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Much ado about nothing
Old >>62639480

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
thoughts on the Armasight Jockey 640 as a dedicated clip-on? Not much info on it out there. compared to an RH-25, one of the benefits is zeroing it should be much easier. Apparently all you have to do on the Jockey is align the collimating reticle with your optic reticle. On an RH-25 you have to actually zero it with live rounds as far as I understand it.
I would have picked up the Aramasight Jockey 640 but it was not released yet by the time I bought my StingIR-640 last year.
Just like you mentioned the zeroing is dead easy and does not "require" shooting anything to adjust the screen to match the optic's reticle like every other clip-on thermal, it still good to confirm your zero though. The Jockey does not have an adjustable diopter but it was not designed for helmet mount use, but not having a diopter means it will be much more consistent to retain the zero when clip it back in front of your optic as there is no chance of changing that focal power like other multi-role thermal devices. And then finally for me anyways, I like how it is not a chinese thermal sensor so less likely chance of any future bs tariff or bs importation blockage/ban like the recent scare of InfiRay/iRay thermal device ban.
There are people who say the image quality of the Armasight thermal sensor is a tad lower quality than the competitors but without actual first hand comparison I can't say that would be the case for me. I think the thermal sensor for the Jockey is the same one as the Sidekick so looking at any of the Sidekick reviews should give you a better understanding of how the thermal sensor performs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An-eS-xxwcY
Actual Jockey review/overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs3ASpHtMAQ
Another video about the GL4 Pro is a no go buy from the usual suspects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_iaphMMfgw
prev thread died? brutal
It reached bump limit, yeah it will die like any thread would.
this gen used to be more active in the past
This gen used to be better in the past too. Now it's a shell of its former self.
Rip, I mean I could post my helmet setups or something. I just remember people discussing helmet setups and NV and stuff. Now it's just laserspeed chink laser discussion and random people selling stuff.
Do it, start the conversation/discussion.
No one is forcing anyone to only post about LAMs or the next latest product release of something relating to NV.
What questions you got about helmet setups?
Weight is always a concern and I would recommend looking to lessen the total weight or else your neck is going to suffer throughout the night or even daytime use if you ever plan on wearing all day and night.
I might go with the MH-1 housing and ditch the pano setup as I don't use it as much as I once did, its a neat solution to get a wider FOV but the weight of 2 pvs-14 is getting on me.
>post my helmet setups
If you want this thread to turn into /gq/ I guess.
>just laserspeed chink laser discussion
There always have been discussions about chinkshit here. This general would likely be even more dead if it weren't for the Laserspeed waiting room.
helmet setups are /nv/ unless you're running a skullcrusher
Is it advisable to apply anti fog paste like “cat crap” (the name of the brand) to germanium thermal lens
I would advise you not to apply anything to the germanium lens until you get confirmation from the manufacture that says its okay to do so or whichever other product they recommend instead.
Do you get a lot of fogging on your thermal lens or any optic lens that is not right by your eyes/face?
Setup discussions are fine but, posting gear for the sake of posting gear is sort of gear queer. If I want to see the same gear photos from a year ago being posted repeatedly then I'll go lurk other generals.
You've posted several times with complaints and have added nothing new to the thread. You are no better than what you are complaining about.
Post something you own that is "new" to start a conversation/discussion or do what you have said and just lurk else where.
Just rain water beading up not much fog
Ah, makes sense.
Still, I recommend you send an email to the manufacture of your thermal optic to see if they recommend "Cat Crap" or another product instead, just in case you ever need to send it in for service and they may void your warranty for using something they didn't recommend or some other bs.
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There are caps that fit
>several times with complaints
First post was an opinion. The second post was a complaint but, also criticism so that's only one complaint.
>have added nothing new to the thread
I only care for Laserspeed discussions now which I do contribute to. If you care so much then why aren't you doing more and why does the quality of these threads not reflect that? Funny how it's only after criticism that you retards might start doing something.
>Post something you own that is "new"
Have you? It doesn't seem like it.
If y'all want something to argue over I can post my helmet setup to critique
Again nothing new to add to the thread.
I ain't the one complaining about any slow down or lack of new content like you are.
>I only care for Laserspeed discussions now which I do contribute to.
Just posting to compliment the guy who got them to make the revised M6TR is nothing special.
Ok I'll give you something to discuss.

Given the choice between these three units, which one would you pick? I'll mainly be using these outdoors in high desert and alpine forest environments, but they'll probably see some indoor training classes and such as well. They'll be used while hiking, occasional driving, stargazing, and of course shooting. This is probably the only pair of NVGs I will ever buy.

Is the high EBI on the unit 1 really bad enough to give up those insane SNR figures? Is unit 2 or 3 actually a better tradeoff? Or should I gamble on a future shipment of tubes having something better that gives me lower EBI than unit 1, but with better FOM than unit 2/3?

Unit 1:
Tube 1: No registered spots
FOM: 2988
SNR: 41.5
Center Resolution:72
EBI: 1.3
Halo: .63

Tube 2: No registered spots
FOM: 2801
SNR: 38.9
Center Resolution: 72
EBI: 1.5
Halo: .65

Unit 2:
Tube 1: No registered spots
FOM: 2650
SNR: 36.8
Center Resolution: 72
EBI: .5
Halo: .67

Tube 2: No registered spots
FOM: 2506
SNR: 34.8
Center Resolution: 72
EBI: .5
Halo: .66

Unit 3:
Tube 1: No registered spots
FOM: 2664
SNR: 37.0
Center Resolution: 72
EBI: .7
Halo: .71

Tube 2: No registered spots
FOM: 2614
SNR: 36.3
Center Resolution: 72
EBI: .4
Halo: .71
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Boy howdy I sure do love opticsplanet!
>Unit 1:
Honestly that EBI is not "high" at all.
I don't know if you but much credit towards US mil spec but their Omni classification for VIII's maximum EBI is 3 and VII's were 2.5, IIRC.
For on the ground and helmet mounted use, trying to seek out lower than 1.0 EBI is sorta overrated by many people.
You mentioned stargazing, unless you were ever planning to put one of the tube to a telescope and getting the best picture of a very faint light source from a planet or star you will unlikely care about not having the best EBI value.

Any of the units you listed look fine as long they are within your budget, but yeah that high SNR is great though and I would go for that. And since you mentioned there are no spots on any of the tubes then the display will be a clean looking tube.
Unless you got a great deal at OP or have some in store credit to make it a good deal, I would just buy it on Amazon, if you need it asap anyways.
Looking at amazon for the red/white combo you have in that screen shot, its going for $54.
At the time, it was the only place to find that exact model. If that's changed by now then womp womp.
I know at least one of you has a DIRV since you’ve posted it before.
How do you like it overall and would you still recommend it?
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Related. Only missing >>62721206 because it's taking a minute.

Just remember I asked y'all about everything on here so this is your fault.
shouldn't have bought something that wasn't in stock. I've never had a problem buying something that was in stock.
it's probably one of the best "real" LAMs but it's extremely overpriced at $2000 for a 3D printed housing. you will more than likely find it on sale for DBAL D2 prices coming up on the holidays though.
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I own one, its still on one of my ARs. I would recommend it if you do not need the FP output of various LAMs out there. Its very simple to use with only 4 modes and an easy way to flip the diffuser to get a wider flood illumination. If you need a very lightweight LAM and also a very silm profile LAM so it does not interfere with your optic's FOV like a LPVO at 1x, there is very little options for you and the DIR-V and its other variants are hard to beat with that regards.

I like this guy's review of it and agree with what he has said about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=564rNPb0X2E
You complaining about my little criticism adds nothing by your standards either retard. I bet some of you fags will now start replying to every new post and post new content to compensate because of it.
>the guy who got them to make the revised M6TR
You are aware that Laserspeed discussions go years back and deeper than just Mr. Basque right? If anything, he has contributed not only to this general but, the entire NV community.
I see people saying /nvg/ is dead but what killed it
Personally I'm not a fan of the 3M wire helmet mount, when I had it for my Comtac 3s and helmet they would pop out of its closed position when I turn my head at certain angles and luckily no one was firing their guns. It prompted me to look at other methods of mounting my Comtacs to my helmet and I resorted for the Ops-Core AMP arms but there are other brands out there that makes a better product that does the same thing from this company https://gibbousoutfitters.com/, it also freed up my side arc rail to mount other stuff like my Streamlight Sidewinder Stalk.
Overall if that is your helmet setup, it looks fine and lightweight with a bump helmet.
They're all in my budget and all considered 'aviation spec' by the vendor. I'll be using them helmet mounted, on the ground. That's how I'll be stargazing too, I don't plan to use them with a telescope or anything like that. Even my crappy old Belarusian night vision scope is surprisingly cool for that, so I know this will be better.

I was apprehensive about the EBI spec only because the OP says you want under one, and talks about specs all the way down to 0.1. I'm not experienced enough to have a great frame of reference for this, but I'm spending enough money that I want to be confident I made a good decision.
Opted against the rear mounts because I'm autistic like that, personally. Haven't had an issue with these yet other than not really giving enough pressure for a positive seal all the time. Bent the fuck out of them and that seems to be sorted.
>I was apprehensive about the EBI spec only because the OP says you want under one, and talks about specs all the way down to 0.1.
As with any sort of mindset when it comes to spec comparison for cars, pc parts, and any thing where people can e-peen boast about, people will seek it doesn't mean much though imo.
I promise you won't regret getting any of those units you listed especially Unit 1 with its "high" EBI, the higher SNR is going to do a better job with showing off to people imo.
>Opted against the rear mounts because I'm autistic like that, personally.
Its all good, I know people dislike it for making people look like they have Micky Mouse ears.
But yeah if you found a way to make the 3M wire mounts work for you keep using.
I'll say I broke my genuine MPLS pretty quick and replaced it w a $25 wadsn knockoff and the performance is identical and if anything the build quality on the chinese unit is better.
Trying this one out, if it sucks ass I'll just get the chinkshit
Yeah I like the low profile and I find flood to be more advantageous than FP if I have to pick one or the other.
I also have a hard time justifying the $2,000 price tag but with what’s in the market it’s basically either that or go full retard and get a FP Raid off TS. I just have an even harder time justifying a $4,000 laser just so I can use a FP setting that punches through white light durinh the handful of times we incorporate disruptive WL in nightvision training.
Here's my underwater snail racing forum niche microprofessional opinion
>Unit 1
Blowout SNR. Anything 40+ is really good.
Yeah sure the ebi is a little "high" but you will never notice this. Unless youre going to be using this in conjunction with a telescope, but as I assume you are getting binoculars this really wont be happening.
1.5 ebi is really not as big as a problem as you think it is.
ebi is made out to be this big boogyman of the nightvision world but honestly in real world use you will never be regretting getting any of these options.
But with high SNR, high-er ebi is the norm because thats how these things literally work.

Your 2nd best option is Unit 3, most well balanced specs.
None of the other tube options really have that low of an ebi to warrant putting priority on them. Anything .3 and below I consider to be very good.

I almost want to buy an absolute shitter gen 3 tube just to show people that any gen 3 tube is still going to be extremely usable. (and better than most gen 2)

photonis comment on this video is relevant
Interesting video showcasing the usefulness of EBI.
What you're more likely to see. I'm squinting very hard at my screen to find a difference between the 2.2 and 0 at lowlight performance. But there is a clear difference between 37 & 2.2 and the 28 & 0.2, with the 37 being better.
So, in summary, I've probably not helped you too much and probably just confused you even more without giving you a clear answer. Good luck anon, enjoy your unit
going on week 3 without my nods because Nocturne Industries collimator machine broke and they're finally getting spare parts tomorrow. The O-rings on my daisho bridge were also so big they were preventing the unit from working so they replaced those with smaller ones.
Ok, I will probably stick with butler creek 30mm caps. Thought maybe anti fog on thermal lens was common use

Probably actual gun/NV users lost interest due to all the NAFO and globohomo on this board in the last couple years
Thinking about walking around town with my nods on for Halloween. I won't stick out and I think it'd be a good way to meet qts if they ask about it. Anyone else gonna do this?
sounds like a good way to get covered in shaving cream tbqh
I have legitimately never heard of this happening to anyone.
Sounds like it can be a fun time and also you will experience how much your NODs will autogate being used in urban/suburban environment.
Unfortunately my neighborhood does not have much trick or treaters anymore so I will look out like a sore thumb if I did wear my helmet with my NODs on it.
Do you live near brown people? Bring gun
You never went out in the streets and saw or participated in shaving cream fights and eggings on haloween?
With the iray v2 clip ons released I would pass. The cost and the availability on these doesn't justify nowadays.
>Probably actual gun/NV users lost interest due to all the NAFO and globohomo on this board in the last couple years
this is why i left, seems to be better now
Bro the sun just started setting before 7pm, it’s still not dark til 8pm.
There’s also just not that much to talk about now that the M6TR is out
>not that much to talk about now that the M6TR is out
Some people actually shoot and don't just sit on here waiting for the latest chink shit laser. you're the reason this general is dead. Post fucking NODs.

/k/ in general is shit, it's all ukraine shit and people playing airsoft.
there's a recession
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M6-TR at $925 at TNAguns with coupon code "summertime"

need it or keep it? any b etter deals out there???
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unit 3. all of them have amazing specs but for L3-unfilmed (ASSUMING?) high EBI tubes are more likely to chickenwire in high light.

i would rather have a clean tube at like 30snr than some "gucci" tube that has me seeing hexagons when i stargaze.
I was at the range on Wednesday and night shoots start next week you fucking giga faggot
Someone please sell me their most used, blem working MX-10160 tube they have. Cheap as possible since it will be going in a loaner pvs-14 housing.
thanks sucker just got the 2nd to last one. better hurry up theres 1 left. also this is a better price than stevey "sneederfeeder" borschart
I agree, I would go unit 3 or maybe even unit 2.
Sacrificing a bit of SNR to get better EBI and HALO is a good call IMO.
I'm still on the fence, I'm not convinced that laserspeed electronics are reliable enough. I've already seen 2 reports of flickering >>62731838
>I've already seen 2 reports of flickering
Oof, I had that happen on my first gen DIR-V after owning it for more than a year and been using it on my piston AR-15 so its a little more harsher recoil than a standard AR. Dealing with a US based, or any western country imo, company for RMA is a plus if you ever need warranty done.
Laserspeed RMA is probably a nightmare too
I'm at 2 months and it still hasn't been shipped to China
On the poorfag pest control side of the house I noticed the ThermNight/DNT/Arken multispectral LRF scope has been getting marked down across retailers. Probably not of much interest to the tactical community, but for hunting inside of 2-300 for common varmints they look pretty cool as a one stop shop. 256 thermal + 1980 Starvis 2 digital with onboard togglable IR that's appears to be actually decent and onboard LRF that performs compute to display drop in reticle. It's not going to amaze anyone with access to better, but it's a lot of hunting capability for the ~$1000 they are selling at now.
Hopefully there will be enough time for me to save up some dosh for florida man's laser. I have an M6TR and like having a diverse range of options.
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replacement label for lasersneed since the original has nonsensical markings
>2 reports of flickering
Weren't those reported issues specifically with the FL5? At least one of them was because of water ingress.

Only an extra $1,000 for the easier RMA process.
You don't have to buy from 3EIR. If people are on a budget there is always Holosun or Steiner.
But hey if you have enough free time maybe the wait aint so bad >>62732876.
>Worried about LS customer service
>recommends Steiner
Ask me how I know you've never had to deal with Steiner customer service lmao
I blame their Italian overlords.
I have, I own a thermal optic from them and I contacted them about the pic rail mount provided with the optic not fitting with my pic rail. They sent me a brand new mount free charge and it delivered with expedited shipping, fixed my fitment issue.
When my D2 mount broke they told me I could buy a replacement on opticsplanet lol

Fuck Steiner. Chinkshit quality and sub-chinkshit performance at western prices.
are photonis tubes fine? is there a reason to prefer l3 or elbit? why does it seem like you can get better spec photonis tubes cheaper than the others?
honestly bro you're better of buying a unity fusion hub, filing a little material off of it, and replacing the shitty steiner qd mount with it from the beginning anyways. the steiner qd mounts are terrible.
photonis tubes aren't gen 3, they're gen 2 and no amount of "gen 2 PLUS SUPERMAX ULTRA GAIN" cope will change that. unless you're in an urban environment it's not worth getting photonis, their low light performance is not good. OMNI gen 3 tubes can be had for a little more if not the same price as photonis tubes they'll just be green instead of white.
>steiner qd mounts are terrible
Steiner is fucking dogshit period man, that's my point. My Steiner lasers are the worst ones I own.
Recommending Steiner as an alternative to chinkshit on the premise that it's higher quality or that their customer service is better is laughable.
>are photonis tubes fine?
some of the shittiest gen 3 tubes beat out photonis. Gen 3 technology is fundamentally and drastically better than gen 2. So they are "fine" in the sense that they work, but not worth considering imo.
>is there a reason to prefer l3 or elbit?
L3 create the best tubes, elbit creates good tubes. Also, elbit is an israeli company
>why does it seem like you can get better spec photonis tubes cheaper than the others?
They are gen 2. Gen 3 with worse specs will outperform gen 2 with better specs every day of the week its not even close
No good options are currently available if you want a decent illuminator. It's too early tell if the Iris is even good.
Not everyone wants the bulk of the D2 and they've gone up in price. Or did you mean the overpriced and underwhelming I2 or A3?

You can also wait months waiting for the Iris to be finally be released or searching for a D2 at a good price. You're probably not saving much time and money at that point. If you do end up warrantying with Steiner then you waste even more time.
>free time
No one is actively spending their "free time" during the warranty process once it's shipped out. It sounds like you're trying to justify paypigging for instant gratification or grossly overestimating some non-existent opportunity cost tied to passively waiting. It's a non-issue if any of the US resellers of the M6TR are willing to do exchanges under warranty.

Steiner sent me a replacement part for an optic without any problems too but, that's not the same as sending them something for warranty repair. There are plenty of people who have shared their terrible experience with Steiner's warranty over the years.
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the atlas comet as seen through my tube
I saw this post last night, ran outside with my pvs14 and then disappointingly went back inside after finding nothing in the northern part of the sky.
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Upgrading to ARNVG, no more china man housing.
no one cares about your consooming, faggot
Just emailed 3EIR about the DIRV IR laser values.
The site lists it at >2.5mW which is crazy bright and in some videos I've seen of the DIRV this looks to be true but in other ones they seem a lot lower.
I'm between a DIRV and FP Raid Xe at this point.
I like the DIRV because
>low profile
>easy to use especially between flood and throw
>half the price of a Raid Xe
>don't have to do anything sketchy to get one
I like the Raid Xe because
>seems like a buy once cry once solution
>don't hear about them having QC issues like the DIRV does
>full power option
>more configurable, so nice for varying conditions
The raid seems a little annoying if you're not using the pressure pad to quick swap modes though but I've never actually used one so not sure.
Spending $4k+ on a laser just seems fucking insane
I’m between a dirv and a lasersneed. Gonna grab a pvs from Steele or CNV later and hopefully settle on a laser
Wait for the dagir to drop
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Any of you guys getting these?
Atlas is basically due west, visible for a short time after sunset.
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Using the same unit.
How you liking yours?
The other two answers were a bit dramatic. Gen 3 sees better in the darkest conditions near threshold (threshold being the point where the tube can no longer see anything). High gain Photonis tubes are getting closer to, but are still behind, your average used gen 3 omni tube in truly dark conditions. That gap gets wider as you move up in gen 3 specs.

But in anything other than the darkest conditions, it's difficult to tell tubes apart. So on a starlit night under forest canopy gen 3 is going to beat gen 2+ easily. On a moonlit night in an open field? They're going to perform similarly.

If you're in the U.S. the savings isn't worth it IMHO. Get at least an Elbit thin filmed gen 3, L3 unfilmed if you can afford it. In other countries where gen 3 isn't allowed or is prohibitively expensive, Photonis tubes do work.
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>Is the high EBI on the unit 1 really bad enough to give up those insane SNR figures?
It's not high. People obsess about EBI for some reason but as long as you're within OMNI specs it has practically no impact outside of trying to photograph dim objects with big telescopes.
It's great, just wish they would fix firmware bugs I bugged them about 2 years ago
>Due west
short time after sunset
I'll try to check it out tonight then if it's still around. I was looking north/north west.
Looking for a poverty-tier thermal scope, I kind of like the agm rattlers but the mounts do not make sense. Why do most smallish thermal scopes ship with a ridiculous looking cantilever mount that looks like it is ready to snap? NV scopes can't into eye relief?
are they just red filters? amber looks cooler
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>nightmare vision for 10,000
I don't want this.
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I’m thinking I’m going to wait to pick up a tube on Black Friday, is it worth waiting for a sale? Will anybody even run a sale? Also, still undecided between an RVM-14 and Tanto housing. I’d like to bridge someday but who knows when
Everyone runs a sale.
Nta, Worth waiting or will I be competing for decent tubes on cnv/steele, ect
I think it's worth waiting. I got what I think is a good filmless WP tube from JRH during black Friday 2 years-ish ago. (Maybe 1 year ago can't remember). Just be aware prices are likely up now.
I remember last year everyone was waiting for le ebin black friday sales and there was basically nothing, especially in the NV space.
Also the specs are down on L3s they have stopped sending insane spec tubes to civilian sellers. Regret not just getting some of those high SNR tubes.
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Gotcha, thanks
Yeah I thought I had heard this, was concerned it may be the case this year. I’ll prolly wait another month anyway, what’s a month in the grand scheme eh
Prices are already up so it's not like buying right now will save you some money. You will ideally have some more money saved up so you can get something better too.
It looks like its just a filter, and they have already sold out the initial batch run and will have another batch but this will be shipped out sometime next month.
Just get whatever you actually want so you don't keep playing the game.
Either get a mid pvs14 or get the nicest duals you can reasonably afford and be content with owning for at least several years. Don't diddle in the middle
Not that anon, but I’m gonna get a pretty solid pvs-14. White phos reduces eye strain completely for me, one eye adjusted to ambient lighting is nice in my experience, and not needing a counterweight on the bump is nice as well. I’ve played with duals, they’re cool, but the cost and weight arnt worth much better depth perception at the same fov.
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Yeah true. Pretty set on an Elbit mono, although if there’s a great deal on a filmess L3 I’ll jump on it.
I’m gonna snag the nicest mono under $4000 I can find whenever the sales hit. Not interested in dropping what’s required for duals at this point, I’m totally cool with starting with a mono. I’m torn between RVM-14 and Tanto housings though, because some day I’d like to bridge.
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the best time to buy night vision was yesterday, it's always been like that. Get you a nice WP PVS14 and call it a day. You can seriously do some damage with a good PVS14. The only time I'd recommend duals is if you're going to be driving a lot of riding ATVs or off roading, you WILL crash if you don't have duals.
So should I not wait till Black Friday? I was gonna buy a pvs from custom night vision last night but i was tired and didn’t want to rush it
I mean I was being a little extreme, if you can wait 1 week and there are sales then yea, October/November and Black Friday and 4th of July sales are the best times for sales.
NTA but if you got it now could you start using it for shooting or no?
If not then wait as long as you want.
If you can go out and start training immediately then I would just wait until a unit became available that meets your criteria then grab that and go train.
I’ll need a lam too which I haven’t settled on. I could start playing with it and walking around with it instantly though. I can’t decide if I want a laserspeed, one of those 3eir units, or something else. Fuck stiener
laserspeed m6tr looks ok but definitely not great.
I am the guy who's in the same boat as you with the other options.
the DIRV looks cool but I have some questions about it.
I emailed the company so hopefully they get back to me.
If it's really a <2.5mW IR laser I don't even want it and I'll just gamble on a FP Raid Xe from TacSwap
sorry I mean >2.5mW IR laser
Good luck if you go with the gamble. Let me know what you hear back about the dirv. Otherwise I’m gonna gamble on a laser speed, I have 3 guns id like lams on and laser speeds are cheap enough to go that route
How long do tube repairs take from Elbit?
the best thing to do is start walking around with it, go outside, understand which conditions it's good in. bad in, moon out, moon covered. The time is now.
So fuck a sale? How much savings would I miss out on? My gf broke both of her ankles unfortunately (be careful on ladders) so I am kinda stuck helping her a lot, I won’t fully get to enjoy them until about mid November anyways when she’s healed up enough
the sales are best for duals anyway, I've seen Elbit BNVDs regularly go for like 5.8-6.5k which is a steal from the normal 7-7.5k price, so about a grand.

For PVS14 you might be saving 500 bucks max.
I really can not underline enough how bad of an idea it is to buy 3 LAMs at once as someone who has little to no experience with them.
Buy one, see if you even like it (you probably won't) and then when you buy another one get something that works in a way you want it to.
lol this, who tf would buy 3 of the same LAMs? and why would you not be training with a single setup or max having a backup setup. Unless you are just rich af.
Picked up some PVS31’s for $9k but wondering if I made a financial mistake lol, currently have some PVS-15’s I could probably sell for $4500, old OMNI 5 tubes with a few blems. Will see if the weight difference is worth it and maybe I will just sell the 31’s
Yeah I’m not buying 3 at once. That’s a stretch goal
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Raid xe is the best LAM on the market rn and the 3 button pad it comes with is awesome. It’s so nice to be able to easily switch from flood to high power or whatever you want to program without needing to change the settings dial under NODs
The non diopter adjustment was the deal breaking for me so I went with DTNVS.
Is it a bad idea to go for a 2nd hand bae utm over a rh25v1? Theres a couple utms up for around 3-3.5k on arfcom with 640 core and some even 60hz. Doing a cursory glance over the specs it seems as though the rh25v1 is slightly better with a slightly higher res core and its 12um vs 17um on the bae. Other than that the mk is the same. I know the big upgrade is better sensitivity on the v2. Ive heard the cores on the bae “look” better and have better depth and from the videos ive seen it seems to look that way as well. But obviously this is more of a subjective point. A utm for around $3k sounds like a great deal to me even compared to a more modern unit like the rh25. Wondering if im missing anything
Don't feel too bad, I dropped $13k on a set of 13s last week only for a pair with a slightly better spec to pop up for $500 cheaper.

They'll be here tomorrow so hopefully they're so good I feel vindicated.
I’ve posted before about how I picked up a UTMx for $4k, slightly better core from standard UTM but not sure how image quality differs exactly. To me it’s preferable over an RH25 because the menu is way better and I enjoy the 0.5x for scanning. If you’re looking for handheld only use I would really keep an eye out for a skeet ir l maybe? Clip on only the rattler 640 at $2400 or whatever seems like a steal. If you can get a standard 640 UTM for $3k I say go for it, can always sell on tacswap and get your money back quickly.
Yeah let me know how they are, I’ve previously owned some great spec elbit ARNVG’s, housing was fine but I hated the tubes, lots of chicken wire going on. Hoping the PVS31’s are leagues above that. My eyesight is fine but I do sometimes wear glasses at night when driving so we’ll see how fixed diopters works out, will swap for 1531’s if that’s an issue
I feel like there’s no good place to put that pad though and that irks me
It would make more sense if they just had a dual high override button because if you leave it in dual low you can just hit the middle button to access flood.
So basically you’re dealing with a fuck huge pressure pad just to access dual high anyway. No idea why they did it that way seems like a lot of sizzle no steak
DTNVS-MG really seems like the best housing on the market. What's the cheapest tubes you'd consider running in a DTNVS-MG?
idk but I'm glad they made a MG version, I love the DTNVS housing.
Should I put a Rovyvon GL4 Pro on a pistol y/n?
What are the holster options?
Used gen 3 GP tubes if it really had to be the cheapest tubes that I can find.
Otherwise if it had to be cheapest WP tubes then I would look for some used Elbit gen 3 WP tubes.
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That what I've been playing with. Make sure it fits your pistol fine. As for holster options only one I know of is gray Fox out of Canada.
Based, this is what I was looking for
Thanks anon
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>power knob stripped and its stuck on illuminator on
It was fun while it lasted bros
Shit, that sucks. My friend's PVS-14 power knob also broke on him and he only owned it for like a week, he contacted the retailer he bought it from and they paid for shipment to get it back and repair it and then send it back free of charge also.
Hopefully the retailer you bought it from will fix it, if its still under warranty anyways.
The sticker fell off and it was traded for my old ar upper, fuck
Also fuck whoever bought the AGM NVM50 housing on ebay I was gonna buy that you fucking doublenigger
why would anyone want to buy that piece of shit housing?
Whats wrong with it? Did I make a good choice in not buying it?
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Sales are already starting
Of course it's TNVC and green phosphor so take that with a grain of salt but it's something.
Having paid no attention in years past: do the NVG sales usually start early or do they begin at like midnight after Thanksgiving?
They start early.
Thanks, I will start keeping an eye out early then.

Is Steele basically the only reputable vendor that reliably has Tanto/RVM-14 housing/tube combos for sale? Everywhere else seems to mostly have PVS-14s
Custom Night Vision has Tanto housings, they are an in house builder so they can make pretty much any combo you want.
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He asked for reputable
That's why I followed up my post with
>of course it's TNVC
Rule of thumb is to use a single use credit card number with all of these companies. Either eotech has no protection or they have a rat in their company too.
>He asked for reputable
bought tens of thousands from them, they're fine, but keep seething
>hand rubbing intensifies
Whats the best cheap pvs14 housing kit? My mum 14 sharted and the knob is fucked but tube still works.
Unless you need it ASAP, I would wait for Black Friday to see if there will be any sale deals on PVS-14 housing and parts or maybe the Tanto housing will also have a deal going on.
Have you tried contacting Nivisys for repairs maybe it'll be cheaper than just buying a whole new housing and parts kit? Looks like they are the company that makes the mum-14 housing:
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I tuck mine up the left side at the 10 o’clock pos using a gibbous outfitters mlok mount. I had my doubts at first but once I found a good spot for it, it’s be great. I agree I would like them to release other pad size options but I don’t see that happening.
>pic related is how I have it mounted
Custom night vision isn’t reputable?
Custom nvg aka (((kosher))) surplus is a massive jew and has fucked over many people I know.
TNVC, not CNV. TNVC is well known to have a rat that tries to steal your credit card if you shop with them. It's sad that these companies have dishonest people when it comes to that shit.
Its because those tards are using an outdated version of their POS and their IT guy or lack of wont update it.
What are the chances we see rh25 s for around 3400? Seems like a great choice for a hand held/clip on thermal.
36.777 (repeating) % specifically.
Paid 3 even for mine. Shop around.
How? I’m trying to get nods this month and I liked their website and that they show their tubes
He made this anon >>62720880 pay tax twice for no reason. Then he sold beat to shit helmets claiming they were as beat to shit as they were.
Hit up apollo or darq desu
oh and licentia.
I haven't found it as low as 3K, that's a pretty good price.
How does that guy group? Anything sub-MOA?
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Thanks ashy
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Best group with cheap ball was just under 1.5” I think, I’m certain I’ll get under 1 MOA with my handloads. Been super busy lately with getting married though so I haven’t been able to do as much shooting and reloading as I’d like. Once I’m back from my honeymoon and take it out and maybe post some groups in /brg/
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MICH, my beloved, I love our walks together in the crisp, dewy pre-dawn
Excellent. Definitely going to be my next rifle (but still going to be after a drone and a thermal)
Grats on the tie that binds, nothing like it
Thanks bro, XCR is a great platform. Picked up a clip on thermal earlier this year, so a tube really is that final piece of the puzzle. Although now maybe I need a drone too lmao
where at? used or new? Im keeping an eye on one site that had em for around 3600 and hoping i can add another discount for it.
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Used, arfcom EE
I'm not obese and actually use my shit, but CNV is good to go, but DARQ and Apollo are good too.
I've ordered ballistic helmets from them as well and they weren't beat to shit lol literally brand new in packaging, but if you wanna pay 200-300 more for no reason go ahead.
It was police trade in helmets from a few years back if I cant find the facebook post where they got shit on from it Ill post it.
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found it https://imgur.com/a/iv25165
ngl this sounds like a completely made up story
Gaslighting scumbag
does anyone know if you use the crane junction box on a raidxe and you run a dual lead switch, let's say the unity axon, if you can still use the programmable button feature?
Ideally what I want is a way that if I press one button that triggers the light it also triggers the high power laser only mode
and I want to program the other button to fire the dual high laser / illum.
That way I can just leave the physical dial on dual low so I can manually activate the button the LAM and hit the center button for the flood function that is only available on dual low without having to fuck around with that huge pressure pad and have a way to access WL + vis high laser when doing meme CQB shit
Are this thing legal i Yuroop?
Unless you are talking about a specific EU country, then it might be wise for you to look up that country's laws regarding it.
But from where I understand it as a US citizen it looks to be legal as there are various EU companies selling NVG and thermals:
Maybe ask these guys to see if there are any countries with limits on what those countries citizens can or cannot own.
It's Ok, you behavior speaks for itself
Its multiple people complaining, cope.
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looking for a soft head harness that can support something an AGM NVG-40. Anyone got any suggestions/where i could look for something like it or similar? Really I just need good dual tubes that can mount to a soft head harness so if you have an alternative id like to hear it too.
I personally use the Crye nightcap with my dual pvs-14 with a pano bridge and I also use some lead in the battery pouch to counter the front heavy setup.
Here are some alternative for skull crushers:
Course of fire in my locale last night.
>57% moon
>heavy tree cover
>mid-tier PVS-14
>passive through 4XT Pro
Absolutely worthless past 25y.
I have seen the (lack of) light. Good illum and an EXPS 3-1 are next purchases.
This guy shows off these two
Have you tried googling it? Sucks if you're a frog.

>Maybe ask these guys
Maybe he should stop being a retard expecting to be spoonfed by retailers or a general that contains almost no Europoors
Yes, a clay pot is legal in Europe.
First night shoot of the season tonight.
It was pretty much just a refresher/back to basics so not much to talk about there.
Things will get progressively spicier as the season gets going.
One of the guys did have a laserspeed M6TR though.
He said he got it from JustHereForTheGuns on r*ddit.
I don't know if that's basque's reddit account or if it's a completely different vendor.
I am leaning on it being a different vendor and thus version because the dual low was very bright.
I didn't put it side by side with my FL5 but maybe I will next time.
From my initial impression though the laser on low seemed even brighter than my FL5 on low.
The guy was actually kind of bummed out once he heard there's a version with lower settings.
The illuminatior was really nice though.
I didn't see any artifacts at all and it was very crisp and clean.
I know some people have said the illuminator divergence is very narrow but it's probably at least twice the size of my FL5 on it's widest setting and it was on par or better than what everyone else had minus the guy with a MAWL.
The button is very easy to actuate from the left or right hand.
Both me and the guy who had it are left handed shooters and had no issue reaching it.
The form factor is nice and a drastic improvement over the 1950s Buick that is the FL5.
If Basque's version is an improved version of what I saw tonight then I genuinely don't think there's any point in getting any other laser unless you have so much money that you can throw $4k on a Raid Xe and not even think twice about it.

I have one question about the M6TR though, since it has a crane port and thus dual lead compatible, does it have a way to access both the vis laser and WML at the same time?
No one is claiming they're gen 3 you dumb nigger
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>sig anything
You get what you deserve
What's the meta right now for budget friendly thermal scopes? Mostly looking to get a longer range option without spending $5k.
RL25 or RH25 on sale
I think AGM has something on sale
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I just ordered a penumbra after seeing a few videos comparing it to a FP XE. Looks a little strange but I'm willing to give it a go and it's vscel so I didn't have to fill out any paperwork. Should be here tomorrow or monday.
damn, I like the look of this thing. shame it's 2 grand.
oh man I didn't even know this existed and now I'm all a tingle about the mount and piggyback capabilities.
Buy an ad
Rattler 640 for $2400 or whatever and RH25 for $3500. If clip on exclusive rattler I’d lower mag and handheld use RH25. Older BAE UTM’s in 640 an option but they lean 85/15 clip on/handheld
Does basque ever show his face around here any more? Me and my bro wanna grab some of his lams
they're the same person
just email him
Has anyone seen this? I'm skeptical of all Digital NV but th low light with no IR performance actually looks decent

post disregarded, retarded nigger.
I don’t have his gmail
assuming its like ADNV's previous units, its an EBAPS sensor which as digitals go are decent, but its going to hit threshold fast. good enough for airsoft with illum being thrown everywhere or looking out into your suburban yard? sure, but it's still closer to curiosity/toy tier than tool.

Spec numbers are not comparable between photonis and gen 3. A 25 SNR photonis and a 25 SNR omni VI are not the same. They aren't even close. Photonis measures tubes differently.
ADNV is probably the best digital out there at the moment. I've heard that their G14P2 closes the analog-digital gap significantly and can be on par with Gen 2. Two big issues it has from what I've heard are that the way it encodes video to store it is ass so recordings are much worse than the image shown to the user (negating one of the few advantages of digital), the other big issue is the price. It's priced on par for a PVS-14 in the US. Outside of America it could be a tempting option, but within the US it's probably not worth the price for most users.

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