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last >>36235046
qott cant think of anything
Fun fact: Austria in German is called "Eastern Realm" which sounds cool as fuck.
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oh, wow, that is so cool, can you kill me now?
in my experience, short trannies seem to be unicorns. you're all around ~5'10"
Tfw 5'1
wife material
Do you rlly think so a-non
5' 1/2", 90 lbs soaking wet
I got bullied a lot in middle school so I'm also extremely clingy
Wow you're stealing my attention. Wtf?
hmm breakfast dilla wif eggies and i think gonna do hotsauce
Look girls! Even I could become a Victoria's Secret model!
The fuck why didn't the pic attach? I know I selected it.
She still looks better than you
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hey what’s up denizens
Morning Maiq!
Not really. Österreich doesn't directly translate into "Eastern Realm" would be more like Reich des Ostens or Ostreich. Maybe in some old german form.
right back to punching down i see
congrats on the job pringle
everyone talks about mood boosts on E but im a few months in and cant say i feel appreciably better

Also been getting headaches

do i have cismale brain
Actually its polish and slightly russian; if you look into “Dheu Heye” by James Michael, it dates back to at least 1227.
good morning male to female general
she mogs you
retarded question but when is it too late to have HRT? and how long could I stealth it before anyone notices changes?
never too late

~25 is when test has done all its irreversible physical changes so any time before then is optimal but after 25 when you start is immaterial
the older you are the more necessary FFS is to pass
Thanks Lia.

I'm just making fun of myself. I think I pass, just as either ugly or below average.
probably like a year before people who see you regularly will start *possibly* noticing you look different, in most cases you wont malefail from hrt alone regardless of how long unless you grow breasts too large to hide which is a couple years minimum
what’s up
nah the issue is just that modern high german is not as old as the name
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>how long could i stealth
a decent bit but eventually you'll be in uncanny valley, this was me trying to manmode to jury duty last july
this was about 1.5 years with good levels
i started at 34 tho so progress might be faster if you're a yooth
That's literally what I said, retard.
fortunately there is a record of what you actually said
goons cutely
dead cope thread
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tfw legs r sore from running
>Maybe in some old german form.

Yeah no shit, as I suggested. kys
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he's literally me
You just related to a female attracted character you dumb fag
>it doesn’t directly translate
but in fact it does
it is a good pain
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don't care he's gay in my headcannon
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You do not speak like this of my sinclair.
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Get this faggot chink off my screen, bitch cutting himself
>Tell roommate I'm going to go do my laundry
>He says okay
>Walk back from the laundromat/front office at our apartments
>Come back and the door is locked
>Don't have my key
>Have to call him
>Says he went to go get breakfast with his roommate and says he forgot I was doing laundry
>Says he'll be back in an hour 45 now.
Wonderful start to my day. I fucking hate him.
>but in fact it does
It doesn't because "Öster" doesn't mean Osten in german anymore. So I suggested that it would maybe mean it in old german, which doesn't apply anymore.


There is no entry for the word "Öster" in the official german Duden/Dictionary.


Also has no Öster.
Ok, anons, I've been considering starting this for a while, is it possible to hide it from parents considering that I live in whole another country from them? Surely they'll likely want to meet up with me occasionally.
>Says he went to go get breakfast with his roommate
>his roommate
isn’t that you ?
Which one of you is ready for marriage
thanks for all the responses, sounds like im at a decent age to start.

any specific age? i still have what i would think is a passable face, although i still intend to get some surgery later on.

looking great. having to put in effort to manmode is suffering from success, right?
I meant to say gf.
(1st poster) I am.
um. to me right.
What's your idea of a perfect honeymoon
>getting fucked doggystyle
>not homosexual

you didn't bring your keys?


i started at 19 and still look like a man
they're in another country why would they find out
Yes that is what I meant my dear Anya..
I've no idea
Maybe going to somewhere fancy like Japan?
The one on the top is sinclair, the male, and the one in the bottom is a female.
Presumably they would want to see me sometimes, I don't mind seeing them either
no time for honeymoon
must return to work immediately
I didn't expect him to lock it, because he never does when I do my laundry.
Are you a american or a brit or a canadian or a terrorist
She is an angel.
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terrorist is the descriptor that fits me best
oh gross wtf

yea but they're not going to go through your stuff

well clearly he does
should i buy cigarettes or vodka or neither or both....
Can u turn off your cigs on me
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>suffering from success
kinda, like im glad im still seeing progress
but uncanny valley is a difficult, confusing, doubt inspiring place to be
i'm getting gendered fem by strangers ~75% of the time now, but because i started late it's shakier
anon above is right that ffs is gonna be important for me, and even that isn't a guarantee
picrel was october in full faggotry, still very clocky here
quit smoking its bad ssmh
Neither. Cigarettes harm the effects of E, and Vodka is good for a quick drunk but if you're gonna get drunk get some Wine.
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ofcourse darling
i knowwww but nicotine cravings bad rn....
>yea but they're not going to go through your stuff
I'm kinda a retard, but won't they notice that I look different?
you won't
>but if you're gonna get drunk get some Wine
noob booze take wow
Tell them you have a new skincare routine.
idk i drank a bottle of mead and ended up in the hospital, wine can b pretty heavy
wine produces the worst hangovers by far, it is known
all alcohol is disgusting tho especially beer
even schnapps taste like ass
only remotely tolerable forms are mead, moscato, and screwdrivers and even then those aren't great

idk i've never had a hangover without having to go to the hospital from either intentionally trying to kms or just overdrinking because i was upset
maybe try drinking water alongside the alcohol and you won't feel bad when you become sober
why you postan reviewbrah
cider is also really really bad it’s the sugar
haven't you only gotten drunk that like one individual time
thx for the advice tho thats a good rec
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no i used to drink heavily for a good several months in college, but i physically could not handle it and also tried to kms with it so i stopped and since then every time i try drinking i end up in a hospital either that night or within like a week or two
i ironically do not have enough self control to be an alcoholic
huh fair enuf
paige can you please not post pictures of me without my consent
Don't speak of yourself like that princess
that expression good heavens
it wasn't such a bad day, that's a first since a loooong time, god bless
ok kitten,,,
nah ur eyebrows r nicer

its literally me
take a pic doing that expression (or anyhow your best approximation)
how can i kms quickly? i can't take it anymore
Fucking dumbass. How stupid do you have to be? I told him I was getting a temp key.
steel fishing rod tied to a kite next to transmission line
why are you always so fucking angry at people
femoral artery, few minutes max
train is the best zero prep method, minimal pain and very high lethality

if you're in the states shotgun in the mouth is basically the best non-assisted method possible with proper technique, instant death with no pain and no survival chance
>train is the best zero prep method, minimal pain and very high lethality
>if you're in the states shotgun in the mouth is basically the best non-assisted method possible with proper technique, instant death with no pain and no survival chance
both of those traumatize others a lot tho, the train driver, whoever finds your body, whoever needs to clean up your brains splattered everywhere
very selfish methods
Because I literally told him that I was going to the front office for a temp key.
yeah you told him after he asked, how was he supposed to know
i am in a village in easter europe, i can't do any of these, and the femoral one i do not have the balls, all i can do is either hang or eat hemlock and suffer an agonizing death, i am scared of both but i genuinely can't take it anymore, i genuinely can't, i just wish god will have mercy and make my heart stop
Incorrect. I told him over the phone I was going to get a temp key. Which creates a maintenance request.

So he forgot in like 15 minutes
someone has to deal with the body in any eventuality

the trauma of having to deal with a grislier body is non-zero but balanced against the potential harm you suffer from using an inferior method that causes you intense pain or leaves you alive and severely disabled using an effective method is justified
what is a little cut against decades of misery?
ok maybe he has other things going on, not everybody exists to bear witness to pring
did your parents never tell you no? why do you act like this?

>the trauma of having to deal with a grislier body is non-zero but balanced against the potential harm you suffer from using an inferior method that causes you intense pain or leaves you alive and severely disabled using an effective method is justified
still selfish
saaaaame, cityfag but saame for the rest and I'm not doing the train thing, don't wanna ruin people's day
Then that's his problem. Not mine.
killing yourself at all is selfish by this metric, if that's a dealbreaker then just dont do it but ending up being tortured in a wheelchair by relatives who refuse to let you die for the next 40 years isnt worth using a bad method
don’t blame you it is an impossible challenge
i am the biggest pussy ever, and it is not about decades of suffering, months at best, i think i could get SN but it will take another two more months, time that sadly i don't really have anymore or i am able to take mentally, i would hang if i find some rope but i am just scared of doing it wrong and also scared of it.. i am sorry
that's great! do you think you could stop posting here until you get SN?
no it's not selfish to kill yourself, it is selfish to do it without regard for the wellbeing of others
pills or gas or whatever let you leave an intact body and clean scene

so what's with the attitude you have? were you spoiled a lot growing up? did you always have to get your way?
I was spoiled quite a bit growing up, I won't lie.
please i beg you val, don't make me want to live out of spite, you nasty ass kike, eat shit bitch
maybe u should work on that in therapy

>i would hang if i find some rope
yeah lol the extremely scarce and hard to find resource: rope
gore certainly layers the trauma quite a bit but the core of it is the suicide itself
> let you leave an intact body and clean scene
this is a cope, there's no such thing as a 'clean' body

you will be covered in your own piss, shit, and likely vomit if you overdosed, you will smell like a corpse, and the person who deals with you will be traumatised for life by it unless they're a desensitised medical professional

a messier body is worse but not by a significant enough margin it tips the scales
you do you, i'm not doing anything
yes and that trauma is inevitable if the person is going to kill themselves, but the gore trauma is a choice made that will cause more trauma. it's best to minimize the amount of suffering inflicted upon those who will be hurt by your suicide

wear a diaper or sui in a river so it washes away the waste, sure it's not perfect but there's a huge gap between a bit of excrement and having to clean up brain chunks and skull fragments
bump on this btw
>wear a diaper
Good morning good morning can you all not tell each other how to kill yourselves please. I've been very close to suicide in the past and this is half just for the selfish reason of hating to see others get that low but please don't give up on life. If you're depressed it literally makes you insane in a way like you have wool pulled over your eyes and you can't think properly, your brain is pulling all of the wrong levers to lead you in the wrong direction because it's easier to hurt yourself if you make your life worse first, you have to center yourself and not give in to it or you'll just spiral.
no lol it doesnt mean u have a male brain
i would rather do an enema before than letting people i was a diaperfag
in the same way that england is the land of the anglo-saxons, but isn't called angloland
could do that too

if it works it works

>but isn't called angloland
what the fuck do you think england is LMAO
anglo land
agree in principle but it seems very conceptual based on my experience the part you’re talking about minimizing is quite a tiny part of the trauma
but we probably both know already that we’re talking about a cope
i would argue that it's not a tiny part, there's a difference between finding a dead family member and finding a dead family member and then having to scrape their brains off the wall. it's not trivial
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What the hell would I do in regards to being spoiled growing up in therapy?
I meant that, like with austria, the spelling has changed, not the meaning
You may see it more clearly if we shift to murder
Yes it’s not trivial to kill someone painlessly versus in a torturous way
But regardless the actual wrong being inflicted is depriving someone of life
oh yes that makes sense sry i have reading issues

suicide isn't the same as killing someone, and i think your christ insanity is warping your perception of things here

talk about it and work on it so you don't have to be constantly malding
i would pay so much money to not be trans i would give anything
suicide is to murder like masturbation is to rape
death to my opps inshallah
you're lesbian they're already winning

You really are my sister.
>you're lesbian
I did not claim they are the same, it’s just a metaphor
as to warping perception, I think severe depression is a common cause of this
larry i say this with all the kindness in the world, please kill yourself. you will feel so much better i promise. you can do it, be brave!
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lebsians stay winning
calm down peter
yeah but you're single and no one wants you
i am a pussy
>and no one wants you
false tbdesu
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>men fetishizing lesbianism

good post!
don't agree with me

It is selfish to kill yourself. You shouldn't be trying to win that argument. You should be arguing whether it's something one is entitled to be selfish on.

Yuri isn't just men fetishizing lesbians, women want to fetishize women too.

Like i always say, we don't need no objectification, we should just have equal objectification.
Because we all enjoy a good objectification now and then. ^_^
fuck you
stop treating me like a subhuman
stop being one
reminder that despite paiges false narrative that she likes to construct, yuri is a female dominated genre with a primarily female readerbase you have to blatantly ignore reality to pretend otherwise

*picks you up, puts you in her lap and pets you*
>stop treating me LIKE a subhuman
you have so many lesgens go fuck off there

I don't really care. Paige is someone I'm secure in writing off as wrong by default.
nobody wants you here please fuck off
fuck off newfag
i will be nice to you as soon as you start being nice to us

She lied.
Practice your instrument
lari isn't ontologically evil she's just scared and doesn't take her ocd meds so she acts insane because she believes she has no chance but being hated and not trying gives her the pretense that at least it was her decision to do so. if she ever gets it together i will have no issue moving on and allowing her to grow, however that is extremely unlikely so c'est la vie
i dont play any instruments
The duality of troons.

I find lari incredibly easy to ignore. She is a yapping dog.
You sing, practice that.
so are u
I want an ai to filter mtfg for arguments and turn them into dogs barking.

I am more like the saint bernard who thinks they are a lap dog.

*curls up on you and wags her tail*
i scream so i cant practice when anyone else is home
*kicks you into the wall* lose some weight fatty

Tell them you're working on you ac dc cover.
you can if you're not a little bitch

*your foot breaks*

Would you kick an anvil, genius?
sorry for being a little bitch i guess
i'd break the anvil personally. sorry your feet are weak, i guess carrying 600lbs has done a number on them


You're autistic too, aren't you?
can someone start drama with me im bored and need a form of entertainment

You promised me when we started this polycule you would share lari with me.
please fuck off and kill yourself and never imply that i would be in a polycule with u and lari ever again
dogs are better than cats (or vice versa)
wtf maiq....
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I hate you.
you got a problem w it (or the relevant alternative)
yes.... i love cats....
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Guten tag thread.
but i am a cat
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Becaus I love yoi so much it hurts ;broken_heart
too lazy to kill myself, though i know it must be done
oh hey Carol how are you doing
men general
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>better than cats
race traitor :(
come over
how could u betray cats like this then...
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Pretty okay. Was banned but it coincided with being busy IRL socially, so it's been a good few days.
I didn’t say anything about ferengis
it’s nothing personal, kid
Already told u I will once I'm not vomiting every 30 mins...
ok but HURRY UP.
teleports behind u
cool I am glad to hear it
been asking britfrens if they have heard of a sci fi book called day of the triffids
I read it recently and just watched the 1981 BBC adaptation
tips fedora and unsheathes katana


Sorry for the delay in our drama fight, i was off doing anything more interesting.
It rolls off the tongue so well too, yuri nomi and lari
nomis ability to completely kill the thread is actually kind of impressive
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Hey. Hey listen.

You are now manually aware that your life is wasting away.
Question of the day, which tranny is more attractive, MEF or Ocre? They're both tall and passing
For me it's Ocre easily
>30 and haven't got on yet
oh dear it's over for me. should i go back to try and repressing
do you know the difference bt crows and ravens ??
well the main difference i am aware of is that ravens are quite a bit bigger
crows have ten primary flight feathers, called pinions, whereas ravens have only nine
you could say it’s …
a matter of a pinion
(please note this is only a joke)
good post i laughed
thus quoth the raven nevermore
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The hell going on in Miami bruh
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: D
what did the data scientist say to her boss ??
should i nap
Is it a smart idea to get on HRT while having a man face. Im 5'7 and 110lbs but I have a manly face.
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Not interested. Also not allowed. Always no
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Hello again.

Any new drama that goes beyond my comprehension of human conflict and instills a confusion in me that not even the most vigorous form of epicaricacy can endure?
Years of abuse
post unsee of portrait and profile otherwise we have no idea if FFS can save you and therefore if hrt is worth it, if ur too pussy to unsee, you're 100% not gna make it and should just order the exit bag already

fun fact german mayors are called burgermeisters
Deciding to start hrt depending on if you're going to "make it" is so utterly retarded
You either try to pass and do what you can with what you have or you're going to make it to suicide in 2 years for not transitioning earlier
idk what?
i thought neckbeards are usually into yuri cis girls are into yaoi ie fujoshi

I think it's retarded because even if people are humoring me I AM BEING HUMORED.

Enjoy growing resentful at cis people more and more over time because they can't read your mind. Like a true woman.
dunno bout the drama
just smoking weed and trying to chill tf out
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This reason alone is why early transitioners should stay away from tranny twitter. It's brain poison. The most beautiful women will post their timelines and say things like "9 months on E :D" while looking absolutely gorgeous. It's enough to make anyone want to tongue kiss a 12 gauge if they can't meet those expectations, especially if they reach that point in their timeline and they still don't meet the expectations they put on themselves. More so when you realize that "looksmaxxing" does indeed play a factor when taking selfies. No one looks as good as they do in their best selfie.

I legitimately think twitter e-girls get a thrill, even if involuntary, when they *know* their transition went better than like, 80% of trannies. Hell, I myself feel like an outsider when I look into tranny twitter and see that, on a cultural level, I'm completely out of the loop and feel like I'm "missing" something. Hence why I abandoned it, I got social dysphoria from it despite IRL being treated as a woman, live as a woman, etc. I could full stealth if my voice didn't clock me. Yet I still feel like something's "wrong" because I'm not obsessed with Blahaj, hyperpop or "gock" (disgusting term)

I think everyone would benefit by just avoiding social media during this phase and living their best life (if its safe)

Even when you're proud of your appearance, and don't express being trans, you get jumped by jealous internet dwellers who think if you're not loud about being trans, then you're not proud or somehow ashamed. I am not ashamed. There's just more to me than a triple-colored flag that just advertises to people what is/was in my pants. If it's relevant, it'll be relevant. If it's not, it won't be. My girlfriend gives me a lot of shit for essentially stealthing through life.

The double side to this blade is that if we're not loud or open about it, we're forgotten. Being forgotten is the only way to truly die. if we're forgotten, they win. There is no pleasant outcome.
Got the unsee link, but 4chan thinks its a spam
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I never find these twitter assholes others do and i think the reason is that other people like to follow twitter people who make long punchy take downs and i don't. Those people are drama mongers masquerading as social justice warriors. And their pick a fight lifestyle ultimately ends with someone pointing out their foibles which destroys their moral purity and turns the rest of their life into pettier and pettier cat fights.
I get what you mean but honestly the seething from seeing prettier people is half the reason I put so much effort on my looks and actually feel okay about them now
I guess I can't disagree that jealousy can be a powerful motivator to some. I was jealous of people who had their life in control and order and wanted that more than anything. Part of the reason I fought so hard to crawl out of my depression.
It is a good motivator if you try to stay positive. Seeing others have what I want just pushes me to try to get those things harder
the reason i do nothing is bc i am a 6feet big skull ogre and it is over, my only solution is suicide but the universe doesn't let me leave
I need arrays !!
hiya Naz I looked up Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead and have been enjoying watching some LPs thank you again for telling me about it
do not post
oh ok i guess
dangit I have a picrel for you that I have been saving but not on my phone
Do you like the new smiling friends season
The new season is shit, didn't even smile let alone laugh
what's this about
new smiling friends season is Good !!!!
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last episode this week..... will probably be 2 moreyears before new smiling friends again,,,, :broken_heart:
kat why dont u just take some deep breaths and get off 4chan for a bit instead of angrily vagueposting about drama no one cares about
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Saddening friends..
crying friends.....
so, i think my life is some sort of a prison sentence that i have to carry out or a torture device and the torture is living as a man like this, until i found out i was trans, i was unaware of who i am.but ik now at least, none of you are like real at all, this is like a matrix just for me, and the thing is that this matrix makes it by design impossible for me to kms and even if i somehow do it i will be born again and it will repeat again, i am fucked
At her age it's either this or going to the retirement home tbf
im sure she could find a better use of her time than being mad at me for flirting with the girl she dumped
what i want is for you to leave me and marina alone, so it would appear that i have not yet gotten what i want.
always happy to gush about games I like :>
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Stop E and see how you feel
tess asked to see the cap
she was getting on my nerves
I know a girl who has DD after 5 months, but she started with a high bmi and might be intersex.
Cigarettes CAUSE nicotine cravings.

Quit smoking and you will stop the cravings permanently.
this >>36240873
I used to smoke two packs a day before I transitioned. After the first week you won't think of cigs ever again.

Just dont get a vape at some point "just this once" I made that mistake twice.
Screencaps of your own words to your partner and public ones I've posted of us?
I fail to see the problem
yeah i rly should stop smoking,,, it feels so good tho,,,
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>it feels so good tho,,,
Does it though?

I *know* that first drag after a long stretch of time without Nic feels like heaven but the ones after that don't hit the same. Triple that for vaping considering most people who vape suck the soul out of it like it's their lifeline.

Have you ever calculated how much you spend on cigarettes?

A pack a day is around $5000 per year depending on your brand. That alone should be motivation to quit. Imagine if you quit now and put away that cigarette money somewhere safe. In one year you'll have enough money to do almost anything, at least once.
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true,,, although desu i only buy about a pack or 2a month but still
You should really quit while you're ahead. That's a comedically small amount of cigarettes. I thought you were like me when I was younger, smoking a pack of cigs a day (sometimes two)
i beat lies of p last night desu only to realize the game didn't come out at midnight or that i don't have the money for it until the end of the month lol
Elden Ring DLC?
Enjoy! I want to play Elden Ring but at this point I might as well wait for an inevitable complete edition.
i doubt they're going to be putting out anymore dlc for it, so now's as good a time as any
it's a bit of a sloggish game though, it's like going to a buffet
theres basically one rn, i think all retail releases going forward is just base game + expansion
u shud play
Elden ring is boring and gay
what's interesting and straight
tfw still stuck on godscringe duo
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cringe fight take the blue pill
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foreskin snewo

dont care
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Overcome with lust I bust Kats crust with a single thrust. A cloud of crust dust escapes in a dust, the color of rust.
>bushes outside my apartment swarming with wasps
>one gets in, kill it
>now my shoe is covered in wasp rage pheremone
thread i'm scared to go outside
wear different shoe
We are coming for you.
Photo from the other day. Lighthouse! :)
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updated version for u
can y'all please just cut it out now
it's just childish at this point
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can everyone be nice to each other
i am an autist i smooshed it with my go to boots :')
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That crazy coomer stare directly into the camera from Mongo cracks me up.

have you ever been in one.
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last for u make it the new thread image
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so like did all this drama start here or was this some offline squabble that bled into cyberspace?

Would any of this happened if 4chan was never a part of the equation?

Is this something that would go away if you stopped talking? How far do the roots go, why can things not be let go?
guys this seriously isnt funny
everyone be nice Right Now!!!!
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Mongo the Crust Rapist
Kat the Schizo Druggie

new Elden Ring DLC bosses just dropped
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Also this in Mono's side could be better.
Come on, do something new frens! :>
There was also a duck near the lighthouse! I don’t know how the duck got there? I always thought they preferred places like ponds to seas.
Unfortunately not, Parrot-sama. It’s connected to the beach but the tide goes in quickly and cuts it off, so we couldn’t stay long before leaving.
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An abandoned building also.
Ducks are cute, anon-sama!
Ew, gross.
Oh, based
Looks comfy!
>Ew, gross
It seemed cold, anon-sama.
I am the one who cucks.
Like what?
But you cut turn it in a small base like in Fallout 4!
cucks who...
You! :o
No one.. I retract my words.
im not a cuck im the bull
Good to know :)
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some days its annoying to fap, but I don't want any atrophy or dysfunctions, so a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do
how is shadow of the erdtree going
dead cope thread
why is suicide so hard
seeing early transitioners trying too hard to get into the in crowd of tranny twitter is so depressing

this looks so good
im so bored but i cant get myself to do anything productive with my time fml

survival instinct
too many things to look forward to. If you're dead, you can't go to raves, play video games, or watch a movie.
because no matter how shit it is, usually, the something-ness of life is better than the nothing-ness of death
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because you're not actually interested in commuting suicide if you were you would have done it already you're just ideating.
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I guess things are going over well again with my girlfriend. I will admit, it's a little disheartening that the only thing that got her out of her aggressively fast spiral into depression disappeared once her mom broke down and agreed to pay her rent.

At least now she's not pressuring me to live with her. Still makes me feel a little.. Uneasy, considering that her main focus during these past few weeks was how I was going to help her pay rent instead of developing our relationship further. However, considering that she's still attached to me even without the promise of a shared household shows that she's at least interested in me for who I am. At first I thought it was just sexual attraction. I've had a bad history of dating people who didn't really care about me and saw me as nothing as their cute girlfriend to show off to their friends.

I am not an ornament. I value myself too much to get stuck in a situation like that. I'm glad it seems like this isn't the case for this girl.
i think its pretty natural to want to be dead
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Hello weirdos! Hope you have a wonderful evening
Cool, I don't understand what any of that means but good for you! I think?
idk about that. I just want to sleep forever
i used to have a stimulant script but then i snorted my meds everyday for 5 years so i figure if i got my script back id probably just start doing that again.
>sleep forever
whats the difference
>I don't understand what any of that means
It means I'm looking forward to the future after actually applying the lessons I learned from my mistakes instead of continuing the endless cycle of torment as I've done for the past XX years of my life
that's promising, just keep an eye out for other red flags desu
i often think it must be nice being pretty/attractive but maybe there are downsides to it idk tho obviously
well, now that they're stable I would take a step back and fully evaluate your relationship.
since her rent is paid you won't feel bad for breaking it off when they're at a lowish point.

>didn't really care about me and saw me as nothing as their cute girlfriend
this was my first boyfriend in college. he wouldn't let me chill with him and his friends even though we all had similar hobbies
then he wouldn't even let me hand out with my *own* guy friends that i've known pre-transition.
so it had to be broken off, even though he was very nice, he was a little too controlling
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Sleeping is warm and comfy and full of dreams. Death is cold, stale and everyone will miss you
ah. I've never been in a relationship so some of the stuff you talk about seem to be from a different world or like something you'd read in a book or something. Are you not overthinking things? Or maybe that's necessary some times idk
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death is just a dreamless sleep
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>but maybe there are downsides
I mean, I'm not going to be some vapid scopheap and pretend that being attractive doesn't objectively make life easier to navigate. There are weird quirks that make it hard. Mainly, I never know when to trust men. I've had a couple "friends" in the past who I thought were really cool only to find out they just wanted to have intimate relations, or developed a crush on me.

Some trans girls get weirdly competitive with me, which is weird because I'm not really the competitive type. The few I've been legitimate friends with are long distance and I rarely get to see them (or in one person's case, *yet* to see them).

>you won't feel bad for breaking it off
my rational mind has already put this into perspective. I was legitimately afraid me breaking up with her would cause her to end herself or go homeless. Although, at this point I currently want to keep going.

Sorry to hear about your boyfriend. I've never been with a man but I've heard some war stories regarding dating straight.

>Are you not overthinking things?
Sometimes, but underthinking has almost gotten me killed in the past (literally) so I exercise healthy caution.
>Or maybe that's necessary some times idk
I learned the hard way multiple times that this is the case.
>I've had a couple "friends" in the past who I thought were really cool only to find out they just wanted to have intimate relations, or developed a crush on me.
that sounds shitty of them, though idk what it's like to have someone who has a crush on you. hopefully this person isn't just trying to use you
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>I'm getting beer
Good idea
gonna grab 2 40s of miller high life ^-^
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lol jk hahahaha jk
i wanna drink beer with this dude
is it possible to get over dysphoria from masturbating or should i just not do it at all...
thank you for posting this the further i watch the more i realize that this is the greatest piece of cinema ever created
just don't do it at all
or if you have to, you can cover the area with a double or tripled up towel and use a vibrator to stimulate the external genitalia whilst using a dildo or some other object to stimulate the prostate. the towel deadens the vibrations a bit so it's not so strong, and also provides a layer of separation between what you're doing and the body part itself. if you masturbate with your eyes open (idk if ppl do this but it's possible) then the towel should obscure the thing too. this method, nor any other, removes getting triggered or having intense bad paralyzing breath stealing feelings of violation and hurt and fear and badness if u get those tho
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I show that video to everyone I know as a sort of energy displacer so people know I'm fun and not as stern and cold as my RBF and deadpan voice leads people to believe.

It's incredibly quotable and everyone taps out at a different point. You notice something new every time you watch it.

The comments are on point.
>is it possible to get over dysphoria from masturbating or should i just not do it at all...
It worked when I was first getting hit hard with dysphoria. It hasn't worked in almost 10 years now.
i hope the guy in the video is living his best life somewhere rn
? i dont think they were asking *how* to do it, oversharing anon.
hope you get better i guess
oh sorry i thought they meant if it was possible how to do it
i hate myself for doing that
>hope you get better i guess
doubtful but ty
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I try to cut down and drink more wine. It does NOT however taste like kissing my dad. yuck
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ugh only temporary relief though
i dont think so. i fucking hate how i look and i hate my soul, i have an awful and annoying personality and i scare ppl off too easily & get too attached. im permanently fucked from childhood neglect
like i live in misery every single day and ive struggled with a psychological rollercoaster my entire life filled with mental illness, body image issues that i genuinely cannot tell if are warped or actually true, and gender dysphoria
its not that i dont want to actually die, its that im terrified of whats after and the idea of whatever it is, whether it actually be something or an eternity of nothingness is horrifying
Rate my taste bitches. This took me 2 hours to make.

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>singing in the rain
i HATE Gene Kelly, dude commonly was a pos to his costars and forced his tongue into Debbie Reynold's mouth.
>no Fred Astaire movies
idk, pring...
I can relate
can someone make a different thread, that shits ganna get deleted


yeah i don't think so either i know so

if you were really in so much pain that you needed to kill yourself you wouldn't have typed this message out

you live in misery because you choose to live in misery mental illnesses such as depression and bdd are treatable with a good prognosis

i know you're not taking any steps to treat what's wrong with you because if you talked to a therapist and were honest with them one of the first things they'd tell you is to stop posting here

you're terrified of the afterlife because deep down you know that you're the way that you are living will lead you to a terrible place, hell

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