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Canadian Firearms General
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

>Last thread >>62769371
BCbros are so fucked lol
yes or you could be smart and get a Mossberg Maverick for $400
>2 more weeks
the barrel isn't nine inches though.
only if you live in greater vancouver. past abbotsford might be flooding and roads fucked but you wont get buried in concrete or a tsunami.
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>only if you live in greater vancouver
>only if you live in greater vancouver
pretty sure van isle is getting btfo as well
a tsunami would nuke the island, mainland would be fine
city would be mostly fine, there's some areas that are built on sand and will collapse
as you get out of downtown elevation goes up until you go back the other side to the aforementioned dunes

people just talk about stuff they have no clue about
yeah i dont care about the island
Just seen a tranny at the store, holy mental illness lol
Yeah I saw a troon working at Cabela's yesterday. Zero effort to pass other than putting "LIZ" on his nametag. Really gross.
I don’t care about any of the west coast desu.
Fuckin Halifax?
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My local CO-OP has Diwali ads up, right beside the poo ad was a legion member selling poppies. I wonder what those men would have thought.
>that gremlin kid muzzle sweeping the dude's cock
the island got hit by a tsunami in 1964, made it all the way into Port Alberni
Regina. Surprised me but I suppose every city is petty gay nowadays.
yea the island is effectively a storm shield for the mainland
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RIP living there, it’s not as bad as PA but still sucks.
Yeah I live out in the sticks, was just in town running errands.
I grew up in PA and while it obviously has its problems with 50% or more of the population, at least it's close to nice innawoods spots.
Yeah Regina is hell for sport shooters chugs suck but North Sask is nice.
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saw this kid, with the black painted nails? while trying to buy clays I made a point of referring to him as "my brother". refused the receipt, said "no thank you brother, bisphenols drop your T levels, as you may know."
>Finally have good job now, making decent money
>Married to a wonderful woman I love
>Have guns and survival stuff that could help me survive
>Get killed by an Earthquake
Didn't notice the nails. Based response though.
When I worked at Canadian Tire there was this 60 year old guy who would come in wearing women's clothes, high heels, and a wig, but no makeup. He knew he was a man, he just liked dressing as a woman. Apparently he hated trannies.
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I thought he was just trying to be a femboy, which isn't any bit of my business, not one of those "I AM A WOMAN" types.
I mean I like to dress up like an army man but I am not gonna go around telling people I am one.
fucking travesty society has become, luckily the brown tide will wipe this place out before long.
>I mean I like to dress up like an army man but I am not gonna go around telling people I am one.
kek I've used this exact same logic on trooners
>"larping doesn't mean you're the guy"
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the boomers at the local range were giving me the side eye for a few weekends in a row before finally mustering up the courage to ask me why I wear kit to the range.
>"Hmm, well you know how some men like to dress up like women and that's what makes them happy? It's like that, except not gay."
the immediate understanding that flowed over their frontal lobes was interesting to watch. we seemed to get on good after that.
if u gonna larp u gotta go all out on the crownland.
Something along the lines of 'Please do not shoot my dick off' judging from your photo.
Anybody been to the hospital lately? What's the wait time like?

Guns are fun but you may sometimes have an accident and need to go to the hospital. Guns guns fun guns and ammo
friend injured his foot making him unable to walk on it for month, went to the ER and i waited 5 hours with him then i went home, he ended up waiting another 3 then being told to go come. Southern ontario
You have either never shot a T81 before in your life or are completely delusional. The VZ 61 has better put together furniture, better handing, better machining, better build quality, tighter tolerances, better accuracy, and at least the barrel is straight.
Anyone seen the new rounds of 7.62x39 that the Russians are fielding? Shit looks pretty spicy
Come on you're not going to talk about it then not post anything are you?
I stepped on a nail this summer and was in and out in 2 hours.
My wife had to go to the ER for something relatively minor because our family doc was on vacation and was there for about 4 hours.
>then being told to go come
Did they help him out with that, at least? After keeping the guy waiting for 8 hours the least they could do is have some nurse give him a handy.
This post was made by someone who isn't an Rchad
Sorry forgot to say this was a small town Sask hospital
>at least the barrel is straight
kek they're never going to live this down. Nobody was talking about the vz61 but I assume you meant 58.
even molememe didnt have an rpal, just a regular pal and the cops busted him.
i dont understand the logic that somehow an rpal is bad like good job you memed yourself out of owning a pile of handguns and an ar15 because lol teh gubbermint won git me!
just dont be one of the suckers who got the bent barrels
Apparently its coming out at over 3,000 fps with a tungsten core, this all according to the Ukies....
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Theyve' been saying this since before i was bornt.
Mother was born on the island and there was no shortage of wives tales about the island sinking and whatnot.
Really need to hurry that shit up.
plates and helmets are just ppe, guns are dangerous yu'know?
where? i cant see anything. google is fucking useless nowadays, post a pic
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Should I buy an antique revolver or should I wait until handgun ban is lifted?
super busy hospital went with a very badly sprained and swollen foot from a motorcycle accident but was pretty fine
waited 2-3 hours total? got a xray and all that too
obviously wait for the handgun ban to get lifted, unless you really want to shoot cans innawoods
will CONs actually lift the ban though?
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>will politicians do thing they promised to do?
remains to be seen. in the past, the repercussions of not doing so used to be too vast to contemplate. now? you've seen these people, anon. they lined up to take a genetic therapy injection because of the coof. they're nigger cattle. who cares if you lie to nigger cattle?
yes but when the liberals/ndp inevitably hijack the country yet again they will just ban all guns regardless
waiting for someone to explain this realistically instead of hoping desu.
isn't it collectively decided by some senate or something?
my bet is CPC won't put up a big fight really. a small one sure.
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Range boomers hate any kind of tactical gear whatsoever. Honestly quite glad not to have to shoot at a range anymore.
Concern trolling is gay.
Yes. They will have to due to amnesty running out a week after the next scheduled federal election.
>They will have to
>the Ukraine
Lol they always say that
Had to take my wife in back in June. It was 7 hour wait. Waiting room was filled with homeless people spending the night there/ OD on drugs. Small chunk of jeets who didn’t speak English with nurses trying to play charades to figure out what the fuck was wrong with them. Patients were in the ER hallways.
Well show us fuck.
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Yes retard they’re just going to let literally a million canadians become criminals over night
Post a gun FAGGOT
why is the charging handle in the white
Did you fail grade 10 civics?
Lol anyone older than I think 38 wasn't even taught civics in Ontario, probably why the province is so retarded
Yes, they will. Glad you understand.
so zoomers are retards by design?
That tracks.
no gun posted
opinion disgarded
>retard doesn't understand sarcasm
With the OIC they just pass another OIC saying those guns are now NR again. With bill C-21 they just pass a law which will be easy with a majority, let alone the Super majority they are polling to win. As for the senate it’s a rubber stamp and it will never go against the house. Look at JT Internet censorship bill the senate rejected it however still passed it because they can’t go against the house.
PP ass lickers like yo udon;t get to have opinions anyway
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>IQ over time dropping like a rock
>Testosterone over time dropping like a rock
>White population over time dropping like a rock
wondering when anyone around me is gonna figure it out.
The P-700 Granit (Russian: П-700 "Гpaнит"; English: granite) is a Soviet and Russian naval anti-ship cruise missile. Its GRAU designation is 3M45, its NATO reporting name SS-N-19 Shipwreck. It comes in surface-to-surface and submarine-launched variants, and can also be used against ground targets.[2][3]

Design and building
The P-700 was designed in the 1970s to replace the P-70 Ametist and P-120 Malakhit, both effective missiles but with too short a range in the face of improving weapons of U.S. Navy carrier battle groups. The missile was partially derived from the P-500 Bazalt.

Built by Chelomei/NPO Mashinostroenia, the bulging 10 m missile has swept-back wings and tail, weighs around 7,000 kilograms and can be fitted with either a 750 kg HE warhead, a FAE warhead, or a 500 kt thermonuclear warhead. A stubby cylindrical solid-fuel rocket is fitted to the rear for launch; this booster stage is released when the missile enters sustained flight. For many years it was believed that this missile used a turbojet engine during the sustained flight; after Russian and Western media gained access to its performance characteristics, it was understood that its propulsion system was a ramjet.[4][5]

The P-700 has a distinctive annular air intake in the nose. Maximum speed is believed to be between Mach 1.6 and Mach 2.5.[6] Range has been estimated at 400 km,[7] 500 km,[3] and 550–625 km.[8] The guidance system is mixed-mode, with inertial guidance, terminal active radar homing guidance and also anti-radar homing. Mid-course correction is probable.
is it non restricted?
why do you keep reposting this
I believe the Canadian government would have difficulties if they ever attempted confiscation
fucking lol
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If they could have gun grabbed, they would have.
Someone with an IQ over room temp did the math and realized some things early on there in 2020.
grade 10 was about globalism. i 'learned' this stuff in grade 5 but i didn't give a shit and still dont.
I don't buy any 7.62 that's less than 70 years old
Is there anywhere the original clip of this is hosted now? No search engine likes anything I've tried and I've spent too much time combing through short news clips from the time which was how I originally saw it. This was in Coutts right? CTV News?
It's here:
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kek I thought I recognized this place, what a Canadian Heritage Moment this was. This was the precise moment TPTB backed the fuck off.
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wrong pic but it works all the same
Thank you anon
Look at all the faggot redditors quaking in their boots afraid big daddy goobermint is going to come and crack down on them for this, god damn it that website pisses me the fuck off.
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What are ya'll hunting with? I just finished getting ye old 8mm mauser ready to go deerslaying
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Saskatchewan bros don’t forget tomorrow is your last day to vote.
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remington .308
Funny you should mention that, I accidentally stabbed myself with my own knife, I had an ambulance ride to Royal Columbian in BC and was in the ER right away, the place was filled with homeless people.
You think we’ve been bullshitting you when we keep saying there will be an FAL in every home?
oof, i don't know why i bother scrolling down to see comments on these things.
2 or 3 is all i need to see, to remind me why i'm here forever.
nice to see the ndp not being total faggots everywhere as usual, guess they know their place in sask.
>I accidentally stabbed myself with my own knife
Story time.
>Royal Columbian
I built the new addition to that
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>See infographic on /cfg/ approved guns
>buy one
>/cfg/ bullies me and says it sucks
that infographic was just a list of available guns post oic, not if you should actually buy them or not
What which gun?
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It's a long ass story, it even involved the cops too.

Nice work, that place is massive. Funny story, they pumped my bowels full of CT scan fluids and on my way back sleeping on the bed, I shit myself so I limped to the bathroom to wash myself with wet wipes and accidentally clogged the shitter so I limped to the nurse's desk to ask for a plunger and the nurse told me that it wasn't her job description so I limped back to my bed and passed out.
There are only 2 or 3 guns on that list that are actually marked saying they are good.
You probably should've tried asking about gun first, instead of throwing your money at it just because you saw a pretty picture of it.
The real list of cangen approved guns is very short.
are you me?
>almost buy a raven
>almost buy a t81
>say FUCK IT
could be worse really
I kills me to say it, but you probably made the right choice.
I refuse to buy a jewpup on the basis that it's shilled so much on /cfg/ constantly.
We're on to your shenanigans, mr. Goldberg.

Not sure if this was posted yet but I thought it was neat. Might be overpriced, I can’t find how much they cost new. I’m not going to buy it but maybe someone with too much disposable money might.
damn that's cool. I have a proud Finnish friend who is gunpilled but can't get over the price of guns and shooting in general. basically he just has fun whenever i bring my funs out
i'll link it to him anyways
Realtalk, if you want good gun reccos you need to go to reddit. They actually keep up to date on all the cool new canadian and turkish offerings that cangen just dismisses because they think only straight up weapons of war are good.
are you trying to sound retarded?
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Perhaps its time for you to go back, lil buddy?
I love my t81-m underfolder
dont need no red dot
dont need no paint
dont need no ak style lever safety
just feed it cheap chink ammo and it works
>cool new canadian and turkish offerings
>t. JR Cocks
thats pretty much the normal price for one though they usually should come with the additional restricted length barrel
i owned one of these in the past, basically a 15 pound 9mm pcc which is not the most fun thing to use but it looks cool
> genetic therapy injection

According to this website/store. They sold them for around $700 CAD when they had them in stock. Another case of “I know what I got” and overpricing something.
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Without the drum it is nothing.
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How often has someone actually used an item out of their Spare Parts Kit for Type 81.

• Magazine Catch Pin
• Magazine Catch Spring
• Extractor
• Extractor spring
• Firing pin
• Firing Pin Retainer Pin
• Rear Elevation Nut
• Rear Elevation Spring
• Recoil Spring
• Extractor Pin
• Gas Tube Reamer

Already got my deer last week, a fat 3x2. Used my tikka t3x ctr in 308 with 165 federal fusions.
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not really the right board for it, It is not a "vaccine". Scientific literature before 2020 referred to it as cell and gene therapy and recently CEO of Bayer called it cell and gene therapy.
Clinical trials for the shot are scheduled to be released in 55 YEARS. Big Pharma is not liable for side effects of the shot.
She's cute, what ethnicity is she. Tibetan?
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ur rarted

your list has shit like "occupational exposure to sarscov2" and "ubilical cord thrombosis"

update your script covid ended 3 years ago, ukraine is even old news now.
spend your money how you want man I ain't your mom
>Hantavirus polmunary infection
Theres mouse poop in it?
Only like a few dozen people per year catch hantavirus, from cleaning out old barns filled with dusty old rodent shit.
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no some skitzo fell for some psyop "confidental" paper, where vaccine bad, it literally causes both "blood pressure up, blood pressure down" and even "MAGIC syndrome"

He's expecting the 2 more weeks rapture where 80% of the population dies from his nigger cattle heart failure and the boog happens

remember unvaxxed sperm is the next bitcoin
I don't even care if it kills you or not, you support big pharma selling you snake oil lol. Remember 5 more boosters and we can beat covid and granny won't die.
i personally know someone 1 year older than me that got a random stroke shortly after the 2nd booster shot
I think the logic to all the goofy diseases on the list is the claim that the vaxx gave you temporary Aids or somthing, making you more likely to get sick.
tb.h you're coming off as atleast slightly more spergged than him, i think you may need to go back.
Compromised immuno system causing various polmunary infections is the least egregious thing on that list. How the fuck could it cause arthritis?
Are they ok?
The nanobots in it target your joints, especially those in your shooting hand and trigger finger.
All part of the plan to disarm us.
Should I buy a turkshitneli for 400 bucks shipped?
I once accidentally drank a slurpee with a dead mouse in it while driving drunk home from a party, and still didn't get hantavirus.
It's rare, even most mice don't have it, adn even if you are directly exposed to contaminated shit&piss (the way you are most likley to get it) you still have a really low chance of getting it, you need to be exposed to large quantities of it. hence the example; cleaning out old barns.
yeah cus actual weapons of war are good. if your gun is made in turkey or canada for soft hands to fondle at a range than i dont want it
Never but I'm very happy I have one. Essential piece of kit in my humble opinion.
Spare parts are always a good thing, I have two different guns that need a new screw in some spot because I was too much of a goon tightening things
stop being poor
I'm canadian. It's hard to not be poor.
Do you really want a semi over a pump?
I guess type 81's are officially moose rated
someone drop a moose with one?
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Forgot pic
damn. how well does that optic hold zero and what mount?
Not sure. My buddy from the US of all places sent me that pic, don't know the details sadly
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A bit late but, here fren, take this.
It was created out of pure concentrated butthurt and confusion over the big list.
Disclaimer; I believe both lists were created by tavor owners.
2nd disclaimer; i added an extra $ symbol to few of the guns on this list because they looked inconsistent to me. though, this is not my list, i made the big one.
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And heres an old one. a bit dated now though, really dont think anyone should be buying nuggets at this point.
Does anyone here have an FS2000
This. For the money you'd be better off with a maverick and saving up for a real M4
Atleast one anon here does, not me, but he has posted it many a times.
Your mom does but she's keeping it a secret.
thats kinda mean
It's also only carried by specific kinds of mice, which are rare in Canada.
>need a single screw for my SMLE
>$25 shipped from Marstar
Any cheaper alternatives? I hate how nobody uses lettermail for small shit.
I hate mice niggers so much, but i do have an exception, i dont mind field mice.
Only two distinct types i have noticed where i live;
Little grey mice, that i wish genocide upon because they are constantly breaking into my house. I will bring death upon them and their entire families any chance i get.
Field mice (not sure thats the correct term) medium sized they are brown on the back and white on the belly, kinda cute and have never had one enter my dwellings, those niggers are alright.
I could make a non-retarded and updated version of this if anyone was interested. Suggest some changes if you want. T97s keep going up in price so I'd say remove that, and I don't think the Tavor belongs in a beginners sort of guide.
>I don't think the Tavor belongs
I don't think you are qualified to be a list maker.
Deer mice are not rare.
Shiet, i wonder if those are the niggers i have been referring to as field mice.
Am i gunna die? i probably havent been fornicating with them if that makes any difference.. does it?
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>call a libshit retard on twatter a faggot for schvitzing over scott moe
>home feed gets filled with liberal shillbots
Jesus fucking Christ, Elon get your shit together.

>have to wait 10 minutes to post in this shithole now
literally fucking why?
>have to wait 10 minutes to post in this shithole now
Ackshually, it's 15 minutes.
No worries though, you can bypass it by handing over your email address then never deleting your browser cookies.
Or, buy a pass, and again; never delete your browser cookies, they are needed to track you, for entirely non-nefarious purposes i assure you.

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