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are there normies trannies here?
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the whole board, basically
im normal when i take my antidepressants ^^
There is a 30+ thread on here. That's probably as normal as it gets
i am looking for normie frens
I'm a daywalker, I'm a mentally ill retard at heart, but to any outsider I am a normie. I roam both worlds

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old: >>36371773
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i think i have a binge eating disorder and im trying really hard to fight it
bet how old
I'm in my 30s
well im 27 and I highly doubt youve been into feet as a child so
My gock is the egg and cisussy is the sperm

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QOTT: Bepis or conke

Last Shithole: >>36360011
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I used to larp as a mtf on this board many moons ago

is that where those old pics of you looking like a girl are from?
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This was Fiona
woah, i haven't seen that one before. more?
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Eh? I don't have many ancient pics of myself since getting locked out of my first iCloud account

Here's your last one. Have a ball

I just jerked off to a man again.
cool do it again

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old >>36375651
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i was making the caramel for my creme and the sugar solidified instead of melting o_o
I don't think I've ever worn a vest beyond underwear as a small child
i want to play dan on magic the gathering arena and crush him so badly he uninstalls

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Honfidence Edition

Are you honfident and at peace with yourself? What are the steps to attain honfidence?
>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.
Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
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how do i un-fetishize and desexualize the desire to become a woman? i don't want to feel guilty for being a primitive sex obsessed fetishistic freak
alternative outlets
elaborate please...
I've been uploading each chapter from *Autoheterosexual* to my website. Almost all of them are up, and in a few days the remaining links will be live.


I've also made a version of the table of contents in Markdown so that it can be embedded directly in posts on Reddit and Discord. Feel free to spread to other AGPs and AAPs.


And as always, remember that it's totally fine to be AGP/AAP and to transition because of it, and you don't have to listen to lies spouted by self-loathing transsexuals who are scared of their own true nature. Your desire to understand yourself accurately takes priority over their desire to think of themselves a particular way.
idk, i hopped on hrt instead to be honest, my attitude toward sex is a lot more healthy now

>I'm a legbutt and I support Palestine
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Original post was obviously made by hasbara zionist troll
Nationalism is the belief that each nation has the right to manage its own affairs free of external coercion, that's inherently anti-imperialist. Meanwhile internationalists believe rule by foreigners ie imperialism is morally acceptable, they'll literally call you racist if you object to foreign politicians ruling a country and acting against the interests of the native population.

If you state the indigenous people of a region have the right to fight foreign influence and rule themselves you're expressing nationalist sentiments.
>Both Palestinians and Mexicans carry DNA from peoples who have been living in their regions for thousands of years.
oh no it's retarded
You are fucking stupid. Mestizos are not indigenous and they do not claim to be. They are their own thing (I am a chicana of mestiza ancestry and I would never in a million years call myself indigenous because I do not follow that culture).
Beyond that, it doesn't really matter. Just look at the facts, the behavior, how reprehensible one side is. They tell children to martyr themselves. They follow a religion of a mad warlord who killed everyone who opposed him, kidnapped the wives of men they slaughtered as sex slaves, and raped prepubescent girls. They tell children that genocide of jews is their end goal and they will not stop until they are crushed
>you can't even write homogenous you retarded spastic, end your life.
I see, you are an american and you believe the world revolves around america. You speak confidently on issues you know nothing about because you are a retarded child who never faced reality and are a loser like that hamas-supporting man child that bombed berkeley. Kys please
>They tell children to martyr themselves. They follow a religion of a mad warlord who killed everyone who opposed him, kidnapped the wives of men they slaughtered as sex slaves, and raped prepubescent girls.

Didn't know Palestinians were Jewish
Muslims are oppressors and thus can't be freedom fighters.

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you're fucking gay if you're smaller than this.
QOTT: why are you small?
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it's not even that i'm male it's than i'm astoundingly autistic and doomed to look like chris chan because of it
you still can
bet you'd be really qt

lol cope
No I wouldn’t be
I’m not a woman
Just a male with forcefully flipped levels of sexual hormones
post pics?
not hitting on you btw (yet)
I’m not retarded enough to do that lol
I don’t need pity it judgement or anything
Sorry to disappoint

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>have my cool friends on the computer
>we all try to meet up irl once every year or two
>didn't go last year
>started hormones instead
>they're all very supportive and etc.
>surely by the time the next year rolls around i'll be okay
>it's almost time
>only had effective levels for 9 months
>couldn't do laser right away because of unexpected money issues
>still have slight shadow after my 5 sessions
>every time i try to put makeup on to cover it i look like a ghoul
>it hurts my upper lip too because i try to scrape it raw every morning
>it's never enough
>nobody around to help me
>the time is looming soon

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i do cry every time i go there.....

idk if there's enough time, and i have barely any money left
Then why do you still have shadows, have you tried waxing?
everything i've read here and elsewhere says that shadows aren't expected to go away completely until the 6th to 8th session so i don't know where you're coming from and i don't know where you're going with waxing because you can't do that while doing laser
>i've already paid my share
well how much do you value your self-image?
You can do whatever you want what I did was that after every session(2 or 3 days after each on) I would wax my face and and then shave when they came back before next session(40 days between each session) waxing harms the follicles. Good luck with your party anon

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malevolent transsexual faggot general
last episode >>36374992
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please tell gremlin because if she finds out and you're not who tells her you're going to kill her
im sorry it was an accident i usually drop trip to toast bread ;_;
whats bad about making thread with trip on anyways
paige does this too
plus like be real no one who actually posts here uses any of the links in the op
>thread with trip on
its there for newfags so they don't have to read the bile we post

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I want to marry a trans girl and then she has to gender reassignment surgery but I will still only have anal sex with her.
She would be like a real girl in public and with other people but I'd treat her like a guy without a dick in our relationship.

How wrong is that? Or is this a good thing?
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it would feel good but is it a good idea
Yes, it's not like you have a choice. It's an addiction and it's gonna wear you down until there's nothing left of you, so better surrender to it and find a daddy that can fix you before you're too old and everyone just sees you as a pervert
>She would be like a real girl in public and with other people but I'd treat her like a guy without a dick in our relationship.
You know bros call each other faggot and wrestle eachother if they disagree on stuff?
all trannies should do this.

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Previous Thread: >>36355776
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf

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you can go straight to sublingual, no need to start on oral first or anything. from what i loosely remember, swallowing the pills has less bioavailability and also has to pass through the liver first.

doing sublingual is just more efficient so that you get the most out of your pills, no?
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Is it really better to inject EE every 2 weeks? It looks so much more stable doing it every one week
Okay so my levels are good which is nice and I've been on e + as for like 14 months so I'm starting progesterone. Is boofing it actually not a meme because it seems like people are pretty in consensus about shoving stuff up your butt being the way to go. Also I don't want my Endo to get mad at me :c but more than b cups sounds cool
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>be canadian mtf
>get cialis prescription from my doctor
>it's not covered by insurance
>it's fucking $544 a month
cool. cool cool cool.
friend is on estrogel; she puts it on just after the shower. sometimes, the next day, she can still feel the residue in the shower. is this bad? is this normal? i dont experience this on sandrena gel

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You guys don't look very oppressed to me.
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>If you object to corporations pushing ideologies on your hobby you're a bigoted repressor

Bootlicking scumbag. Stop projecting your mental issues onto normal people.
why are people speaking as if they were never once kids
>Gay and tranny are two very different things.
The hate they get from people is very similar though. A nod to the most important traditional of all: the oppression of minorities.
The drugs given to trans youth in puberty is aimed to prevent the greater harm of a trans kid seeing their body undergo a bodily transformation that, for that kid, equals their worst nightmare. The damage of the wrong puberty will last their entire lives. And the benefits of early transition will be plentiful
because of how it's used, I am not in a community with all other people of the same demographics that include me
there are communities of people, sometimes even gay communities of people, there isn't a gay community though, that's not a thing
Way to reveal your age when the thing you're worried about the most is trannies on your games. Are you sure you're old enough to vote?

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hello trannies (and chaserbros who could help)

my gf (mtf) [soon to be pregnant housewife] has insane body problems issues which makes her want to kill herself (amongst a PLETHORA of other issues i am whittling down alongside her for her) and i wanted to ask; should i get into bodybuilding?

the reason im asking is that she is insecure about her he shoulders and stuff.its been a year and a bit since she started her transition so i know it takes a while for any changes to be visible but right now if i begin to body build and framemog even further will it assauge her discomfort towards her shoulder width even if they are the same size as before?
you guys are fucking disgusting and ruin every trans space you enter, kill yourself
these threads are 100% started by bored neet trannies, like the fuck face op

Taking cold showers, making your bed every morning, having a clean house, biohacking, and getting up at 4 AM is truly the way to be successful in life. Every single linkedin lunatic, wealth guru and life guru follows this same habit. All millionaires and billionaires follow similar morning rituals and habits. Prove me wrong. If you're poor, you should try this and let me know your results in a year. In a Petersonian sense, being poor is a personal choice, and can be prevented and also remedied. If you're poor, it just means you're too lazy to make your bed. A poor person refusing to make their bed is also a microcosm reflecting their inability to take accountability for their shortcomings in life, neglecting personality responsibility just because it's a pain in the ass, not fulfilling their commitments and obligations. Really, you reap what you sow. If you're not willing to make your bed, the probability is much higher that you neglect all facets of your life. Making your bed is a simple, easy and effective way to become successful. That's why your mother made you do it as a child, it builds character. Your refusal to make your bed is undoubtedly a character flaw, and I regret to inform you that people who make their bed are objectively superior. Making your bed truly prepares you for the arduous aspects of life, enabling you to tackle any obstacle. The action of committing to doing what you're supposed to do no matter what has remarkable psychological benefits. You stop being a whiney bitch that complains about all aspects of life, you focus on what you can control and are ready to perform. When I yell at my employees for making mistakes, I know from looking into their eyes that they're weak, berrypicking faggots that don't make their bed in the morning and that causes all of their problems. All of your shortcomings in life could have been avoided if you just made your bed.
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Don't bother with these types anon, it's not worth it
I'm horny and feeling simp-y at the moment. But I'm just kind to women in general. I'll keep humoring her if she keeps humoring me, it's funny anyway.
it was but i was too weak to go through with it fully anyway
maybe. im too weak willed to commit to it just like cutting so

i feel clean and refreshed though
Don't cut yourself my queen
There was a time where I took a cold shower then went out for a run at sunrise every day and it felt like I could take on the world then

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