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NTR fags are secretly gay
Prev: >>62755475
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What do you think is the best looking sniper rifle of all time? For me, it's the K98k.
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i like aug
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this one
Awww yeah, sweater season lads
Nothing like a big ass thick sweater in cold weather, plus they make chick's tits look huge
Argh, great, another thread by kike tripnigger redditor.
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>not posting anime
name a more iconic duo
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When it's sweater season at least 8 months in a year, you tend to like the opposite season. I like sandal season much better. Wearing sandals and seeing the opposite sex in sandals.

And fuck that anon that got banned on /vg/ and /int/ with this IP in 21.9.2024.
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many such cases
is he the same guy who crusades in /vt/ and /v/ for no reason?
Dunno, I only post and browse /k/. Some Finn anon that should be taken behind sauna.

>>>/vg/495455215, a violation of Rule 1:

>>>/int/202524862, a violation of Rule 1:
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Oh right, those don't show it.
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The USMC's 8x Unertl-equipped M1903s.
Disagree on that point, I also live in a place where it's cold 8 months out of the year and fucking hate summer, fuck the hear, the temperature should never rise above 15°C at a maximum
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Nah I gotta disagree. I love rain, I love sweaters, I love cloudy skies.
>hot take
NTR is is to the right of center what dog killing is to the left
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I just don't like it. Always when you go outside you have to gear up and it's dark. In the summer you can just kick sandals on, put on pants and put hat and sun glasses on. And don't get me started on riding bike during that 8 months. It's my only vehicle, so I have to go in snow, ice and rain with it. And dark. Fuck the dark, I'm not conducting ops, I don't need dark. In the summer it's just so nice. I wish it was may again.
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/ss/, your colleagues are going to give me a brain aneurysm. I applied to another AF Security job (background investigation type stuff) while I wait for the results of that intelligence specialist job and the email I got back says I'm ineligible for an entry level role because I don't have a bachelors degree (I have a masters).

so I called the Total Force Service Center up and asked them why I'm ineligible only for them to tell me that, while the announcement SAYS you can use education to qualify, you need some amount of specialized experience no matter what your level of education is. You know, because every Joe Schmoe has experience doing background investigations and polygraphs.
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Nah, I love when the sun is already set by 4PM. Shit is cozy.

Californians fuck off and die of SAD already.
kinda looks like Claes grown up

>schoolgirl doing a Plunkett
That's the good part, in fall/winter/early spring you just gear up and you're comfy, in the summer it's nothing but misery, you can be as naked as you want and your still hot and have zero energy. I'm always 3x more active when it gets cold than I am when it's hot.
>I love rain, I love sweaters, I love cloudy skies.
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And that's because you'll freeze if you don't move.
Wear layers, have to stand still, more layers, need to move, less layers, simple as.
How do I remove my skin when I'm hot and have no more layers to shed?
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I don't browse any of those boards either. I just saw him bitching in another thread here on /k/ about being banned from /vt/ and /v/ because he wants to shill for Russia. He does it here too sometimes
I wish winter still existed in my country.I hate summer and i hate this heat so fucking much.And the darkness,it's so comfy.I hate the sun,sleeping only 2 hours during summer because of the fucking heat while getting terrorised by mosquitos and flies,and then having to wake up to that disgusting sun blinding you and making you sweat even more.The sweating,god,the permanently wet and sticky body and clothes,the smell.Every single day,whenever i gaze at that hot faggot in the skies i mutter a prayer to god asking him to create a cloud and place it in front of him,i ask god for some rain,for some wind,for anything to relieve me of the heat that causes me so much pain.I can't wait to move to Finland.
>And that's because you'll freeze if you don't move.
Lol no.
You sweat. That is the layer.
Ok then.
I guess I'd like winter more, if I were from south. And try to stand still in -30c.
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>And the darkness,it's so comfy.I hate the sun
My Anglo genes are not compatible with summer at all. I'm evolutionarily adapted to live in overcast gray weather. Its not depressing for me at all. The heat is like a catalyst for anger. It emphasizes every negative feeling I have.

I appreciate my ancestors for being brave enough to leave England but holy fuck I hate the sun and humidity. I have hated every tropical/desert region I've been to. Having to sit in some dumbass transport with no AC in full body armor makes me want to lash out.

A mere negative 20 in F. you are like little baby
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>You sweat. That is the layer.
Not a very comfortable layer.
>And try to stand still in -30c.
Wear warmer clothes! Although maybe if you are from a colder region,then summer is more bearable for you.I just can't stand it where i live.Maybe if i lived near the sea or had a place where i could go and swim then i would hate it less.
thank you for your service
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I've stood still in close to -40°C and it wasn't too bad, Slavic genes and shieeet.
On the flipside when it gets around 30°C my whole body just shuts down, no matter how much water I drink and how much I sweat (also sweating is fucking miserable) I still feel like I'm gonna pass out at any minute, but ironically can't actually sleep at all
I've never gotten the whole "winter depression" thing, like just eat some fish every once in a while and you'll get more than enough vitamin D
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What program was used for this? Looks quite familiar.
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Nude edit?
It would be way, way harder to make one anyway, because the shading's more complex.
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What are they chatting about? Are they going to pull up to an unsuspecting anon and kidnap him?
>and then he was like, oh no let ME get that for you, he's so incredibly sweet
>aw girl you're so lucky
>by the way, Bravo Two has just exited Alpha One, entered Charlie Two and started the engine
>Snatch Team stand by
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I wonder what being Naomi's boyfriend would be like
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French girls best girls
Constantly getting yuri NTR'd.
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A Stug III in the hands of the right commander is a precision weapon
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Cutest things I have ever heard was a french girl saying "raparperipiirakka"
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Vitun ryssä.
Regular -30C winters. No survival with out FDF wool uniform, woollypully, wool socks and FDF fur hat.
Tanlines and pubes are such a wonderful combination
Czech, not Russian
Ok then. You're cool. CZ has fine funs.
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>Regular -30C winters
That sounds awesome.Here it rarely snows anymore,and the snow melts immediately since the temperatures very rarely dip below 0 °C.I can barely imagine how -30 °C is like,god i can't wait to get out of this shithole.Stop complaining finnanon,you have no idea how good you have it.
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Fun for one, not for some. Dunno, at least winter kills undesirebles.
It is cool to get to wear ye old FDF stuff.

But I like feet! So summmer is very goood. Yea, i'm drun, so what. Saatana.
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god i wish i was him
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Holy shite, imagine the stench...
>I can barely imagine how -30 °C is like
>you have no idea how good you have it.
Not very big on self-awareness now are we?
i hate ostwind for his dislike of free Poland
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Whatever you say buddy,i will keep envying you.
A lot of his art isn't on twitter,not sure why.You can find the rest on danbooru
i mostly use danbooru anyways
you are a schizo
i love buff women
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>Snatch Team stand by
I love breeding buff women

Judging by the doujins she's into anal.
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I'm always surprised by how much foreigners like the French accent
I don't really get why. I'm not complaining tho
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way too many guys in here watched Saruei. Including me. I would hatefuck the shit out of that annoying, smelly frog broad.
Agree but I can't post any examples cuz blue board.
I was looking through my Google Docs account and found a short story I wrote (just about ten pages) for a class in the summer of 2019. It's about the college-educated nephew of a guy named "Elmer" who takes over Elmer's gun shop for a short while and makes some changes to help boost sales. I'm thinking of either posting it in its unaltered state or making some changes first because man is it sloppy.
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/wfg/ doesn't exist anymore, so throw it in a pastebin and post it here. I'll be happy to give it a read.
I'd read it. Maybe that other faggot will post his shit too
What other Faggot?
some different guy mentioned something about a world building document last thread or the one before
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Here you go. Cleaned it up a tiny bit but still reads like a college junior wrote it. There are issues with paragraph breaks from when I moved it from Google Docs but oh well.
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No, im not drunk, youre.
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i was making a shitpost about that but my sonny vegas broke and i lost interest
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>wake up with a bad nosebleed for no reason last week
>motherfucker absolutely won't stop bleeding like a leaky faucet regardless of aid applied
>after an hour and a half, give up and go to the hospital
>turns out I have ridiculously high blood pressure and have to stop drinking
I know this should be a wakeup call, but life is so fucking drab now
Thanks, I'll give it a read right now
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I wish I die drinking. but it wont be that easy.
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You're ether talking about me or fugly. We're both working on our own independent gun girl projects and mention them last thread. I posted part of the first chapter of mine here about a year ago and fugly posted a lore doc in one of the last /WFG/.
ah ok
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Girls can't love girls, Anon-sama
weird question, but what's the name of the jacket that guy on the right is wearing? I've been thinking about what to dress as for Halloween, and that dude has a mega-based aesthetic.
>just got most of my MK18 parts today
based, you formatted that filename wrong though
This thread is now the property of the Imperial Japanese Army. Please do not resist.
Fuck, that's what I get for doing it manually. just fixed it, thanks for the heads up.
you forgot this link fag
You want another nuke Tojo?
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Reminder that now that Ostwind is taking a break it is now completely ethical to leak his Patreon
This thread is now the property of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Please do not resist.
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sexoo sexoo buff women
i love-love the rat gats
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>tea ceremony club doing tea ceremony things
The Imperial Japanese Navy is the property of the United States Navy. Your resistance only makes my penis harder.
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death to america
And butter sauce
don't boil me
I'm still alive
I prefer them slender and agile
Preposterous, she's a certified male-loving tomboy
On the receiving end, right?
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Anime has done more for France's image around the world than the entire French Ministry of Culture
Also Marie is best girl
(No, you can't prove me wrong)
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>Weeaboo trenches 600 meters! Full speed ahead!
>precision weapons edition
i got one right here
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frog legs
I'd feel a lot better about NTR if it was confirmed it was just a way for dudes to deal with their bisexuality.
That's what catbox is for.
i love buff women
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I'd never eaten frog legs before recently, even though I'm French
It tastes better that I thought
I still find snails kinda gross
>Precision Weapons edition
Anyone remember Material Sniper?
I've had both garlic butter escargot and snail soup
snails have no taste and the texture of rubber; they're a sauce delivery system, that's all
pointless in my opinion
I love the onion
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family guy stopped being good a long time ago
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>stopped being good
When did it start being good?
No shit koftanigger
I mean it was actually good for a while, but I'd argue that FG's Golden Age was much shorter than The Simpson's Golden Age.
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to each their own, but I found the simpson's "golden age" to be pretty overhyped too. Which is ironic considering the shit I do enjoy.
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honestly simpsons were good for one moment
It insists upon itself.
How much could she squat?
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>/wfg/ doesn't exist anymore
It was fun while it lasted
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Rahko love!
Urge to take care off! Clean her up and patch her up and give headpats!
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Which one was the worst when it came to POWs?
Winter soon brothers, I am so fucking glad that summer is over
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cute nose
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So what did you guys think of my short story?
Shame that the Stug III does not have a name on the driver view hatch, the crews gave them female names except 1, Bubi, and that was because it's crew thought it meant darling in German. It actually mean darling boy
Haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but I'll let you know when I'm done.
The way I heard it, was that Börje thought it was "baby" but none of the crew knew how it was spelled.
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I love lunasia
i love buff women with nice abs
Is she still masturbating in the shadow dimension?
Here is an example from Bovington, as it pain in the ass to find image where the name is seen.
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Our time is now Winter Chads.
Fuck summer and fuck the sun
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>The way I heard it, was that Börje thought it was "baby" but none of the crew knew how it was spelled.
The story I read, he heard it in a german film and thought it meant because of subtitles it meant "baby/darling" not realising it was a male cutesy name.
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Correction, it was korpraali Sulo Kauppi, he had seen an American film while on leave where a man and a woman kissed and said "ou peipi" "peipi ai lav juu".
She's been freed as of the latest event. Also confirmed for GF2.
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>Muscular mercenary
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Didnt the artist say he was going to make a comic or manga about the foxgirl?
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What even is the story in GFL2 about? I know cheekycunt is exiled or something in the wasteland but that is about it
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hell yeah
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Have some carrier volleyball.
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I just got back from camping. I love the fall.
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I liked it. Would be better if the old guys were hag anime women though.

That way you could have the economic aspect and a hag harem. What I want more than anything right now is to have my own gun store.
We just don't know yet.
I see your carriers doing volleyball and raise you a battleship and battlecruiser doing volleyball
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so did Ostwind also delete his twitter?
it's completely empty

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smol is cute, flat is disgusting.

New name: https://twitter.com/groznyiart?s=21&t=yrtHYkS4t75hJfoqViycsA
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>flat is disgusting
kys nigger
shit take
sorry, some people just like adult women
deal with it
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>adult women
most disgusting fetish ever
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>deal with it
I can't. You adult woman fetishists are too depraved.
I wrote that story more than 5 years ago and my tastes in women were pretty different. Plus it was supposed to be realistic.
All kinds of breasts are nice! Big ones, small ones, flat ones!
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then by what metric should we be judging women? loyalty? innocence? capabilities as a housewife?
I dunno man
sounds a little iffy...
god I wish that was me
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It's on his Patreon.
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is it any good?
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It's pretty good. For $10 a month, I think it's worth it.
Wife! Made for loving!
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tank elf spotted in video
When's meow gonna fix the patreon importer?

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