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/k/ - Weapons

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I like Tetsubos but can't think of why I'd choose this over a baseball bat for my melee slot.
Do they have redeeming qualities?
more better
Make one and you will have more pride in it. I have snow tire studs on an Amazon list for just such a project.
Ooo thats a good idea
They are larger and this is more proper size for two hands blunt weapon. Bats are too short.
Also they are more top heavy due to studs and hit even harder besides power provided by just size.
it is literally just a spiked baseball bat. the advantage is that it is designed as a weapon club and not sports equipment, and therefore a little more durable.
My idea, using a simple table saw or a skill saw mounted upside down to cut the edges off a 2x2 to make an octagon of sorts, pre drill the holes (still smaller than the input threads and not too deep) to not over stress the wood and simple gorilla glue to keep them locked in. Sand down and leather wrap handle
Bigger, sturdier, more effective
Going to be a pain to justify why you had that at hand compared to baseball bat after braining someone. Might not be a problem depending on where you live.
Heavier and requires more room to swing effectively.
>melee slot
is that what you call your cornhole
Can't beat Oni + Kanabo.
>it is literally just a spiked baseball bat.
No. Its much much longer. Especially if you consider that Japanese were 5'3" manlets and tetsubos appropriate for modern day American men stature should be 8" longer than historical artifacts (same BTW aplies to katanas).
>a 2x2
Bad plan. You want some hard, durable wood. Like oak-tier hard. Pine & polar will break, especially if you make one to dimensions like this >>62539287. Well-seasoned cherry or black walnut are also possibilities.

Research carefully the type of wood for a long quarterstave. Then add metal.
I'll put more research into wood, being a PNW fag I presumed the Japanese wood used would (heh) have been pine as it is common in Japan as in north America. My spear poles are ash but I figured I'd look into it once some of my firearm ambitions are fulfilled
>the Japanese wood used
Traditionally they used Japanese white oak (Shiro Kashi) for their practice weapons.

Instead of being dented by armor it's more likely to dent armor. Wooden or aluminium bats would break before a helmet would.
>But I'm not picking fights with armored knights
Then you don't need a Tetsubo. But do you want a Tetsubo?
Baseball bats aren't intended for hitting people so there's a significant risk they'll break if you tried to use one for self-defence. A Tetsubo is at least intended for smacking people.
>(Shiro Kashi)
TLNote: 'shiro' means white, 'kashi' is a type of cereal grain
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may I suggest cork boot spikes instead?
>thing but JAPANESE
>the type of wood for a long quarterstave
Hickory, Ash or Oak. Ash being the traditional Old World wood for polearms and staves.
If you're OK with a single diameter round tetsubo, find an ash pole in your preferred length, add studs, handle wrapping and finish with linseed oil. Otherwise, draw knife the hitting end carefully into an octagon profile and populate it.
Look for lignum vitae if you want some particularly hard and heavy wood.
Bigger and heavier, ideal for smashing someone heads with
Significantly more expensive
You have to actually learn how to fight with one
somewhere on some drunken trawl through medieval weaponry I've once seen an image of a "peasant" style of this kind of weapon where thin, full-length rivets with larger end caps were used to fashion a shorter piece of harder, more expensive type of wood (possibly treated?) onto a longer handle in a crisscross pattern and then the uncovered handle was bound in a thin layer of rope/yarn for strength
iirc the striking end was significantly thicker
wish I knew where the fuck I saw it
Or Purpleheart or Kingwood. Purpleheart is slightly easier to work than the other two.
Good thread to ask
Found an ax handle
Should I add studs? How?
I'd put iron bands around the neck.
>boots on, feet up, dreamcatcher
You fucking animal
>Should I add studs?
>I'd put iron bands around the neck.

Why would you do either, you cringey fucks?
Seriously. You going out fighting the next crusade?
Got plans to pillage a local village?
Fucking larpy cunts.
Just make a decent axe, also, getting a job + gf couldn't hurt.
Mijn neger.
The first thing you should add is a frame to that printout.
No, that is my cornslot.
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Goedendag aka good day
a metal spike on the end of a club
some would have additional nubs on the spike end
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I feel the need to add that "WINNER" is inscribed on the side
>Found an ax handle
>Should I add studs?
No, carve it into a boken.

Also take your shoes off inside the house and definitely on your bed.
Try to change the first N so it says WIENER instead.
>Got plans to pillage a local village?
Yes, and I need good men with good arms to do it.
Fucking casual.
ridged for their pleasure
You may, and I will accept it. Thank you anon I figured road spikes at first as if they can handle a car that should be enough but these seem to take up more real estate with more material too.
>get a job
No, neet life for life
>get a go
Now I can play with my neet bux toys.
Get you a girl that can take an entire tetsubo
The AK thread has some 7' tall anime girl, I bet she could.
>tfw 6'5" and never had a girl over 6' or under 5'
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I wonder if the studs would make it feel better
I wonder what the market is for these.. maybe I'll make a few and see how they sell.
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A mace is like a trillion times better
So far:
>Flanged Maces are $114
>Tetsubos are $300
So I can either buy two maces for dual wielding or one two-handed tetsubo


Have fun.
Those are really cool, but my mental illness dictates I have to make one before I buy one. I'm blocked from posting pics because muh vpn but I have made a spear then got (2) cold steel winged spears and 1 large leaf boar spear. I also found and dug up my own birch tree to make a cane/beating stick with the root knot.
>it's name is waggoners wail
(d)weeb weapon
Blackthorn is a traditional club wood too
1 on 1 mace gets mogged by reach, but it is a little more versatile
>why I'd choose this over a baseball bat for my melee slot.
Jury optics and giving your lawyer something to work with. A bat is by definition not a weapon so the prosecutor will have a tougher time making it look like you were out looking for trouble.
Making a kanabo is actually pretty easy. Mine lasted a few years smashing shit before I had to retire her.
>Do they have redeeming qualities?
The heavier that blunt weapon is, the more momentum when you swing. Real Tetsubos were longer and heavier than a bat is.
>Real Tetsubos were longer and heavier than a bat is.
Another thing to remember:

Tetsu-BO, as in BO-staff. It's an Iron Staff, basically. That's how approximately long they should be and and can be used with Bo-staff techniques (though one should account for weight and balance).
Wooden weapons have many advantages that are often overlooked.
They bind blades, which makes them especially useful against heavier bladed weapons. They can bend swords, swords being relatively easy to bend. there is no "correct" way to strike one of these war bats with a sword.
The wooden sword has a strong tradition in Japan, many wooden weapons were used right into modernity

For this reason I suspect this would be a weapon used by armored infantry, where most fights were finished with a knife anyway
>The wooden sword has a strong tradition in Japan
As a training tool, and for the occasional "we'd actually prefer not to kill each other" duel.
>buh buh muh Musashi!
Mostly used actual swords, was quite extraordinary on the whole, and the stories about him both focus on and exaggerate the extraordinary bits.

>many wooden weapons were used right into modernity
Yeah, piss-poor peasants legally forbidden from owning anything better than a pointy stick will make do with pointy sticks. Much the same with belligerent high school dropouts in more recent times.
>Yeah, piss-poor peasants legally forbidden from owning anything better than a pointy stick will make do with pointy sticks. Much the same with belligerent high school dropouts in more recent times.

Wooden weapons were the black powder smooth bores of their day.
That particular mace has been tested and it's an absolute piece of shit. It's not made in the correct way and the flanges bend and break very easily. It's the mace equivalent of a stainless steel wall-hanger sword from 1995.
It's not a practical weapon for modern times.
Too large, too cumbersome, and lawfags would die of shock if they saw one.
How much, anon?
I'm sure if you hit someone in the head with it they would die.
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>Ook pick up big stick
>Ook hit big ook eating four legs and other mean ooks with it
>good wack kill ook eaters and mean ooks
>repeat for next 300,000 years
>big stick still wack good
Lignum my balls
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Ooh studded for her pleasure - I like it.
Harley would totally love a Tetsubo
I don't know, she doesn't go in for exotic weapons really. They're either brutally functional like a chainsaw or baseball bat, or comical like a circus strongman hammer.

Tetsubos are in that niche where they're a little bit exotic but also pretty boring, it's just a spiked club. A bat with a nail through it is way funnier than a finely crafted purposeful weapon.
I think nail bats would be harder to carry around regularly, compared to a club.
Humans are based. Across the globe and across thousands of years we have all decided that stick is good for killing.
>Going to be a pain to justify why you had that at hand compared to baseball bat after braining someone. Might not be a problem depending on where you live.
Yeah, this is a huge reason why I only just have a bat. I live in New York State, and they've all but made it illegal to defend yourself. Anything to give myself an advantage in court, should I ever need to, but hopefully not.
>stick good
>rock good
>every weapon is variation of stick or rock
>make weapons to throw rock or stick farther
>make rock or stick out of metals but still use rock and stick
I will never forgive the chinese for inventing gunpowder and ruining everything from that point forward.
>make suicide anime
>dont give harley a tetsubo
Just another form of rock and stick
gunpowder tiny rocks
fire plus tiny rocks equals armor piercing rock
combine tiny rocks with rock pipe and wood stick
>I think nail bats would be harder to carry around regularly, compared to a club
I don't think anyone's accused Harley Quinn of being rational, practical or pragmatic.
strap a battery and some wires to it and now you have an electro bat.
I did this thing a decade ago and posted on /k/ but images are not on this computer. So I made a how-to instead.
fastening nuts I meant, ffs 4am
How do you hold it without electrocuting yourself? an Electric Tetsubo sounds hardcore
What gay rationale are you using where it’s ok to brain someone with a bat but not ok to brain something with a better club? Or stab them. Even in NY this doesn’t hold. It’s boomerlore
Gunpowder is just rocks throwing a small rock
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I want a spiky one.
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Here you go bro:
> https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n1153756572
Auction ends in 14 hours. It can be yours!
Yes, it often happens.
>What gay rationale are you using where it’s ok to brain someone with a bat but not ok to brain something with a better club?
Court cases are always about narratives, a purpose-built weapon assists a prosecution narrative about premeditation.
An improvised weapon assists the defense narrative about involuntary and unanticipated, participation in violence.
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After few uses, thing was soaked in blood. Or maybe they used something to preserve that wood?
Expansive frypan > anything
rubber gloves
>Same as long swords for the purpose of opening up pike walls in formation.
>dirt fucking cheap
>lol lmao armor
>semi-lethal fuck off peasant device for law enforcement and tax collection

Remove varnish if applicable. Linseed oil it (or before, blow torch lightly for colour/marginal moisture resistant properties). Then go to town. The caps are the principle moisture ingress points, make sure they're sealed properly.
How often was it really used?
Quite a bit along with the naginata, its a big ol super bonker for beating niggas that can't be good. So they'd end up in the hands of anyone from very important samurai to poor-ass monks that had to deal out the bonk. Got to figure these things were fucking huge too, sort of a mix of bo-staff length baseball bat with iron rods to give it enough weight and pressure to grab into armour, skin, faces and deliver the most force.

Even in armour, it'd knock the fuck out of someone badly enough they could be winded, stunned, dislocated limbs and broke necks
What you're looking at is some weeb's artistic interpretation of a scene from Game of Thrones.
The kanabo was a very rare weapon in Japan. It's really hard to find them on the antique market. The one at >>62563446 is not a kanabo, but a sodegarami, a "sleeve catcher", meant to help police and security officers catch criminals by entangling their clothing in spikes.
Antique sodegarami are literally a dime a dozen in Japan, but I've NEVER seen an authentic antique kanabo for sale.
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>tetsubo (iron stick)
>look inside
So you're saying it's illegal to wish a nigger would?
Gotta go with a sturdy mislead
>So you're saying it's illegal to wish a nigger would?
If you arm and prepare and create the opportunity and take advantage of someone putting a toe over the line, your defense lawyer is going to have a very hard time.

/k/ has witnessed this. Sometimes it goes one way, sometimes the other.
>doesn't understand nominative reinforcement
Gaijin material science is weak.
Go watch the videos James Reeves does about how what types of guns, ammo, accessories, etc. you use can get you fucked over in court. Something really shocking is that if you use a silencer in a crime (i.e. a questionable self-defense shooting) then it's an automatic 30 years in federal prison tacked onto your sentence.
Gotta love the US "justice" system.
If you arnt a stickler on authenticity, American hornbeam is an amazing wood that is indestructible. I'm not sure if it grows on your side of the rockies though. I know it doesn't grow in Colorado because I have to send logs to my brother there. It makes the best handles for any tool, I have a pipe made from it and make high quality mallets from it.
>defense lawyer
Just shoot the nigger and go on with your business.
I see. I was aware of the terms "kill" and "child" (as well as master/slave) in IT contexts but not "sacrifice".
>I was aware of the terms "kill" and "child" (as well as master/slave) in IT contexts but not "sacrifice".
Me too and I'm a senior developer who TA'd for OS Principles at uni.

I bet that the developer who wrote that system message just injected some macabre humour to brighten up their day while they were coding. They were probably giggling while they wrote that.
>framing a poster
Not worth it, even if this one is Gustave Doré's work.
You should only frame real (unique) art.
Cringe take.
Seems wildly impractical in the modern world. You'd be better off going down to home depot and getting a crowbar, framing hammer, or hatchet.
Crowbars are rather short tho.
And they lack style points
>American hornbeam
This is another 'ironwood' that is amazing stuff. We're saving up to buy the much larger property next door and hornbeam is one of the first things I'm planting there.
Tetsubo is great if you already know staff.
It would be extremely painful.
I could scratch my butt with that thing right now.
I didn't even think of that, excellent usage of this glorious weapon.
Now all it needs is a compartment for weed.
this. it would also stick in your opponent and disarm you
I dreamed about a tetsubo last night. I was showing one to a college friend of mine who I haven't talked to in 10 years. We talked about how they were made, debated cast iron studs vs wrought iron vs steel for determining how old one was. It was cool. Just like we were really together. Strange how our minds work. I'm going to have to try to track him down.
Nice, tetsubo dreams are better than arrested on false charges dreams
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This is what I got. A used up Hilti rock drill:
I'll bomp you over the head if you don't stop necroing this dead thread.

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