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>make the pictures sing to you
I love futa on female.
I didn't even have a message of a defiance now, just wanted to be first
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New Skirts and Guns. Let's go.
Gallia you say?
btw fuck ostwing for being filthy Poland hating commie
they're mix of french and belgian
Isn't that twat one of those laughable "based & trad" pagans? How does hating on fellow Europeans and being a commie fit into that whole schtick.
they always justify it saying "anything east of germany is asia" shit
>Gewehr 1
that reminds me, I wonder what the chain of events was that led to Gewehr 3
>WWII veteran Bundeswehr officer sees CETME
>"this looks familiar"
>asks to see it field stripped
>remembers Gerät 06H he saw during the war
>"who designed this?"
>hears it was a bunch of former Mauser employees
>"let me talk to representatives of the manufacturer, also I need to make a call to Bonn"
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So /ss/, whats your plan after your contract is over? Are you gonna re-up? Go to school? Maybe shop around for civilian jobs in LEO? Your veterans preference would take you pretty far in government hiring.
isn't he a protestant Fin?
him hating Poland (and thus being a commie) sounds like something the resident schitzo autistic polack that the other polack hate would come up with because he doesn't publicly support going to war over 5square meters Poland claims on germany or some shit
That's basically it, there's some schizo who makes edits and claims Ostwind is pro-russian and hates Poles and Ukrainians.
I love hags
Ostwind hating Poland is based on a pic where a Polish soldier is pressing down on a wound on her neck while a smug German soldier watches, which allegedly means Ostwind hates Poland.
>one of those laughable "based & trad" pagans?
I don't know where on earth you heard that, but no
>How does hating on fellow Europeans and being a commie fit into that whole schtick.
They're making shit up for (You)s; stop encouraging them and they might finally shut the fuck up
That's even worse.
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he never made a pic where a character from free Polish army, not communist, is presented in positive light
>soules chinkshit gacha
the one on the right is a winged hussar (no I'm not leaking it)
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i actually like the concept art firefighter gallians
VC5 never
Then fucking post some!
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looks awful. even ironlily drew better winged hussar
i want to watch GuP das finale 4, and aniwave is dead.
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I gave VC1 a try and its rather frustrating. The named enemies are retarded. They like to have them ambush you right at the exit. They're the same as regular enemies but retardedly spongey with stupid high damage. One of the named shock troops ate FOUR tank shells. His could kill a scout with a single burst. This wasn't even a boss it was just some guy that was standing in front of the level exit.

12 hours in and that's the only challenging thing about this game
learn to torrent nigga. its 2024
tank shells aren't that good against infantry. try using 2 stormtroopers
don't want to clutter my ssd with anime
Its not just this guy. It happens often enough and its drag. You'll complete all the objectives and there's one of those guys lying in the grass which for some reason makes him impossible to kill. Also grenades won't throw him out of cover so you have to run him over or spend 2-3 turns surrounding him with every soldier to counterattack him during his turn.
Then delete it later when you're done (preferably after seeding it a bit)
>posting in /ak/
>doesn't have drive already full of anime pictures
Finland is supermajority Lutheran, our Orthodox Christians come in two (now three-) flavors; Greek Orthodox (the Orthodox Church of Finland separated from Moscow Patriarchate after the Finnish independence & Moscow recognized it in 1921, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople took the Finnish Orthodox Church under its wing as an autonomous church in 1923), Russian Orthodox (post-WWII immigrants from Russia/former USSR) and after of 2022, Ukrainian Orthodox, needless to say Ukrainian Orthodox are a very small group, the Russian Orthodox are viewed with a level of suspicion due to the Moscow connection & the Greek Orthodox are largely of Karelian or Balkan ancestry & as such are a rather diverse group, and the less said about the Finnish Catholics, the better (they are nuttier than a Nutella factory.)
>/ak/ is dying
This is news to you?
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i already have a 20gb of pics.
its like 2gb worth of anime video you lazy zoomer
i'm 28
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just to get the point across: in Finnish Defence Forces there are two types of Chaplains: Lutheran Chaplains and Orthodox Chaplains (both are required to offer their services to people of all faiths if/when asked, no-one is forced to discuss matters of faith with a Chaplain & they won't try to convert people of other faiths even if you do talk to them), that should tell anyone concerned everything they need to know about the prominence of Lutheranism in Finland as opposed to every other faith.
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>they're mix of french and belgian
So, French
I don't think Ostwind has verified which church he belongs to, my hunch based on some of his work suggests he just might be Greek Orthodox (see >>62744563), but that's just a guess, he might be a Catholic for all I know, but statistically he is probably Lutheran or Greek Orthodox.
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Why do Gallians pretend everything is daijoubu
Most of them don't seem to take the war very seriously compared to Federation or Imperial soldiers, they also conscript 14 year old girls and act like that's ok when the minimum recruitment age is 16 in Edinburgh and presumably the rest of the Federation
galians have protag powers and they ended EW2
Vive la France
good God i love blackadder goes forth
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I know Bongs are desperate to escape their climate, their food and their women, but please, stay on the other side of the Channel
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Kauan eläköön Suomi
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i like aug
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Niech żyje Polska
I don't understand how Ostwind of all people attracts so many schizo posters. I don' think you can get more vanilla and inoffensive than his art
Orthodoxy of any kind attracts them for some reason. Doesn't matter which brand it is, Islamic, Jews, Christians

They're all insufferable
"We have the strictest order
to defy death.
With the power of Panzerfaust
to pummel the foe.
We know no fear,
we feel no sorrow
- Strike and Break (through)!"
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It is soo ugly, the only aesthetic bullpups are AK bullpups like the Groza
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He isnt even orthodox though, he is protestant
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*chair clattering*
i like the irons on top of aug's scope
futanigger is a man deep in denial. He cannot be saved
My little old grandma would have loved this. Then she'll ask me "Anon, why haven't ya foun ya'self a good wife yet?!" and I would be like "Because they're all whores now."
do women like scopes?
you at least say that "all good ones are already taken"
i do love futanigger's mental gymnastics trying to convince others that futa isn't gay. same applies to faggots wanting to fuck efeminate men
Has anybody anybody made a SVU conversion yet? Or are SVDs simply t0o expensive and not worth the effort?
I don't see it
The only places that allow for shortening barrels don't have SVD rifles below 15k
by your posts i can deduce that you're non-white us minority.
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I didn't think of that, but she said I needed to return to the homeland to find a good Eastern European girl. Which I'm not against.
True. It also applies to submissive men who bow down to masculine or dominant women, like most of the faggots who post in these feminist threads, where women are portrayed in roles that are pretty much exclusive to men.
Is that true?
I will not have my mommy tastes conflated with futaniggatry
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I like dominant women!
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warriow women =/= futafaggotry
I want her to lovingly spit in my mouth
anything is a dildo if you are brave enough
where you from annon
I haven't had any luck with eastern European girls in the west
there was this one Polish girl, nice and all but here and her mother where obsessed with some 90ies tv show
I got the feeling she'd lost her marbles when she started to make me binge it for 5 hours straight with her
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>new thread
>mentally ill armchair psychologists still losing their minds over what random dudes on the internet jerk off to
What causes such retardation?
male on futa is better
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Daily dose
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Colt SAA. You’re all thumbs.
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I'd like to be spread around the mossy forests of Kymenlaakso by Russian arty and 30mm autocannons. Only then I could really live.
Post cowgirls
as a Finnish Jäger I say; any Finnish soldier to the East/South-East of Kymijoki at the outbreak of a war should hold their positions on that side of the river until relieved or die trying

"In front slavery and death of the east,
behind home and land of birth.
Jäger, on your post stand or die!
On you depend your people and country."
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here you go
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Reminder that you will NEVER EVER get to experience liberating your hometown from dirty imps
D*rcsen still get the rope
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I don't know if you managed to catch it, but the units under Captain Varrock are one of the few ones not getting their shit pushed in by Selvaria and Imperials.
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We'll all die in the Kursk of Kymenlaakso.
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you maybe, I will probably die fighting VDV in the area I was born and raised in, but I will make sure to take several desantniki with me.
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Always wondered how things would have gone for the russians if they invaded Finland in 2022 instead of Ukraine
Finland is definitely better prepared for war now than in February 2022, even if Finland wasn't in NATO.
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What is that nigger tier beer bottle flaming rag Molotov?
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The terrain of Finland makes invasions very hard. It is covered in dense forest and tens of thousands of lakes and rivers so it’s very easy to channel enemies into mines and pre sighted artillery.
The Ukrainian landscape was pretty much the ideal terrain for russia since it’s exactly the same as what they have prepared for since the end of WWII; the wide open plains of Central Europe. Open fields which should be ideal for highly mobile warfare and mechanized troops. It’s just that the russians are subhuman troglodytes and managed to fuck up the one thing they were supposed to be good at.
best girl, btw
at least among the snipers
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You DO keep your First Aid skills up to date and your IFAK where you can reach it with both hands , don't you /ak/?
only first aid skill i remember is how to use tourniquet.
its over for me
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I want to impregnate 416!
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I have medic NCO's bag next to my bed and IFAK next to my battlestation. And I have Red Cross first aid training every 3 years.
naturally, if I am hit I sure as Hell want to live long enough to get tended to by the kewt blonde medic at the dressing station (I know she is taken, which makes having my private parts getting fondled by her all the more enjoyable)
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>I know she is taken, which makes having my private parts getting fondled by her all the more enjoyable
I hope you get your dick shot off in your first ambush, Anon-kun <3
What sort of sick fuck do you have to be to draw this kind of stuff?
Reminds me of the weird shit you see in Silent Hill 2
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Note: a cute girl's thighs are immune from damage, do not require protection
I get that you want to show the main cast's faces but it's weird that we hardly ever see playable characters wear helmets. The only ones off the top of my head are Ferrier (non-issue/standard helmet) and the reserve Federation troops you get if you suck so hard you lose too many men. That and the Imperial troops in the side story missions, but you don't get to keep them.
what is wendy doing...
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I want to fuck 416's mouth like a pussy!
All that matters is pregnancy. Impregnate dominant women. Impregnate "masculine" women, impregnate normal women. Impregnate strange women.

Literally everything else is homosexuality.
To late. I already did. We've had 11 kids number 12 is on its way
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You dare!
Yes repeatedly.
>It's a live one
They don't... hurt the cows, do they?
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And here the duck footed albainian toe tranny was doing so well acting like a human being. I guess God's work continues.
If you posted any of these lewd or suggestive images, don't do it anymore. I'm NOT asking.
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Don't you ever talk that trash to me again
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You, uh, aren't really familiar with the concept of War, are you? Do you even have a first aid certificate, let alone any serious training?
>Being familiar with war is fantasizing about cute women dying horrible deaths
Maybe I'm just not edgy enough
>confronted with a semblance of reality
Ignore gurofags, they're all mentally ill.
I like money
but I dont like working 60 hours
but I like money
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Have you considered posting your asshole on OnlyFans? That's very popular these days.
If you're a dude you gotta do weird shit like suck toes or shove action figures up your ass. Just ass isn't enough
what's weird about toes?
Thr image seems to forget that war training is mandatory for high-schoolers in-setting. That's why Welkin and his sister had their requisite skills at the beginning
>to the image's point
In the second game, (the high school/academy one), law prevents the regular militia forces from acting, so it's literally up to the equivalent of JR/ROTC/officer academy kids to fight head-on engagements against insurrectionist/separatists with superpowers
I just love this bullshit so much
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>vector with ar mags
>gucci gear but drives a kia
Isn't the only actual difference between Shia and Sunni Islam that they argue over which dude succeeded Muhammad as their asshole warlord prophet? In fact isn't that the same thing for the minor sects as well, except their candidates were extremely less popular like saying one of his children (daughters) should succeed him?
What I'm saying is, aren't they all technically Orthodox sects or is there something I'm missing here?
Surely you have a few anime figurines, since you're here.
I kind of want one, but either they are all far too lewd for my tastes, or 350 dollars. I'll stick with patches and maybe another plushie cube if MICA ever restocks their store. I really like this cube and I feel like i should at least get all the AR team
I've got 3-4 but I'd never violate them like that
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>I feel like i should at least get all the AR team
what are those little ships? Its not battlefleet gothic is it?
arfcom pls go
I mean, there's probably a nice for shoving Mechs up your butthole, with the way the Battletech fandom is going
Dropfleet commander. Go invade a planet, fight over it on the ground, give orbital support, and protect all the guys doing that with bigger ships
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I am satisfied with my LaRue products
that's a pretty shitty QD point
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I'd rather not have it interfere with my light or gripping the rifle
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I like moms.
I like tiddies.
I like America.
I like ordodoxy.
I don't like Jews.
I don't like communism.
What happens if you do not touch the cow?
>fighting VDV
More like seeing VDV drowning in lakes near your location, right?
sexy tummy
still girls frontline is souless chink gacha
W-what thing? I don't have anything (at the moment)...
>I like ordodoxy.
>I don't like Jews.
>I don't like communism.
Can't have the first without the second two.
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There's a lot of differences as they've diverged. They still use the same quran but there's also shit like futwas and blah blah blah.
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Cow touches you
sexo buff women
Isn't a Fatwa just like Jihad except for one person in particular?
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What a meme that was. Particularly costly too.
Finland is in the EU, russia would have been fucked (eventually, after the red tape has cleared).
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no weebs allowed under this line please
I am inclined to ask "or what," however you did say please...
Thank you for the cute 'buki.
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No, think of it more like a ruling in a court case.
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>no weebs
>posting gay calart tumblr shit
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four Bukkis!
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Do you even know what calart means?
>tumblr shit
And yet ostwind is posted, curious.
>And yet ostwind is posted, curious.
it'm not a fan of ostwind eather
I hate this thread, wont read it, but I will say futa is based and I think its great despite my being straight.
tres animé
>ywn have a kewt, clingy Bukki to hug your arm & hold your hand while resting her head on your shoulder
never realized how cute a girl could look in one of those old-timey powdered wigs until just now.
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say something nice about my Booker
she's got LOVEly eyes
The main guy is called Welkin . He's from Gallia.
Like VERCINgetorix (say it like a Japanese guy trying to copy Latin pronunciation), from GALLIA. Except he doesn't get strangled to death for the amusement of the Romans.
is Bukki, is cute, must protecc.
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What fighting technique is this? Does this showing of the tummy offer distraction to an enemy? Or is this a mating ritual?
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smol Bukki in Teitoku's clothes
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Bukki the Flat
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Thirsty gun.
Flat? That's like 32C.
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works with shorts and leggings/stockings too
shut the fuck up.
>Finally able to post after waiting a gorillion years
Just implement the shitty upvotes and digital gold already, I'm tired of pretending this isn't just diet Reddit at this point.

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I love that the Gallian uniforms have actual visible rank patches compared to the Atlantic Federation uniforms in 4 that were whatever the fuck they were.

Hell, 1 wins the uniform department by not forgetting the fact that militaries also have dress uniforms.
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>tfw you will never raise a happy family with lots of kids and a happy wife
Are american Diners as comfy as they look on tv and in vidya?
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yes, they are super comfy.
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Dumb dork
There's been a retro railcar one operating in my hometown my whole life and I never even went inside until recently. it was very comf. on the verge of shutting down tho.
support your local diners, anons!
this is hot, but why are they erect in such a situation...
There pissing
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mipporin's mipporins...
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Bumping thread. Really into BPRE lately.
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How do you guys deal with the doom?
alcohol and ERP
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it is what it is
I still kind of have hope and pray for my future wife. I have noticed I day-dream occasionally about raising children. Cried in the late of night about it a couple days back
She's got nice loaves, and the baugettes look good too.
I just don't feel the doom. I'm happy. I enjoy spending time with my sex doll harem.
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me too
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I'm 33 and I just accept it. Focus on other things in life that will make you happy and learn to build / live a life without a woman / family.
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Most of the time i can revel in my doom in a "lmao im fucked" sort of way but sometimes it gets too much.
Ive started having bouts of anxiety where im freaking out in my head over nothing, everything just feels wrong. Usually after a day of doing nothing and thinking too much, shits weird.
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Bear in mind that the grass is not always greener. It's easy to see cute images and indulge that biological impulse, but reality won't be the fantasy. If you are lucky it'll be a mixed bag of good and bad but a struggle that is worth it. If you are unlucky it'll be a case of hating the wife and the kids hating you or being terrible to you. It's just not going to be a life full of the anime mcdonalds family scene even when you have that soul-mate-wife and everything goes for you. Or you do and then she gets a disease and dies early. Or your kid does. Or you do. Sadly what I've seen feels like there are two kinds of families: Ones that have experienced familial trauma, and ones who will later - it just might be your kid when he's a parent or grandparent if you manage to escape it.

I'm not being anti-natalist here, I hope you can have kids if you want to. I just want to help you avoid the despairing pitfall of
>The road not taken is the better road
It is most likely just a different road, with some better things and some worse things. It could be a purely better road, or it could be a purely worse road. So try and take perspective with separating the idyllic fantasy from the reality. Not to the point that you don't want kids, but to the point that you don't feel like it's
>Current life
>Isekai tier dream-come-true-everything-is-perfect life.

I can get it though. I get more doomy about the idea of 20-30 years from now when my current family is gone and I am by myself. I figure it's easy to be childless in your 20s and 30s, harder later on. Yet I've also seen and heard of how kids are no guarantee against loneliness or mistreatment in older age. Just look at Band of Brother's Captain Sobel.

I was going to post the Mononoke lepers "life is tough but you find reasons to keep living" but I'll offer booba instead. Good luck anon. I hope you find fulfillment, whether it's with a family or whatever it is you do.
Anything below a D-cup is basically flat by anime standards
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I just hug a large memory foam pillow every night in bed, it kinda gives you those oxytocin hits, I hear weighted blankets are also pretty good for that
By outliving enemies
By embracing my inner narcissist
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The doom only comes around for like 2 weeks every 3-6 months. Get past it and i'm good for another few months.
I hang out with you guys. I’m only 21 but I love y’all
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Why do girls cross their feet when they sleep?
Thigh bone angle
Wait that’s a girl thing?
Lack of penis and pelvis shape.
Usually, I've done it as long as I can remember, parents used to think I was trying to not piss myself.
I sleep on my side so it comes natural to me. In addition either both hands are under my pillow or one is on my hip
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lmao, foot crosser.
Nah, just messing with ya, apparently it's actually super common position in utero so a lot of people just find it comfy, I'm guessing it's more common among side sleepers and fetal position sleepers
No. I do it too even though I have a massive penis
I don't, it gets heavier every time I'm reminded of how much time has already passed and how fast it's all going now. Every birthday, every holiday like New Years and Christmas and all that, every one reminds me that time is slipping through my fingers like sand and that it's likely already far too late for me.
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Who are these dorks and why do I feel the need to Love them all?
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By not giving up.
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3D women are shit and statistically incapable of giving you a family. I'm also mentally ill and unfit for fatherhood, it's not an issue that bothers me. I'd compromise on a lot of things over a 2D woman but not for this gay reality
This reminds me loneliness is a state of mind. You can be surrounded by people or friends and feel alone as hell. Be good to yourself and finding like minded people helps, but its how you take care of you.
>not coca-cola
we stopped using the SAA for a reason anon
but coca-cola is superior drink to pepsi cola.
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I hate 3DPD and the women i like do not exist,so i'm just not very bothered about it,there's nothing i can do about it after all.I also actually enjoy being alone to some extent,but i admit that i would probably enjoy having company more.I never wanted children though,if i get a wife and then i find out that she's infertile then i would be very happy,i couldn't bring myself to refuse having children otherwise,i would be a very shitty husband.
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>wanting half-poo children
J.D. Vancepilled, I guess.
Did anybody ever manage to track down that writefag who wrote that story about Springfield and a police trade-in 92FS and force him to finish it?
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I don't know, last I heard is he entered a physical relationship with Springfield but in the Summer he traveled to Ukraine as an international volunteer after he received threatening messages
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>the world couldn't accept their love, and so he died in a trench
FUCK. Things were already bad enough with /wfg/ dead, and now this. Fucking bleak.
no use dwelling on what isn't when there is so much you can still make be
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Lewd? Python
>I have noticed I day-dream occasionally about raising children. Cried in the late of night about it a couple days back
Know that feel man
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Happy birthday, Nishizumi cocksheath. May you carry on to fuel another 100.000.000 wanks
>I have noticed I day-dream occasionally about raising children
Same. I work in Childcare as a part time job for my city and it’s only making me want to be a dad even more. My coworkers have even said I’d be a great dad
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>You can be surrounded by people or friends and feel alone as hell.
Holy crap this so much. I’ve been depressed for years and I thought by having a friend group to goof off with I would be fixed. Over the past few months I’ve been reconnecting with a group of friends from High School by going to Church with them. While I enjoy spending time with them and we’ve even gone innawoods I still feel like shit all the time, and I feel like a lot of the fun I have with them is something I should’ve done was I still a teenager, not a jaded adult
Korea, that's what causes people to do that.
Anime girls may never be real, but that is their ultimate strength: They can never betray you. Chin Up, Anons. Despite popular belief, it can get better.
i take solice in the inheritence my nan gave me
looking at this picture always wames the /tg/ in me want to make a VC cyoa, but I've never sat down and done it.
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Man this thread needs some Prozac. I thought my inner thoughts were depressing.
Stay off anti-depressants, that turns you into a zombie and hooks you on pills
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Imagine all the drunken sex with strangers
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>not dr pepper
absolutely plebeian
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I only tried Dr Pepper because of Steins;Gate and it's now unironically my favorite cola.
>thread full of autistic virgins that are all going to die alone, most likely from a self inflicted gunshot wound
anti-depressants are like pain killers, they've got their uses but have been over prescribed too the point of lunacy.
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based, dr pepper is the goat. Never tried the other flavors though, are they any good?
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I didn't even know they have other flavors.
absolutely fucking not.
I will live with any pain, but I will not be a dependant to some drug just to function.
pain means I'm still alive.
Diet bread
too much artificial sweetner for me

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