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War were declared, buy NVG edition
Old >>62545754

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
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IR lights and what they look like to someone watching?
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A parallel LAM zero is a parallel LAM zero, so what range you do it at doesn't matter right? Because the LAM laser is running parallel to the optical axis of the red dot?

Or should it be performed at multiple ranges iteratively until the linear offset from POA to LAM laser spot is basically the same from range to range?

Or should it be performed at the zero distance of the red dot?
Zero at infinity you stupid fucking trip nigger. It's astonishing how dumb you are.
probably overthinking it, most people for parallel just mark a spot with their barrel and lam, and then zero based on that at like 25m and call it a day

Alternatively for converging just match the laser with the red dot during daytime and zero, then go out at night and reconfirm zero or simply ensure your laser is matching your dot at night, converging is much easier to do, but you should zero at your red dot zero or max range.

for 90% of people converging is easier to do (gronk match red dot w laser, gronk happy), it's also easier to confirm if your laser is out of zero (you see your laser not matching your red dot, you know your mount and shit is fucked).
Shitty Russian/Soviet analog or Chinkshit digital, which is less awful? Am I retarded for wanting to buy an example of both and see if any poorfag choice can hold up to a humble poverty vision 14?
tough call. Shitty soviet analog would be gen 1 at best? while digital night vision especially cheap is worthless outside of seeing a few feet in front of you.
Supposedly it's "Gen 1+" repackaged PNV 57Es so I guess roughly on par with PAS 5s
probably the Soviet shit, chinkshit digital really is truly dog shit. Maybe if you're extremely poor you could find a used PVS7 or something, maybe gen 2, most people will say to save up and just get either a Elbit or even maybe Photonis PVS14 when they go on sale during independence day or Black Friday for like 2200-2400.
Second gen basically? May be serviceable. I just know that chinese digital night vision is literally not usable in firearms applications. It requires IR to see. Really better off just saving up. I tend to make that same mistake myself of not saving up for a good/better thing.
Speaking of soviet NVGs, I heard the early ones can give you eye cancer because they don't use a specialized lens coating like NATO gen 1s do. Is that an old wives tale? If not, when's the cut off for not getting eye cancer?
My vote is for chinkshit digital. ADNV's higher end models are allegedly on par with Gen 2. Downside is that those units are about as much a poorfag an option as a Sioynix Opsin is.

Best performing poorfag option in my opinion is a PVS-7, if you look around you can often find decent Gen 3 ones for ~1200
yea agreed, if you're extremely poor then PVS7 is like a minimum barrier of entry for like that 1000-1300 sweet spot. Then if you can save another 1k then you can snag a photonis PVS14 (2.5), then if you can save 3-3.5k a Elbit Gen 3, and if you actually aren't poor then a L3 mono is a good setup if you don't wanna jump to 7-8k for duals.
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lads, how fucked am I?
>training with buddy last night
>PVS-14 randomly cutting out when I move my head too quickly.
>check again this morning
>anytime that I tap the housing it turns off/back on
loose tube connection?
how can I repair this?
how tf do I purge it properly afterwards? I (unfortunately) live in the PNW so we're hitting leak humidity season and I don't want to fuck with having an improperly purged device but it also doesn't seem worth the money to send it off to someone to essentially unplug the tube and plug it back in and then purge it if I can do it myself.
I see a few tutorials on youtube for assembling your own PVS-14 but I'm wondering if anyone here has actually done it themselves.
if it's under warranty just send it back, otherwise send it to an actual NV shop like CNV and they will fix it and hook you up.
I smoked multiple skunks with a PVS14 and a suppressed G17, they kept threatening to spray me when I would take the garbage out. Get fucked.

Nerfanon here. Digitals, especially SiOnyx and Nightfox, are in a couple ways superior to the low end of the Gen 1 market, mostly in terms of bright light protection. The Russian Night Owls will basically paperweight themselves with only moderate exposure to mixed/dim light (I lost like 5% permanent gain for 1-2 seconds exposure to a dim area), while digitals can be used in broad daylight for decades unless you do something really stupid like stare at the sun with them. I actually recommend getting digitals first, before actual passive NV, because they're good training tools that're immune to newbie fuckups like staring at street lights and can be cheaply replaced if broken. By all means buy proper NV later, but when you're starting out a $30 digital mono or $150 Nightfox is a great idea to get used to working with NV, and you're not out actual money if you drop it on concrete or look at one of those blindingly bright LED car headlights.


Some PNVs were made with radioactive thorium-doped lenses, because they get somewhat better clarity than normal Soviet glass and Moscow never gave a fuck about user safety/health in the first place. Thorium lenses are pretty rare IIRC, but have been known to turn up every so often. Honestly, the only way I've heard of to tell is to take a Geiger counter to your PNV and see if it starts clicking over background.
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Oh don't get me wrong, I already have a solid pair of gen 3 binos, I'm more looking at them to see just how bad it gets. Personally I only have experience with the basic PNV-57 and the Cyclop-1
The lore is based on the fact they used thorium in their early designs (I think up until they got passively illuminating designs like the 57E but I could be wrong) which would only send off alpha particles which should be caught by glass. They probably could hurt you if a lens cracked but otherwise they're safe(ish)
Personally I was considering either the NVG-10 or the Sightmark Wraith since it's roughly the same price as the repackaged 57E I'm looking at
Interesting. Glad to hear your input nerfanon, your research is invaluable to the poorfags and those who want a spare set to do dumb shit with
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Finally got my InvisibleSight NGAL Mk4, lads! It's... It's alright. I really don't like the NGAL form factor and the IR has a lot of areas of errant illumination outside the main illuminator focus area.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed.
that sucks I was looking forward to more of these. any more info or review you wanna add?
My IS-EG NGAL showed up this week and I'm pretty happy with it. There are def some minor illum artifacts but it's cleaner than two of my PEQs are. But yeah I'd probably be pissed if I'd paid twice as much and waited this long if not longer (my total wait was about 7 months, he quoted me 8-12 weeks).

>ngal form factor
The fire button is definitely located weirdly, IMO it's clearly designed to be used with a switch.
why do these faggot laser companies want to put the button on the far end? like bitch, if I want to use the button I want it as close as possible.
I ordered it in August of last year. So nearly 13 months. I'm going to compare it against my M6TR more in-depth (it's Basque, by the way, I've been waiting for this thing longer than the M6TR was in development) and it's just a bit disappointing and underwhelming.
I'd probably be disappointed waiting that long too, at least it wasn't super expensive though. I think I'd still rather get an underpowered civ laser with a warranty and pay the 1.2-1.5k for a D2/A3 and get it immediately instead of waiting 13 months, and I'm not paying 3.5k for a gimped raid X or Ogee El oh el.
>Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointing
>furry can
yeah we know
I think it's worth adding that thorium-doped lenses were not unique to the Soviets and some early US Designs like the AN/PVS-2 starlight scope also sometimes used them. Unlike the soviets the US gives a minuscule amount of fucks about user health so they made a radiation shield that can screw between the device and the eyepiece.
>furry can
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Oh a real Mk4 from InvisibleSight. Neat. I've got a bunch of question, I just got an EvolutionGear NGAL which is marketed as an IS-EG NGAL but definitely isn't

First off, can you see evidence of waterproof sealing on the main top fire button, and in the screw holes for the power limiting screws?

Is there any hysteresis or sticking points in the adjustable illuminator focus? Mine will keep the illuminator centered on the laser so long as you're adjusting the focus in the direction of tighter focus. Once you reverse direction it like jumps and all of a sudden the illuminator isn't centered on the laser anymore but it centers up when you start focusing again.
Is your illuminator adjustment completely smooth throughout the travel?

Are your illuminator diffuser and aiming laser neutral density attenuation filter caps real and functional? The EvolutionGear NGAL I got has fake pass through caps that do nothing.

Do you have any way to measure output power?

Did you get a real InvisibleSight also, or just an EvolutionGear one advertised as an IS-EG?
Can you answer the above questions but for your unit?
>Did you get a real InvisibleSight also, or just an EvolutionGear one advertised as an IS-EG?
It's an IS-EG from InvisibleSight, not one of the ones evolutiongear is selling everywhere. Definitely noticeably higher quality, he isn't blowing smoke about his units being better, even if I think the guy's kind of a piece of shit after dealing with him. Debatable if it was worth the wait but now that I have it I'm happy with it.
>Can you answer the above questions but for your unit?
I definitely could but I hate you. Eat shit, wuggy
Based response
>I definitely could but I hate you. Eat shit
The hits just keep coming. NGAL Mk4 has what I would consider to be noticeable but still acceptable movement between detents. Rather than there being a definite stop, and then movement between positions, there's some slop where if you move it back and forth between detents it shifts back and forth before there being a "big" jump. It's probably just two or three inches at 120yds where I was aiming, but it's still very noticeable. I don't have many concerns about maintaining zero since it would only wander about those three inches in any one direction, but still unfortunate.

Lastly, holy fuck are those tiny-ass turrets a pain in the dick. I'm gonna try it at an upcoming match and see if the diffuser is as helpful as people claim, but I have some doubts it'll be worth all the other little concessions.
Are you using a J-arm? If so, there’s a power cutoff on the pvs-14 that activates when you flip the unit up, move your head too fast or try to look at the stars. Try removing the j-arm and look at the pvs, there should be 2 metal circles right by the screw hole where the thumbscrew for the j-arm threads in, those are contacts that interact with the J-arm. Take a piece of electrical tape and out it over the metal contacts on the pvs and the problem should stop. If not it will probably need service
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You're talking about the elevation/windage adjustments on the aiming laser? 1.6MOA to 2.5MOA of slop is pretty egregious IMO.

I'll have to check the slop between stops on my EvolutionGear NGAL.

The tiny flat head adjustment really is a pain. I've got a decent tool box, including small precision screwdrivers, and yet none fit well.

>maintaining zero
IDK man, 1.6 to 2.5MOA of wander is not what I'd personally call a maintained zero.

Can you comment on my questions about the diffuser and neutral density filter caps, and any hysteresis, jumps, or lack of smoothness in the illuminator focus adjustment?

LAMs are not minute of angle aiming implements, they are minute of man and up to 3 MOA of error is well within the point of deflection from the handguard alone. Stay stupid, wuggumz.
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>3MOA is acceptable
Weird, the BE Meyers has 1 MOA adjustments, PEQ15 has 0.2mrad or 0.7MOA adjustments, DBAL has 1 MOA adjustments
IDK what a real NGAL has, but 3 MOA of float doesn't seem acceptable at all given the minimum adjustment is 1MOA or less.
>well withing the point of deflection from the handguard alone
This is why we don't rest our handguards on stuff.
Christ you are so fucking stupid
>LAMS are not minute of angle aiming implements
>LAMS all seem to come with 1MOA or less aiming adjustments
u wot m8
And are you able to maintain minute of angle groups when using just a LAM? Think for one fucking second you Swiss-cheese-brained retard.
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>what is an error budget
You seem rather upset that your Mk4 isn't meeting your expectations. I haven't tested it, but I doubt that "real" LAMs with 1MOA adjustments have 3MOA of mechanical play/slop in between adjustments. I could be wrong, but if the L3 and Steiner engineers making $100k plus a year aren't actual pajeets then they presumably have enough brains (like you) to spec a mechanical stability on an adjustment that is at least one order of magnitude better than the resolution of the adjustment itself.

How shit of a shot we ought not have anything to do with it.
lasers expand over distance so it really depends how powerful the laser is in the first place.
They also aren't meant for 1MOA type shooting in the first place, they're meant for speed
I kek'd
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The irony is that I too own a piece of shit chinese NGAL clone. I bought the bottom of the barrel EvolutionGear NGAL, but I'm more than willing to accept that the aiming laser on it is truly not useable beyond perhaps point aiming sub 25m or indoors etc, durability and reliability of the unit notwithstanding.
I'll be honest, dude.

Based on the stuff you've said in this general and elsewhere, you seem to fundamentally not understand basic concepts about active aiming at a fundamental level.
In understand that you have a literal unironic disability but I've been watching you assume you know more than other people while tripping over your own issues with cognitive function for literal years at this point. Maybe consider that the people you're arguing with have fully functioning brains and know more about this specific topic than you do
so is that the real one or has someone hijacked the trip
also why is he here instead of /arg/
his retardation is so massive it can't be contained to a single thread.
The whole board, and frankly the world, is at risk, unfortunately.
He's got a long history of escaping /arg/ containment unfortunately
Wait, /arg/ is supposed to be containment? Could have fooled me.
All tripfags are mentally disabled
He really and truly has brain damage. Not a joke, not a goof. He's had multiple concussions and likely suffers from chronic traumatic encephalopathy. He's posted pictures on /ARG/ before and he shows the uneven dilation of the pupils common in people with TBI.
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Yes but wuggy has like actual, unironic pic-related type brain damage lol.
It would be pathetic if he wasn't so annoying.
Is there a mount yet which can clip to your phone?
The first one in that infograph you can practically use any phone and adjust it to fit your phone's physical dimension and then place where your phone's primary camera lens is and different placement in general top left/right/center of the rear of the phone.
Oh fuck me, I didn't realize that this is a new infographic. Sorry.
sure enough if the laser is mounted towards the end, you can even see the zero of the visible laser change just by grabbing a free float handguard with any force
sup bros, looking to get RNVG-As pretty soon, looking for the best tubes. which set # looks the best? is EBI more important than SNR or the other way?? thanks!
thanks, I'll try to find the dest deal based on the tube specs to benchmark
pick highest SNR, FOM, RES, and least blems, anything else is a meme
what's the RES value? would that be the EBI figure or LP? thanks anon
LP, resolution, i.e. 72/72, LP stands for linear pair it's just a way to measure the resolution, 72 is pretty standard (good)
Phone/scope mounts have been a thing for years.
>new infographic
I get people not checking the infographs due to them being stagnant for a long time but, the phone mount was in the old one too.
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ok nice, thanks again, Im gonna request hand select to make sure the blems are zone 3 as well, but id like to verify the figures too
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>can you see evidence of waterproof sealing on the main top fire button

I mentioned manufacturing VCSEL NGALs last week that would be superior to IS, and we use 3M 2216 to seal the firing button as well as the rotary dial.
>Are your illuminator diffuser and aiming laser neutral density attenuation filter caps real and functional
Also yes. We have the option to swap them for basic caps if you want to pay a little less.

I'd encourage anybody that's able to cancel their IS order and get a refund to do so. These will have cleaner, much more powerful VCSEL illuminators and overall production quality is much higher. Plus our ship dates are guaranteed.
when are these going to be available and how much

Nerfanon again, you're welcome. Also, I have bad news, Nightfox has discontinued the Cape. Not sure what its replacement on the infographic will be.
Production should wrap up by the end of November/early December at the latest. Doing 30 units, 2 already reserved for pre-order so 28 slots left. Will be $1000 with the neutral density covers, $850 with basic pass through covers. 100mW VCSEL illuminator with 40mW IR laser, green vis (Low outputs are 0.6mw laser/5mW illum).

I suck at filming comparisons (usually fuck up the contrast and everything looks blown out), but video is all full-power units with the VCSEL prototype on the right (actually only 90mW in the video, 10 less than production). DBAL A2 on the left and RAIDxe in the middle. Will post videos of the RAIDxe & VCSEL prototype at ~600y, as well as a 50y CQB comparison of the VCSEL prototype vs the M6TR*.

Please keep in mind humidity has been 98% minimum for the last few weeks including during testing/taking this footage

Trying to get as many comparisons between as many different units at as many different distances as possible, but I personally only have access to a few. Y'all are welcome to make requests and I'll try and get to them when I can.
*PS M6TR diffusion cap bro pls hmu, would like to test one...
These will utilize LA23 connectors with functional vis override, all assembled right here in the USA.
Scar17 rated?
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correct, 7.62 NATO
fuck yea dude, is there a way to pre order? or be a tester? I'd be interested, like a form to fill out?
We are accepting payments as long as units are available. Officially have 28 left though that might be 27 by the end of the day based on recent emails. Unfortunately can't accommodate any deals or discounts for testing, we're actually taking a slight loss on the models with the ND covers but I promised y'all that cost would not exceed $1000 and failing to deliver on that is not an option. Doing $850 for ones without the ND covers/basic pass throughs instead. email's in the name field
Sounds promising.
I’m most impressed by how wide that illuminator gets.
Any video with the diffuser caps on?
Retarded question time, do surefire connectors not work with these lasers? Are they only good for lights?
do they come with an LA23 switch? because if not that was a terrible decision going with that over crane considering legit LA23 modbuttons and AXONs are $200+
crane switches/LA23 switches are for lasers, surefire connectors are for flashlights
switch is included

no footage yet, fortunately the illuminator opens plenty wide on its own for CQB purposes
I realized after I posted that I should have asked a better question, but I think you basically answered it. So a laser using a surefire connector would not be feasible at all?
is this a one time run or can you give us a release cadence for future batches
it just doesn't exist. i guess if someone was making their own laser and could source a surefire port to use then it would be technically possible. there are no L shaped surefire plugs like crane and LA23 plugs to my knowledge which would be kind of annoying having a big plug poking out the back of your laser
Assuming these all sell, there will absolutely be future releases. Keen on taking feedback from the community here and incorporating it into future models. The 'community' being exclusively /NVG/ at this point (and whatever people stumble across these at the night shoots I host), not even r*ddit. We're confident the quality and overall value will help things move quickly and are prepared to do greater volume without sacrificing QC. Just a matter of recouping our initial expenses...
I bought one of the first M6TR's and I'm interested in one of these but I don't have the scratch for it right now, good to see people going to the effort of getting laser prices down.
Thanks for the support and no shame there - have one myself and love it. In terms of what's currently available for less than $1k, I don't think there's anything better on the market. Major props to Basque for all his efforts with that, the man deserves some serious recognition
I'm just catching up on your project; I'll mirror what others said about toning down the power in the last thread. Absent of a filter or rheostat dial like on a Perst-3, offering a "better than useless low power" but "you can still see your target beyond the laser bloom" function would be nice. And I'll throw my vote in for the NGAL form factor if for no other reason than the weight. A lot of us have D2's, MAWL's, Perst-3's etc which are around the 11-12oz range. Personally I'm looking at swapping from my Perst-3 because my rifle is so front heavy I haven't even been considering a suppressor yet
ngal form factor is awesome I just wish they put the button on the rear :/
Get stronger. I mean that in the politest terms possible, but while it won't be a light, handy rifle that's fun to hike around with (though you should still do it,) my rifle is about 10-11lbs and is great as an NV rifle. Front raises, side raises, rice bucket training, and pull-ups will help immensely and make it less awful. Then any losses in weight on the rifle will just be gravy.
NGAL form factor is ass and we really need to come to terms with it as a community. Honestly I'd much prefer it if people made high quality RAID clones rather than NGAL ones.
raid is probably too complicated for the chinks to correctly reproduce
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I probably should have clarified that the rifle build is an academic exercise in "how light can you make a fully featured military rifle?" That being, a rifle capable of making accurate repeated hits out to 5.56's max effective range and featuring a light & LAM, as well as being suppressed. To that end I've spared no expense in the project thus far and have a whole slew of titanium and aluminum parts replacing steel. The rail alone was over $400, the barrel another $350 etc. titanium gas block, fluted buffer tube etc. just a fun exercise in "how to make it light but not break". For good measure I max out pull-ups on the PFT
>build is an academic exercise
careful now, A2 will throw a bitchfit bc he didn't think of it first or something, no fun allowed, etc
anyone tested a 507comp for passive aiming? thinking about getting one for a piggyback
Yes. It's pretty damn great.
I can goad him into it with a full build list anyway lol
>a2 flash hider
>Daniel Defense Lightweight 16" barrel
>Battle Arms Development titanium gas block
>MBUS 3 front sight
>VSeven Ultralight 15" Mlok rail
>BFG polymer U-loop
>fagpul ms1 lite sling
>whatever malkoff's fuel fuel head is
>Amazon chinkshit surefire DF body
>surefire ds00
>arisaka in-line mount
>modbutton lite
>slate stop
>Vseven titanium rail screws (painted black)
>vseven forged upper
>radian LT charging handle
>psa nitride bolt & carrier, taken from my first build. I'll replace it with something more feature-rich if it ever dies on me
>strike industries polymer dust cover.
>strike industries aluminum forward assist
>KAC 2-600 rear
>comp m5b with an hk416 riser
>PA Pegasus magnifier, it's lightweight but chinkshit, but has the nice feature of having a ranging stadia built in which pairs nicely with the ranging turrets on the aimpoint
>ADM magnifier mount
>Orchid defense lower, m16 cut so theoretically lighter than the usual high shelf lowers
>milspec trigger
>Vseven titanium trigger pins
>standard bolt catch
>Vseven titanium safety
>vseven titanium grip screw
>magpul k2 grip
>battle arms development shortened mag catch screw (to make sure the magpul extendo release doesn't protrude much past the lower receiver boss)
>magpul extended mag release
>aluminum castle nut and end plate. Really no need for these to be steel
>PWS enhanced buffer tube. A bit lighter than milspec
>H2 buffer and standard spring
>standard mid length gas tube
>b5 bravo stock

Unloaded weight with sling is 8.5lbs
I could easily go lighter but I don't want to sacrifice my personal ergonomic preferences regarding the grip, stock, CH and mag release and I don't want to screw with the reliability by going with a lightweight bolt carrier. Swapping the perst for an NGAL and the DS00 with a UE, and the modbutton for an axon sync would bring me to just over 8lbs. Then I can add the weight back with a K can
This guy even went as far as suggesting a brand name of pins.
If you don't have VSeven titanium trigger pins but your opponent does, then you're DEAD
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Why the fuck is a mod button almost $300
I'm not gonna make it ;___;
because idiots will pay for it. The ngal plug might be a bit more expensive but not 300 dollars expensive. Wish I had a spare 1000 for floridaman's ngal.
So how does the vis override work with a single button?
I don’t think it does
Triple press?
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Whats the difference beetwen nods, NVG, and thermals?
How do they compare to owl nighr vision(100 tikes more)
I think I would have gone whole hog on the lightweight train if going that direction. This seems like an expensive half step. While not a direct comparison due to features, I have a night rifle with no real attention paid to keeping it lightweight that is 7.76lbs unloaded with sling. You gain the magnifier, freefloat and 1.3" of barrel for the extra weight which is good no doubt but not amazing for the extra spent.
night optical/observation devices is a general catch-all for image intensification devices that amplify available light in the visible and near infrared spectrum regardless of how they are used.
night-vision goggles so nods but specifically headborne
mid-wave infrared observation devices that do not see light, but rather can observe temperature differences or at least differences in infrared emissivity that are generally associated with heat.
an owl will see ~100 times better at night than you as you mentioned, but modern image intensification can provide >100,000 times the ambient light it sees.
a non nig answer, I'm impressed actually
>but modern image intensification can provide >100,000 times the ambient light it sees.
what about the portable one you see soldiers use in movies?
Also do NVG differ from thermals in the sense they both see Infrared?
they're different wavelengths of IR
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Imagine the visible spectrum. High freq on the left lower freq on the right.
Night vision sees visible plus a little bit of the closest IR. Thermal sees the farther away IR bands.
I got a pigfat LMT specwar, just under 10lbs. at least my laser will stay zeroed i guess.
Who's gonna tell him about material flex
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thoughts on the m6-tr low power version?
Low power but still full power. Interdasting. It's likely they're still lying about output since Basque said they couldn't get it that low reliably.
CHS is selling it, it drops the IR laser output to .7 Low and 5 high. seems like it could be better for close range/indoor use.
looks like a good balance of useable powers, but couch sitters will be disappointed that 5mW high won't beeeeeeeeam that well.
Well they're probably lying to one of them
It'd basically be the same as the /nvg/ spec units if they are lying about it truly being 0.7mw with the exception of the markings and cover that CHS had changed.
Sneed recently listed a "Class 1 Version" M6TR on ebay which makes little sense to me because it's listed as 0.6mW for both the pointer and illuminator.
This is actually my spec. I lied to everyone here precisely because they would bitch about MUH BEAMZ. Glad to see I've been proven right and people like the existing balance of power. And that's correct, they said they couldn't reliably get it to 0.7mW, so we settled on 1mW. I'll check with them to see if there's been any changes to the emitter they use to reliably get it lower, but my M6TRs are likely the same as the ones CHS is offering in their low power option and the only ones I'd say have outputs that are practically thought out and actually usable.
I recently got an ATN BlazeTrek 625. I'm looking for a way to mount a small picatinny rail to the tripod socket on the bottom, preferably without blocking the charging port. I've found a single airshit company which sells single slot picatinny rails, but they want $49 for international shipping. Does anyone know of a better solution? Only other thing I can think of is buy a magpul polymer rail section and cut it down to a single or dual slot length
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>Lying to everyone about output levels while selling them $900 units on false pretenses
Honestly dude that's kind of fucked up
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4shooters has a single slot pic but I have no idea if it would do what you want as it is potentially basis.. Why do you want to mount a pic rail to that?
cutting down a rail section is what I would do, but there are also very few firearm related things I own that don't have something I've bubba'd
thats the exact same part. the taiwan airshit place has it for $4.95 plus $49 shipping, that is just $44.99 plus probably $10 shipping so basically the same price.

>Why do you want to mount a pic rail to that
For stablization, I want to use a trekking pole as a monopod/bipod for scouting while hunting. I would mount the monocular to a Wiser Precision Quick-Clip/Quick-StiX system, and can swap it between a thermal, Vortex 15x50mm to confirm that the heat signature is what i'm looking for if need be and my rifle.
Googled the actual product name, found another airshit place that has it for a reasonable price and $7.50 shipping. thanks anon!
Mea culpa. We did tons of testing on this and no amount of telling people they were wrong was going to convince them otherwise. If anyone is raw about it I'll give them a refund, but the only thing I obfuscated was the high IR laser output because after tons of testing in night matches, local night shoots, and trying to set up means of defeating it with photonic barriers and mixed lighting environments, that was the best output we found.
>tfw was gonna buy a basque special this paycheck
Damn maybe I'll buy from the non-niggers being honest about what they're selling jfc
Is there any hysteresis or sticking points in the adjustable illuminator focus? My EvolutionGear NGAL will keep the illuminator centered on the laser so long as you're adjusting the focus in the direction of tighter focus. Once you reverse direction it like jumps and all of a sudden the illuminator isn't centered on the laser anymore but it centers up when you start focusing again.
Is your illuminator adjustment completely smooth throughout the travel?

Also I highly suggest ya'll find a cheap small screwdriver that is the right size for the elevation and windage adjustments and include that with the unit.

Also the ND filters are sorta important IMO. My EvolutionGear unit has way too much aiming laser power on both high and low.

I agree strongly. I had a Perst3 and just sold it for the sole reason of weight. It has the absolute best brightness adjustment control of anything I've worked with, better than a Raid also IMO.

You and I are pretty similar. I've done two builds now using the VSeven Lithium alloy 2099 Ultralight rails. I also always go for modern optimized profile barrels.
I was very happy with the weight and form factor reduction of my EvolutionGear NGAL vs my old Perst3. The lack of brightness adjustment is a bit of a drag, and I've still yet to fully evaluate how well it holds zero.
I don't like the hysteresis and the snag point in the illuminator adjustment.

>This massive block post of parts
Good shit
> Swapping the perst for an NGAL and the DS00 with a UE, and the modbutton for an axon sync would bring me to just over 8lbs. Then I can add the weight back with a K can
Are you me?

The cheapest chink airshit one I can find is $50 lol
>Is your illuminator adjustment completely smooth throughout the travel?
Yes. Hard to fathom what you describe, that does not sound like a finished product.
>way too much aiming laser power on both high and low
All the footage posted is without ND filter, and as you can see the patterns are very clean out of the box. The only difference between the $850 and $1000 models is the inclusion of the ND filter.
>find a cheap small screwdriver
I'll see what I can do, but we're already including an LA23 switch and taking a loss on the ND filters.
That's pretty shitty, man. I'm in agreement that it's more practical and I won't be returning mine but what are you even doing
Not mass replying to a bunch of folks with qualms about the laser power, but this would be different if the ILLUMINATOR output was lower on his versus the full power, but it's just the laser. I argued from the start that you hardly need a laser more powerful than the VIR-II, which is easily visible out past 500y. Having compared the M6TR to just about everything besides a FP MAWL at this point, I'll say it outperforms all the competition. Weirdly I even thought Basque said it was a 5mW pointer...not to mention the illuminator can literally focus down to pinpoint precision with a full 30mW. I can understand people upset with the principle of the matter, but performance-wise there is nothing to complain about and I, for one, am grateful
On one hand I don't think anyone who bought one would have been dissuaded from buying one if the accurate FP laser power data was disclosed so seems like a dumb thing to lie about.
On the other hand I can rationalize why it was done when you consider that he's putting up real money to get this thing put together and taking inputs from anons on a 4chan blueboard that doesn't even have IDs so there's really no way to differentiate who's who and it's very easy for the rational voices to get drowned out by retards that never shoot with nods who have no idea what they're talking about but chimp out about power levels anyway.
That being said, I don't really give a shit and people seem satisfied with the product so far.
>More powerful and cleaner illuminator than other shit (maybe even too powerful)
>Crane port mostly works
>Cheaper than anything else
I point laser and stuff and go boom. How big is the ngal in comparison?
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Streamlight Chads just keep winning.
Thank you anon
What’s the best cheap PVS14 housing+glass that takes AAs?
Which should I buy?
M6TR vs Floridaman NGAL?
All I have right now is a DBAL-I2. Either gonna buy an IR head for my Surefire body or a new LAM.
>IR head
Yeah don’t do that
This lol, people who wanted the higher power pointer would've mostly bought it anyway, lying about it is both retarded and kind of fucked up.

You're an annoying faggot but I'm glad you're happy.

I'll probably buy a niggerman ngal if they end up being worth a fuck. As it stands rn the M6TR has a fucked up too-high low setting and the M6RT LP or whatever now doesn't have the high-end that I and many other end-users wants. Fat fucking asterisk on one side or the other. Cool if this unit suits your needs and wants, it doesn't suit mine and it rubs me the wrong fucking way that basque lied about its specs. Makes me wonder what else he's lied about.

Niggerman and the chink at IS can figure out .7mw low 20mw high. Seems weird the sneed chinks can't.
Because they suck to use in place of a dedicated Illuminator which is why basically no one uses them
It’s a 5mW IR pointer and a 30mW Illuminator on dual high
How does that not work for your needs?
Its because they are just larpers thinking they need MOAR POWA even more than what legit operators ever use.
It doesn't. Other shit does, so I'll buy the shit that does. Doesn't bother me, why are YOU so worried about what suits my needs and doesn't?

>even more than what legit operators ever use
You should do some research on the units being fielded by "real operators" currently, retard-kun, because you're very wrong about that. There's a lot of reasons for that. If they don't apply to you then good, enjoy the sneed. I don't exclusively shoot in pitch-dark woods and I've been repeatedly glad for the lightsaber effect of the LAMs I own in actual mixed-light environments.
Take that personally for some reason or don't. It doesn't suit my needs, that's fine.

But the guy shouldn't have lied about it.
>why are YOU so worried
I’m asking you a question on an Internet discussion forum. I don’t actually give a shit what you buy or what you do with it.
Well I answered your question. In the future, if you're trying to have productive discussions, maybe reconsider the way you frame questions.
What are the odds that these supposed larpers who wanted higher output for the pointer that you keep seething about was just one retard who you should've clearly ignored or someone who was referring to the illuminator output?
Just a heads up y'all, I will be out of town for a week. Will be much better about checking my email than the thread (out in the stick with no laptop). Before I go here's a pic of the included switch.
How heavy is the unit? If I catch you before you go.
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>fuck up too-high low setting
My EvolutionGear NGAL from initial impressions suffers from the IR low aiming laser setting being too high of power. The IR high aiming laser setting is relatively balanced, but still quite high. My tubes are 2350 FOM Gen3 White phos. The issue of course is that the IR aiming laser creates bloom and halo that obscures the target POA and relative to the illuminator brightness results in poor contrast and poor assessment of the POA precision relative to the target. Am I aiming at his shoulder or center of the chest? Can't tell because fuckoff bloom and halo from overpowered lasers.

It is pretty annoying imo that Noshoots have become so obsessed with FULL POWER when in reality they've never taken their IR aiming laser out past 25m and actually tried to get a good POA on a target beyond that, or they're stuck in the light polluted ass suburbs where they would die anyway in a happening so who gives a shit about all the photonic barriers...

Anyway, I hooked my chinkshit EvolutionGear NGAL up to some optics equipment and got the following measurements. 816nm IR aiming laser output (Xenon lamp calibrated scientific spectrometer). IR Aiming laser low output was 0.950mW and high output was around 14mW.
The neutral density attenuating caps that came with the unit are actually just pass through gaps with shit all anti-reflection coatings so create spurious reflection spots downrange and don't do any attenuation, and attenuation is seriously needed IMO at those powers with my tubes in my environment for my intended uses.


Here ya go. This is the EvolutionGear NGAL which is not strictly the same unit as Anon is selling, but likely comparable as it likely is using the same housing. The switch is around 0.5oz and this picture is including battery.
I am genuinely sorry about the deception, but after fairly extensive testing it was found to be the best balance of power and usability. I had to fight tooth and nail to convince people here that 25mW, 20mW, and even 15mW blew out the image on dual high mode when paired with a 30mW illuminator. It's not easy to capture those details in picture, especially when the only thing available is a phone. IF it were easy to put a neutral density filter in front of the pointer while allowing dual high use, a higher ratio closer to 1/3 would have made sense. But because there's is no good design for it yet, the standalone device had to function well enough on its own.
I promise it was only that. And again, if anyone is upset about it, even just based on the dishonesty, even if the laser fits their needs to a T and they just hate that I went about it this way, I'll give them their money back. A free LAM is the least I could do to make things right.
>IF it were easy to put a neutral density filter in front of the pointer while allowing dual high use, a higher ratio closer to 1/3 would have made sense. But because there's is no good design for it yet
Neutral density filter, anon, not just a diffuser. Unless you've made strides since the last time you posted pictures.
They're hot swappable
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>It is pretty annoying imo that Noshoots have become so obsessed with FULL POWER when in reality they've never taken their IR aiming laser out past 25m and actually tried to get a good POA on a target beyond that, or they're stuck in the light polluted ass suburbs where they would die anyway in a happening so who gives a shit about all the photonic barriers...
anyone tried any of the offerings from american defense research to see if they're actually QCing and potting their shit or just dropshipping from aliexpress? $225 for a FP DBAL-A2 seems like a deal if they're actually making the units recoil resistant. the $500 (supposedly) VCSEL MAWL also seems like a potentially decent option in the invisiblesight EG NGAL price range. I don't have the scratch to be a guinea pig though unfortunately.
never heard of them before but good to know, not many are doing clones of the A2
I bought an LA5B from him off of a FB nods BST group and it's been good so far.

He definitely shipped slower than I would've liked but he's faster than IS for sure.
Quick update: 27 pre-order slots currently remaining.

Nothing used is an EG or IS component, our housing is proprietary. Not coming at you, just want to be very clear about our attention to detail and level of quality. We simply don't trust IS/EG or anyone else to accurately reproduce a real NGAL, much less one designed for hard use (we are shooters first and foremost). Granted, weight is probably comparable, and I definitely appreciate you posting that info since I won't be able to for several days (literally just got to the cabin).
Heard and thanks for clearing that up!
My mistake for assuming and making statements based off of said assumptions!
Can you post a picture of the bottom of the housing?
Looks like an EG housing and Chinese stickers. Take the front off and post the guts, or the inside of the LA23 port
grec x nightvision recorder yay or nay
It's basically the best non-prism recorder, but they all kind of suck
Am I the only one still patiently waiting for the holosun iris?
yeah, everyone moved on after their awful shot show performance
Daily reminder that I have no idea what I'm doing: https://youtu.be/Isx97qKLkmY
They said they were going to fix the output.
They haven't shown us anything concrete since getting embarrassed at SHOT show last year other than doing some cursory damage control.
The Iris certainly has the potential to be an amazing civ-powered unit but holosun needs to nail it and what they brought to SHOT was absolutely not "nailing it," and nobody's willing to take them at their word until they show us something that's actually got a better illuminator than their current lineup.
Does anyone recognise the UI of this scope on a Stinger?

I'm sure it's not stock and I assume the Ukies bubba'd something on for night use.
>video starts
>Thought I was listening to Finnish language
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You're good bro

Your request first

Will not post guts but might have a pic of the port on my phone
How did you make the housing? Machined?
>Will not post guts
Why not? This should make anons pretty apprehensive about giving you $1000 if won't show what's going on inside
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Yup then hand finished, each one will be unique.

Test footage of the performance speaks for itself, and I will continue to post more of that when I'm back. You're free to ask specific questions, but we have to protect our IP.

Pic of the port for you
>we have to protect our IP
Ironic, since you are using another company's IP.
>we have to protect our IP
I mean I have a feeling L3 might have some strong opinions about that one, dude, but I'm very interested in picking one up if they perform as advertised once they're in user hands.
Are these gonna be long-term available? I'm definitely a couple paychecks out from being able to justify dropping a dime on yet another LAM lol
Cannot speak to long term availability, but if things go well we definitely intend to keep producing. You have a solid month before we ship too. Gives me time to field questions and requests for testing.
>We have to protect our IP.
That's kind of bullshit. Nothing you're doing constitutes unique IP. When it comes to LAMs it's all down to execution and quality control. What components were sourced, how well assembled it is. Electronics companies I respect have pictures of the boards on their product pages and marketing material.

If you're unwilling to show the guts it doesn't say 'we have something proprietary to protect', it says 'we have something to hide from potential customers'. It's not as if you can stop someone who buys one from opening it up and posting pics anyway, you might as well just be transparent from the start to build trust.
Electronics companies you respect probably have many more financial safeguards, and we are a very small team taking a pretty big risk. I can see where you're coming from and don't blame you - having lurked /k/ for years, I'd feel the same way. But it's more complicated than you think and if you were in our shoes I think you'd understand. I'm the only one posting here and have a responsibility to the others I'm working with. Doing my best to provide as much information I can, and I'd hope the real world performance I'm showing y'all counts for something. Nobody's forcing you to buy one man, we're just trying to provide a high quality and fully functional alternative to the real $4k+ counterpart so more people can enjoy shooting at night and I will make no apologies for that
Yeah the way you talk is shady AF man.
he's much more used car salesman than basque was kek
So what are you hiding?
Schiit Audio posted high resolution photos of their main boards for every product from their very beginning, and they produced their first batch of amplifiers self funded in a garage prusumably same as you.
lol bro if you aren't willing to show your work of an Electronics board then that's pretty shady, you could easily win many orders over and over by showing your work and being better than the competition, no one else is doing this but you would easily score many orders showing how well you work. Closed source is gay.
Well Basque turned out to be misrepresenting his product lol so idk if that's the guy you wanna be holding up here
But yeah the level of evasiveness there is a little bit weird.

Idk man I'm probably not gonna guinea pig a unit but I'll buy one if other people get ones that work.
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chink DBAL-A4 QD mount replacement with a unity fusion hub worked perfectly, no modification to the hub needed. hopefully now my chink axon switch and chink A4 can withstand the absolutely punishing recoil of .45AARP...
whats the more important part of a chink lam,, the circuitry or the turret erectors
Both plus the laser diode. I'm starting to suspect the shit being pushed ITT has shitty diodes that will lose power over time with any real amount of use and will only perform as advertised for less than 100 hours, or that they have garbage components on the board that will go bad in a just a few months or years like cheap LED light bulbs.
Hm, I would like to know more about degradation of LED and EEL diodes.
Do you have any links to show different suppliers of diode degrade performance over time from usage?
You can fix bad soldering and pot electronics yourself if you have an iron, some epoxy or liquid tape, and an eye for detail.
Compromised turrets though, the unit is fucked.

I'm not an engineeringfag but I'm pretty certain diodes don't work that way and the LED bulb failures you're talking about are typically due to bad circuitry
I don't have sources that show what I'm talking about, but if you ever had cheap laser pointers as a kid you know what I mean. They would start off bright, but their output would get worse over time as they degraded until they were so dim as to be nearly unusable. I'm sure you can find a source for laser diodes having reduced output after several hundred hours of on time or whatever.
>LED bulb failures you're talking about are typically due to bad circuitry
You're right about this, I was describing multiple different potential problems.
>You can fix bad soldering
Not if it's already potted, at least not with a ton of extra and risky work.
I tried to look for some sources on anything about EEL diodes losing performance due to being powered on and it looks like there was some research done and it is possible for them to lose performance due to various situation but one focus that I think may be related to what you have seen are over driving the diodes with higher than recommended input current to get more output:
I can certainly see cheapo chinkshit laser products like laser pointers will use cheaper diodes and driving them up with more current than recommended and getting the super high output that people wanted and then the diodes just die an early death after being used for hours or w/e.
Exactly the kind of thing I'm concerned with. Some anon had a brilliant idea to source chink housings and stuffed some overdriven diodes in them to win the spex sheet game and turn a tidy profit by offloading them to anons who won't know any better.

If they could even explain the real reason they won't show guts, that would be better than nothing, but 'it's complicated bro' is just basically saying fuck you.
I don't even know what he's worried about, the amount of people who a. come to this general and b. have the capability to start up a competitive business after stealing their "IP" is probably literally zero. how many niggers in /NVG/ have unrestricted access to CNC machines able to make their own NGAL housings? how many people in /NVG/ can source high quality circuitry and laser diodes? also probably zero.
He's probably doing none of that. He probably found a chink supplier for housings and is cramming some guts in the that are ripped out of another knockoff, adding a couple legit pieces like the neutral density filter, and is trying to make a quick buck with his hustle but knows if he reveals to much the gig is up and he could potentially be held liable.
I wouldn't even be mad if he was doing that and potting them correctly and making sure the turrets actually hold zero by beefing up the springs like invisiblefag does without the 6 month wait time
I mean again, I'm not really willing to guineapig it for $1k but if some get out in the world and perform I'll def buy one.

The IP thing is hilarious though given what he's doing is blatantly illegal IP infringement and ignoring FDA regulations. The chink FP NGALs are a thing because the chinks don't give a flying fuck about IP or US law. This guy's claiming to be doing all that from inside the US.

Which to be clear, I think is fucking based assuming he isn't full of shit, but the IP argument specifically is pretty funny and doesn't hold much water from where I'm sitting.
>potting them correctly
He already said they aren't fully potted so I'm not sure what he's even offering at this point.
I need an IR light for my Glock
What are some good budget options?
TLR-VIR-II is my goto recommendation.
If you want higher performing unit then the RovyVon GL4 has been recommended lately: https://www.rovyvon.com/products/rovyvon-gl4-3-in-1-rail-mounted-light
Rovyvon GL4 Pro is so good and cheap there's really no credible alternative to it. Same price as a TLR VIR II but with much better capability.
Holster fit is the only downside but GL4 Pro holsters are becoming a thing very quickly.
Does that fit in a tlr-1hl holster?
I don’t need a laser on it just a IR light
no but you can get holsters for the gl4
What housing would you choose to house the best tubes money can buy?
Any that fit the enigma bolt pattern for a glock with a gas pedal and comp?
If the unit with a vis and ir laser is the same price as the unit that is just an IR and white light and ALSO has a better-performing white and IR lights, why wouldn't you just buy that one? Holster concerns is the only reason and frankly you're gonna pay more for a worse unit for that holster compatibility

Unironically the only thing cheaper that fits your bill is airshit x300v repros, and I'm not gonna recommend that in good conscience
Because I’m hesitant to drop $300 and being able to run the holster I already run for white light is worth a slightly lesser IR light once in a blue moon
But I do admit idk shit about IR and NVG because I barely use them
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looks a little different in a couple places but not by much
I could try to emulate his lighting conditions but it looks pretty close
4 is missing and some of the corners look sharper
It's not slightly worse, it's significantly worse. The white light on the VIR II also has about 1/3 of the juice of a TLR1. Unless your intent is to only run the VIR II when you plan on shooting in the dark, you're definitely going to get worse performance out of the gun.
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I daily a tlr-1hl
You have almost exactly described my use case
I don’t plan to run IR unless I’m grabbing my nvg which is once every month or two
What comp is that?
looks like a strike industries
Strike industries mass driver
I like that it fixes the only issue glocks have (ability to be limp wristed by incompetent shooters) https://youtu.be/cpqoXwLK-aI?si=UAwhyDZYiWrG7vR9
Wow couldn't even film that in frame of his phone's camera and it can be flipped around to use the front facing camera to give you a preview on the screen to show what the camera is recording.
better/worse than KKM? for g19 specifically
I chose it because it connects to the guide rod instead of the barrel
I don’t like additional weight on the barrel of tilting barrel pistols
I don’t know if it necessarily works better for compensation than the kkm but after hearing how picky the kkm makes the glock I decided against getting one
Additionally, Floridaman housing seems to have more robust recoil lugs and I'm noticing epoxy in the hole above the crossbolt, eg has none. Signs point to different housings being used.
looks like a different crossbolt and clamp too
SSHHHIIIEEETTTTT for a 1,000 bucks nigga that shit at least looks legit

I had no idea what to buy so I just got a HOLOSUN IR only laser : (

I can't decide what to buy for my IR laser/whatnot

Any suggestions for around the $1000-$2000 range?
dbal d2
basque wasn't the one building his units he contracted a manufacturer to produce a number of units with a certain spec.
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Do thermals and nods(the one worn on a soldier) make it harder to shoot properly?
What do you mean by harder to shoot properly? Shoot properly how? I should be able to answer your question but I want to know more specifically what you're thinking of.
Short answer, yes.
short answer, yes
depth perception, width of area,
Range og seeig things .
N such
>depth perception
>width of area
>range of seeing things
With night vision not really. With thermal yes.
M6TR torture/abuse testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttTHWr-EPIg
I wish more people did reviews like this instead of surface level bullshit.
Glad to see that LS has decent durability.
Water resistance was something I was definitely curious about so I'm glad to see they hold up to at least a reasonable amount of water.
Most people aren't too keen on beating the shit out of $1000+ items they paid for themselves.
That’s why their channels suck
Gotta spend money to make money
What happened to the fat funny guy? I dont tune in for John the normie my nextdoor neighbor who has a secret graveyard he maintains in his basement.
>What happened to the fat funny guy?
Who? I don't remember seeing a fat "funny guy" on this channel, but then again I've only watched his NVG related stuff and that was only like maybe 6-8 months ago for me, so unless this was something that occurred way before that then I dunno.
Subscribe to my patreon fans and I'll move and start beating the shit out of expensive things.
>dbal d2
checking it out man
if I like it I'm buying it once I get a new job
for now I'm just rocking a holosun (ir) only laser
I'm with you man. If you go ever get to go outside and train it's amazing how quick shit breaks.
subscribe to mine first
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None of that is even outside of its stated capability
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How does IR NVG compare to thermals?
One is thermal one is IR and one always has a refresh rate and one only does if you use shitty digital NV
I remember my first time with nods
I really hope my range puts up new walls so I can go night shooting again.
Photonis boomslangs worth it?
Should I go laserspeed over dbal a3 or 3eir shit? Would it be dumb to just do a tws and pvs-14 and skip the lam and can?
At what range do NVG and therms stop being accurate?
None? It's not a matter of accuracy, it's a matter of target detection and identification.
>Photonis boomslangs worth it?
big maybe if you are doing stuff where extra (but blurry) periphery is useful to you at the expense of eyebox and much tighter margins for diopter and focus adjustment. most folks I've seen speak highly of them are doing uncommon night vision activities like blasting around on dirt bikes trying to get as much visual information/fov as possible at speed. for just shooting or navigating the juice doesn't seem to be worth the squeeze.
>Should I go laserspeed over dbal a3 or 3eir shit?
a3 isn't really worth considering at civ power, i do however still want an IR-V just for the profile and weight to change up one of my rifles. i think it has a unique enough spot in the market to bear consideration depending on your desires for the rifle. i have an FL5 that has been fine to me and the M6TR certainly looks like it'd be good option if buying now.
>Would it be dumb to just do a tws and pvs-14 and skip the lam and can?
depends. if you are a night hunter I'd say the tws is priority one since it is the single most impactful piece of equipment between it, a can, lam, and even night vision for the job. civ larper on a flat range blasting cardboard? bottom of the list. think about what you do at night now and how those items will improve whatever it is you are doing then order them appropriately. if you don't do anything at night now, then start doing stuff at night first so your experience about your needs can guide your purchasing decisions.
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@flordiaman you going to do any peq15's? I want to cloooone
ive got an opscore bump and a surplus rhino mount, whats the cheapest way to get these two to fit together?
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Your helmet should come with what you need
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But nothing is stopping one of the first 27 from posting you stuff anyway. If it was crazy proprietary you should have patents on it and if not what are you protecting?
ah yeah nevermind. i thought the molded plastic mount didn't work with the rhino.
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>dog postin
All of my guns have 16” barrels with birdcages. Is a can really gonna be worth it? Am I better off and will it be good enough just to put a good 3 prong/strela on them?
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will people invite me to their squad now?
suppressors really are an incredible quality of life upgrade. even though you're still wearing earpro the difference in noise makes shooting way more enjoyable.
Retention should be clipped onto your pvs14 and not the mount.
ah yeah i see the lil holes now
I know I’m at an extreme end of the spectrum but I worked in a sawmill from age 10-21 with no earpro and played music professionally 20-30 again with no earpro. My ears are fucked. I really only care about flash, if we take sound out of the equation does this change the answer?
Where’s the best place to buy m6’s, Stephen still doin dealz?
It will significantly reduce flash compared to a 16" with a birdcage.
I do night shoots under nods with a 14.5 and SF3P. While it doesn't cast fireballs it does have significantly more flash than the guys that are running cans on their 11.5s.
So can you get away with it? Yeah, of course. As long as long as you aren't running a brake you'll be fine.
If you want to really reduce flash and still have a gun that isn't 20+ inches long get a shorter gun and get a can that focuses on flash mitigation.
If you don't care that much keep doing what you're doing. You can still shoot at night and not blind people.
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only a cool $6000 per unit
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This looks really good but based on some of the placements of things like the battery cap and the divergence wheel it might kinda suck for lefties maybe not though.
Either way I think it’s cool.
I too want to know

Anyone know the price (roughly, no need to dox his exact price)
Highly likely. The first VCSEL prototypes were LA-5Bs and any we produce later will also be VCSEL. NGALSs are just easier to seal, plus that smaller footprint
the camera picks it up much better than the human eye. in real life it looks like a dark red or burgundy not a bright purple.
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New sms laser with 4 in one function. Also has crane port. $200. Probably still shit but interesting.
GL4 is a pretty well proven unit compared to this
>SMS laser
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Thermal drones can fly in the dark and carry a payload.
Thermal drones also cost 5000 dollars.

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