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A Very Wise Man Edition

Previous thread: >>62477651

Lying about medical record: GOOD (YMMV)
Lying about criminal record: BAD


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS, as well study guides for ASTB-E

Airforce Pilot guide - just do AFROTC, political science major, 4.0 with athletics is auto-acceptance

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole. http://i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

Any of you guys go through S2S? What's it actually like once you finish all of the training and get to a unit
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Try glowing a little less FSB-anon
Is it worth joining the US military in 2024? I got tired of trying to get a regular job or bother with college, I'm not very booksmart so I flunked college hard because I suck at english research papers and math (Not joking the school system I went to was a piece of shit with very bad teachers so I somehow missed out on a couple of essential math classes and probably do not have a proper math education so anything above basic algebra I'm unfamiliar with) but I have a good memory and everyone says I have a good work ethic.

My only concern is making a shitload of money and completely forgetting and getting rid of everyone in my life (family, friends, girls, etc) I'd prefer the navy or coast guard because I like water. I would have done this out of highschool but there is 1 big fucking problem and that is that my right leg was horribly mangled in a childhood accident and it feels REALLY weird to put pressure or weight on it. It doesn't hurt but It feels like my muscles are popping in and out of place or something and It's troublesome to run with so would that disqualify me from any service?
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Pipeline for cool jobs like this??
>it's the prussians
Except now the p is silent.
As long as you understand polynomials, factoring, and the area and perimeter of objects, you should be good. Basic trig and memorizing the unit circle, and understanding of pulleys and gears will help with the physics portion. Plenty of resources online.

Regarding your leg, sounds like tendonitis. Exercise can actually strengthen your tendons.
Marine open contract, 6 years
Hello anons, I want to join the Army, looking at something in the 35 MOS series. The recruiter told me about all the schools I could go to (airborne, air assault, ranger, blah blah) but I heard that only infantry gets to go there. Is that true?
Aight sounds good then also its not tendonitis its lasted ever since the accident.
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Get a real job instead.
Good morning, sunshine!
It's 8:42 PM here in Peoria.
The OP picture is too subtle, so you aren’t spreading your ideology to anyone, Dirlewangerfag.
Why don't you support our military allies like Pinochet?
Well shit
17 months is far enough away to make me consider elsewhere but close enough that I feel like I'd be fucking myself if I went elsewhere. Air Force seems so much better than the other options.
Colorblind so don't think I could even get good jobs in the Navy. Feb 2026 I'd be 30 feels late
I have a real job I'm 28. I want the benefits and retirement package
You can get those working at a hospital.
>t. NEET
>Air Force seems so much better than the other options.

Choose thy job wisely and it can easily be. Had I to do it all again I'd only have enlisted earlier to retire sooner. You can fully vest retirement and medical for life in 20 years which is the main thing but chilling for the pay bumps can be wise. AFSC don't follow you out the gate but money certainly does.

Max out your TSP etc. Money makes life usable.
I work for a Christian non-profit that helps homeless vets.
Wisdom. If you can't manage to have fun in the Air Force you're likely retarded. Do not be a cop or work on anything that doesn't fly unless it's computers.
What percentage were obviously losers before they enlisted? What percentage are FULLY RETIRED?

Homeless vets often become homeless because they're too stupid to function without structure. I expect other vets to have their shit together more not less than pure civilians.
Most of them were recruited by predatory scumbags right out of high school.
The text is from the Air Force recruiter, can't apply again til 2026.
20 year retirement is not a civilian benefit and hospitals pay pretty low comparatively unless you live somewhere that minimum wage is still 7.25 or have a relevant degree like radiology
That isn’t work, that’s volunteering, sweetie. Get a job first then give career advice
>I heard that only infantry gets to go there
I am happy to hear that you don't seem to have believed whoever you heard this from, because that's definitely not true. Hell, you can enlist with an Option 4 to go straight to airborne school after (maybe before, I forgot) AIT.

>Even the Air Force is trying to get people to go Navy nuke
holy hell. Anyway if you're still set on the Air Force, and you happen to be trying to go cyber, you could use this time to get a cert to start as E-4 in the Stripes for Cyber program. This will still leave a lot of time between now and then, but at least it won't be totally wasted.
Is Nuke critically underhanded and shitty or something?
Also my dream AFSC was 1N3 so I think I might be able to do something near it elsewhere but my wife hates the idea (she's egyptian so hates Israel and thus most the US military) so I'm a bit in a pickle until I get more concrete ideas
Imagine being this mind-broken
No nuke is just critically hard, and laborious. There is a reason why the bonus is so beefy. Long working hours, and not a lot of availability for port calls since you’re the last off, and first on, the boat.
Infantry to 35 series here.
Sign an option 4 contract with whatever MOS you like and it's guaranteed in writing that you'll go to Airborne. Getting it later in your career is more difficult, you'd have to reenlist for it or get lucky. MOS immaterial.
>air assault
Sign an option 19 for Campbell and you will definitely go. Sign an option 19 for Schofield Barracks and you will probably go if you ask for it. Go to Benning and you will probably go if you ask for it as well, I think they have an air assault school there. Other places, it's a maybe. MOS immaterial.
Drop a packet as any MOS and there's a decent chance. Slots are limited, but the number of people who actually go is also fairly small outside of fresh 2LTs and batt boys, so maybe your unit has slots. MOS immaterial, graduating gives you 11b as a secondary MOS if you're E-5 or below (iirc), but combat arms have the priority here. If you get tabbed as a 35 series, people will basically worship the ground you walk on.
>general 35 series shit
There are tons of other schools and courses that are specific to your MOS, some aren't publicly known, some have content I can't talk about on here. There are tons of other military schools that are MOS immaterial that you might get a slot for if you get the right combination of lucky, in the right place, at the right time, and qualified for.
Just fucking go 35N and option 19 for Meade, spend your first contract doing strategic shit and networking at the agency, then apply for any of the spooky programs out there once you're E-4 or E-5 since most of them will send you to every fucking school under the sun anyway.
I'm colorblind anyways so I can't get it. Seems like the navy hates colorblind people so idk if it's viable
go airforce.
Some other anon in the last thread mentioned the CISSP. I never heard of it and I fell into a rabbit hole of information surrounding IT certifications. Sounds like it might be worth pursuing even if I never use it, but I think navycool will cover it. The question I have for you guys is will this still be as marketable for me later as people suggest if I only have a secret level clearance or do I HAVE to have top secret?
How pissed do recruiters get if you drop the process with them to pursue a different branch
Why does the Navy pick up the people everyone else fails?
Army harassed me for a bit after I dropped them to look at other options but I don't think they get super mad unless you cost them a ton of investment and were annoying to deal with the whole way
can you drop a packet as a 12 series?
Quick question /meg/gers - I want to go National Guard after my Army contract, but with a different MOS. When is the best time to reclass?
That TS will just provide you greater access to jobs that require a TS. There are still plenty of opportunities for those who only hold a Secret
I can probably obtain TS, but I don't think I can initiate that process on my own. What are my options?
Are you already in?
Then you have access to far better resources. Talk with your chief about how you can go about getting a billet that requires TS, and they will be able to coordinate with your career counselor
kek, based NEET who doesn't understand the difference between profits and wages/salaries. Hint: workers don't benefit from profit
>recruited by predatory scumbags right out of high school.
Many such cases. I can't imagine how empty and soulless the careerist husks who do this shit must be. Truly Hell-bound monsters, every last one of them.
This is an embarrassing post anon
That really got under your skin?
They might be literal demons tbdesu
No? I'm not the one who made the post. Just pointing out that he should be embarrassed about being an adult and not knowing the difference between working for a charity and doing charity work.
The US military isn't for-profit, therefore nobody in the military has a job.
And you assume there is a lack of understanding about this? Anon, the point is that the guy who pretends to volunteer helping veterans is in no place to give advice about building a military career given that he has no relevant experience. Couple that with suggesting a poor alternative and you see a lack of demonstration of general career knowledge that NEETs tend to demonstrate
>And you assume there is a lack of understanding about this?

There was clearly a lack of understanding because he told him to get a job, and said he was volunteering. I don't know what happened in the post chain before that and I don't care. The point is that working for non-profits is a very real job, and you can make quite a lot of money doing it depending on your role in the organization.
Nobody said anything about volunteering besides you.
Wrong, retard. If you work for a non-profit organization, then you are a volunteer who doesn't make money. Doctor at a non-profit hospital? You're a volunteer and do it for free.
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You're wrong, and I'm not continuing this discussion because you're an obvious troll.
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It sounds like you're taking an obvious insult pretty personally for someone who wasn't a part of that back-and-forth. Fact-checking insults is peak autismo behavior, friendo
Welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay, newfriend.
>thin-skinned faggot pretends he is a rock hard "4chan veteran"
Touch grass and stop taking insults that aren't directed towards you so personally. You're no different than someone who hears the N word and uses it as an excuse to chimp out.
lol you're so confused about whom you're replying to
Funny how anonymity works. You shouldn't need me to explain why that confusion exists on this site. Like >>62524238 said, welcome to 4chan and enjoy your stay!
I started lurking /b/ in 2005 and posting on /b/ in 2007.
i've been here since 1999 you newfag
Glad to see you have spent nearly 20 years here. I hope you spend 20 more!
Once you're here, you're here forever.
This website has been around for over two decades, and most people never stop posting here once they start. There are plenty of posters who have been around longer than I have.
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>I started lurking /b/ in 2005 and posting on /b/ in 2007.
The best part is that I'm only 31.
So what mil branch did you join/are you looking to join?
For the love of god do not pick nuke
t.former nuke
wouldn't it be a better move to commision half way through so you get paid more?
None. I'm not retarded lol.
Cool, nice to have to you here in the Military Enlistment General
It's not "encourage people to enlist in the military" general. It's just "Military Enlistment General." Do you think you're not allowed to criticize the games on /vg/ just because the threads are all generals about those games?
No but I am allowed to think people that go to threads they don't like habitually are unhinged and dysgenic.
Only one of us posts here day and night FOR FREE.
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You can't be a Nuke if you are colorblind, unfortunately. You need to be able to interpret warning lights and shit. You become a Nuke to get out, employers compete over you, lots of jobs once you discharge (6 year Nuke MM)
>You become a Nuke to get cancer
FTFY. not service-related, of course
You? Because it definitely isn't me
Sorry sweaty, trust the science, only 1 cancer case per 10,000 based on an effective does of 2 REM (which you only get ~500 mrem at most in one enlistment).
Exactly. The cancer isn't service related. It's just a coincidence.
Or a joke
You will never be a real recruiter. You have no contract. You have no rank.
Why are you malfunctioning? I didn't even lace that hard into you this time. Did something happen in another one of the dozen+ threads you're shitposting in?
Why won't anyone enlist?
>nerve status: struck
>needs to have the last word
If he can't read the sticky he should absolutely go for that 75K Bonus. That will have him set for years!
I had a 5th grade-equivalent education, and I received a 77 on the AFQT. Verbal Expression/VE (Word knowledge and Paragraph comprehension) is weighted 2x, you don't seem to have issues with that so you'll do well. Take your time and use the process of elimination.
For your goals in particular, I'd purchase a study guide and focus on the science portion, qualifying for something that pays well on the outside.
>I had a 5th grade-equivalent education
least retarded ZOGbot
You're just mad because the military has people who run over retarded insufferable creatures like you with their pick-up trucks. I don't want to have to own a pick-up truck or I'd join, too.
So I’ve been working through an Army HPSP for dentistry for the past few months. I have permanent high-frequency hearing loss in both ears from birth, and wear hearing aids. I disclosed all of this to my HPSP recruiter, but he was optimistic about getting a waiver (they always are, I know) so I went forward with it just to see what happens. I put it in my medical history when I submitted to MEPS. It’s been over a month now and we still haven’t heard back from MEPS pre-screening. Is it safe to assume that I didn’t even pass pre-screening? I won’t be surprised if I didn’t but just want to know what my expectations should be.
>can barely read
>calls others retarded
I said I'm colorblind, so I can't get it even if I was retarded enough
I know that
Unfortunately already got cancer, that was the disqual

I'm looking at CTI if I do Navy. It seems to be the least Navy thing with very little being on the boats, and it's the equivalent of the 1N3 I wanted in the Air Force.
If I was disqualified until 2026 here, when I would get out in 2028/2029 would I be able to do AFROTC and actually get through or would the DoDMERB be bigger dicks about this? Could I get the DLI Bachelor's after taking an intermediate course and doing a few CLEPs and drop a viable packet to do Army OCS without having to waste 3 more years on Uni for ROTC?
If I take the Navy route I think my goal would be to use it to springboard to officer because I have almost no desire to be Navy enlisted, especially for a career. is this viable? I'd prefer Air Force officer route but if I could save the 3 years from not doing ROTC and just drop a packet with the Army I would 100% take that.
How about you just get a real job?
I have a real job, I'm 28. I want the benefits package and to retire earlier.
You're better off becoming a firefighter.
Fuck that, I want a desk job. There's a reason I wanted 1N3/CTI
There are plenty of local government jobs out there.
Ok, I want the benefits package and retirement of the military. I do not want to retire in my 60's or 70's.
I have a civilian job. I've been an adult for some time and had plenty of time to contemplate things. I've already been to MEPS and got a disqualification, your bot ass trying to discourage me with the same talking points twice in the thread is not going to work.
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>y-y-you're a bot
I'm a fellow American trying to save you from the suffering and regret that comes along with being a ZOGbot.
Brother I don't give a shit
I care about you and love you, which is why I think it's a bad idea for you to join the military. Anyone trying to talk you into it doesn't give a fuck about you at all.
Just quit replying.
You are an incredibly self-righteous fag who's value and time are mutually worthless.
if you stop replying to him we wont have a problem you fucking retard.dont need another one of these threads destroyed by him. dont know how he got past the ban
imagine being emotionally invested in the direction of a 4chan thread lmao
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What value does a 33 year old have with a 4 year IT degree have to the National Guard? I would want to do aviation, but I believe I am too old now.
No value. Don't bother.
career advice is something that should be taken serious. stop ban evading
I'm not banned, schizo-kun. That's how I'm posting.
You're close to some age limits. If I remember right, WOFT won't take applicants over 33 years old.
Look into cyber or MI, if you have a degree in IT you might have a leg up when applying for those fields. You should also look into commissioning.
>What value does a 33 year old have with a 4 year IT degree have to the National Guard?

That's not how the equation works. The question is what value does the National Guard bring to (You). The military will get however much value from you they want. You need to figure how to get the most from them.
You mean like stealing office supplies?
pretty sure guard flight warrant has a higher age limit 35+. give it a shot.
Hello, I am Bob Johnsonovich from Nebraska oblast, and I am here as a fellow American to warn you from joining the corrupt NATO military. If you have additional concerns, please ask your answers to me.
post guns
I own many automatics rifle and shotgun shooter. I am a geniune American patriot and I warn you to not serve the NATO military. The NATO will inject vaccines that make you homosex and obesity.
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Benefits and an early retirement are important, the military is a good option for me.
>LARPs as NatSoc
>wants to serve ZOG
Do whatever you think will help yourself out. The military isn't a normal employer who is trying to find the BEST candidate who meets all their qualifications. They are trying to find ENOUGH candidates who meet all their qualifications.

If you think the military is good fit for you then do it. They won't say no.
Your mom has good taste in dining room table cloth. Funny how you went out of your way to own the Army version of the Tisas 1911, despite hating the military lol
It's not the Army version. It's a 9mm. Also, my wife picked that set out.
Militarism is a strong part of fascism
>muh wife
Nobody with a 9mm 1911 gets pussy. You can be in as much denial as you want, but deliberately owning a 1911 mocked up to look like the Army version tells us all that you wanted to play soldier but the Army told you no. Given how low their entry requirements are, you must be one sad sack of shit if you couldn't even get in.
It was also a big part of the USSR. That doesn't mean fascism and communism were aligned lmao.
>you wanted to play soldier but the Army told you no
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Good thing this is America which was also opposed to the USSR.
Will defend a country that allows me to buy natsoc shit and guns. The best part of being an American is I can do this and Germans can't
>does he know?
We literally aligned with the USSR to stop Nazi Germany from saving the world lmao
>"man" who owns a 9mm "1911" claims to not be retarded
Lawdie where do people like you even come from. I am embarrassed on your behalf.
I like being able to share ammo with my BHP. Plus, there's more capacity, and .45 isn't that much more powerful than 9mm anyway.
interesting, anything else you want to add
to be honest anon, if I went into the guard I would want to not be in anything IT related. I hate it in the civilian world and not something I would want to do in uniform. I had talked to a recruiter that was at my uni 6 or so years ago when I graduated and they also mentioned officer. I know life would be kinda easier having a butter bar on my shoulder, but apart from that what would be other benefits of being an officer rather than enlisted? (pay also obviously)
The value to me would being able to serv my country a little bit every month/year, but not have it be everyday of my life.
Big if true anon. I honestly would love to serve and fly a Chinook or Blackhawk once a month, 2 weeks a year. tmk from guys that are in full time a lot of them aren't even getting their full flight hours and even less so for full officers so being in the Guard sounds like I would get the same amount of seat time too.
Imagine feeling compelled to make excuses for a poor gun purchase while on /k/. You bought off-brand cheap knock-off shit chambered in the wrong caliber. Just accept the sub-par choice you made and live with it, poorfag
If you have a bag of coffee, post it. I'm genuinely curious what brand of coffee you drink. I will explain my rationale following you posing the pic.
I'm living with it by buying more guns. The best part is, I can use them whenever I want and don't have to check them out of an armory lmao
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I don't really drink coffee but I'm curious.
This is what I keep in the house. Didn't buy it and only really drink it during hunting season
Oh wow, I am so jealous that you are planning to buy more knock-off Turkshit! What's next, an RIA AR-15 chambered in .22LR for "more capacity"? Hahahaha!
>planning to
already have, coper
Damn, you just love getting shat on and coming back for seconds. Tell your mom I want to fuck her on that tablecloth and I'll pay her enough to buy you a .410 shotgun, since you seem to like shooting girlie calibers
>Didn't buy it and only really drink during hunting season
Throw it out, its expired.
Friendly reminder to check the Best Before date when you buy your can; people drink shitty, expired coffee their entire lives and never question their behavior.
>deranged ZOGbot reveals his scat fetish
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I drink gongfu tea, also the bag is fairly new, since it's hunting season.
Good taste. I think you are quite upscale despite flying the natsoc flag. As promised, my rationale:
I'm a retard and trying to be funny, and thought I could mix in a joke depending on the coffee type. French roast would be funny, but all the real roasting happened in Poland. Ohh well.

I don't see eye to eye with your core philosophy, but thank you for humoring me.
He doesn't have a core philosophy. He would have been one of the guys spared from punishment after the war because he would have had no problem abandoning National Socialism to work for ZOG. Only true believers who refused to collaborate were executed.
>literally knows nothing about post-WW2 Nazis
>pretends he knows what a "true believer" is
You can't possibly believe The History Channel or Mark Felton taught you everything there is to know about muh Nazis, right?
you guys wanna bs? make another thread
Everything I said was true, and you know it. The Nuremberg Trials were for the Nazis who refused to work with ZOG. This is a fact.
I'm not really a nazi I just collect WW2 things and thought the flag would be appropriate to make the point that fag's posting about ZOG to dissuade people are retarded.
I knew you were just a LARPer lmao
He's just some faggot that idolizes Dirlewanger. He just thinks Nazis are cool because he thinks murdering civilians is heckin based, which is also why he gets really butthurt when people here shit on Russia. Rather odd for a guy claiming to love Nazis to get so defensive about the nation that killed the most in WW2.
Direlwanger was a psycho faggot. I don't even like the Nazis that much outside of Hitler's retard charm. Mussolini's National Syndicalist government had a much more coherent economic model.
Collecting isn't LARPing
Old /k/ was full of collectors
Also, Russia is run by jewish organized criminals, and they deserve every ounce of criticism they get.
Can someone give me some feedback besides the guy wasting his life trying g to dissuade the 10 people on this board from getting a job
ZOG enlistment confirmed for Satanic
you got a complicated situation. email jake zweig at jake.zweig@gmail.com he can help you out. he's gonna say some bs about the color blind shit though which i wouldnt pay too much mind too.
Just think of him like a raving homeless lunatic that sits in front of a recruiter's office. Look at how he is franticly trying to steer you off. It hurts him on a personal level to see someone do what he couldn't because he couldn't keep his fat mouth shut during basic, where he proudly declared he was going to Afghanistan to shoot women and children.

Anyways, going IT with the intent of commissioning is no issue at all. Your goal by enlisting is to accelerate your opportunities at commissioning either through AFROTC or by going directly to OCS. Honestly, you might go to OCS faster than completing your contract, but no promises.
Why email this dude? What's this meme
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Jake Zweig looks a lot like based hero Christopher Dorner
>schizo retard who pretends to be a recruiter thinks I'm the Dirlewangerposter
kek, I've been smoking weed every day of my life since I was 16.
he runs a mentorship program and has been doing ti for 20 years. if you want military career advice he is the guy to go to.
He's just some guy on youtube that talks about the Navy. Nothing special and hardly the right resource for you to learn from. The homeless lunatic is just throwing out dead ends and random information from all of his years of learning about the military he pretends to have always hated.
They're getting rid of pension benefits, take it from the AWOL infantryman who bailed on the losing them, if you wanna die for people who hate you, ZERO monetary gain because inflation and immigrants, and dwindling benefits then go for it
But again, it's 4 dollars an hour because you're staying on base 24/7 as a fuzzy fuzzy, they won't raise up the pay even despite inflation, and they STILL got rid of pensions lel

If you need just anti zog training, you can learn most on your own
I didn't post that, dummy.
>geriatric Millenial thinks smoking weed is cool
Why are you sliding your own thread btw?
he has a 100% acceptance rate for getting guys into the service academies , has mentored 300 guys in the past 5 years, and has 3 guys in buds right now. stop being a total fag and lying to fuck people over dude.
I'm not OP, and my point is that I never could have been accepted in the ZOG military even if I wanted to (which I never did), because I could never pass a drug test.
And tell me what that has to do with this kid's desired path? He's not going to BUD/s or an academy. He is looking to enlist and later commission via ROTC or OCS.
retard fight!
>“The Illinois State Police will not revoke Firearm’s Owner’s Identification Cards based solely on a person’s legal use of adult use cannabis. Pursuant to both State and Federal law, a person who is addicted to or a habitual user of narcotics is not permitted to possess or use firearms. Accordingly, the ISP will revoke FOID cards where it is demonstrated that an individual is addicted to or is a habitual user of cannabis. The ISP would also revoke or deny the FOID cards of those who violate certain provisions of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. The use of cannabis is still considered to be illegal by the Federal government and the purchase of a firearm from a federally licensed firearms dealer is governed by Federal law.”
I got my FOID card while having an active medical marijuana card lmao.
yeah just be willfully ignorant. why do you think i would recommend someone who has mentoring guys in all branches and jobs in the military for the past 20 years? use your brain on this one
the last guy who shilled up these threads got perma banned. you have something to look forward to.
Because you're setting the bar much higher than is necessary. He can go ahead and watch some of Jake Zweig's stuff, but it isn't going to give him the specific information he needs to assess his career decisions.
What exactly am I shilling for? Not wasting your life in the US military?
you're an actual retarded guy.I didn't tell him to watch his videos i told him to email him so he can get one on one advice for his situation.
>pretends to have a medical marijuana card and a gun
This is just pathetic. Weed isn't cool anymore, grandpa. You aren't a gangsta. You are a pasty white loser living in a shithole flyover state.
>t. Homeless lunatic ranting and raving and spreading disinfo
Go away, Dirlewangerfag
what have you achieved in your life?
Man I'm just asking if the DoDMERB will disqualify me for something that should be waivered on the enlisted side by 2026
20 years of constant 4chan use, apparently
i am not that other guy. stop lying about jake zweig you fucking sperg. have some fucking shame.
"White" isn't an insult on 4chan, newfriend.
Just last week I got a homeless vet into housing.
you're deliberately lying to counter signal my advice to deliberately sabotage people seeking advice in these threads.you're trying to fuck people over, because you're a failure and need attention
>my advice to deliberately sabotage people seeking advice in these threads
thanks for admitting it
dont know just send the guy an email and he will get back to you and help you out. this other guy is a legit schizophrenic
Which is really funny because it's so easy to find other resources elsewhere that are immediately helpful. He really thinks he can prevent someone from joining the military and it's the reason God put him on this earth. Like I said, a raving lunatic.
>this other guy is a legit schizophrenic
I'm trying to help this kid get a career in the service, you vatnig disinfo shill.
i cant tell what the hell is going on this thread anymore
Everyone must now post coffee to prove they are not skitzos
That's what that the shill posting about Jake Zweig is trying to do. He comes in to derail /meg/ because he's a loser.
1 faggot with nothing better to do is trying to give a kid bullshit advice while at least 2 people are countering him and calling him out. The faggot in question does this on a regular basis and goes batshit each and every time.
>t. Faggot with nothing better to do than post on 4chan
do you expect not to be ip banned again?
Had a ts/sci coming out and without a bachelor's I really couldn't find much.
I've never been IP banned from 4chan.
why does /k/ attract more of these freaks than any other board holy shit. why dont you go troll on /out/ or some shit they could use the traffic.
Why did you brag about being on here for 20 years if you think using this site is bad?
We're in the same boat.
/mu/ is by far the worst and it's not even close
Go to /gg/ on /mu/ the whole thing is actual schizophrenic posting a dead Brazilian guy's cock
All generals are cancer desu
Nobody here is like you or wants to be associated with you, even the other actual Nazi in this thread.
>I'm not really a nazi
Also, we're all posting on 4chan instead of doing anything else. It's a pointless waste of time, like playing video games or masturbating. But it's also fun, like playing video games or masturbating.
this thread is gonna be so nonsensical when every one of his posts gets deleted again.
>owns a flag with a swastika
>not a nazi
Actions speak louder than words. Like your actions demonstrate how you are obviously a complete loser with a grudge that you are misdirecting towards random people on the internet, while pretending to be some upstanding non-profit worker who is doing social justice.
I hope it does happen so you can see what a schizo you are for thinking I'm the OP.
If you're not having fun posting on 4chan, then why are you here? You're aware this is a comedy website, right?
There is only one faggot on this board that idolizes Pinochet
I don't idolize Pinochet or anyone else who worked with the CIA.
This is a forum for all sorts of discussion. You misuse it as a place to seek negative attention, which is why jannies regularly clean your activity up. I would love to see your rage boil reading through the last /meg/ thread, seeing how much productive discussion people still have despite all of your "hard work" to get /meg/ banned for being "off-topic". I am going to go make dinner, so if you read this you are gay. Have another rotten lonely night and don't forget to tell your mom I really liked her tablecloth.
It's an image board, not a forum.
Tbh I'm just waiting around before work (night shift) I can't really do much better things right now besides read a book or something
>An imageboard is a type of Internet forum
Aaaaackshuwaleeee lmao you're funny but we are all laughing AT you, not with you. Respond if you are gay, and tell your mom how much I want to fuck her on top of her tablecloth.
That's fine. Like I said, this website is a place to fuck around and have fun. I feel bad for anyone who posts here and isn't having a good time, but that's on them.
I guess his frozen meal for one is already done microwaving lol.
Mega based
Mega based
I'm 18 years old and want to join the marines, infantry of course. How can I ensure I see action?
See action where?
In battle.
Anons, if I end up getting slotted for a job I don't like in the Air Force, can I choose to retrain into another job? How long do I have to wait until I can do so? Can I choose any job?
(I'm actually asking about the Space Force but since nobody here is in the Space Force and they're basically the same branch anyways, I'm asking like this)
I have a feeling this is the schizo chud who got kicked out of bootcamp attempting to troll me
I'm the Jake Zweig guy.
Prove it
Join the Guard, you'll actually deploy + you'll see real action during the upcoming chimpouts
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im the jake zweig guy. not >>62528829
clown .what the hell is going on?
No, you're the dirlewangerschizo
I know you're the real Jake Zweig guy because of your typing style. It's just dirlewangerschizo trying to derail the thread AGAIN because he got kicked out of boot camp
I don't want to fire on American citizens.
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>not going 35T to get a comfy IT job that comes with useful certifications while the other retards are sweeping the barracks and scrubbing toilets
35L is a cooler job
flunked out of high school, don't have my ged can i get a good job in the navy?
Go cyber, not IT. Cyber is cool hacking shit, IT is help desk and troubleshooting.
You can't, whether you deploy or not is out of your hands. The GWOT is mostly over.
>How can I ensure I see action?
dont join the marines. if you want to see action go army and go to ranger selection or sfas. marines are the last to fight and first to leave these days.
About to be homeless does the military give you a place to stay while your in the process of being recruited? I don't think I have enough savings to waste them on staying in a hotel however fucking long it takes to get enlisted these days. Can I just knock on the door and get in? I've heard it takes weeks for them to ship you out.
They don't, unfortunately, though on a case-by-case basis some recruiters might do something out of the goodness of their hearts.
Well that fucking sucks, If I had a passport I'd probably unironically try for FFL at this point because a one way plane ticket is unironically cheaper than any hotel near me and I heard they do give you a place to sleep.

I guess the US military expects you to just be living at your place until you ship which makes sense. I mean I guess I can maybe try and see if anyone will rent out a place for just 1 month but I don't think most people would bother with it.
you could always go in asking to ship right away and see what happens.
I'll try that and hopefully it works but fuck is NY expensive. I'm kind of in the middle of a falling out with my family and uhh pretty much every dollar I made is sitting in some retirement fund that my mother forced me to put most of my earnings into and I can't access til 21 (I'm 20).

I do technically have a minimum wage job right now but also I am not fucking surviving the cost of living in this state on a minimum wage job without heavy government assistance and I still need a real career so I'm hoping this works out.
Yes, and joining the navy certainly beats slaving away in some horrible minimum wage unskilled job, just do it.
despite the absolute state of USA and the armed forces, im pretty excited to go to OSUT ngl
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Ahh a fellow NY anon, where are you located? Upstate NY(Yonkers/White Plains) here. And to answer your question, sadly no, and how old are you? Try begging your parents to let you crash with them for a while until you ship out, that's pretty much what I did, I asked my dad to rent me a place until I leave this next October to Fort Jackson. I highly suggest you pick the Army or Navy because they ship you out the fastest. And don't leave the US to join the FFL, that's a fucking terrible idea.
Yonkers/White plains and I was picking navy and I am not bearing another day with this family so I'm going to figure something out. I'd only do FFL if I had no other options but also I don't have a passport and that takes 2-3 weeks minimum and only if you pay a couple hundred dollars extra.
Ok I’m gonna crash at a friends place.
Is your passport expired? You can still join if it's expired like me lol, I haven't used my mine for over a decade. Try to get in ASAP before it gets worse.
Okay good luck, tell your recruiter that you want to ship out as fast as possible and he'll handle the rest.
got a real n00b question regarding Army duty stations and option 19...
for the duty station you pick, how long are you actually staying there for during a 3 year contract?
I have this cert and a secret security clearance. What can I do with my life?
>Peets coffee
Is it any good?
It's ok. I don't like coffee but I can drink this. It's kinda fruity and acidic for me though
Can Jake Zweig get me into sniper school?
>Try to get in ASAP before it gets worse.
What did he mean?
No lol, no random "mentor" can get you a slot for that. If you wanna go, sign an 11x contract, end up at a battalion with an active sniper section (entirely up to luck but better chances in SBCT/IBCT units, sign an option 4 to guarantee going to a light unit), go to their tryouts next time they're open (also mostly up to luck and timing, they might not need new people at the moment), and then the section will train you up and send you.
>sign an 11x contract
I didn't want to be a mortarman, so I did a 19D. Do 11Xs have a higher chance?
Poor choice. 19D is getting massively downsized, you most likely will be forced to reclass if you want to make E5. They also cannot hold the ASI from graduating sniper school like an 11B can and there are vastly fewer MTOE'd sniper positions for them, if there even are any anymore.
>I didn't want to fuck a mid girl, so I fucked a man -t. u
For context.
>forced to reclass
Can I reclass directly to an 11B or is it the needs of the Army?
You can reclass to whatever is open at the time, based on in-out calls. If the current force structure plan for 19D remains in place by the time you're trying to do this, there should be no problem getting whatever MOS you like. Certain 19D populations, such as those on airborne status stationed at Bragg, can convert directly over to 11b, iirc. There is also a big push for 19Ds to become 19Cs (Bradley crew members) or 19Ks (tank crew members), with fairly big bonuses attached.
Cavalry seemed like the better option
>no tryouts for scouts
>roll around in a Bradley
Why would they even afford me the contract if they're downsizing? Sounds more like they're doing on-the-job tryout, where "downsizing" is just a polite way to say "didn't make the cut". With a high probability of fighting a conventional war in the future, there doesn't seem to be a good reason to risk losing Abrams and Bradleys because you needed more bodies elsewhere.
How does that work?
>Sounds more like
Sounds to me like you don't know anything about the subject and take the advice you're being given.
Spoken like a true infantryman.
Which jobs/MOSes/rates in the military do actual hacking/offensive cyber?
Just swore into the Air Force today. Leaving in 2 months for advanced fighter integrated avionics (avionics on f35s, f22s or drone). Thoughts?
Have fun and make friends
Guys how bad the Navy is i went took some fake picat test and got 75 score and supposedly qualified to good jobs like air traffic control and submarine ITS which has supposedly a good bonus i took the exam sick and just to test options so i can try harder next time is the navy this good or are they just snake oil salesman recuiter tricks i am looking for a job. The recruiter told me i qualified for almost anything except NUC which is Nuclear and Ethical hacking i think it was called which was CTI i think. What do you guys think ?
CTI is linguistics
Most the Navy sucks, especially if you want a family since deployments are long and frequent. If you wanna just be a wrench monkey on a boat it's a great branch
I want to make as much money i can man any other branch besides the navy you suggest or jobs in the navy you suggest ?
Tell me about IT certifications and jobs after getting out of the military. I want the full scoop. Do I have to get an IT job to make this shit happen? Which branch do I go through?
Nuke, submarines. You’ll make a lot of money, probably the most you can out of every branch but… well…
Usaf or navy for solid IT certs. Then contract after your enlistment to make easy money. Or just work in the civilian sector.
Well what ??
Your gonna come out with a prolapsed asshole.
You should ask if there are any linguist openings in whatever your first language is. Guaranteed TS/SCI, mediocre signing bonus, and you get to skip most of the absurdly long A school.

Obviously getting an IT job in the military helps tremendously, but you're not screwed if you do your enlistment as a different job... well in this economy you kind of are, but say four years from now the job market gets unfucked. You'd be fine as like intel or something if you get a clearance, certs, and a degree to back up your lack of direct experience. Look up DoD 8140, which recently replaced (not that recruiters seem to have noticed) DoD 8570, to see how certs factor in to jobs and shit. Remember that DoD jobs will typically require a clearance, like a TS or something, and an 8140 qualification, which you can get with a bullshit cert like Security+. Doesn't matter if you have Google, Netflix, OpenAI, and two PhDs on your resume, if you don't meet the qualifications you legally can't work it (well there are waivers and shit but)
>I want the full scoop
nah nigga I'm going to bed
>nah nigga I'm going to bed
You did plenty. Thank you for your insight.
What will zogbots do when their own civilians turn on them?
Will they still scream for israel's glory as their families are violently ambushed?
>What will zogbots do when their own civilians turn on them?
They won't. We're family.
>Will they still scream for israel's glory as their families are violently ambushed?
Not even meds can save you from your brainrotted fantasies
Today, i will remind them.
And a high suicide rate among service members.
Fun fact: active duty serivcesisters are less than 1% of the population, and even with veterans (most of whom are old and disabled), that's only 6% of the population. The vast majority of America does not trust the government or large private institutions, and there are more guns than people. That doesn't even take into account all the disgruntled vets who were trained to kill by the US government and now have a chip on their shoulder and are looking to take out their frustrations on the people responsible. I'd definitely be nervous if I were a modern ZOGbot lol
why dont you just do it now then? go and kill servicemembers families and screech about a revolution and see what that nets you.
Yeah being brown is hard
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This is the sour grapes mentality of someone who either couldn't join or wouldn't join, now its everyone else's problem
Hating the government and hating your country are two different things. We serve our country before we serve our government, and you'd do well to remember that even if you despise the states, its allies, or even all governments.
>Hating the government and hating your country are two different things
but not to schizophrenic brownoids larping as insurgents lmao
The military serves the government and its owners, not the people. If ordered to do so, most members of our military would gladly fire on civilians.
Wrong on both counts. Where do you think people in the military come from?
You'd shouldn't hate either.
I like roads, schools, fire departments, regulations, and social security. It needs refirm in a small number of areas but for the most part it works well, better than almost anywhere else.
Most of the US military is brown lol
Broken homes with no real education and no job prospects outside of serving a globe-spanning criminal empire.
Social security is a pyramid scheme. There isn't enough money being put into it to keep paying out in the future.
What's the best branch to join if you're gay?
Navy, obviously.
kek, can't corner the dorner
you're not from NY. stop lying bobo
That would be too easy.
19D(icks in my ass)
New thread




>I like roads
That aren't properly maintained, cleaned, and have people that break the law on them so much that people going 5 over the speed limit are moving "too slow". Granted it is good for the trucks in order to supply our countries economic avenues, but being grateful for that doesn't mean I'm about to overlook the downsides and that's why I hate roads.
The school system is rotten, broken, and in many places serves as a daycare for minors. Anyone who has gone through public schooling knows the surface level flaws of student numbers, shitty lunches, and undersupplied teachers. The unfortunate students who are targets of harassment and violence by other students only see the intervention of teachers when they stand up for themselves only to get punished. I absolutely hate public schools and honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you for using this example?
>fire departments
This is a basic requirement in every functional society. There had better be a fire department or some equivalent. This example is a non sequitur in the context of the conversation.
You mean "limitations" such as those on the right to bear arms. Or were you referring to the innumerable laws that serve special interests, generate funds through fines, or otherwise only exist to advance a political motive? It's irrelevant because people aren't receiving due punishment in our country anyway, not unlike the speeding issue mentioned before.
>social security
This is an insufficiently funded concept that provides insufficient funds. I perhaps hate this the most, and it serves as a reminder that old people that are good will die young.

>It needs refirm in a small number of areas but for the most part it works well, better than almost anywhere else.
It needs critical reform in EVERY area and you have no idea what you're talking about. Our country is not on the brink of collapse, but the opportunities prosperity of the individuals have been beaten to shit by both communist type actions and capitalistic agency alike. It shouldn't come as a surprise that a zero trust faggot like you would make such a disingenuous statement about a zero trust society.

Fuck you. You are the problem.

>better than almost anywhere else
*Laughs in European*
College graduate want to join Navy or AF as officer. In past 10+ years was misdiagnosed as depressed and bipolar. Recently stopped adderall and ADHD treatment. I’ve been through federal law enforcement training but want to join the military. I’m 34 GPA was a 3.2, my question is now with MHS Genesis I can’t hide these past Doctor fuck ups. How can I help ensure I get a medical waiver to serve. FLETC was paramilitary and I passed top of class so I’m not going to break in the military, if anything I just won’t be top of class.
Any advice anons?
ask in the new thread, retard

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