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Father and Son Edition

Post Wood (furniture)
Buy big boolets
Will we be saved?
For frens new and old

Thread Theme~

As always; No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>62642768
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1st for big boolet ak
A fine example.
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well that doesn't look good
But how
How did that happen?
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>British surplus l1a1 surplus cheek rest in stock!
>it's India reproduction
thanks. Sarco. Very cool...
this is why we bully the m1a
Shitty ammo if I remember correctly. Multiple guns were claimed to be destroyed by ZSR ammo. I haven't watched his update video.
My battle rifle collection now stands at two today after purchasing a M1A. It will be a few weeks before I can take it out to the range but I will bring my PTR to serve as a basis of comparison. Fun times ahead!
Wrong again. They are supposed to do that.
Sorry to hear that
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Finally got to take the RFB out after putting in the suppressor piston and mounting my Vudu 1-8. The piston made a huge difference, cycling at about B+15 and not nearly as violent as without. Only problem is the lack of knob for the return spring, so it keeps rotating and pushing the ejection chute over.
Didn't do any mag dumps yet, but the chute was definitely pushed enough that the cases wouldn't come out with gravity alone.
I love my APC 308. For a modern gun it really has a quality and craftsmanship of an older firearm, minus the wood.
Looks wonderful, Anon
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>day 762; the SVDs still haven't realized I'm an AK
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ai is still in its funny phase
Good morning.
I sometimes like to ask ai for advice if wacky stuff happens or general advice.
Any answer isn't even real advice. Talk to a person.
True. But that doesn’t stop me from goofing around. Sometimes I just like to see how I can push the brave ai.
Comfy hours.
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Took my nuggy out today.
Nice, I still need to take my M91/30 out but it feels like a waste to take it to the 25yd indoor range.
Are aluminum lowers for a SCAR worth it? I like the ergonomics of a regular one, but my boomer monkey brain says “polymer bad”.
How can a doggie chew toy be bad gun? Just don't leave it in the car during summer or it will slump.
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Yours makes mine look like trash. But mine has confirmed soviet kills from... soviets. Noting is a socialist's worst enemy like themselves.

May I, a retard, ask what these fine fellows names are? Do any of them enjoy .54r?
We call it x54r, fellow retard.
NDM86, SVD, Tigr. All in x54r
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Does anyone make anything akin to the AR10A2 anymore, or are you just building your own or hunting for one?
Good morning.
what is the best stock for PTR91
I'm running/ruining it with COPEM4 attached to welded rail
I feel like so.etimes I don't contribute enough quality effort posting to the best general. I don't want to spam or shitpost the best general. I never put down other's img contributions to the best general. Quite the opposite, I am a very positive poster in tbe best general and restrict my shitposting to all other threads, which shall remain nameless. Should I try harder? Also, boobs.
Shut up, you gay.
You're not helping me become my fullest expression of caring and humanity.

Just behave like a normal anonymous poster.
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>No one said it back
Very fine m14 there.

Why use such a small scope on a .308?
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I've got one those old birds for a decent price. The problem is almost none of the common LR308 parts are compatible and nuArmaLite under the current ownership are worthless.
Mayhem Machine is working on Billet 308 Carry Handle uppers. But if you want something that looked like the OG Dutch-Porto AR10s basically none of them capture that look. The BRN-10s which were only in production like 2 years had Tupperware furniture and spotty quality controll but are supposedly semi compatible with LR308 parts, at least the barrels.
My advice is to wait for the Mayhem Machine beta testers amd see if they wanna go with a more traditional look vs an A1 in oversized pants
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we fill boolit with c4 and napalm as prank
Night frens
you haven't carved your JACK O LANTERNS
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I was referring more towards the more mundane looking lower rifle in that image, but I'll definitely keep that information in mind
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I know, shoulda done it today but was busy w mummy
If I'm online and able to make a thread, this will be the OP, in your honor. Squidward anon.
Yeah, right. Abby Normal.
2 sp00p 4 m3
>you haven't carved your
They are just pumpkins until you carve them. Once carved, they become jack-o-lanterns
So is a jack o lantern considered "carved"?
>fake holiday
>worshipping SATAN
Typical. You probably keep a groomed lawn you mow every Saturday. Say hi to your wife Karen for me.
A carved pumpkin. Connect the lingustic dots.
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>>worshipping SATAN
I'm going to a 70's theme party this weekend. I get this a lot but I always say that it's not about satan. It's about being scared of monsters and the dark. About being hunted and powerless. It's about fun, you debbie downer. I swear on allah you will taste my shoe, in this life time or the next.
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Yeah but that's like saying a sculpture hasn't been carved. It clearly has, so to say "you haven't carved your sculpture yet" makes perfect sense if someone had a block of marble sitting on their porch.
I built them all out of old plastic bags and milk jugs.
I mow like 3 times a year for the pollinators.
I will flog myself and pray for your soul.
Michael Angelo used to say
>the statue was always inside the marble
All he had to do was chip away the unnecessary bits.
Scully was always so hot.
Thinking about getting a PTR 91. Is there any reason not to get one with a nitrided barrel now that those are available?
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Ok I carved it
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>tfw the jackolantern was always just waiting in the pumpkin
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Less than 20 min. Essential for hunting pre-Cambrian lifeforms.
$8100, this one might be a steal.
Fuck off retard.
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hey, how's the nice people thread been?
Not gonna happen, pansy ass poseur.
that rifle costs more than my house

anyway I took my AR10 out the other day, had been a while. Such a joy to shoot. I love battle rifles, bros
Sold! $11k, as I prognosticated, a steal. Ymmv.
That's like 7 years worth of saving then splurging combined into one project. Putting a new trigger in it tomorrow.
>nice people thread
Awesome, with a single one dimensional exception...>>62750788
/brg/ hasn't been nice for ages, because you retards treat this like a chat room and not a htread about battle rifles.
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whatever, as long as it isn't as bad as /arg/ I will still consider it the nice thread
What's your optic of choice for an 18" FAL?
We can chat about that, how does it make you feel?
Worse, considering that this thread is now arfcom fuddville tier with faggots who refuse to get trips so they can be filtered. I don't give a shit about this dumb cunt spamming his off topic bring a trailer bullshit but I'll never be able to filter him.
No trips, faggot. Read op, always so.
BAT posting is deep /brg/ lore
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>advocating for trips
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What's with most stock BR offerings not having any iron sights? I know BRs benefit greatly from some kind of scope, but I'd to be able to aim with the thing before I commit to an optic!
You are so gay
>No trips
Then stop behaving like trip posters you stupid fucks. There are two purposes for trips, to make someone recognizable because they're providing an important service, or to filter faggots. Of which you are the latter.
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Yes that's the model I own. It was like 1150+ shipping but needed sone work done and i only have 2 mags. They're not common but I saw several sell over the summer with a wide variance of pricing. Armalite made their AR10A2 models from like 1996-2010. Finding one with the bayonet lug will be difficult and mags are like $30-50 each
you're clearly not from around these parts.
L1A1-SLR with Aussie wood and a piece of crap Century receiver.
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I have an opportunity to get one with the bayonet lug, and forward assist and 2-3 mags for under 1k. Should I do it?
/brg/ is the reason I bought a shit rifle years ago ackshually.
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/brg/ is why I fell in love with WOOD. Let's not fight fren.
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Any recommendations for M1a/M14 scope mount. Just bought my first lvpo and I want to mount on my 14.
Fixed carry handle AR10s are the big sex.
You're new or a grumpy old man. Brg has long enjoyed speculating on the best mode of conveyance for their battle rifles. The bad news for you is that complaining won't stop the posting. It takes nothing to ignore posts you don't want to interact with.
I second this.
>I'm gonna continue spamming off topic and there's nothing you can do to stop me
As expected of the worst general on /k/ now. At least /arg/ trash has the decency to get trips so you can filter them.
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>the worst general
No one is keeping you here.
Was going to take out MR 762 to test different 308 offerings after mowing but the range was closed today. Oh well at least there's Friday
What brand are you testing? Any of the new surplus floating around?
just testing the various loads from american marksman. i was looking at their 150 grain soft points, 168 grain, hollow points, but mostly comparing their m118lr loadings to their 175 hollow points. I would be comparing the groups to their m80 ball offerings as well as 175 grain IMI for a baseline. 10 round groups each so that'll be a fun range day
Also interested in comparing MR accuracy to 417 accuracy if I can get norwegian m80 ball since guy I know in their procurement says they get around 1.5 MOA with m80 when determining if it was worth adopting a specialty 308 round for their DMRs
VERY impressive setup. Out of curiosity, what do you do for a living?
Also how's the schmidt?
>It takes nothing to ignore posts you don't want to interact with.
Why I say nothing over the blatant spam oil spamming oil spam.
We let lube live in the inlaw apartment. He always cleans up and restocks the fridge without asking. More than we can say about some posters.
>Namefag that uses a name to allow people to filter him for off topic posting
It's such a newfag behavior to demand that someone who wants to be on topic needs to just deal with faggot cock suckers who want to be off topic.
>but muh m37 dump truck that I'll never get road legal is how I get to the range to shoot my battle rifles so let me spam every time there's a shitty auction going on because I make money off of- I mean it's a good deal !
>because I make money
Schizo poster lashing out
>blatant fomo posting
>guys this one is great, it's going fast!
>Sold for 10k!
Be less obvious faggot.
>triggered obvious triggered
>Out of curiosity, what do you do for a living?
I build houses. I love the schmidt, the reticle is superior to everything else I have seen and the glass is immaculate. The only problem I have is when I put on an ARD it's like downgrading to mid tier glass IMO. Definitely a noticeable compromise.
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Impressive anon. I love seeing houses all decked out for Halloween
Thanks, had fun making them. Going to do a 12' Mephisto from Diablo 2 next year. Need to get another projector and fog machine to do his skull aura.

No dope chart on your scope?
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Not yet. Gonna be honest, I haven’t even gotten out to the range and shot the thing yet. Been super busy and at this point I’m just waiting for my CAT DD suppressor to clear to zero it. No point in doing it twice. Just hoping the can clears before the night shoot so I can shoot the SCAR out to 1k yards
That squid billy just needs a hat.
Off topic post. Stop blogging.>>62752131
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What ya gonna do about it, tough guy?
I would never offend a Haitian cat killer. Will you marinate it?
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Marinate my balls in your mouth
what's the blue light thing?
Scope leveler
interesting, definitely more visible than the bubble level on my spuhr, not a huge fan of glowy stuff but it's not my gun
I mean, it gets taken off after confirming the scope has been mounted properly
It's not a permanent addition
NTA btw
I think it might be a gun leveler for long range competitions. Not only does your scope need to be mounted level, but the gun has to be level for your zero to work when making long shots.
it was a page 9 bump you dense retard
thoughts on antiquated, clunky, hard to use, old guns that aren't high powered?
It looks cool.
How it FEELS to shoot a FAL.
>brain tells me to buy an AR10 because it's all around better on paper and barely more expensive than a PTR91 now
>dick tells me to buy a PTR91 because it's cool
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Sg pulse electronic level. It was too bright so I made a cap for it and it works well. The electronic levels are nice because you will see them entirely in your peripherals instead of having to look at it like a bubble level.
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It stays on the gun. It’s the same as a bubble level to make sure your rifle is level
Between the PTR91 and AR10s in its price range, the PTR91 is the better rifle. Same is true of DSA as well. If you aren't at least getting up to the DD or LMT price range, just get the PTR (or DSA if you like, whichever is a better choice than the AR10).
Budget AR10 copers hate this reality.
What kind of AR10 do you want?
What makes them worse besides I'm guessing the barrel and QC?
An Aero or Stag maybe, I wasn't married to any one brand.
Bench rest shooting?
That's a good deal if true.
listen to your heart anon
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Don't do this to me anon. I haven't posted any images because 4 of my pets died in a year's time. Stomach Cancer, hip displasia, Bad kidney and old age. Hurts when I open my personal image folder and see my past friends. 4 gone in 1 year.
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That wood
>What makes them worse besides I'm guessing the barrel and QC?
Nothing, he's retarded. There are plenty of ar10 options that will shoot 1 moa. The difference is you can upgrade the ar10, the ptr, not so much. I know it's boring to hear, but the ar10 platform is your best bet for semi automatic accuracy. If you don't believe me, it's in one of the first tiborosaurus Rex sniper school videos. The one about gun selection.
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Long range. Gotta make sure it’s level or you will see a significant deviation over distance
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>Work 12hrs over time
>Only get paid for 4hrs of over time
I just want to buy bullets, why does God punish me so? The worst part is having to double and triple check my numbers, then going to human resources and accuse them of short changing me.
>Babe wake up
GUNSTRUCTION just added the G3
what are you japanese?
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Muzzelite Convert dat Ruger anon.
You should document this and report them if they do it a lot.
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Carry handles look sexy on battle rifles.
I like it because I love.A U, but I'm sayin' the sight geometry is all wrong.
I can never imagine ever taking a shot like that in my area - there's trees for miles. Even up at a mountain summit, it's nothing but a thick canopy of green below and all around
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I don’t shoot this far very often but it’s fun as fuck.
May as well be the Martian landscape out there. Definitely nothing like Appalachia
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NV is fun because you can just walk straight up the mountain. Appalachia is a tangled mess of mountain laurel if you try that. I still love my lush Appalachia

Correct. Out by the weepah mountains
Kuiu Verde?
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Correct. It’s a bit dark for Appalachia but it just looks good
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Shadow wizard x54r gang represent. We luv gettin Rimmed ;)
>unpaid labor
You were a slave for 8 hours, anon.
does DPMS still make the detach 308 carry handle
>NV is fun
It is not.
It's fucking hot all summer and miserably windy year round. The ground is caliche and sage brush and everything is an ugly shade of baby shit tan.
The people are either weird West coast trash hillbillies or transplants too flamboyant for LA/California.
Also the food sucks throughout the entire state unless you are eating at a retarded expensive restaurant in the strip in Vegas.
Pls send help.
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Rimmed for her pleasure.
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Sorry let me specify.
>Doing drugs in the desert while shootings guns and watching “the best in the desert” with friends while in NV is fun.

NV is either ghetto trash or desert hicks and Vegas is the asshole of the earth.
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IM GONNA CUMMM /k/omrade
Damn, jelly.
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I fucking love my Little Green EMR men. The scoped BLK Lego Dragunov is pretty detailed.
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/brg/ in a nutshell
To be fair I'm in Mississippi.
I'm also on the gulf coast but unfortunately my 30s has significant less free time than my 20s. I use to drive to 6 hours on whim to visit friends for only day to over week. Now if I'm not done by 9 on Saturday I'm wiped. How times change. But don't mean that as an negative
That's life.
2 for 2 and yes, Verde looks great, but Valo for me. Bts, Kuiu is having their rare 50% off sale, darn near affordable at that rate.
>does DPMS still make the detach 308 carry handle
I don't know, but getting an AR 10 detachable is NM was a challenge. I seem to recall something in Floida, ...Compass Lake?
Omg, digicamtard? Welcome!

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