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Canadian firearms General

>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

>Last thread: >>62715235
Camada is now completely jeet prove me wrong
no saaar it is not
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They make a good truck gun, also handy if you camp and sleep in a tent. Perfect HD gun too, especially if you slap a light on it. They're not a meme gun at all, they fill a void left by larger, more expensive, more cumbersome guns like the M4/590A1/870/etc.
i see mostly white people everyday. no im not telling you where i live but it is in BC
There is a jeet working at the subway in Hazelton
Not all of it thread theme

>be me
>have to travel for work
>end up in far north remote area with a few tiny logging and mining towns
>one of them actually has a tiny Tim Hortons, still done in the old white and yellow motif
>walk in
>see a fucking jeet standing behind the counter

literally a 20 hour drive from any major urban centre and somehow they still manage to sniff out and take these jobs holy shit. it's genuinely becoming a case of DEY TUK AR JABS unironically.
same best coast keeps winning
They'll quietly complain about it but still vote liberal in the end, and at this point no other party is really going to do anything about it either.
I see jeets every day everywhere. I don't even need to tell you where I live, oh wait I do because NS, ON, AB, and SK are full of them. Dunno about BC because I've never been there.
Fun fact the Feds will take years off their PR time if they work in remote or rural places.
they're retards and I have no respect for them at all
>no one will do anything
not with that attitude anyway

fuck off we're full
>truck gun
What's that? A gun with which you plan on missing your target? Because without a stock the only thing you're hitting is Aarron 4' away, and only one man is capable of defending the alley mattress.
BC has tons of street shitters where i grew up.
Check em
You can get your PR in six months via the express entry system lol
It's a gun that fits nicely in your truck and can be stored and retrieved easily when needed. Could even be used from said truck *in theory but not legally obviously because that's illegal Mr. Constable sir* from the driver's seat.

If you aren't prepared to shoot a moose in the face at point blank range when it starts ramming your truck I'm afraid you're going to die anon.
Surrey? My sister now surrey costco is stocked to the brim with Indian food and merchandise.
everyone knows jeets were just signing up for classes at these shitty diploma mill pop up community colleges and using study visas as a scheme to get PR and eventually citizenship. they bring nothing of value to this country, clearly, if they're all just working at shitty goyslop jobs that dumb teenagers can do.
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>your standard meme gun copes
>b.... b..... but it's just so cool
Remember picrel lmao
The RCMP firearms officer posting for Surrey requires that you speak Punjab funny enough.
Holy shit I hate boomers and what they did
yeah so glad i dont live there anymore lol
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The brown sphincter of India has opened and Jeets are sharting out all over the porcelain countries. No white surface will remain unpoo'd.
Except what you posted fires a single round vs. a 12ga shotgun fires a cloud of pellets. Firing target load or some nice bird shot from the hip will fuck anyone's shit up within 30 feet.

inb4 some inane debate over spread patterns, i've shot target load from mine and the spread is wild and enough to ruin anyone's day
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If you really wanted that job you could easily challenge it on the grounds of racism and discrimination. We have two official languages, unless the job is to function primarily as a translator they cannot require you to speak a thirdie language. They put that in their job description specifically to ensure they can hire a DEI shitter because no white person will speak any of their gobbledygook. They know they can't write "YOU MUST BE BROWN OR ASIAN TO APPLY" so they just use language instead.
just say you speak cedarsalmon and that there's only a dozen native speakers left and if they question you call them racists

shrimple as
Chad level
Tell them you're indigenous too, shitloads of white people have gotten away with that. And gay, they're not going to actually verify it.

A gay chug who speaks an extinct language is EXACTLY what the RCMP needs right now.
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>They know they can't write "YOU MUST BE BROWN OR ASIAN TO APPLY" so they just use language instead.
wouldn't be the first time
are you talking about running it stockless because thats garbage
Oh shut the fuck up lmfao
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>I own a Shockwave
>I love to shoot it
>I use the bird's head grip it came with
>Anons keep telling me it's terrible garbage and I should hate it etc. etc.
>I'm just gonna keep shooting it and enjoying it and there's literally nothing you can do about it
The short mossberg 500 I keep in my tent and my truck and on my quad has a stock. It fits fine and has never been a problem. A stock less shotgun is trouble. Anyone who's ever handled one knows that. The army doesn't use stockless for door breaching.
yeah but can you even shoot clays with it or are you just shooting it into a ditch somewhere
lol get fucked, you voted for this poobreath
I've shot probably thousands of gophers with a pistol grip and that's all it's good for. My extensive experience has proven to me you need to have a stock.
Not him but I have busted clays with an eagle grip shockwave, it's actually not that difficult just slightly more tiring
I’m not even the faggot you’ve been arguing with but birdhead grips are gay. Without a cheekweld or a shoulder stock you’re simply not going to hit as much. Point shooting is fine but there’s a reason no hunters, trap shooters, skeet shooters etc. use that kind of grip
If all you get out of shooting is hearing the BANG and knowing that some of your target load made it down range that’s fine, some people just get more out of actual shooting sports, or even larping.
You’re not somehow superior for enjoying to do things the objectively less efficient or proper way, mate.
Shockwave fags absolutely btfo by these digits.
Nice strawman faggot, don't quote shit I didn't say.
You need a stock for doing what? You all keep saying this but never specify why it needs a stock.
You can but why would you? There are better guns for shooting clays, usually with 20" barrels and semi auto or break action.
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>y-you voted for this!!!
My post may have been ad hominem but at least I responded to you (by telling your dumb ass to shut the fuck up) instead of making stupid assumptions based on literally nothing.
I did not, in fact, vote for this. Nobody on /cangen/ did you fucking moron. Like it or not we’re all in this together, and I can say with 100% certainty there isn’t a single person ITT who “voted for this” unless officer ramjeet happens to be lurking, or, you know, posting low effort agitprop like YOU.
your stupid off topic, divisive drivel doesn’t belong itt. Fuck off.
>why does it need a stock
Nogunz detected
>don't quote shit I didn't say!!!!1
>this is somehow the same as a strawman (because I am a retard)
First time on 4chan, champ?
Nobody from 4chan would vote for this, nigger
no one cares get fucked island fag
Ontarioeasternfags voted for this though. At the behest of their laurention masters
cope posting over someone shooting and enjoying their gun? pathetic and nonwhite behaviour.
>tells me to get fucked (twiceh
Sounds good, tell your mom I’ll be over soon agitprop faggit
Handguns don't have stocks
>no wife or gf
>seething about being a eastern bitch that cucks to the libs
we're all brothers against tyranny. i agree most in the east voted for this shit over the decades but that doesnt mean i'd abandon someone over it. whoever between the west and east breaks free first has the burden of liberating the other when they are strong enough. in dayz of course.
That’s not how greentext works.
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Based. That’s what I’m saying, the fucking agitprop division shit is so transparent. Niggers don’t know bout active measures any more and it fucking shows. I’m not sure if it’s even purposeful or just a “useful idiot” but anyone who is here for the same reason as me is my fren. Anyone who tries to sow discord and division is a faggit. I stand by this.
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Imagine (((voting))) lol, Do you reckon anon's prediction from a few years ago will come to fruition next year? Also is .22lr viable to hunt deer at 1.5 miles?
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Don’t care still voting Tory, and you already know the response to your inquiry.
what prediction?
Guy in the truck was 100% in the right and I hope like based Paul, he’ll be exonerated.
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>jeet delete

I would use 17hmr just to be safe
That isn't even true though. There has never been a candidate that didn't increase immigration, with the exception of max, and every riding is gerrymandered, and votes otherwise fraudulently counted so he will never win. Im amazed he ever set foot in the house, and ge isnt even terribly based. You are a fool if you believe the Jewish bankers will ever give us anything they don't want. Blaming your compatriot for decisions they had no part in will hurt your chances of ever being free. But brownskinnef still you are, you will never admit this.
no anon amararica is just a redoubt to get armed and take back the country
Oops, thus post was meant for the other anon.
>Guess we'll stay at home and not vote at all
Hyperinflation after the jewSA (((election))).
I don't think xer is ever going to recover from this.
>divisive drivel doesn’t belong itt
Cangen is a place of hate, and that's why i love it.
It's a big part of what makes this place fun.
you realize im not trying to discourage you from voting right? go right ahead. this failed state could get a tory super majority still wouldn't make me "okay" with anything. at the end of the day there's only one way out of this mess and everyone is afraid to acknowledge that it seems. but if your blue team gets in and remove gun laws i'll surely take advantage of their folly because at the end of the day that's what it is. The state, no matter the party or leader, is my enemy. If they enable me in any way that doesn't make them my friend or ally, it just makes them foolish. Don't get it confused, if that nerdy faggot pierre gets in and "lets" you get an AR again, he's not your friend. he's an idiot and those above him will make certain hes punished for it. "Canada" is not your country. its an apparatus of global tyranny.
I doubt it, I think the American economy will improve slightly after they go to war with Iran/whoever, regardless of who gets elected. The Canadian economy will just continue to stagnate into a downward spiral because there are no brakes on this slow decline train, just a slower decline temporarily. Hyperinflation would be nice but that's exactly why we won't get it.
put down v for vendetta you fag lmao
you aren't taking this seriously and it shows
I'm here to talk about guns not your underage moore and (p)ennis inspired political philosophy
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So aslong as you have your fun guns your okay with the state of the country around you? You'll tolerate all the shitskins and taxation, poor infrastructure, corruption, moral decay, etc etc if you can just shoot your funsie gunsies on the state approved range?
>state approved range
Don't forget crown land, I'm surrounded by great crown land to shoot on
You're talking to spiderfag
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are guns even fun without racism?
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I hope you boys touch some snow later this year.
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why did you blue your Mle?
They are encouraged by Immigration Canada to go to the remote areas. I found this out in 2000 while working in Port Hardy, BC and a guy who is originally from India, had immigrated here from Fuji. He explained that they get financial incentives for doing so and I don't just mean the northern living allowance. He brought his girlfriend, married and now have 2 kids. They're sponsoring several elderly family members. The latter makes me wonder about something: that people who have never paid into our health care system or CPP are probably drawing from it. Kinda makes you think, eh.

It's too late for Canada. Their numbers are too great and their birth rate makes the change in society irreversible. It's simple math. Strange to think there's a good chance our great grandchildren could be fighting white discrimination. :-/

And they are flooding into Nanaimo where i'm at now. Unfortunately, when I strike up a convo with them about firearms ownership, not one was interested, most were against it.
wheres the cleaning rod
This made me laugh
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Lost it the woods a while ago, I bought an NC star one from Amazon but the fucking thing won’t stay on.
Honestly that is the most fun .22 I have ever shot
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I honestly wouldn't know.
Wait until you try one with a stock. 10x better/funner
They just keep rollin' in.
So you're consneeding that shockfags are a cope gun.
Also I'll wager you can't hit shit outside of 5 yds with a handgun.
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>see the video they're talking about
>currynigger says the most basic things in French
>continues to claim to be Canadian
Shitty bait. Every /pol/ poster should go outside more
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huh i never knew the star model b had a stock version
in the harper era a bunch of these came in for $350 each, soviet refurbs apparently
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*certain military units*
stop buying there
im pretty sure those stories were fabrications but anyone was still glad to get one at that price
i sold mine eventually because i prefer the regular 1911 and i already had too many 9mm guns as is
>and a guy who is originally from India
Yeah I try, sometimes it's the only place in town to get food. I've been to some areas where they don't even have Tims and it's just cooking Mr. Noodles on an esbit stove in my hotel.
gay kremlin bullshit
atop buying there stop renting to them stop hiring them stop selling to them
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I hate them with a burning passion.
I gradually* began to hate them
based and hatepilled
70 thousand round per gun, you are gunna need it next year.
man i havent been to a tims since i was in highschool
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for me its the sks-d
>regular sks owners will never know the joys of having to rack the bolt every time while reloading because lol no last round bolt hold open
post larp winter camos if your a real winter nigga
Huh I don’t have any photos but I got a full CF winter white set with ruck sack cover. I’ll aim to get some good photos this winter for ya anon.
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damn i might get one only $40 for a full set and looks fire.
It’s very cheap to get, I got the top, pants helmet cover and ruck sack cover and I only paid like $50. It’s simple and works.
Protip: in an emergency you can get a Tyvek suit from a safety supply place for $10, get it a size larger than you need and it'll fit over your winter clothes. Pretty durable but cheap enough to throw away when they get rekt.
sorry officer you'll just have to enjoy my feet, opsec must be respected
Can I order M1 Garand parts from the US? Is it in any way preferable to buying from Canadian shops?
Just use chadtech armory
Anybody have experience ordering mags from the states? I have a Hakim and i need a magazine for it, but it’s semi auto and they’re 10 rounders. Would numrich (for example) be able to pin it before sending it up? Or am i fucked
Could always check with I run guns
Use irg or aztech
We need a unified anti-liberal front.
Bros I have decision paralysis and can't decide on what SKS to get between the various variants and retailers. Should I just buy whatever has the least retarded shipping?
Try to get one of those mint Chinese ones with polymer handguards made for the Sino-Vietnam conflict. Also you should try to inspect it in-person because some retailers will give you a pile of rust and call it "hand-picked".
Just get a Tula one like a regular person
You should always try to but in SKS in person, so you can inspect it first. Sadly not much on the market post 2020 just get one of the chink ones and call it a day. Also this >>62725698
Get a Soviet Laminate stock one. Preferably made in 1951, 1952, or 1953 as those ones will have Chrome lined bores.
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>Strange to think there's a good chance our great grandchildren could be fighting white discrimination
They'll be lucky if they're even allowed to exist at that point.

In other news, rumour has it Trudeau is going to cave in to BQ's pension demand so probably no election this year. However once we're into January I think the logistics of the gun "buyback" are pretty much impossible to pull off at that point in only 9 months. They're such inept clowns it's actually hilarious.
"French tickler" while they’re available
Put some phonk or sigma music over this and made rightoid chuds seethe
If you are buying a Chinese one this is your best bet, otherwise just buy Soviet, maybe a Yugoslavian M59 is you are feeling special
Anyone find it funny how burger bros have yugo SKS everywhere but for some reason they are harder to find here?
I’ve actually heard the opposite rumors, that the Bloc never really intended or fully expected the libs to give in to their demands and are working with the cons to bring down the gov’t
Fingers crossed but I guess we’ll find out which rumor is true soon enough. Not that it matters, the ndp and/or liberal mp’s need to need to also vote no confidence as well
Doubtful since the bloc hates the cons, well pretty much everyone in the house hates the Tories. My hope is that Mondays letter to Turdo from his MPs causes some shit. He won’t quite, nor do I hope he does as I hope he keeps dragging the party.
Cabinet shuffle incoming to silence the dissenters.
Curious to see if they will change public safety minster… AGAIN
Not really, the reason they're hard to find here is because retarded US import laws mean the Yugos are the easiest ones for burgerbros to get, and they have a much bigger market, so we get the leftovers.
Wish they'd shuffle right off this mortal coil iykwim
It's funny how the bloc hates the cons for ideological reasons, but in terms of political strategy they're perfect allies because the cons are totally noncompetitive in Quebec while the bloc is similarly noncompetitive outside of Quebec. There's virtually no overlap in their voterbases.
It's because 3 low-ranking ministers declared that they wouldn't be running for re-election (tantamount to admitting that they party's chances are fucked) so they're likely going to get purged in favour of loyalists / cynical opportunists. I doubt you'll see much change in the important positions already filled by Justin's family friends.
Yeah they do, but the rumors I’ve heard is that despite their hatred, they’ll make an agreement to vote no confidence so long as the cons promise to meet their demands, whatever they may be.
Yeah everyone hates the cons but they also hate the gov’t and I donmt think the bloc really wants to tie themselves to the libs at this point if they can help it, barring being able to get shit for Quebec because that’s all they fucking care about
Quebec hates almost anything that is good, their only redeeming quality is that they're more racist than the average leaf.
Don’t do that, don’t give me hope
just buy a chink one from Cabelas as long as the recent reviews are positive, they order in huge batches so if people are saying they got good ones there's a high chance you will too

inspect in person if possible, but it's not necessary. i have one that's basically perfect and i just got it through Cabelas on sale, free shipping.
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No matter which party gets elected they will always bow to the Bloc given how many seats the Bloc always takes. There's been one case in my life where the Bloc shit the bed and that was during Harper's majority gov't when every party lost a ton of seats. It's possible that might happen again, and if it does the Cons will have a majority and do whatever they want anyways. Bloc is to be placated at the most, they have no allegiance so no one should feel obligated to respect any arrangements with them. Bloc will always stab everyone in the back and front if they don't get exactly what they want.

They're not even that racist, most of them are weird french cuckolds who enjoy Haitian migrants violating their lineage. Quebec is a mistake that can only be corrected with complete subservience, it should be turned into a vassal state forced to pay tribute to the ROC and live in a slavish way forever. They were the ones who wanted to retain the LGR info and set up their own provincial firearms registry too, never forget that. Plus the Poly Tech shooting happened there and the guy who did it was a Quebecer, birthing the worst anti-gun lobby in Canada's history.
Hope is a powerful thing anon
Don't lose it and let yourself become demoralized like the (((fags))) that want you to give up
SKS is such a kino gun
As an 02 kid in the urban area of ontario I only had a few indian kids in my class (like the kids in my grade) in high school like 5 in 450
After the flood gates opened though
I like it better than the Garand tho i know thats heresy
How many lakh I should save to get into shooting?
Not if your Canadian son
Garand is Canadian
Because Bloc is run by same francophone laurentian pedo "elite" that runs shitlibs and NDP.
>They're not even that racist, most of them are weird french cuckolds who enjoy Haitian migrants violating their lineage. Quebec is a mistake that can only be corrected with complete subservience, it should be turned into a vassal state forced to pay tribute to the ROC and live in a slavish way forever. They were the ones who wanted to retain the LGR info and set up their own provincial firearms registry too, never forget that. Plus the Poly Tech shooting happened there and the guy who did it was a Quebecer, birthing the worst anti-gun lobby in Canada's history.
Why in the fuck is Bloc even on federal ballots when they have no representation outside then frog province. Its only purpose is to gerrymander election results to keep laurentian ruling class in power.
We should totally abolish all bi-lingual shit and they can hold a referendum if they want to secede LMAO.
Yeah that's the point - Garand was designed by a Canadian and people with them fought people with SKS's.
But the Garand is 6X the price of an SKS, so I don't have one.
>they can hold a referendum if they want to secede
They did. It obviously didn't work, and that raises two equally unfortunate implications, that either:
>1. The fag government rigged the referendum because Quebec staying in Confederation is better for them.
>2. The vote actually reflects the public character of Quebec, in that they don't put their money where their mouth is, and they'd rather be Ottawa's bitch.
So I'd say just declare independence for them, close the borders, and stop sending them money.
They want independence but also that sweet equalization check from the feds.
>the guy who did it was a Quebecer
He was an Arab
We need to ban Kabekoids and Arabs
Exactly. Because, spiritually, they are women.
I'm descended from quebecers and I'm gay
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Here's to better times to come leaf frens.
Things will get better, we will get our toys back, and we will be happy
In the short term, we might get some funs back.
Large cities are fully jeeted though.
Large cities? Oh no!
>he doesn't know that rural small towns are half jeeted by now
you're not canadian
It really is astounding how many jeets bankrupted their families so come here and deliver packages for Amazon or make the worst cup of coffee you've ever seen.
bruh they came here on vacation in groups of 50 and claimed asylum kek
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not so fast you little right wing sweaty
>this proves the foreignness of Gharbi's misogyny
Isn't that a factually accurate statement though?
>american election means canadian generals must be jeeted
Its all so tiresome
The land is Canadian. The queerbecers are welcome to inhabit the sea around Haiti.
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Nobody believes me, but I've been to Haiti.
(Labadee, cheating on a technicality, but still).
Even if you're a blank-slatist retard, it's pretty obvious Gharbi's views on women came from his foreign arab dad, so by definition "his misogyny was foreign." This bitch is real stupid, I bet she blames guns or something gay like that.
I think she means that there is no difference between his misogyny and a white man's. We're just as bad, maybe worse, than a muslim that wants them wrapped up in a black bed sheet and and pumping out 20 kids.
Yes I'm sure she is trying to say that every society is misogynistic, what I am trying to say is she is a retard and so is whoever published her statement
>Perhaps it began in the complex history of colonization, anti-colonial war, and torture and was carried, as surely as skin tone, “funny name’’ and accent, by an immigrant to a country – Canada – with its history of racist intolerance and which was, and remains, a contributor to a violent world. That this man visited his demons upon his family, who in turn visited them upon themselves and many others, is an old story.
Ackshually it is because his dad was a foreigner, but his culture only developed toxic masculinity because his country was colonized by mean racist Europeans, so it's actually Canadians' fault either way.
>white Christian men forced Muslim women to wear burgas
Huh, the more you know
>when I strike up a convo with them about firearms ownership, not one was interested, most were against it
no shit they aren't gonna vote for whiteys freedoms to own guns. At least those jeets weren't interested in arming themselves, though some jeets do get a pal and arm themselves unfortunately
>some jeets do get a pal and arm themselves unfortunately
Usually coincides with a vague desire to form the Sikh nation of Khalistan (dunno why since Brampton already exists).
Agree lol, though in their poo brain they probably think all of Canada will be khalistan.
Weekly paul barrel watch party starts in 5mins
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listen man I don't want to see any positivity until Jin Roh tier death squads are roving and cleaning up the Niggerjeet menace.
I’m still salty jin roh style full body armor never took off
It still can. You never know what materials and composites can pop up next. Perhaps eventually something light and strong enough will be invented.
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that's some crazy fedposting, anon. bravo
Calm down, it's only fedposting if he's talking about concrete plans or is trying to get people to join his plot.
stfu fuck boi, he said nothing illegal
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fedposting is to get people to join in and say even more inflammatory content
I'm going to beat you up in street fighter, faggot.
>don't say anything because if someone says something that goes further than what you said it means you were fedposting
You can fuck right off with that.
Street Fighter II Turbo for Sega Genesis? good luck
It's a free country anon, say whatever you want faggot
>It's a free country
>It's a free country anon
heh, yeah totally. just don't donate money to Wrongthink groups or say bad words in podcasts
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>you mean i cant just blockade a border crossing by parking my truck at it?
nigger why would you ever go to Haiti ever
No you definitely can't do that - but you just blatantly strawman'd that, you colossal faggot retard (bitch)
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>you mean I can't just rob you of your livelihood if you don't want to inject literal cancer causing heart stopping poison into your bloodstream?
>they follow the rules
fuckin slack jaws
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my grandma took my family on a cruise and it was a stop. Look up Labadee, it's blatantly exploiting Haiti, kek.
>In 1985 the government of Haiti under the leadership of the dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier leased the area to Royal Caribbean Group, for the exclusive use of passengers of its three cruise lines: Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, and Azamara Club Cruises.[1] The lease was later extended to 2050. The resort is completely tourist-oriented and is guarded by a private security force.
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Based and hopepilled.

I've found that even pointing out fedposting is a bannable offense, several times I've taken vacations for telling Anons to avoid replying/taking the bait from fedposters. Very odd.
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Don't forget honking your horn is grounds for frozen bank accounts
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If you live in BC get out and vote if you haven’t yet
This race couldn’t be any tighter if it tried and fuck if I have to put with more crackheads in this shitass province
Also a premiere who will support jewdeau’s “buyback” vs one who does not
Democracy is fake and gay. There is no point in deciding which jew approved candidate will stick his cock in your ass. Stack guns and ammo.
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This also his Covid numbreg trial comment was based. Come on BC bros join the rest of the west in telling Ottawa to fuck off.
Takes two minutes of your time and you can resume stacking ammo.
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BC has a very high concentration of leftoid faggots, it's not nearly as politically based as people would like to believe. AB and SK have the most based people, and if you could sever off northern Ontario into its own province it'd probably match that. Manitoba has a lot of dependent chugs and indigent losers so they love big government despite being a farming province. Everything to the east is poverty-tier cancer, including Quebec and the atlantics. Territories don't even count, not enough people. BC is a battle ground and hopefully if they close the safe injection sites enough people will die of AIDS and ODing that the loser population drops thus increasing the winner population by default.
Vancouver, Victoria
and BC was ruined.
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Just keep in mind that if your vote couldn't change anything, you wouldn't have feds and fags (lotta overlap) trying to demoralize you into not going to the polls. Especially with the polls as close to closing as they are.
I did my part. Did you?
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Shes toight like a toigah.
This, they're all phonies and faggots but it's an obvious choice if you care about your guns.

Tomorrow is the last day to do it.
Yeah it's important to vote even if it's symbolic. Nothing worse than doompilled faggots sitting at home brooding about their state of affairs and they're too lazy to even signify they care by casting a ballot.

We're going to see a Conservative wave across Canada, it's already happened in Ontario. Cons hold 83 seats in ON, NDP have 31, and Libs only have 8 lmao.

I like the idea of turning northern Ontario into its own province, form a union with the West and basically disown southern Ontario and everything to the east. Maybe even nuke it (in minecraft obviously).
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If you could only have one would it be an AK or an SKS?
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Plum ak.
I just didnt take it. Now im getting paid to go to school and gonna get a fat payout form a big class action lawsuit.
SKS because I'm not a trained soldier so getting into massive firefights isn't my thing, 10 rounds should be enough to deal with any problems I encounter. Can't lose a magazine if it's attached to the gun.
Sounds like shit a fudd would say
>you don’t need 30 calibre magazine clips to hunt deer with
AK, because, irrespective of being a trained soldier, ending a firefight immediately and decisively is my thing, and nothing quite sends a n'er do well to meet St. Peter like 30 rounds of slavshit. Plus, If you have to fight, say, more than one guy, or fight for, say, more than thirty seconds, larger mags are better. In fact, they're better basically all the time. If you were in 'nam, would you ask the quartermaster for 20 or 30 round M16 mags?
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I didn't tell you what you needed fagtron, I told you what I needed.
20 round because they are 100% more kino and I'm going to die of lung cancer 6 months after I get home anyways. Better to die on the battlefield lookin dope as fuck with those 20 rounders in my A1 nigguh.

Also 30 rounders make it a bitch to shoot prone with an AK, and AKs are way less accurate than an SKS.
You don't need an sks, an sks is a weapon of war. you can have a bolt action .22 until we tell you that you can't.
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There you go again with that fag talk tellin other people what they need. That's why gun ownership is so important, guns help to remind people they should mind their own business.
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Fuck thanks for reminding me of this quality meme that I saved when the OIC got announced
in retrospect our opinion of the government's capabilities was waaaaaaaaaay too high. How much have they spent so far, again?
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About 67 million dollarydoos XD
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I will never understand the mentality of you demoralization types that say voting is pointless and to instead start prepping with food and protection, while at the same time those very things are either easier or impossible to get depending on which party wins.
Very yiddish behaviour
Based aint non like a1.
Ak no shit lmfao
In particular an AK-101 or an AK-19.
>Stack guns and ammo.
sorry fella, that's illegal now
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5.56 NR AKs would go so hard right now. Pic somewhat related.
As much as I love my SKS, I'd take the AK.
Damn this looks like a real country
Best platform + best caliber
7.62x51 AKs are also fucking baller
What are the laws with ammunition? Is it kind of a grey area for possession? Basically had a family member have his guns taken away, he’s giving me his ammo, crates of it, Which I am happily taking but I’m curious if you already legally acquired it, are you breaking any laws if your license is taken away?
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>Damn this looks like a real country

never forget what they took from you
You only need a license to purchase ammo, not possess it. Firearms require a license to possess, hence the possession and acquisition license (PAL). Ammo just needs to be stored compliant with explosives storage practices.

And no it doesn't have to be locked up either.
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What, you don't like the new management?
Hmm, did he get a weapons prohibition too? or just stripped of his license?
I remember :(
Hortons luncheon meat sammiches made by whyte bitches used to be fire, yo fr nocappa
That’s what I figured. But he’s happy to give me his ammo and he has no use for it anymore so it’s all good
For 10 years yeah
If he had his guns taken away for being a naughty boy it's best that he doesn't mention the ammunition to anyone, cops would likely try to seize it because they're ignorant fags who would assume it's gotta go with the guns.
I've seen them cut their toenails in public. They are the filthiest and most foul people to ever draw breath.
One is too many.
I'm no lawyer sonny, but i had a fren who got a weapons prohibition (he did not have a firearms license or own any guns) i don't know the details but believe it means you arent allowed to own anything scary.
True, and even when they're obviously wrong in their understanding of the law, the court might side with them especially when guns are involved. That's what happened with 10/22 mags.>>62729917
Yeah that’s what I figured and I plan to pick it up ASAP
I should mention the case is done and over with so the cops would have no reason to return, so I’ll collect the ammo and everyone’s happy
Who did he threaten to blast?
Divorce shenanigans
He had drug problems? In the past
No clue what the truth is but if I get some free crates of ammo I’m happy
>Divorce shenanigans
Its always bitches. i tell youwhut son.
Indeed. My dad went through a divorce, transferred all his guns to his new gf (my mom) so his ex couldn’t pull any bullshit with the guns
If he's on some kind of probation a condition might involve checking for weapons, especially if he's subject to a weapons prohibition order. Get that ammo ASAP Anon, last thing you want is some gung ho faggot claiming ammunition is a weapon.
Imagine living I'm canada in 1976. What would you do with your life?
>7.62x51 ak
get a valmet
Guns that should be chambered in 7.62 nato, I'll start:
The sl8
I wish
Every gun should be in 7.62x51NATO
I believe in Battle Rifle supremacy
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Hell yeah
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>voting garrys mod
My SG-542 groups at 3 inches (par for the course its a service rifle) using 180gr cheapo hunting rounds. I think lighter bullets will group better since the twist rate is 1-11. Anyone have more experience?
Hey I need a gunsmith in the toronto area. Does anyone know anyone? I broke a spring on my heritage rough rider and I cant get one shipped to canada
I figure i may as well just find a gunsmith.

Any advice would help thanks
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The first result when you google SG-542 is a leddit review that's hilarious
The hammer spring?
I think so
The videos ive been watching call it the hand spring
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Tim Hortons made a hat for its workers at the Canadian forces base in Latvia there is just a slight problem….. they made it in Russian EMR
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I would have suggested Rodger Kotanko but Toronto police services ensured he won't be doing anymore gunsmithing (they went well out of their jurisdiction to kick down his door and kill him in cold blood)
SG-542s are based, however. I’m glad plebbitors got filtered
542's are based but not FAMAE potmetal stamped and welded garbage where you need to pay $4000 + corruption tip to get your fucked up order
Which makes no sense because first ones they brought in were stellar. My green first import is great. Adjustable trigger too which I think they got rid of (a damn shame because the two stage triggers on these can be tuned to be match grade)
The fact that you could almost buy 4 type 81's for that price is ridiculous in and of itself.
inb4 it's chinkshit...yes and?
>Russian EMR timmies hats
>tim horton stocks now trades in Russian ruble
is tims making a comeback bros? will we be seeing tims on every block in Russia filled with saars?
ya im happy with my first gen import one
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Sigs are based, I would not want some cobbled together abortion made by Chileans though. Certainly not for $4000. I don't believe in buying shit firearms at any price, even if they're super cheap. It's still just a total waste of money, even if it's $300 on some turkshit. That's $300 you could've spent on a weapon light, scope ring mounts, few slings, ammo, etc.

Our options right now are to spend $500 on an SKS, $1500 on a T81, $2400 on a SL8, or $3k on an X95. No one has Bren2s or APCs anymore, bumfight is draining supply bigly.
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>Bceгдa cвeжee в caape Tимa Хopтoнa!
The old famaes are great lmfao. You make it seem like there’s skme huge issue with chilean guns. There isn’t. It’s just tactical imports being greedy fucks buying the cheapest parts bin factory thirds they could find that’s the problem
the thing is famae was the only game in town if you wanted one in .308
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here are all my sg542 mags
Based mag stacker
Anyone know a good oil bottle that fits in a bcm grip?
Any human being who gives power to externally imposed belief and control systems, acts according to them, and demands that others act according to them, is guilty of the present state of the world, in which a few - and the most psychopathic, evil, vicious and sick people of all - rule over others. As long as this state of affairs continues, nothing in the world will change for the better.
I know a guy who knows a lot about oil but he's currently facing some legal challenges and won't be able to help you :(
princess auto has a bunch of small oil bottles that should work. Just bring your rifle with you and test out which ones fit
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That is possibly the drippiest zogbot loot ever produced
I absolutely must have one
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>drippiest zogbot loot ever
I could ask for more.
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Did you BC fags vote today?
Flecktarn and mountains goes hard be a good choice for next Op pic.
Did it wednesday
>Strange to think there's a good chance our great grandchildren could be fighting white discrimination.
What do you mean "a good chance"? Young White men today are already actively discriminated against today.
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>go to vote
> guy at first desk handing out ballots is 180 years old
> mark ballot
> stand in line to put ballot in box
>400 lb woman exclaiming voting machine broken and they’re bringing in a new one

How is this possible every fucking election?

Also 2 old boys rocking trump hats in an elementary school voting center in a provincial election in Canada.
I did, I voted Conservative, I don't have high hopes though but I hope we win, the absolute salt from reddit would be glorious lmao
Last election there was a boomer in line with me at the rink wearing an "In Glock We Trust" shirt
Fucking scumfucks up to their tricks, they spotted you guys and knew who you'd vote for and proclaimed that their machines "broke".

It’s arguably the best surplus Camo for Vancouver island, if not close second to CADPAT.
Got my own table at a gunshow ama

I was just stating that the last 4 elections, both federal and provincial have had broken machines… fucking test that shit beforehand
For the last fed election, they gave us pencils instead of pens or sharpies, they probably erased my selection and put in fagdeau.
I voted last Friday (not yesterday, the week before) and it literally took them like half an hour to find me in the database for some ungodly reason, because I'd moved apartments in December of last year.
Tavor7 is a suitable alternative. Failing that, get a higher end bolt gun in .308, Ruger Scout is a nice alternative that loads from box mags and they even make 20 rounders kek.
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>Just bring your rifle with you and test out which ones fit
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Seconded for Ruger Scout.
why do you have your own table at a gun show
based Scout appreciator
can you take the rail off?
honestly great idea
Mmmmm, metal.
You should probably move.
I got me mumzy to drop off my mail-in ballot.
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Yes, you can also put a longer one on. I have an LPVO in the mail that’s going to go on it.
>here's that hardened criminal gun smuggler I was telling you about
my only beef with mounting a sight rearward is you lose your rear iron sight, which kinda defeats the purpose of having redundant sights.

yes, scout rail comes off and there is a base under the rear sight.

The XS rails come with a built in adjustable ghost ring rear sight. With the PEPR mount I can use both irons and optic.
to be fair:
>Search warrant documents previously obtained by CBC News show police raided Kotanko's property to investigate why two guns with obliterated serial numbers registered to Kotanko were found at a crime scene in Toronto and another in North Bay, Ont. They allege he illegally removed those serial numbers and sold the firearms, but Kotanko's family denies this.
if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.
did they prove those weren't stolen by doctors and sold on the doctor market?
I'm selling a bunch of stuff
shut up faget. anyone who ever sold a restricted could have this happen to them. Why the fuck did they go in literally guns blazing?
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>guns with obliterated serial numbers
>that were registered to Kotanko

>numbers that were obliterated
>that we somehow read

Either they were obliterated and unreadable or they weren't, so which is it?

A gunsmith removing a serial # and selling that gun to someone illegally is going to know how to remove that serial number properly so it's never visible again.
If they were stolen from Kotanko there'd be a requirement for him to report the guns as stolen, which means there'd be a report and incident # with the police. I don't think the guns were stolen from him.

Also that customer suing the TPS is a grifter faggot pussy, but I'm fine with his lawsuit because it'll take money away from Toronto's police which means Toronto's crime will get worse which is what it deserves.
>No goyim don't excercise your civic rights and do something about the incompetent/malicious incumbent government.
>Just doompost and be blackpilled and never leave your room
fittingly worthless post from a shartyteen.
yeah anti-voting is like 15 year old levels of edginess, even if the election is rigged you still cast your ballot because failure to do so hands your enemy a legitimate victory.

ill lay out a simple way to have this never happen to you:
- open transfers on federal registries when you transfer firearms
- dont obliterate firearm serial numbers in a way where they are recoverable (untypical for an educated machinist or anyone who understands how that forensics works)
- tell the feds when your guns go missing
one had to not happen.
Has anyone ever ordered a replica flintlock outside of canada? seems like the CBSA doesnt even let those in even though theyre not a prohibited replica or even a firearm since no flash hole or bore.
The forensics labs of police forces can use chemical means to see firearm serial numbers that have been filed down. They have had this ability for decades now i believe. Hence if you are trying to remove the serial number from a firearm part you have to make sure your cut/grind has sufficient depth (in minecraft of course).
It is also a criminal offense on its own to alter a firearms serial number.
>captcha vpGAY
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>go to vote at the elementary school I went to
>had to take a leak
>i'm greeted with this at the restroom door
The halfgender silhouette kinda looks like a large and poorly tucked to the side erection.
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i know what happened... he kept the frames but sold some slides and barrels that just so happened to be manufactured with serial of the frame engraved on them but the cops didnt give a shit and shot his ass regardless since lel serials registered under his name
that makes so much more sense.
so it really could happen to anyone before slides and barrels couldn't be sold to no pals
i've honestly wanted to get one just for the irons
it's a beautiful rifle
luv me enfields
luv me smelly
luv me numbah four
ate 303 prices
ate sporterisahs
ate boomahs
simple as
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I applied for a reserves job in my area. I meet the requirements, but will I get hired? Will I get to choose out of the two jobs I selected? And do they pay you during basic?

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