus i enjoy long range shooting. I also need to purchase a better scope. ( these things are going to cost over 4K$ )
I have great armor, ammo stocks, survival gear, generators, tools, security system, food stores, water purification, radio gear, drones, NBC gear, and most importantly I spend money and time bringing my friends and family out shooting/training. I have a basic idea of whats needed to survive from the military, i have hunted and spent time camping since i was a kid, ive always been obsessed. I even have a small bunker under my home.

There are alot of things needed for prepping. The NVG set up is something that could be a force multiplier.. not having one even a cheap one is a mistake on my part.

Im looking to get a basic entry level one so i can learn and show my wife/kids. I thought you guys would be able to point me in the right direction. simple as
about 1 hour of searching around and looking at online stores and silly video.


Many of you know these products inside and out.
Same shit you used in the corps
Having a cheap one will un-ironically get you killed in your fantasy scenario. How were you in the military, have all this gear, but then want to cheap out on even a mono? Get a PVS14.
honestly in the military PVS14s are not really "relied on" its a nice gadget, in some situations they would be a great tool.
One day i would love to buy a PVS31

but for now I would be happy to buy a cheap alt. one day if i own a legit tube ill give the cheap ones to a buddy or let my kids use them.

There really is no reasoning with many of you. I hope if you are spending 6k plus on NVG you have some extremely top of the line firearms and spends thousands on ammo for practice.
Your buddy is going to hate you for giving it to him by the way.
>I hope if you are spending 6k plus
We're telling you to buy something that is 2 - 2.5k. Yes it costs more than the chinkshit you're allegedly interested in, but it will actually work.
>are not really "relied on"
Boy, if a PVS14 is not relied on I don't know what the hell you think you're going to do with something cheaper and worse in all aspects.
if you spend 500 on the chink you're just wasting it on exchange of shit, if you buy a pvs14 it's more expensive but you're actually getting something in return and your wealth wont really diminsh, just your liquidity, bc what you're buying retains its value, especially if you buy on the secondary market at a good price and not from a main vendor, like buying a Rolex, so you can get the money back by selling it
>remote switches noticably reduce output
Gotcha. Well, are the repro's worth a shot or are they total garbage? I have a real Modbutton Lite and it's total garbage so I'm disinclined to spend a ton of money on another "legit" switch if it's gonna be garbage
thermals have dropped significantly, an rh25 used to be like 7k now it's like 4k, iRay released a 640 core 60hz with a built in rangefinder for 5.5k.
I would recommend you try mounting however you can to avoid switches entirely and just use the tailcaps if you can or the button if it's a laser, I've been pretty unlucky with switches in general, the only one that has been 100% flawless for me was the CD Rein 3.0 pressure switch that comes with it. CD does a lot of internal testing for their stuff.
Yeah I generally do this, however I have a light on a light bar way out on an 18" AR I use for coyote hunting. Clicky cap is too far out to be feasible in this case. Currently have the Modbutton Lite on it, and like I said, it's garbage and I want on/off not momentary
You could try the WADSN hot button. Just don't get your hopes up. Expect even more output loss and less durability.
Or get a LEP head and mount the light further back.
It has an LEP head lol, but that's a good point that I hadn't considered. Maybe the LEP head doesn't need the light bar because the beam is so narrow.
idk what to tell you, the modbuttons suck ass tho
If you try it out and find that your hot spot is getting blocked, you could try the Weltool LH8. Should be the narrowest beam on the market. Very little spill and few options for diffusers, though.
Ordered the WADSN knock off. For $35 it's worth a shot. Thanks for the tip
askan again, also did some of my own research. which of these options would be considered the best fo a 3-10x50mm scope?
*3-18x50 scope, not 3-10
Cancel it.
anyone has a guide on the ranger wrap for the pvs14, cant understand where the fuck all those stickers go, some are intuitve but others are not
Yeah I could just order it from Specprecision too but I don't wanna wait, I'll pay for faster shipping. Got it on amazon, here in a day
Any chance of something like this for the FL5?
FL5 should be even easier, since it's just a flap (assuming the cap that holds said flap in place threads off, I've learned not to trust LS on these things). I don't have one myself but it'd take like an hour to draft one up and print it.
do switches reduce LAM output as well? i thought that was a light head issue
it's usually a light issue, but I don't use them on LAMs due to prolapsing anus issue with the port getting rekt.
Does anyone have resources where I can read up on remote switches reducing WML output?
Unironically make a post on Reddit r/flashlight.
it's hard to find good resources because each manufacturer is gonna point fingers at each other. Modlite will say their switches are "too good" for Surefire, and vice versa.
the only issue i know of is surefire pressure pads not giving full voltage to newer heads like modlite and the turbo series
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finished wrapping my pvs14, it was unclear where some of the pieces had to go but of something was missing I just cut it to the right size or used the leftovers from the tab to fill the gaps.
i think it came out nice, was undecided between m81 and DNC
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Smells like bullshit to me
I've tested several of my Surefires and Arisakas with a unity switch vs click cap and can't tell a difference.
If nobody's got links I'll keep treating this as a non-issue
Christ. I don't mean to be insulting, but there is nothing worthwhile in your price range. Genuinely nothing. The "Viral On TikTok"
banner should have been the dead giveaway. But you were a Marine, so that tracks. The bare minimum for thermal or NV is maybe $1000 for thermal, maybe $2000 for NV.
I'm sure there's a video out there where some used a light meter to prove it
Even the GASCAP+USBC switch reduces output somewhat. That's just how flashlights are wired.
Well when one of you can link it to me I'll be delighted to take that into consideration.

Again I would love to see some examples or resources demonstrating this effect because so far with what I'm working with any reduced output is imperceptible to my eye with my lights and my switches.
The source is my eyeballs. Again, only a very slight difference, so the pictures I took at the time didn't show it. But the difference in output was enough for me to sell the GASCAP and go back to tailswitch.
>The source is my eyeballs
Cool man

So again, would love to see something (literally anything) that isn't a single anecdote from a random anonymous retard. And I'm not being sarcastic: I'm legitimately asking because I want to learn more about this and I'm apparently googling the wrong stuff.
you sound like a fag. Go buy a m600df with a modbutton and have fun. Faggot.
Go waste your own money to come to thr same conclusion others have. Reject modernity. Return to monke.
Again I have several surefire and arisaka lights, some set up with click caps and others with remote switches. The money's spent and I'm directly comparing hotspots right now and the difference with these particular lights at least is negligible at best. Makes sense I'm not seeing anything if the problem is specific to modlite and/or turbo series lights like >>62528118 said since those aren't what I have, but surely if this was a massive issue there'd be a noticeable difference in the hotspot of this Malkoff head w a DS tailcap when I use the button on the cap vs the Axon plugged into it, but I don't see it. Is it specific to the UE vs Z68?

It just seems like if this is such a well-documented phenomenon then there should be plenty of resources to read up on it. I'm just curious why you guys are going full "bro just trust me dude what are you a fucking FAGGOT" when it should theoretically be very trivial to link up something like a light-meter test or a forum post somewhere about it. My googling isn't turning up anything which means I'm not using the right terms.
I only know modlite has said that you will see a performance drop if you use surefire switches with their weaponlights, its somewhere on their website or was at one point.
Nigger, output loss due to remote switches is the entire reason the GASCAP and Cloud's proprietary switches exist. This isn't some conspiracy.
Do you see any illegal marajuana grows out there?
I not saying it's a conspiracy you sensitive little pussy
I'm asking for resources to learn about this, and you're obviously fucking unable to provide them but it's apparently very important for you to parrot shit you heard somewhere on the internet but obviously don't actually know anything about.
I'm asking what seem to me to be pretty simple concrete questions, and you're insistent on replying with non-answers like an ignorant nigger for some reason. If you don't know then just shut your fucking dick trap, god damn.

Thanks, this got me googling the right stuff to get me into an arfcom thread from 2020 about modlite compatibility with surefire switches, and apparently at least 4 years ago, modlite was saying that specifically surefire switches would lead to reduced output but claimed that modlite/unity switches wouldn't. Consensus in that thread is also that the difference isn't necessarily something that can be detected by the human eye and multiple posters also point out that everybody is just sort of taking modlite's word in a facebook post at face value.

Again would love to see a test on a meter of various configs to determine this but I can't find one. Still strikes me as a non-issue especially if multiple people are saying it's not make-or-break and maybe only detectable at distances beyond being able to PID with a white light anyway.
>parrot shit you heard somewhere on the internet
Motherfucker, I'm telling you I had a GASCAP+USBC Modbutton and sold it because of output loss. If the best switch setup on the market does it, everything else will do it too. You might not notice a difference unless you're comparing the tailcap vs switch beams back to back. I notice. And it's a big enough deal that I've completely turned away from remote switches. I don't want to pay $150 to make my $200 light slightly less effective.
>I'm asking what seem to me to be pretty simple concrete questions, and you're insistent on replying with non-answers like an ignorant nigger for some reason. If you don't know then just shut your fucking dick trap, god damn.
Your anonymous anecdote is worth nothing, just like my anonymous anecdote to the contrary. Both mean literally nothing which is why I keep asking for something other than "dude trust me." No, I don't trust text on a screen that there's literally no proof an actual human even wrote more than what my actual literal eyes are currently showing me, sorry.

I'm trying to find actual data and technical information. The closest thing to that I'm finding is ancient arfcom threads full of speculation about even older social media posts that no longer exist.
Just seems kinda odd nobody can link me to a YouTube light meter test demonstrating this thing that my eyes aren't showing me.
I find it extremely hard to believe that you can't see any power difference between tailcap and remote switch. Hold down the remote switch, then click on the tailcap switch. You will see the light get brighter, regardless of setup.
I even went as far as to dig out a surefire pressure pad to test instead of my hot buttons and axons, and was even hot swapping a UE and Z68 as well as A-B-ing 2 different M600s, one with a UE and one with a Z68.
Same deal with the DS00 cap with a hotbutton, axon, and surefire switch on multiple lights: no noticeable visible difference in brightness between the click button and the switch port regardless of switch. Hell I even busted out a couple of streamlight HLXs to see if the remote cap affected it and it didn't seem to to my eyes.

Now I'm definitely willing to entertain that this might be that my lights aren't exactly gucci: arisakas with malkoff heads or older, non-turbo, non DF scout lights, and again a couple of streamlights.
But still, if this problem is real, it seems to be highly configuration-specific, and I think it's really weird how little documentation there seems to be considering how common WMLs with remote switches are. And I'll even say here: my strong preference is for WMLs without remotes, but not every gun is an AR15 and sometimes railspace and ergo concerns means that isn't an option.
It's extremely visible for high power lights paired with shitty switches. The HL-X Pro probably loses 20% output when using the included pressure pad.
Cool, show me some metered tests. Should be easy.
As another anecdote, I can perceive output changes between DS00 onboard and standard tapeswitches on my 600DFs when using an 18650.
That said, I don't really think its necessary for most folk to buy into the high output lights and switches soley for performance. Malkoffs, standard Scouts, and similar setups with well designed reflectors provide enough throw and spill to satisfy the "I want to see, but its dark" component of white light usage, especially here in /nvg/ where we have better tools for the job already. I appreciate dual fuel lights more for the ability to use multiple power sources than the overall output of the light.
cheaper and smaller
Can't wait to see these hit the fleet in 10 years, and civilian markets in 20.
>The newly developed OLED device also converts near infrared light into visible light and amplifies it more than 100 times, but without the weight, high voltage and cumbersome vacuum layer required for traditional image intensifiers
So is this like a new first stage of a digital device where It would handle IR conversion to visible with some gain that is then picked up by a more traditional visible sensor for further amplification of system gain output to a display? On its own 100x sounds super low compared to what we see in the photocathode space.
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got this Wilcox I arm, the screw in the inclination adjuster has broken, half inside half out, it's a strange type of screw that has a rod passing through it to keep it in place, the screw has snapped but idk how to put a new one in, the rod doesn't appear to be removable.
I could drill it clean, thread it and put a new screw inside, or not thread it and put a stop nut after the hole.
or I could try to glue it but idk if it'll work
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I'm not going to hold my breath.
>product is made expressly for the purpose of fixing a well known issue
>nuh uh that doesn't count
>please bro post some evidence bro
>bro please

Fucking faggot.

Here's a Unity rep talking about voltage loss, the issues with old tailcaps/switches, etc.

Well I appreciate you opinion, ill hold off on buying a tube for now. thank you for at least giving me a ball park minimum. Hopefully next year they will have something decent around the 1200$ mark.
this year the big buy is going to be the .338 before RP stop making them or they get banned by some stupid new law. Ill put away 150 a month towards the tube fund till i find one i like.
I wish i has some friends who own some of these
Not sure if faggot troll or not. Try going to an event which allows you to rent night vision. GOA is hosting one in WV for example. Enjoy Hop talking about him having a bad time at an event with digital night vision (about the same price as the cheaper PVS14s)
my j arm doesn't fit into my rhino2 mount, what do
To loose or to tight? If too tight, sand it down some.
what part do you sand
All around. Depending on the grit, take 10-20 swipes per side of the bayonet connection on your J-arm, test, see if any one side is visibly loose and focus on the sides that are still interfering.
no idea but thats retarded

I would like a sacrificial lens that also has threads for the rubber eyepiece lock ring in your picrel, I know you can pit the demist shield but I prefer having it threaded on

what does a LIF filter do better than the Amazon UV filter sacrificial lenses? does the UV filter decrease your vision in the dark?

managed to get the screw out and the pin is still intact and fell off after removing the screw, now I just need to get a 3.5mm screw of the right lenght a thread and make a small hole at the right spot, hammer the pin in and that's it, Wilcox j arm for 70 euros and some cool experience fixing stuff
honestly. i am going to buy the fusion.

Ive watched some videos and it does IR just as good as our PVS14s and the thermal is actually pretty good as well.

For all the haters who spent thousands on PVS-XXX they kinda suck, in reality they are a pain in the ass to shoot with and 7/10 times its easier to just shut them off and use your weapon without them after you have identified a target and what they are up to.
also, if you have spent 2k$usd on NV and you dont spend at least 2k on ammo each year you are only gear queering.

Id take my wife who shoots every week over some guy who has never been a combat MOS and has 10k$ in gear that he larps with.
Lmao, you let the mask slip a bit too much here. You did a good job maintaining the facade so far but you fucked up in these two posts.
That specific spot is way too arid and open to hide a grow op. There are other places in the area you might be able to hide one but I'm doubtful there's many or even any around there. The climate in the region isn't suitable for weed. Summers are too hot, winters too cold and the air too dry.
I spent 10 grand on my setup and I haven't fired a gun in five years. It's comfy af.
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finally completed my setup
you are such a stupid nigger it actually hurts
what happens if my nvgs get rained on?
I'd they're built correctly they should be fine.
IP66/67 is rain protective.
I hope you enjoy your PVS14 on you PSA 400$ rifle with the 500rds you purchased but actually shot 100 of showing your friends how amazing your PVS14 is
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how would you say the HALO spec on my tubes is based on these pics?
they're omni8, pic was taken with my phone, the halos look whiter than irl, irl they're more transparent, I was in the countryside bordering town, these are streetlights obv, distance around 15m from the closest one, I had gain at 80% approx, and iris almost fully opened, but idk that matters as I've noticed that even at min gain and iris fully closed you still get almost the same halo
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None of what you said is a bad thing. I exhort and encourage you to reflect on what attitudes and choices led you to being so unnecessarily bitter.
Interesting that instead of a light meter test you show me a video of a salesman trying to sell me a product. And in fact a product that the other anon said doesn't even address the issue he was having
Very interesting
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What's the cheapest, comfiest bump helmet combo I can get? DIY Protec?
FMA opscore knockoff + ebay surplus 4d pads
I'll be mounting a real tube on it, if that makes a difference.
FMA LTP has ventilation holes
while doing research before buying I read tons of guys saying that the rhino and bayonet wobble alot but that wasnt the case when i used them this night for around 1h and a half, I walked and ran and they stayed in place, the only thing that has some play is the force to overcome in the rhino so the pvs might move half a cm and make dark edges appear but it was rare and not much off center, where should the hooks be applied?
I imagine one to the nvg to not lose it if it falls, so I'd put gutted paracord in the 2 holes and make a ring, the other hook idk
You should be dummy cording your shit to your helmet regardless of who made it. My two helmet setups are a genuine FAST SF and an FMA knockoff FAST bump. They both do what they need to.
So does their version of the FAST bump? And the FAST knockoff doesn't have TW's gay proprietary rail bullshit.
TW exfil LTP
I've killed more shit with a PVS14 than you ever will
>doubtful there's many or even any around there.
uh, they were everywhere
The cartels would rent a water truck and front loader then never return them. They would steal water at night from the nearest source with water truck and bring water to the grow areas. I used to see the shitty F150s riding low with the chemtainer tanks in the back the brought the chems from victoville up the 395 then they would turn off into the dirt and drive way out there. Have not been in that area for al long time because of those. They even had a bunch out in the Death Valley national park. The fed DV map has a warning on the bottom to be careful of the grows hidden deep in canyons and way off the roads. They forgot to make their payments to the local sheriff so they bulldozed a few.
Go do the testing yourself, nigger. Again, it's a well-known issue, that you seemingly have some of the materials for already, and which we've presented as being such a problem that a company known for making tapeswitches to design their own fucking tailcap to address the issue while not biting the hand that feeds them (Surefire). I understand you're clinically retarded and can't put two and two together, but maybe laying it out like that will let you see what a stupid fucking nigger monkey you are.
hypothetically speaking - say if Trump wins and the deep state turns BLM loose again, cops take another knee, would it be better to have one thermal or one night vision (like psv14) for detection ability? Say for example I only want one monocular for money reasons - I mount the PSV on my helmet and can still see my iron sights on my pistol and long gun? If I used a thermal monocular could I see my iron pistol sights well enough? Thanks.
Good NV, shitty handheld IR.
Not sure if you can with thermal but you definitely won't with night vision. You either need a sight or laser.
>iron sights on my pistol
You will not see your iron sights with the PVS-14 focus set to infinity, you will have to dial down the focus to get a clearer sight picture of your iron sights but then everything else will be out of focus.
Thermal devices you will not see your iron sights or any reticle from any optic, you will have to find a thermal device that has a reticle built in to the unit and can be weapon mounted and zeroable.
You will likely be better served with a weapon mounted thermal optic in your shtf scenario, since you are more likely to bunker down and not be on the move while some horde of blm fags are rioting and thermal optics can be used both in day or night time.
Thermal is dogshit for navigation and fighting, it's useful for scanning only. Therefore if you're on a budget invest properly into NV and get a $200-400 flir camera if you really want to fill the niche.
>company known for selling overpriced solutions in search of a problem selling an overpriced solution in search of a problem
Many such cases
he's not winning though
>he's not winning though
think about it like this, no one supports israel more than Trump. Israel controls the US congress already, and needs desperately the money and weapons of the US to defeat hummus and hezbulah, so Israel orchestrates a Trump victory and Donny give Israel everything it needs. Much more likely scenario than Israel allowing cackling kamala.
>Thermal is dogshit for navigation and fighting, it's useful for scanning only.
Not planning on running around outside in cammo, just protecting my McMansion and my nice lawn. I understand thermo cant see through glass, but the detection ability seems good, especially for cars and trucks and stuff like that. Maybe just a thermal scope with quick detach, use for scanning then if needed attack to muh gun?
>implying kamala isn't just as obedient
just get a handheld, it doesn't even need to be a great one. you can still have a thermal on rifle if you want and then you don't need to fuck with the sighting system on the rifle that is probably important it in this fantasy murderhobo scenario. then you can easily go from spotting to on the gun immediately or pass off the handheld to someone else as needed without crippling the rifle.
bonus, you now have a compact thermal handheld that can be used in daily life when you are not consumed by your brain worms.
You cracked it, dude. Good job. We're all very impressed.
Literally any hard data from somebody that isn't trying to sell me something. A SINGLE link to somebody doing a metered output test.

What's funny is, other anons who aren't dunning-kruger faggot retard crybabies were able to point me in directions that actually got me what seems like a real answer: it's a configuration-specific problem seemingly due to a voltage mismatch between specific light heads, specific power sources, and specific switches. Even then the popularity of WMLs + remote switches and the apparent complete lack of any data anywhere truly measuring it says to me that in practice it seems to be a non-issue for most end-users.

You, on the other hand, have been acting like a fucking woman about this for like 24 hours at this point. I'd hope you'd find that embarrassing but I doubt it.
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That video was taken well 200 miles south of where I was. I know they've got that shit all over the high desert and up into the Owens Valley, but I haven't seen any sign or heard of much going on up by Mono Lake. Not saying it isn't there at all, but I'm skeptical it's prevalent.
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>Can't even enjoy nature in your own country without cartels ruining it
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>but I'm skeptical it's prevalent.
>Can't even enjoy nature in your own country without cartels ruining it

fuckers are popping up everywhere.
Is running into a cartel grow spot the only legal way to act out a LARP shootout fantasy?
get a pvs14 as you can navigate at night and also see although not super far depending on light conditions, the thermal is very good at detection depending on its resolution but not very good at navigation, plus if you have it hand held and see shit at night you're unlikely to hit it with your non thermal gun, and if you have it weapon mounted you can use it to scan and shoot it's just a bit less practical to use than handheld or helmet mounted, if you wanted to go all out you'd get nvgs with Coti, and weapon mounted thermal that can be detached
probably not
>Can you get away with it
Well fuck, and here I thought I couldn't hate the cartels anymore than I already did
why can't we just walk up and kill them
who is stopping someone with nods and a thermal from just setting up on a ridgeline with a bolty and going to town
Nothing stopping you, chief. Just gonna catch charges eventually.
would anyone ever find out? is the cartel gonna call the police when someone starts shooting at them? it'd be like all the ranchers who just kill the illegals crossing their ranches and let the coyotes eat them, no one ever finds a body
>it'd be like all the ranchers who just kill the illegals crossing their ranches and let the coyotes eat them, no one ever finds a body
Pure fiction. The government DOES NOT like it when you slot the illegal floppies.
Question thermal bros, if I can get a great deal on a ATN BlazeTrek 625, how well would this work for hunting? Not looking for a clip onsight, but rather just looking for something to find bedded deer in timber? Its 640x512 50Hz with 12 um pixels, and a NETD rating of <25mK.
there are 100% fed up ranchers who will kill wetbacks when they go into their fields and kill one of their cows for dinner and leave 90% of the meat to rot when they move on in the morning, thant and the fact that the illegals crossing over basically don't exist as people. if border patrol doesn't see it happen then it didn't happen.
you do realize that the ranchers are the reason why the illegals are here right? they're the ones giving the illegals jobs. i'm not sure what kind of fantasy you're living in where you think this happens
Damn that's crazy, can you substantiate it literally at all?
I live in Texas and know plenty of ranchers who specifically don't do this shit because it makes you a target for retribution.
how do you justify thermal if you aren't going to kill someone
or something
self defence myself from 500m away with my thermal AR10 and be exonerated
Have you ever used thermal? It's neat as fuck and useful for more than just shooting at things. Hell just inspecting buildings or electronics is handy enough. Just playing around with it is fun.

If you're going dedicated rifle optic though yeah that's a little silly if it doesn't have a purpose.
that's still killing someone though
gaytube just recommended me a video of some guy going campan and there was some zombie stalking him in the woods. It's a useful identification tool to see zombies.
Zombies are room temperature, silly billy
...I retract my statement.
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Because even if you aren't hunting it's cool to spot wild animals in the dark.
you are an insufferable faggot.
I wonder if this retard knows multiple people are laughing at him.
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NTA but I think you're the dumbass. How far fetched is it that adding 7-14 inches of wire and additional circuitry isn't going to diminish performance.
I am not that retard. I am a different retard, but I am a big believer in Big Tapeswitch being Big Gay.
new K retard here, is the ATN PVS14-2 Night Vision Monocular Gen 2 P45 White Phosphor for $2,300 a good price for a starter NV helmet mountable unit?
new thread >>62545754

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