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Call others poor, flex spending too much, act like you hold secret knowledge because you read some Arfcom threads.

Old thread >>62641410
>flex spending too much
>impact sports
You're laughing? You question A2 and you're laughing?
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I picked up the le6945 this morning
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Just posting colt peasant ar15. Don't mind me.
Gonna be honest dawg the fat fuck DBAL D2 is way more shameful than the darn Howard Leights
Let me guess, you need more?
Hop, I know you look at these threads and I want you to know you are a faggot and you look like the rabbi missed and chopped your lips off instead of your dick
I'll ask him how he feels about these comments sometime. You got a name you want to be referred to as in the future? Fluffy is already taken.
>not including garand thumb, clayco, and every other faggot gun tuber other than late based paul harrel and gun jesus.
Undead chronic
Yeah, they call me "that arms guy"
I don't know who clayco is, but hop is the only one whose face is uncanny valley for me. dude looks like he died last week
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>the rabbi missed and chopped your lips off instead of your dick
They all look like reanimated cadavers. Gun tubers are the most shit content creators to ever exist.

Clayco is that one hipster looking retard that gets his dick hard over aks. A slightly more straight verson of bradon herrera.
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Butifel melike
Muh grigga
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very nice, i need to get one of those eventually
wow I just puked in my mouth a bit
Your trip is an hour old, what clout could you possibly have
At least Clayco's honest enough to say that AK's are the retarded choice for newgunz
call of duty camo.
Just a reminder that with a bench rest, LPVO and an indoor 200 yard tunnel, even a PA-15 is capable of sub-moa groups.
The only thing wrong about the D2 is the shitty qd mount which can be solved easily, other than that it's the best civ laser you can get that doesn't cost over 3k
whose the new weird trip fag
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you forgot to attach your pic, friend
thanks. I went to look at it twice and decided to just pull the trigger on it. it was originally a 6940 but was chopped to 10.3" for duke energy
Turns out, finding the ammo your rifle likes matters more than finding the right rifle for accuracy.
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PSA barrels are over torqued, you'd get 1.75 MOA at best
there are a couple good guntubers but most of them are peak reddit and they all turn into massive shills once they get their follower count up.
Niggas can't just work their gay 9-5 like the rest of us they have to shill shitty primary arms scopes, SDI, and whatever other company with give them some money so they can fill the void in themselves with being a niche youtube e-celeb.
Brass Facts is a huge example of this.
Guy shills anything and everything.
Makes really niche and irrelevant videos.
Sometimes I think he does this just so he can use graphs and data so people get the impression he is a subject matter expert.
He doesn't shoot matches
He doesn't go to LARPer training courses like TUSC.
Pretends he is a "civilian green beret" anyway.
who cares he's a faggot
>this faggot again
we are still waiting on your groups from when you made this post last night
I have a Benelli M4. Do you think Benelli M4's are cool?
no, using an accurate rifle is pretty important too.
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I have an m3. Can I play too?
They are all shills in their own way. Nothing a guntuber says can be trusted.
>call of duty camo
How? I haven't played a cod game since like 2009.
I hope you like butt stuff buddy. But judging by the fact you own a Benelli the answer is probably.
Nice airshit, Austin.
I do. My dick has been in the ass of many western thot boxs. The best one was that female cop. She event got me out of driving though a red light.
One time I made a 1.9 height Comp M4 mount out of the Geissele mount and Aimpoint riser. It's kinda cool I guess if you like tinkering. I think someone sells spacers though so you don't have to DIY it.

Tonight, you and I shall be best friends.
And that PSA's name? Albert Einstein.
I recognize "a regular guy training" when I see his rifle. Sup chris. You're still a twink.
I wish I could be a guntuber but I'm too boring and have no personality
You also need to be a flaming homo and shill Chinese garbage gun parts.
Doesn't look like any of his rifles
You're giving me too much credit. I'm far worse.
Yeah that's fine
kinda looks like camo polkadot.
just spray it with a solid color then some downshadow with a darker color, stay away from fishnets and lace stencils. will look way better anon.
What would the appropriate buffer weight be for a suppressed, 20" rifle length gas sitting on a standard carbine length buffer tube? I'm thinking of starting with an H2 but I don't know if being suppressed I should try H3. I am very poor and stupid and I didn't know if another anon had already done figured the numbers on this one.
I'd probably just copy the Mk12 buffer and see how it feels.
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The ak came out better. I used a snowflake ornament.
You’re extremely annoying. Can you go away pls? Thx
You must be new then. He had one that looked just like that a while back.

Trench grenade, go back to being a shill for the army. If you're not him, I bet your name is ryan.
Chris from a regular guy training has nowhere else to go. He magdumped 98000 rounds into a target that's 6 feet away already and charged a dozen guys $300 to do it too. He's done for the day.
No wonder all the people worth talking to are on Discord now. Anons are such hateful little gnomes.
Go back then.
I'm not hateful. I like your collection, you massive faggot
Thank you! Some of these guys are rough around the edges. How's your day?
Pics or it didn't happen
Eternal tripfag civil war
>Box of grass in your room
Bitch you live like this?
Go look though your old videos, Chris. >>62647308
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My body is ready
Then go back to redit.
Go back to your "discord sisters," tranny
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thank you for asking, my day is pretty good. Got my new H&R upper a few days ago, and dissipator upper yesterday (but it'll be a couple weeks before I can shoot that one)
I don't think this is a legal way of doing a P&W
I am just a simple anon who doesn't know the literal who faggot YouTuber you referenced and would never spend any amount of time memorizing what his rifles looked like because I have my own to fuck around with and worry about
>literally fucked the police
>didn't stay with her for continued use of her leverage to get out of speeding tickets and shit

Was she a good fuck at least?
>I have my own to fuck around with and clone said fagtuber
nigger what? I haven't posted my guns itt you dumb black gorilla nigger
you see how no one answered my question because you simply exist? You didn't even answer my question. Do you understand why people don't like you yet?
>friend gets old rusty guns from grandpa
>asks me to help clean them
>bring all my cleaning stuff
>clean them by myself doesn't even help at all
>didn't even look up how to field strip them so I have to figure it out myself
>no longer gross and weird feeling to touch
>No more big rust spots (although some spots are alittle off color like deep rust or something that a brush can't reach)
>looks decent
>"look good??"
>"yeah wow so much better thanks!!"
>ask if friend plans to shoot regularly (or at all) or just leave them in the safe forever
>"leave them in the safe forever"
>slather guns in tons of oil
>wipe off wood parts
>"you are good to go now you don't have to worry about them rusting away"
>"thanks Anon"

ffw 2 weeks to today
>get message from friend
>"my uncle said you ruined my guns by wire brushing them and you shouldn't have done that"
>clearly expects me to "make it right" by paying for them or something
>ask how they are "ruined" and ask if it's because of them coming out a bit scratched under all the rust
>try to explain that we probably could not have done much better besides sending it to be professionally refinished and reblued at a gunsmith
>leaves me on read
>probably is going to make it a bigger issue and involve other people

another friendship ruined
that's the last time I ever try to help anyone with anything I'm tired of failing to be "friends"
is it actually my fault for scratching them a bit
should I have spent hours scrubbing away at each single spot with a nylon brush (which I tried and was doing nothing) on rusty 90 year old guns

>pic semi related
they were alittle bit worse then this
not bright evil orange and flaking like crazy but still really bad

>Side note
I cleaned all my guns yesterday changed my AR buffer tube and stock and staked my castle nut all by myself with a center punch and repainted my AR all yesterday which was a big accomplishment I felt until today it turns out I apparently ruined someone's guns
That's good man. I broke down and ordered the Brownells Block 2 upper because I already have an RC2, FP PEQ, and Elcan. Been thinking about getting an A1 and A2 clone so I can do a every U.S. service rifle since WW1 collection.
anons are ignoring your question because a tripfag responded? That's your logic?
yah, looks much better.
To be honest anon you could have progressively worked up to more aggressive cleaning. You could have started with kroil and a nylon brush before moving up to brass then to steel. You didn't really describe your cleaning method in detail or posted the before/after so I can't fault you but acting like you did him a favor because you went niggermode on his guns without knowing for sure they needed it is dumb
>No ambi selector
>Pistol streamligt on carbine
>SF can
>Heavy profile barrel

Where is this?
What kinda delta elevation am I looking at from that gorge up to the peak it the foreground?
1500ft or like 3500ft?
Yes, I have the right to be called a faggot just like any tripfag.
don't come in so hot, no one is impressed with trip fags except for Shark
>Where i
my ass
>What kinda delta elevation am I looking at from that gorge up to the peak it the
my ∆§§
yah that's a good starting point, I thought a 20" would have a much larger gas tube but I dont own muskets, your logic is sound though
Because solder isn't a weld
Old rusty guns were collectibles, never clean or refinish collectible/historic stuff like that it does destroy the value even if properly done let alone scratched all to hell with a wire brush. You shouldn't have done that but your "friend" shouldn't have asked you to in the first place and definitely shouldnt be bitching about it since it's what he asked for
Are all armorer's wrenches about the same?
Shark and I have but one thing in common.
nah I'm cool as fuck
The armorer wrench that you buy will almost certainly depend heavily on the kind of barrel nut that you plan to use. If you're just going to use a mil spec barrel nut, then, more or less, the answer to your question will be "Yes."
the fuck? I'm gonna choose to believe you're trolling me and that you're not retarded. you're welcome
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apart from being specific to different barrel nuts, no they are not all created equal.
Picrel; the sheared off tooth band of a cheap Aim Sports armorers wrench
A nogunz needs an opinion from all you mental cases.
Original M16 pattern 1 and 2 sights, which are better and why, and thus how are each better suited for given tasks/scenarios?
I don't know how to clean guns extremely well and my friend knew that but I agreed to help because they were rusty

I don't know what kroil is but I started by slathering both guns in CLP and letting them soak for a few minutes then more clp and a nylon brush for a while
That literally did nothing so I switched to the brass brush which also did basically nothing although I guess I could have spent longer with the brass brush but it did not seem to be doing barely anything aswell
And then the steel brush I used I did not scrape and go crazy I just lightly brushed circles and the rust was finally coming up because the oil would turn rusty and I wiped it away and repeated

My friend watched me the whole time and agreed as I did it that they were looking better so I kept going and even when I went from one brush to another I explained that it might scratch and stuff and they agreed the lighter brushes were not working at all and it was worth small scratches to get rid of rust

Also I do not want to look like I did them a favor or anything like that I didn't ask for anything back from them or even a thank you or anything I just wanted to make sure there grandpas guns didn't rust away but now they hate me and also I ruined there grandpas guns in there eyes which is upsetting because the whole point was for them to not be ruined

I did not do anything I would not do on my guns although I am not very gentle with my guns like a museum but I do not feel I abused the guns at all

I do not have the before and after pictures we didn't take pictures but the before was like the photo I posted in my opening post especially how more near the barrel end it is more rusty with rust spots and in the end it just looked a lot cleaner but like dark old metal nolonger rusty although yes it had some scratch marks if you looked close or at angles for the light to catch them

It is upsetting because I did not mean to have that happen at all and that it would be my fault
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Yeah shark is cool
But wouldn't a old gun rust away into dust if you do not clean it
I have guns that are also old (although not as old) and I did the same to them so they would be clean and not rusty
more or less, I have a super old Leapers and it's been fine, er wait, I destroyed 1 milspec barrel nut because it sliped. I wasn't applying fwd pressure though so maybe my fault
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Anon is right that solder is not a weld. Solder is a liquid metal that solidifies after cooling. It joins two things together by basically putting them in a metal (typically conductive) sleeve. On the other hand, welded material is melted and fused on a molecular level due to the amount of heat and types of material involved. Solder will break before a weld.

Although, so long as the solder doesn't manage to crack, shatter and fall free from the hole into which you put it in your muzzle device, nobody might really know the difference at a quick, first glance.
A2 sights are nicer because they're at least guaranteed to have the wider, flip-up, "close range" aperture in the back. I guess the adjustment instruments are a little easier to use too. It's just generally more versatile.

The a2 is better than the a1 in every way except esthetically.
nta but he DID weld, not solder the p&w. Retard. He explained his setup before
The overall silhouette of that gun is... okay but any serious glance at it reveals a treasure trov of cringe
most gun scrubber is for loose carbon, sometimes copper fouling. in the case you're describing, you'd probably have to use heavy rust eating chemicals and plug the barrel and fill it up and let sit. then shoot the gun and strip away any build up, then spray the barrel again.
Ultrasonic cleaner in a bag of Evapo-Rust or something. dont feel bad though
silver solder is an accepted permanent method of affixing a muzzle device
>doesn't know what kroil is
>t. blind leading the blind
pretty funny you consider the only level of detail cleanliness above your own was a professional gunsmith after explaining you don't know other options. Recognizing what you don't know and the wealth you don't know you don't know is the first step
this is retarded and you don't need to shoot the gun clean, nor will that ever work
no it isn't
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>What do you mean you didn't read Thread #506882838 from the /k/ archive which revealed this random anon's pin and weld set-up???
Solder isn't a weld. I don't keep up with the fucking LORE of /arg/.
why are you telling me this?
do you not see the welding gun in the photo??
Tell him to let you try one more time and then fuck the hell out of them. Put them in a bucket of gravel and shake it up for hours.
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>no it isn't
>inb4 you try to argue with the ATF directly telling you the ATF considers silver solder a valid method
apologize now and never post here again you stupid bitch
What a pussy.
instead of scraping the lands just run some bullets through, rifling is a different story
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Trip on shoenice.
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IMFDB sez:
>the receiver appears to have been based on a Mega Arms MATEN ambi .308 upper and lower set (hence the lack of a forward assist), swapping the magwell for one from a 5.56mm lower. The trigger guard resembles Radian Weapons receivers. It has an M-LOK carbine handguard which is attached using Daniel Defense's patented "Bolt-Up" mounting system, wherein the handguard is attached using hex bolts that pass through a plate clamped around a modified barrel nut. It uses the older Bolt-Up system with six bolts: the current version only has four, deleting the two at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions. Presumably the handguard is supposed to be a Daniel Defense MFR M-LOK, though the spacing of the holes in it is completely incorrect for that. Rounding things out is a stainless steel SureFire SOCOM muzzle brake, a Battle Arms Development Enhanced Single-Side fire selector, a Radian Weapons Raptor ambidextrous charging handle, an A2 pistol grip and a stock which is an amalgamation of a Magpul UBR and ACS.
>stops against the bolt or breech-face
>breech face
That's why you can technically extend a rifle's length by having a longer buffer tube because they measure to the back of that?
Fuck you caught me. Can't believe these Jabronis didn't catch on sooner.
why do you think you know what breech face means?
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I WHUT myself, but that is vidya gun design for you.
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Everyone here is too new now
I do not the respect the atf
Is dielectric grease okay on the barrel nut? Its all i had.
I like my gun more and it's shorter with the same barrel length thanks to my LMT/LWRC/KAK mini milspec buffer
If you're here arguing about pinning and welding muzzle devices, you're clearly their little bitch.
It's a crying shame man.
I don't be doing that
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Hope it works for you, buddy, but as I wrote, no need to spaz out about vidya guns.
You two are fags. Literally look at you two making a big deal and no one around cares lmfao.
roda viva...
I'm not spazzing, if anything I'm appreciating the beauty of my own lil carbine/pdw/whateveryacallit
Buddy I've been dealing with mental midget anons who won't post their rifle since 2016. You aren't doing anything that your predecessors haven't.
you say that like it's a good thing
It's not like I'm asking a question and trying to find the answer senpai. Certainly I'm not doing that!
Well dont come in here talking about "This is why Discord is superior" and "No one has noticed I'm in disguise! Nyeaaah!" Fucking faggot loooool
that wasn't a good question that warrants a good answer. Maybe start with "what's a breech face" and go from there
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As you should.
A well-put-together AR is always a spectacle.
bro he's been dealing with his sexuality for even longer, pointing out he's a femboy and a homosexual won't bother him either
I know but I really like mine. I like how tiny it is. I like how much of a spitfire it is. I like the fire rate and controllability. I like it so much despite what anyone here says about her
I pranked you so fucking hard man. Everyone is laughing right now. Everyone knows you get no bitches.

Break the trend. Post your rifle. That's all it takes.
why is every tripfag a former tranny or a current tranny chaser. Actually does A2 have a real wife and kid? I shouldn't assume he still likes trannies
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I'll post my rifle in a minute.
I cannot post my rifles because they are recognizable. I must buy more rifles and post those and continue the vicious cycle
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Happy for you, anon. Run that bitch like it owes you money.
Keep going
Understandable. Having recognizable guns can definitely be a curse if you aren't Chapman or Obiwan Nairobi.
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only up obby
The game was rigged from the start
Wow a 2016 oldfag?!?!
I do. I will make a webm of me getting a first hit and 2/3 hits with 77gr at a 600 yard uphill target with only 3x on the 10.5" rifle.
>2016 was almost 10 years ago
Tumbling down.. tumbling down.. tumbling down..
Sorry I can't think of any more old reaction images to post for you. Give me another (You) though because you seem so interested in doing that.
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What scope do I get now for my 350 Legend bolt gun? SFP Leupold?
Hah. Gay
>"friends" ask me to bring them shooting
>plan it out for weeks
>10 minutes ago not even
>hour before we are supposed to leave not even
>oops actually I have a doctors appointment just right now right during the time we were gonna go
>oops and I also don't feel very good for unrelated reasons
>oops I have to do homework stuff
>oops i forgot I was going to see a movie right now at 2 in the afternoon

I truly give up I hate everyone
People don't seem to have these issues making plans with others especially for non shooting related things
Clearly they think I am going to shoot them or something if I have them all grouped together
They also all cancelled mysteriously last minute the last time they asked me to bring them shooting almost a year ago

I'm pretty sure I asked this last time last year and I will ask it again now
Does everyone here really just shoot alone and do everything alone by themselves with noone else
How is that any fun or any anything at all

How do you find people to shoot with
Everyone at ranges are normies and also mostly "Chad" seeming so I am scared to try to interact with them and I also understand I am not on there "caliber" so we probably won't have much to talk about or get along
How do you find people to be friends with who share your interests especially for guns and shooting and who are willing to do that kind of stuff together
They're great uppers I shouldn't have sold mine.
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idk what the ballistics are like for .350 legend so i can't really give a good recommendation. hopefully something not made in china tho.
some of us are too busy being outside LARPing and shooting. you see any nip cuties yet? take one to a karaoke bar. like ODB said you gotta sing to get some pussy.
congratulations or sorry that happened
those rails are kinda hideous
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Why didn't you just send out a reminder group text a couple days before? People are stupid. Find a new group of friends anon. Where do you work? Are you in any shooting clubs? I shoot alone some days, others I have friends and family over and we hang out and shoot. I'm the firearms pro of my community which is funny to me since I don't know shit about fuck except for a few specific but common concepts like zeroing, range estimation using known target size etc. Anon you have to have a little confidence, I'm not saying bugging someone while they're shooting, but spark a convo with a compliment. People like compliments about their shooting or their guns. Also think about volunteering at your local range or working there part time.
Other people spoil my focus. It becomes more of a goof off time with friends which is fine but I'm there to hone my skills like a ninja samurai viking.
consider yourself lucky bro. alone-time shooting is pretty based. not supplying 8 dudes with your ammo or clearing their retarded malfunctions or getting flagged with rifles on fire is kinda good. your friends are like mine, pussified via firearms
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It's like 3am there I don't think he's getting laid.
I've got like 7 ARs and I've never posted them all together in one picture. I can be like 4 or 5 anons as a result
Im thinking of doing something similar
How did you like the geiselle mount?
What do you mean by tinkering? Cant you use the spacer as is? Are the crews too short?
>tfw 1 lower 6 uppers so people would catch on
I should get a 10 pack of lowers wtf am I even doing with my life?
You really think women want some disgusting slob like Ash?
Screws didn't reach. Got new screws from the hardware store. Heads didn't fit. Fucked around drilling the aluminum to counter sink it. It was a big pain in the ass. Just get the riser from SKD Tac instead because it'll be cheaper and easier.

I did create something "unique" if you're into abortions though.
All my niggas hate 55gr
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>ordered coffee off PSA for an entry for the sabre giveaway
>I don't even like coffee
PSA releases a cheap 77gr and suddenly everyone hates M193. Hilarious stuff.

I myself am looking at getting a bullet swage kit to turn .22lr brass into 5.56 bullets. That way I can significantly reduce the cost of materials for reloaded blasting ammo.

Is it not worth the time? Probably. Does it give me something to do while drinking beer and watching YouTube? Yeah.
I'll take it. I love coffee.
PSA coffee??????
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I'm pretty excited about it. It scratches both the monolithic and quad rail itch for me. Im going to try to find an LE prefix lower for it eventually. When/why did you let yours go?
Caliber Coffee
Every gun company and their literal mothers have coffee brands now. Is that shit really that profitable? Every guntoober and 2a toober are selling coffee too.
I drove through water with my z71 now it won't shift out of 4 high

AR15 for this feel?
Everyone knew we talked just yesterday to finish the plans in stone
same as last time then everyone just bailed for random specific excuses which makes me think they are all lying
They also have separate groupchats without me in them (specifically about going shooting with me) which is suspicious to me

I am a NEET and I am not in any clubs because I am not very good at socializing but maybe volunteering or working at a gun range (or even a gun store I have thought about) would be fun and also a good way to be able to talk to people although it could lead to confrontation
I have tried to get a job at a gun range before (although it was a fancy gun range for rich people not a normal one) but they turned me down although I kept seeing the ad for weeks after
So maybe I will try again and also I need to get a job soon anyway

I worry that I just seem "dangerous" or something to people or that I will "do something bad" so people do not trust me even people I have known for very long times which is very unfortunate
For example people I know for a very long time will call me "unhinged" or "unstable" or "crazy" which I think says alot about how people see me unfortunately
But maybe a job working at a range will give me a excuse to talk to people who like guns and also it will make me seem not evil because I would be a worker not a random person

But it is important to train with other people I feel like because noone fights or anything like that alone
Also it would be good to have malfunctions happen and things like that because then I can show them how to fix that and also learn more how to fix them for myself aswell

But also just to be clear I don't want to force anyone to train with me or anything I was happy to take them just to mag dump at trash but they clearly do not trust me and they think I am dangerous or something which I hate
Are you on any medications?
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Here is your AR15 for this feel
Not your personal blog faggot.
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>a good way to be able to talk to people although it could lead to confrontation
you HAVE to break out of this specific line of thinking. holy shit
Here is a 2 step plan to help
Step 1: go to therapy to work on your fear of socializing and to work on your people skills
Step 2: get a job at a gun range, club, store, or manufacturer.

Vast majority of people are retarded and most men don't have close friends. State of this world.
>Does everyone here really just shoot alone and do everything alone by themselves with noone else
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Is it good?
I'm killin sqorls n drinkin beer rn
>doctors appt on a saturday
so are they the ones asking you to go or are you like
>dude dude no listen you have to come shooting it's going to be so sick
>yeah we have to drive an hour each way and yeah we'll be there 2 hours but it's so worth it
>btw can you throw me like $50 for gas and ammo?
I think I've only met one person who was ever like "eh I'm just not really into guns and I wouldn't want to go to the range."
It's gotten to the point I don't really like talking about shooting around people because someone is always like "omg will you take me?"
I don't drink coffee
send it to me
Sounds like a good Saturday to me brother.
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Seems like they come and go, feast or famine.

Definitely although I like my M1S90, an affordable gun from my youth.
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First of all, make sure your hygiene is good and you have a normal haircut and clothes.
You have to change your mindset, if you go about making friends as some important goal that you're trying to achieve, you will always come off as unnatural and people will feel a little uneasy about it. Just work on yourself, be optimistic and open to other people, and just talk to people without the expectation of friendship or anything, and if the opportunity arises for you to plan something with someone that you're shooting the shit with, seize the opportunity, but don't be desperate to do it. And if it doesn't work out, don't be disappointed. And get a job, any job, it will make you more normal and you will meet more people.
Also, make sure you have a sick rifle like me, and people at the range will want to shoot it.
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I’ve changed it a little since then
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I did a P&W and thought it was good to go (before I knew the technical requirements) until it came off with little effort. But it looked good enough I doubt they are spot checking your solder.

> The ATF has specific requirements for permanently attaching a muzzle device to a firearm, including:
Welding: Using full-fusion gas or electric steel-seam welding
Soldering: Using high-temperature (1100°F) silver
Pinning: Using blind pinning with the pin head welded over
Youtubers build out a rifle set up, show you b-roll of them shooting the gun (epic! chris kyle 2.0!!!). Then go over the part list, like it fucking matters. Bro ur retarded larp money sink you haven't competed with or even trained for competition with is not worth mimicking. You probably haven't got close to shooting out a barrel. Not saying you need to build out a jp5 competition pcc to be cool, but who the fuck cares about the rifle build you brought to your crye wearing "class" taught by an ex navy seal who cant shoot and is retarded, but you worship like a faggot.
I just don't watch youtubers. I only use it to reference music and old movie clips.
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>shoot alone and do everything alone
Yeah, I have social anxiety and am terrified of meeting Chairs, Desert Metro, Trung Nguyen, SGC or Church Camp anon, et cetera at the range
I don't own a gun but I lurk arg.
It's not that big of a deal
I feel like, despite having no reverence for this general's history (because that's retarded), my impression is that if I posted my gun with nods in the frame, I'd be some kind of minor thread celebrity.
wow that's sooo cool that you're banned from botkin's comment section and have to post your review here instead
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no one cares
>drilled and tapped bracket
Notice anything missing?
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You should get a gun.
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Went to the range and bubba showed up and tried to zero his bushnell dot for 45 minutes. He barely had any ammo so I let him magdump one of my mags and it went flying off his gun. He immediately packed up and left. 40 y/o couger was there practicing her CC and she wanted to shoot my GayR15. She was nervous so she let me reenact the Ghost movie with her and she was grinding on my shit.
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Is dielectric grease okay on the barrel nut? Its all i had.
idk wtf that is
Its a silicon based grease.
get a real job
yeah it'll probably be fine, grease is a meme, just never remove your barrel nut
On my first build I didn't use grease at all because what kind of asshole does research before wrenching on things? The barrel nut came off easier than I thought it would.
Very cool fictional story
You mad jealous that Kathrine wasn't all on your shit it's ok
probably a good use for it in a pinch actually.
>trigger guard installation fubar
looks like his trigger pins walking out too lmao
hes worse than dmt
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Yes it's g2g
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>go bag
>truck gun
>back pack gun
>bug out bag
yes and?
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It's dangerous out there
Take this
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>bedside gun
>shower gun
>terlet gun
>game room gun
>kitchen gun
>basement gun
>laundry room gun
Is that the T-rex arms twink?
>two is one one is none none is dead
Nobody, and I mean, nobody will EVER buy you a $1500 suit for free, filthy beggar
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the Hk G36K is an assault rifle right?
Someone’s gonna send him a fursuit instead
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If you live in Florida, you're about to get butt fucked by the hurricane coming from the gulf of Mexico right now.
Everyone here likes overwhites.
Be careful with that joke, it's an antique >>62649540
So what do you buy if you just want "an light" with momentary-only activation and M-LOK mounting? Lowest I've found is a complete kit from arisaka.
>momentary-only activation
Whatever you want with a mod button or just use clicky cap but make sure it’s accessible from either side. Might need an arisaka offset mount
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11.5 ris 3 is tempting
gonna dremel a PSA upper barrel nut for an ARMS rail
is that one of the chopped ones from clydearmory?
RIS 3 the only mlok handguard worth a damn
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>buy DD ris mounting hardware for ~$40
>buy official DD licensed airshit ris ii/iii rail (6061 aluminium) for ~$70-120
>mount chinkshit with real barrel nut, screws etc
>make cloners seethe
pic related
>11.5 ris 3 is tempting
what about it is tempting
>RIS 3 the only mlok handguard worth a damn
>weigh like, one ounce less than the heaviest quad rail on the market
why the hell would you even want Mlok at that point? The only advantage to mlok is weight savings, and you're throwing that right out the window.
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Best LPVO for low light? Like dusk/dawn and even night time? Minimum 4x, preferably 6x.
Yet everyone here seethes endlessly when you post one.
XXXL helmet to fit a lard filled faggots head in. ar15.
>2016 election tourists getting big headed
It's really truly unironically over for this board
No way that airshit DD rails don't get insanely hot almost immediately
I bought a Sightmark Presido 3x18. How did I do?
What AR build has the best stats for dealing with 2020 style chimpouts
PSAR15 with a Bushnell TR25 and a surplus bayonet + purple lancer mags
I don't want people thinking I'm poor
2020 style chimpouts will require you to abandon your rifle at some point, you can only go at them so long with a bayo before it inevitably breaks off in some chimp's skull. No sense leaving a good rifle behind.
Just embrace it. I'm the anon that bought the Presidio and I even bought UTG Pro rings for it.
20 inch Aero upper on an Anderson lower, detachable carry handle no optic and surplus USGI sling
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i wear gloves when shooting rifles so can't tell you for sure, but it felt pretty much the same (replaced the surplus RIS i had with this). the weight is nearly identical as real DD. both are 6061 t6 (allegedly)
ash and his consequences have done irreparable damage to this board
Every airshit DD rail I've touched felt significantly less substantial than an actual DD. Are you talking about the madbull licensed rails?
Why do zoomies worship "therapy" as some magic cureall
You don't have the scope or the rings yet but you already recommend them?
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I can't remember who made it, I bought it second hand for like 70 bucks. It was officially licensed, had Savannah markings if that helps narrow it down. See pic related for real DD weight. I fucked up and forgot to remove the screws off the airshit rail before weighing, so the difference in weight is actually less than 20g
There's an appleseed event going on in my city and I think I wanna go.

How weird do they get about slings? They specify the USGI loop sling, which I've used but don't like. I prefer an MS1 style sling for most purposes besides achieving high stability in prone.
Wisdom behind the Rittenhouse strat ig
Seems less maneuverable? I was thinking 11.5" would optimize
No I recommend embracing being poor.
"Therapy" is a nu-speak catch all solution for any and all personal problems more significant than a parking ticket. Most modern people no longer have either the mental or emotional capacity to navigate difficult life circumstances and offloading it onto some third party public servant keeps that kind of uncomfortable realization far away from themselves.
its by boomers for boomers be prepared for some fat guy to demonstrate the sitting shooting position while resting his elbows on his enormous stomach
I think I'm going to try it. If it's shit I'm only out like $100 so it's not a huge loss.
I got nods and needed more rail space for a laser. I could've just put on the side but I insisted on being a fag.
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Yeah, but what historical location are they keeping a secret?
i dont remember they tried to talk about that shit over lunch which is like the only 30 minutes you get to yourself or to clean your gun. the only thing I remember is all the guys in hats being fat and creepy to to the point that no couples returned for the second day
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the Newfag NOPVO 365 EVR. I believe it's 6x to 11x
best in class
>the ONLY advantage of mlok is weight
No, another one is that it’s just way more comfortable.
Use a RIS 2 for a while then go pick up a RIS 3. The RIS 3 is much more comfortable.
>but it’s heavy
Yeah well do you want a thicker rail that’s more robust and doesn’t heat up after 2 magazines? Then it’s going to be heavier than a thin mlok handguard. No free lunch.
Who cares?
So many people in here bash shit without ever using it or just repeat what someone else says.
I have both and I like both.
I think the RIS2 is cooler.
I like pic rail more than mlok,
The RIS3 is much more comfortable than the RIS2. I have large hands so the RIS2 isn’t a problem for me but I can totally see how it could be very uncomfortable for someone with even average size hands.
At the end of the day just get what you want or try things out for yourself.
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>guys in hats being fat and creepy to to the point that no couples returned
Holy shit
>No, another one is that it’s just way more comfortable.
No it's not.
>Yeah well do you want a thicker rail that’s more robust and doesn’t heat up after 2 magazines?
Not really, no, I'd rather manage heat some other way than turning the rail into a boat anchor.
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lol hop is a gay
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>no it’s not
>boat anchor
Not arguing with a guy who struggles to lift a RIS3
>Not arguing with a guy who struggles to lift a RIS3
Good for you, you're not, so we can keep arguing. What I'm not going to accept is a shitty mlok rail that's heavy to act as the world's worst heat shield.
those korean doctors who just shave jaw bones all day look at hop and start getting hard but not for the same reasons I do
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nigga looks like a lego
clean your fucking rifle tripfag
put the dogs away man
You are more than welcome to return to discord or r/liberalgunowners you insufferable tripfag.
Go back faggot
fair enough
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whatd i miss
Nigga balls
Shut up fishy
not a single AR in that pic
Works fine when I just add lube.
Good deal https://wetworxoutfitters.com/colt-14-5-m4a1-government-profile-barrel/
Finally getting into suppressors, just ordered the RC2 on sale at PA.
congrats you're only 10 years obsolete now
>government profile
Life was much better 10 years ago. Flow through cans are gay
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lmao have fun with your loud and flashy flow throgh cans
congrats. i think the rc2 is till the best overall suppressor for non flowthrough.
every "advancement" in the last ten years has taken us further back. mlok is spiritually ugly and guisslop is ruining the AR platform
Which is why keyslop is better
DMT will perish in this hurricane
Haha so true! Bring me back gwot SOVL
>basic AR weighing 14 pounds
nah I'm good. Sometimes I do wish we would all ratchet down from suppressor + laser being required though and get back to just having aesthetically pleasing builds like in 2019
Gonna hit right where my parents live, so that kinda sucks
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Is there a good flip to side mount for the rh25 that actually holds zero?
I really really don't like this
Did he call you a tranny or something?
He’s not gonna suck your dick anon
There is no way on earth you actually carry this thing around even on a flat range
What about you? I'll even pretend you pass.
I’m gonna get slammed too. Fuck hurricanes
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that's not a socom profile you fucking retard
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All of the new magpul stocks look like shit. All slop, highly reddit.
Hi bunni
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>no u
Yeah he definitely called you a tranny and you are still mad.
I like how they made a sb3 brace into a stock kek. Very forward thinking
Who asked for these? Most of them look like trash. I do kind of like the bag rider one but I wish it had a wide cheek piece like a sopmod.
Nah he’s just an insufferable blogposting faggot. Why are you simping so hard for him anon? Is there something you want to tell us?
Here's the video btw. Nu-CTR doesn't seem that bad in concept but they fucked with the shape just enough for it to cross over into slop territory.
Only a tranny would get mad about him and I don't like them (you) in my thread.
>go to /hg/, they can't stop talking about troons
>go to /arg/, they can't stop talking about troons
Get some help
I personally love when DMT posts something extra off-topic and somebody reports him and he's gone for at least 3 days. He doesn't shoot, he doesn't even post about guns. Was so nice when he was gone for months
This post is also off-topic
So is this one
With the incoming power and cell tower outages he’s gonna get more than a 3 day
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I personally love when Ash posts something extra off-topic and somebody reports him and he' gone for at least 3 days. He doesn't shoot, he doesn't even post about guns. Was so nice when he was gone for months
Ash just posted one of his Dealz in this very thread. Much more than DMT has ever done
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Remember when he was shilling that thermal deal and got banned for it?
should I power through the form 1 shit and get it over with or just brace cuck it for a few weeks until I feel like bothering again ?
>power through the form 1 shit
It really wasn't that bad. Fingerprints are the worst part if you don't have it done already
You can also just buy an RH25 for the same price now because thermals keep getting cheaper
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Done in by one of the anons on his own Discord server, funniest shit ever
I'm not gonna buy any thermal
I did them for my ccw but don't have a copy of them, looks like I need to go do them again I guess
I don't care
Alaska anon. He was also outed as being a furry with a german shepard fursona
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Interesting if true
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May as well ruin the stock after breaking the scope
The big brain move is to have both. AKs and ARs complement each other far better than the “can only have one!” dichotomy poorfags postulate.
>the big brain move is to have an AK
no it's not
I support this
>noguns opinions
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shill me your favorite 18350/cr123 light
Ask Reddit (where you belong)
I just did, see
Go back
New thread

Cope with what, owning lots of different firearms? Omg how will I ever recover.
>niche videos
Ironically he likes to use the faggot word
>That hurricane will regret putting me into a self defense situation.
haha yeah

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