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crust edition
last: >>36238174
I had gummy worms for the first time in ages. They're so good. I need to be careful with sugar, I worked too hard to get here to throw it away for colorful snacks.
I hate that you shopped them over a scene from the best episode of television ever.
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Don't be Maiq's next victim! Protect yourself, don't engage!
Maiq is such a weirdo and loser why is he even here no one wants to get chased by him

yeah i don't think so either i know so

if you were really in so much pain that you needed to kill yourself you wouldn't have typed this message out.

you live in misery because you choose to live in misery. the mental illnesses you suffer from, like depression and bdd are treatable and they have a good prognosis

i know that you're not taking any steps to treat what's wrong with you because if you talked to a therapist and were honest with them one of the first things they'd tell you is to stop posting here

you're terrified of the afterlife because deep down you know that the way that you are living will lead you to a terrible place, hell
>you're terrified of the afterlife because deep down you know that the way that you are living will lead you to a terrible place, hell
Is this copypasta or are you actually this retarded?
bro just get therapy. they have the magic wand of mental health they'll cure you with a tap on your worried brow
alcohol time
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i like this cat
>be me
>gigahon neverpasser
>manmode on hrt in the vain hope of one day passing anyway
>partner keeps pushing me to girlmode in public
>she keeps telling me passing doesn't matter
>seems to agree I'm a hon

Now what?
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does cvs not let you talk to a real person anymore?
endo sent in my prescription for my E & blocker.
cvs texts me saying blocker is ready, but not E.
check app to see whats up, E not even listed.
try to call to see whats up x2
forced into an endless loop robocall that even spamming the # key doesn't link you to a real person.
i really don't want to go down there for only one thing then go back later...

jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies revealed in the old testament. the war in israel will clearly culminate in the construction of the third temple. you do not believe in god because you're a slave to sin.
Press 0
I'd rather look like a muscle man to be gay.
>she keeps telling me passing doesn't matter
Your partner is the reason why cis people hate trannys. I can't speak on your passing without even looking at you, so I wont speak on whether you should go out or not, thats up to the individual.
But know that its not the end, unless you're built like shrek. Face surgery is crazy good now.
Jerking off to kat's nudes
i tried to send it was unsatisfying. i felt very uninspo with myself afterwards
Darkness surrounded her. The pale light emanating from her screen interrupted only by rays of darkness and a flash of pink erupting from the inside of her computer. Her eyes, squinting. She's been indoors for longer than she's been outdoors.

>beep boop
"(sigh)" The cycle continued

She took a deep breath before reluctantly replying to the unrelated person. Her inbox is rarely empty, yet it feels vacant without a note from someone important to her. Too important. So important that she'd turn back time to do one single mistake to at least salvage what could have been something good. Not great, not perfect, not permanent but good nonetheless.

She pondered the years lost. She anguished over wasted time, effort. Her very being destroyed less than two years ago by decisions brought upon by herself and herself only.

Everyone around her is happy. Yet she is alone, or feels alone. Was she alone? No, but light in her eyes had disappeared. She fumbles in the darkness, day in and day out, grasping into the void hoping to have one sliver of a chance to redeem herself in the eyes of everyone she disappointed.

"Not today, but one day" she promised herself, "One day, everyone will know that I made it. Everyone will see that I'm not the creature I once was"

She sheds no tears, for there are none left.

"At least I can make others around me happy."
that worked.
tech said they didn't even send it...
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This is a really good picture of you mono

I was kind of hoping that I could avoid FFS. But I'm tallish and lanky, and apparently not completely a fridge. I think I'm just bitter about getting shit for looking effeminate all through school and after, and now that I've stopped repressing and finally started leaning into it, needing FFS
dead cope thread
>But I'm tallish and lanky
so are models.
>apparently not completely a fridge
thats good, thats a starting point, that can be worked on with weight cycling.
Just don't hon it up and paint a target on your back, for your sake.
Take it slow, do it smart, do it right.
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I wish gravity was never invented...
>thats good, thats a starting point, that can be worked on with weight cycling.
Well, I kinda didn't have any weight to begin with, I think any weight I manage to gain should be on the female pattern

>Just don't hon it up and paint a target on your back, for your sake.
I would like to think I usually don't
kat genuinely what the fuck does this mean
Nick Lang's poopy poop filled male poophole makes all the trannys go craaaaaaaazy for it
Pack it up nick
I am the eggman
they are the eggmen
I am the walrus
goo goo g'joob
every time i see a kat webm i just cringe at all his little "teehee look at my cute lil e-girl facial twitches" and you know he did like 30+ takes to try and find the right one.
MTFs, wtf does "link" mean? I've been out of the game for a while and I just reinstalled an app and I've been seeing this word in all the profiles
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You need some good dick bitch, i will cum all over your face and make you call me daddy
did she do something wrong it seems like she's just posting selfies like any girl would

(I dont know all your lore)
Yeah you must be trolling or retarded. There's hundreds of thousands of Near Death experiences and they basically confirm that "muh Jesus" isn't the only way and that hell isn't real.
aint that the feller that wears a green shirt and white tights?
Spoken in schizophrenic xanax junkie riddles.
ai slop
good eye anon! can't sneak one past you kek
kat is pretty, but extremely mentally ill.
thats basically the entire lore.
idk why that poster called her a 'he' though
All the google search results are the video game and "links for transgender resources" that's why I'm here. It obviously is some kind of code for something but I don't know what. A sex act? Drugs? Onlyfans?
lia you are a ghoul

lol ok anecdotal evidence disproves prophecies which were fulfilled thousands of years ago and which are currently being fulfilled in our lifetime (one world government, world peace, return of the jews to israel, the construction of the third temple, etc)


meet up / hang out
post an example of its use
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ty grandpa for the nestegg to pay surgeons to make me 'pretty'
congrats, I hope your recover goes well.
> disproves prophecies
The bible has several prophecies that have been proven wrong:


So your logic makes no sense.
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my bad
Mf looks like an alien
on twitter '#links' is like 99% black people pron.
so idk
that's not "once more, with feeling"
fuck man just sharted my panties wtfffffff now my chair is oily from it too it didn't even somewhat feel like like a gambly type bwap either fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
oh that must be it. now that you mention it I've only seen it on black women. these apps are like 90% onlyfans spam now
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notice how i referred to the messianic prophecies, not prophecies in general.

notice how you just link to rationalwiki instead of providing an actual rebuttal to my argument.

you're wasting my time.
why is your religion the right one
lia pop a boner pill and take boner panty pics
>the war in israel will clearly culminate in the construction of the third temple
the "war" in israel will more than likely culminate in israel destroying itself through fascism within our lifetimes, imo
You can't cherry pick what suits you. Either the bible as a whole is a work of God or it's not. If you say "umm some of it is wrong, but some of it isn't" then it's not a work of God and man-made.

>notice how you just link to rationalwiki instead of providing an actual rebuttal to my argument.

The fact that there's a list showing that the bible itself is flawed is the rebuttal that you have no answer for.

>(one world government, world peace, return of the jews to israel, the construction of the third temple, etc)

What about this is divine prophecy and not just common sense of possible things? Are you retarded?
death to israel inshallah
only if elfi says but i do have some lol
dti dta alhamdulillah
why would it destroy itself? surely it'll just keep up the extermination and end up like any other colonial state like america and australia
tell that crackwhore hon elfi to tell you permission granted cause elfi would say it in a faggot way like that
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>destroying itself through fascism within our lifetimes, imo
Although I couldn't care less about what they're doing in gaza since those mfers launched like 50 rockets a day at civilians for years leading up to october 7th.
Their government is dogshit and the only reason the US backs them is because they're the only foothold they have in the middle east as far as 'allies' go. Even though its a one sided relationship.
Hopefully they wrap up business before destroying themselves.
arguing is malebrained you should just say "umm haha yeah very interesting ideas anon" instead
ugh elfi is beautiful and gentle and my absolute favorite i love her so much
bit rude
I'm just gonna say it. E-dating is super fucking cringe and is some gradeschool kiddy my-1st-relationship tier patheticness
only the most incredible brain could create this, we are witness to greatness
i do that irl, but behind the comfort of my keyboard and computer screen i like to argue with overweight weirdos that shower once a month for fun.
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>be God
>creator of infinite universe
>only reveal yourself to people in the middle east for a few hundred years, never do it again anywhere else

>be person who lives in the middle east in 2000 years ago
>have definitive proof of God

>be the other 99.999% of human beings who didn't live in that region during that time period
>welp, guess you're gonna have to rely on blind faith or burn forever!

Makes sense.
shut your hon ass up and tell lia to pop a couple boner pills and put on a boner panty pics party parade for us bitch
woman is least herself when she talks in her own person. give her a mask, and she will tell you the truth
hi elfi i like ur cool hat.
idk if you still wear it though
they're rapidly losing global support (outside of the US, obviously) and are preparing to go to war w/ hezbollah in the north while losing the war with hamas, who doesn't have nearly the same amount of resources, very badly in the south. they refuse any form of ceasefire because their goal isn't to end the war, but genocide and expansion, which will probably kill them. it parallels greatly what the nazis did in their desires for infinite expansion, down to the different fronts of war, which is super ironic lol
do you want me to shut up or tell lia to show pp?
getting mixed messages here anon
>world peace
>currently being fulfilled in our lifetime
uh lol what
make sure you pick the right thing to have faith in too
Does the janny hate kat or something why do her posts always get deleted
I don't remember a hat? I had a black beanie but i've not worn that in literally about 7 yrs at this point after i lost it moving it out of uni
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Blink twice if you're reaching the breaking point of dealing with a megaredditor like Lia, but exploting her reckless financial ways of giving you money & gifts makes it way too hard to end it
shes permabanned
i thought you wore a nun hat for your religion or something.
unless im mistaking you for another person
forgot to add that their civilian populace also generally favors expansion and wants netanyahu out of the government in favor of a guy who wants to kill even more people and is pro-arming-the-populace. who knows how theyll really go out probably civil war or something but for a colonial baby economic project theyre totally on their last legs
janny is cool
Yeah, I genuinely can't comprehend how people can be retarded enough to believe in the desert religions. I don't mind that someone has a vague belief or faith in a God or creator, but this whole "UMM THIS ANCIENT BOOK WRITTEN BY MEN FULL OF LOGICAL ERRORS AND VAGUE WRITING WITHOUT HARD PROOF IS GODS ONLY WORD AND IF U DONT BELIEVE U WILL BURN!!!"

lmao kek even

In Islam for example all men get a harem of perma-virgin wives (they regain their virginity after sex) and they have a constant erection in paradise, women don't get a harem though. How do you look at that and think this is not just male coomer delusions.
Why does God need to be a singular intelligent super being?

>All knowing
>All Present
>Influences everything

God is Technology and we are quickly becoming slaves.

We turned away from the ourselves, blinded by the light only to find a demiurge of algorithms deceiving us, keeping us in perpetual cycles of mistrust and worry.
Do you ever get tired of noone liking you hono? Must be lonely...

That must be someone else, i'm not religious
ayy papi :p
>use a before picture and not the after
peak trolling anon xxdd
who the fuck is eggman? laguna? anyways i hold no ill will and would be happy to meow with u once again if we can just move past this stupid bullshit and stop antagonizing each other.
>That must be someone else
ah. my bad then.
consider getting a cool hat though
Best post itt, ty
this tbqhon
I don't know if this is true, the nazis expanded into other countries that had treaties for 'living space', palestine is pretty isolated outside of non-state actors, and I don't think israel is thinking about taking any land from jordan or egypt or syria that would be any more extreme than what it's done in the past, it uses those zones as buffers not really to settle too, it wants the west bank and maybe gaza to settle, I don't see it destroying itself with big wars with the rest of the middle east, just the regular colonial extermination and theft of land from the indigenous population, and america will back it against iran, I do wish it was true that it would destroy itself but I really don't know about that
Have been wanting a cool hat desu. Baseball cap could be fun, very dyke coded. Maybe i'll steal my gf's old hats idk
wow dude ur brain is like oh my gawd heckin big and so smarts and stuff so insightful wow i bet you totally understand all the jokes and subtext in rick & morty too huh wow dude wow
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need bf.....
Add me on discord blobby you fat sexless nigger whale
what's with this stuff written on the elastic of underwear thing

because jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies revealed in the old testament.


except i'm not cherrypicking you are i said that the messianic prophecies were fulfilled in the new testament and you provided a bunch of "prophecies" which according to atheists were not if you knew anything about the bible you'd know that many of the prophecies described in that article aren't prophecies at all they're symbolic obviously i'm not going to sit here and explain every one of them to you you're just shifting the goalposts of the conversation what makes it divine prophecy is the fact that it was prophesied over 2000 years ago.
>post that isn't drama
>it's worded in a way you don't like
>sarcastic response
Never change, /tttt/.
>because jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies revealed in the old testament.
did no other religious figure from other religions do anything similar?

the world has clearly became a lot safer since biblical times do you actually disagree.


yes and that's why we evangelize. to save those who are unsaved. thankfully much of the world now knows about the word of god.

" All people are accountable to God whether or not they have “heard about Him.” The Bible tells us that God has clearly revealed Himself in nature (Romans 1:20) and in the hearts of people (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The problem is that the human race is sinful; we all reject this knowledge of God and rebel against Him (Romans 1:21-23). If it were not for God’s grace, we would be given over to the sinful desires of our hearts, allowing us to discover how useless and miserable life is apart from Him. He does this for those who continually reject Him (Romans 1:24-32)."


name one.
mo, have u played any of the kingdom hearts games?
I turned myself into a (You) mordy, I'm (You) riiiiick
i think someplace i have matching gayrainbow tampa bay rays hats
shud dig them out before beach
odin zeus ra viscosus pick any
>post some stupid faggot take that a stoner can come up
>get shit on for being a retard
skill issue tbqHON

yeah but jesus actually existed there's contemporary evidence besides the bible.
i think jesus existed, but was a very very charismatic schizo that was also good at party tricks.
If you don't acknowledge the bible as a whole you are cherry picking only the shit that suits you. There are several prophecies from the bible that aren't "symbolical" or "metaphors" and were straight up disproven.
Actually no. They seem fun, although I'm not really into the art style of it all. I saw that they're on on steam. Maybe if they go on sale and I'm not preoccupied with something else I can give it a try.
how do you know the others don't exist though?
That could be fun, maybe could go hat shopping? They sell those at malls right?
i think theyre the cheapest they'll ever be currently since they're from square enix.
$70 for like 10 games
after sale is gone they'll be $120 for all
>the world has clearly became a lot safer since biblical times do you actually disagree.
That was a trend that already happened before the bible, that was a common thread through civilization. The Ancient Egyptians already had police thousands of years before the bible was written or Jesus appeared. And they were safer than Stone age time. As humanity progresses things get safer.
When you put it that way it makes it sound even more intimidating to get into
You my bitch
what does it mean if ive been on hrt for almost eight years but sometimes sexually fantasize about being turned back into a guy. ive got srs and ffs, why do I like this?
there 3 'main' games.
and a bunch of old handheld games in between each one.
so you can't play 1, 2, and 3 and be fine. because then you'll be confused on the lore if you dont play the handheld version
How can I REALLY tell if I can pass?
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>not torrenting all single player games
nice cats
Maybe. Even if I dont get it while it's a super low price, I'd rather get it when I want to play it otherwise I'm eating $70 for games I may never install. The other side of this is that I'll be wasting an extra $50 to play the same games like a year from now if I eventually buy them.

I'll take that dice roll, it's only an extra $50 anyway.

depends on the game, I guess.
A lot of brands put their name on the waistband is the only thing I can think of

This made me feel something

Pretty dog and nice historical picture. I wish I had/could pull off a 50's outfit like that,
oh my
I like kingdom hearts and i'm not poor, so i'll pay up to get more entries to the franchise.
>Jesus says bible is true and word of God
>bible is full of errors
>Jesus is right and divine

ya i think theres a hat store would be fun to go walk around furniture store again too
walk into the mens room and if everybody says shit like 'wrong bathroom' you pass
Has anyone seen Juliet on this board recently? Kinda curious since she always talks about /tttt/ but ive never even seen her
>if i don't support my jappy devs then they won'tm make anymore disney slop games
>walk into the mens room and if everybody says shit like 'wrong bathroom' you pass
ymmv depending where you live.
some mfers are live and die by the 'mind your own business' creed in some parts of the world.
No I know I dont pass. I want to know if I CAN pass
>walk into the mens room and if everybody says shit like 'wrong bathroom' you pass
to be fair even if cis women use the men's restroom people rarely say shit cuz it's almost weirder to bring it up. People don't like confrontation it seems.
>what is the pax romana

>This made me feel something
ugh i love calling guys i'm intimate with "big guy" it's so comfy
how am I supposed to be intelligent enough to pick jesus over thor
pass... without ffs?
lose weight and look at your side profile.
if it doesn't pass, you wont pass without help.
>be on okc
>turn on "lgbt privacy" filter

fucking chasers, yo
what does the filter do?
dont guys just swipe right until they eventually hit a match

ok name a few.


if that was true the jews would have exposed him as a fraud.


prove to me that zeus existed.


i mean globally ancient egypt and ancient rome might have been safe places to be but mesoamerica was not.


what errors are in the bible.
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not my experience but maybe florida is just too southern
>implying chasers arent gay
tough to say anon thats why a lot of troons have to get to the like 'i may as well kuz otherwise im gonna fucking kill myself' stage before they start transition
are the jews good at spotting part tricks...or?
yes exactly thank u someone who understands this

r u implying jesus knew about mesoamerica and just didn't fucking tell anybody LMFAO
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plz respond i dont get it
>prove to me that zeus existed
why? can you prove to me that jesus existed? like actually convince me? how long would it take? how much effort would it take? if somebody else expended the same effort and time would they be able to convince me zeus existed? what if I'm stupid and I believe the wrong person's dogma? how am I supposed to pick?
i'm squirtin out my buss
With ffs
I cannot continue transition if I wont pass. Its too stressful and make my life worse because of it

yeah. it'd take me about 10 minutes. even the ancient greeks would not be able to prove to you that zeus existed in physical form. in fact they regularly made pilgrimage to the summit of mount olympus. guess what they saw there.


idk what you're trying to say with this
then dont ig
you've already had ten minutes though
>i mean globally ancient egypt and ancient rome might have been safe places to be but mesoamerica was not.
how would people in the middle east have known about conflict going on in mesoamerica when the entire continent was totally unknown. for all intents and purposes, to them, the pax romana was the world peace you seem to be talking about
>With ffs
fancy doctors offices do 3D scans of your face after you pay for consultation.
idk if they do anything with it afterwards besides using it for detailed guidelines on where they're cutting.
consultation is your best bet, doctors know if youre a lost cause or not

the jews who accused him of blasephmy and put him to death would have been very happy if they could have proven that he was a false prophet
>i mean globally ancient egypt and ancient rome might have been safe places to be but mesoamerica was not.

And it was still safer than it was during the Stone Ages. All civilizations (with a few hiccups and throwbacks, but overall as a general tendency) became safer as we progressed, built cities and created "police" and laws. This isn't something the bible needs to tell you, that is NATURAL.

>prove to me that zeus existed.

Prove to me that Jesus existed and wasn't just a charismatic schizophrenic. There is not ONE eye witness from the time Jesus was alive, and only a few from after he was dead many years later. And the first writer who mentions Jesus later basically just said Jesus was a schizo.

>ok name a few

The idea that the Earth and the Universe were created in six days a few thousand years ago is completely unscientific.

The claim that humans were the result of a special creation event at the end of this six day period is wrong. In fact, the evidence that humans and other animals evolved gradually over a period of some three to four billion years is overwhelming.

There is no evidence for a global flood event as described in the Bible.

There is no linguistic evidence for any of the events included in the Tower of Babel myth.

The "firmament" is claimed to be a solid "roof" over the world. It is described in Genesis 1:6-8 (KJV). This is obviously untrue, unless all those satellites in orbit are a hoax.

The Bible makes it clear that stars are objects in the sky that will fall down when Jesus comes back.

According to the Genesis creation account, the Earth was formed before the Sun. Aside from bio-mechanical problems, this flatly contradicts the nebular hypothesis of stellar formation, in which planets form in the accretion disk created by a young star.

Ezekiel 28:24-26 predicts that Israel will live in peace with its neighbors: A consistent aspect of history is that Israel has never gotten along with its neighbors even when there was no Jewish state.

At several instances in the Old Testament God promises David that the descendants of Solomon will rule Judah forever. For example, in 2 Samuel 7:13-16 (NIV) God tells the prophet Nathan. There is no indication that this is anything other than a literal promise. In fact the promise is reiterated during times when the future of the earthly kingdom is in doubt. In 1 Kings 11:34-36 (NIV).

Unfortunately for the prophet Nathan, the Davidic lineWikipedia ended with King Zedekiah in about 586 BCE. Biblical inerrantists, spotting a possible loophole, claim that Jesus, being descended from David, fulfilled this prophecy. Acts 2:29-31 (NIV) However, there are many reasons this is an unsatisfactory solution. Aspects of the 2 Samuel reference above, specifically "When he does wrong," do not seem consistent with Christian doctrine of Jesus as the Son of God. Additionally, the line of kings is described as being continuous. Consider Jeremiah 33:17 (NIV)

In Ezekiel 26:1-21, God states that Nebuchadnezzar II (a neo-Babylonian monarch, reigned circa 605 to circa 562 BCE, notable for his ambitious military conquests[2]) would conquer, sack, and completely destroy the city of Tyrus (Tyre) and that Tyre's land would never be built upon again: However, this never occurred. After a 13-year siege, Tyre compromised with NebuchadnezzarWikipedia and accepted his authority without being destroyed. Despite being conquered and razed by Alexander the Great 240 years later,[3] Tyre still exists.[4]

Ezekiel even admits that Nebuchadnezzar failed to conquer Tyre three chapters later in Ezekiel 29:18
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did they make this character specifically for pooge or wat
ty i will try.
i actually haven't seen the movie, is he anything like me
he and garo r cute tho, plus garo is super fucking hot
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they're VERY good now
don't find it convincing, read something similar about thor, nothing here is proof jesus is divine anyway, and I saw some stuff about the earth being flat too and I heard some stuff about norse thinking the world is flat
hides you from people who list their gender as man/woman and sexuality as straight (aka the cishets). it's a retardedly easy filter to get around, just put literally any of the provided lgbt identities in your profile, even something as simple as "questioning," which makes it all the more impressive that 90% of my hits were filtered out by activating it. though tbf, i think >>36245013 has a point and this type makes up a nonzero percentage of my hits
is top before and bottom after (story of my life?)
why does ffs just give people adenoid face
i fucking knew there was gonna be yaoi of those two
of course
If you're way underweight should you gain weight before considering your side profile into the decision whether or not to get FFS? I'm quite gaunt atm
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ugh they r so cute together!!
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can't know how your fat distributes if you have no weight. plump up princess
>is top before and bottom after
top looks best especially her nose imo is very pretty
attractiveness to me is about managing androgyny; how many masculine features you can i get away with without looking insanely clocky? whateva makes you happy though
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idk, i reckon if someone is willing to get surgery to look more feminine, they don't care too much for androgyny
I wish I was dead
i like the teeth in that one
i can see it, i respek this
ya def better off gaining some weight beforehand
not like 100 lbs or anything but during recovery for anything jaw/lip related you're basically on liquid diet and its painful
Does Keo take insurance or just your life savings?
I wish you a warm hug
ugh garo esp reminds me of ex bff
similar build
maybe i'll watch prormare tomorrow just to see, even tho it looks kinda painful visually to watch
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Life savings, though Keo is well known and considered the best, there are a ton of US docs that are just as good and do take insurance.
His are just easy to post since there are so many before and afters online with him
What a downgrade.
they just made her look latina.
dunno about a downgrade
The mouth was prettier before
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srguergy always makes u look uncannye
was more masc
youre allowed to think thats attractive but it was more masc
I heard your mom was into buff guys like me, she single son?
Yea I know about Keo, he's the best at everything below the nose.
oh man remember keofrenpa getting bombarded by laf to the point of cutting contact or something
Heheh, I literally can't mentally picture myself fat. For context, I'm the typical slightly gaunt twinkhon (which feels like a charitable description), but maybe less attractive than what you would picture in your head. Why is it everyone needs to lose weight but I literally can't put on weight no matter what? It's like how some places flood and others are in drought.

genesis is not meant to be taken literally unless you're a fundamentalist. a few hiccups? you mean like the black plague and the dark ages? i can't.


the first prophecy is currently being fulfilled within our lifetime.

>specifically "when he does wrong" do not seem consistent with the Christian doctrine of Jesus as son of God"

"King James Bible
I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:"

Jesus in fact was beat by the rods and stripes of man for the sins which humanity had committed. Please explain to me how this is inconsistent with christan doctrine.
>In Ezekiel 26:1-21, God states that Nebuchadnezzar II (a neo-Babylonian monarch, reigned circa 605 to circa 562 BCE, notable for his ambitious military conquests[2]) would conquer, sack, and completely destroy the city of Tyrus (Tyre) and that Tyre's land would never be built upon again

the kingdom of tyre was never rebuilt as described in the bible. it doesn't say the land would never be built upon.

"you shall be a place for spreading nets, and you shall never be rebuilt, for I the Lord have spoken,’ says the Lord God."

this is why you shouldn't just copy and paste bullshit from wikis
everything is always my fault :(
and everyone I care about must suffer for it

I think that was before I was absorbed by this thread.
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That's not the vibe i get from you naz. I think you're actually suffering instead of causing others to suffer. I don't see a world where you're a bad girl, actually the opposite
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>christ insanity posting
time for sleep
bruh imagine being a naz simp. like lol. like lmao
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eating ritz crackers with pepperoni and cheddar cheese
there is no contest when it comes to snacks.
its like SSS+ and the 2nd place is only A tier.
parents kicked me out for socially transitioning, when i finally decided to stop boymoding and embrace myself
now i live in my car :(
i have no idea where I am supposed to shower without getting harassed or stalked

get a gym membership.
aren't gym bathrooms sex segregated
i don't feel comfortable going into either
that’s a bit self centered tbqh
martyr complex ish
it’s unhealthy to think everything is your fault, and it can be upsetting or irritating to other people, like you’re always trying to make things about you and get reassurance from others
like my mother apologized for giving birth to me and how my life being the way it is is her fault and it makes me want to scream sometimes because she refuses to recognize that i have any agency

who tf licks their kid out for being faggy these days unless they have brain damaged
Naz supports ppl when they're down. She's one of the good ones
normal people don't lick their kids period.
everyone's screaming in my house
good screams or bad screams
voca that shit
bad screams
they're listening to linkin park
kick their kids out

ppl yelling or speaking/walking angrily is paralyzing desu hope it stops soon
i think the most of it is over also that's weird
i hate everyone in this fucking family i would like to kill myself to get back at them
> you mean like the black plague and the dark ages? i can't.
The dark ages were safer than the Stone Ages, yeah. And there was more advancement done there than those primal ages too. We still have plagues, nothing new, just medicine getting better. Your point being?

>genesis is not meant to be taken literally
What proof/indication is there that Genesis is not meant to be taken literally? You believe that Jesus rose from the dead but when it comes to Genesis suddenly it isn't meant to be taken literally... because? Jesus & Paul said Adam was a real person.

>the first prophecy is currently being fulfilled within our lifetime.
It's not, there is no peace. So it's not "proof" for anything also saying "oh eventually that one country will live in peace" is 50% - 50% odds and not some divine proof of your God being real.

>the kingdom of tyre was never rebuilt as described in the bible. it doesn't say the land would never be built upon.

The bible didn't say, the mainland city will never be rebuilt, but the island city will be. It said very explicitly that Tyre would never be rebuilt. It was wrong. That means that the Island was part of the ancient city of Tyre. Which means that A: Nebuchadnezzar never fully destroyed it. And B: that it still survives to this day, despite the prophecy.

Do you honestly think that when the prophet said it would be reduced to bare rock, a place for fishermen to spread their nets, he meant the same thing as continuing to exist without interruption for the next 2500 years or so?

"I will make you a bare rock, and you will become a place to spread fishnets. You will never be rebuilt."

It's not a bare rock. It's a thriving city.
I've tried explaining that I didn't do anything!!!
I don't want to be blamed for everything
I don't want this I don't want him to fuck over my mom because of me
hello chat
sir this is a wendy's
sup gigapassoid
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Had a nervous breakdown and passed out for 5 hours
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welcome back
Tell em
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god i miss him so so much
i would do anything for him to love me
it’s not fair to grow up with someone who you truly love only for him to be like nope lol and ghost you
i miss his hugs and his laughs, i miss hearing about trips he’d go on, i even miss the stupid little fights we’d get in. i miss just being with him even if we weren’t doing anything
i wish my life could’ve been different in a lot of ways, but out of all of them i feel like if he loved me then i could be ok with everything else staying the same. he’s just a great guy and handsome too and im hurt by knowing no guy like that will ever be into me, that ill never be with a guy to whom im attracted without him being a rapist or a pedo or a closeted tranny
my pillow never feels like he does

oh that’s fucked up then wtf
maybe cousin is mentally ill too

that’s lia

nobody cares lasagna
was meant for this>>36245806
>nobody cares lasagna
>writes the ultimate tldr shitheap
im a mid tier becky i fear....
lmao this whole movie is just a pretext for yaoi rule 34
Why do you post in this place if you look like you do
paige r u retarded grendel is not lasagna
I took a nap, looked up the episode. Paige, when was the last time you watched Buffy? It's so cheesy, and I say this as someone who loved it growing up. It's not bad, but MAN did it not age well
this is male to female general and im a male to female transsexual
why dont u ask that same question to any of the other girls here who pass
>It's not bad, but MAN did it not age well
me when i tried to watch Soul Eater
at least mine is about true love
lasagna is posting about something everyone told them would happen, as if it was a massive surprise

oh was that grendel

quite a while ago
riley was hot as fuck and i kinda liked spike and angel was hot too, good show
what about it didn’t age well? it’s dated, but it’s not like it’s bad
Because none of them pass as well as you and I refuse to acknowledge you don't know that
Honestly just go for someone with a similar personality but uglier, much easier to find
Just use blindfolds during sex
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it said the kingdom of tyre would not be rebuilt. if the english kingdom went away we would not say it still exists because the english isles still exist. what a ridiculous argument.

>The dark ages were safer than the Stone Ages

why are you talking about the stone age. i said biblical times.

>We still have plagues, nothing new, just medicine getting better. Your point being?

that the world is becoming safer. medicine getting better is a little bit of an understatement. germ theory wasn't discovered until the 1700s it wasn't regularly accepted until the 19th century.

>It's not, there is no peace.

many middle eastern nations are normalizing relations with israel just look at how much support the palestinians are getting from their neighbors. none. palestine will soon collapse.
A lot of it didn't age well from cheap effects, hokey acting, and having the whole "Monster of the week" thing going on compared to most modern television really shows how dated it is.

The hokey acting is genuinely not far off from the acting in fucking Power Rangers. I know because I watched an episode of Power Rangers a few years ago, never seeing an episode before in my life and was genuinely cringing from how bad the acting was.
i really can’t do that, and i’m ok with being alone if i don’t have to hide my disgust at my boyfriend’s appearance
im glad you’ve found something that works for you, do you keep a bandana on hand for your victims to use so they don’t see your face?

being attractive isn’t the same as passing
i don't think any of the bible was meant to be taken literally
the whole thing's just a series of metaphorical stories
to take any of it literally would be like taking aesop's fables literally and thinking that a tortoise actually ran a race against a hare and won
i mean also to focus on the prophecies is to miss the actual point regardless
like that's the most irrelevant part of the religion and it doesn't really matter whether it's "true" or not
what matters is that it helps people to act in ways that are considerate and caring towards others
>the jews would have exposed him as a fraud
i mean they probably just viewed him the same way people viewed charles manson in the 60s
plus i mean he was really not much more legit than they were
there literally can't be errors in the bible or you're missing the point
does his existence really change anything in the book though?
like whether he was real or not
he was probably also not a singular person
does it matter whether any of that was true?
it doesn't change the message of the book
me when i look in the mirror
at least la gooners is recent and not jus pining for someone from yeeeears ago u should have moved on from. like ur in no position to talk lol
anthony stewart head is a brilliant actor
the others tho..,
>being attractive isn’t the same as passing
you provide good conversation, but noone cares that your're bitter about being ugly.
just because you don't pass doesn't mean noone else does or can
planet fitness is cheapest gym membership. i think all, or at least most are open 24 hours. just go in middle of night and it'll be completely empty for privacy
you can’t move on from true love, imagine telling a widow that she needs to forget about her dead husband because it’s been a few years
also i forgot to add but is a 4 day expired chicken tikka wrap safe to eat?
i'm hungry and it's twenty to 4 so the shops aren't open
how fast will it kill me?
>being attractive isn’t the same as passing
Indeed that's very true, she passes easily while being super attractive
pooge on life support wow
What if he's just like, meh, not hideous? You'll get used to his appearance anyway and be less lonely
Nothing pisses me off more then a hon that doesn't stay in their lane and acting like they aren't a hon. Shits fucking aggrivating
this isnt really true but thanks. im just 1year hrt have not learned makeup yet dont have a female wardrobe yet etc etc i have a long way to go
i do “pass” in the sense that other people call me she or her or ma’am without being asked to do so, and other people have said they didn’t know i was trans until i mentioned it
that’s as close to being passing as one can reasonably expect to get
Damn this is straight up giving me vibes of I Saw The TV Glow with The Pink Opaque.
why do you still post here
are u waiting for the next 14 year old to come along
u don’t need to support your bf on some dumb ill informed take desu

idk depends really

than *
omg so spicy all of a sudden
more pls
I'm pretty new here so I'm inclined to believe you
>it said the kingdom of tyre would not be rebuilt
Nope. It said it will make the place (the kingdom) A BARE ROCK WHERE ONLY FISHNETS WILL BE SPREAD. This is clearly false because it's a thriving city today. What are you arguing here? What exactly says "bare rock place with only some random bums spreading fishnets" about a big city with tourism and lively people and families?

“a bare rock, a place to spread fishnets” (Ezekiel 26:14)

>why are you talking about the stone age. i said biblical times.
>that the world is becoming safer.

And I'm telling you that civilization overall progressing and improving aka becoming safer compared to the past is a trend throughout history and natural, therefor some book claiming it as a prophecy isn't a mind blowing idea because it's just what always happened.

Yes, sometimes there were some throwbacks into harsher times, but they ultimately recover and the progress is consistent after all.

>many middle eastern nations are normalizing relations with israel just look at how much support the palestinians are getting from their neighbors. none. palestine will soon collapse.

That's your opinion. I see the opposite, more and more people rising up for Palestine while in the past Palestine was shunned. Again, not a divine prophecy.

And even IF Israel somehow found peace I just told you that's a 50% - 50% coin flip and not proof of God. To claim "oh yeah that one country? Some day in the future there will be peace for it..." is also just a very likely guess especially if its THOUSANDS OF YEARS passing.
thats not "as close to being passing as one can reasonably expect to get" thats just passing
paige u need to work on ur internalized transphobia if you ever want to be truly happy ik we have had our beef and such in the past but im being genuine here please get help for ur internalized transphobia
lmao why are you mixing people up so much lately is u gud
yaaaaas MORE
Lia isn't fat wtf lol
Doesn't everything
i didn't capture any of the good screaming so i'm not gonna post
>there literally can't be errors in the bible or you're missing the point
There are plenty of errors though and I posted just a few. It can't be the book of God then, it is man made. And people can believe in whatever desert religion they want to be when autists like >>36245930 pretend it's somehow "the proven truth and U WILL GO TO HELL!!!" then it makes sense to speak up.
>check youtube
>someone left a comment on my walkthrough video that said thanks for the guide
feels kinda nice.
i wish people still engaged with youtube like social media like they did in the early 2010s. that was a fun way to interact with people
genuinely why not find a different community to frequent
like desu i dont even hold that much ill will towards u for talking to me while i was underage it just confuses me why u choose to continue to post here when the majority of the ppl who frequent this general are familar with the way u operate and such
are u just latching on to the hope u can find a naive newfag?
idk what that even means
i don’t have internalized transphobia i just try to be realistic instead of delusional

no i’m not good also im not wearing glasses and have things on my mind which already is pretty cramped even at baseline

for example, you should NEVER solicit nudes from minors
pretty much everyone in my immediate family is neurotic and metally ill
I'm just the onky one who's completely nonfunctional
> palestine will soon collapse.

China firmly supports the Palestinian peoples' just cause of regaining their legitimate national rights, and is always committed to a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine. China supports Palestine's full membership in the U.N.

The State of Palestine is recognised by 146 countries around the world with Norway, Spain and Ireland joining the list.
Yeah I agree good point
free palestine death to israel inshallah
if only they would stop harboring and cheering on terrorists that launch rockets at their neighbors.
>the ussr can't collapse because it's recognized by 193 countries!
it seems like people make yt comments now with the goal of getting the most likes from the audience, instead of saying anything meaningful. my civil war veteran grandfather loved your channel and it was the only thing he liked, and he died 10 minutes ago and i wanted to know your videos meant the world to him. rip gramps
hope you're joking.

tyre was reduced to rubble probably bare rock and was rubble during medieval times very few people lived there i bet there were bums spreading fishnets. the kingdom of tyre was never rebuilt. which fulfilled the prophecy.

the bible doesn't say that the world will become safer, it says that there will be world peace, with one world government. as we move towards globalization i truly think that this will soon happen. a lot of countries now have a near zero crime rate there's very few conflicts the conflicts that do happen often do not have as many causalities.

>That's your opinion. I see the opposite, more and more people rising up for Palestine while in the past Palestine was shunned. Again, not a divine prophecy.

it's not my opinion it's fact. it doesn't matter if people stand up for palestine as long as they have no international support.
>comparing the USSR to Israel buttfucking Palestine civilians
mighty high IQ
Is my own poop suppose to smell different and... better... after I start taking HRT? I haven't really changed my diet... but I swear I can tell a noticeable difference
israel is an illegitimate settler colonial project funded and supported by the west with the purpose of installing an allied state in the middle east
israel will collapse within my lifetime, palestinian freedom is ionevitable and i cannot wait for the day
from the river to the sea
relatable to some degree
it sucks being the nonfunctional one since ppl often, in my family at least, tend to give what you think less weight despite me generally having more opportunity to think about things
it also fucking sucks feeling like a burden constantly. i give my disability to my mum to help out financially so it’s not as bad as it used to be, but i still feel like such a loser and it’s soul crushing

idk i still sometimes engage in commenting on youtube. it just depends on the channel, the smaller it is the more likely you’ll find real conversation rather than redditors coming up with le epic like farm post
wtf is this real?
Stratego is the best board game and I'm tired of pretending like it's not
from the river to the sea
you can’t take the sky from me
>isreal will collapse because i want it to
yea. recently i saw a youtube vod of a stream and the top comments were all just 5 copies of what I had said in the stream chat at the time and it was like, dude you're really this desperate to farm? i only really make videos directed at the creator, expressing graditude or thoughts. directing comments towards the rest of the audience should be the purpose of replies.
> imagine telling a widow that she needs to forget about her dead husband because it’s been a few years
i mean yeh? Kinda lol? Like not forgetting but at some point u got to move on lifes for the livin yknow? U dont strike me as someone who believes in like, only 1 true love and thats it so I dont think u logically think tht life is over if it somehow ends between someone u love.
Also ur not a widow dnt be dramatic u broke up with someone in ur 20s lol
>palestinian freedom is ionevitable
this isnt a flex or a good thing, but the US would sooner burn gaza to the ground than to have their ally fall.
no matter how dogshit that ally is
israel will collapse because it is increasinglhy becoming a pariah state with every day they continue to carry out the genocide in gaza and the illegal occupation and settlement of the west bank, and because people around the world are waking up to the evil of the zionist entity
death to all zionists inshallah
I hope you have to spend 24 hours under the supervision of hamas.
lol ok grendel i hope u know there are thousands of queer people in gaza rn and their main concern isnt """getting thrown off a roof by hamas""" its getting killed along with their entire family by an israeli bomb u stupid fuck
>the country is being naughty so karma's gonna catch up to them eventually!
the american empire is not built to last my friend
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>tyre was reduced to rubble probably bare rock
God states that Nebuchadnezzar II would conquer, sack, and completely destroy the city of Tyrus. Again, he didn't say "uhhh during the medieval times some day... " it was specifically stated that Nebuchadnezzar would do it. He didn't though.

After a 13-year siege, Tyre compromised with Nebuchadnezzar and accepted his authority without being destroyed.


Ezekiel even admits that Nebuchadnezzar failed to conquer Tyre three chapters later in Ezekiel 29:18.

>the bible doesn't say that the world will become safer, it says that there will be world peace, with one world government

Hasn't happened, therefor not proof. Also someone saying "one day in the future (undefined date, of course) there will be world peace guys!" is not a divine guess, ANYONE could come up with that.

> it doesn't matter if people stand up for palestine as long as they have no international support.

Yeah big dogs like China flying in aid into Palestine and urging Israel to chill the fuck out is definitely "no international support" you got it kiddo
I don't think it was a knock on queer people, what.
It was a knock on how a large chunk of hostages from October 7th are dead, and even hamas leaders dont know how many are even alive.
yeah theyre dead because of israeli bombing retard
you fell for propaganda
we didn’t break up, we never dated. we were best friends for like almost twenty years and losing that is really painful especially due to lingering borderline symptoms
i’ve been good about not contacting him aside from sending one email in the past four years, but the feelings don’t dissipate. my mother still isn’t over my father walking out on her and that was fifteen years ago
some wounds don’t heal
i’m just afraid i’ll never find someone who could take his place, im open to it happening but idk how it works considering social ineptitude and general isolation
i’ve tried dating apps but those never work out
feels like my generation is just fucked
they actually gave one of their hostages a birthday cake. they're pretty cool. israeli doctors even think the 4 PoWs have stockholm syndrome (lol) because they couldn't find any evidence of torture, and said that their captors cared about them
this is crazy
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If the West Bank doesn't belong to the Jews, then why is it called a Bank?
me too, I don't do much anymore
Take me out, to the jihad
Tell my ma she works for mossad
honestly just glass the middle east at this point
*this is crazy coming from someone playing directly into zio propaganda
wow they sound like nice guys maybe they should have captured more civilians
Guys, I mean gals. I'm starting to think there's more to life than sex, romance and looking good. I achieved a bunch of my life goals already, should I just keep ticking things off that list or does stuff just stay empty?

lol it doesn't matter if the state of palestine is recognized the state of palestine is a joke it cannot even defend itself why do you think hamas is fighting
Muslims are bad for lgbt, but jews are worse because they want multiculturalism and that shits wack
The propaganda is that paragliding terrorists wasn't a false flag.
There has NEVER been in the history of mankind as much support for Palestine as there is now in 2024. I don't know who will win and I personally don't give a fuck but you are being completely delulu with your bible shit claiming they won and no one supports them. They have more support than ever in their history.
Why give a fuck about Palestine or Israel. More people die a day in 100 other conflicts on earth rn. You only care because tik tok and Twitter bots tell you to
this reads like a bizarro version of what I'd post

i dunno, it's always worth finding new things to add to your list to tick away at. No sense staying stagnant. It's tough at first but gets easy with time.
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Luvly thread
brush up on your history lady, jeez
Can't we all just come together and agree that as long as the war continues, they're both killing each other and that's all that really matters? Let's go war, yeah keep it going woooooo both teams let's get some high scores yayaya!
Yea, look away goys, I mean gals, nothin ta see here
>I don't know who will win
We all know who will "win", and it isn't Palestine.
>They have more support than ever in their history
For whatever reason. Even Egypt doesn't want shit to do with them after that they did before.
this is why its retarded to"condemn hamas"
like yes obviously islamic fundamentalists are bad but at the same time hamas is the only meaningful form of resistance against the israeli occupation
like if u oppress a population for 80years and continuously steal their land while also suppressing and sabotaging all of the secular resistamce movements obviously ur going to end up with a reactionaryt resistance movement
and conveniently a reactionary fundamentalist islam resistance group is a lot easier to paint as the villain than a secular resistance group such as the PLO
>but idk how it works considering social ineptitude and general isolation
i mean yeh thts kinda the crux of the issue innit? Hope u can figure it out 1 day rather than being bitter on tranny image boards
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what was being an tranny like pre 9/11
it was everything i ever wanted
why did they make the US look cool as fuck in that first video
u could walk through airports without getting ur dick patted down
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now its mandatory

>Ezekiel even admits that Nebuchadnezzar failed to conquer Tyre three chapters later in Ezekiel 29:18.

it doesn't though. you're just copy and pasting bullshit. how about you read the verse.

>Hasn't happened, therefor not proof. Also someone saying "one day in the future (undefined date, of course) there will be world peace guys!" is not a divine guess, ANYONE could come up with that.

it's currently happening.

>Yeah big dogs like China flying in aid into Palestine and urging Israel to chill the fuck out is definitely "no international support" you got it kiddo

see below


like i just said it doesn't matter if the state of palestine has support it's a joke state it's been illegally occupied for decades the only people fighting on behalf of palestine are groups which are regarded as terrorist groups by almost every nations until they get support palestine is fucked.
That's the most action I'm getting in my life I'm thankful for that
You took Premarin and got DVTs but you passed unless you looked like Mrs Doubtfire. Also you probably died from back alley silicone injections.
Oh no .5% of the population in a country at war died? Breh that's insanely low compared to any war ever. It's honestly insane how few casualties there's been even with fake as hell hamas provided numbers.
>but you passed unless you looked like Mrs Doubtfire
i hate hate hate we went mainstream.
who gave a fuck if we were the butt of a few jokes
those who kiss men
need to sleep but can’t
just wish i could scoop stuff out of my brain so i didn’t have to carry it with me
>you fell for progaganda
>posts propaganda
The only propaganda I wanna ear of is taking a propa gander at sum knockers aye
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I wish I played VR chat before it became turbo cringe.
"For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people. He shall slay with the sword thy daughters in the field: and he shall make a fort against thee, and cast a mount against thee, and lift up the buckler against thee. And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers. By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground. And they shall make a spoil of thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise: and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasant houses: and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water. And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard. And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD. "

Nigga why do you lie? lol
It says Nebuchadrezzar would get inside through the gates through a breach, destroy the place, break down the walls, etc. That never happened. They were outside the gates and held a siege for a few years. The bible even admits as much later in Ezekiel.

- In the end, the siege was resolved without a need of battle and did not result in the Tyre being conquered.
ya'll mofokas need jesus
Stop whispering start shouting
stop shouting start crispring
And in the next verse, Ezekiel 29:19, God promises to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar.

This never happened and Nebuchadnezzar is long dead.

"Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon."


Further explain this one

I'm like a scientist when I'm applying this
if you could pay 10,000$ to crispr your genes to have 2 X chromosomes, but it didnt change your appearance whatsoever, would you do it?
the links in order are a video full of historical facts, a book documenting the history of the region, the hamas 2017 charter, and an article by an Israeli historian explaining why Israel's actions since Oct 7 2023 constitute genocide
here are some more things you can read. i think one of the most damning things about israel for me is that they constantly fuck over holocaust survivors. it's pretty funny
https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/a-growing-number-of-reports-indicate-israeli-forces-responsible-for-israeli-civilian-and-military-deaths-following-october-7-attack/ - https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/27/israels-military-shelled-burning-tanks-helicopters/ - here are two investigative reports on how Israel themselves were responsible for many of the Israeli deaths on october 7th
https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/05/30/israeli-views-of-the-israel-hamas-war/ - here's a poll on how israelis see the war. spoilers: they're all maniacs
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7627438/ - https://networks.h-net.org/node/28655/reviews/30636/hoch-yablonka-survivors-holocaust-israel-after-war - zionists often look down on holocaust survivors as signs of jewish weakness and victimhood. the irony is that they weaponise the holocaust. here's an israeli invoking hitler: https://twitter.com/Etanetan23/status/1802310599776276750
it is your responsibility to educate yourself about history. good luck!
what is crispr
fuck no lmao that shits gonna gib ppl cancer for a long time before its trustworthy
good post i laughed
No, sounds like a scam
if you don't like this video then we can't be friends

Everyone likes it c'mon
where you put your lettuce in the fridge
im not gonna have a 4chan debate with you stop wallposting
Crispr more like uhh crispy fried chicken
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isn’t it the greatest when a guy moves and you can see his muscles flexing subtly
or when he stretches and his shirt lifts up and you can see his happy trail
or if you compare his body to yours, how thick his wrists are, how big his hands are, his broad shoulders and python like arms compared to your lithe figure, his deep husky voice and scratchy facial hair rasping against your soft skin
ugh i want a man i can just worship
or at least fall asleep with
im sad i never took any opportunity to share a bed with a guy when like in school we’d go to events overnight for sports or tsa, or just overnight hangouts
i’d always sleep alone even if it meant being on the floor or on a chair because o never wanted to make someone uncomfortable or feel like i was going to take advantage of them
i wonder what was wrong with me, i wish i could have a guy to fall asleep with right now
anyway gn frems gonna try to sleep for real
I'd rather pay $10,000 to have 2 DD's instead
watever mayn
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> the bible even admits as much later in Ezekiel.

quote the verse.


BA is covered by cali's medicare
so is FFS, but i think you have to jump through a lot of hoops for it
anon u r correct and grendel is a zionist u will never be able to convince her
double deez nuts nigga ok going to bed now
>compared to your lithe figure
naw im chad
are you faggots actually having a bible study debate right now
Okki?? I'm not in the US let alone california lol

its not really a debate
they forgot to take their lithium
are u in Australia
Does Jesus love me? Or no because i'm a tranny freak? ugh ugh ugh
buaaahahhhhggg the janny
why didn't you respond to this
>don't find it convincing, read something similar about thor, nothing here is proof jesus is divine anyway, and I saw some stuff about the earth being flat too and I heard some stuff about norse thinking the world is flat
you said you could convince me in ten minutes but then you didn't
you're literally a zogbot now grendel, the haughty bourgeoisie worldview of your country club chums
So why did you skip the fact that I just quoted the verse about our boy Nebuchadrezzar breaking into Tyre and causing very clear physical destruction with his army INSIDE of the city yet that never happened as described? I mean God said it after all, no? :^)

“Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre."


Remember what the verse said
"hey will plunder your riches and loot your merchandise."

Ezekiel 29:18
glowie moment
thats the ship from matrix also what the fuck are you talking about this book sucks
hey! we sold our country club membership im a prole now!!
oop was meant for this obvs
This parrot nigga claims that the bible is matter of fact true because its messiah prophecies or whatever are 100% true. Then he just names things that anyone could guess (50% 50% chance) and that haven't even come to actual fruition at this point it's still just a guess.

Stuff like "one world government" or "Israel will be victorious"
like no shit after thousands of years sometimes things happen again it's a coin flip chance at that point
i see

they used '$' they're appropriating my culture.
damn foreigners.
use your own money sign
Ain't no way
Jesus is a cuck and Christianity is the worst thing that ever happened to Western Civilization.
slorp slorp slorp
cus the original question used dollars!!
look at how nitty gritty this shit is, if you have to know all this stuff and get it right to be able to establish anything about jesus and christianity what hope is there for a dummy like me to be saved? how is that fair?
janny!!!!!! janny would never say this stuff she's too cool to post in school....
Hey is that roadtrip still happening?
why did god say this it wasnt very nice
This is what the LORD Almighty says: `I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt.

Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"
i dont care what parrot thinks i care about inadvertently reading your inane bullshit takes back and forth on it go be a pseud in repgen this thred is for DRAMA
> I am the one who sweeps
It makes 0% sense. If God is real then he could just download all the knowledge into everyone's head or give every person a vision at their 18th birthday or give HARD UNDENIABLE proof.

instead we got like 1000 different vague religions which all claim they are true because of that man-written book and you just have to believe, good luck if you pick the wrong one you burn in hell forever.

Then go back to crust posting about Mongo and K** no one stops you

Christians will be like muh metaphor and spin it into something positive.

"Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre."

this does not mean that they did not turn tyre to rubble. in lawrence of arabia aqaba is raided and the merchandise found there is worthless. lawrences army got no reward. does this mean aqaba was left untouched. no.



i told you that i could convince you of the existence of jesus. many historians agree that tacitus provided contemporary evidence of the life of jesus. if you do not wish to accept it as fact i cannot make you.
>Christians will be like muh metaphor and spin it into something positive.
we have to kill the metaphorical camels and donkeys of sin in our hearts
roly proly how's it feel to rub elbows with the riff raff? if i see you flying a blue bagel flag in public ill kick the squid out of you
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Riddle me this fellow thread posters
Would you rather
live with no legs?
live with no arms?
oh im arguing with the moron who whines about blackrock and the jews. im wasting my time goodbye.
What are you doing up at this hour if you're from yurop hmmmm
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no legs kuz with arms i can still earn ykwim
Green dell
>i told you that i could convince you of the existence of jesus.
There is absolutely 0% evidence that Jesus was a magical being. There are no direct witness accounts from when he lived. Only accounts from people who wrote about him many years after he died or heard about him from someone else.

The Tacitus guy you mention even called Christianity bullshit.

"Christianity, which Tacitus refers to as “A most mischievous superstition” was spreading in Judea and even in Rome" So he clearly did not think Jesus was the son of God or anything but a schizo.
Live with no legs if thy legs be table legs. I live like those in nippon I would.
being sadd :((
i dont get the joke
You weren't actually, I'm the guy who doesn't like Blackrock. I haven't replied to you itt. Blackrock is a cancerous force on the American economy, and everyone will realize it sooner or later.
you said you could convince me in 10 minutes, and you said it again there that you could convince me, but you're also saying you can't, which is it? obviously I have to go along with it, that's the case whenever anybody is convinced of anything, if that's all you mean then it's meaningless to say you can convince me, technically anybody could be convinced anything in a second, however you split it your argument fails here, you aren't presenting a good reason I'd pick jesus over any other messiah, it's just luck if I get the right one
Over whaaat
i know. im not funny sobbing
not having 10k for a BA
>There is absolutely 0% evidence that Jesus was a magical being.
uhhhh achewally magic is everywhere anon
its calt MIRACLEs and jebus works them every day in the small places where you can only see if you squint your eyeballs real hard and think positive thots and touch yourself to nursery rhymes
omg period(t) sis
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its all good thought you were just mocking me casue of the content of my post
i like to take big deep breaths before typing huge runon scentences and see if ican make my heart race while i type them then try to solve the capcha before i lose consciousness
jesus is JUST alright
i hate this thread right now
i do think you're wrong about your position on gaza/israel but I don't want to argue with you or anyone. I'm mocking me by posting if anything
do u thnk he was crucified before he hit twinkdeath
make it worse this is the way
why does this bible basher get to spout all this nonsense and doesn't get banned but if reply to a picture and say I have the same slippers I cop a three day ban for being off topic
oh you don't like my position? state my position.
Oh okay, are you looking for a husband
Too soon
its because janny is the best and i want to squeeze her and make her think "yeah!! life is the best!! i'm glad i'm alive :D"
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You support what Israel is doing in Gaza because gazans are anti lgbt. That's usually why tranners support Israel.
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My feeeeeeeeeeeeet.
post toze nomi
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>feel one of those hard pimples under skin on my face
>2 days later still hard still there
>take my popper tools out
>try to sort it out
>face now hurts like a bitch
>hard pimple under skin still there
it's real freak hours me included
im takkenn soz
the worst thing AI has produced so far?
lol saved the thread
Your name is Grendel, Gren (green) Del (dell)
Dell is a pc company n that stuff. U are a green prebuilt office pc.
Mother of god...
Grrrr.. boof
hahahaha yooo

*pet pet*
nope. that's wrong
tell me in on sentence pls, i have ocd and other brain disorders

No legs.
Most people dont use their legs anyway.
i havent stated my position at all, was the point of my post.
*pleasant cute whine sound
Ugh, you forgot already. You need to stop taking drugs. I've been preparing ever since you announced it. SLC???

i never said that i could prove to you that jesus is the messiash that's an impossible task i said that i could prove that there is contemporary evidence of the existence of jesus within 10 minutes it'd be very difficult for you to prove that odin or zeus ever existed in physical form.

The loss of your thighs would be a national tragedy.
if you could get 5000$ today to have your meat harvested and eaten when you died by cannibals would you do it? (your meat would only be harvested after you died of natural causes)
ok sorry, it sounded like you were supporting genocide earlier
yes and then the cannibals will just be chewing on silicone
What kinda shit are you trying to get people to sign up for bruh
we're talking about a divine jesus though so you do have to also convince me of his divinity, otherwise there's still no reason to accept him as my saviour over any other deity, the question still stand why pick jesus, what chance is there given me to avoid hellfire
your chest is fine you dont need to be so self conscious about it

I would give my ass to cannibals for free if it's some cannibals i like.
I'd do it for a dollar
I got some meat you can cannibalize
nah thats yucky
reminds me of tht dude tht got arrested cus he was like performing orchis on ppl and then eating their balls. Would u go to tht guy for a free orchi?
no i really do lol
probs a long way off tho gotta get through ffs first :((

Where's the crime?
fuck no aint no way thats sterile or the good method >>36246793
is u serious
What are you talking about? I'm still waiting for you to explain >>36246342 and >>36246471
practicing medicine without a license
Would be hilarious if the guys reign of self determination was ended because one of them wanted to keep their balls and he already ate them.
A lil birdy tipped me off blobby is here right now watching & plotting. Tread carefully
i would too
robocop reference?
use my forsaken racial for the 2% hp per tick
>reminds me of tht dude tht got arrested cus he was like performing orchis on ppl and then eating their balls. Would u go to tht guy for a free orchi?
clocky mountain oysters.
sorry i think only americans will get that joke but still. hell yea i would.
>probs a long way off tho gotta get through ffs first :((
me too. gonna try to book something this summer.

Did anybody get hurt? Like get an infection?
>reign of self determination
you mean his reckless endangerment of vulnerable desperate people
not a robocop reference

If he's american then discount surgery is a good thing unless it leads to horrible complications.
i get what ur tryna say, but medicine is heavily regulated for a reason.
if hes doin it in his garage and someone gets an infection, 100% that an avoidable complication.
and they can't address it right away like a hospital would be able to.
this is coming from someone who thinks we should be allowed to own grenade launchers
google Marius Gustavson
Everybody wants to kill knives but ignores the chick without a face who literally doesn't have an alternative. Didnt somebody in here inject their balls with alcohol? We pretending now that we don't support diy now?
*do need BA
like i keep going back and forward on wht surgery to pursue first as what i'm the most dysphoric about fluctuates but i think it makes the most sense to get FFS first even if boobs make me more dysphoric in general
>gonna try to book something this summer
ooo cool im planning on hopefully havin the money for it by the end of next year
gmi gmi
it wasnt just balls iirc like i think he ended up killing someone and eating them and also parts of himself i think?
okki but like what if he was a trained surgeon using his normal practice but he just wanted a snack afterwards?
>okki but like what if he was a trained surgeon
for my peace of mind imma just pay the 5k for a regular surgery with anesthesia and aftercare tyvm ssmh

That's why I'm asking. If he killed or mutilated people, I'd agree, but i didn't hear anything like that about him. Everybody hears ball eating and happy vilifying him. I don't give a fuck what you do with my balls after. Turn them into a rear view mirror ornament.
>but i didn't hear anything like that about him
anaesthesia for orchi is ridiculous overkill a spinal block is sufficient
I want to be knocked the fuck out if any type of knife is touching me.
I got knocked out for my wisdom teeth getting pulled, guaranteed i'm getting knocked out for orchi
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To SLC? Whaaat? Ive been to SLC like twice in my life- no, maybe three.
Also I cant stop doing drugs, what would Slaanesh think?

<3 <3
Maybe Ill only lose them from the knee down, but Id miss wearing high heels desu

I asked you guys the question so you could answer it. I have the same internet you do, idiot, if i wanted to google it i could.
Dick hotdogs.
lore makes this take hilarious
im vulnerable after..

I bet it's doable with a local.
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You took the wrong horomes, and this is proof
never really understood being afraid of knives and stuff cuttign and bleedings always been really fascinating to me. you're awake at the dentist how would it be any different?
>lore makes this take hilarious
i ddint really do anything that itneresting its just normal tranny shit.
January 31st you posted asking if anyone wanted to go on a dangerous roadtrip. I am so disappointed.
no arms.
sounds kind of fun figuring out how to make that work
Zoe is hayato which is a pedo that solicited nudes from minors etc etc dont reply to him
hayatos my friend

Netanyahu probably has friends too.
gross makes sense a loser like you would tho
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But then I wouldnt ever eat it, Id just suck on it and then swallow.

Im 5'5" aint no ammount of T that could have fixed that

....What? Sir I was busy with World of Warcraft then
I'm afraid of knives on *me* I don't want to feel anything, or know that i'm being cut up.
lmao holy shit this was wild i didnt realize it was a webm
i want the orchi method they do thru tum or whatever so ngl i would not be ok with that awake
desu i wouldnt be ok with either way awake now that im thinking about it
Why the hell do you have Lias pre-trans pics saved? That's creepy anon.
Besties w literal pedophiles

That is a totally different person right? Wtf was that?
Is it weird that I'm kinda interested in what that AI can do with my pre-trans pics?
This scary
its an ai gen video seeded from my selfie
ngl that was an extremely trippy experience
and ya the face changes at the end not sure if that made it cooler or not tho
Scrote entry is fine unless you have a tendency to form keloids. Can't even tell there was a surgery, it's like the testes were beamed from my sack onto the enterprise.
funniest shit I've ever seen
oh, i see. if you accidentally cut yourself with a knife while cooking does it upset you?
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Even AI knows paige is an evil ugly demon
No because i'm a rational adult.
Not wanting to be awake during an invasive medical procedure is rather normal.
i feel like it would be pretty interesting to see yourself be cut open if you cant feel it anyways
imma have them take the whole root too
not saying theres an objective benefit it just sounds better to me
wild it legit startled me kuz i have hover play
do an agp pic next but dont be porny nobody wants to see that
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Do it with my pre-trans pic, I'm curious what it does.
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I saw what it looks like in my cadaver lab.
i dont wanna see it with blood
Make pring do the truffle shuffle
i feel like it'd be different if it's yourself though. seein that you really are just flesh and blood through and through. seems like a sort of spiritual experience (for a surgery more invasive than orchi)
I love Goonies!
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You're not interesting enough. Also, it's fucking AI. HELLO? It's made for braindead retards like yourself. Upload picture, enter prompt (OPTIONAL WOW), generate. Do it yourself
Never seen Chowder, I don't get it.
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>blobby discovers the power of AI
It's over. It's fucking over
My kii is on my head. ^_^
Man it is weird to see myself with a flat chest these days lmao
these vids are actual seeds for existential panic what the fuck
stop posting reddit links ty for ur cooperation lia
i like your style hombre

Post moar reddit links lia

i don't have to do anything


thanks bro
dont be bratty theyre so interesting
this videos pretty good
I don't know if you're being facetious or not but that's a qualified 'have to do' not an unqualified 'have to do', if you don't do it then you don't do the thing you said you could do

>you don't do the thing you said you could do

again i never said i could prove the divinity of jesus this conversation is going nowhere it serves no purpose any longer.
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I need to find someone who wants a sugar baby for just 1 day when the new nvidia gpu drops.
the only problem is, i'm not interested in giving sugar.
so it'll never happen
the central argument is how I'm supposed to know to pick jesus over any other figure and you were offering evidence of his existence
talk abotu the gray fox
*eyes pop out of skull*
*tongue rolls down out of mouth*
Get a jerb

and i gave it to you.

sell otm call options on nvda
I wish the ever-present anxiety would go away
Bullet would fix. Bigger the better.
try psychedelics
you either get schizophrenia and ruin your brain
you fix your brain and you can live like normal
Do what I did, give up
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tonight we dine in hell
I want to masturbate but I'm not horny. :/
yes, but that doesn't get you to the first part
I think that shit made me trans by fucking up my sexual function
>I think that shit made me trans by fucking up my sexual function
just play an otome vn until you're in the mood
The grindr tranny I met that only talked about autism topics instead of letting me fuck now keep dming asking me to fuck. Should I give a second shot or will it be train convos and blueballs again?
Fucking cool, I'll become even more trans
I always fuck because I'm not rude. >>36247366

and i already told you. it's an impossible task. without jesus you are a slave to sin you cannot achieve salvation through your own willpower.

Ok but how does that answer my question
keep it a buck fitty in the dms and be like look i'm down to come over and turn that bussbuss into a real woman but i don't want to talk about sonic and anime wif u
You picked a dud, move on
what? why would that be agp? if anything the opposite
when you think about it crucifixion is the ultimate type of bondage
Goodnight mtfg. Love each other. Nibbles says goodnight too.
doesn't that seem unfair? that I'm doomed because there's nothing to steer me towards jesus over any other prophet?
being a tranny has nothing to do with sexual function though
i didnt because a tranny to get laid or because i was horny, or lack thereof
Last time she straight up said come over and fuck me I want it bad and then wouldn't even shake my hand or sit close. I think she just wants a friend and using promise of sex to have friend hangouts. I'm going to talk to her and let her know she doesn't have tk do that I'll still hang.
I'll stay friends but ban sex talk unless it's in person
Worship Demeter, she's real probably.
idk if that's totally true, sexual function is linked to how to understand your body which is linked to being trans, I don't mean it in the horny sense but the there's something wrong with me sense

crucifying someone would be fun


it seems unfair because the lord does not share your moral system. clearly.
How do I stop being mentally ill? I am me, and my brain is a part of me, and I want it to heal, but it's not doing that and I don't like it
so you think if you fixed your sex drive you wouldnt want to be a woman anymore?
i dont think thats how it works, friend.
just stepped on broken glass for my blasphemy
I don't have a moral system I'm just saying it seems kinda fucked that I'll burn in hell because I didn't gamble and win on the right guy
oh nooo, post a pic of ur feet so we can see the cuts?
I got it twisted
Have you tried them?
Does it stop working eventually
The brain is just an antenna and in your case it's tuned to some gay ass channel.
>Have you tried them?
no i dont wanna take the 50/50
therapy, exercise, friends, family, and spirituality
pick 3 and get them
i wiped off the blood so it doesnt look as cool now
not sex drive, it's not a horny thing like I said, much more a being wrong kind of thing
>Does it stop working eventually
O jeez I hope not.

so go to a bible church and pray for salvation. it's that simple.
oh and yeah I do wonder if I stopped ven before I started hrt I wouldn't have wanted to transition any more
How bad was your anxiety before?
Neither do I.
my farts smell super delicious tonight like extra wet and bwappy
you're talking in retard riddles so i'm not replying to you anymore.
'sexual function' implies sex. Learn to articulate yourself rather than saying 'much more of a being wrong kind of thing' because that doesnt make sense or tell us any god damn thing.
No don't do this. Come into the forest nude with me and we'll build a bonfire in the middle of a pentagram and have relations with lucifer.
>Neither do I.
why do that over any other religion's place though
stained glass is tight
I'm not trying to talk in riddles it's just hard to describe, it's like a kind of dysphoria if that makes more sense, idk why you don't get the idea of something just feeling wrong though I understand what that means when other people say it
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More like mad dog 50-50 grrr boof etc.
should i buy a ps5??? or just wait for next gen idk
alright fags i gotta sleeb nini
most playstation games come to pc eventually anyway.
buy the new switch 2 when it drops
Why don't I feel happy that I got a job? I'm stopping myself from being homeless/having to move back in with my parents.
if you dont have enough money for a pc that can run all the games, sure. theyre a pretty good investment for the cost.
spend it on upgrading your pc
>How bad was your anxiety before?
It's pretty bad, but I can function outside of groups. Hoping this will help.
No, there's no exclusives. Get a pc and emulate switch games
2 more hours before seeing the woman i love
wish i was the woman she loved
what does this mean
back 2 ur cagie u dumb wagie
I am.
Was it always so bad for you? Mine's a rather recent development
What do you love about her?
Yea, this is from cptsd
no pubes yet
>I can function outside of groups
I fall, into this darkness that I call my home

I feel, touched by an angel I know isn't real

They say, god will come back and free us from this place

And we, live till we die oh how we die it's so, easy
if you don't have an answer you can just say that, you offered the idea of going to a christian church as a solve to why I would pick jesus over any other figure, that raises the obvious question why a church over anywhere else, you can't seem to answer that, if you think it's just tough luck getting the wrong religion then please say that
i'm esl

how she makes me feel alive
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i need to close my dms im tired of getting unsolicited cum tributes
lyricfag posters are lowkey kinda the worst ngl
I deleted my twitter account and made a new one because they would just @ me.
Discord is 100% private and only used by irl friends or runescape friends
ive never used twitter, just public discord servers, but i'm sorry you've had to deal with that stuff too. hope you didnt lose anything important migrating twitters
>not just turning off @mention notifications from non followed pages
Yeah, I worry that's the case for me too. It never stops. Any brief moment of relief nearly brings me to tears.
Do you think you can one day be the woman she loves?
Damn Stacy over here bragging
>nooo don't give me attention i hate it because omg cummy pictures n stuff lik just leave me alone my dms and open and i'm whoring for attention in public discord servers but don't u hit on me u silly chasers xd
Nothing of value was lost, took a list of accounts i needed to refollow and I horde all my pics on my pc. I hope the weirdos leave you alone too :(

I don't want any of that associated with me at all, even if i'm blissfully ignorant of it.
Replying or not replying to hayato is the quintessential mtfg iq check
Majorly being failed right now
i don't know but I pray for it

why would you use me to post this lol
>post vone titties and spread butthole for the world to see
>w-why did evil men enjoy that...
i wish i was retarded rainman and can notice who is who just by how they type
i shit on every single one of your principle lol
and everyone do the same, you're nothing
>Joins public discord servers full of brainrotten teens
>Starts attention whoring with pics
>Teens react accordingly
>"I can't believe people are being so creepy to me!!"
>Damn Stacy over here bragging
dw im sure you're gonna get ur nasty moldy room cum tributes sum day fren just need mor etime on hrt
I'm you now
Ugh it's like why can't I just post pictures of myself in open massive public discord servers without boys cumming to them god being a girl is really hard
They've been using the name "Zoe Robinson" for more than months by now
I mean, are you guys fucking?
yea dude you shouldnt exist unless you want to be sexually harassed
Ugh so true girlie they're taking our validation away! Men never get aaaaaanything creepy if they do the same! Men these days for wealsies..
I'm cismale.
Samurai Jack is the best anime of all time and i hate it when weeb faggots try to even say it's not even anime just because it blows their chinese cartoons out of the water
Posting ur pics unsolicited on massive public servers full of mostly teens isn't necessary to existence you utter retard
You probably posted hole
It's just like wow ya know? Can't a girl just heckin throw their selfies around the internet to fish for attention just get a lil validation that doesn't involve semen? Ugh!!!!!
i understand we're anonymous, but how can you transition into a woman and still be a misogynist lol
*posts the picture*
it sucks to have to self-police everything you do to an insane degree to not get treated like shit.
For rreeeeaaaaaall ugh its just men being so creepy these days
UGH it's like dude i'm just on the intenet throwin my pictures around for some dopamine hits but all i'm gettin is creepy cummies in my DMs and that's not what I want at all!! Oh well when you pass this good I guess it's an ineveitable, but still it's like ughh ya kno?
Ttthe attention whoring.. I can't. I can't stop it. I NEED TO POST HOLE NOW. These fucking misogynists are trying to get me to self police everything I do.. I can't even post anything sexual anymore.. but damn them. I still will. I will post sexually charged content and expect nothing sexual back, like the strong smart woman I am.
i dont post sexually charged content, retard.
Ugh I totes hates it when i get all these unsoliciated DM's that I have total control and power over to stop reciving them but like dude ugh you can't just expect me to turn that off because what if I get some unsoliciated attention that I do like and stuff ya know? Ugh it's so unfair being a girl is HARD ughhhhhhh
you alerted the schizo(s)
its too late now
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why are you victim blaming you sick freak
Ya so weird how as someone who's probably posted 3 digit amounts of nudes on 4chan discord etc etc I never really got anyone creepy since I police where I post and control who can talk to me
Just rlly odd
Very weird at that

wahou, what a guy
what a shitty world
Victim of her own iq lack
>as someone who's probably posted 3 digit amounts of nudes on 4chan discord etc etc
thats nothing something to be proud of.
Ugh i didn't transition into being a woman and not be able to earn my victimcard ya know? It's like what's the point of getting cum pics that I don't want to receive and have the ability to stop with simple privacy settings if I didn't get to be a victim over it right? Ugh it's like none of this is my fault and anyways feel bad for me, ok? Ughhhhhhhhh
mtfg is 20 people its not schizos
>i need to close my dms
did you think i literally didnt make the post because i recently changed my setting
Don't care, just making the point that if you aren't an utter retard posting shit on public discord servers (which again ARE FULL OF TEENS) and manage your easy to configure dms on any and all websites, you won't get anything creepy in your dms
do you really believe it's the recipient's fault if they're sexually harassed simply because they didn't block out the ability for EVERYBODY to contact them?
UGH so anyways I fixed the problem but like I feel like I need some attention for it still so let me head to the 4th channel and let everyone who doesn't care and would never ask know about it and stop blaming me I didn't do anything wrong ugh ugh ugh

i never said that going to a christian church would solve the question of why you should pick jesus over any other figure i said it's impossible for me to answer that question as you will never believe in jesus unless you are saved by him.
Post attention whoring bait, don't block dms, get people falling for it
It is literally how social media works are you genuinely braindead?

it's me posting from 20 vpns
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I'm schizo
oh, im sorry to hear that. paranoid schizo?
DAE just want to hang out with a bunch of underage teeny boppers in massive discord servers for some reason and post your selfies there because you're a mega faggot and then complain because you get DMs you don't want receive and get others to feel pity for you?
It's just more attention whoring bait and pity farming
Waste of time
paranoid retard undiagnosed
damn, hope they find a cure
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Ngl you deserved to get bullied for this one frendiel. Yikers.
well you replied to my post about not knowing who to bet on by saying simply go to church, seems like you're saying that was the solve, otherwise it's just a non sequitur

are you now saying the saving has to come first? how am I supposed to know if I'm saved?
i dont understand what i did wrong. sorry for posting that though if it was harmful
it's your opinion that it's bait and it doesn't excuse sexual harassment anyway
Harmful to read due to your incomprehensible lack of intelligence

when you seek salvation
The fuck else do you expect from attention whoring on servers full of teens?????
so it comes after, you still have to guess correctly
>you should expect to be sexually harassed
even if that was true it doesn't make the victim at fault
>Hit wall
>"You can't blame me for it hurting!"
R u genuinely retarded
you just want to be sexually harassed to identify to women more come on can we move on
hitting a wall is an action you take
being sexually harassed is an action another person takes
nonono, you don't get it.
she posted pictures of herself on the internet!
that is just aaaaaasking to get sexually harassed.
you idiot
perhaps it's your fault for walking down that street young lady
it was 100% my fault for wearing an outfit like that.
he did pay for dinner what did you think that meant?
Posting pics around teens mid puberty is an action you take
Hitting the wall is the action, pain the reaction
Posting those pics to teens is the action, sexual harassment is the reaction
why are you obsessed with the teen thing ive never been sexually harassed by a teen its people older than me
posting pictures is an action
sexual harassment is an action
pain isn't an action a person takes
impossible, only children use discord, all the real ones use skype.
Which is why I said it is a reaction to the action you retard
Public discord servers have no one under 20 using them
I've literally seen it myself
>Public discord servers have no one under 20 using them
so theres no teens?
Go join one rn and see
Over, not under
skype has a lot of problems, no idea why you'd use that over literally any other program. even like teamspeak is better than skype
you don't seem to get reacting to something isn't an excuse for the action
I can react to a person saying hello by blowing them up
was poking fun about how old people have only ever used skype (me included)
sky/vent was where it was at before discord dropped
>disabled kid
>beaten everyday
>no one gives a fuck
>no help from the state or the school
>cry yourself to death everynight

>post nudes online to strangers
>won't even turn off their dms
>want to be recognized as a victim of -sexual- harassement

just stop, have some decency
why are you posting dogshit strawmans with info that isnt even true?
are you literally being killed right now? then shut up
I am saying doing an action with a genuinely obvious reaction is 100% on you if you dislike what it's caused
You are on so many layers of retardation my words might as well be blank text on a screen at this point
do you think it's on you if you attempt to escape a fascist regime and get caught and executed
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And these are the people defending the retard
I rest my case and will stop engaging on the bait
Tyvm for proving my point
being such a navel gazer is your issue
everyone in the discord attention whore love triangle clusterfuck is a genuinely awful person
no this is dumb, you are not responsible for other people's actions even if it's predictable, other people have agency
>mentions teens
>no teens involved
>mentions nudes
>no nudes mentioned in any of her posts
Are YOU retarded?
>only escape to harassement is killing yourself

>only escape to harassement is turning off yours dm
So if I start beating the shit out of someone it's on them for fighting back?? Are you retarded?
sorry are you being murdered? why are you complaining?
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yeah it is on them for fighting back but fighting back is actually a reasonable thing to do and isn't akin to sexually harassing somebody, you are allowed to respond to violence with violence
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Made a Doctor's appointment for my depression and adhd meds i've been off for a bit.
Earliest appointment is July 10th, not too bad.
But I won't be seen by a doctor, i'll be seen by a 'nurse practitioner'.
I heard they kinda just throw meds at you without knowing whats going on, so i'm kinda scared.
But I also heard they were 'easier' to get meds from.
We will see
I'm going to my first local GG tourney tomorrow, I'm nervous, but excited at the same time, I'm sure I'm gonna get my ass kicked, but I'm still looking forward to it. Wonder if there will be other trannies there
you don't look like that THOUGH
tfw you'll never be a cute girl with skin melting off your face
a nurse practitioner will probably give you the same thing a regular doctor would, at least for depression. the administration of ssris is well understood. it will be okay, happy you're working on your health
>Wonder if there will be other trannies there
there will
I look like autism in physical form
>there will
what makes you say that?
wherever there are trannies, there are more trannies. since you're going there, there will be trannies
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Guten morgen thread.
I went to EVO last year, just to watch, and while I'm not saying there were not trannies there, I didn't see any personally.
its midnight
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It's almost 8AM, anon-sama.
Sweet Caroline (ba-ba-baaa), i am looking at my clock right now.
Please do not lie to me.
that surprises me. you clearly understand better than i do.
my cat started clawing at my thighs if i dont give her attention
it wouldnt be so bad if she would make herself known but instead she stares at me in silence behind my back until her rage boils over
How the fuck did you fags get a 700+ reply thread?
have the time to save my image, but not play my recommendation.. i see how it is :(
a LOT of fighting.
Politics, drama, and arguing
i dont particularly mean anything by it. i just figured there will be trannies there but now im not confident enough to say that because of the experience you shared
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Good morning frens! Have a nice start into the weekend! :>

Guten Morgen Carol-sama
Wish all me transfrems doing well
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this mangas so raw
did he pull an evangelion on her?
guten kill me thread
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he did this, actually
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whats the manga
eden its an endless world
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Yeah and I mean, I've been to plenty of places that didn't have trannies. I went to the grocery store today, and didn't see any troons there. Granted, I do just put in my earbuds when grocery shopping and walk with my list, and grab my stuff, leave. SLC does have a large Queer and LGBTQIA+ base, I see a lot of Progress pride flags here, and I live within 10 minutes of a gay bar.

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