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Is spending less than $1,000 on your glass a pooron thing? Poorons like to buy a lot of cheap shit it seems instead of getting one solid fighting rifle setup, they'll instead have 3 pooron scrub armory rifles, no real optics, a turkroach shotgun, a glock, and 3 mystery meat compacts.
Why do you care
You're such a fucking nerd
Pooron alert
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I dunno man I got my rifle from my grandad and bought a scope from my buddy for $300. It fills the freezer every year.
Jesus dude
We are talking about rifles for real use. Not animal torture.
$100 per 100 yards
yes, but thinking $3000 is a lot of money is also a pooron thing
>solid fighting rifle setup
You will never use it for anything serious ever where a $300 cheap shit used beat up shotgun with irons wouldn't have served just as well.
>>Is spending less than $1,000 on your glass a pooron thing
>be next to OP on the range with fancy glass
>look at this targets
>t-th-that w-was ju-just m-me ;_;
Yeah well maybe if you'd spend $400 on perfectly serviceable glass and the other $1600 on ammo it wouldn't be just you because you'd actually be able to shoot.
new hop vid just dropped
>Poorons like to buy a lot of cheap shit it seems instead of getting one solid fighting rifle setup
Poorons also tend not to have the time/money/attention span to do the training that would let them get the most out of a good rifle. Even if Tayquan balled out on a milled Arsenal SBR with a good optics mount instead of a Draco with a drum mag, he probably isn't ever gonna bother to invest in gitting gud with it anyway.
>Less than $1000
Let's get some GWOT dudes in here and ask how many people have been murked with $500 Eotechs and Aimpoints over the years.
all of this shit is larping. nobody is stacking bodies. none of this matters. fill your roth IRA instead of buying a bullshit optic.
How do I be a hunter and get free food? I've never even owned a rifle.
You move south and market yourself as a pest control professional for big landowners. Make sure to develop a taste for wild boar and/or nutria
First step is to get a rifle, try to get one for free, maybe someone in your family has one, like a grandad. Second step is to find somewhere with animals to hunt, get permission from whoever owns the land, then go there and shoot them. You can pay a butcher to process the meat for you, just arrange in advance.
i think you should spend according to how far you expect to shoot. people who care about 'muh clear glass' on 3x/4x optics are retards. the only time i've ever noticed glass being sub-par was an arken 6-26 at max magnification.

if you are shooting at 1k+ and your entry-level optic is preventing you from shooting better THEN you should considering higher quality shit.
I'm very lucky to get a shot under 200 metres. It's either like 20 metres where I ambush them completely or its out past 300. The last kill I made was at 380 metres.
I also think people exaggerate optics a bit. A lot of guys I know insist on 20x for those 300+ shots but other people say 14x is enough and if you aren't comfortable you shouldn't take the shot.
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>Is spending less than $1,000 on your glass a pooron thing? Poorons like to buy a lot of cheap shit it seems instead of getting one solid fighting rifle setup, they'll instead have 3 pooron scrub armory rifles, no real optics, a turkroach shotgun, a glock, and 3 mystery meat compacts.
You don't need to spend all that much (tags) plus stuff you should already have (firearm, ammo, clothes, knife), but you will
(cams, scent blocker, stand/blind, new everything listed above)
>20/14x for over 300m
SWFA fixed 10x is good to at least 500.
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This shot was at 340 metres, .243 calibre, light wind. Red dot was where I aimed. At 14x a mildot almost covers the torso.
>animal torture
>he admits he can't shoot better than 3moa at 100yd
lol even
OP is such a fucking clown faggot.
>needing optic
Skill issue.
>i think you should spend according to how far you expect to shoot. people who care about 'muh clear glass' on 3x/4x optics are retards. the only time i've ever noticed glass being sub-par was an arken 6-26 at max magnification.
>if you are shooting at 1k+ and your entry-level optic is preventing you from shooting better THEN you should considering higher quality shit.
100% this. You can get glass now from bargain value providers now that would have blown the minds of top tier makers 25 years ago. And the limiting factor for quite awhile will be you. Start cheap, spend the savings on ammo, then fill in the holes over time.
Do you cook everything to well done so you dont get parasites?
Well there's no such thing as medium-rare pork anyway, even from the grocery store. I was memeing but in all seriousness if you WANT to try taking nuisance game like that, absolutely learn how to clean it properly, spot disease/parasites, and cook to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Not exactly ethical but certainly doable
It is /arg/ though, so liars and faggots.
What upper is tat?
>solid fighting rifle setup
I am so tired of LARPers it’s unreal. Fuck hop. Fuck brassfacts. Fuck dirty civilian. Fuck blue jean operator. (He at least gets credit for being a ranger unlike the previous mentioned neverserveds)
Go join the fucking military instead of prancing around in gear that you will literally never use. You are playing fashion dress up and shooting on flat ranges. Larping used to actually be kinda fun until you tryhard faggots poisoned it.
>how to be deadly in the mountains
>becoming deadly in the southeast
>avoiding drones as a civilian
>thermal setups for hunting humans
>civilian green beret concept
Get fucked larpers. You will never be in a gunfight. Feds will never kick you door in. You will never die defiantly in a massive shootout. You will always be a flat range larper.
>Not exactly ethical but certainly doable
It died in one shot didn't it? If there isn't lead in the air the bucks won't fall.
Russian faggot.
It's simple: If you don't have night vision, you're gonna die. If you have night vision but you don't have thermal, you're still gonna die. Anyone who says otherwise is coping.
t. civilian green beret (office worker)
The only SHTF you will EVER face is a crackhead kicking down your door. You will never be in some PUBG style royale where night vision matters. You are a larping faggot
this forced uno reverse card you /pol/troons keep trying to push is never going to work
Man who spend a grand on glass still can't outshoot bubba with his $50 chinkshit glass and decided to make a thread about it.
>The only SHTF you will EVER face is a crackhead kicking down your door
And for a lot less money than NVG he could just, like, get a secure door and frame so it can't be kicked down. And some shatter resistant film for first story windows. Blows my mind I know guys who have spent $20k+ on all this shit and I know for a fact their stick frame houses have garbage thin particle board and veneer front doors with old tumbler locks and the back door is all glass and that's it. Fucking stupid.
>stock photo
>judgemental opinion
lol, every time.

Just buy a PSA and a primary arms poor cog and a sling..

train with 1000 rounds and then decide what needs to be better
A PSA freedom kit paired with a TA31 is the perfect “one and done” rifle. It also makes guccifags seethe that the optic is 2x the cost of the rifle.
You can get a 1000 yard scope for $400
>PSA freedom kit paired with a TA31
Im in this picture and I like it
I mean bush craft and survival stuff is fun though. Basically everything I do is regular outdoors stuff but sometimes I'll bring extra gear for training.

You know you don't HAVE to watch those channels? I don't. Only time I look at most "preparedness" stuff is when I'm already looking for any info on something specific. Most of the stuff LARPtoobe makes isn't really helpful for anyone interested in survival stuff because they never talk about anything food/water/sustainement related.

People need to just go camping more. its fun
I spent 800 on my trijicon credo 1-6x sfp and I like it better then vortex and holosun. But mount was 300, if that is part of your queer question. I couldn't bring myself to buy a nightforce and pit that money into ammo.
I don’t have an optic, I just use my carry handle sights
>has $300 glass on a $500 rifle for shooting varmints and plinking
Fuck off
i buy cheap shit and i buy nice shit idk why it has to be so black and white with you fucking nogunz lol after owning and actually shooting firearms my entire life i do know one thing
>buying a cheap piece of shit that exceeds expectations
is much better than
>buying a something expensive that shits out
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I feel like you’re a larper if you’ve never been in any kind of high stress situations other than shooting at paper targets. So yeah, if you’ve been in the mil or LE or an African civil war you have some bonafides.
nta but I agree, it's kinda interesting because I don't think "larp" was particularly pejorative at one point from the pov of "insiders". Ie, normal people might always have done it mockingly, but if you're into renaissance faires or whatever genuinely larping just to have a good time and meet people and so on is pretty positive. I can respect gun larpers who do so as like, Stalker game larp and try to just have a theme/budget and explore abandoned places and have a good experience.

But the way >>62505342 is using "larp" which has become the common descriptor is a little funny to think about, because basically it's come around to meaning "not larp". Like, most of the OMG SHTF NGMI LE BOOGERLOOS tards are completely serious, and the ones that aren't are shills trying to exploit the former. They aren't just having a good time and remembering it's all pretend, they're legit whack jobs who think that is literally going to happen and they literally need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on it despite them neglecting genuinely important stuff. It's the mentally ill and desperately lonely being exploited by the ruthlessly cynical who in private mock them. That's what I actually hate about the whole thing.
I can and have mogged bipod/scoped AR builds at 200yds on 6/12 inch gongs, iron sights and standing with my mosins and my SKS but not yet my PM90 though. Feels like this is all I really need, every deer I've shot or come across has been within 75yds and I use my Saiga or my SxS for jackrabbits. I can see the purpose of marksmen within a well-trained militia, given that's the only scenario a sitebound American citizen would see large scale combat outside of the military, but it's still a more niche role in that case and too many long-range specialized builds would probably make things unbalanced. Same as always though, you ideally want to train with and without optics to become a more well-rounded and effective shooter, it does carry over.

t. Pooron whose only glass was an 80s glossy Bushnell Sportview on a sporterized Swede 6.5 M38
Suck my dick brass facts
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I'm one of the weird fucks who really likes the TA33
the cheapest chinese scope at your local walmart is optically superior to anything fielded in WWII. throw it in some half decent rings that can hold a zero and go learn to fucking shoot. anything more is just a jackoff contest, like showing off an expensive piece of jewelry on your wrist and insisting it's not gay because your faggy little swiss bracelet also tells the time.
Post groups.
My watch is more expensive than all of my guns combined lol
people who buy watches are the dumbest niggers on the planet
Vortex PST series
luxury good bad!
Fuck you asswipe my second hand Gshock is the best time teller there is and means I don't have to pull out my phone to check the time
This build screams
>5’6 Mexican one stall down at the indoor range blasting paper at 12 yards with some chick, and he’s yelling “THIS IS A MARK EIGHTEEN, ITS WHAT NAVY SEALS USE, THIS IS WHAT I HAVE NEXT TO MY BED IN CASE SHIT GETS REAL IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX” at her
Garmin smartwatches are legitimate life improvement devices
If it can’t handle recoil, you’re going to have a bad time. $200 and up is what separates airsoft shitpile optics from actually functional shit
That said, if I see a Nightforce on an aero upper, I’m immediately assuming you’re a fucking moron with more money than sense.
95% of shooters are appropriately served by a 3x prism, unless you’re a middle America gremlin
why would the russians be interested in propping up american retirement funds
Hide thread.
Filter buzzwords.
Problem solved.
didnt read but hop is bad as fuck fr fr too bad hes with that brassfacts guy
we need more twinks in the gun community and not more of these roided out homos
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Never hurts to ask for a threeway under NODs.
Its not going to stick. Stop it. Get help.
It's the same as tanks in Ukraine-- very low and high ends with Thermal and it's justifiable. You get adequate or you actually buy once cry once.
look at the fucking sun
>if it's directly above you it's time for lunch
>if it's gone it's time to go to sleep
if you need a fucking 300 dollar clock strapped to your arm at all times you have fucking downs or something
Tried that, now need to have my little brother read and write posts for me. Thanks a lot asshole
Derek! It's your mom. Don't make your little brother type words like that. There's cookies on the window sill, you may have two each after lunch.
Post your rifle(s), anon.
People obsessed over 1000 dollar optics usually cant even cover a 500 dollar car repair.
>My watch is more expensive than all of my guns combined lol

So, safe to assume you own one fairly expensive Seiko, and a half dozen airshit.
Anon, if you have to brag about how expensive your shit is you're probably actually poor yourself and make awful financial decisions on a regular basis, buying things like overpriced optics being part of that. It's not about functionality anymore when you make a post like this, it's about the price tag and perceived bragging rights that gives you.

If you have fancy shit and never actually practice that's another reason you shouldn't bother bragging. People with fancy high priced race guns that never leave the safe are going to get killed in droves by guys that actually practice regularly with their nuggets, hi-points, PSAs, and cheap ass optics in any SHTF scenario. Money doesn't buy skill, practice and hard work does.
look dont stare and dont let your brother have more than 1 cookie
>if you dislike poor people, you must secretly be poor
>if you hate spiders, you must secretly want to fuck spiders
seems reasonable to me you filthy spider fucker
spend all the money you want. you still can't hit shit

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