Why are there 100x as many trannies here as gays?
>>39123740more mentally ill
>>39123991I feel this
>>39123783They're all on /int/
>>39124630I have a feeling those are mostly underage.
>>39124633Same with the trannies though
question only for trans women who are only 100% into men:Did you have any sisters (older or younger) growing up? How did your parents treat them compared to you?
>>39123918younger sisterwe basically got treated the same, parents r very soft and nurturing. my dad tried to get me doing a malebrained fighting sport as a kid and i didn’t want to so i didn’t and im pretty sure he just gave up and accepted i was a massive faggot at that point
>>39123959really, the exact same?
>>39123918My big sister when she was a teenager could roll a blunt in the kitchen and smoke pot outside and drink at family parties. She crashed her car drag racing infront of her highschool and they just bought her a new car. She got a tattoo with her fake ID when she was 17 and showed all of us and got yelled at for all of 5 seconds. My big sister drives home from a party once drunk and all they did was yell at her and make her cry. My other big sister got caught snorting coke in the house once and all my dad did was take her phone, smash it and keep a closer eye on her. My big sisters could essentially stay out all night.I was playing video games past 10 PM once at 13 on a saturday night and my dad made me get off and when I got smart he followed me to my room and tried to choke me out. ( my mother prevented me from calling the cops) When my parents once came back from a family trip my father asked me to help him get stuff out of their car, I was depressed and said no, he responded by tearing apart my entire room, scaring the shit out of me and threatining to beat me up. I called the cops and they didnt do anything. I stay out one night at a party at 14 and my dad calls me threatining to come looking for me and to beat me up. I was depressed and cutting myself and got sent to the hospital and my father treated it like an attitude problem. When they picked me up my father explained how he is going to have zero tolerence with me on the entire ride back. I hit back one time and they call the cops and I spend 3 months injuvenile hall and almost 2 years in a group home. My dad seen me with a small bag of pot in the house when I was 16 which led to a massive fight and my dad trying to push me down the stairs. My mother immediately after the fight received a case of amnesia and to this day wont admit to seeing that. At 17 they finally give up on parenting me.
>>39123918Transbian, 0% into men. 100% into women.I had 3 sisters growing up who were all treated with heavy favoritism over me. I received somewhat of a fem coded socialization/upbringing because male activities were not allowed as it was just easier to have all of us doing girl stuff.I.e. gymnastics not football for sports. My sisters are all 100% straight and 0% into women.
we should probably stop giving horrible people free passes for becoming trans and "no longer believing those things".they only ever stopped because it now effects them
>>39124605That’s not a stance that’s just historically correct. And then you started into the classic argument-bot insanity where you were probably going to go all the way down to FDR or something — but left/right is a subjective dichotomy depending on the times so you’d be wrong.
>>39124626>Ah yes, the left changes, which means that it wasn't TRULY in power!christ, is this what you're going with?Let's all pretend hippies and college kids didn't put so much pressure on the government that vietnam was called off. Let's all ignore the regular school riots after ww2. Let's just pretend history started when this anon specifically was born.
>>39124615wait this was originally about me being in opposition to something (you’ve still yet to elucidate what that is). But somehow. you’ve just started into throwing a semantic hissy fit about whether a statement is or isn’t considered a “stance”.How did we even get there? You need a dog or a fish or something bro im done
>>39124655Ah, so now you're just going to pretend to forget portions of the conversation that are inconvenient to you.
>>39124643The left is in power when they’re in power. The right is in power when they’re in power. The left wasn’t in power from 2000-2008.
If you call yourself a girl, woman, trans woman, or tranny- LEAVE NOW>>39120594https://youtu.be/0YanrCbAASo?si=RA8mmE7hDaWwfh41
>>39124622uhh, idk. taco bell.
>>39124614what did you play?
>>39124035What does that make the people who voted for him?
>>39124628okay but you can only order an appetizer not trying to pay to make you unfuckable
>>39124632vintage story, it's like minecraft but more autistic. i put on some true crime in the background i wanted to work on modding the game a little to add an archimedes screw, but my brain is too fried so i just tidied up my base and stuff which is funny bc i really struggle with that irl
What mode is this?
>>39123735so are all "trannies"
>>39121675it opens the chests in castle wolfenstein
>>39123756Wild to call us a slur and put it in quotations like we were asking to be called trannies in the first place. Also Here is how to tell the difference. Woman sit down to pee, men stand. NO EXCEPTIONS
>>39124275I want to call you men.
>>39124466You can call me a man if I can call you a woman cutie ^.^
>>39124634no it sucks i dont want to spend 2004 listening to morissey in my car
'Or, on being a poon-obsessed chud' To love is to suffer and there can be no love otherwise. And he tortures me, tortures me with his love. The past was nothing, in the past it was only those curves of his that tortured me, but now I've taken all his soul in my soul and through his love, become a man myself. And for our love, we must fight, he who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist. Each one of a pair of lovers fashions himself to meet the other's requirements endeavors by a continual effort to resemble that idol of himself which he beholds in the other's heart, whoever really loves abandons all sincerity. In this world where everyone cheats, it's the honest man that passes for a charlatan. But to those that would judge me, I say to you, I am a man. I live, I do what can be done, it's the same for everyone, I am a man like other men, I am a man like you. I tell you I am just like you!
>get told I pass>get gender male irlwhats this mean
Ramadan Mubarak QOTT: 'sup?
>>39124591>>39124578also gonna be totally honest this one totally won't pass, but the fact that they're even introducing this language is a seriously fucked-up escalation and follows exactly what these creeps have been promising to do for a long time
I'm gonna start doing pilates
>>39124606fucking based I wish I had the discipline
everyone hates meeveryone talks about me behind my back smiles and cold staresthe temperature goes therewhen im on that dope trippin off the shithigher than a motherfucker man shithearin screamsraise body temperature especially when i get the pureeveryone spreads rumors behind my backi get up at night to turn the radio off only to find it's already offim so highgot me in the mindwhat about my nightmares? what about the nightmare i lived in since i was born in this bitch? i rose up out the virgin earth. up out the water up out the mud. God is the seven seven sevenComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39124607i used to be a pretty good athlete in my teens and early 20s, so i just need to get my focus back and hopefully break my depression. i want more tone and less fat now cuz i'm gaining a little weight.
this is literally me
>>39124256i just use my own selfie as my profile pic everywhere.
>>39124256Bottom right is cute
>>39124276bottom right looks like a regular teenage guy who just walked out of the show
>>39124256Passing = real face on pfpUgly = anime pfp
>>39124256if all 3 of those people fixed their hair, eyebrows, and shaved, they would be passoids. Also the trans anime girls are icky
/Passgen/ basic white shirt edition
do i pass?
>>39124178I hope she’s hot lol
im going for enby. do you think i can get reliably they/them'd?> FFSreminder to the thread that FFS only helps you pass more if you already pass. otherwise you end up as a softboy which may be better than your current spot.>>39124400>>39124363>>39123965>>39123718>>39122818pass
>>39124057No, you look like your name's Cyril>>39124363Maybe in a certain light>>39124473Cut down on the Big Macs and we'll see
i can’t bring myself to hurt myself like i used to, idk if it’s cuz my skin is more sensitive to the burning or i just hate my body less but i can’t do it like i used to but now i just sit here and listen to the voices in my head making me miserable and i can’t make them shut up anymore
A lot of people with schizophrenia like listining to music during those kind of episodes. Also you should tell your doctor the medication isnt working.
>>39124455I like to just beat myself with something blunt
>>39109269Where the hell are you brazilian gaydens? I want to have a heckin wholesome yaoi ship with someone but I can't find you>t. sulista fudido
Lower chance of being cheated on
>>39109248The two I met were just really chill guys but also really horny so it's just a good mix
I wish I had a big family with a pooner SO FUCKING BAD.
>>39124629pooners are MADE to be bred and wifed, their wide hips would go so well with my chaser cock
The vast majority of lgbt people are dependent on welfare.What happens when they cut it and start the war economy?
>>39124160Germans won both world wars. Trust me, I studied both world wars for my degree.
>>39124153I was just mentioning some shit I learned in school. You’re arguing with nobody. I figured you might think about the statement the other anon made a little deeper. here’s the spoonfeed now shut up >Lower Drug Prices – Many European countries have government-run healthcare systems that negotiate drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies. Since U.S. consumers often pay higher prices for new drugs, pharmaceutical companies can recoup their R&D costs from the U.S. market while accepting lower prices in Europe.>Access to Innovation – Because the U.S. spends so much on R&D, it drives global medical innovation. European countries benefit by gaining access to cutting-edge treatments and drugs without bearing as much of the financial burden for their development.>Pharmaceutical Industry Growth – Many European pharmaceutical companies, such as Roche, Novartis, and Sanofi, profit from the high prices in the U.S. market, which helps fund their research and operations while allowing them to sell at lower prices in Europe.>Clinical Trials and Research Funding – Since pharmaceutical companies focus on the U.S. as their primary profit driver, they often conduct extensive clinical trials worldwide, including in Europe. This results in more funding for European research institutions and hospitals
>>39124201Cool so I was replying to this comment >>39123909 where anon implied america was "protecting" "welfare socialism" in the form of free and universal health care in Europe.You post addresses none of these claims.
>>39124201these are all just benefits of capitalism.
>>39124235america protected europe's welfare socialism by making it viable for europe to spend significantly less on their own militaries. being in nato has made it so that no one would dare mess with them for fear of the united states. if europe had to contribute a more proportional amount to the military strength of nato as a whole, there wouldn't be nearly as much money for their social programs.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled suicide and AGP posting to give you actual solutions.Are you tired of looking boxy, hunched-forward, square, etc? There's an easy fix and it'll also relieve tons of back pain and make you feel better.You have a kink in your neck. "A crook in your neck from hanging your head in shame." Feel it. It's there. And you can fix it. How? Just fix it. Stretches. Relaxation techniques. A reliable chiropractor may be able to help you (ask around and ensure you don't get a sketchy one). It'll get that kink out of your neck and back arch and make you look feminine, shoulders-sloped, waistline-tight, hips-broad, ass-fat, etc. And it will also roll your head back giving a more feminine impression of your forehead and lessening of lower facial fat. Got it? Here it goes. (I am not responsible if you decide to deliberately misuse my advice and hurt your back or spine, which could lead to paralysis. Please be gentle and seek a professional if necessary.)
Okay, you're welcome and stay safe!!!! Please comment any progress in this thread! Here is proof that I am actually trans and not some weird /pol/tard trying to fuck with you:Look up silverleets on Chaturbate. Yes, that's me in 2019. No, this is not a humiliation fetish thing nor a promotion for something like that (I haven't done it in 4 years) but I simply want to illustrate that you, too, can feel beautiful. Here is my natural posture as of 4 days ago and it's only getting better.
>>39124592This is what my natural side profile looked like 6 months ago.You got it!!!!!!Just Believe!!!!!Just love yourself!!!!! <3
And this whole time: do this for yourself, and no one else.Feel your tension gently start to loosen and Nature will do the rest as you stretch.
what the fuck
And just so everyone knows: I discovered this technique several days ago and I, too, am still working to get that kink my neck released permanently. So bear that in mind as you read through this, that this is a "process".