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i know A2
i know many people that know A2
he currently lives alone
he has ZERO friends
he has burned every bridge in his life

if you take him seriously, you're a clown
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old thread
(no one cares)
Pretty wild how the people who can't survive in Discords are the ones still in ARG.
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qb is my good friend.
You wanna sell me that ACOG back you slut bag?
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i invited you to my discord and you kept leaving because you thought i was fucking with you you bitch ass nigger

you wouldn't even play R6 with us in my TS you coward
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I wish all nu/k/ and nu/arg/ a very miserable languishing existence of futility and stagnation
That would be an improvement from my current situation.
We should start a forum where we ban all worthless whiners and foreign government shills. It'd be paradise on the web.
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if you aren't age 40 yet you still have time to figure it out
after 40 it's time to increase marlboro intake
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If the worthless gook that owns this place banned foreign IPs this place would improve immediately.
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Shlorp shlrop shlorp shlorp shlop shlorp.. Mommy Ashie's milk is the best!
Not yet 40 but I just grabbed my pack as I was reading this.
I'm 63. It's so ogre for me.
Time to smoke more cowboy killers then son
I’ve never used discord.
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you're divorced, your kids don't talk to you
you first born son disowned YOU for being gay
i invited you to my fucking house to see my trainset and you had a 30 minute meltdown about lionel
I read all of your posts in your lispy queer voice after anon posted those videos of you.
I mostly come here for advice, not to participate in wannabe micro e-celebrity posturing and drama
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hey guys whats going on in here
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you're getting AIDS right now
push back
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>your kids don't talk to you
Good riddance.
>you first born son disowned YOU for being gay
Only one of us was blubbering and sobbing when I packed my bags, and it wasn't me.
>you had a 30 minute meltdown about lionel
It's cheap inaccurate dogshit that's kept alive solely by nostalgic firs wave boomers, not every steam engine was a FUCKING NEW YORK CENTRAL HUDSON.
The yearly trip return to remind you they still exist.
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yeah my dad bought me those
you would not understand that
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Unironically yes.

Dude did I ever tell you about their family Christmas photos from 2014? Holy shit it's like you can actually smell the mental illness. I can't believe they sent out cards with the photos.
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xcr sucks
>the budget ran out
This sounds like projecting to me. Could your parents not afford speech therapy because they spent it on your BSA charter fees that clearly had zero positive impact on you as a person.
can i get sucked if i buy one?
It would instantly be a dead site ala operatorchan. The only thing that keeps this attention mill alive is the pedigree.
That is the difficult thing about starting a forum. Nowadays you'd probably have to generate a bunch of fake AI posts so it looks used before anyone would actually consider it.
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it would be very painful
Before, most special interests were relegated to their selective sites. Now most traffic has been conglomerated onto just a few massive sites with the remaining niche places, like forums, existing solely on their pedigree before that happened. I think that like it or not we have what we have for better or for worse.
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>yeah my dad bought me those
Unfortunate, if he really loved you he'd have gotten you Accucraft.
>It would instantly be a dead site
Exactly, an immediate improvement. /k/ is dead, seeing it still around is like watching your dementia-ridden, vegetable grandmother who you loved very much wasting away in a nursing home bed. You know it'd be merciful to take the pillow and smother her, you just have to muster up the courage to do so.
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I would prefer slow over shitty but I’m not exactly a paragon of quality posts.
Bitching about how the board has deteriorated is never going to fix it and there will never be a magic third solution where you manage to put the lightning back in the bottle. Either you move on to reddit or instagram or you come here and act like you're so above it to feel better about letting it collapse out from under you. Regardless it's faggot shit that's on the same level as all of the other faggot shit contributing to the shitty state of things.
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>Bitching about how the board has deteriorated is never going to fix it
It will never be fixed. It's done.
>you come here and act like you're so above it
I don't act it, I know it.
Uh okay retard
My dementia ridden grandma would ram people she didn’t like with her power chair and started using the hard R instead of tactfully calling them democrats like she used to.
newtard, this community stood no chance in fending off a literal tripling of userbase that happened virtually overnight followed by an actual fucking coordinated bot campaign from multiple state intelligence agencies. no one here "let" this board get to its current state, it happened entirely because of outside factors and nothing was stopping it.
Deranged election tourist schizo cope
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Yeah that's right bitch.
Your grandma was unbelievably based and is an inspiration.
That's fair. The worst part about Discord is it's impossible to actually document any useful information there in a meaningful manner. Otherwise you can at least find people there who are interesting to talk to.
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So you admit that you are in fact, retarded and part of the problem?
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I think you're part of the problem and a gay faggot.
I wish I had the site traffic image saved on my phone. It more than doubled overnight when the invasion began.
yet he's still posting guns which is more than can be said for you
Uh huh
No you dumb fuck, the traffic actually increased in excess of 200% within just a week sitewide.
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It got pretty bad when moot turned off the bot protection. It's done on purpose to kill the SnR and drive people away
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Redditors can't help it. It's just their nature.
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There's a number of those (picrel), don't know how anyone can say in good faith that 4chan wasn't inundated with outsiders and had its organic community completely drowned out. Mobilefags also contributed majorly towards things going to complete shit.
why dont you sell him a decent mount.
those knubs are ridiculous.
Dunno, never used discord.
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This is like the 5th version of "nu/k/" since I started posting here. It's a cycle.
The first time I had sex, the woman squirted. Was that piss? Did she piss on me?
That whole assumption is a massive oversimplification on how and why board culture has changed. But it is a very convenient and comfortable assumption to make that alleviates any and all responsibility from the people who pretend to care it. But I can assure you that it wasn't entirely le Israeli JIDF bot farms and was far more organic than you'd like to imagine.
All you can do is say
>u rong
without even elaborating how and why. Go away and take your gunless ass with you, fatty.
Squirt is piss and if she's not pissing I'm not trying
>That whole assumption is a massive oversimplification on how and why board culture has changed.
oh do explain how we're all at fault for 4chan circling the drain and not you reddit transplants and normies and /pol/schizos and turdie /int/ dwellers et al.
I can only assume that the emotional nigger babble reaction you're having is a form of election tourist guilt.
I can only assume you actually don't have anything to say, or guns to contribute.
Go back.
Just put a little wrench on it and use two fingers and it gets plenty tight and never comes loose. Geissele mount is pretty good.

Squirt is piss.
>Acktyually, you're wrong :)
>I see I've struck a nerve ;)
Really nigga?
It's always piss, silly.
I can't believe you spent $13,000 on that pistol. Your kids would probably be pissed but let's be real they probably didn't think it was worth inheriting your dirt patch in northern Oklahoma so they aren't going to be fighting over the will.
It's uncanny how if you just swap a few words out this would 100% be some demoralized leftytard trying to smugly fact-check posts on plebbit that are concerned about mass immigration undermining local culture and causing societal cohesion issues
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>I can't believe you spent $13,000 on that pistol.
That number keeps going up every year like your foot size.
>your dirt patch in northern Oklahoma
South of Hobbes,NM, you mean.
> so they aren't going to be fighting over the will.
Correct, neither one is getting left anything, so there's nothing to fight over.
But think about the yummy food trucks:), because every mexiacan is a chef and opens a restaurant.
Explain what? That the election season traffic was mostly organic traffic and not the JIDF boogyman? That everyone cowed out and bent the knee and let normies walk all over everything? That the few refuges that were had were compromised after they fell into the wrong hands? Maybe trying to culturally integrate into the mainstream wasn't done in the most graceful way? That riding endless sea of imitators and clout chasers maybe wasn't a good idea? What explanation do you want? Uh the Russian bot farm done it. Is that easier to digest?
are you having a bot write these unintelligible ravings? go back to your shithole, even in current day /k/ you obviously don't belong here.
Who the fuck is A2 and why should I care.
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Kino moss.
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Moss is great.
>Erm le reddit
Ok sub 90 IQ just off the boat from Africa nigger
post a AR you own tourist, you're in the fucking AR general you retarded darkie
I have concluded that I will be getting the Ti scrambler over the Inconel one and I will be using it on the 11.5 and move the velos to my block ii.
It's going to be great when your funding is cut in about a month and you aren't posting here again until 2028.
Luv me moss, simple as.
You people are retarded and absolutely deserve the board in it's current state. Honestly I hope it gets worse.
When was the last time you shot your gun?
He's never even taken it out of the house, his mom doesn't let him.
can you post an AR you own? why are you here?
It is currently 9am in tel aviv. AR15.
I'm not going to post the rifle I normally post in this thread because every time I do from this point on your massively underdeveloped Sub-Saharan prefrontal complex is going to go absolutely haywire.
So you don't have an AR.
I do yeah. I even shoot it.
nta but most of the ones posted were by trips and I know you aren’t me so that doesn’t leave a lot left.
im also here
The only anons to post an ar are me, fishy, the furry, and dmt. You don’t strike me as any of them.
no i meant im fishy im also here hi
but i dont think that anon meant he posted his rifle in this thread but other /arg/s
Oh. Hi fishy.
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Northern lights and meteor shower tonight
True friendships are forged in mumble.
Ironically we still use TeamSpeak for VC stuff but day to day chit chat the Discord is simpler.
Thanks for the blog post carbon
The fuck is going on in this thread

To bring back a semblance of discussion: do you think 20" is "too much" for a carbine used potentially indoors or are you one of the Fallujah doorkicker gang?
20 bait is stale you have to come back in daytime hours.
13.7" is the greatest barrel length of all time.
Just do a mid length 14.5 pinned and call it a day.
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Can someone tell me what this says I can't read
It's possible but it's less than ideal anon. 20"fags constantly bring up Fallujah but don't mention how costly it was for Americans that fought
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If you're conducting rapid, direct action through an unfamiliar building on your own in a situation where lives depend on it, then you've probably already significantly fucked up somewhere in your life in a way which a high-speed rifle won't fix. Either that, or you're a madlad, so nothing matters and nobody cares at that point; people are just glad to have a body in the stack that isn't going to shoot himself or a buddy while moving. Moreover, since the only building that you should typically ever need to consistently navigate with a rifle is your own home/property/domicile/whatever, then you should be able to adapt any firearm into that procedure.
>muh truck/vehicle gun
People can hear and see the L shape forming.
If you're in any decent amount of kit, removing yourself from a vehicle sort of sucks regardless of what sort of gun you're holding.
You could also just disembark at a distance where split-second downloads shouldn't make or break a mission, and then you can walk to your target.
In the case of an ambush, provided that your vehicle isn't deadlined or outright trapped in place, immediately engaging targets from your vehicle is retarded because you're kind of a sitting duck. Reposition out of the kill zone first if you can.
Knowledge of and practice with your kit will smooth out trade-offs if you put enough thought and drills into things.

tl;dr: It doesn't matter. Just build a rifle and practice with it.
One time I tried to jump out with a 16" AR from my car and it got stuck on the door for a second. Would have been gutted during the dwot
Your car isn't a MATV, MRAP, or humvee. NSTVs fucking suck for disembarking, and that's probably as big as any civilian vehicle is going to get anyway because it's literally just a land rover or something with cope armor in the doors.
you don't understand anon, my rifle literally got caught on the door and took my attention to unfuck. Doesn't matter what vehicle I was disembarking from I would have died absolutely
it says lapp with two p
If we're all on that DWOT/Fallujah psychosis right now, are you implying that the US soldiers in Fallujah didn't move through the streets on foot for a significant amount of their operation there? Did you not read the whole
>You could also just disembark at a distance where split-second downloads shouldn't make or break a mission, and then you can walk to your target.
part of my first post?
Is >>62663869 also implying that Mk18s would've magically removed all of the barricades and grenades in all of the buildings? I could be getting trolled, but it's hard to tell anymore because people are indeed just this retarded.
are you dumb
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I dunno, dude, you're the one getting your shit caught in a vehicle door.
I made it up for fun
holy guacamole i love ar15s
They're ok
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>using discord
>needing a speech therapist as a child
it's like walking into the retard class accidentally. I thought they kept you all in a trailer behind the real school
Ti is flashy no? Like sparks flashy not clout flashy
Doesn't matter, he doesn't shoot
trAsh deepthroats fat nigger cocks and drinks nigger cum
I don’t have a homo lisp like you twink.
I was gonna post [latest purchase] but you guys are weird.
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Please someone help! My son... he is sick
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just wanted to say that the Aimpoint T-2 is cool as hell, bro. cheap? no. good? yes.
Please. I'm dying to know
didn't notice your post until now. of course I'd like to see. don't act like you're a special redditor, because nobody likes a redditor in the first place. just post your gun and be cool and say that Israel is not a legitimate state
is this a kac upper on Dug's AR? How we feeling about it otherwise
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>doesn't know dug
one day, you're going to feel a "click" underneath your boot when taking a stroll innawoods, and that will be your last experience on earth
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>Who the fuck is A2
Pic related, all grown up.
You inadvertently fulfilled my role as pastebin poster, thanks, trip fren!
Boomers tried that and we ended up with Arfcom, sit down grandpa
This is just tripfag general
Data. My name is, "Data." You said, "Datta." One is my name, the other is not.
Not necessarily you fuck wit
The same people itt complaining about the state of the board are the ones who caused this, outside a few events like sandy, clank, fappening, ect
did Sandy Hook really bring a notable influx of newfags or was it just the reaction that split this board into permaschizo nafo death squad wannabes and the rest was old k which was only partly that
Pshh, and what good have you done? Respond, or what you wrote is worthless.
Could you shut the fuck up zoomer
Hello, I am one of those complainers. I essentially stay confined to the generals (now especially) and would occasionally join in on the /out/ threads where anons share their stories. How did I cause this?
>Hello, I am one of those complainers
Shut the fuck up, >>62664719 is going to respond with his wisdom.
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take some outdoor photos colt bro
And a very good morning to you too arg
Debating a gordy carbine clone, don’t care if its reddit the heart wants what it wants and it wants light and pointy without risers. Best current optic? PRO?
I want to make you happy
I eagerly await the wise words. I hope he won't let me down.
Probably some of both, there was a noticeable instantaneous decrease in post quality.
I haven’t been a toxic faggot like msd or qb for over a decade. There’s times to have fun, fuck around, go a little off topic but overall I try to be helpful and not join in on the shit flinging, name calling, and degen shit even by this sites standards. My post probably wasn’t targeting you. Just some of the old repeat offending faggots who are like “hurr durr I’ve done nothing wrong, this site is fucked wahhh it’s these damn kids” boomer ass retards
I also used to try to stomp out the degen shit wherever I saw it but I got tired of chasing queers like paws and lady around, atleast he dropped his trip and chilled out a little and lady got arrested in a swat standoff
Where's your wisdom now, dickhead? Come here writing like a teenage redditor. Can't explain yourself to save your life. So stupid. Get lost.
How about you quit acting like a faggot and just be a nice guy
You will all be sad when DMT expires on thursday
How is he wrong though
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he can come stay with me. I'll just lock him in the home gym and push mass gainer and grilled chicken under the door every few hours
>i know A2
>i know many people that know A2
>he currently lives alone
>he has ZERO friends
>he has burned every bridge in his life
This is sad to hear, he seems like a nice guy.
I thought A2 adopted a kid with a tranny
What happened to spearman and all those other guys he was friends with
>How is he wrong though
About what?
Why is Gen Z so stupid and can't ask a simple question?
he doesn't seem nice unless you pet his ego. I imagine if you disagreed with him in real life he would get really snarky like he does here
>I want to make you happy
Based codependency.
No. Stop bringing it up
why do you always shit up the thread
I lovem y wiife. *Gasp* ahishdhjdkwoqpndhxkwll
He seems like a smug faggot unless you worship him. The pussy can't ever admit he's wrong. The ultimate narcissist
What is the question, retard? Gonna sit there and punch your balls for the men playing women's sports or what?
it's every fucking day too. he has to sperg about something, constantly
I asked him once to even imagine a scenario which might prove him wrong, even a fringe one. This is totally normal as a human to realize there is no panacea for every situation, he admits as much with his food groups rhetoric. But he couldn't do it. He literally cannot even fathom being wrong, so it's hard to take anything he says at face value because you know he would never recant his statements
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why are you like this?
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I want to see the other 3 individuals post their screenshot too. You're just a useful idiot
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o i am laffin
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You're really not that interesting.
thanks for the (you)
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>tfw spectator at special olympics
how does this make the thread any better nigger?
A2 has a kid and a boy wife!?!
>how does this make the thread any better nigger?
holy crap dude you have a meltdown everyday. Kill yourself already
I'm in this guy's head rent free. who does he think I am? I have no idea. why does he think everybody in this thread is me? I have no idea. does he have brain problems? yes.
shut up already
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Why is my regularly scheduled broadcast for Tuesday Morning /arg/ being interrupted by weekend /arg/ programing?
I agree
you better not be this faggot >>62665022
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anon is very worried about dmt apparently and is a little stressed out
He'll give us wisdom just as soon as he provides proof he even owns an AR
>Durrrr it's the 4chan natives who are at fault for killing the board, not the verifiable surge in posters from other communities and actual interest groups like ShareBlue which had a demonstrable presence
Just ignore that one faggot who is shitting this place up proving anon right just for the sake of being a fucker and move on

he's going crazy about screenshots this week
by all means demonstrate
Daww, poor guy, hes all worked up.
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please seek mental help. I'm not even the previous guy that you assume is me. you just assume I'm him, which I'm not. but you have serious mental issues and assume that I'm the same person. I'm not. I promise you I'm not. I wish you would seek help because I'd be happy to talk to you about guns and tanks and other /k/ stuff we're probably both interested in. I mean it, I will try to be your friend if you'd like.
only if you can go 1 hour without shitposting
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it's a PSA Freedom build or doesn't exist, 50/50
I just renewed the DMT subscription on my card. Your welcome.

I wonder if his cats still shitting blood and if he's gone shooting again lately.
The only poster here I like
well then either give me a way to contact you after an hour, or don't.
okay you want my phone number? Fine... 555-6969
his cats fine, he hasn't shot in 6 months, he's up 16-18lbs
you're the one that responded to my offer being friends with you, dickhead
Based. Good for him. I hope he puts his AR to good use and lays down suppressing fire vs the hurricane so civvies can evac. Godspeed DMT.
It will be brought up until you start expressing concern for him.
you're so drunk you can't even comprehend a post 10 above yours. I'm literally offering to be your friend
>That everyone cowed out and bent the knee and let normies walk all over everything
What sort of victim blaming bullshit is this? If normies outnumber you how the fuck are you supposed to prevent them from ruining everything? Why are they absolved of blame and we're at fault for not being able to kill every Mexican assaulting the Alamo?
I know I gave you my number for you to call me to prove you didn't shitpost for 1 hour. you failed
Victim blaming is good and based, Mr.MeToo
I'm not going to fucking stop shitposting. that's why you and I would get along. fucking dickhead
My last ar pic is from this time last year. I shot ak’s too much this year fuck. Atleast I unfucked some of my bad handgun habits but I need to get out there with my ar’s again. I’ll take some new pics tonight of my setups and hopefully get to a range this month. I haven’t shot since early August and it’s too long. (Well I shot some air guns last month but I don’t count that)
get over it you mentally ill faggot. I'm surprised your parents even let you have guns. probably in your dad's safe that you have no access to
>provides proof he even owns an AR
We don't do that anymore, arg has like a dozen posters who actually own what this general revolves around and everyone else lives vicariously through them and parrots whatever A2 thinks
sounds like /akg/ just faster..
Have you tried your can
Sandy Vagina dragged a shit ton of traffic onto /k/. Prior to that /k/ was pretty milsurp centric. After Sandy Vagina everything that went bang shot up in price. Ammo dried up. Then 2014 happened putting cheap Ak rifles and surplus 5.45 out to pasture. Throw in election season dragging in even more retards after board culture started shifting and all you're left with is /arg/. Honestly I was a bit shell shocked running into a guy in his mid 30s spouting late 2000's /k/ culture at me in the 2020s. Kind of forgot that the board has changed that much
Can’t wait for half of you insufferable retards to catch bans
I want him gone and that will never change
That guy is literally me. I’ve been here since the moist nugget era.
I remember leaving sometime in 2013 or something because I was getting bored with the usual shit onto to come back to an increasingly worse place. Arg sucks too
ok, but how does this make the thread any better?
you don't want to be my friend and I'll piss vitriol. I'm just some guy but you're crazy and think I'm somebody else.
you are like a flower
>Throw in election season dragging in even more retards after board culture started shifting and all you're left with is /arg/
And as this thread shows even that's long since gone to the dogs
I miss when equipment was less emphasized as much as skills and shootan. Now we have a culture that reveres ash
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I need to take updated pictures, my atafr sits on a ris3 now and this has a t2 and g33 on it. I’ll take new pictures tonight after work. If anyone remembers my dd with the elcan I unfucked the stock and light placement ages ago
holy shit don't post pictures of your guns with the crazy guy here
Ash is only relevant because he simply persisted in regularly posting when everyone else from his era of tripniggers moved on
Assault rifle 15 anons, we need to hold hands and pray for one of our own. Put your shitposting aside for a minute and let us pray for DMTs safety.

God our Father, Creator of the Universe and Lord over all creation, we humbly stand before You as Your children in thanksgiving for Your loving care and protection. We ask that You keep us safe from all hurricanes which may threaten us in the coming seasons. Protect us from all fear and anxiety of storms and give us an ardent trust and hope in Your love and mercy. You alone have the power to command the sea, the wind and the rain. You alone bring peace, calm and safety. Father, we thank You in advance, for You are our only refuge. We ask this through Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. Mary, Queen of the Apostles and patroness of our diocese, pray for us.
Pre 2014 /k/ was alright but it was getting very boring. It was already normie central by like 2012. Chud's hate to admit it but 2014 was the start of a golden era The Clankening. 2014 and the first part of 2015 were pretty alright, then the election cancer started in 2016 and it was almost entirely downhill from there. The 2022 invasion unironically saved /k/
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You first, stupid reddit retard. What are you doing, reporting every post? Neck yourself.
Pre 2014 was what would be considered reddit today. Willis cartoons, le funny moist nugget meme, Zerg face and other assorted cringe. I’m glad it’s over honestly.
>The 2022 invasion unironically saved /k/
Lmfao what? That was when the bot farms went into overdrive and /int/ broke containment and drove this board further into the ground
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A boy doesn't know
Just what to do
When he has an AR
As nice as you
You make him think of the things
He used to do
When he says
His love is true
You're arguing with a mental midget.
I love my dissy
Fuck you for stealing my trips
Wasn't John money's virtually disgraced by other sexologists in the 1990s when David came out publicly about the abuse? His research is studied on what NOT to do and how to be wrong about gender. I remember the news stories about it at the time.
I’m arguing with a hunchbacked incel manlet with a homo lisp.
are you slightly stupid?
There was nothing to talk about bro were you actually here before '22? It was still completely flooded with retarded election fags and schizo COVID retards screeching about how society is about to collapse into a fort nite battle royale. No real wars going on, the US pulled out of Afghanistan, zombie apocalypse chat days were long gone.
Now there's high res HD footage of ground invasions and first person trench warfare, old /k/ would have killed to get this kind of content.
Those are nice dubs but I am the Nigerian Prince of Numbers.
Am I wrong? If you have ever read a sexology book past the 1990s, they talk about him derisively like an ar-180
I miss the convos of comparing the needs of a near peer adversary vs a zombie horde. Seriously breaking down the logistics of different situations is a great way to learn fundamental concepts n shit
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Thanks for the lore update queerbait
Alright I'm willing to accept hunchbacked. Perhaps even Incel if I'm in a bad mood.

But Manlet? I'm 6'1. When I stand side by side with MSD he looks like a Mongolian in comparison.
So, was he right?
Be honest, does Mrs.Grips have a penis? (S)he could help you carry the MG ammo with them natural god gifted shoulders
You forgot the littthhhhp
I just posted a picture and I wanted to be your friend you stupid tranny
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Its always exciting when strangers on the internet invent new and exciting parts of your life that you arent even aware of.
I factually don't have a lisp. I might smash syllables together occasionally. But there is no lisp in my speach.
You're retarded, how can anyone think getting flooded by thinly veiled /int/ threads, increased bot activity and the same "FPV drone drops an old VOG grenade on some retarded conscript that doesn't even have a gun" thread with same aforementioned /int/ dipshittery making up all the posts in it is an improvement? Was actual weapon discussion too boring to you?
Your jewtube videos say otherwise fag
(I don’t really care I’m just shitposting while I wait for someone)
Tripfag damage control
I'm gonna need a vocaroo of "skelly sells sea shells by the sea shore"
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I want to have raw passionate sex with a2grip in a boca raton airbnb
Sheeeit who cut your P30 I need to do mine.
Take off the rosy glasses. What "actual weapon discussion"?
I sure do hope they ban anonymous posting soon. These people are worthless.
You're arguing with an astroturfer by the way. He is going to do nothing but try to convince you that the years of threads you posted in prior to his arrival were a fever dream. Also fuck tripfags.
kinda seems like he hates you and is being serious. no other trip even talks to you anymore
Im here for you if you need a friend
Sorry chuddy this is an anomalous website you have your pedocord for that
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That's Ian McCollum, not some wortheless tripfag.
We know...
This seems real. A2 probably fucked him over or something. I’m still waiting for A2 to correct the record(TM)
Okay you clearly weren't here and rolled in with the rest of the 2022 wave.
Who? You and your gay reddit friend?
>I don’t have a lithp I thwear
Congratulations on being gay and denouncing Reddit.
There's no way anybody actually likes you. You must be insufferable IRL
I'm about to go zero a couple of rifles. Should I just zero both my eotech and irons at 50 yards?
Thank you for denouncing Reddit.
*and me*!
>no other trip even talks to you anymore
Vicky still tries to get his attention and approval
That’s the vibe I get. I’d sooner go to the range with DMT or the furry than him desu
I've been here since 2010 friend. /k/ wasnt magically good before '22 or '16, it was still shit
yo contigo!
>all the attention seeking faggots (trips) hate a2
I’m sure it’s because of some IRL drama and not just because he’s the only tripfag anyone actually asks for advice thus ruining their attempts at parasocial relevance
50yds is the standard for red dots
Got it, thanks friend.
As one of the many trans women that has A2 to thank (uWu zaddy) for her coming of age, I think he should never deserve any hatred
>Lispy plumbing videos
>no other trip
Imagine if the attitude was a little bit better and you were just grillin and shootin with bros.
Yes. You can tell when your eotech drifts using those irons.
because vic is gross and pathetic
hes literally the only trip left. everyone else left him
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Damn, you guys are fucking gay.
My eotech won't drift. It's built different.
>2022 invasion unironically saved /k/
I can forgive someone for think this in March or April '22 but in late 2024 just makes you fucking dumb.
Yeah that's fine. I once tried zeroing my buis for a different zero than my main optic but that was stupid.
>no other tripfag even talks to you anymore
Not for lack of trying.
Eu também!
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>Yo jaquarius, let me get double the glue in this eotech its for my buddy anon!
Better then fishanon sending you pornography on instagram DMs
does. your. wife. have. a. penis
fucking fishfaced chinlet
Ernesto of Langdon Tactical Technology.
>he’s the only trip left
And yet every day some new self important faggot shows up and shits up the thread with off topic faggotry
Add dog fucking to the allegations. You and Big C must hang out
>and you were just grillin and shootin with bros.
I can only imagine
>"You can have cheese on your burger as a little treat!"
have you ever been wrong?
>x300 starts dimming

I miss big boss he was funny
you already told me that you're gay, but do you even own a modified 6P?
Needs some paint and range time. The Wilcox dovetail mount is a wonderful thing, debated trying to find a UTC larue mount but seems borderline impossible and I like the option to flip the thermal in the off chance I still have it mounted while I am able to use the day optic.

You can thank Brandon Herrara's inbox box for its sacrifice in making that joke.
You've literally talked to me in TS my guy. When we played R6:S for Thanksgiving in 2018.
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Im sure big battery is behind this one
V nice
Consider running gaffers tape around the eyepiece so it doesnt shift off the collimated position.
Thats the joke
QB is the lispy one
ich bin bei dir!
>Better then fishanon sending you pornography on instagram DMs
Was it fur?
can I hear about it
Nah. There's actually stuff to talk about and literally more /k/ content than has been available before. You have more retards to deal with, granted, but if you can't deal with them you must be pretty retarded yourself
he was a lolcow cause he is retarded, though he himself wasn't really funny
Yea it was lewd art of an anthropomorphic umbreon
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I tried to put a zenitco vzor 1 on an aimpoint micro red dot mount just the other day.
Of course it was
Based fishy forcing A2 to celebrate FF
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I just like the Specter DR 1/4 by Raytheon ELCAN Optical Technologies
QBs habit that drives me nuts is he will not throw away his beer cans. Dude just straight up has a 55 gallon trash can full of fuckin Bud Heavy cans next to his arm chair. When he stands up to mime the frisbee toss in Sailor Moon you can literally hear them getting knocked over because there's always at least a dozen on the floor in his surroundings. The dude straight up loves Budweiser.
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nations that make mongrels of their people, or allow their people to be turned into mongrels, sin against the will of eternal providence, and thus their overthrow at the hands of a stronger opponent cannot be looked at as a wrong, but, on the contrary, as a restoration of justice.
Maybe I should hang out with him after all
Is that a Hitler quote? He says Providence a lot
>no other trip even talks to you
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
It's a very easy to appreciate sight because it doesn't need leveled. Built in mount. 1x and 4x. Everything you need really.
Really? The mounting pattern looked the same but I guess not.
>Of course it was
was the art at least good?
Proofs? I need some proofs sir
yes and thank you for listening to it
pray for him
You arent allowed to!
>The mounting pattern looked the same but I guess not.
Could have fooled me
But crafty russians spaced the screws significantly wider for no fuckin reason.
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wife says i can't fill a garbage can with cans anymore
i have to walk all the way out to the garage
she's making me return them regularly
What are you putting the vzor on? Even my zenitshit guns have aimpoints on them the only slav optic I have is a PK01 VS I don’t use anymore
why do you guys even respond to these tripfags
I'm going to buy a flow 556k and you can't stop me
ngl I like them but not on SBRs
Despite all of the screeching anon wants attention too.
it's going on a 14.5 but I'm tempted to also run it on my 10.3 because poor
Oopsies >>62665723
Smoosh the cans flat before you chuck em, it basically quadruples your can storage capacity
Good on 14.5 but it’s gonna be flashy on 10.3 unless you use good ammo. Remember it’s not only a K can but a flow through K can.
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i have to return them intact to get the 10c back the state government steals when you buy them

nah not really though
fair play, I'll mull this over
not really much of a lolcow, just stubborn like every tripfag
>MC black spotted.
Where's that one anon to have an absolute shitfit about it?

It's better than just black and you cannot change my mind.
Why u copy my rifle? What thermal is that so I can copy you?
I'm happy to see that my plan to sow discord in this thread has sustained itself for the entire time that I've been asleep.
What happened is people started coming here who actually have experience and knowledge. That led to feeling getting hurt because this place wasn't a slavshit/alice gear tubby hugbox anymore. Ends up you need a job and to go outside to actually matter.

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