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Old thread:

image limit reached

>make the pictures sing to you
How many people actually use this thing?
Love me some futa on female.
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I am quite fond of this picture, and because of it I choose to share it with you.
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futa against me
sexy buff women
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So, anyone interested in another watch party? I'm open to suggestions to series, just nothing to long, no GUP or sora no woto
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I wish I was unlucky enough to become her husband.
That's an AEK-971.
Or is that the joke?
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Wonder if this would have worked.
This is an anime general, comrade
fuck off commie
Despite the yugoslavian generals uniform in my closet, I am not a communist.
and the portrait of Tito on the wall is there just for aesthetics, isn't it?
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>just spent a shit ton of money gathering parts for an MK18 mod 0 build because pic related gave me a boner
Should I go for a Colt or hydramatic lower?
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i like aug
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The footfags worst nightmare
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I'm honestly curious what the world would be like if guns were in fact sentient beings who can take human shape at will. Like that would be a pretty major change, imagine a world where a soldiers gun could have it's own ideologies and just straight up refuse to work if they didn't line up with their user, or sneaking a gun into a place they're not allowed is as easy as just claiming they're your gf/wife/family.
>he doesn't know about machine spirits
Don't have a portrait of Tito, but I've got an JNA plaque and a few Soviet propaganda posters. Most of my commie shit came from a Boomer I met in church (R.I.P Rodger), was a pretty serious collector. I ended up with some of his, including a few trophies his CIA brother in law brought back from Afghanistan.
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RPK-16 cute
What happens if my AR turns into a woman and I impregnate her, then she turns back into a gun? Where does the baby bump form? Does the handguard get inflated?
I've been (sporadically) working on a story based around that idea. Here's how I answer your questions in it.
>a soldiers gun could have it's own ideologies and just straight up refuse to work if they didn't line up with their user
In my story, guns only have 80-90% free will. Also, they think and see the world differently than people. It's a bit difficult to explain without typing up an essay, which I don't feel like at the moment.
>sneaking a gun into a place they're not allowed is as easy as just claiming they're your gf/wife/family.
Guns have several distinct differences from humans that are used to prevent this, the most obvious one is they lack a belly button. They're also significantly weaker than people, and can be “sniffed out” by specially trained guns.
I would assume guns would just be infertile, they're made in factories, not through procreation.
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I'd assume in most scenarios, unless the lore straight up dictates guns have zero free will, most guns general ideologies and personalities would line up with the value of the nation that invented them so for the most part guns purpose made for their own nations military or allied militaries wouldn't have this issue.
The part where it would get "iffy" is guns pulled from warehouses after major regime changes/black market guns, would something like a Remington 870 Police Magnum made specifically for American cops be okay with being used by South American cartel members to run drugs and shit like that.
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Nice opinion, did you get it from Sam Hyde?
Why is a chick with a knife so hot?
everyone wants a bitch to just make a sandwich
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based and raifupilled

Hydramatic is way cooler imo, any of the 'alternative' brands are simply more interesting.
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Rikka sex.
And non-/k/ girls with guns.
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I like this image. I wish there was more detail put into what’s encompassing loadouts
Built for impregnation (by me)
Would you wash her back?
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>Find out a ton of women I know have prescriptions but just choose not to wear glasses, even when driving
That might explain why there's so many bad women drivers out there.
What aiming device is that?
Unfortunately based.
It could be that they only have a minor astigmatism. My left eye is slightly blurry but not enough to get over the hump of getting used to glasses.
Id trade my x95 for an aug in a second but im canadian.
My condolences
Nah women just lack the proper spacial awareness required to. Which is was most womens cars are covered in minor dents. They dont understand how big it really is
I managed to aquire a sopmod and a few handguns before the bans. I wish i had more time to get my a1 clone working.
I'd be willing to send you an 80% if you ship me an m1 Grand receiver
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Nah, I asked them, full on near-sighted, most of them around mine (1.5) and while I technically can drive without my glasses, it's just not a very good idea.
Sad. Women with glasses are cute
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I think /SS/'s gf called me about a job opportunity with some shithole Indian consulting firm, they told me it was a fully remote writing job but I was blown the fuck away when they explained there were no bennies and $21 an hour for a position requiring a masters degree. Literally all I could do was stand there with my eyes wide open and mutter "I.... understand."
I had to fight the urge to tell them to try a homeless shelter instead.
Spaghetti garand receivers are pretty easy to get here. Probably not worth the risk though. Everytime i send or receive mail it gets checked.
>$21 an hour for a position requiring a masters degree
Getting more and more common, soon you're gonna need a fucking phd to work as a burger flipper.
they used to call Coast Guard Special Forces, the Deployable Operations Group.
Or the DOG for short.
They should change it back to DOG, that's really cool, the (sheep)DOGs!
>Mr President We have a hostage situation off the Coast of Florida!
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First job I ever had was as a forklift driver for a store. One of the cashiers had a PhD (in history, but still). I know that's a "useless" degree but fuck man, you'd think you could get something somewhere better than that.
Drug traffickers never expect they'll have to take the Kinetic Naval Operations Team
lol no I wouldn't
history has always been a useless degree. waste of money.
if you don't go to school for stem or a mrs you shouldn't be paying for college
his dumbass fault for not applying to work in a humanities field for .gov, a PhD is a massive leg up for research oriented fields as well as more basic stuff like Public Affairs
smoothbrain take
a PhD in history could work in a gov funded museum, in foreign service (state department loves humanities kids) do historical research and archiving, and the starting pay for such a humanities field in gov is 70k minimum.
Next you'll say something even dumber like learn to code
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>let me get a worthless degree so the gov can pay me with tax money to not contribute to society
meanwhile some of us work in infrastructure to keep the water running
Preach, king. Someone has to keep the roads functional.
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Welcome to modern society, 90% of all current professions could literally disappear tomorrow and most people wouldn't even realize they were gone.
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No need to seethe over a person you've never met who isn't doing the thing you're mad about anon
Probably, yeah. He was autistic as fuck (not in the good way) and generally a prick, so that was probably part of the problem as well.
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the overglorification of trades will be remembered as a massive mistake, just like the push to get people into software engineering until that market crashed in 2022
Yup. The money in trades is by owning your own business, but no one seems to tell that
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>t. a teacher
sure would be a shame if all the utilities shopped working like you assume they would and all repair bills went through the roof.
but you know what they say. if you can't do, then teach.
Would PoliSci work similar to History in your scenario or would it be worth more?
>$21 an hour for a position requiring a masters degree
Grim. My friends work in security and don’t have degrees but their company is bumping up pay to 21 an hour next year
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No, generally speaking, humanities fields are all somewhat valuable to foreign affairs, public affairs, historical, and archiving jobs with .gov
that said, I have received six interviews in the last 2 months and really all I have to my name is my Masters plus teaching experience
the way trades business owners and industry spokesmen like Mike Rowe have completely pulled the wool over entry level tradecucks' eyes is truly appalling.
How the fuck do they function? Without my glasses I can barely do anything.
I make more than that with an associates...
Don't go to college, college is gay and communist.
Join the Reserves and do whatever the civilian equivalent to your AFSC is.
I recommend either SecFo than Civilian side cop, Med than Civilian side EMS, or Fire Protection Civilian side firefighter.
anon they rarely do anything correctly except for child reading and spending money
>entry level
as productive as folks with a liberal arts degree. the ones worth their salt will figure it out and make something of themselves
lovely, the retard popped back up
What trade are you in? Honestly I’ve been looking for utilities jobs around for me for a year now
Can you choose your AFSC? I spoke to a recruiter at the start of this year and she said they just put you wherever you’re needed in Reserves. Also do you have to deal with DEI education regularly?
>going into debt for a trivial degree vs going into a career right out of highschool with the ability to provide for a family and no debt.
Who's the retard again?
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I owe nothing. Funny thing is, most people who do a fellowship or a paid position (masters/phd) owe nothing most of the time too. Bachelors degrees can be, by far, the most expensive part of schooling if you didn't have a good scholarship. My old man and ma owed a shitload for med school, but they lived it up after finishing.
>Can you choose your AFSC?
Yes, if there's a slot open you can choose it.
>Also do you have to deal with DEI education regularly?
No, atleast not to the scale /pol/ makes it out to be, during briefings they might drop a "don't be racist, don't be sexist" but it's not hours upon hours of leftist bullshit like the Psyoping ChiComs on this site like to claim (Ironically they push the very same leftist horseshit, than try to tell you not to join the Military because of it's filled with leftist horseshit, because they know the only fighting force that can defeat them is the U.S. Military).
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I'm in civil engineering, working mostly with sewer and water pipes as well as the treatment plants
still you
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>managed to shrink-dry a wool sweater to a near perfect size
And they said it couldn't be done
yeah ok buddy I'm gonna have a wife and kids soon while you'll be struggling to pay debts off into your late 30s.
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I.... I love you bro, but hoooly fuck.
Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 is a classic
only like 30 minutes long
pretty /k/
lol. lmao even.
Enjoy the non-service related injury.
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Shit mang, you're already getting ready to have brown children?
you lucked out not having to pay debts, most alot of people do.
most people rejected his message.
They hated Springfield Schizo because he told the truth.
This woman looks like she's about to kidnap her soon-to-be American Husband.
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Peak load out
NTA but my younger sister went on meds when my parents separated
She was nothing like what she used to be when I saw her after two years of no contact
So many memories forgotten
What job do you have?
It's an 80's laser.
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Since when did SSRI's fuck with your memory? Sounds like something else was going on. They didn't do shit for me besides break my dick. I legit couldn't beat off or piss without sitting down. Doc told me that it suppresses the hormone responsible for opening your tubes down there.
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Skilled trades are where the money is at. I make 30 bucks an hour repairing industrial machinery and that's just starting at my work place. Once I get a higher class boiler license I won't ever struggle finding a job again.
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I swear its a psyop just to get more workers in order to pay them less. There isn't a trades shortage there's a "skilled workers who wont work for $16 an hour" shortage

They did the same shit by shoving coding, IT, easy STEM careers down kids throats and now entry level software and IT jobs are just fucked because there are too many graduates

Obviously college is a fucking horrible decision unless you're gonna be a doctor lawyer or engineer but the Trades push gives me bad vibes.
I also have a glasses prescription and don't wear them in public, but I at least wear them when driving.
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AI is MUCH closer to replacing codetrannies than it is to replacing tradies, though.
But girls look cute in glasses.
Where them Skirts and Guns at?
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Burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice burnice go
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thats.... exactly what it is. Now there are a million people who have coding bootcamp certs + computer science degrees. There are wayyyy more grads than jobs for these people.
What do you need to repair industrial machinery? Do you need to be super smart?
How the fuck does someone make good money now then if trades and STEM are scams?
Biohazard cleanup, it pays between $50-150 per hour.
IDK. let me know when you figure it out. I think the middle class is just over at this point
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ados going on another world tour including fort worth, hell yeah
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you rang?
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You're asking me? This is a buyers market. There are too many people in almost every field - academia, law, business, STEM, SWE. Credit is too expensive with current interest rates so businesses aren't growing.
I'm going back to school if I can't get a decent offer.
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>How the fuck does someone make good money now then if trades and STEM are scams?
Actually being good at those jobs: either through talent work ethic but preferably both. The lazy and feckless could make money only so long as they weren't replaceable.

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>loses her rear sight when damaged
Big dork energy
Gotta breed this sow
hieffer or cow, a sow is a pig
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>work ethic
Boomer or boomer adjacent hands wrote this post
My father was accepted into med school (psychiatric track) in the 1990s with a <3 GPA. I know young men and women with 3.5+ GPAs who are struggling to make it in science/health fields. The job market is brutal
people are more replaceable now than ever before. You can do everything right and still not make it.
By knowing people. You can bullshit your way into getting a job you’re not qualified for if you have enough charisma and people skills
Bros I love Ready or Not so much, it's a close runner up to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. you are unequivocally the good guy, I hate when games do that stupid "oh you gotta do it for the greater good" Grey zone morally questionable BS, nah YOU ARE THE GOOD GUY! THE SHEEPDOG! YOU BUST DOWN DOORS! SAVE THE INNOCENT AND PUT LEAD INTO EVIL! STOP EVIL! BRING ORDER TO CHAOS!
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>I know young men and women with 3.5+ GPAs who are struggling to make it in science/health fields.
And do you know any that ARE making it? Compare the successful individuals with those you view as "struggling".

>people are more replaceable now than ever before.
Yeah that's the point; you have to be proactive and make yourself essential.
>You can do everything right and still not make it.
That's life. Your entire existence can be brought to a screeching halt by factors totally beyond your control.

>You can bullshit your way into getting a job you’re not qualified for if you have enough charisma and people skills
And you might be able to maintain it for a long while, but if you're not delivering results eventually you will get axed, often by those acquaintances that helped you get the job.
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I hate this 15min shit.
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>Boomer or boomer adjacent hands
everyone in trades is boomer adjacent at a minimum
pubic hair is tactical
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I'm not very familiar with this franchise except for the giant lesbo androids that ain't got pretty feet
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Indeed, sadly glasses are still have a powerful "frumpy nerd" association, so many girls tend to avoid them even at the cost of not being able to see shit, not really realizing they could just treat them like a fashion accessories because literally any kind of frame you can imagine exists.
and also not really realizing that nerds can be cute too
Holy Guacamole ARFCOM has an Odysee channel now, it is therefore mandatory to make an account and follow them there.


>I am quite fond of this picture, and because of it I choose to share it with you.
It's quite pleasant, thanks for sharing anon.
It's "what if Silent Hill 2 was set in a futuristic space-age East Germany," starring a robot girl named Elster

It's one of those psychodramas with a million twists and turns so literally anything you could look up about it would be spoilers, I would encourage you to not do that and play the game. It's really good.
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No you don't have to be super smart but you do need to keep your mind open and eyes sharp when looking for problems. Your skillet needs to be wide if you want to be good at the job like knowing how to weld or knowing the basics of PLC. I do have a AAS in Industrial engineering and some past jobs in factories that got me the job where I am at now.
buy a fucking ad
nah I don't think I will.
and I was asking more specifically about the featured character there. I've seen more art about the dark haired ones
>buy a fucking ad
But I don't own ARFcom.... I'm just a fellow appreciator.
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Also true, general idea still seems to be nerd automatically means fat and smelly.
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Is it weird that sports bra's are sexier to me than lingerie?
Such a lewd tummy
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wot n tarnation is boomer adjacent?
they think maybe they can stop a shit post if they make us wait so long, but no not me, I wait patiently, I'll walk away from my computer and do something else for 15 or more minutes, come back AND SHIT POST! I AM UNSTOPPABLE MENACE! HERO OF /k/! DESTROYER OF JANNIES!
Muv Luv posters, when the FUCK do the VN's pick up and get good? I suffered through the boring High School bullshit of Extra (what the FUCK is lacrosse even) and I'm a couple hours into Unlimited and the only interesting development is the reverse trap.
do not engage the American hero, the sheepdog, the Punisher, SS the gate guard
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>I am a secondary please spoonfeed me my every desire
Then perish.
I never read it but the Muvluvfags I knew said it only got good at Alternative.
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>that chuuni pose
imagine how cool she must think she looks, fucking dork
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Is it any fun to play alone?
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what rifle is that? And I want her to torture me
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Fuck the straight MP5 mag is cool looking. I want one. But it's illegal to own it without ERVA licence. Fuck you politicians!!!
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cute butt!
What country?
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Take a vitun guess.
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I suppose it comes off as more natural or "genuine", if that makes sense, whereas lingerie just feels forced or trying too hard
That specific drawing is based off of some guys insane mashup of class of '09 and signalis
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Colt guns across the years.
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Unlimited has its moments later on. The ending got me pretty good. Alternative is definitely where it picks up though.

I can't promise it will be the same for you but by the end of Alternative I was thinking "I can't believe I ever hated lacrosse, just let me play lacrosse one last time and stop hurting me"

You need all of it for the third act.
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Friday came eaarly.
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Ah well, I'm already this invested, might as well finish it out. At least I've got Mikoto to see me through in the interim. Girls who look like boys are the cleanest, best pleasure.
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Cute brown shotgun
You'll like the final basic training test then
The AEK is still an AK.
I feel old as dirt seeing this pic.
That's whack man. I make $22/hrs cutting trees and only have hs diploma. Not even topped out pay either. You definitely should have told them to stop huffing the paint.
That's not nice.
I did, this is a good start, but we'll need more.
>There isn't a trades shortage there's a "skilled workers who wont work for $16 an hour" shortage
There's absolutely a skilled worker shortage. Government welfare from COVID absolutely fucked this society.
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>tfw work in a trade
>make $35/hour
>not part of a union and don't have to deal with any commie bullshit
>the test to get my license literally just requires you to be able to do basic math and not be actually retarded
>my boss had a serious meeting with me to discuss if it would be a problem if he hired a Mexican guy, as in he wouldn't do it if I said no
>any time I have to do real work (dig) I get to charge $75/half hour that goes directly to me
Life is good
YES! This is what we need!
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4x $1200 checks ruined the economy? Truly a boomer adjacent.
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possible new phone wallpaper...
what do they love again?
I've forgotten since it's been so long
and now that I think about it who are they?
who are they and what do they love is what I mean to ask
which trade?

then why do wages not reflect this
SSDI as well. Worsening social dysfunction, changing youth attitudes toward work, and university and public school failures to prepare students for labor-market realities, drug legalization and so on and so on.
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Dude isn't it bed time in your assisted living facility?
magnificent b8
>then why do wages not reflect this
They do. The longshoreman union just negotiated starting salaries to $80,000 and mid-career salaries to over $150,000.
Immensely, the AI is very good, they carry out your orders to a t. I've only had one or two hiccups in the game where I had to repeat a command, I'm not sure if that was a bug or because of the stress level of my Fireteam was high, (the higher the stress level the more likely they are to hesitate, so you have to rotate team members every few missions.) the only other fault I've encountered is that they're likely to kill a hostage if a suspect is using them as a human shield so it's better to shoot the suspect yourself.
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I don't know what you're talking about but is it SKIRTS?
No skirts
No skirts?!
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Why does Becky never any time shown shooting like everyone else, when the very first time we see her at the very beginning of the manga is Rally customizing her Hi-Power?
bitches love cannons
I'm also making my own worldbuilding shit and I will be posting a thread about it erm... When i finish some more drawing
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Ladies with attitude enjoy large caliber firearms.
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bring back write fag general pls
Are you finally getting progress on your comic fugly?
I dont really know what to do for the comic so im doing like character designs and flowcharts and shit
That's at least something, as always good luck.
I bet this dork would play with her tits during sex and use them as cannons to shoot at you
Your battleship is depressed, admiral.
>AK-15 will never accidentally shoot breast milk directly into your eye
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In case anyone wondered if what I said about trades and constructions was true, take it from this guy. He is a bit narcissistic, but his points are spot on. I spent a lot of time around handymen in highschool and college due to my parents' obsession with home renovation projects, and tradesmen are not pleasant people to deal with. Every other guy was in jail for something, the people doing the work are simply unclassed, foul, and prone to violent outbursts. If you are a thoughtful young gentleman, which you probably are given that you are posting on 4chan, you will despise working in the trades.
PSALM 82:4
Did they fix the enemy response times being faster than the human reaction time?
Also it's stupid that it penalizes you for not making arrests in situations where you just can't, enemy aggression is broken so shooting them is typically a higher priority than trying to cuff them, but when you do that the game gets mad and says you're a bad guy for not arresting all of the terrorists committing an active shooting in a hospital.
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I'll do hard, uncomfortable work but I won't do it with man children. I can't stand 40-50 somethings with the social skills of a toddler.
>Did they fix the enemy response times being faster than the human reaction time?
yeah you dont get your whole team wallbanged anymore
>Also it's stupid that it penalizes you for not making arrests in situations where you just can't,
this is such a non issue. you can still get an a+ rank with kills. s rank is no kills but thats supposed to be the hardest.
Everything you said is true, but they're also good guys. You just have to know how to handle them , and know what NOT to say. I'm a construction inspector and even I manage to get along with 90% of the guys on site.

Just don't be a prissy white collar attitude faggot and you'll be fine.

Trades are based and college is a waste of fucking time for everyone that isn't a doctor or engineer.
What are they saying?
Bro don't even get me started on some of these dipshit, fail-upwards superintendents. Social skills of a toddler is such an apt description.
Looks like a very stylized L96
Good old McNiggerator.
>don't have an IQ greater than 90 and you'll be fine
Yes, that's why I encourage guys on here to pursue college of technical skills over trades
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Everyone and their mother is going to trade school. All of the bachelor degree jobs are outsourced now (See Boeing). Trade school is expensive so there's no way a NEET like myself can even apply and from what I heard, the classrooms are crowded. Not Durgasoft crowded but registration is first come, first serve bullshit. There's just too much competition unless you want to wage slave at UPS, grub hub, or Amazon warehouse.
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that's why you don't go to trade school you just go learn on the job
something like
>hang it higher
>you're just gonna redo it
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how tf you gonna get hired? This isn't 1970
>he says all this as a white collar worker who isn't actually a tradesman
>just apprentice for free bro, you don't need to eat or have health insurance!
this isn't the tech industry, apprentices aren't interns
you look for apprenticeships or get to know boomers, ez
>you look for apprenticeships or get to know boomers, ez
That’s not an “or” situation , it’s an “and.” You gotta know boomers to get hired onto an apprenticeship
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Disingenuous and bad take. You can be 140+ IQ while still conducting yourself in an approachable and amicable way. Everyone is a politician. A lot of people are just awful politicians and don't know how to swallow their pride.

could do worse
at least they have a union that actually matters

I'm getting covered in dirt and concrete all the same. What am I supposed to do? Take my engineering degree and then work as a concrete hand?
>why are an inspector then?
don't have enough years under my belt for a PE yet and I like working in the field
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I didn't and everything worked out.
>reee no everything is terrible for everyone why aren't you angry
if you want to just get hung up on how imaginary scenarios play out for imaginary people, carry on have fun
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What's McNig up to these days? For that matter, whatever became of Faded Meadows?
>What's McNig up to these days?
laying low after he was on national TV engaging in armed insurrection
lmao, based moon cricket
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he was very based, yeah
>armed insurrection
Interesting way to describe a stand off over a cattle dispute with feds
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...When you wind up in an armed standoff with the federal government, that's armed insurrection. And it's based.
robot arms
Cucking the Feds is based, but land management dispute is hardly the stuff of Lexington and Concord
I'm still buying Ass Creed Yakub Kong in February. You can't stop me and my wife's black boyfriend from enjoying Ubislop's greatest release.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Immigrated 5 jeets and a few thousand flips aint gonna ruin Japan, im sorry to say, Chang.

Also nips are far too autistic to ever change their mind on immigration. The whole place is a retirement home and even the 20 year olds want the chinks to get off their lawn.
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W-where is the arm attached?
big tiddies heal the mind and soul
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Anon, that guy is boomer posting for b8. Things are rough right now. Everybody I know is struggling be it college grads or those that entered trades.
There is less money to go around right now so businesses are less likely to hire someone they have to train because they're losing productivity. A few young people in my family got let go from their apprenticeship because their employers didn't want to waste time/money on them. They ended up going back to school or working for amazon getting paid more. If you've already got experience then you're doing pretty good but right now is an awful time to get up and going.

There aren't really many "good" options right now for young people. Just bad and less bad. We're in a transitory phase
Why do niggas here complain when people post samples? This site won't take more than 4mb and a good portion of the shit on the boorus is bigger.

Like if you want the good quality just click your mouse 3 times to sauce now that shit and download it yourself you lazy nigger. All you people care about is the file name. If I renamed the file to remove the "sample" tag and then compressed it with MS paint nobody would know the difference. You guys are full of shit
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because most of the time someone posts a sample the full size image will fit
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I don't know where ya'll are at but where I work we can't find enough qualified and interested people for our apprenticeship. Much less experienced individuals. I'm seeing apprenticeships open up all over that pay six figs when you finish. ALL of the boomers just retired and every machine shop I know of is short staffed and can't find anyone.
Again, which field? Which region? The country isn't all the same. There isn't a single trade that pays above 18 an hour median wage within 200 miles of me
with the exception of aviation but fuck that. never again
>machine job that pays 100k to journeymen
on what fucking planet?
>ALL of the boomers just retired and every machine shop I know of is short staffed and can't find anyone.
You know why that is? Because they want to replace those boomer slots with somebody who has boomer experience. You can't do that if the whole industry has neglected to hire and train new people. After the boomer generation retires they wont ever be able to fill those slots with someone of the same experience level because it takes decades to train someone to that point and they've put off training the new generation. The trades shitty culture and good ol boy mentality is what did that
Based on data from mine and others' machining jobs in Idaho and Indiana as well as electrician, and HVAC in Idaho and Arkansas.
See above. Our apprenticeship pays double that.
And now everyone is scrambling to hire and train people after that wakeup call. It's shitty but things are getting better. We're returning to a time where skilled labor is valuable.
I think it's Russian SV-99.
lmao not really. Boomers are taking trips to other countries and going to concerts while while their own businesses fall apart.
t. My dad runs his own business and refused to train me for his career for most of my life because he wanted me to go college. Boomers are burning all the bridges and are expecting us to clean up and start from scratch instead of helping the next generation keep the "stability and sustainability" of a healthy workforce flowing. "But thank God we have H1Bs and illegal immigrants taking the jobs because millennials and zoomers are so goddamn lazy and need to accept lesser wages and less benefits than their parents."
Also, this thread is over now.
>Smug + lust = ntr face
But i hate ntr and I much prefer the context that shes hitting on you, why does it have to be called the ntr face
>the lotus eaters
my mom listens to these people.
I hate NTR fags so much
I will make a new thread. Fucks sake.
They just want to be recreationally angry, that's what the whole "seethe about trades" thing is.

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