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Canadian firearms General

>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

>Last thread: >>62722713
First for tomboys.
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Second to remind BC anons that the polls close at 8 PM today, and if you haven't already, get your ass to a voting station and vote for the Cons, so we can have a premier who won't play ball with Trudy's dumbass buyback scheme.

And also ignore shills/tards telling you not to vote, or that it doesn't matter.
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As per the Kotanko shenanigans in the last thread, is the onus on the seller or the buyer to ensure the firearm registration is changed over with the RCMP? When I've bought R's from gun stores they submit their request and a few days later feds email me saying the transfer is approved. Then you get your speshul paper in the mail a while later. Is it the seller or buyer who does this in private sales?
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What this guy said ^
I'd stuff my ballot in her ballot box if you know what I mean
It's too late the NDP will win it's a foregone conclusion.
Yes I certainly do, as I would also cast my vote for her if I lived in her riding. Sadly I do not. The only silver lining is that it means I don't live in the wasteland of Manitoba.
Over 1 million advanced voters already for BC
I want to believe we have a chance…

Still, I hope you voted.
I've done my part, I hope we win.
The forensics labs of police forces can use chemical means to see firearm serial numbers that have been filed down. They have had this ability for decades now i believe. Hence if you are trying to remove the serial number from a firearm part you have to make sure your cut/grind has sufficient depth (in minecraft of course).
It is also a criminal offense on its own to alter a firearms serial number.
>captcha vpGAY
>Either they were obliterated and unreadable or they weren't, so which is it?
Both. Grinding off serial numbers on guns does not actually fully erase them because the stamping process causes the metal underneath to deform in ways that allow the number to be reconstructed through various methods.

but how is this possible if BC is so based? or is it actually a leftoid shithole like everyone has always thought? i've always considered BC to be libtard central, worse than even Ontario, the saturation of urbanite and yuppie faggots + aging hippies is unmatched anywhere in Canada.
Vote for her?
Give it to me straight, bros. Once Indians are a majority (about 15 years), will they vote to ban firearms completely?
will Canada even last another 15 years?
Vancouver holds all.the votes in elections. The same way to-ott-mtl holds it all for canada.

It’s Vancouver and Victoria being degenerates… anywhere outside of those two big cities is much more Conservative.
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Based fellow democracy appreciator, let's both vote for Dancho at the same time. I bet she can take both votes at once, she's a real trooper.
We need some kind of electoral college shit like they have in the USA that stops dumps like New York and California from deciding every federal election.
[spoiler]I voted NDP[/spoiler]
Southwestern BC, aka the coast. is a hotbed of leftism, as bad as torcongo, very dense and concentrated evil.
Northern and eastern bc are berta-lite.
fucking yes my nigga. the demographics of this country is cooked and everything comes from the demographics. we are going to live in a modernized india.
[faggot] you are a [faggot]
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Yeah since they would be shooting each other in the fucking streets over politics back in India.

Which is strange. I was born and raised on the Island and am old enough to remember what the libs and NDP did to the forestry industry in the early to late 90’s yet here we are. I will say though, the last 25 years, the island population has exploded with outsiders . My parents bought their first house for 33k in 1990 and that same house just recently sold for almost a million. We need a NZ style real estate platform for VI
All the more reason to have firearms. Also Indians aren't really anti-gun, they're kind of indifferent to them.
>Yeah since they would be shooting each other in the fucking streets over politics back in India.
They're doing that here already
it's astounding that there's a housing crisis with all the jeets moving here living 15 poos to a 1 bedroom apartment
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Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here.
Everything west of of Hope is lost. Even Hope itself is a total writeoff.
Really make sure you guys go out and vote BCbros
“Conservative” coworker of mine plans to vote ndp with eby who wrote a fucking book on how to sue cops despite wanting to be a cop himself so never presume the stupidity of the average voter, even your conservative friends are not safe from being retarded and outnumbering you if you stay home
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Bro this is a fucking gun thread
Also sueing cops is based. Fuck cops lmfao. I said what I said.
>claims to hate trudeau
>votes for his biggest dick sucker
It is but this is the level of dissonance and retardation of the average bc voter.
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Well I got threatened with arrest when I voted about 2 hours ago. In the past, if I thought all the candidates were scoundrels I would spoil my ballot. I did so today. Years ago they used to report those results as an indicator of disaffected voters. Now they have these voting machines that reportedly scan your voting card and if it detects more than one candidate chosen or none chosen, it rejects your card, and beeps that there's an error that alerts the attendant. Heh! they got quite agitated.

I really don't trust these machines since no one can tell me if the code is open sourced and peer reviewed. "Trust us" smiled the attendant today, I said that's the last thing I would do. :-/
kek did you write in Adolf Hitler or something?
>not even the Liberals dare to limit the power of the greatest battle implement ever devised
Ontario anon here, i've worked a few elections at different levels of government and have used the tabulator machines. We count the votes by hand as well. Everything honestly looks legit from what i've seen. No comment on the main offices though and what they do with the numbers we give them
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chilliwack and mission have fallen?
Yes. that whole valley is evil, i thought i made that pretty clear. It's all chocked full of junkies, swarthoids, gungrabbers and child snatchers, etc etc.
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the thing you need to understand about the world, anon, is that you have far more in common with people of the rural persuasion than city types. this goes for the entire planet, and is not limited to North America.
the Rat Utopia experiments can illuminate more if you wish to research it.
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Ehh, the young ones love guns though, I work with an 18 year old at our heavy Civil job and he's a good kid, good work ethic, he has a sort of "gangster shuffle" i joke with him about, I see him as my son and I'm trying to get him to go get his license.
not voting for an indian sorry, i'm abstaining
conservatives couldn't even be arsed to run a canada born indian
why the fuck are foreigners even allowed to be MLAs?
Not my problem
Maybe get a white mla like me next time
hes a gunsmith so of course hes going to have customers that will need parts replaced and in the olden days handguns were a dime a dozen so buying entire guns was a common practice to get spare parts right away instead of special ordering them from usa
>he has a sort of "gangster shuffle"
LMAO bruh is crip walking on the job site

picrel is a poll of mostly zoomer child of immigrants. they dont really have a gun culture or empathize with stuff like the second amendment. third worlder mentality basically.
forgot to upload
He was also the importer of the Dark series of pistols from China. There were higher than normal amounts of failures so he would strip them and sell the parts to get his money back.
I know lmao, I joked about it to him and we laughed about it, "I'm just a teenager!" He exclaimed lol, he's a good kid though, he hustles hard, he's not like the others. But yeah, youngin's in general do not understand the concept of guns being a fundamental human right, it's up to us to teach them about it and show them that guns are cool and that lib grabbers are all a bunch of chomo faggots.
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2 hours until election results start rolling in
>556 vz
how many mags do you think he had lol I know theres at least one anon here that used to horde them
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This is a gun thread.
And the victor of this election will either walk in lockstep with the feds to take yours or tell them to eat shit and do it themselves
Atleast use an image that is even slightly ontopic.
Guns don't give you an erection?
Nigger I don’t live in british chinumbia lmfao
based model12 bro
Ok and? It’s still a gun relevant topic nigga
I want a model 12 takedown with a shorty barrel so bad
So post one faggot
Thanks anon she’s ooooold but gold
I’ve been looking for a short barrel for years iktf. Mine has a couple barrels with it and full choke set. Only thing it’s missing is the original case. Was a family hand me down so I’m just happy i’ve got most of the accessories that were available at the time
huh just saw one off
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>telling Anon to defile vintage Model 12s
fine just look for some bubba one that someone already cut down
Bro what the fuck lmfao
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its a pretty standard practice
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There satisfied kike?
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>ruining beautiful old guns is standard practice

n i g g e r b e h a v i o u r
What handguard did you get. S&J Hardware sell a ton of benelli accessories like a legal +1 magtube, light mount that combines the forward sling loop with a short rail. Charging handles, bolt releases.
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a legit m12 riot gun/trench gun would be prohibitively expensive though, just trying to save anon some shekels
Not saying its great but it is indeed standard behavior
For bubba
Came with,
It’s the second gen of M4’s. Nothing aftermarket yet on it and the handgaurd while awesome is a tad disappointing because despite what it looks like it’s neither keymod nor mlok
Not that I’m complaining it’s still my current crown jewel
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>we live in an age where the only good pump shotgun left on the market is the Mossberg 500/590 and Benelli Nova
>Winchesters are now turkshit
>Remingtons are god knows what
>everything else is turkish trash rebranded like Canuck/Stoeger/Charles Daly/etc.
Wait is that stock and handguard standard now. The older stock and handguard are so much better looking. And i assume nicer to use without gloves, because nothing sucks more than having to grate your hands on a that thing when its -20.
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>benelli mr1 stock
theres still a good amount of classic american shotguns:
winchester 1897, ithaca 37, winchester 1200/1300, remington 10, stevens 520, 870 wingmaster/magnum, old mav88 as new mav88 seem to be shitty
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yeah but I was talking about newly produced, not old/used/second hand guns
Only on the new m4 models but yes it’s the standard proprietary handgaurd.
They are nice, come with some rails 2 inch rails for mounting stuff and being able to wrap your thumb overtop without burning it is a huge quality of life improvement
Winchester 12 is one of the most common shotguns every produced
Shortening shotguns is one of the oldest and most common firearms modifications
it's not defiling some holy gun
it's just tradition
Well now your thumb is blocking the sights
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can confirm, north east bc is undeniably based
Not exactly have a red dot for it while it waits for a new rifle to get added on to
i wonder how feasible a heatshield would be on a benelli m4 or beretta 1301t
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I will never move to a big city. All man made architecture is ugly in my eyes. Actually I'll make an exception for St. Joseph's Basilica because that shit looks like a dark souls castle.
>zhukov handguard
No one cares about gay bc electing another ndp government. Alberta will conquer come the day of the rake. We will mandate an fn for every Christian household.
W unc.
we need to activate the youth on this issue if we want to have a chance of keeping the right to own arms alive, even if most of them are poos. the youth are critical in any country politics-wise and they happen to be naturally inclined to firearms and open to experience. women are also critical but that works far more in the favour of pro-gun control advocates so we have been at a disadvantage ever since they could vote.
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Voting in my riding be like
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Did BC just...?
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>COMMUNIST party of BC: 437 votes
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ndp has more votes but less seats.
Don't seats decide the winner like in a fed election?
This shows the cons having enough seats for a majority
It's not over yet
Why is it even close? Bc is so gay and cucked.
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silly goy
Libshit faggots on reddit are absolutely seething that they're neck and neck against the Cons, I hope the Cons win, the seethe would be glorious lmao
Absolute state
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nvm, the fix is in..
yeh its still flip flopping because alot of it is still ujust projections

I really do enjoy firearms tho
Ndp's gonna win and help turdo take your guns
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This. Ontario has like +80 conservative MPs and Liberals have fucking 8 LOL. NDP have like 30 or something, it's not even close.

Just one more reason why Ontario is the best province (not to mention all the crown land shooting you can do, no fishcops ever bother you).
I guess housing, gas and groceries are too cheap so people think the leftist parties are a good idea. We need more immigrants too.
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You won't do shit.
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I'm gona hack your roomba
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someone at elections BC forgot the password needed to tally the votes at a riding in Surrey
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>tfw your vacuum has never said nigger
Why would a vacuum need a speaker?
To yell racial slurs at you
They tell you when the battery is low. I don't know why they can't just do that with beeps, but i guess everyone is oversoicalized and starved for that kind of shit these days.
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NDP 33
CON 28

Let me guess, Surrey is a Con stronghold?
Surrey is a jeet stronghold
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Eastern bc bros, what are you doing? i thought you were baset...
fugging love me guns tho simple as
Surprisingly, 7 out of 9 of the surrey ridings are leaning con right neow.
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There's going to be like 20 automatic recounts soooo should I go to sleep?
Kinda wish i already did, watching it live isnt exactly what i would describe as pleasant. kinda like taking a trip to pol.
I keep switching between "It's so over" and "we're so back"
maybe you're trans
>"It's so over" and "we're so back"
Keep using those zoomerisms and I'm gonna fucking belt you
I'm 41% sure the cons will win
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fucking top kek
4chud attempts to go 5 minutes without thinking of trannies challenge: (Impossible)
it was pouring rain out today i wasnt going to waste my time pretending like my vote would make a difference
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a few ridings are really close.
look at surrey lmoa.
Damnit poovooter anons, we need your power.
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Why would I vote? I don't want to change the government, I want to destroy it.
how do you plan to do that behind your computer screen anon?
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Island bros.. not like this..
Not enough poos on the island to teach them a lesson
So when are you going to start your revolution.
BC is confirming itself as one of the gayest provinces in this country. Yikes.
haha voting elections are so fucking fake and gay. just vote bro i swear it'll work!
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>behind your computer screen
You mean like the guy who invented bitcoin? Or the guy who designed the FGC-9? Enough nerds on computers can and will end the state, it's only a matter of time.
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your cringe for refusing the only solution left. and you think im behind a screen 24/7? im in this thread maybe 10 min tops a day. just admit your a peace loving faggot
>Green Party has 1 seat
>the 1 seat Cons need to break even with NDP

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you are doing precisely -100% of that shit my nigga you arent him
mega cringe 1000
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The coast needs a tsunmai.
And apparently the kootenay's need a little talking too aswell.
Blue anywhere on the island is pretty surprising to me
please tell us how you will carry out your “only solution” faggot fed
BC deserves that giant earthquake they're always talking about, just swallow up 90% of the lower mainland and bury it underwater or rubble.
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just shitquakes an poonamis on the horizon for ol' BC
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if this guy has a girlfriend that enjoys nude beaches they are 100% a leftoid faggot nu-male shitlib couple of faggots and therefore part of the problem. they are responsible for this mess and were openly inviting jeets into the country because muh diversity.
The guy on the left. Look closely. This is peak white Canadian male.
Click 'Live' nigger, your'e like half an hour behind.
Kinda funny that the green leader lost her own seat/riding tho.
You're coping hard buddy. Bc gayest province confirmed.
Coping wut?
I went out with my rifle today, twice.
I sure do love living rural and adjacent to 6gorillion acres of crown land.
>Bc gayest province confirmed
Not when Quebec still exists, BC is a close number 2, which is fitting considering all the jeets living there.
You forgot the islands/maritimes.
Imagine needing coyote permit just to plink on the like 6 acres of free land available.
Hey bcfags
Be prepared
To enter a world
Stranger than you have ever imagined
A world of buttfuckery
And nogunz
Looks like its going to be a minorty govt regardless of who wins, basically meaning nothing meaningful is going to happen until the next election.
Bumping my thing
The fuck you mean by that?
To my highly limited understanding, just based on what they said on the jews; The winner of a minority govt isnt actually considered the leader of the province, they have to share the power.
Yeh theyre done for the night, (after counting about ~96% of the voots) and then will have to do a bergillion recounts.
Was hoping for better, not only does orange man want to take my guns, he felt the need to make his speech about raycism and hate, what a faggot.
Does Eby want to take guns? Can you please show me so I can tell my tarded family members
Yes, he lumped licensed gun owners in with gun smugglers and other gang related individuals several times
>"The idea that we would go backwards and pull tools away from police designed to keep us all safer is bizarre," he said. "I don't want, nobody wants, except for, apparently, John Rustad, to import lax U.S., style handgun and semi-automatic gun rules that make us all less safe."
His postitions on firearms should be pretty obvious, but here;

>Eby said the NDP will continue to support the federal hand-gun and semi-automatic weapons seizure law
>It is unfathomable to me that anyone who would seek to run to be the leader of the province of British Columbia would direct the police not to enforce federal laws
He do be doing that don't he. I suppose i probably shouldve included a whole quote instead of only the first half, with this;
>“It is unfathomable to me that anyone who would seek to run to be the leader of the province of British Columbia would direct the police not to enforce federal laws designed to go after gangsters, criminals, people who beat up family members,” said Eby. “I can’t understand it, and I don’t stand for it.”
Hes pushing the narrative the turdos bans are only for gangbangers and wife beaters.
to add; He is responding to Rustad saying that he wouldn't fund/support the gun buyback program.
So he is labeling people with newly prohibbed guns as gangsters lol.
thx (deep hunting traditions in the senpai) but they tarded and vote orange
wtf f a m is turned into senpai?
Has anybodys guns been taken, ever? In the last 10 years. (and no, not criminals)
Yes, welcome to 4chan. You will never leave.
My family are generally quite supportive of me owning firearms, but i don't believe they really consider it to be a major issue. So, when speaking politics with them i lean on the economy and how expensive everything has become; they eat that shit up.
Just gotta include the narrative that the left spends money while the right generates it.
the country and its money are in massive debt and cannot afford to keep printing money for worthless programs and bloat.
All of the boomers that have died since Trudeau's handgun ban have had their pistols taken and uh "destroyed"
I've been here for 16 years. but I've never typed f a m before apparently.
>the country and its money* are in massive debt
Meant to say 'people* not money.
sry ive drinking.
So dead people get their guns stolen. That's it.
I was about to trash how low the voter turnout is but... BC has 5 million people lmao
Yea I think so far that's it, and the guns that get deemed prohib after the fact like those mini tavors that were made from full auto receivers they scooped up. Canada historically prefers to limit your use of guns you already own and prevent you from buying new ones. The looming confiscation is a pretty big departure from the norms of grandfathering and issuing prohib licenses.
lmao @ the bottom feeders
A few of those independents were cons that they just didnt have room for and ended up costing the ridings in split votes.
>”Pry it from my cold dead hands”
>*waits for you to die*
kek big brother always wins he can never stop WINning
And so it is, and ever had, and ever shall be. Split-voter tards will forever spoil elections.
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For some context, to the best of my knowledge;
The conservative party in bc had been dead for a long time. Weve had an unusual 'right leaning' liberal party also known as bc united instead.
The conservative party recently rose from the dead and quickly started picking up steam.
Not wanting to split the vote the libs/united decided to anhero, and its former member eitther withdrew from the race, became cons, or became independents.
But of note being that there were a few particularily popular ex-united members that wanted to beceome cons but were turned down for one reason or another (one possibly just being a minorty quota lol) that went on to become independents and cost the cons the seat by splitting the vote in their riding.

Picrel for historical context; illustrating the cons surge as united killed itself.
libs also caught on to this and plotted to strategically vote green in ridings that the ndp had nary a chance to win
They called Comox on the global news counter then changed it back to “con leads” but won’t call Malahat… it’s fucking shawnigan lake, Sooke and the strip of highway on the actual Malahat, how long can it take?
They said they were quitting at midnight, idk why the numbers keep moving.
Heh, that's my tokarev. Fuck that's an old pic too.
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is it better with those grips
>anyone who would seek to run to be the leader of the province of British Columbia would direct the police not to enforce federal laws
BC did that with federal drug laws for decades. Now that it's about guns it's unthinkable, though.
Former CAF member here, yes if you meet all requirements you will get an offer of the trade you qualified for. Yes you will get paid during basic.

That said fuck the CAF
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I've read more people every year are killed by moose then by legal firearm holders. I think freedom is more integral to the average person then government provided 'safety'. It's just an excuse to exercise tyranny.
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the humble ball peen hammer is the most murderous device on the current age. it kills an order of magnitude more people than firearms.
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for me its the regular covid vaccine, forced onto goyims for political purposes giving them sudden heart attacks and strokes while causing division among them
I like how you can silently lobotomize someone with one, in one hit, while making little to no mess.
Clearly one of the best tools in the toolbox.
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Worth it?

Don’t care that it’s a Jew gun
Yeh buy one, it's great.
Preferably from a non-chink store though, no need to doubledip when feeding the anti-Christ.
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i paid twice as much for an nr fs2000
Here; 2950 from rdsc but you can save the difference in taxes aslong as you arent in an HRT province.
Or, heres 2850 from bullseye, though im not 100% certain of their ethnicity.
Damn, mine was $2300 on Black Friday 2022.
It's a great gun though I agree with >>62737519.
What optic are you thinking?
Honestly goyim, i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed.
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2nd for shopping with RDSC as they are based as fuck.
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to keep it firearms-related, what gun would you have used to put the oven out of its misery after a poo exploded in it?
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Imagine the smell also
>check em Satan
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>"wembleburtmqe bumbledoo?"
Looks like Zoltar has fallen on hard times.
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he got replaced by a TFW too
ngl I would love to have an FS2000 they are kino af and will only appreciate in value. if you ever did want to sell that thing you'd get 100% of your money back, possibly some profit.

don't sell it though, those guns are iconic and actually decently made.
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Yes, here is mine
nice hipower bro
it's clearly a browning 1900
.32acp is some nigger shit just shoot +p 9mm
yeah true i love barattas
Is it normal to take like a week to count voots in BC anons? I swear my province always declared the winner the same night, same with federal elections wtf
It’s because right now it’s very tight, like some ridings won by 23 votes which is small enough to cause a recount.
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Malahat has ndp with a lead by 23 votes… with 23/24 polls reporting. There’s several in lower mainland that are within 250 votes. Could still be a Con win, but I wouldn’t put it past our fucked up system to do some shady shit. They called Comox last night only to reduce it to “con lead” again at like 2am… after the count had stopped
Spent a good penny there after this post.
If I was gonna buy a turknelli what is the best brand to get?
A Benelli
That one YouTubers shilled hard last year that costs 200 bucks less than a real Benelli

>Buy a real one anon
anti gun is anti human. there is no excuse to be anti gun.
never buy turkshit, at least buy a 1301T if a legit M4 is out of reach
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im pro gun and anti human

I am pro gun (for some people) and pro (some) humans
this being the case, why wouldnt manufacturers hide such impressions on their receivers? have a visible one, and an invisible one elsewhere that is kept secret? would not be hard to do
I dont udnerstand this. Its cities, not provinces. All provinces have white people far from cities living normally and not being shitlib faggots. BC has a shitlib mega city and now its suddenly all cucked? Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, all of the GTA, Montreal, Halifax, Fredricton, St johns etc are all getting packed with pajeets aren't they? Every city has gay parades druggies and bums no?
Mostly true although even small towns have a lot of jeets and druggies. There was more of that when I lived in small-town BC compared to small-town Sask. But most people I met in BC were still pretty White & Conservative & Normal. They do have more of a California-style problem where libtards get priced out of Hongcouver and move out to the sticks and continue to be retarded.
yeah i will say the okanagan is turning into that as well but where i live i notice a lot of the rich white people who've moved into the new homes being built are mostly conservative types but they're also mostly boomers.
Yerp, and its been said 1000 times but cities and the backcountry should be ruled separately.
Let them be as gay as they want in their cuckpods, but i dont want to pay a single red cent towards choppin kids peckers off, thats a hangin' offence around these parts pardner.
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>Conservatives win BC election
>so they stall to destroy ballots and "recount" things
>NDP will be declared the "winner" in a few days time

mark my words, screencap this.
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someone who owns drewreport.com update it with all the evidence neatly compiled, then bulk email the FSF board before the vote to show the manipulative takeover attempt, maybe leak it to bleepingcomputer, and other linux news sites. If the conspiracy only exists on 4chan and kiwifarms then the board might not know until it's too late and the takeover works, literally GPLv4 is at stake here. EFF, linux foundation, and other groups should get involved to prevent this
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What is the coolest restricted that we can still buy? I've got a hankering
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I'm confused, what's going on with the elections?
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ps90? (with the real short barrel, not the 16)
Recounts pending because some districts were so close.
Based and gurren lagann pilled
T ex cervix man
hk usc 45
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Where the FUCK can I find an adventure anymore?
Can confirm former CAF my self don’t join
FN P90
VZ 61
Literally ANYWHERE else.
If you wanna go to a warzone, go to Torcongo instead.

Hell yeah.

forest firefighting
The wrong people won the election so they're recounting to make sure the right people win before they announce it.
Go in the woods setup a trap line, go be a wild fire fighter, join a volunteer org. As a former CAF member I can tell you it isn’t an adventure and sucks ass.
And by discussing politics, I mean with normalfags.
They fucking LOVE jeets.

I'm not even voting next year.
Just gonna draw a big fucking penis in sharpie.
write in "civil war"
The only thing comfier is probably being a civilian contractor, doing shitty work, and charging the government thousands an hour for literally nothing.
This, or volunteer for one of those anti-poaching groups in Africa. I think Zimbabwe or Kenya hired some PMC years ago to just start slotting poachers and stacking up bodies.
>They do have more of a California-style problem where libtards get priced out of Hongcouver and move out to the sticks and continue to be retarded.
Then they continue on eastward, to Alberta, when they realize the cost of living in rural bc is still shit.

also they should still have to count your vote even if you draw a dick on it, so long as you also check off one of the candidates
Alberta's hiring soon
Sask Marshals Service, track down violent chugs and remove them from society.
Coming 2026
cant you only do that if you have 10+ years of armed security and combat, not just military experience? and even then you kind of need to know someone no?
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there is no justification for having such a massive handguard. There is no way the gas system needs that much space. Retarded
They are normalising the days long counting process, probably all over the west desu. People flipped the night of the 2020 US election, now they need to normalize it to the goys.
Just watch, the next provincial election will be he same, and every one after
you got tiny little hands or something?
there's also no justification to ever use a bullpup
Gotta have police experience sadly, RCMP and PA police were reeeeee so hard that Sask Marshalls changed recruitment policy’s so it’s only experienced officers in order to prevent said agencies from loosing fresh bodies.
I'll join the Canadian Armed Forces, if:
>sergeant licks my balls
>general eats my ass
>trudeau cleans my boots with his tongue
>i get paid 300 dollars an hour
>i don't have to fight, lift anything heavy, or exert myself in any way whatsoever
>don't have to show up if i don't feel like it and still get paid
And guess what, with how fucked the CAF is, they'll have to accept, because they have like 5 soldiers left across the entire military, 4 of which are retiring in the next 2 years.
Federal election too, they'll spend ages counting just to declare there's been RUSSIAN INTERFETTERANCE and the election must be nullified and Jewdeau must remain Dear Leader.

I'm feelin a bit justified to kick you in your plums fella
>there's also no justification to never use a bullpup
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Are you talking aboot the girth of the forend?
There are rails hidden under those covers, fren.
Ackshually, our 18.5" NR barrel rule is pr etty good justification if you ask me, the tavor is tiny, with the thinbuttpad its less than 30" long.
Most of its competition is closer to 40" long.
>Are you talking aboot the girth of the forend?
Only Andre the Giant could c-clamp an X95
I barely need size L work gloves and can c-clamp it
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Yuge kek
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gsg mp40 9mm
C-clamp is faggot shit nu-meta pushed by Guntube twinks like Lucas Buttkin, the Tavor X95 was always meant to be run with a vertical foregrip like every other bullpup
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>these ballots have all been counted
>but we need to review them
>it seems some of these people voted for the wrong person
>until we review them all to determine how this could have happened everyone should just keep paying taxes and getting stabbed by niggers with AIDS needles outside their favourite coffee shop
I don't disagree but you can still do it with normal-sized hands
i dont use c-clamp simply because it only applies to specific guns and id rather just hold all my guns more or less the same way
They're recounting 2 ridings that the NDP won by less than 100 votes
You are a retard
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check out this $25 aliexpress safariland knockoff holster for my beretta, could literally not find a legit one so settled for this and im happy
You are a faggot stfu.
The funny thing is most of the elections staff are libtard faggots, how many other ridings did they just toss out votes or fail to count lol.
No reason Safariland should charge what they do for their holsters, they probably cost $10 to produce. They don't make a wide variety anymore, it's all just Glock shit or some variant thereof. M9A3 has been in production for a decade and they don't make a light compatible holster for it.
i paid $300 for an inglis hi power one fml
100 is an automatic recount, but there are a few others they want to do aswell i believe, like there are 2 ridings the cons won by just over 100 voots.
looks breddy guud on ther
Ontarian here, I was looking at your 2020 election and the Cons got like 2% of the vote? Is that accurate? How the fuck is that even possible?

Libs kicked a guy out, so he joined the conservatives and then became conservative leader, then the liberals imploded and don’t even have a party anymore lol
Cons havent really existed here for a long time.
Weve had a 'right-leaning' liberal party (aka bc united) instead, that recently an-hero'd to give power to the cons.
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grim jfc
Our Libs were essentially cons in many ways. and they ruled over the province for an impressive 19 consecutive years. (2001-2020) when the ndp took over.
The 2001 election was hilarious, with the libs winning 77 out of 79 seats, stripping the ndp of official party status. It's a shame they didnt stay dead.
Pretty impressive how badly the ndp fucked the province up in 4 years
Correction; although the libs won the 2017 election, it was with a minortiy. The ndp and greens then formed a coalition which voted the lib leader clark out, and put the ndp leader hogan in charge.
So the ndp have actually had their way here for 7 years.
>I walked around the neighborhood and only saw like two houses with halloween decorations set up
>not a single decoration
>not even a plastic pumpkin or one of those cheap dollarstore thanksgiving scarecrows
Its so over....
ive seen quite a bit of decorations
The poo's are scary enough without costumes.
They just wander around stuinkin the place up and making moves on your woman

I grew up in the 90’s, the NDP have been fucking up the province longer than that… Harcourt, miller Glenn Clarke and Ujjal Dosanj are all giant pieces of shit for what they did to the Lumber industry. Nevermind all the scandals of Clarke and Dosanj. Then we had Campbell the Lib, got a DUI while on vacation right after imposing stricter drinking and driving laws here in BC. Our province is actually incapable of making good leadership choices all because of the retarded urban populations
We need to hit the nuke hongcouver button.
For some reason all of our leaders since the 80's have been honcouverites or islanders.
Breeding grounds of pure evil.
if a pacific war ever breaks out between the us and china we may see some changes to hongcouver. not sure what exactly but i imagine something would change
>They just wander around stuinkin the place up and making moves on your woman
They're like npc's from The Sims.
my neighbourhood is full of Halloween stuff, but then it's also 100% white
Same here only the white or native neighbour hoods have Halloween stuff up….. on the radio today I heard an ad for a Lego sale for Diwali.
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yeah it gets wiped out when seattle gets nuked
>Seattle and Vancouver getting nuked
I pray to God that He finally hits it with the big one and kills every single tranny and faggot that lives here. The behaviour sink of this fucking overpriced city has gone on long enough and fuck if it has the be the deciding factor of basically any election as it relates to BC, provincial or federal.
On a gun related topic what’s the longest distance you guys have consistently been able to shoot at? I wanna start getting into some real long range stuff and wondering what a good benchmark to aim for is
How to make tsunami?
Imagine how much the world as a whole could improve if Cali, wahsington and vancouver were all wiped from the map on one fell swoop.
swim to the bottom of the ocean off the coast of van island. find where the juan de fuca subducts and hit the sea floor with a sledge hammer
ok i'll get my swim trunks
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Can the Canucks at least live?
Their memory will live eternally
Not really a noteworthy consideration.
There are bigger things at stake. Sorry,fren.
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Understandable trade I guess.
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No, the NHL is getting abolished
i saw theres a team with a woman coach lol. nhl is the last corpo sport to get pozzed
it's too late to save it, it died when they fired Don Cherry
did the players wear that... i've never watched hockey
Yea I think so, there's photos of them wearing the jerseys. I stopped watching hockey years ago.
Assistant coach, she's from Sask so it's been big news here
luhmayo, look at those qwers.
people try to act like "oh but what if shes qualified and really knows what shes doing" but they dont understand being a couch or member of a sports team is like being in the military. there's an intrinsic brotherhood dynamic going on there. you can't have a woman telling you what to do in the army and the same goes for sports. your sergeant or coach has to be not just a leader but a friend in a sense. that doesnt work with a woman and a team full of grown ass men. People defending it think corporate leadership is the only type of leadership, just "knowing" the stuff as if its arithmetic is not good enough. anyways i like guns and think they make cool sounds
To be fair everytime they pull this shit it redpills a few more people each time.
Would have been a whole lot better if they'd been redpilled like 40 or 50 years ago and we could have avoided losing our country in such an embarrassing way
Unfortunately, some people have to taste the shit, to know it stinks.
Remember when the government actually cared about the future of the population
Yes I'm not defending it, just clarifying. I've had a female boss at a blue-collar job in the past and it sucked, and more generally the more women in the workplace at any given job, the less I have enjoyed that job. I also like guns and there is a group of ladies at my local range who have nice shotguns and love to shoot clays, they can be pretty fun to shoot clays with.
i wemember...
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holy shit i forgot about these. thank you anon
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Kek yes.


They even made a TV commercial telling you to be wary of the electric jew. They even made the TV a self-hating jew.
kek i had one of those as a kid and i sold it on ebay a few years ago to buy a gun
Honestly i expected everyone in this general to be too old to know these, you would have had to been a 90's or 2000's kid to know them.
Its amazing what manchildren will pay for what most of us considered expendable plastic made in China
This general has people of all ages, from gunless Gen Alphas and zoomies to literal fudds and boomers born in the 60s.
i think gen alphas are only 14 at most
Yes, and there is no doubt in my mind that 14 year olds frequent this thread.
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this is bad... this is very bad
ngl I wanted to fuck Dot
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Even ReBoot had one
>it only costs 99 99 99 99 99
My wife likes to watch alot of old archived 90s-2005 tv networks ads and all. I’ve noticed that Ads were better, shows overall everything was.
i watch a lot of shows from the 50s-90s but i skip the commercials
Is 6.5 sneedmore a meme cartridge. Everyone was jumping on the bandwagon for a while because it had better ballistics than .308 but it didn't really go anywhere and everyone still uses .308/.30-06/.300wm
yeh its gay
It's one of the few meme cartridges that stuck around, it's better for long range match shooting, but it'll kill a deer if you need it to. .308 likely isn't going anywhere soon.
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give giantess gf
its weird that in the 30s major militaries were trying to get away from 6.5mm because it lacked stopping power yet here we are in the current year with major militaries readopting it because it sounds good on paper
Its good for long range shooting and will drop deer and bear sized game with ease....elk and moose too if you have a proper bullet, placement, and within range to allow for proper penetration.
Mandatory viewing
>Age restricted
Damnit, most the invidious instances seem to have disappeared, and the ones that are left don't seem to be working. :/
The dicks culled them after adding thier big list of new rules at the bottom i guess.
Everytime i find a new way to bypass jewtube it stops working :(
>old archived 90s-2005 tv networks ads and all.
how do you do this?
Oops sorry Officer Sukhdeep, lost them all on a camping trip with my son and grandson :^) ACK! *Flat-lines in the hospital room, doesn't elaborate, leaves to the afterlife*
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/g/ + myspleen invite

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