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QOTT1: beach or pool?
QOTT2: what do you look forward to most this summer?

previous: >>36239559
really looking forward to college starting and summer being over because i hate heat so much. im sitting here butt naked, fans on full blast and still dizzy from heat. theres no way around it.
Slightly tipsy again, god I want to be male
Beach, by far
Getting on minoxidil and trying to get buff
Pools, they would be even better if I had one all for myself
I don't like summer so I'm not looking forward to anything related to summer. Maybe getting a nice tan? But its really hot nowadays and I hate the humidity too.
>QOTT1: beach or pool?
Pool but I like the idea of beaches better
>QOTT2: what do you look forward to most this summer?
For the heat wave to stop. I'm sick of melting everyday. I want to go outside and do stuff but it's a health risk
guys is it a stereotype for ftms to have gigantic asses i keep hearing about it and i too am guilty of having a huge dumptruck pawg ass
its not a stereotype, its a requirement in order to be ftm
I really like both. I’ve been into beaches more lately though. Did competitive swimming and lifeguard shit as a kid and I’m tired of the chlorine.
Going to the beach, my work does some 4 day work weeks in the summer so having more time off is exciting too.
It’s horrible. I slept holding ice packs last night. I feel bad for my cat.
Remember to keep hydrated, heat dome ftmgers.
https://unsee cc/album#NlCZp0Ha9bVp yes and yes it's a blessing and a curse
Dear sexy hot buff men,
I am here to say once again that I love you and you better love me too and think of me all the time but not in a weird way and also post some muscles?
would you say it is comparable to dick size? should we start having ass measuring contests? should ass size be relative to status?

that may as well be a photo of mine. 23 inch waist with a 36 inch butt reporting in, most certainly a blurse :(... my least favorite thing is feeling it jiggle when i walk, but my most favorite thing is that it jiggles when i walk.
>comparable to dick size?
That's already a thing: the bigger your tdick, the more of a man you are
23 inch waist, goodness. i'm a 36 ass with a 30 waist, i'm anglefrauding af in this pic. you're gonna have to do some insane core workouts to widen your waist or get a butt minimizing surgery. or hope T makes it into a fat boy ass
love you too little buddy. here ya go
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hi mommy. post boobs?
post abs
Why would you even say that. So disgusting to just objectify me and only care about my body and think about touching me in ways I don’t want. That is just vile and makes me feel so violated and disgusted. I can’t believe anyone would say that to me and it disturbs me that you would think about objectifying and using my body for whatever gross things you think about. So weird.
i no longer want to see boobs, this is a really cringey larp. i can tell you're 6'4 with conetits. you are a man and i would not have sex with you.
i've been on T for over 5 years at this point, i think it's just my body shape or something. i've been built like that since i was 11. honestly i'm quite fine with it now but yeah it used to seriously bother me.

what was gods plan for giving us ridiculous asses if not for competitive ass measuring...

speaking of: what is the most accurate way to measure a tdick? depending on how i do it, i could either be pretty hung or i could have a laughably tiny dick. what even counts as small/average/hung for tdicks?
All you stupid gay dumbasses want to do is talk about how much you want to fuck each other like nasty lesbians. Why don’t you go back to that instead of being STRAIGHT then. Don’t pretend like any of you would ever be straight and just keep calling yourself dyke whores or whatever. I’m so sick of it and will definitely not post again tomorrow.
Does ftmg even like cis girls? Am I the only straight one left?
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im not ftm
Beach. I've been really jonesing for a beach trip, I need to go sometime soon
>QOTT2: what do you look forward to most this summer?
Passoid man ass
nobody likes cis girls
you need to kill yourself immediately
>"Does ftmg even like cis girls?"
>posts theyfabs
they are irrefutably afab women. that's cis enough to me.
From an aesthetic standpoint, I like cis girls. I don't know if I'd have sex with one though
post your booty in a thong
>flat chest
>abusing poses and angles
this could be a fridge body femboy
i love cis girls they are so bubbly and fun and have big boobs and cute little smiles and wear cute outfits and i want a girlfriend so bad
This is the same girl. If she had a dick, it wouldn't stop me.
Does /ftmg/ like guys who want to get some androgynous pooners with huge asses pregnant?
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I like cis girls very much. But I also like trender gayden pooners who will never go on T because functionally they're still cishet women and tend to be cuties. Too bad they don't like musky vagina and only date cis men.
only my partner
everyone else no you will be the end of your bloodline
i dont understand why they dont go on T
going on T then going low dose/back to E makes you look cute...unless you are ugly i guess then it doesnt
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Because they want to look like yaoi boys.
Yaoi boys look like girls, ergo, there is no need for them to change anything hormonally speaking; usually a haircut is enough.
Gloves is so fat he could be mistaken for a globe
>QOTT1: beach or pool?
a jacuzzi
>QOTT2: what do you look forward to most this summer?
makin money
NOT cute!
needs T!
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Lol, that girl is never going on T.
She calls herself a "ditzy trans boy" and has goth blunt bangs now. She's gonna desist soon.
Tbf I grew my hair out and ppl thought I detransed, but I ended up just coming back twice as hard and went on hormones since it was killing me.
>flat chest
>chubby stomach and thighs
>wide hips
>tight straps to accentuate feminine fat
PURE SEXO. I wish I had balls so I could plap girls like this and make hapa babies.
not yet i'm not, but my body certainly prioritized giving me a fat gut and not much else
No, but I am one
>verification not required
There are at least 5 of us
my new pants are basicallyf alling off my ass but i love them i dont want any other pants. and i have a 2000s inspired style so my pants being baggy doesnt look out of place and its kind of a trend now. should i return and order an XS size or keep the S size? i'm normally a size S so i have no idea why theyre so fucking big
>parents are mad at me because I don't want to legally change my name to the obnoxiously Latinx name they chose for me
Why are they so adamant about naming me Enrique?
>coming back twice as hard
>shaves legs to "bring drugs to a concert"
>"drugs" is weed
>QOTT1: beach or pool?
>QOTT2: what do you look forward to most this summer?
for it to be over. summer is the worse season, i hate hot weather, its just so uncomfortable. people who like hot weather are liars, im so sweaty and i cant sleep and i hate wearing clothes that reveal my body. plus whenever its summer i see all the people i know online having fun going on trips and hanging out together meanwhile im at home doing nothing and i have no friends. i hate that my break from uni is so long. im so fucking bored already, i did at one point try looking for a summer job but i couldnt find anything so i gave up. mcdonalds was an option but ive worked there before and i refuse to work there again. i really should be planning my dissertation but i feel so lethargic and lazy, being home drains all the motivation out of me. all ive been doing is waking up at 12, playing fortnite or going on 4chan. im going back to my city in two weeks and im look forward to it because im going to get really fucking high, i cant smoke at my mums house, if im doing nothing and wasting away i wish i could at least not have to be sober.
I'm bisexual but I have a massive preference towards women. I would say my attraction is 90/10 with women being 90 and men being 10. I've never been in a relationship so this doesn't even really matter.
Neither the only source of water I can stand is a shower
If you're forcing me to choose which one I will be sitting outside of for hours pool is the easy choice because I hate sand. Unless it was a rocky beach or something then beach would be preferable because I'd get to climb the rocks
I've already been on summer break for a month now
I dunno, I don't really have anything planned. My mum and brother are going on holiday next month so I'll have the house to myself, and my friend's birthday is during that time period, so maybe that
Why not use a belt?
you need to be 18 to post here
What makes you think I am underage? Being on summer break? It's called university. Living with my family? It's called minimising student debt. I do not understand
Hell you're one to complain Gloves, you live with your family AND aren't in any form of education or employment (yes I know disability no jobs would take you yada yada just pointing out the hypocrisy here)
you couldve specified that anon, im in the exact same situation as you currently. when you say "summer break" without saying that youre also uni student i'm going to assume youre some high schooler lol
what is gloves disability?
Not sure that is a fair assumption, aren't most of us here university age? Also I thought that being off since May might have been a hint since secondary school generally never ends that early, my A levels weren't even over until the 26th of June when I had them
Shit like tism and OCD
Beach, pools are too loud and I have turbo autism
Seeing some friends on their uni summer break, hoping that they notice I've been on T
Yea but why you have to post a shit example of one? That one's so thin she might as well be a man
How could you prefer sand,,,,,,,
My personal sensory hell is sand in my shoes. It makes me want to commit crimes.
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my cat shoved his head into me. tried to get a pic but picrel happened
this is true, but also 'summer vacation' usually is used to refer to high school sorry
>be me
>3rd "daughter"
>older sisters have flat/heart shaped butt's
>>get cursed with bubble butt
>dysphoric about it all throughout highschool
>get told my female friend, "anon stop trying to cover your butt you can't hide it"
What the fuck
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Another British person at uni? What year are you in? In September I'm starting third year and I cannot believe that it's gone so quick. How are you finding it? Also sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm just a retard.
pics or you're lying
Nah it's all fair. Only did my first year there. It's not really much of a change, but I definitely did not put as much effort in as I should have. Still apparently got firsts in every module except one but there's no way I can keep up being as lazy as I am for next year
I feel like the older I get the lazier I get. You go from doing 10 GCSEs, to doing 3-4 A levels and having a fuck ton more free time to doing 1 degree and even more free time, really there were some days I'd have 1 class from 9-10 and nothing afterwards so I'd just go home. And that's kind of the problem, I just go home and then do fuck all, as opposed to secondary where you had study periods (and free periods for my school but you could still study in 'em) I'll probably have to force myself to use the library or something next year
Course this isn't a universal experience, just the chemist experience so far. My friend who does civil engineering was getting fucking hammered with coursework and group projects every 5 seconds
Many. Do i have time to list them?
>I definitely did not put as much effort in as I should have. Still apparently got firsts in every module except one but there's no way I can keep up being as lazy as I am for next year
I mean the amount of effort you put in doesn't really matter imo as long as you've been getting good grades, work smarter not harder. You couldn't of done any better than you did, so anymore effort would've been wasted. I guess it's good that you understand next year you need to put in more effort. In the first year like you I was getting 70s without really trying, in my second year I have been taking uni even less seriously, I just smoke and do fuck all and I've been getting 60s now instead, when in reality this year was more important than the first.
>really there were some days I'd have 1 class from 9-10 and nothing afterwards so I'd just go home. And that's kind of the problem, I just go home and then do fuck all, as opposed to secondary where you had study periods
I agree and it kind of annoys me. I'm paying so much for my degree when I get like... barely any lectures at all? I understand that at this age we are expected to have independent and self guided study but what am I paying for?
Something I recommend is to use your free time not just for studying but others things like hobbies, hanging out with friends and societies. I know you get hammered by people to join them and you never do, but in my second year I started going to the cinema society a few times a week and although it didn't really help me in making friends it gave me something to do and wake up for.
Go ahead
Self diagnosed or what
check the archives or kill yourself stop shitting up the thread newfag
I've been using this website for over two years, but yeah sure sorry I don't know every single detail about each and every tripfag (like there isn't a new one every other week) like some schizo with a parasocial relationship with a bunch of retarded tranny losers.
all my shit is legally diagnosed. i'm even deemed SMI by the government
yes, you should feel bad about this. the fact you're not a summerfag makes it worse. check the archives next time before shitting up the thread and lowering the quality even more.
semi mentally invalid?
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the landscape of men's fashio. is a nightmare
>check the archives
KEK why on earth would I do that. Do you really think anyone would ever care that much. Maybe I just have a life or something idk.
Damn, makes sense though.
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This is peak male fashion. You're not a real man unless you dress like this.
Zoomers have no clue how to work hospitality. Every time I go some place and it's gen z working the front of house, they have no clue what the fuck they're doing. I'm not gonna bitch about it to anyone that works there cause I'm just gonna get my shit and go. Worse when it's an actual restaurant and they have no idea how to serve or talk to customers.
So many places around here are hiring kids which is understandable, but even the "fancy" places in the next town over. Grinds my gears
and you wonder why no one would care to answer your retarded question
The issue is places don't train people properly anymore. When I worked in fast food I had "training" which was just two shifts where I followed someone and that was it. After that I was expected to know what I was doing.
Go back to bed gramps
Gloves literally answered themselves see >>36251465
i sincerely wish i could get on top of you and stab you to death. i want to hear you scream
verification not required
only former servers and boomers seethe about this, but you're neither. how bad was it?
>places don't train people properly anymore
Completely true. We had this food runner chick who sucked fucking ass last summer and for about a week this summer. She's only hired because she's the rich entitled daughter of our rich entitled regulars. Didn't know jack shit her first year on what to do or how to even act right in the kitchen. Example:
>Waitress K: When you bring a cheese board to a table, you have to tell them what the cheeses are
>M brings cheese board to a table
>"This is cheese".
She came back again this year which nobody fucking wanted, to fill a slot on wing night since our same manager was only scheduling 2 servers to deal with the entire busy restaurant retardedly. His solution? This dumbfuck girl, and giving her 0 training when she already knew jack shit to begin with a year ago.
She thankfully got fired because she gave one-day notice that she was going on a 3 week family vacation. Thank god
>only former servers and boomers
As a cook I'm constantly seething about the bullshit that servers bring back to the kitchen. Coming back asking retarded questions.
>"Do you make the salads or are they all ready to go?
>"Do you fry the crab cakes ahead of time or to order?"
You SEE me doing these things every day. It's just because of how fast I get shit out.
>"What's that green stuff under the burrata?"
It's ON THE MENU. You should know this, the hell are you going to say if a customer asked you that?
Went to this nice pizza restaurant in the fancy town and all the servers were zoomers. Barely interacted with us as a table except to awkwardly take our order and ignore us the rest of the time if we needed anything. Pizzas were great though
That pizza experience is actually the time we went there. Remember the servers not giving a fuck?
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Actually being this mad is crazy
Tbdesu I don’t expect servers to interact with me, but I’m also socially inept so…
I do remember they just took the order n didn’t check in at all the entire time kek.
well then i think she just needs a little bit of bullying..! she is so ugly testosterone could SAVE HER FUGLY FOID ASS. SHE COULD LOOK SO PLAPPABLE :/
Exactly. I know you don't care much for interaction but you can still tell the difference between a good server and a dumbass/poorly trained zoomer.
Went to the Indian place in the same town and had a great experience. Had this tall old white guy server who knew exactly what he was talking about, and pegged me and my friend instantly as cooks so he was super chill with us. Made a joke about my friends pack of cigarettes saying "I expect one of those when you guys are done" and my friend actually left a couple cigs on the check.
Trans men are the superior dating option for cis women. I have invaded ftmgen like 3 times now to say this. The two groups need to get together and make magic happen. I need a trans bf. Cis men will never understand me.
any other pornbrained nympho ftms out there
just spent the last few hours getting top quality sph from bf
was not allowed to cum even tho i really wanted to when he called it an itty bitty tiny peeni
am now being made to keep a butt plug in all night
I'm really living the life doods
i love perverted gay sex!!!!!
Could age not just be the advantage? As in people who aren't zoomer literally have had more years working and thus more experience. For many of these zoomers it's probably their first job ever, meanwhile for that old white guy you used as an example, he's probably been working for years and years and years. There's also lockdown to take into account, where loads of these gen zer who should've been learning these social skills for work at this important age to were literally stopped from socialising for two years- at least in person anyway.
SPH from a cis bf (or mtf) is the dream... I'm always thinking about sex and I wanna buy more sex toys but I still live at home and I don't want my parents opening my mail.

Also has anyone here voice trained? I have a shitty poon voice I hate but idk if doing voice training on my own would help. I'm not willing to pay for sessions either unless I get desperate. Its male range but I wasn't lucky enough to get a cis sounding voice.
Of course work experience is a huge advantage. That dude was a career waiter and by no means a regular example. Still, you can tell when someone is a newbie but giving a sincere effort to take their job seriously and improve, and someone who doesn't give a fuck and just wants to cash in their tips.
The difference in attitude between generations is incredibly obvious when we have new hires that are zoomers versus millennials, first time working in a restaurant in both cases. Zoomers act incredibly entitled and make no effort to learn the menu or work as a team, only finishing as fast as possible to grab their tips and leave. It's genuinely the sole thing they give a fuck about, which is the case for most servers across all generations, but zoomers don't have the skills to back it up.
>where loads of these gen zer who should've been learning these social skills for work at this important age to were literally stopped from socialising for two years
That's true. This should motivate them to put even more effort into catching up and improving, but all that happened is that they're defeatist mongs who want more money for less effort.
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Did any other doods here lose interest in eating food after starting testosterone? I've been feeling disgusted by food ever since I started T, which is odd since I used to be fat. I no longer enjoy eating. I have to force myself to eat now. Putting shit in my mouth and chewing till it's slimy feels repulsive.
FTM voice training is a waiting game. I had the pooniest voice possible for my first six months of testosterone, but it started getting deeper and more masculine with time. Worry not.
I've voice trained by myself when I was pre-T, its definitely helped as I got on T but I still have that weird poon voice but desu I'm too fucked to change it

Voice training is just imitation and range, the hardest part is being consistent about it. There's definitely videos about it on YouTube but you could also find a male youruber who's voice you like and try to mimic that
Hey Elliot haven't seen you in a while
Dude please do your eyebrows they're bothering the fuck out of me
>>inb4 cis men don't
All the men I know make their wives/gfs do it
do you really not have top surgery/havent been gymmaxing? what a woman
I shape my bfs brows sometimes, it’s quite fun
my flex is that im ftm and my calves are bigger thab my thighs
I shape mine and my mtf gfs, it's pretty easy if you have a keen eye on symmetry
Extremely based
imagine dragons makes unironically hype music eyes closed is so good for the gym
Gloves stop making excuses, you literally do anything to avoid having to work or do anything productive with your life instead you neet your life away, taking your parents down with you
Oh and you? What do you think you're doing here?
What are you doing here on 4chan, does your little brother know you post here
Weird asf
That’s just your body becoming masculine guys shit lots don’t worry about it
Fed glowie types definitely have a look yes
Additionally, can you change the tire on a car if you got a flat driving. THERE'S YOUR METRIC GIRLS. If you can pull that 1 off
... You maybe just MAYBE... PASS. .. ROFLMFAO
working in a kitchen seems soul sucking
trying to read the shopping list in the background all i can read is "bath mat" and "dryer bath"
I like cisgirls but I'm like bisexual or something
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Only if you have a shitty boss and/or coworkers. Everyone that gets a job here (that doesn't turn out to be a scumbag) enjoys it here and often comes back again in the future. Can't speak for every restaurant.
For me I love it here. It's hard and fast paced work but I'm good at it. We're super tight with each other in the kitchen and can be as retarded and unfiltered as we want. Free beer, whiskey, and staff meal every night. Then going out to the bar to hang out with all the other cooks and dishies from the other places in town, its great.
It's not a job for everyone but for certain types of people it's fulfilling and rewarding. Personally I couldn't imagine working a desk job or someplace where I had to act nice to people all day.
sure thing hon
You still work with your spitroast buddies?
Thank u, t4t for the win fr
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Post pics...
>subtly whips out dick
The "bro" that every straight guy says he's going to go hang out with for a few hours.

Said bro also leaves for a year then comes back with a newborn kid "he had with some girl he was seeing" that looks awfully familiar.
How do I cope with my grandma dying? She is my biggest supporter and she has raised me since I was 2. She's 90 so this isn't unexpected but it hurts so much I feel suicidal
It's okay anon.
If you believe in heaven or the afterlife then there is no doubt that she is in a better place and is at peace.
Live a life being content and try to be happy.
That will be the ultimate tribute tot he woman who loved and helped you so much.
I'm an expire twink and I want to be HOT. Thinking of going to a TRT clinic...

1) how can I artificially make my testosterone appear low so they give it to me (I had like 200 when I was tested a few yrs ago)
2) how much does it cost for TRT out of pocket? Assuming I take it for anabolic purposes as a dude and they prescribe it to me
my bf is an 8 inch dick wielding nonbinary and i thoroughly enjoy when he beats mine up with his and laughs at it

i live at home too but i just tell my parents ahead of time im expecting mail and to just leave it by my door
it's so hot out, i want to go get ice cream or something..
200 should be low enough to qualify for trt. i always see 300ng/dL being the low end of normal range. I've heard drinking a lot of alcohol and jerking off a lot lower it
hours?? this sounds awful lmao
go get icecream anon ! :)
i just encouraged a mentally ill trans woman to murder her own mother. anyway, can someone recommend me a summer binder? i have to prune a tree but i get all stinky and sweaty in the heat. but i don't want the neighbors to notice my D cup knockers
Why are people on this website so mentally ill
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alright boys how am I looking
maybe..if i take the bus for simple ice cream cone i should probably try to draw or something too
My parents don't really respect my wishes lol a while back I asked my dad to please not open my mail and he didn't give a shit. I've been tempted to buy something obscene just to see if they'd open it and freak out.
>i just encouraged a mentally ill trans woman to murder her own mother.
You did what, bro?!
How do I look? (I know I barely pass, I'm feminine af)
Giga based, extremely based, ungodly based
i want to kiss your butt.
you dont pass like, at all. not that you barely pass, you just dont, you just look like any female. if you dressed differently you would.
Thank you, dude! (This is the same person btw)
Ofc ofc, happy to see another Ftfemboy around here :P
He has another gofundme up
That's fine, I don't mind not passing because that's not my goal for transitioning (thank you anyway though)
Sup baby
Let me clap them cheeks and slap that clit around with my fat dick.
>I don't mind not passing because that's not my goal for transitioning
Fuck off back to Tumblr or Twitter retard
Tiny, feminine, repper hands wrote this
i guess if you're not into it, yeah. it's one of my biggest kinks tho
we were very drunk and horny to be fair

>I've been tempted to buy something obscene just to see if they'd open it and freak out.
lmao do it, teach them their lesson with an xxl bad dragon or some shit
...ok lowkey ur not even wrong, like i read this and looked at my small girly hands shining in the light of my laptop
go back to are slash truscum you miserable girly faggot
Ngl I'd let you
Lemme hold em
Are they cute at least
99% of the entire board is truscum. i'm not, but all of /lgbt/ (aka /tttt/) generally expects you to be and most will cannibalize you for not being such
you are new, it's obvious. i'd suggest integrating or leaving before a malicious individual brainworms you into hating yourself
theyre kinda weird ig
https://unsee cc /album#gRsbvFNLIMH1
yeah im aware
i just thought it was a fitting response to their post
Holdable hands for sure
you are all watching shadows in a cave. wake up
Mogs mine
Not really, they are always very clammy. Even now they're soaking wet.
The image makes them almost look better, my hands are very small. It sucks.
How new are you?
Doods what's your girliest interests??
Mine is an anime girl dressup gacha game, I don't admit it to anybody
Is it Love Nikki
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Nicki Minaj. She is a guilty pleasure to me. I saw her live in London very recently, I got standing pit tickets for really cheap.
Monster high dolls
No, I tried Love Nikki and I didn't like it.
It's Cocoppa Play which is infinitely worse
true crime
That’s how my bf is it’s kinda wild
How are yall always clammy
One time before a date I put baby powder on my hands because they were so sweaty in case we was going to hold hands. I wasn't even nervous and it wasn't even hot, they're just clammy so often for no reason.
I loved that app as a kid
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just a reminder if you dont feel malebrained enough that youre literally using 4chan
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Thoughts? I'm a needy attention whore
hot we should kiss
cosplay, not (just) the gooner side. I like seeing people alter their features in different ways to appear as different characters
I blow all of my paycheck on designer clothes. Some women's, some men's. Whenever I go out in them I never pass though so they don't get worn. I wear video game shirts and jeans.
Bro why are you such a weird little nigga
What’s the point if you don’t wear em?
because no one will fuck me
Bruh i stopped buying new clothes a long time ago, literally get designer brands in thrift stores for really cheap, but if you're addicted to shopping just don't bruh, you're gonna become one lf those tlc compulsive shoppers then your house is gonna be filled with tons of shit
Mine are small too. I’m far enough in my transition where dysphoria doesn’t frequently plague my thoughts, but I’m still really insecure about my hands and try to avoid bringing attention to them.
I’d consider this malebrained. not heterosexual malebrained for sure, but at least in my area girls don’t really like Nicki anymore.
Understandable it’s fucking insane. The game you mentioned looks cute though, reminds me of stuff I’d play online as a kid. I’m probably going to look into it.
A large amount of my interests are violently fembrained. I like most of the things already mentioned here.
Have you tried grindr or something? When was the last time you got fucked
I wear them when I go out and don't expect to talk to people. I like good design and I view owning it and taking care of an object as paying respect to the design.
Yeah I buy pre-owned often. I don't care about price, stuff in my collection ranges from things I got for 10 bucks to a few thousand.
I feel bad for X, he's actually pretty chill, he just wants some dick is all
Gloves is afraid of me, i live rent-free in his little poon mind, i will keep tormenting
him, he knows exactly who i am
Cocoppa is a continuation of TinierMe/Pocketland if you've ever played those. It's pretty fun but it's ridiculously greedy. It's most active during the monthly style wars event, right now the current event is snap contest which nobody really likes.
>t. the californian riptide that dragged him out to sea as a poonling
Fuck yeah.
Where you at?
I was definitely thinking of TinierMe! I’ll probably give it a go once work gets less crazy.
lmao i don't even know who you are
Straight cis man here
I regularly force myself on desperately horny FtMs and spend the entire brutally balls deep pounding their brains out and filling their fucked raw holes with hot cum.
Sorry but I see you all as fucktoy I can probably have a decent convesation with when I don't need to use some tight hot pussy and hear a bitch whimper and moan in submission.

Just thought I'd let you fucktoys all know.
Yes you do rita
cool fantasy
Maybe anon is referring to that girl rat from Flushed Away.
I double-checked the result, it was 363 ng/dL at, 11:40AM.
I've heard the test can be lower if I time it right too, should I take it then or a different time? And drink the night before? Or day of?
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Post pussy
i think drinking the night before. I can't remember too well, this is stuff i heard from gymbros trying to get test ages ago. you'd have better luck on /fit/
yeah, no idea. i know someone posted that image in the past but i genuinely have no idea who you are, nor do i care.
Lmao typical female response, I'll be more of a man than youll ever be pussy
you are on 4chan picking fights with FtMs because you are insecure
does that sound like the behavior of someone manly?
So manleee dood
the difference in response between replyrel and >>36257280 is hilarious, it shows you're absolutely pissing and shitting yourself because you're mad you're inconsequential to my life. the thing that tipped me off was going from calling me a man to misgendering me when i hardly remember you
Im ftm retard
Dooood i don't have any comebacks so i just repeat what you're saying gotteeem lmao
Do you have any favourites when it comes to sexy vampire babes? If not, what style of hot vampire girls are you usually into?

Everyone else is free to answer this too, gayden inclusive.
you are acting so female rn dood...
does it stink
im too scared and fembrained for apps, atp unless someone directly comes up to me (which they wont) its over
ive never been fucked as a result
its hard out here looking too straight
serana, seras victoria, kinda stretching it but kasane teto. big tits and/or ass, usually but not always goth
you are stupendously fembrained. it's impressive
>all you are to me is a lolcow
you're trying too hard dood. a real lolcow doesn't have to be poked or prodded to be funny. if you have to harass them or trick them into shit to make you laugh they're by definition not a lolcow. if they're unfunny in general they're not a lolcow.
tl;dr you don't know what a lolcow is, and you're just an a-log because you have nothing else interesting about you
tl;dr didn't read anything you said, fat lesbian, keep entertaining me piggy
pretty sure that's not oris' actual trip but he's also retarded enough to say something like this
You type like an esl and like a woman
Bro X, come on dood, you wanna stay a virgin forever?
>checking test at 11:40 AM
kek rookie mistake
i just realized that since we dont have prostates, if i got phallo, i could easily piss during sex with no problem unlike cis men
now i want phallo lol
Hot, thanks for letting us know anon.
I like:
>(early) nightwish
>stardew valley and rune factory
>doctor who
so fem autist brained. i was never really into 'fandom' though
I wonder if 'Rita' gets many likes...
The fake account got taken down by Bumble, last I heard so none.
nah but im so damn picky when i do put in any effort in apps and fembrained like i said before that ion think its even worth really trying most of the time
Manlets will never be real men
Monster High dolls also. I enjoy Stardew Valley too, but a cis friend of mine always wants to play it with me so I don't feel as guilty about it.
oh! I'm sorry, my mistake
you're on 4chan picking fights with mentally handicapped autists because you are insecure
does that sound like the behavior of someone manly?
Games like stardew valley and splatoon
Why are the manlet suicide rates so high? Is it because manlets can't breed? Must suck :/
>if I am insecure about something that means everyone else must be, too!
Why are manlets pussyfree omega male cuckolds? Poonersissies... I thought we were real men? But xhey don't even have penises to have sex
get a life
Have sex, incel
cats, the sims 2, animal crossing(the older mean ones mostly, muffy and kiki are fire villagers but so are new ones like marlo and petri), toontown corporate clash, splatoon, monster high gen1, nendoroids, ball joint dolls (too poor for them though), stuffed animals, general autism
see >>36258737
So... you aren't having sex? Like ever? That sucks sis :/
sometimes i get so pent up that i consider texting my straight bros asking to fuckkkk me. i know that they might, given the chance, despite the chest and back hair. I could be seduced into that mindset under the right conditions (and certainly feel that in the moment, and often fantasize), but it would likely ruin all friendships i have. how do i remove this urge? I do like women, but I feel a lot of performance anxiety (i have a mommy issue)
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is love possible for us ftms?
This is the foidbrain, you are a woman. You will never be a real man
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you suck at trolling

I'm playing it right now
I've been playing it all day
woke up today and decided to get the joja community center achievement
then why do i have dysphoria? what is the root?
am i insane or do any of you see a bruise/indent
You are a woman therefore you only seek attention and act out of spite so you either just want to seem like a le heckin quirky poonerchudder or you're doing this to make your father miserable because xitter told you white man bad
It's all sunken and fucked like most shitty double incisions
and you cant get laid and its because youre just terrible company to be around
you'll blame a million and one superficial traits that are definitely what's sabotaging you but it's really just the content of your character
you could attempt to self improve and try to be a functional human being but you'd much rather go on 4chan and whine and try to find people doing worse to punch down at (they dont exist, you are the lowest of the low)
Poonercuckolds literally can't have sex lol, no woman will ever want a dickless manlet omega chud
No woman could ever love a manlet, especially with no dick
i mean the left side looks good but this side the boob was way bigger and i also was only on T like 4 months when i got it done. i think now that my pec muscles are filling out its just more obvious i got top surgery done early. i had to squeeze through a tight door recently and feel like i did something to the right side but i may be paranoid
All the pooners I know irl get tons of puss. You just need rizz and access to bisexual women
T4T isn't hard to find
I wouldn't know about that though, I'm a gayden, I get the full benefits of my pussy privilege, endless miles of dick
Xhey get pegged in xer chudgina thoughever
So... you're a woman?
>So... you're a woman?
shit you got me, I'm actually an MtF tranny and I just come in here to larp as FtM so I feel better about not passing
I do get laid though, so that's nice
fellas is it fembrained to listen to Hosier?
no hozier makes me lust for a girlfriend so bad
is it fembrained to listen to pitched up hosier?
no bc that's just the girlfriend singing about me
I'm currently watching an anime called My happy marriage but it's not the type of stuff I usually watch, I'm just hopelessly in love right now and I'm so touch starved I decided to do this to myself

Stardew Valley is probably my girliest interest right now but I also used to play the Sims when I hated my life as a way of evasion
tfw no MtF Hosier gf
>hopelessly in love
>touch starved
pouring one out for the long distance relationship homies
Is it high then? When will it be as low as possible. I *need* to appear to have low T
as close as possible to when you get out of bed, before doing any physical activity
I'm actually the anon who is in love with his best friend
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Reminder that if your top surgery results look like the bottom and your chest looks extremely flat, you literally just need to exercise, you bum. Only 4 months of going to the gym so far.
every time i jerk off it can never be just one orgasm then bed time. no. i have to cum and spurt till my boxers are soaked, my towel is soaked, i'm covering in my own juices and need a shower..i gotta make it a whole fucking ordeal for myself because once i get that dopamine hit i need more and more until my wrist gives out. how do i stop being horny like this every single day?
get a lover and dont masturbate at all, instead just be needy as fuck with them and let them decide how often you get to cum
where will i find a cis gf who would remotely be into topping me tho
>into women
you deserve this
Shojo manga (not BL/yaoi though) and erotica, particularly on AO3. I can't help it, it's too enjoyable for me to repress
>go to sleep at reasonable time for once
>wake up at 2am
i hate my brain sometimes
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it's done
5h41 save file
5~ hours in spring mining resources and levelling up farming to make a bunch of quality sprinklers
40~ minutes in summer planting 192 blueberry seeds, harvesting, selling and unlocking the rewards
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that sucks man
>He doesn't have adblock
I turned it off for something a while ago and forgot to turn it back on
thanks for pointing that out
Eddie my love.... let me lick your pecs
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sorry tranny hater, can't hear you over my basedness
has anyone made a /ftmg/ discord server Lemme in
I went to the beach the other day. something about swimming in natural water, the next day I felt more energy. I don't get this same effect from pools
I don't seek attention irl at all. I am stealth irl and don't even talk about gay shit, let alone being a troon. I don't hate either of my parents or think that white people are evil.
Why do you always post ugly ones?
that would be the dream
based gayden, if incels were serious about getting laid they'd get srs and get topped
Tranny hater is a faceblind autist. Tits trigger his sensory issues.
i know ):
How many Chad cocks do you plan to take in your boy vagina?
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Sorry for not like fat disgusting mutilated afabs
Retard, the point I'm making is you post bad pictures of attractive people.
What is even happening in this picture
File deleted.
Yes, if you date a 6'2 vaguely straight cis male
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As if mentally ill woman like you can tell what looks good
Stop invading AFAB space
literal stick bug
ummm who is picrel
>t. 6'2 vaguely straight cis male
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>As if mentally ill woman like you can tell what looks good
No offense but autistic men are even worse at this
what about autist tards who are mute? just need a good spanking?
>stop invading afab spaces
post pussy. prove you're a woman
so an autist who cannot speak, cannot read, can never hold down a job, with an iq of 63, can be fixed by having a good dad and being beat up?
are you afab? if not, you are invading afab spaces and need to get out
There’s hotties in the thread, they just don’t want you bro
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Where new thread
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bring back asylums
>This post violates United States law.
>verification not required
What got deleted
Please tell me I didn't saw it
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4chan needs to ban Tranny Hater's mac address at this rate. He clearly evades IP bans.

If they don't, I welcome all to join me in filling out this form


>inb4 I'm banned for criticizing staff

Do better, 4chan. This person uploads pictures of confirmed minors off Reddit to exploit them here/talk about impregnating them. It's a violation of United States law to let it continue.
Based as FUCK
he's also not ftm and contributes nothing except being deeply annoying
Yep. If Reddit happily bans MAC addresses for non-illegal trolling, 4chan can do it for an IP switching pedophile. It's starting to get stupid.

"Legal in Poland" my fucking ass. To stay on the clearnet they are REQUIRED to ban this shit.
Go back to prison pedophile
He was reportable for multiple reasons
>lusting after underage children
>disrespectful or hateful posts
>extremely low quality posts
>off topic posts
>begging (for pictures of other users)
>avatar or signature use
Go to 8 chan if you want to be edgy and couldn't get away with it on Reddit, 2016fag
Onlyfans>being a pedophile
Sounds like he's based for that
Making porn as an adult for adults is a lot different than jerking it to kids which is in fact illegal
the intention is the same whenever you post your body like that on the internet, whether you "mean to" or not
Kek, what?
what's this supposed to achieve? why are you favoring the pedophile?
>responding to it
He wants attention, don't give it to him
New bread
Deep down they're upset their Chad or yaoi twink transition goal didn't happen
he went as young as 14, maybe even younger
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Trip on Joe

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