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Thanksgiving & Black Friday Edition
Old >>62851586

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
Did you mean over a beanie? Because if you wear a crye nightcap first and then a beanie over the nightcap the beanie will cover the shroud for the NV lowering arm unless you are going to cut the beanie for that.
gm nightcels
If plants are highly reflective in the NIR spectrum then won't you stand out more if your clothing isn't reflective?
NIR is a meme
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Posted this in /arg/ but they were too busy talking about men with tits or something. Anyways, super stoked to have thermal capability back. Guide TA651, kinda barebones from a features stand point but performance and build quality seem really good, gonna send some rounds with it over Thanksgiving.
It certainly is.
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Steiner C35 gen 2 dog
Very nice looking setup, hope it serves you well over Thanksgiving. Can’t say I’ve heard of the Guide TA651 thermal optic before, but looking it up looks like they are using ADM mount so they are going way legit there so looks like it’s a good thermal design if they also looked into a good mounting company.
bought an smslaser hfxc, we'll see if its a piece of junk or not. hoping it isn't.
Intredast, never heard of them. Report back pls
Hoping to see NVGR Pro get a black friday deal.
/nvg/ always dies and I never realize it.
Guide is apparently an OEM (as in they're making the sensors as well as complete units) for Steiner, Burris, Zeiss and a few others. They do have a US-based service and support and the unit has a 10 year warranty so it's not quite Alibaba-tier.
>looks like it’s a good thermal design if they also looked into a good mounting company
Guide is legit but, thinking a good mount automatically equates to a good thermal is a retarded assumption. They also don't come with ADM mounts in every market.
i will NOT use the flip to center magnifier mounts
A few threads ago I was the retard who said my new thermal was way off, too far off to adjust windage and elevation, and that I was going to shim it. The scope base is a trapezoid, so of course is the QD mount that mates to the base. From the range I knew about how far too high and to the the right it was aiming so calculated the degrees it was off, then calculated the thickness of the shim(s) needed to between the qd and the scope. I used some aluminum foil, folded a few times. One for elevation, one for windage, After some trial and error adjusting shim thickness and studying the fit and shape of the scope base I realized I only needed a windage shim because of the angle, that shim made the channel smaller so it also raided the scope too. Can barely see the shim, fits great, and very minor windage/elevation adjustment and its right on at 100 yards.

and thread bump
how did you know if it would line up properly with your existing scope?
nta but clip on thermals and NVDs are generally meant to work with 1.54 height mounts as an industry standard.
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I bought it from Downrange Thermal and they specified that it had a 1.5" high mount included which was a near perfect match for the ol' Blemula mount.
Doggo specs?
Is it possible to run two helmet mounted thermals if they 1x instead of daul NVs, or one NV and one thermal?
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Mutt from a shelter. $300. Probably Great Pyrenees and something else. Year and a half old. Very dumb, but a good boy.
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Its possible, like this guy's setup: https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/helmet-mounted-straight-thermal-mix-nv-thermal-or-clip-on.7166989/#post-10810516
But is it an optimal setup? That is up to you to decide I suppose.
If you are planning on shooting with your gun you will not be able to aim with the laser or your daytime optic passively.
If you are just doing it for fun and just wanted to try to navigate with a thermal only setup then have at it and maybe give us feedback on how capable it was or not.
>you will not be able to aim with the laser
My limited understanding is IR lasers are visible with NV, but not thermal. I am curious why there are no thermal lasers for thermal optics yet. I see thermal laser diodes are availabe online by themselves.

> you will not be able to aim with your daytime optic passively.
Is it possible to use a thermal behind a 1x holographic sight mounted further forwad on a rifle so I could still use two helmet mounted RH-25s (for this discussion) and simply walk around and still use muh rifle with the holographic sight, or would the glass of the optic block the thermal rays from the RH-25 and thermal sees only black/dark?

I am still very new to all of this and still working to understand all the options and variables with each option.
thermal can't see through glass
>maybe give us feedback on how capable it was or not.
Maybe he's asking people here so he doesn't have to spend thousands of dollars himself to find out all the ins and outs of such a setup. Crazy thought right?

>I am curious why there are no thermal lasers for thermal optics yet.
Those exist. Look up SWIR.
Why are you aggroing the poster who gave the best info he had about dual thermals?
>Maybe he's asking people here so he doesn't have to spend thousands of dollars himself to find out all the ins and outs of such a setup. Crazy thought right?
How the fuck would anyone know? No one runs dual thermals because it’s sort of a retarded idea, why give the guy saying “well it’s possible but we don’t know much because not many people have tried it, please report back if you have a useful perspective” shit lmao
>I see thermal laser diodes are availabe online by themselves.
Those are near infrared, not far infrared. You can see them with night vision but not with thermal. For a true thermal laser you would have to use a carbon dioxide discharge tube, which are much too bulky to fit on a gun.
>why give the guy saying “well it’s possible but we don’t know much because not many people have tried it, please report back if you have a useful perspective” shit lmao
Reread my previous post retard because it should have been clear enough. Are you really that oblivious as him that you don't see the retardation behind that sentiment? OP is basically the one asking us for a useful perspective. Why is it being treated like it's the other way around? OP would have been better off googling for a few minutes if that's the best info he can get here from a borderline Dunning Kruger.
>No one runs dual thermals because it’s sort of a retarded idea
That would've been a better answer not knowing OP's intentions than suggesting he try it anyways all so that some lazy faggot here might get someone to post semi-interesting OC. Although, there are some people who supposedly run bridged thermals and swear by them for their use case. Just because some retard(s) here don't have the answer, doesn't mean the information isn't out there.
has anyone seen a UAP with their nightvision? what was your setup?
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Well under NODs most flying objects are just a dot of light so…. Nearly all of them?
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Theres was a guy on youtube that hunts pigs with dual thermals. Maybe hes a shill but hes worn dual nvgs and tried the hybrid setup, till he seemed to have settled on dual thermals. And before you ask how he drives, you dont need windows in an atv. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzuJaFkbztU
Crane port on my Basque M6 doesn’t work (intermittent at first, stopped working). What do
it's so fucking over
billions must sneed
Contact basque, he sent working crane port units to those who bought from him.
If you bought it from another retailer, then contact them to see if they will offer something similar.
I live in south Alabama and own a PVS7A with an omni IV tube, the last few weeks I have been seeing swarms of lights in the sky moving in formations of 2 to 10. The activity has picked up from only seeing around 10 to the last few nights when its been at least 50 during the hour or so they seem to be flying. A lot of singles as well that sort of meander across the sky in a weird lazy zigzag movement and do stuff like cross directly over each other then randomly blink out and not reappear. Most are not visible with the naked eye.

I have no idea what to make of this, I live around Dothan so first thought would be Ft Rucker but these don't remind me of any drones I saw in the Army and they seem to be breaking state side flying regs.
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Here's a home made monocular with a PVS-5C tube. Not bad for $300. I see Jews selling those tubes in better housings for over $1000 on Facebook, FYI for anyone thinking about it, they are not worth that.
I own a $350 NVG30 and I'd say it's very comparable to this tubes performance.
so it has lag?
Is it possible it’s the chink crane plug/switch? Or is this a known issue with the early Basque M6 units
>so it has lag?

No but the picture quality and light sensitivity is about the same, and in some lighting the NVG30 seems to do better.
>If you bought it from another retailer
Aside from buying second hand, the only real source of the Basque M6 would be Mr. Basque himself unless you want to count the CHS version too.

Almost no one has reported problems with the provided switch. It's probably bad QC on their crane ports.
I bought mine directly from Basque. I’ll reach out via email and ask him about it. Thanks
Its a slick setup for guys doing farm/ranch culling as opposed to more casual hunts. Cruise around on service roads or defined trails without stopping or juggling a handheld scanner to see if there is a sounder in a field or at a feeder so you can do the deed and get home.

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