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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

>Last thread >>62762487
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smokers are jokers
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Does that cat have its PAL?
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i miss my m70, for some reason i became a tactical fag and got rid of it. i think the political climate was what did it
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And tokers are butthole pokers.
What calibre? Mine's 30-06
I don't take it out often but when I do, it's fun.
.308, i would probably go .300wm next time
Mmmm, das' some nice checkering.
and oomf, the matte black scope, pairing niceley with shell holder and sling bringing it all together..
Now let's see Paul Allen's Winchester.
needs a leather sling and a leather shell holder though
Why not throw a high gloss varnish on it while you're at it, elmer.
What's so bad about the lockhart raven? It's been treating me real fine
the creator is a rotten queef
How are the new M70s? Are they any good and what caliber would you recommend.
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10mm ruger coming this december
im in for sure. 10mm can take out a bear charge
you can swap the barrel or wait for the ruger nr version
if you are going to buy a pcc then this is it cause 10mm will destroy everything in it's path
maybe throw a mossberg 940 tac on the back too
the carbine is basically a rifle
ammo can be bought for a little more or less than 45 acp too
has anyone tried making a rear sight mount for the type 81?
Post a picture of it if you own one then. This is an image board after all anon
Yes, height over bore is obscene
I asked earlier if you were in your 20s or 50s because you sounded either like a naive "got mine" boomer or "baby's first Max Stirner Wikipedia read" lolbert, and now I have my answer.
>the only winning move is not to play.
You're playing whether or not you like it or want to admit it.
>you sound like a liberal with the keywords changed
And you sound like a hypocrite. You're participating in a public forum and having a dialogue, which shows you betraying your assertion that doing that that sort of thing (community participation) is useless and you don't care about anything except your family. Ditch your phone, then. Stay off 4chins (you won't).

Furthermore, your philosophy is inherently liberal because you're suggesting everyone is equal(ly) bad without even engaging with racial realities, which are simply human nature and are immutable. Most non-whites will sell you down the river at the first opportunity. They will do this because you are white. You must be willing to do the same, or you die. Tell me, and no judgments, are you in a relationship of some kind with a non-white? The reason I ask is that oftentimes I find people who run from a talk on race at all costs tend to be invested, shall we say.
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I've told several health professionals that I smoke. They enquire. I tell them pipe. They tell me pipe and cigars aren't considered smoking.
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Hard to say because I've never had any of the older ones. This was actually the first gun I ever bought.
For what it's worth, I've never had any problems with it. It has a nice weight to it, shoots straight and reliably, has never jammed, and looks cool.
Get 308 if you want to be a normie, or 30-06 if you want to have a smug feeling of superiority, like me.
I heard that the Canadian Ruger reps are working on getting NR length LCs of all calibers available here, the PC carbine is kewl and great for people who want that but gimme gimme 10milly
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>long barrel pcc
You are correct but stop engaging with this fag.
Anyway, what's the over/under of the Oct 29th motion triggering an election, and how soon after PP wins will ARs and pistols be back on the menu?
Poly's engagement numbers are always so pathetic. Getting consistently ratio'd like this should disqualify you from lobbying.
just buy a tavor goy
I already did, now how can I continue to support our greatest ally if I can't buy a Zion-15, Jericho, and Masada?
>he didnt buy a jericho when surplus ones flooded the market at $400 each
Imagine trying to take on the CCP lobby in Canada and actually thinking your noble representatives will listen to a word you say.
If PP wins will we get 7.62x39 Barnaul back? My sks is hungry and the chinkshit is poison.
no russia is hitler
Sorry kid we won’t be seeing Russian ammo for a long ass time. Best we can hope for is that PSAs 7.62x39 ammo makes it up here.
Then only do business with IBM, General Motors, Ford, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, NY Banks, Spanish subsidiaries, the Bank of England, and Basel Swiss foreign exchange markets. You can even use IG Farben to oversee it all and have their New York offices lobby for you.
>Just like Hitler did. Either way we want Barnaul noncorrosive.
Truly a dark winter lies before us.
It's all being used in Ukraine or the muzzlands anyway
Can a 30-30 stop a charging bear? I feel like buying one for bush stalking but i bump into bears more often then i do deer.
PP could always include a domestic re-armament strategy in his platform. Good for jobs, Savage could get some factories started, and we could just make our own noncorrosive. Plus there is tremendous pent up demand and the simplified legal costs would drop the retail price.
Largest grizz ever dropped by a 22lr and an angry cree babushka
Ah yes let's just all use rounds filled with feces instead of gunpowder that will go great
Sorry Polyhags, I'm on the phone with Shi atm and he says there's more coming and he fixed the barrels.
It wasn't charging at her though
Oh boy he has raised the white phone of FRT compliance.
>Its over lads
Unlikely that x39 would be produced under a plan like that anyway
Don't worry every jeet will be deported
>They tell me pipe and cigars aren't considered smoking.
Assuming you don't inhale.
30-30 is an intermediate round.
Though, the answer is still yes, you can kill almost anything with almost anything; if your placement is good enough.
I'd prefer a semi auto if i only had a couple seconds to drop somthing coming at me.
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>Oh boy he has raised the white phone of FRT compliance.
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>chinkshit is poison
Never had a problem with it. Sounds like skill issue.
See you, space cowboy…
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hey man some boys out there can't work up a big enough stream of hot steaming piss to flood the barrel with after an afternoon of chootin'.
That's OK but I am trying to give them FULL sapport saar
Every military in the world used corrosive ammo at some point. You are autistic if you think few days or weeks without cleaning is going to destroy your gun.
Most militaries considered their soldiers fully expendable, and still do.
I don’t understand all the hate against israeli guns. I HATE israel. I believe they are currently a fake, genocidal state, who is lead by a genuine fucking psychopath
But that’s EXACTLY why I support them
The countries who are the most genocidal and evil make the BEST weapons.
>Germany, During WWII:
not overly genocidal, but DID invade (((france))) without much due cause - killing lots of people in the process - THAT’S why I own a Kar-98k. A pretty good gun, but not the best I own - I rate germany’s genocidal tendencies to be around 5/10 - a pretty good score, but overblown in recent years
>China, 1950s - Present
Now THIS is a good old genocidal state. Rather than JUST committing starvation and cultural genocide against the Tibettans and Uyghurs, they ALSO have a ton of slave labour! Your gun is not only guaranteed to have been used in combat by an authoritarian regime, there’s also a good chance it was built by a literal child and/or slave. I rate china a solid 9/10, and as such, the type 81 is a GOOD gun
>Russian, immediately post WWII
Holy FUCK boys this may be a perfect 10/10 in terms of suffering caused.
Short of buying a surplus Kalash from rwanda or an SKS from the Khmer Rouge it may not be entirely possible to find weapons made during a time period of such immense suffering.
Starving ukrainins? Check.
Genociding Poles? Check.
Killing off large jewish populations? Check.
Gulags? Check.
A 1945 Tula SKS really checks all the boxes. We are talking near a hundred million kills attributed to the state that formed this rotten beautiful hunk of steel and wood
The SKS is therefore close to perfection.
So in conclusion, the Jericho is good! Because it comes from an evil, oppressive, sadistic state.
Israelite weapons are great because they come from people who know how to enact great evil acts upon innocent children.
The more evil a state, the better their guns, simple as
I just gotta get my hands on General Butt Naked’s golden Deagle..
Checked, good take
>invade (((france))) without much due cause
France declaring war on Germany is a pretty good reason to invade them.
Fucking kek
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>The countries who are the most genocidal and evil make the BEST weapons.
outstanding bait, I stopped there though.
Sounds like something a (((french))) person would say…
Clearly you didn’t read because he goes onto say germany WASN’T evil lmfao
Very chuckle worthy
Wanting to help white people is literally genocide though
even in the previous thread my argument was that the tavor was expensive for what it is because its no better than a basic bitch ar15 at a fraction of the price but the shabbos goys here sperged out
Random troon shoots lead round directly into pristine mountain stream, then almost drops the rifle from the 1.488ft/lb recoil, while beta simp records so xe can brag later about spending time with a man in yoga pants.
>This is a very Toronto-tier webm.
>no better than a basic bitch ar15
nah tavor don't suffer catastrophic failures like even gucci ARs have, and also have great barrels out of the box
heres the shabbos goy i was talking about
ironically youll never hear about me shitting on a jericho because they were $400 and better than contemporary modern pistols at twice or triple the cost
They also expect people to fight to the death with their bare hands. Military anything is the lowest possible quality the government can get away with kickback contracting before parents complain about their kids dying due to equipment blowing up in their face.
>The only reason cold war milsurp was decent quality is because the planners of that time were actually scared shitless by the Soviets. That fear made many things possible, like pensions, home ownership, a middle class, and quality focused armory stockpiles.
no one cares about your opinion because you're retarded
Don’t care faggot, america, like germany during WWII, is not a genocidal state - therefore I’m not interested.
>muh shabbos goy
See even you’re using the incredibly demeaning, psychotic words of the jews as some sort of a
My nigga you’re using israeli weapons right now - psychological weapons
They’re effective, no?
Broke bitch cope, disregarded
How often does one man need to be btfo before he’ll shut the fuck up lmfao
Instead they fail to feed if you push the mag too high, fail to feed if you follow the charging handle forward, blow gas in your face unless you buy aftermarket blockers, are literally made of plastic, and cost 3x a basic bitch AR.
Yeah but the Jericho is literally an EAA/Tanfoglio Witness clone which is a clone of the CZ-75. The x95 is a straight up kike design and manufacture from the ground up.
those are all untrue and
>basic bitch!
ARs suck. The bare minimum for a good AR is BCM and Aero. idk how much they are in leafland but in burgertown the minimum you should be spending on an AR is $2000 + optics
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>Clearly you didn’t read
outstanding reading comprehension, anon. you got me.
Looking for a helmet bros to eventually get a PVS7 (or 14). What are you bros running? Only helmet im used to is the CAF one with the skull crusher (IYKYK)
I know it may be outdated but thought id get your guys option on it. i do like the two tier system of having a separate vest and plate carrier like the CAF does. Im running a CAF flak vest with plates and a 6sh117 Russian vest (old gen vest with new gen pouches i got from Ukraine from a family from poland (only difference is the slight camo change and changed IR reflectivity))
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>idk how much they are in leafland
ah I see you haven't heard/
pvs7 is garbo and you can just drill in an adaptor plate if you wanna use a non standard helmet
>pvs7 is garbo
why? ive used them for 5 years off and on and never had a problem. I think its 90% user then the equipment but that goes for everything
uhh i mean if its all you have then fine but it sucks compared to a pvs14
FTF when following the charging handle forward is true, skill issue though.
It has a bolt release who tf uses the charging handle?
a shitty ergo bolt release you mean
Most people when they load their first mag of the day.
Also skill issue, it's easy to hit on a reload but this is a good thing once you learn to avoid hitting it by accident. But it is pretty sensitive and locking the bolt back is annoying.
Don’t fucking do it, just get a PVS-14
Get a team Wendy bump helmet or a PGD ARCH Gen3 ballistic helmet. Also sounds like you need to update your kit a bit, it’s not 2005 anymore.
I think the Brits still train with bayonets. Should we train with bayonets?
>update your kit a bit
why would i need to update my kit? My setup provides superior protection then a plate carrier. What are YOU running and tell me why its better then what i got
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>pic extremely related
New cangen copypasta just dropped

Tfw no
>colonial Britain
The 10 round short mag Lee Enfield oppressed a diverse range of peoples around the world, anywhere the British Crown needed to put down an insurrection in her colonies, the Lee Enfield rifle was there to push back the filthy rabble of any inferior race who dared to challenge the Empire in open rebellion.
A proud tradition passed down by its predacessors, the Lee Metford and Martini Henry rifles, among others
Yes 100%
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This is the most bong thing ive read
a basic bitch ar15 is a range toy even when they were available in Canada, and currently a safe toy
i bought a dewatt fal for $400, it helps me cope
yeah bro the platform used in vietnam, iraq and afghan is a range toy. this only holds if you're buying the most disgusting mcdonalds AR recevier and bolt which is not the same as "basic bitch". But to the point, not buying jewvors because they're overpriced as fuck is entirely reasonable assuming you still get something good in its place like a t97, t81, sks etc. "Buh buhhh youuu broke!!!" you're mad someone doesnt wanna spend as much goybux as you? what difference does it make if random fags on a lake athabasca fishing forum have different funs than you.
lol dude are you even Canadian? AR15's are restricted to range use only in this dump, and are currently prohibited thanks to Justine
resuscitate it using iron tools in minecraft modded dayz
>ARs suck. The bare minimum for a good AR is BCM and Aero. idk how much they are in leafland but in burgertown the minimum you should be spending on an AR is $2000 + optics
holy fuck what is this cope? do kikes have some anti-AR agenda now so they're jewpups can sell better?
I can literally (literally) walk around my property and adjacent crown land with a jewpup in order to defend myself and my bees from frivolous and destitute bear associated individuals

you cannot do this with a ar15 and if you do anyone sees you or god forbid you are found the horsies will violently insert a horse penis into your anus
good day sir
AR15s are illegal to purchase in Canada. A Canadian would know this already.
when was the argument about legality?
ah yes officer inderpoo I will indeed commit an offence now thank you for permission sar
That's what "range toy" and "safe toy" mean, you retarded nigger
You're talking about a gun that we can't buy, and wondering why we'd buy something that is available. Type 97's haven't been brought in for several years and parts are nonexistent, and the other options for a 5.56 rifle between that price range are Canadian junk or a Keltec RDB.
PP is about to win though, 2 more weeks by my estimations. so why buy expensive cope guns?
Once again, AR15's were restricted and nobody has ever said they will make them NR, what difference does it make if random fags on a lake athabasca fishing forum have different funs than you?
>you don't need to buy cope guns just take your AR on crown land
>we can't
>OK then buy these cope guns instead
>OK so why buy cope guns?
PP has said he will make ARs NR, and it's part of the CPC simplified classification system. "Will he follow through" and "when" and "how" and "how permanent will the change be" are all open questions though.
The fact that China and Israel together totally controlling Canada and the former wanting it’s sleeper agents and wehrbauer to be able to train with manuals of arms similar to what their military has until their Red Dawn are the reasons why they’ll never be banned would be hilarious if it wasn’t depressing
Given the fact that the majority of people are tired of Trudeaus shit, a lot of the "big" changes like simplified classifications might get drafted ASAP for becoming reality
>PP has said he will make ARs NR
he did?
>"Will he follow through" and "when" and "how" and "how permanent will the change be" are all open questions though.
that's the thing though
our bureaucracy is a mess
He said it before he switched to pandering 100% to Indians
indians or chugs?
Sorta he said he would re write the firearms act so that the OIC could never happen again which some people think with groups like the CCFR now in the Tory pocket we could push for NR ARs.
Nr handfuns would be nice. We gotta remember to keep pestering them to uncuck our laws more and more, we shouldn't get complacent from one or two wins.
100% this desu we can’t get lazy just because they are our goys. We must pressure them as well to unfuck shit while they have a super majority.
Storage and transportation laws have to be completely thrown out. Also yea, we can't solely rely on the ccfr or one or two based MPs to make these ammendments or laws. The MPs really don't gain anything from having these laws, imagine most of them are indifferent, so we gotta pressure them if they wanna get re elected
at the very least rifles shouldnt be on the handgun registry
First let's get a single win
I just want a 1911 man. It's the most basic boring gun ever, and it's so gay that I'm not allowed to buy one.
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I just wanna carry a revolver
is there some dude on GP selling parts to convert a carbine revolver to a regular one? wouldnt do it but its there
New COD is fuckin sick
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I think the plastic wonder nines are the "basic boring" guns
Eh I’m saving my money for STALKER 2
>It's the most basic boring gun ever
No, that would be a glock 17.
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Same, I will be beating the entire thing while wearing full Soviet larp gear
I want one of those too
Imagine paying 80 dollars plus tip for ue5 slop
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The simplified classification system is official CPC platform, and would automatically make any semi-auto rifle with a 16" barrel and 26" (I think) OAL an NR item. All handguns are R (regardless if barrel length I think).
So anytime you hear a CPC politician talk about "simplifying" gun laws, that's what they're talking about.
This. Short strokes fell mighty oaks.
One victory at a time.
Non restricted AR's for innawoods would be SICK. And I don't mean cope AR's like the sterling.
Hell yeah borther two world wars ! Gotta get you a grand now
It would, I'd be more excited for NR FALs personally but I want every Canadian to own the guns he wants to own.
I will never not be mad about PSG-1s
ARs are the cheapest of all fighting rifles, cause the most seethe (even more than a Mini 14 for poly) and have some genuine advantages over overpriced scar-likes let alone something less modern. No shitlib knows what an FAL is, the cheapest ones will be over $2k and M80 is absurdly expensive now. Every Canadian should start by acquiring and training with the scariest (most practical/modern/user-friendly) PSA AR available and maybe an AK before they move on to less seethe-inducing stuff
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It also applies to most semiautos.
And even many manual actions dont like it when you the the equivalent (cycling too slowly/softly) with them either.
That is atleast one of the definitions. (for rangetoy) however it also used to refer to low quality semis in general. (guns that arent battle field worthy)
I recall the ccfr platform wanting it to be based entirely on OAL, not barrel length because thats flawed (bullpups)
However, i think it would be kinda neat if handguns with really long barrels (lets say longer than 10"?) could dodge restricted status to be NR.
>acquiring and training with the scariest (most practical/modern/user-friendly) PSA AR available and maybe an AK before they move on to less seethe-inducing stuff
If the SFC happens my first gun will probably be a new AR. Just that I would personally be more excited to have an NR FAL.
AKs are cool too of course but any cool guy already has a Type 81 so that's not as critical in my opinion.
Yeah they want just OAL factored in. Bare minimum we should be tolerating is just picking whether we want an SBR or folding stock to make something NR compliant. There’s also no reason we shouldn’t be allowed to discharge Rs on private property and crown land even if there’s direct route transport laws or whatever still in place
>and now I have my answer.
I don't care what labels you whip up. I'm simply saying if society does not serve you, then serve yourself. Of course, everything is politics, and we are all players. But better to make your own rules and play your own game than to submit or force others to submit. It's unjust on both ends.

>And you sound like a hypocrite. You're participating in a public forum and having a dialogue
What a tired trope. I never said I don't interact with people, I simply no longer respect this society and its gay laws, nor the people who try to reshape it to the equal delight and detriment of others. The politics differ but the effects are the same, some get theirs and some get fucked, and this always shifts.

>you're suggesting everyone is equal(ly) bad without even engaging with racial realities
That wasn't my intention, but the behavior between these "sides" is much the same. If nonwhites would sell me out then why do some Whites in govt do the same? My guns are still banned on my own dime. Race is just one of many types of ingroup, but no matter what everyone outside still gets fucked. I am tired of the swinging pendulum. I am single and for the sake of shooting in peace, it'll stay that way.
>There’s also no reason we shouldn’t be allowed to discharge Rs on private property and crown land
This too.
If we must have R's, then Restricted should just mean Registered, and nothing more. As i believe the spirit of that law is just to discourage straw purchasing. Restricting their actual use has zero tangible benefit.
Yeah my mistake, NR is OAL of 660mm (25.98"), no barrel length requirement.
Handguns are explicitly R even if you somehow made one that was 26" long, but there's no barrel length restriction on them either.
>good AR that you actually train with>AK>FAL
Every newly liberated young white man should follow that progression while the getting is good for maximum seethe. A good 9mm duty pistol that you gel with and whatever other guns you want/need for certain applications (22/shotgun(s)/bolt action) should probably take priority over the latter 2 as well
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I want an AK-101
What funny is you’ll be able to go shorter than 16” with a folding stock on most autos either because of the length of the receiver or the recoil spring length preventing it from folding. ARs could go to 9.5”, the factory 12.4” G3K barrel would be fine with the collapsing stock, you could chop the barrel on a folding FAL and most scar-likes to 14.5” and almost all semi auto shotgun designs have long recoil springs. If they’re mag fed like the gen 12 then you wouldn’t have to reduce the capacity either. We’d be eating better than the fucking yanks
I wasn't arguing no whites would sell you out, simply that whether you lean into it or not, ethnic tribalism will determine most relationships, meaning that it is inevitable that most nons will sell you out, whereas it's not with whites, the majority of whose potential threat can be mitigated by them simply viewing you as stronger than they are.

This is not to argue there aren't shitty whites, but simply that whites are, on average, less likely to be useless garbage.
>We’d be eating better than the fucking yanks
Yeah we would be better off regarding long guns than NFAshit. Suppressors and carry permits would be pretty nice too though.
Stop engaging with that faggot already
I think your post summarizes the unspoken narrative of /cangen perfectly
They have been promoted to 'illegal settlers of Khalistani land and sovereign territories'.
Open vs. Concealed carry should be nothing but a bylaw decision.
>Bare minimum
Should be concealed carry revolvers for self defence, or if that is too hard to all three remaining liberals to swallow, clearly designated wilderness areas (ie. actually marked out on publically accessible maps - everywhere north of barrie in Ontario for example) where open carry handguns for self defence (both animal and human) are 100% legal year round no questions asked.
Good post anon
>Handguns are explicitly R
Then allow modern reproductions of top break revolvers for wilderness defence. Bears dont have body armour and you never know what you are going to spook on the trail. Antiques are a perfect example of how laws should take into account particular design features so we can still protect ourselves without ripping front sights off of half of our rifles from catching branches.
You know what I mean. Though I somehow get the feeling that saying we’ll be facing all or nothing for our guns would be an understatement of what’s to come
Or just allow Rs to be used on private or crown land.
It is much easier politically to drastically change things at the beginning of a term and then tweak the details later, than to spend three years crafting the perfect policy only to have it all fall apart because of a botched party convention. In our case, the licensing details should reflect the individual applicant, and the classification status the exact firearm in question.
>Veterans get full carry and full prohibs
>Restricted get full carry, no prohibs, but only have to register the firearm, no restrictions otherwise
>NR current system but full carry, no prohibs

Just an example of easy to sell public policy. Even if the prohibs get rolled back, the wilderness carry etc will stay and make all of our lives safer and more enjoyable.
I agree
>Veterans get full carry and full prohibs
Unbelievably gay idea
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I want a Colt Python so fucking bad. Fuck Trudeau and his faggy fucking liberal bullshit. I didn't vote for that.
I think we have disagreed on this on previous threads.
Here is my reasoning.
1. We need bodies in uniform. This is an extremely valuable reward for people who are willing to accept unlimited liability for the rest of their lives. From a strategic perspective, having the hinterlands full of retired soldiers with their particular service weapons hardens the entire country without increasing costs and bears no greater risk than normal crime rates would indicate.
2. It normalizes the entire spectrum of firearms and makes the more exotic types socially accessible again. We will be able to go to a range and fire mg-34's with our friends.
3. It provides tremendous stimulus to niche domestic industries which we need to have ready for expansion in case of war.
4. As prohibs become normalized, more and more of them can be moved from prohib to R without causing political problems.
5. It is a socially acceptable political concession and feasible without dramatically changing other laws.
all the people in uniform these days are poos trying to get PR
so you're just arming the enemy
2/3rds of people residing in the country at the time did though, and that figure is only going up between exponentially increasing immigration and almost all young females and a significant portion of males getting more leftist with time. Not to mention every other entity on earth wanting us disarmed is only the first step of what they have in store for us. Forget voting, we’re facing the fucking Turner Diaries. The Python you seek is waiting for you at the end, but you have to beat the odds
This. What remains of western militaries are our enemy and always will be without total destruction and replacement of the state
Unbelievably gay response.
the only way guns are coming back is if the gun lobby applies on PP otherwise they will just quit after a tiny bit of bureaucratic bullshit that gets in the way and it will be all so tiresome as usual.
i don't think that any pro-gun pressure will be applied post election.
Even gayer and stupider than the first thing you wrote.
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honestly, the S&W 5/686 is probably a better overall gun. the cylinder release is so un-intuitive on the Colt.
I agree with 2-4, I disagree with the prerequisite having anything to do with serving an organization that even remotely resembles the modern CAF.
As you are not a citizen of a NATO country, your opinion is worth less than the last washing machine your drunken cousin looted 500m over the Ukranian border.
smith and wessons are like the glock of the revolver world. they all look the same, all are kind of boring, but they are efficient and they work well
Wait Trudeau took us out of NATO? I knew that faggot was a commie
That might be true, but I want a Python for the same reason I bought a lever-action Winchester - it's badass. I don't care how practical it is.
you should at least be able to tell the difference between a 10 and a 586. I want an old 10 so bad.
the stainless python was always extremely iconic to me, its the only .357 i kept
I'm all for people having more guns but we're not switzerland who have laws that if you're an immigrant you can NEVER own firearms and getting a swiss passport is exclusively through marriage of a citizen
>Veterans get full carry and full prohibs
I like this idea in concept, for a better country/time, but it just doesnt work here and now.
Our current army is largley just a publicity showpiece, what remains is vaxxmaxed faggots with pink hair, weve filtered out miost of the old patriot types.
This isnt Switzerland, they pull it off because the country has a strong culture, with shared PTSD about being invaded, by people who would threaten said culture.
Meanwhile, canada suffers from an accelerationist complex, we actually want to be invaded. Our army attracts people who want to either groom or black your children.
I know it'd probably be less evident in person but JFC it's literally night and day how sexy the Model 10 is and the model 586 ain't. It's the shine and the grips, imo.
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And thats not even a taper barrel m10.
what a beaut
hnnnngg yeah that's the one for me
the general rule is only get pinned and recessed smith and wesson revolvers
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What the tldr about that for a revolverlet?
pin in the barrel not super amazing but recessed cylinder means the rim of the cartridge fits entirely into the cylinder which looks cool
Based sneering imperialist
No dude check arg or any other forum. PSAs and other poverty pony ARs are of laughable quality
Same here.
I preordered STALKER 2 fucking half a decade ago kek it was 49.99
Veterans are fuckin fags
T ex cervix member I don’t want most of those other niggers I served with having guns let alone all of em
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My wife got a bunch of Vancouver Canucks stuff and put stickers on my guns.
Based bullpup. I don’t own an rdb but bullpup apes together strong
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get a ps90
is it weird to not want to have your girl around guns idk i dont like the feeling of her being able to kill me or going to the police and having them seized.
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>I don’t own an rdb
pray you never do. I could never get mine to run, two trips back and forth to Florida and I was done with it. fuckin toys.
Never had problems with mine, no jams or misfires. The weight and balance are perfect. And it looks badass.
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how many rounds in are you?
Hmm, nta but i'll speculate, that due to the lack of superior chosen people QC, that getting a okay one must be a roll of the dice, much like hoping that your foldy 81 won't be bent.
its fine but i wouldnt trust my life with one in a boogaloo
Trying to see how many 5.56 you can fit in you is a really bad idea, most are really pointy/sharp, and narrow, you will likley rupture your colon after just the first few.
Apperently i'm dyslexic. I had to read that about 10 times before i didnt read it as "how many rounds are in you?"
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>not wearing cheeki breeki bandit overcoat and balaclava
Maybe 500? I've had it for 6 months and have shot it maybe 5 times.
Might be this, I could be just lucky.
Should have combined this post with
The RPK-2 Vyuga (Russian: PПК-2 Bьюгa, blizzard; NATO reporting name: SS-N-15 Starfish), also designated as 81R, is a Soviet submarine-launched, nuclear-armed anti-submarine missile system, launched exclusively through 533-millimetre (21.0 in) torpedo tubes. The system was designed in Sverdlovsk, Russian SFSR in the 1960s.

Analogous to the SUBROC missile previously used by the US Navy, it is designed to be fired from a 533 mm torpedo tube. It is boosted by a choice of mechanisms depending on model before clearing the water, firing a solid fuel rocket and delivering its payload up to 45 kilometres (28 mi) away. The payload ranges from a simple depth charge to a 200 kt nuclear depth bomb.

The RPK-2 uses a 82R torpedo or 90R nuclear depth charge in the 533 mm version, and a 83R torpedo carrying[clarification needed] or 86R nuclear depth charge in 650 mm version.

Both submarine- and surface-launched versions exist. The surface-launched versions are used by the Slava, Kirov, Neustrashimy and Udaloy classes. The submarine-launched versions are used by the Akula, Oscar, Typhoon, Delta, Kilo, and Borei classes. However, the munition package used in either is identical and hence the ship-launched version is launched into the water and submerges before firing its engines.
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NR handguns would be a dream come true, I'd sell my fucking meme car to buy a few 1911s, Makarovs, TT33s, CZ75s, USPs, PPKs, EVERYTHING, even Hipoint JHPs and C9s too, .38 revolvers, Beretta Bobcat micropistols.
nigga looks like filthy frank
Yeh honestly it's hard to justify spending more than a couple grand total on R's, knowing that one wench can cost you all of them in one lazy accusation.
Best tactical glove for cold weather? FDT Pig Cold Weather seems sold out everywhere in Canada. Anyone here tried Outdoor Research's Sure Shot gloves?
That’s nothing at all. My jewpup had 5x that round count
Nothing wrong with Keltec. They're fun toys - the only reason anyone on this board buys guns.
If you want to hunt, you get an old bolt-action Winchester.
In a SHTF scenario you use your SKS or Type 81.
Everything else is a range toy.
I know, it's why I never bothered but browsing Handgun General threads gives me huge pangs of jealousy over what our yank brothers can own.
okay I'll report back once I put another 2000 rounds through it.
yur gay
Lol i got my RPAL when i was 18 and immediately bought some handguns just before the freeze was announced. It must suck knowing someone half your age is a hasguns and you're not.
yeah it does and I'm jealous. Good for you though.
It is definitely worth getting atleast one for (performing maintenance) in and around your home.
It is but through black market means.
>I'm cleaning it in the kitchen
>I'm cleaning it on the shitter
>I'm cleaning it in bed
>I'm cleaning it in the basement
>I'm cleaning it on the roof
If you're brown i guess,, i don't really know anyone involved in such matters, officer.
Trying to clean a rifle around the house like that would be a huge pain in the ass.
I just really love my guns and cant stop maintaining them.
I prefer the old fashioned semi auto shotgun with varying loads
give them the old 1-2 rubber ball warning before a hot 00 number 9 come down the hallway/straiwell
for intruding bears, beavers, and raccoons of course
warning shots will get you locked up sonny.
Either you are burying them are you arent, there is no inbetween.
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I dunno any brownies either but we do live next to a country with a humungo gun culture with a yuge, undefended land border so yeah, hope your rucking skills are up to par.
Don't worry, for only $899.99 at partsonly.ca YOU can get your very own glock parts kit. No pal? No problem pal! So heckin wholesome. do not delay, buy today; partsonly.ca
anything is possible with enough friends and money but im not risking my butthole to be raped in gulag officer.
I'd imagine there is a very lucrative cross border smuggling market these days, probably through the chug reservations. From $700 in the US to $7000 in Canada, that's a hell of a profit margin. I'm sure the gangs are all over it.
Wow! I should have bought yesterday! Thanks friend!
Now this is fed posting.
sir do not redeem the restricted hand guns
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>If only you knew, how good things really are.
Yeah, it's mostly done through chug rezzes. There was even a Nicholas Cage movie about this where he Lawrence Fishburn smuggle drugs through the Cascade mountains in expensive Kuiu gear.
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i panic bought like crazy when the freeze was announced and now i have too many handguns
i panic bought like crazy when the freeze was announced and now i want to buy more handguns
Fucking kek
well i missed getting a couple things like an hk p7 and a makarov but most things im sitting on are complete redundancies
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Hell yeah, the three goals in 65 seconds tonight was insane. Also unpopular opinion but orca blue >>>>> black skate.
get like fuck thick mitts and a gun with a winter trigger
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mine started to goof with its BCG/headspace issue around 1000 round count, but the firing pin shattered around 500 where the first warranty was issued.
Anyone ever dig an underground bunker in the woods? I have a ph.d in ditch digging and it takes me an hour a foot, deepest I've gone is 5ft so far
Whose asking?
sell it and get an sl8 instead
>.t molememe
Moleman is a pedophile, never bring him up again
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You'll never find us unnaground Anons.
Remember to reinforce your tunnels so you dont get cave inned
>Moleman is a pedophile
That is criminal libel. As a federal employee you cannot make such statements. You are personally liable for that statement. As of the date of your post, he has not been convicted of any such crime and retains the presumption of innocence until a conviction is found after a fair trial.
NEED. Fuck the pot metal Type 81, i've owned 3 and they are dogshit and selling them for $1200 is a scam for how poorly they are machined and put together.
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should have got the lmg
Type 81 is a better gun.
optics mount better on a type 81, thats about all it has going for it over a vz58
I really want one too. Should've got the lmg tho
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As an owner of both, I disagree the VZ58 is wayyyy better.
what is that muzzle device
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It’s for Force on force simulation.
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>cangen: the home of the weekly "which Kalashnikov abomination is better" scrap.
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Kalashnikov himself considered the type 81 to be a better design than the AK.

Case closed.
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yeah but i still want one
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No paddle safety is its biggest crime. Having to move a safety over to the lease optimal position on the right hand side just to mount optics is downstream of this crime.
you do realize the vz58 has its safety in the identical spot
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No, I wouldn't realize that, seeing as I didn't get the opportunity to have one before the son of some communist dictator seized power and declared it verboten.
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VZ is better simple as
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i have an sks, valmet, vz58, and type 81
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Reminder that if it wasn't for our government we could buy these here for the same price as a T81
FG-42 is the best rifle ever produced
we would have been flooded with norinco aks for sure if we didnt have faggot governments, harper included because he didnt unban shit when he had the chance
would you like to see mine
You don't have one....
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based and x39-pilled.
How would you rank them? SKS number 1 obviously.
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Let's not get hasty now. Leave the mentally challenged frog out of this.
nigger who are you getting the type 81s from lmao
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kek what a flex
So YOU'RE the faggot perpetrator of this quote, with no source. I refuse to belive Kalashnikov made this claim
>In a SHTF scenario you use your SKS or Type 81.
Careful, you'll awaken that one seething tavorlet
I want an AEK
they all have advantages and disadvantages over each other, none are perfect
Those paint jobs are abominable.
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HO LEE FUK, full pic anon?
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Fuck me, how did you acquire that unit anon? Aren't they like 100 grand?
>Also that has to be the next OP pic
its a repro, semi auto, non restricted
only about 10 exist in the country, thats why you never hear about them much
maybe more will trickle in because these are being produced in america currently but they might trigger a new frt requirement because a different manufacturing name will be on them i believe
>its a repro, semi auto, non restricted
Ahh i see, I got to hold a real one a few moons ago and feel in love with those fuckin things instantly. Didn't get to shoot it unfortunately.
Diksuk Ballsdeep from Brampton
It's true, when touring the factory he's quoted as saying "ah ching chong bing bing bong"
Anon pls I'm a brainrotted zillenial and need to make a tier list
Providing free rent is a sin, goy
Anon delivered
Why shouldn't I have a sword? I considered the Cold Steel mace on amazon for 100 bones a few weeks ago, but now I am coming around to blades instead.
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because people with swords get shot
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what about a man with a firearm & a sword? if a home invader wants to go I will make the court case interesting and meet him with equal force.
well its bulky to carry around when you are already carrying a long gun, id be happier with a knife close at hand incase shit got real in close quarters
>you come to, caked in dust and grit, head pounding, your limbs cold
>no hearing
>your RDB off to one side, in pieces after you tried to clear a jam
>adversary across the hall also coming to, is standing up
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It do kinda look nasty tho.
What do you think Turkcels?
Wow, that looks like trash.
Well yeah, it looks like a 500 dollar shotgun, but the fact that everyone and their nephew can have 11 rounds of 3 inch magnum buck one inside their house for that pricepoint makes me reconsider banditmaxxing in SHTF.
a nu
if you see turkshit, do a 360 and walk away
Too early

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