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AK General /akg/
Turkey Shoot Edition
>Thread #2047

Old thread here >>62834068
AK Buyer's Guides
what do you guys usually use to get rust off your AKs?
>get rust off your AKs
Now why would I want to do something like that?
Run a couple mags through it
unironically what i'm considering
its an american AKM, so at most, i think i'm just gonna put some oil on it & rub it with steel wool
I would recommend using brass/bronze wool instead.
do what>>62889951 says
steel wool, even if its 0000 grade, will still remove some of the parkerizing underneath. Better to do it with something softer like brass or an old tooth brush. Absolutely no wire brushes
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thanks, will do
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I dun did it
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What kind of american ak? Kusa, palmetto, Riley?
So what's the consensus on KUSA AKs?
dead general
Stalker 2 apparently doesnt have any new AKs (its the standard AK 74M, not the border guard variant) and instead opted (thanks to that retarded war) for those israelian contract rifles instead, the Tavor, Malyuk (not a an AKG lurker, heard that gun is AK based) and the Carmel (Wtf?). Guess it fits for mercanary weapons theme but still
I am anger, they could atleast add an 101
maybe we can get CumSlurpDude to get in here to post his PSA Krink for the 30th time this month
Post the gun list next time
They are probably gonna do what they did in CS, CoP and add the option to convert the 74 to 556
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What is that?
it looks like a picture on the internet
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Deserves to die after everything /akg/ did
The magazine is Pakistani Khyber Pass made 5.45 mag, I own one. I think the rest is khyber copies of East German and Chinese furniture? It's based
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You got me there anon (proceeds to bust your knee caps with an RPK bipod).
Anyone have furniture recs for the zpap? Looking for a grip that extends outwards at the top to keep the receiver from resting on my lower thumb joint. Also looking to get a new hand guard set.
Honestly considering houge for both as I can get ‘em for $70 vs $230 or more but certainly willing to spend that if it’s worth it.
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Follow up
Figured out Draco KNS install. I drilled a little out on one side and then used that pivot to punch the rivet out of the other side. Worked better then I expected after not being able to find the pin at first
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Really impressive. How long did this take you?
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Somewhere between 100-200 hours
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cool. you gonna make me some cope parts for my galil then?
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I don't support jewish products but at least I have the blue prints for future endeavours.
It's going to be my hobby to remodel rare guns.
Make one shiny and chrome, like the Sheikh ones.
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I'll make one tacticool and let the otherone be as it is.
I also have a Valmet M62S that was meant for the US but never got imported due to the ban.
This pic always makes me laugh because of the lil beer gut sticking out.
You wouldn't believe how much negative attention those skinny-fat guys give to men with actually shredded bodies.
I find it funny that euros still use leather belts
Looks like a civilian belt. Don't you wear leather belts?
Finland still issues leather belts to their conscripts
Are they any worse?
I never used one as a soldier. I've always just assumed that synthetic fiber belts would be lower maintenance and cheaper.
>holes dont wear out
>won't crack if it gets dry
>don't have shine it for uniform inspections
>won't get stained as easily by grease/oil when you're doing maintenance
Same reason why I preferred the felt type boots over the black leather BDU boots. I don't think they're functionally worse than modern belts but its more BS to deal with when you're a boot.
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I wish there were still re-weldable Galil chunks on the market
I guess greasy leather boots are more water resistant than felt boots.
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What a great time spent with frens.
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Chink-Paki 74 clone
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I have always been curious about the structural integrity of reweld receivers.
Probably shit
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Current progress on the AK project; Please hesistate to call me ungrateful again for your help, old man.
>couldn't they just rebarrel and rechamber their AK variants to .300 blackout so they can keep up with America (and possibly open a new venue for .300 blackout surplus)?
Thread tax of a previous build.
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Super impressive. Did you make it off of Engr drawings or just reverse engineer it? Do you just do this for fun? I spent my last internship making gun shit in onshape
I disassembled it and reverse engineered it with a caliper, ruler, triangle ruler and a circle template.
The molded plastic parts are mostly cosmetic because I can't recreate their exact shape.

I do it as hobby because I went to an expensive basic CAD course and don't want to let it go to waste. Instead I want t become better. Now my goal is to archive the measurements of rare guns.
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Threaded the barrel, so now have my first AK fully setup. How did I do?
Nice except for the pussy pad
It's for length of pull not recoil.
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Very impressive. I’d say onshape has a lot of free “courses” but it seems like you are very competent already. It’s no joke trying to reverse engineer even just as a non functional version. Do you use Fusion ? I was messing around and made an M1 over the summer but it was just to pass the time at work and I just went off computer images
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yeah they're never going to be anywhere close to the original integrity but the methods and care really matter.
>cracks at 100 rounds if its shit
>cracks at a few thousand if its less shit
fair enough
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WASR CHADS! It be Wednesday
anyone S.T.A..L.K.E.R maxxing?
How do we revive this general? There has to be a way.
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The truth is that /akg/ was an extension of /msg/ and the import bans or depletions have road blocked newcomers indefinitely. The thread is severed and the AK in America is doomed
reddit moment
le anything popular is reddit
video games are not fun anymore
Is that Beryl cheek riser on gunbroker any good? I can't find the pod arms one in stock anywhere.
nice looking WASR buy a fuckin rod
Cool. Grab em while you can.
Nice. After I get a beryl I am probably gonna get their new 5.56 krink or 101 clone since kusa shit the bed. Unless aoa starts slapping folding trunnions in wbp jacks.
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>beryl ships after 4 weeks
>delivery date is a day i work
fuck man

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