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>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: >>62501252
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uhhhhhh anon you wanna report in with some details?
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Post more Tommy gun pics ffs
Yeah I should have said "Find non rapetastically priced ammo first". It's your money, son, gopher it
I mean pretty much every single full sized rifle cartridge that isn't shitty chinese ammo is $35+ a box now.
Actually found some here for $38 a box.
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here have this it's close
You shouldn't shoot gun, at sun anon.
Pretty sure that how nuclear bombs are bornt.
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try and stop me
don't patronize tenda they are CCP shills who demand you send them your driver's license and PAL when you buy a gun
Very rude anon our friends in China bring us very neat funs and stinky cans for small margin price.
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fuck China
There is nothing wrong with fixing a gun with glue and cardboard.
They tried to Assassinate Trump again.
>AK-47 "type rifle"
>couple hundred yards out
>got into gun fight with SS
>Trump survived
>Shooter arrested
Why does the USA have so much more wild shit happen than in canada?
Why do they keep using rifles like that when even a basic bitch bolt action with a scope would be the better choice.
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Better question is when will they start using drones for assassinations?
Because the powers that be don’t want to ban basic bitch hunting rifles yet, anon…
they have a firmly encoded bill of rights with the ability to defend said rights. the American people have to willingly give up these rights in the face of a large enough "crisis" for them to win.
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lmao did they try to clap the orange man with a bubba'd SKS
the memes make themselves
I heard it was an AR-47.
Looks like a FAMAS to me.
The first guy used an AR-15 and this guy uses an AK47? Why don't they use long range rifles?
Because just like everything in US politics it is fake and staged
why did he start cooking after getting hit
You can see something come flying out of his chest rig just before the smoke... IDK some kind of pyro cooking off?
The ak 47 hardly exists, its a rare milled receiver kalashnikov that was made in exceptionally small numbers
If this were an ak and not an sks itd be an akm, not likely an AK47
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This is common knowledge, not impressed.
isn't that the law now?
>have to get 2 people, 1 photo guarantor and getting them to sign in using GC-key and enter a unique code to acknowledge the application just to get a PAL
I can't do this shit solo I've gotta now convince other people to do all this shit for me
fucking retarded country
This AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle looks ominous.
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paper form + mail
No, gun stores were just "told" to verify an online buyer's PAL in some way, but it was never specified. I've ordered plenty of guns since the OIC and C21 shit and Tenda is the only one who wanted some other form of ID.
Yeah they have basically made it so firearms owners must have a social life and jump through even more hoops. If you live alone or you're introverted then you can't have a gun.
People without at least two friends unironically shouldn't have guns
get out normie
From who? Everyone I ordered from asked for 2 pieces.
CFOs were telling them to do this, sort of like telling them to keep a list of everything everyone buys.
I'm not going to say which stores Mr. Fed.
>I'm not going to say which stores Mr. Fed.
If it isn't against the rules then it shouldn't be a problem. Either way every store I've ordered from has emailed me after and said hey we need your ID.
To the anon that posted his Inglis HP last thread, how’s the trigger on it? Mine had some kind of trigger job done to it and I took out the mag safety and it’s an incredibly light trigger pull now but you can’t feel the reset at all. Don’t really like it
We are boring people, with a few exceptions. Honestly it’s kinda a nice idk
maybe you're on a watchlist
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What are some good resources for finding a map of crown land in BC? I've tried multiple sites and they don't show me what I want.
Pic related should work, but that obviously doesn't show all the crown land, which is 90% of the province.
People recommend iMapBC but it's a confusing mess of meaningless and incomprehensible layers. Why isn't there a big map showing the province, showing what is and isn't crown land?
Am I retarded?
Ontario anon here, I don't think any province has a very good system because frankly they don't want you on that land.
Whatever map you do find you'll need to be sure it doesn't just show Crown Land but also shows how it's zoned and its usage. Some Crown Land is marked private only because it's leased to mines or logging companies, you have to stay off that. Some of it is injun land too, def stay off that. Some of it is just Crown Land but might be conservation space, which usually means no shooting.
iHunter maybe? The crown land layer is subscription though.
I wonder if crown land isnt actually the correct term, perhaps national forest or provincial forest?
Or atleast thats the impression i got, when i ran into the same issue; maps only showing little tiny patches of crown land.
I'll try this out, thanks
Yeah this could be it. I'm just tired of shitty indoor gun ranges. The outdoor ones are nice but they're hard to get into. My nogunz buddy got a new truck so I want to go out in the woods soon before it starts raining every day till next may.
I thought American manufacturers usually used the 47 platform because milling tooling was cheaper than stamping at the volume they would expect to move. Though I think more and more of the recent ones are AKMs
BC assessment maps show private property, anything else should be fair game. Unless it's a park or rez but google maps shows those obv.
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Been gone for months. Anything important I missed cangen?
I bought a gun last week
I also bought a gun last week, might buy another tonight
Most important development on cangen in the last 12 months
How is it possible that so little land is crown land.
Heheh, Classic BC.

Heckin basederino
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The single biggest factor in the homeless crisis nobody will talk about is that long before the recent price inflation crisis, easy money and debt fed asset price inflation, which overwhelmingly benefited rich old people at the expense of everyone else. The government is why you can't afford a house, or a car, or anything else, and this has been getting worse for over half a century.
That’s what I like to hear. I’m thinking about trying to pick up one of those X95 SBR’s IRG is bringing in. I like smol guns.
People started buying ridiculous monstrosities that were +2500sq ft just to raise 1-2 kids, it inflated prices which meant more taxes and money for governments so of course they encouraged it. 50 years ago people raised a family in a 1200 sq ft bungalo, maybe you had a bit of finished space in the basement but usually not. Every pleb is now raised to think they are entitled to live some opulent lifestyle with 6 TVs in the house, it's fucking retarded.
>X95 SBR’s IRG is bringing in
News to me.
Baste. I'd rather just a barrel swap though, as i already have x95.
Yet boomers don't seem to care. My mom actually complained to me that its hard living on a fixed income (retired) even though she's living alone in a 2 million $ house that she paid $120,000 for.

I'd be fine with 1200 sq ft if it meant I owned the land and had a bit of a yard.
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Next big project i'm planning on doing is one of these things; in preparation for life to get much, much worse.
that map is very wrong.
MapPlace2 has a crown land layer.
based and wagonpilled
I was very very lucky, I was dating a libshit and had a friend I could ask them both to sign my application, I eventually broke up with my ex and my friend just became a huge weirdo and I broke contact, I still have friends but none close enough that I'd ask to vouch for me.
I like googling "canada india reddit racism" and see the pages of results heh

That map shows all the so called native reserves, but in reality there is no crown land because the natives traditional territory covered all of "british columbia"

So, get out of here.

>T. First Nations, aka. "I was here first"
>but in reality there is no crown land because the natives traditional territory covered all of "british columbia"

>first nation is a retard
truly shocking
Youre probably thinking of the first AKs that were imported being milled valmets or milled type 56 variants
American AK manafacture wasnt a thing back then
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ngl this has become a weekly pastime of mine as well
Shot guns for the first time today
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the only way forward for the canadian youth is a strategic wealth redistribution from boomers like your retired mother to the oppressed zoomer working class through a communist revolution
What didja get to try out anon?
I did

>9mm pistol
>22 pistol
>22 revolver
>.357 revolver
>M1911 .45 ACP
>22 rifle with a laser sight
>9mm rifle with a holographic sight
But anon, our wealth IS being redistrubited. To niggers. By jews. What we need is another magna carta, enforced by the common man, with arms. Consequences be damned.
Needs more shotgun and full bore.
>average Gitanmaax band opinion over here
This range didn't allow shotguns for some reason.

It was only $35 and included lunch, instruction and like 50+ shots

Good deal IMO.
So are you getting your PAL?
I got the info of an instructor, can't go to his next class because I have something that weekend but I think my dad and I are gonna get it
Before you go... you are white right?
yes aryan (kasmir province)
crazy bich
>Violent with her family, she sent her mother to the hospital with head trauma
>started hard drugs at 12
>claimed she had demons inside her and needed the drugs to kill them
>had overdosed before this, ending up in a psych ward, where she fought with staff and stabbed herself through the hand with a pencil
>20 documented suicide attempts
>kasmir province
Christ, this better be bait.
Yeah it was that damn inflation that stopped druggies from buying houses. lol
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People couldn't afford to rent apartments anymore, because the rent went from 700 to 1800, even working full time isn't enough, so they ended up on the street and then started using drugs to cope, and voila a junkie is born.

There is a direct correlation between housing prices and the number of street people.
Right but we're talking about owning houses. That's quite the jump from renting.
I was hoping for more (you)'s
Rental prices move with house prices. Also people who can't afford to buy have to rent. You can't buy a starter and work your way up anymore. The ladder has been retracted by M. Trudeau and his wealthy group of (((elites)))
You should just cancel your Disney+ subscription
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>There is a direct correlation between housing prices and the number of street people.
It's largely mentally unwell people.
There were these neat buildings we used to store them in, but for some reason we shut them all down, and homelessness was bornt.
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An actual horse-drawn wagon, or you mean a trailer thing for your truck?
I don't have a driver's license.
Zasedley zizzle top?
Saw that, kek'd.
Getting a license just to borrow someone else's gun is kind lame though.
Haha nice
Horses are superior because it's easier to fuel them, they're all-terrain, and you can't have sex with a truck
>zoomer working
lol as if
Imagine how kino it would be to live in an abandoned insane asylum.
What is this supposed to mean?
Don’t reply to fanda he’s just some weird nonce
straight bussin fr homes
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It's a reference to the 2nd Trump shooter using a bubba'd sks
>noooo stop making oc ;_;
I think plebbit is more of your speed, newfag.
Post guns geg
Is that an assault rifle 47
It's an ASSAULT/KILL47 (47 is the number of people it kills per second)
>get murdered by vengeful ghosts or, more likely, junkies
not kino at all.
I have owned a 12 guage now for a couple years and love it, but I can't stop waffling on what to get next.

I have tried SKS, Type 81, Bren2, X95, and all the cope guns, and out of all of them the only one that feels good to me is the X95. I cannot find the justification to pay 3500 plus optic cost for a compact 5.56 that has no real practical use outside of shooting cans and rabbits and maybe the odd coyote.

The other option is a medium caliber bolt action rifle like 308 or 6.5 creedmore, but the amount of ammo you can spend on the rifle, optics, accessories and ammo is too daunting for me, especially considering I am a very mediocre shot.
So buy a Tar-21 instead for a thousand dollars less
Also come on nigger this is cangen nit reddit. You realize our country is about three months from food riots, right? You don’t have to justify owning a semi auto 5.56, this country gives you ample justification
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People said we were three months away from food riots in 2020, then again in 2021, then again in 2022. Nothing ever happens you schizo.
I’m not saying stop making OC i’m saying “don’t reply to the mentally ill faggot who in his imagination is married to his own 16 year old daughter, which is also an anthromorphised version of gun”
It would be nice if there was a drawfag in cangen that wasn’t just a weirdo fetishist with hentai brainrot
Wouldn't a good combat shotgun paired with a bolt action scoped rifle be fine in a SHTF situation yet still having practical uses outside that?
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You can call me a chud but I’ll never change my opinion that you don’t need to justify owning cool shit with a
That’s boomer/woman/liberal speak
Because I want to.
No, shotguns and bolt action rifles both are ridiculously niche even within active urban combat and are rightfully left to specialized roles such as door breaching or sniping - and I guarantee none of us will have reason to do either of those. A good semi auto 5.56 rifle is unironically all you need for any sort of world without rule of law.
An AR-15 or other semi/auto intermediate caliber absolutely mogs both a shotgun or a bolt action from crappy tire at the distances that combat actually takes place at.
>distances that combat actually takes place at

What range would you define that exactly?

Shotguns are being used for more than just door breaching in combat (see USMC). I feel that shotguns with Federal LE 00 buck flight control would be usable out to 50 to 75 meters and slugs taking it out to 100.

Also, it seems the main justification for owning 5.56 semis are for active combat in a societal breakdown situation. What are the chances of that ever actually happening?
Nigger post a single gun if you’re sitting here trying to say
Lol. Lmao.
You know what buddy yeah I think you SHOULD just stick with your durr guns.
This is a left-wing delusion. People who get outpriced from renting move or stay on someone's couch. The people on the street aren't people on economic hard times, they're severely mentally ill and/or addicts. These people who literally cannot take care of themselves. People who are rational but have had a streak of bad financial luck have support structures and have enough common sense to find a solution that isn't "grocery cart full of cans and filthy rags"
nta but inclined to agree. a lot of the people who are screeching loudest are people who never saved a penny of their money, blew it all on weed/booze/etc. and had $40 in their account between pay cheques. i have no sympathy for people who "live their best life" and piss away every cent only to scream that others should be paying for them.

that being said, landlords are the scum of the earth and should be hung. i have no sympathy for deadbeat tenants but even less sympathy for greedy landlords who ignore the fact they're providing housing for a person and strictly view it as a cash cow like buying stocks.

t. owns a house so no dog in this fight
Got banned from a job site today lol, fuck work
Lol what'd you do now?
Gotta wear your hard hat at all times bruh
did you say nigger?
This used to be the case pretty much exclusively where the vast majority of hobos were either there by choice, belonged in a mental institution or were hardcore junkies. But I don't think you realize just how dire the situation has got in the last few years, tons of people lost everything during covid, their businesses, their homes, their support networks. Shit's fucked out there and there's likely millions of people that are one missed paycheck away from living on the streets right now.
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That's what you get for revealing your power level.
I know there are people like that, but that's part of being responsible. Live within your means. People who are 1 pay cheque away from losing their house or apartment are 100% living beyond their means.
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Canada is still largely a wild country. and contrary to popular belief, 5.56 can be used to kill basically anything.
For defending, your life, land, animals from attack, its hard to beat a gun thats atleast powerful enough to get the job done, but with minimul recoil for quick followups.
And with proper ammo selection, it is possible to humanely hunt with them, though the laws may vary depending on province. Them not being suitable for durr and the likes is basically just a meme pushed by Big Fudd.
Yeah my .223 is my deer gun.
>living beyond their means
It's impossible for some people to not do that nowadays. The country is set up for 15 pajeets living in 1 apartment now.
mines a bear (and assorted related brown coloured threats) gun.
Nail status: hit
That'd be nice if there was any 556 left in the country.
Fuckin way she goes sometimes, little faggot got all butthurt and reported me lol
I have a Benelli M4 and if I'm worried about bears I load it with brenekke slugs and if I'm worried about cougars I load buckshot.

How much more effective is 5.56 sporting rifles with predator defense that would justify the purchase? I could understand the weight savings.

Also I understand that .223/5.56 is legit for deer but wouldn't that be more of an expert round with less room for error being a smaller round?
There's some out there
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I see too many people living in Toronto claiming it's the only place with jobs. Shitloads of companies allow remote working now, I work 100% from home and never set foot in an office. This lets me live somewhere affordable instead of a giant shithole city where all my money would go to the rent jew since houses cost a million dollars.
Younger people need to accept that if they want to live in a giant city the cost is WAY higher than living even 30-40 minutes outside of it and commuting.
Instead of spending their 20s drinking every day, financing a nu Hyundai, and blowing their pay on renting some condo downtown they could be saving that money and driving a beater. But that's not cool enough to instagram and their vapid shithead friends will judge them. Sorry, make some sacrifices. I own 3 cars now and a house, I'm mid 30s. I lived cheap as fuck renting a basement and driving a shitbox for years. Instead of spending $3k on flights and resorts to Mexico I saved that money for a down payment on a house, did this for years.

I don't mean to come off as a cruel dickhead but I've been poor as fuck and know how hard it is to crawl out from that. But I did it, no one handed me shit, so I don't accept the chronic grievances from people who did the wrong thing and now they're paying for it later in life.
S&B 55gr m193 is like 70CPR at magdump, scorpio 55gr is 75cpr, and freedom buckets are in stock everywhere
>he doesn’t know
Anon look up 77gr OTM terminal ballistics. Cangen also isnt google we dont exist to spoonfeed
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>people lost everything during covid, (...) their support networks
I kneel
532 instock results
More shots faster, with less recoil, which if you are being charged, could be a lifesaver, if you miss your first shot.
Also allows you to fire more warning shots to try and spook them off, as reloading is faster.
Your point about less margin for error may be valid though. I hear chugs hunt durr with 22lr, but obv they are all masters.
Arsenalforce has been broken for like three months anon
this, kept saying shit was in stock but then the vendor's site says out of stock

plus their search function wasn't working, tried finding X95 buttplate and it kept giving me random shit for bolt action rifles and recoil springs for pistols
Seems to be working for me, now.
Like i see over 1100 instock results for .308, which is around what it is supposed to be at. a few days ago it showed less than 200.
I just posted 5.56 green tips for 15.99/box at marstar
lol why would he leak that
Who is that?
Also Checked
Jewtube chemistry man

dis nigga is 8 feet tall kek
what is funny is there are people like him who are scared to run with a rifle in the woods meanwhile people like moleman blog themselves making TATP and try to recreate metcalf sniper attack on the electrical grid.
he looks like a hapa he should be scared of everything
What a fag
idk, like his artificial flavourings videos. Interesting stuffs.
i just youtubers by how many ads they permit in their videos, and this guy is fuckin horrendous. mandatory 30 second - 60 second start, riddled with 15-30 second ad breaks and even 60 second ones every 3-4 minutes. youtube doesn't allow this unless the creator permits it.
i have adblock but not on my smart TV. i don't watch his videos anymore because he's gotten too greedy.
Oh, yeah i didnt even notice, because adblocker.
Thus i only see the in-video ones, which is like 2seconds at the start, and then a big one at the very end which doesnt even matter.
now youve convinced his oogabooga ass he is an evil witchcraft practitioner. nile would be the first to go in a purge of the intelligentsia

get adblock caveman
>get adblock caveman
read the whole post, tardman
Get a pi-hole?
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I got one but it's more of a cake hole if ugnomesaiyan
Scarcity is a big part of housing prices.
I'm sure a certain someone bringing in one bergillion pajeetts over the last decade couldn't possibly have anything to do with it.

Which, admittedly, most parties want to happen, because of how big of a part of our economy real estate is.
Ford is trash but immigration is a federal matter and jeets are flooding the country because of fed policies. Provinces get no say in where those jeets end up, in fact feds force provinces to accept them and they're jammed into random places they shouldn't be like London, ON.

>here have 10,000 syrians in 3 months
>where will they live? work? what will they eat? who pays for this?
Your're just talking about ontario though, when housing prices have shit the fan in almost every province, because of, surprise, immigration
I really don't care to find housing for millions of jeets, the problem is they're here not that they have nowhere to live.
>I believe that we're better than that.
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this is a firearms board, you drooling cuck. It doesn't take a genius to realize when you import 10,000,000 more Type 81 LMGs than you really need the value of them and their services craters while the places to store them become more expensive.
that's European descended people.
I agree that we should increase density, specifically in the southern tip of ontario, and that is where we should send all the jeets. before fucking annihilating it with an h-bomb.
Were full, and i value the life of a single cedar tree over that of a thousand jeets.
>I believe that we're better than that
You’ll figure out what’s going on in the next few months or you’re NGMI. It’s not something we can truly get you to understand via communication on a Laotian wood carving forum. The synapses can only line up with first hand experience for some people
do fish cops really ghillie up and stalk people?
Only whites. If you’re brown and barbaric enough they’ll ignore you
I realize horse cops are RCMP but what are fish cops?
ok thanks im syrian btw
They're the guys that arrest fish when they eat another fish
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do you own a chocolate store?
the anti poaching jannys
why does the girl in the middle look like a babybel cheese thing

also you know you can simply use pic related on the only trail that goes to where you are? unless its illegal of course then dont do it.
Doesnt have a chamber or barrel so it's not a firearm, should be fine?
I haven't been able to find that type though, only ones i see on amazogg are the ones that use primers only, not shells.
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would be a real shame if their air conditioning failed and all that chocolate...MELTED.
You guys like conspiracies? Check this fuckin shit out

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you can get them from china. just make sure to position it far away enough from the road to not hurt the passers ears because that would be assault.
Shidd, guess it had been awhile since i checked.
My youtube on my phone has no ads and auto skips all in video ads and engagements
Whats the name of your adblocker?
Youtube revanced
Bruh i just got an ad on fucking netflix wtf is wrong with the digital world do i have to break out the VHS tapes to watch a goddamn movie in peace nowadays.
Watching No country for old men btw, certified /k/ino
Y'all should be pirating your audiovisual slop media. Never pay for that shit. Spend it on ammo instead.
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Arent they all doing that now? They'll probably be charging $200/mo in a few years too, which along with ads, is what got alot of people to ditch satellite TV for them in the first place.
Buy some dvd's, my nigger.
Despite the fact that all of those streaming services are being beamed around my house, i choose never to use them, because i dont want to have to sift through all that nigger and faggot shit they want to show me to try and find somthing good. Very little worth watching has been made in the last 10years.
between dvd's, jewtube with adblocker, archive.org, etc. i can get what i want./

I also really enjoy firearms
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uh, based.
I bought all the early Don Cherry Rock em Sock em's on VHS, lol
picrel, i also really enjoy firearms
Still worth more than every nigger, dead, living or yet to be born and their jew fellating enablers combined. Should never have been given drugs. Her death is on every liberal faggots hands. I suspect you are a glowie, writing this shit to assuage the guilt of men for having done nothing about it, to help make sure they never do.
22% off Tikka T3x's and Beretta 1301's.
I do not know who gave her the drugs; she started pot at 10 apperently, then moved to harder stuff at 12, presumably from the people she was interacting with.
However, she was found to have been in possesion of 'Fraser Health' branded drug merch; crack pipes and heroin needles, supplied by the govt.
pre-ordering is gay tho.
also, cull your links
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Ha. I'll give you my money when you actually have the product to sell, not just a promise.
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based on my forensic analysis of the link it seems he's on some kind of e-mail subscriber notification list.
it also seems that he has a 5 inch D and celebrates Eid.

I'll report back once I know more.
Did my dumbass just dox myself. Ohh well i'm sure the RCMP already knows i shitpost here.
There may or may not be a way to decode your email address, or other personally identifying information from that link.
source; my ass
It's not like you're buying something of unknown quality from a scammer. If you use a credit card you have literally nothing to lose.
I want that Sako Precision, but 6.5 prc is too similar to 6.5 Creed, wish it was chambered in 300 wingman.
It's a slimy business practice, that may be harmless in this particular instance, but should not be supported in any form, regardless.
You know you have about 30 days to pay off a credit card? It's very hard to get a charge stopped/reversed once you've paid that bill, and it'd be easy for vendors to just say it's coming - it's coming soon - it'll be here any day now - yep any second now I swear! - over and over again.
Purchasing a gun and having to ask your credit card/bank for help is a risky move too. You are likely to encounter some libshit faggot in their customer service department that will make it difficult or refuse to help because GUNS BAD.
I mean i mainly posted the link here as i know some anons want a 1301 but don't want to pay Benelli M4 prices for one. No need to get your panties in a bunch.
>It's very hard to get a charge stopped/reversed once you've paid that bill
This has not been my experience, but I haven't had to do it in a long time.
>i know some anons want a 1301
yeah i want one but i'm on the govt dole right now. (parental leave)
Thank you for your cervix
>m4 kang, 1301s are cool to.
I demand that you feel bad, now!
based and sadistpilled
I wouldn't mind one but with a possible election looming I'm keepin my bux ready for an AYE ARR FIFTEEN ASSAULT STYLE RIFLE
I thought the world was ending soon. Why wait for the election that will never come? Stock up on semiautos.
Why do you retards give (You)s to removed posts.
first day on 4chan huh Constable?
Groom and bride with a justice of the peace, ready tonseal the deal.
those bedsheets will look like a blackforest cake by morning
Do you use it with an account for the comments and stuff or just the stuff you can do without logging in? Someone IRL recommended to me recenntly but I didn't think to ask at the time. I like shitposting in live chats and such so that would be important for me. Otherwise I can still use it on my computer with the adblocks and whatever there.
"urban camo"
What happens when your license expires while your renewal application is still going through?
It blends in those rick mercer alleys
That doesnt look like a pride flag :/
your door gets kicked in at 2 am
Enormous PP says he is going to install a 'grace period' of 1 year past expiry.
but, until that day comes; if your license expires; you are no longer permitted to possess firearms, thus are in illegal possession of them, and can have your entire asshole rearranged at any second, especially if you own restricteds.
You people are so fucking dumb it's painful. A job is just a means to an end. What're you getting all chummy for? Do the job, collect the cheque, and go home.
Work colleagues are among the only real social contact many people have outside their immediate families.
Imagine ignoring all of them just to go home to talk to your cat; your only friend.
Construction is for retards (you)
Many people should try making friends outside of work and forming an actual family, instead of sperging in front of limp-wristed retards who report you for a naughty word.
NGMI + good morning dalit
>turning your job into your social life/hobby/all you do outside your home
>saying others have no friends
lmao this post is incredible

at least I can make nazi jokes with the polish painter instead of worrying about my "work friends" being bitches
Yes it works with an account you just have to do a 13 step thing on the reddit post
Thanks bud will give that a look
Best to apply 6 months prior to it expiring. That gives RCMP more than a reasonable amount of time. If somehow they still hadn't processed your renewal or informed you it won't be renewed because of your internet thought crimes and pepe posting after 6 months, I think they'd hard pressed to make a legal argue against you still having your guns. That's a ridiculously long time to wait for something to be "approved". If you wait til 1-2 weeks before it expires you're just setting yourself up for trouble.
I am a white collar office worker and one of my (female) colleagues just described something she didn't like as "gay" over an email lol. She's also complained about how our country "used to speak english" too.
The occupiers of /k/ say that we're /pol/lite. We should be proud of that label. /pol/ is the heart and soul of 4chan. Without /pol/, 4chan would be no different from any other normie site.
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What a horrible and slanderous title. How dare they compare us to those moderates at /pol/.
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politics is gay, no one gave a fuck about politics in their daily lives 20 years ago and now it's a constant obsession for every other person. very unhealthy.
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>Dude did you hear about what (political candidate) said about (topic)
I just wanna shoot guns
Can anyone suggest me a good backpack, something for both every day use and larping and made in a 1st world country (North America or Europe). Something preferably in OD green or another solid color.
Did you sars get your Timmies this morning? Nothing more Canadian than a Sausage Farmer's Wrap and a Double Double!
fuck off retard, there is no political solution
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yeah basically this. it's so unimportant. if politicians are actually trying to demonstrate to people that they make decisions adversely affecting every facet of their daily lives - it's just showing they're a problem that needs to be dealt with. not something good, but rather a nuisance.
politicians should do the bare minimum to keep shit running smoothly, that's it. realistically we shouldn't even know they exist if they're doing their job well.

Savotta Jaakari, comes in a few different sizes. Well made bags, looks kinda tacticool with the webbing on it. Anything that's great for LARPing won't be great for blending in/le gray man style though. Vise versa, all the "normie" backpacks I have from North Face or otherwise work well for commuting or flying somewhere but they're not great bush bags.
Mystery ranch? Goy.11?
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>"Hey Anon why are we using the Drive-Thru today, normally you go inside to get your breakfa-"
Thanks anon that's actually pretty good. Love supporting Scandinavian companies even though they charge the most they always manufacture the best quality products.
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Savotta stuff is basically buy once cry once, I have one of their ponchos and it's super heavy duty. If you really like organization and sorting stuff out, Maxpedition Falcon II or III are good options. Only gripe is the shoulder straps are a bit thin, most you'd want to put in one is about 25lbs.
I wish there was a way to look up places and sort results by whether white people work there or not.
I keep noticing on google reviews that people openly mention indians working there and the food/service sucks.
I've noticed Czech stuff, especially ammo (Sellier&Bellot) is a great brand. They're cheap but I've never had a missfire with them.
You can just assume every Tims is filled with jeets at this point, I've been to some pretty remote Tims in small northern towns and they still had a few jeets working at them.
They will literally travel to the ends of the earth to steal a service job from some teenager or elderly person who just needs to supplement their income.
The farmers wrap went down in quality is swear. It used to be my go to breakfast but now I just started making shit at home.
That thing is pure greasy goyslop and loaded with so much sodium. Stop eating slop. The price of slop is outrageous too.
Got chinese tube nods en route-NVG10/30s
Will tell cangen how they are. I’ve heard good things though. Only messed with gen 2+ before so if these at least compare to those they could be a good poorfag option
Should've spent the extra $1-2k on Canadian made NODs/tubes. You will be sorry anon, because I'm assuming you had to spend $5-6k for chink binos.
lol they are still going
maybe they should do R&D before putting out half assed guns again
I think the biggest downfall of these companies is catering to poorfags. They think they can put out a quality rifle for $2k when in reality it'd cost about $4k if made in Canada, paying fair wages, good QC on build and materials, etc.

They keep cutting corners, using old equipment, lousy final QC to reduce spoilage, rushed design to lower R&D costs, and all just to get it to market before something GOOD happens like the ban on AR15s is lifted.

>hurry up get this piece of crap to market before people can buy good guns again!!
its a boomer money sink trying to rip off as many people before the oic is lifted. no doubt headed by that john hipwell faggot gun surrendering boomer over at wolverine. penny pinching niggers trying to bait people. they should have done R&D on the 180b system 10 years ago before the oic hit. that way we'd have a backup right now. all the 180b problems would have been solved by now if they planned ahead of time but i guess they never saw it coming like naive boomers are
im just tired of their guns all together and their excuses
now we wait for IRG to finish their 180b designed gun. if it ever comes at this rate
True they could've done a lot, not going to side with them at all, but there was literally no way to know the libs would selectively ban certain black rifles and not others. If you'd asked me 10 years ago what guns I thought those faggots would ban I'd have said any polymer black rifle or AR variant without question, including AR180s.
The reality is that if things go well enough we'll all be able to own AR15s in a year's time or so. We might even see reductions in restrictions so they can be used like any other rifle, i.e. crown land vs. a range toy.
These companies putting out AR180s are definitely just trying to capitalize on a vacuum right now, they know it might disappear so they're trying to cut their losses.

This is why the logical conclusion has been to get an X95 or a Bren2.
remember when those boomers over at cssa cucked to the gun grab? how are they even still around after that? gunners hate their guts after the fact we know guns are getting unbanned now. they shot themselves in the foot cucking so early
goes to show boomers are the problem in the gun community and will turn on a dime if it suits them financially. i finally figured out why we've been losing to gun control for the last 30 years
it is those weakest links from within giving way to this insanity for at least 3 decades
these people need to be called out and separated from the gun community at large cause it makes gunners look bad having boomers sell their paperweights
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pulled from boomerfagnutz forum
it is so interesting looking through their archives to see how good Canada was before boomers wrecked it and said got mine bud
m16 with its own optic is kino
hopefully i can get one someday but i know they'll ask for an arm and leg
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I mean it's likely a product of corruption, boomer mentality is inherently selfish though. I'm sure CSSA fellas get nice little envelopes or gifts from a generous stranger for doing what they do. Not to mention their role is basically to placate the population in a way the politicians cannot. Except they're seen as traitors lol, not "reasonable allies" the way the liberals would intend them to be viewed.
Ultimately liberal faggots will do whatever they want so long as they control legislature, as we've seen for the past decade. Even if CSSA, CCFR, etc. were all shouting from rooftops about how evil these laws are the libs would plow on through with all their shit. OIC is a prime example of this, not even bothering to pose the question and just decreeing it like some fucking little medieval prince in the middle of the night.
I think there's enough of a grassroots presence among gun owners that we shouldn't comply with any gun grabbing, registries, etc. Boomers are still dependent on the government for their medical bills and pensions. Millennials and Zoomers know there's no pension or help from the government, so there's really no reason to respect them or comply.
Lol I've shot a nice few cope 180 rifles, (not mine) every fucking one of them over feeds the mag causing a jam. I even heard the $2500 R18 mk2 was the same.
Its one thing to fire a few mags and say hyuck she's mint bud, but can we at least get some decent field testing? Like come on
never forget those that will kick the ladder down on you cause we cant move forward until a lesson is learned. boomers time is almost up so good news a new more aware gun community is coming with vengeance. gen x is taking is the conservative route so looks like we may get a few wins here and there without em
gen y and zoomers wont inherit anything from the boomers cause they threw it all away for short term gain
in the end they got nothing and boomers will forever be seen as pieces of shit people not worth their salt. especially post pandemic
fuck them to hell
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You kinda answered your own question there.
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This man really does not care for boomers at all
nope. Spent 350$ for a night optic monocular that's supposed to be gen 2+ tier. I've fucked around with gen 2s before with green tubes and was really underwhelmed, it required an IR flashlight to be decent - these are supposed to give the same performance. I'm reticent but will hold out hope
>just buy Canadian Nods bro!
I'm already supporting chinks, I'm just cutting out the middle man.
someone told me over the phone
the boomers that voted liberal all their life are now suffering cause they cant afford to eat with their shitty pensions not worth a damn
karma is a bitch eh
fucking hilarious seeing em hurt like that
i'd beat one to a pulp in a self defense situation of course
that's the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen
Interesting to see all the banned accounts, too.
skeletonized parts look gross
>it's so unimportant
Our children will likely all be castrated, dissarmed, forced to learn hindi and all 1048 pronouns, just to survive.
But fuckit, ive got mine, son!
First comment
>looking forward to this one
Here we go again..
You're going to get dirt in your magwell, anon.
If it's any consolation we can take comfort in knowing the majority of customers for these atrocious garbagerods will be faggot redditors. It brings me some small measure of comfort to know they'll RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE about wasting another $2,000 on a POS gun breaks out of the box.
i still remember halloween 2009
i was with my mother going up to this boomer's 18th century cobblestone house. he was painting something outside
so sad how much we've lost
looking at the archives makes me even sadder
these memory fragments i have of 10 to 15 years ago still hit me today like a haunting seeing the decay now makes me want to go back to simpler times
something to fight for we once had
my favorite team was the bruins during the playoffs of 2013
i hope for greener pastures
brownells sells the optic as the retro colt scope
ive been debating to get one but im already running an acog
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>being a zoomer
>lamenting for the mid 2000s
>never getting to experience peak western civilization in the 1990s

High speed internet ruined the world. Dial up was still slow and arduous enough that people could only use it for basic stuff and brief periods of time before getting tired of it and doing other shit.
they fixed it this time boys!1!1!
i wasnt in a major urban centre so it was peak comfy
everyone got along and 99 percent of the community i ran into was White
it was the best time to pick up chicks too
every girl was banging and making White kids
>watch dad play Doom 2
>playing picrel on the family Pentium 200mhz pc
>downloading your favourite songs at 13kb/s from Napster
that was about the extent of PCs for me back in the day
3dfx games were mindblowing at the time
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>the first time you downloaded "nirvanagreatesthits.exe" from Shareazaa
In a SHTF scenario, is 223 better than 556? Considering there's way more of the former than the latter in Canada.
Janes combat sims were awesome
I still remember waiting 3 days to download The Matrix from Limewire and it ended up being Japanese piss porn
It's more or less the same shit, nigger.
556 guns can shoot both, but most 556 ammo is military style; fmj's steel cores etc, while 223 will be fancier stuff like match, hunting, varmint ammot.
Well it's far cheaper to stockpile, but not as accurate in most cases. Majority of .223 stuff I see is basic FMJ, whereas decent 5.56 has a steel penetrator with a boat tail. It costs more for a reason.

I think if it's truly a real SHTF situation, any gun that fires reliably and kills shit on the other end is best. If your gun shoots 5.56 and .223 you've got it made in the shade homefry.
is norma 308 any good? i've read reviews their ammo explodes if you shoot it
something about the bullets not being seated properly
probably made by shitskins inna sweatshop somewhere
but i need 308 for cheap
>I still remember waiting 3 days to download The Matrix from Limewire and it ended up being Japanese piss porn

ha yeah sometimes you would get really lucky, lots of hidden gems over the years led me to discovering awesome music I would've never known about or fetishes I could've done without.
Cheapest .308 I will trust is Remington Red and yellow box 150gr, I've found it on sale for $31 per 40rds. Never had a single misfire with it, reasonably accurate.
Both good points, thanks.
Also, I noticed /cfg/ is one of the best places to ask questions and get a straight answer. I've only had my PAL for six months, still learning, and you guys have helped me a lot. I've never been called a faggot or told to kill myself after asking a question.
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Weird way to spell 7.62x39 but ok.
i want to buy 308 in bulk though
i will pay the extra for pmc brand if i have to
kind of sketchy if a 308 blows up in your face
I remember playing a bunch of flash games during the early 2000's on Newgrounds, but they were simple games for kids, so I looked up "adult flash game" and ended up playing this Snake game but every level you passed, this cartoon fox thot would remove a layer of clothing. I never ended up being a furfag from that though, but I did want to fuck her.
I already have lots of that, and an SKS. May buy a type 81 too.
*Green and yellow box, my bad.

If you want bulk .308 you should probably look for bulk 7.62x51, it's technically less powerful so it'll shoot fine from any .308 gun. I would only trust American surp 7.62 though.
kek I played the "Madness" flash games relentlessly for years, they were great because we could play them on school computers without issue. Newgrounds had a game where you jack off a giant dick too, and some japanese woman would just scream "BLOW YOUR LOAD" like quick time event. They just don't make em like they used to.
so based
i used to play miniclip games with my friends on the computer back 2008
remember that game where you shoot the ball at the other play in the water with your squirt gun while on your raft?
another game we played was the bartender game mixing drinks to find recipes
we used to ride our bikes in the community to the local mom and pop shop to buy ice cream after school
things were so quiet and laid back you could hear the swing sets rustle after swinging
the things i would do to go back in time
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You should get a type 81
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>so much time wasted playing Smashing on Miniclip

these games really were the precursor to the horrid timesucking mobile games we have now lol
me and my gang of bike thieves would harass any faggot we see in public
one time we made this mixed race kid named christian cry so bad he begged for him momma
223 and 556 mean basically the same thing here. All m193 is technically “.223” despite being the standard 5.56 military ammo for dozens of countries.
Stop shilling you know who, chink.
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What the fuck are you talking about? I was suggesting he get something better like GSCI NODs instead of the chinkshit he bought. Plenty of places to buy NODs now.
>excessive pressures
You can probably shoot 556 ammo in a 223 gun with an adjustable gas system though, right?
there is literally no 556 in the country
im assuming boomers got the memo and started stockpiling for the big bang
I'm sure you CAN do a lot of things, but it may not be a good idea. The pressure spike happens as the gases expand, but it may be too late by the time some of that gas is bled off by the gas sytem as those ports are typically 2/3 or 3/4 of the way down the barrel.
G4C have PMC 5.56 45 grain "frangible" rounds, whatever that is. Although for the past few months I think PMC X-Tac has been the only 5.56 available.
>45 grain

nigga what the fuck, 55gr is the bare minimum you want, ideally 62gr
Why don't manufacturers see this untapped market and just produce more 556 to fill the void? They could charge whatever they want and people would buy it.
Unless they are producing as much as they can and it all goes to Ukraine or something.
If 556 blows up a 223 gun, the gun was a POS anyways.
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>I never ended up being a furfag
>but I did want to fuck her
Domestic manufacturers would have to build up supply chains from the ground-up to keep costs low, and in the meantime risk getting wiped out every time foreign imports arrive.
OK, but it still blows up when you're holding it.
Idk about you but if I'm putting something inches away from my eyes and brain that generates 55,000PSI - I tend to pay attention to headstamps.
But nobody makes “223 platform” guns anymore. They’re all either 5.56 or hybrid chambers. Most guns that are advertised in canada as “223” are done so to make it easier to import and are actually 5.56 eg. the lel kek rdb or the famae sg-540
Define “Norma ammo” they have several lines at several prices
I literally posted some yesterday and I'll post it again
Nigger I have access to good nods, I’m saying this is an experiment chill the fuck out.
Fucking nailed it. Now everything is instant on, cameras everywhere in order to get group consensus everywhere, at any time, everything is recorded, its a "novelty" to do something that doesn't involve something electronic. We are truly in hellish times.

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