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Old: >>62701204

BLAMZO! edition.

I think I feel a pastebin coming on...




Overwhites and KC anon are a trip
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I’ll stick to my $80 microbest BCGs. KAC is the equivalent of beanie babies for tactical man children
>$80 microbest
Might as well just buy PSA Toolcraft at that point.

Brownelles BCGs have been good to me.
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>The variations in material and forming techniques appear to have no effect on bore surface
heating effects
more like
$80 midatbest
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Ash sweaty, it’s time to FOMO and sell some of daddy’s coin collection again.
Wut dat
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Operation parts just had e3.2 bolts for the low low price of $400. Dont tell me you missed them
I’m good I’ll just buy bcm
The new D.E. Niggers lazerator with their brand new FAGGOTCHODE Emitter technology. Coming as stolen goods to a tacswap near you in early to mid 2025.
His ghost is angry will his coooooooonsuuuming
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erm were busy chud
He plays WoW now?
You guys are mentally ill faggots
Tell ash gib torva in osrs
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>200 rounds in 3 years
Get your facts straight, because I've shot at least 400 rounds.
no thats someone i found in a pug and took a ss of, idk where ash is
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woah mama now that's what I call a magnifier mount
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I've got about 40 hours left on a project, once I'm finished I'm doing an overnight innamountains. It's getting nippy
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>tfw realfeel here is still 94
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I just like it bros. (this is a shoop, I spend 100 hrs in MS paint removing all the gay shit from some retrofag's gun)
No thanks
I’d rather buy 5 microbest BCGs, unironically
Not getting the luxe model. This is why you're mid
You realize those BCGs are inspected to the customers requirements right? Brand name has almost nothing to do with it.
Hell yeah.
But in like 4 years huh
Carry handles should never have quad rails
That's why the luxe model is goated with the sauce so fuxkin raw dude so raw
Wonder if The Count will have any blemmie BCGs this sale or they'll just use them for built uppers
You first must ask yourself why Geissele is rejecting enough parts to have blem sales. It's highly unusual for a company that claims to be a top tier manufacturer.
Anderson lower + PSA upper. Rifles like this will win the civil war.
BCM has tons of blem sales too. 90% of the time you can't find the blem.
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Lol wtf is this monstrosity.
Oh the PSA requirements? Yeah I’ll pass dude
Anywhere someone is selling you a $80 BCG the requirements are the same I assure you.
Between salaries and materials this thing must have cost $5mil to design.
No wonder they’re selling it for $1k lmao
It’s almost like it’s cheaper to by directly from manufacturer
AI slop.
Yeah, just be sure to add a little more saying "please, pretty please, send me a really good one."
needs one of those h&r JSOC handguards
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How do you have a laser? Is it fake?
Idk man my microbest BCG gives me less trouble than my DD one.
If you can't find the blem, there's another issue. Every one of those parts was rejected for a reason, not all of them are cosmetic blems.
>X company wouldn't do that!
Yes, they would
>even if they did, wouldn't people notice and call them out?
The average guns00mer doesn't shoot. Actual complaints will be drowned out by redditors lauding the company for selling them parts so cheap
>not all of them are cosmetic blems.
Nah they are
Well I talked to James from Licentia for an hour and got a quote for a set of PVS-31A+mount+fast sf.

Going to do a little bit of research now that I have a serious point of comparison but thinking I'll probably pull the trigger by the end of the week.
I guess you should post it so that I believe you.

I've broken a gas key, a bolt, and an extractor. Each from a different manufacturer and each for different reasons.

In a BCG you are really paying for an autistic degree of metalurgy testing, coating, and having a fluent english speaking male do the assembly.

I can't recall ever hearing of one that "didn't fit right" unless you count manufacturers like Bear Creek and OmniMax tier shitrods.
Nice, enjoy it.
Sometimes M2 really be like that
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What do you want to see exactly?
why are you going 31s over say a RNVGA or RNVGP with some aviation tubes? This is the question I'm going through. What are you getting in the 31s that are so good?? Is it manual gain / way better optics? thanks
what "trouble" does your DD bcg supposedly give you?
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Good choice. The glass improvement from the PVS14 to the 31As is noticeable. You can really tell a difference when you look at light sources and the bloom is tiny
Two BCGs I guess. Be the anon to pull through. I believe in you.
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The glass is much better than PVS14 style lenses. Really cuts down on the bloom from light sources
I just have to lube it every 1,000 rounds or so or it locks up.
Maybe that sounds like a lot but it’s really not that hard to accomplish in a few days in le oogie boogie
The company selling me the product says the product is legit, get owned!
Better optics + manual gain + no fragile gimmick features I don't care about. Optical quality and overall performance is sort of my #1 priority and the 31s seem to just have that.

He shared some examples and the low bloom, high SNR, and lack of any spots or defects at all is very appealing. The tubes in the set I'm looking at have insanely high FOM (like 2900+) and only a slightly higher EBI (like 1.5) than other sets. I'm sure I could look around and find similar quality tubes in another housing but then the same question applies - what am I getting that I wouldn't put of the 31s? I'm really just trying to buy once cry once here and not get bogged down in analysis paralysis. I work in sales and I'm as sceptical of sales guys as anyone but if the sales guy at an NVG seller also runs 31s as their personal and I order a set of 31s with even better tubes I feel pretty confident in that decision.
Oh and they also come with the external helmet mounted battery pack which is nice.
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>putting carbon on them before taking a picture
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It’s cheapshit utg but I like the way this looks
Something you don't need to worry about.
Good news,
May I see proof that says otherwise? Oh there is none? Ok
>taking a picture
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whats with all the gun pages on the internet asking about age
Why not? You can mount an optic and laser and light on the rail. A rail takes a carry handle and instantly makes it relevant. Subpar yes but relevant.
California law about marketing gun stuff to people under 18
this is some serious cope for being retarded. It's ok its not even that big of a good either say you are sorry or stop posting it's not that big a deal
these only work for 16" barrels btw. Check out VISM though for a dogshit drop in FSP rail though. That's the shit meta you want
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Filthy poorfag here, got both an Aero and Ruger carbine upper, if I had to sneed one and chuck the other what do
Jealous. I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on the PS31's but... they're ATN
Aren't the UTG rails actually decent?
I'd want a hard chrome one for an authentic Vietnam era build otherwise pass
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My man. God damn hero of the thread.

Though, they appear to be two BCGs from the same mfg. Bit hard to tell, but I commend the follow through. Enjoy your microbest.
Two is one one is none
Should I buy a centurion bcg for the drip alone?
keep lower, sell upper, buy new upper
I passed on one of the AIM Centurion complete uppers and still kick myself for it. YOLOFOMO
What buy, also have gorillions of lowers, tempted to keep the Ruger and toss the Aero
I'm telling you man, the luxe model. Individually hpi mpi sp etc ocks fasteners springco guts all the good shit but without a brands billboard on the side.
Pick your flavor of dlc, chrome dome, phospholicious.
I know and acknowledge that this is the better option.
I just like the way the other one looks.
If I ever buy shitty rails I might as well just get whatever I think looks epic. >>62708248
Idk apparently arfcom likes the pro line
I have another microbest still in the box
Surprise bitch another law passed while you were asleep
Aero bolts be snapping left and right, ruger is miss unimpressive but that's a good thing she reliable and will put out
Buy a blem bcm blem gman or the brownells dirty dave upper receiver
Which one has a better barrel?
Which one is the DD? They don't look dirty enough for the logo to be covered.
Depends what you choose duh, bcm sells normal shit and chf shit, gmoney makes chf cl nanojizz taper profile shit and dirty Dave makes the heckin chink 14.5 carbine gassed socom profile heavy barrel. Pick your poison figure out what you care about then buy that
What was the site you guys were getting those at again? I lost all of my bookmarks.
Wcarmory. Just keep watching and they'll go on sale occasionally they come in in batches because duh. You can get a ton of microbest bcgs from all sorts of other places but only one other company gave enough of a fuck to make them jice and its like the same as this shit but more expensive, the luxe model youre looking for the luxe model.
That's the one, thanks.
>gaped port
>tight bcg
>h4 buffer
Oh yeah, it's DD time
Would have guessed right
Well the rumor is that microbest makes them for DD
No it's not. Shut up. Fuck people like you. That's what they used to say about toolcraft. Toolcraft used to make eeeeeverybodies bcg. Just get a toolcraft bro Just as good oem blah blah blah nobody knew about microbest until like 2019. Now everyone wants to cope about their just as good batch tested if at all, budget as fuck bcg.
I’m gonna order a microbest bcg after I finish listening to talk tuah and eating my mr beast lunchly
What do people think of the AR-180? I kind of want grab a Brownells upper to throw on a lower i have sitting around. Is there a reason they aren't more popular?
for me, its the gman bcg
>Is there a reason they aren't more popular?
Yeah it's because they're like $1000 and not especially great when you compare them to a similarly priced standard upper, or even a $600 upper.

They're cool and decent, but their gimmick is not needing a buffer tube and they're probably the best option for that specific thing. Alternatives are the FM15 and JAKL and between the three the BRN180 is probably the best.
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>What do people think of the AR-180?
It makes me want to turn around 180 degrees and pick up my DI masterpiece instead, t b h.
>Is there a reason they aren't more popular?
Because DI solves every issue piston guns have. Remember that Armalite only made the AR-18 because they sold the rights to their DI design to Colt.
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Reminder to buy your 100concepts light cap.
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Tall guy looking for a stock with more length of pull.
I see the magpull PRS-lite for a half-decent price, looks like it only extends to about 15.5" and I think I'm looking for 16-16.5" and the fitment on the tub might make it wobble.
Anyone have any experience with it?
lmao are you 7 feet tall
I would really like a Q Fix and I don't know why
just like 6'6" but my arms are overly long.
I get wrist pain with an off the shelf MoE stock and I have to crane my neck like a basement dweller to get site picture
The lankcel has arrived
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personally, im really happy with my 400,000 concepts light cap and i cant really think of another company other than 2,000,000 concepts that makes such a quality light cap. in fact, i may just buy another 6,000,000 concepts light cap for my other carbine.
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Do we like it or is it cope for people not wanting to buy bolt guns/larger rifles?
retard here
any reason for arc and not valkyrie?
I prefer 5.56 personally
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109/110 concepts.
I like it and want to try it, both in an AR and bolt gun
I know you were trying to spell donut
This single image has convinced me to buy psa until I die
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KAC and PSA are the firearms horseshoe theory of being bad with money
Have you bought nods yet
>not all of them are cosmetic blems
You think a company is willing to sell a product that is more than a cosmetic blem when it can and will result in them being sued to hell? They won't, they don't want to fuck with lawyers.
and BCM is right at the center
pretty much
Is there any circumstance where having an irons only setup is acceptable?
I got caught using 4chan today at work my boss is going to talk to me tomorrow
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I can't support this.
Anyone know of an overpriced 3d printed killflash/lens cap company that supports palestine?
I use it every day on my phone in the break room
I goon in the company bathroom
Have you sold all your guns to get into photography, got your pilots licence, moved to Montana to shoot with A2 or lost weight yet?
Ash I can't invite you to a meet up but do you wanna come over and make butterdogs? Idk what that is but it sounded good. We can go innadesert and watch for shooting stars with our NVGs after.
Maybe if you're really good with irons.
With optic detectors being used in ukraine now it’s actually becoming viable
>optic deflectors
What's that?
Read it again
Optical detection methods usually involve shooting a bunch of lasers around and looking for a return signal.
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I’m the boss at work and I have told staff I use 4chan and that I have a gun on me.
OH kek my bad.
Try using irons with NODs
Just shoot in the daytime
If you have a correctly sized mesh as a lens cover that might be sufficient. Not sure thought I've never tested it :^)
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the bugs have been sent back to hell and the air is crisp and refreshing again after 8 months of misery. Its time to go back outside and larp as someone with a chemical deficiency in his brain
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>pulls pantyhose over optic
Every BCG is fine kys
t. Owner of expensive guns. No I won't prove it. Fuck you
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Waiting on my rc2
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Look at this "M4" from Palestine some people just think the design looks cool
Would a killflash defeat this?
Thanks for the update
Carry handle and everything American style
It would depend on which killflash. Look for killflashes being pulled from market and placed under MIL/LEO restriction and you'll get a good idea for what designs probably work.
So my ebay killflash is no good? Shit. How would one go about getting a restricted killflash anyways?
You don't worry about getting one that's already restricted, you look for the designs that are and find someone making something similar. And then you cope and pray that it works because you have no way to test it. Or tacswap.
I'm going to buy a ta44 for my sbr
>you look for the designs that are and find someone making something similar.
I thought they were banned for their coating, not the design
That whole thing with the kill flashes getting n pulled from the market was a bullshit marketing gimmick see 26:25 onwards

The company who made the claim literally unjust took a patent office document and censored a bunch of random stuff to make it look scary so two weeks later they could resume sales and say "hey guise we beat the gubbament so you better buy some now now now before they're banned again k thz bye"
Any idea which ones are being restricted? I can’t find shit online. The only reason I was even familiar with them being restricted was word of mouth from a friend.
Why does the government have the ability to just ban shit?
You can ban a coating? Smoke grenades? Lasers? What the fuck happened to this country?
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>What the fuck happened to this country?

Does anyone sell a parts kit that is justasgood as mil shit?
They don’t, people just go along with it.
It turns out you can pretty much do whatever you want until someone kills you for it. That’s why the 2nd amendment exists. You’re just not willing to die to prove a point
Chevron deference
Nothing was banned, the company lied to drum up sales after they pretended to defeat a fake secrecy order

See >>62709164
China will sell you whatever laser shit you could ever need.
Most killflashes would probably just limit your ability to be detected from indirect angles. Maybe layers of mesh or some kind of filter would be better.
You mean real life isn’t like warzone where you can always see a sniper flash?? Fuck
Yeah nigger
I just want a c5 z06
Fuck you moron. Keep your stupidity inside your dumbfuck head. Or at least don't cope about it since you probably can't help it due to low impulse control low iq behavior. Case in point, no one will ever recommend you buy an aero bcg. The end.
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Has anyone determined that a brake vs a flash hider inside of a suppressor has any real effect on spark or flash out the front?

Where to get DD RIS II for 10.3"/10.5" barrels?
Excellent pic

This has got to be fucking bait.

>single 5 shot group
Wow its literally fucking nothing most any half decent free floated AR does this.

May I suggest sacrificing a bit of FOM to ensure lower EBI and halo.


It is gonna be meh and expensive and lock up on you.
>Where to get DD RIS II for 10.3"/10.5" barrels?
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Anyone got any nice CQBR Block 2.5 clone pics?

Ty but don't want that barrel.
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Is scrim based or gay
>May I suggest sacrificing a bit of FOM to ensure lower EBI and halo.
What would you suggest as the threshold for an exceptionally good EBI spec?
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New meme lam dropped
Let's gaslight desert homo into getting one instead of nods
Would rather have a MAWL still desu
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under 1, under .5 is great .1 is Guccimane
nice thanks. I should price out a pair as well. An aluminum housing is VERY appealing to me though, this is my struggle. Do I sacrifice slight optical performance for stronger resilience, tough call
Seems based then eh
go back
>It is gonna be meh and expensive and lock up on you.
Just like wuggy bussy
LGBT? Yeah I support it
LOVE GUNS, BUNNY women and TRAINING to fight the chinese occupation force

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