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No foreskin in this thread baybe

QoTT: would you want your dick to be cut or uncut

Last Bread: >>36246563
Would my trans gf needs to get circumcised in order to join Judaism? I love suckling on it although she doesn't seem to be having as much fun as I do.
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Snip snip
So they practice female genital mutilation? That's messed up dude.
When someone gets circumcised they basically become a woman
I am not gay and I am into her so she is already a woman.
Most of the messages I get online are from cis women (they/thems)
Because you're a humorless autist
>Would my trans gf needs to get circumcised in order to join Judaism?
unironically they debate on this, the more progressive ones I means
Link? I am really curious
It's because you find skibidi gyatt rizz funny
I dont recall I was just looking up articles about trans people converting to Judaism/the state of lgbt people in Judaism

I did not read or watched a debate on it, simply that it was stated that trans people brought challenge such as whether a mtf should be circumcised or not
Being honest as someone who's seen quite a lot of cocks I can't tell the difference between cut v. uncut when erect. Maybe it's just the photos I've seen. Virgin too so I don't know if there's a difference in feel.
Unerect, heavy foreskin where it extends way past the glans is aesthetically unappealing. Outside of that, I'd prefer uncut.
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Cut desu, uncircumcised men should fucking kill themselves
Watch all the scrote intruders have a meltdown at this post
It’s time lads
Uncut because extra sensitivity and I don't want Joos to eat my foreskin
what are you guys reporting for that works
i tried low quality post and spam before to no avail
For tranny hater? Illegal content because he's a confirmed pedophile. Don't abuse that option for other trolls and spammers, you could get banned yourself.
Probably uncut, I don't think they circumcise here like it sounds like they do in America, but I wouldn't know because I don't go around observing willies
Kinda fucked up that they just irreversibly operate on babies like that
That link's interesting, it could almost mean something. By 9x9 CED
Or if you ignore 9x9, BYCED sounds like based
I found out about Hozier through my lesbian friend and most of the people who I see love Hozier are lesbian/bi women. So probably, but it doesn't matter because Hozier is good
yes th. I'm convinced someone trained a bot on his posts and spams the gen with it because it's the same trite shit every day
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Uncut. I once asked my mom if she would have circumcised me if I had been born male, and to my surprise, she said no. We are Jewish, so I did not expect this. She is based and believes that circumcision should be the man’s choice to make. I feel very sad that I missed out on having a penis. I could have been such a rarity, an uncircumcised male Jew!
Did he post CP or just lust over photos of minors? Both are bad ofc. I missed all that from yesterday

Who is there already? I don't like the idea of joining a discord from retarded subhumans on 4chan
lusting over minors isn't illegal. if reddit allows those photos then why shouldn't 4chin?
cut is the woman's opinion
I've personally never seen overt CP, but I've seen plenty of posting of minors where he talks about wanting to fuck them. Probably not good enough for a cloudflare report
Come find out
There’s few trips in here, we’ve been chilling in this server for a bit and I’ve wanted to release it into the ether for a bit now.
>QoTT: would you want your dick to be cut or uncut
I think a foreskin would be fun to play with
Tiktok also allows plenty of shit that is borderline CP. The issue is Moot barely avoided a 20yr prison sentence for hardcore CP spread through 4chan so they're very strict here.

Also Americans are prudes. No thinking the 17yr old at age of consent is sexy
It’s a Saturday, how is it so dead in here?
because niggas starting off the thread talking about cp wtf is this shit
Because your thread is shit
Tranny hater + his cocksucker simp got banned
Imma be real I didn’t notice till reading back
Invalid, plus L, plus ratio, plus you’re gay
Fair, they make up most of the gen
>ftms talking about circumcision
as a moid i wish i had a foreskin
Oooo I don't know if I want to join
>tranny hater got banned
God is good holy shit
I’ve wanted to add you on discord for a hot minute, pull up
Im tired of your whoreness
The cake my girlfriend made gave us both food poisoning. Why are they like this?
Get your game up
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Uploading images of minors and talking about wanting to rape/forcefully impregnate them like th does (however unlikely he'll follow through with the crime) is a class 6 felony in the United States.
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For those who missed it >>36262861


Why do 4troons always insist on ruining generals with discord servers? Now everyone who doesn't join won't know what's going on while those who do join will face niggercord drama
They want to piss you off.
Yeah i ain't joining that pedocord shit, im good my nigga, who got time for that shit
it would be great if the shitcord contained the drama but it always bleeds through to here
Sounds like a case fomo
it won't let me view anything wtf
Read the welcome and rules channel
Fixed that for ya, sorry about that
Should be able to see it now
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Look at these scrotes protesting like whiny pro-child murdering feminists, blood on crotch and everything

Time to grow up, faggots
It does
Uncut gems baybee
Does Ayden post itt? Im hoping to get his discord
He died of exhaustion after collapsing on his elliptical
Oh damn that’s awful :( RIP
Eh fuck it why not
Discord drama is the best kind of drama
how many dead ftmgers is that now? terje, elliot, ayden, radiochan
Can newfags join
did anything he post even remotely resemble "hardcore cp" though? again, if non nsfw subreddit allow it, i highly doubt its bannable on here
can you show me where simply talking about wanting to impregnate someone is a felony?
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Do you guys think trans people should unironically do this to avoid sin?
It’s not the pictures he’s posting that are illegal it’s the fact he’s saying he wants to rape the children in said photos
Are you retarded or just dense?
People that say uncut cocks aren't aesthetically pleasing are demented and people that say they don't mind being cut can't remember anything else.
That it can be botched at all should be reason enough to outlaw it. Never mind the needless cruelty(go watch a circumcision yourself and tell me if it looks fun, possibility of STI's (from the friendly rabbi) or the absolute complete lack of evidence to suggest circumcision aids men in any way whatsoever on any level except severe cases of phimosis. Also why newborns? If men are so cool with it, and the medical benefits are so obvious, they can always do it at 18 themselves.
Of course all you femoids are pro penis mutilation
Unironically yes
I think if I were amab I would've been uncut, and thats what I would prefer for myself too. I really really wish I had a penis holy shit
>all you femoids
>it's 2 people and a bait post
i like to think I'm saving my gay cis bf from degeneracy
No, trips only
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Let's go
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I was so close
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>>Cut desu, uncircumcised men should fucking kill themselves
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I pass baby!
You didn't even come close to bingo
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Feels good being male socialized
my sister tried but not having a mum present saved me

course my GD doubt moments are going "am I only a pooner because I was male socialized or am I actually trans"
also I would have no problem making the first move when flirting if bottoms gave me something to work with, being a dead fish in DMs is about as bad as a dead fish in bed
"haha yeah" "lol" "oh yeah I love that" and nothing further to move the conversation is the weakest shit
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okay I was circumcised but now I'm post op and I have a hood what would they do with me
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i increased my dose, but my sex drive is dead. I need to put on more weight right?
woman ribs. i want to eat you
Manlets can't breed
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fembrained with ADHD
Neither can circumcised queers. Women will always choice foreskinned Chads
Frankenweiners are circumcised from your arms and legs and sewn over xers chudgina thoughever
why do you bring cis bait in here?
are you fresh over from /fit/?
Cry more, scrote
You will never be a real man, you will always be a dickless poonchudder manlet loser abomination. You are the lowest of the low in the male totem pole, barely even registering as male more like a butch dyke at most. Pathetic really
yet I have a girlfriend, curious
Yet "she" is a man and sees you as a woman. Curious
you would like that to be true
I love my girlfriends pussy!
Cope more manlet, you couldn't even penetrate a pussy even if she begged you too. Pooners are literally built to be cucked by real 6ft+ alpha males
I'll have to cope with my lack of dick by burying my face in my girlfriends tits, what a tragedy
I'm just distraught, I may have to play with her piercings too
LOL the manlet is confusing xers pov cuckold playlist with xer reality how sad. Terminal manlet psychosis
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Now, when you project these fantasy lives on the "pathetic losers" you "troll", where do you draw inspiration from?
>le projection
Wom*n moment. You will never be a real man YWNBAM chudderpoon
daily reminder this is a repper
Daily reminder you will never be a real man, you are a manlet loser, everyone laughs at you, and you are dickless. No woman will ever love a dickless manlet chud, it's over. You ruined your life, and there's no going back. Death is all that's left for you
it's a mid 30s cis british man who sucks at CSGO and has no life
he's a repressed tranny
been around a while
I recognize him from old bodybuilding forums
god it's weird running into people you recognize from defunct parts of the internet 10 years later and they haven't changed a bit while you're a totally different person (like for example, a change in gender)
like it's bad enough when it's someone from highschool but the internet is too big to feel this small
He's just projecting his life onto us.. sad!
how do you go 10 years without changing your shite patter one bit mate
like I could feed your posts to AI and it'd recreate you verbatim cuz you're not human, actual fuckin mutant
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bro.. I'm not him. I agree with you though. My theory is it's a bot because the real person got bored.
are cis males allowed
yeah, just dont be a tranny hater
how do you know this though?
the posting style has not changed in a decade and he would post for hours at a time in exactly the same style spamming fucking everywhere for years straight
the pattern now lives 'rent free' in my head
its fucking wild that it's the same shit after all this time though
Manlet psychosis meltdown, none of this is real. But what is real is the fact you are a stunted halfman who will never breed
genuinely what have you been doing with your life this whole time
oh! just remembered
he has a permanent search filter refreshing for threads mentioning foreskins, he bragged about how permanently online he is and just how much time in his day he devotes to trolling a couple times
that'd be what brought him here
Just bought these. What do you guys think
Based. I have a couple pairs of trip pants, they’re cool as fuck.
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What the fuck, this is like my anti-thread, hell nah foreskin is BAZED!
cant dock without a foreskin
do you need help with becoming a woman?
I think reading erotica might be the reason I cant stop after cumming once
like if I watch porn I get off and I close it and I'm done
but if I read erotica then I get off and I want to finish the story so I keep reading and get horny again, then the story ends but I'm still horny so I find a new one and the cycle repeats
real niggas will bust a nut watching porn, look at the porn again, and proceed to get hard and bust another nut
Losing weight is so annoyingly hard its unfair. I don't mind having to exercise, I really enjoy doing it, but its the calorie counting that sucks. Especially being on T I get so fucking hungry its hard staying at a calorie deficit. I might just go on keto again desu
X, where are you from my nigga?
Reform & conservatives will view you as a woman
Orthodox probably not but even then it depends on the synagogue
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Back to the register
what is best strategy for chasers who see trans men as easy pussy

should i treat them like men or degrade them and treat them like women?
i wish i could look cool in this stuff but i have a cop face
I always forget how big of a city LA is until I meet other fags online from there
Pretend you see them as men while actually treating them like women.
do this on lex in any major city and youll have easy pussy at your door within the hour
No for real. I'm ftm and will be the first to admit that it feels more natural to be talked to like a woman. It's not degrading, it's just what I'm used to. Just don't call me a woman or out me to others.
These made a comeback?
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I’m back…
If you don't work out at least twice a week, you're not a man, simple as.

Trans men, post your routine NOW
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age of autism diagnosis is the ultimate metric
didnt zoom in and thought this was your beck pulled up with one of those holes chronic smokers get
the ribs are fine he needs to work out though.
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beetlejuice looking ass
Ugly color and pattern
In my dream I was getting my dick sucked. I felt the sensations, of course I don’t know how accurate it would be. Then I woke up with my stupid v*gina still. Pain
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losing weight is easy especially on T you're just a lazy retard with no self-control
big if true
are there even any people past 25 in ftmg?
Cut obviously, people saying otherwise are just being contrarian tards

>nooo you don't need your wisdom removed it's natural!
>noooo you don't need birth control PMSing is natural!
>noooo you don't need your foreskin removed it's "natural"!
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mogs me
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There's hardly any people past 19 in here lol, trenders don't help us look good to the other trannies

I myself turn 28 in two weeks
Woops meant for >>36273031
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its real "i want a penis" hours tonight doods
bottom growth is better than nothing but it really only sort of looks like a dick from one angle
i hate this so much i would do literally anything just to have been born with a dick and balls holy shit
if i could press a magic button where im doomed to look like and be referred to as a girl forever but at least have a dick i would smash it a million times
it is literally the only thing i want, the one single thing i want, nothing else comes remotely close, and yet it's the one single thing i realistically cannot and will never achieve
fml fml fml fml fml fml fml fml
literally me if i was leaner and not bald
same but also my height iwnbam
Balls seem uncomfortable as breasts tbqh
Bro 100% looks like the methed out homeless dude that hangs around outside my work what the fuck
Are there also any late-shits or is it just me...
i started at 20. anything after 13 is lateshit ofc
can you adopt me mommy
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Im already raising a kid I don't need another
23 turning 24, started at 19 (could have started blockers earlier but i was a dumbass)
i don't even care about being a man anymore i just want xy chromosomes and a dick
i dont care how short i am or what i even look like i hate my sex itself
my chromosomes are the worst most disgusting foul nasty thing to ever happen to me
id gladly be 5'1 cispoon with a dick and balls than be born a complete and total freakshit who will die wishing for something unattainable

maybe if they were huge and heavy. id want them to be proportionate to my body.
generally they dont seem that bad though. my partners only felt uncomfortable from me accidentally sitting on them once and i sit on my partner a lot. they don't seem to get in the way as much as people act like they do.
besides id probably really enjoy having them touched. my partner and i concluded pushing on your testicles and pushing on your ovaries are probably a similar feeling.

plus at least they arent two hideous tumors planted directly below nobody can even see them. the worst and most uncomfortable thing about breasts to me was that you cannot hide them no matter what. and disgusting they look.
plus you can just get rid of them if you hate having them anyways just like breasts
fuck now i wish i had a natural normal chest fml fml fml fml

sorry i feel retarded for venting
i keep forgetting to take my hormones and now i am sad because the estrogen poisoning has reached my brain
now i feel bad and i want to cry
>two hideous tumors planted directly below
directly below your face*
seriously theyre just on fucking display for everyone to see
no place to push them in your body and hide them
all you can do is squish them or have an entire fucking surgery
Retard question: are there are any major consequences to be aware of regarding stopping t cold turkey ~2-3 months ago after being on it for nearly 2 years, and potentially going on it again sometime in the year or next year
>turning 21 soon
Is the early twenties hip growth extra likely to hit me since i abruptly stopped, possibly fucking up my hormones? Not sure if im tweaking or my hip bones have widened
>pushing on your ovaries
How? Those are internal organs. Are you a slime? Do hands pass through your body?
my hip bones and breasts both grew substantially while on t, without significant weight gain. (34->38) (32b > 36 D)
You're fine, it can take upto 16 weeks for your ovaries to function normally again. If you're back on the juice nothing bad will happen
>apply minoxidil
>wash off
>2 hours pass
>dog licks face
Safe? This dog is autistic as fuck it’s the only way she’ll show affection
i am guessing youve never had a doctor check yours. i don't mean directly pushing on the actual organ inside of you.
you lay on your back and press very firmly over the area and massage into it.
its probably easier having someone else do it and id imagine it's harder to do it the more fat you have on your abdomen.

i had my partner do it as hard as they could, just out of curiosity. they said the sensation i described was pretty much what balls feels like when you push on them.
i guess i should mention i am extremely preoccupied finding any little thing and sensation on my body that is homologous to what males have/feel. the idea that theyre all the same parts just arranged differently is the only thing that brings me any sort of sanity and comfort. i hate my sex so much.
Oh so being on t doesnt really influence it necessarily ie i could just be fucked either way? Ehh i guess that makes it less of a big deal.
Sorry i'm a bit high and confused. So once 16 week pass only then should i worry about any irreversible damage? I have noticed some feminization since i stopped such as skin and fat distribution but those should be changeable later on no? Are there any health risks im taking going on and off and shit? I'm not sure when I get on it again, ngl.
Yes to both for me. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’ve actually only ever met one youngshit ftm (who I knew was ftm, obviously). He went to my highschool, and was really popular with girls - a true poonchad.
Yeah I'm 19 so I haven't really had any doctor checkups ever
I mean I push my fist into my abdomen if I ever have the shits, it irritates the fuck out of it and gets things moving so you take a shit faster, not really what you described though
i dont think youd feel it unless you firmly press your hand and fingers on a specific location on your abdomen while laying down
it feels like anything from a pressure, to a slight ache, to a strange twisty feeling.

ive been curious about it since i first went on hrt and it felt like someone was gripping my insides and twisting the absolute shit out of them around the 6mos point, the doctor told me thats just my ovaries dramatically shutting off from the hormones. after that ive just been hyperaware of when i feel anything from them.

its also an erogenous zone for me so i get an enjoyable ticklish sensation when my partner runs their hands over it. i dont know how many people experience that though.
yup i've learned my lesson with trying to date cis men
Have a horror story you’d like to share?
Man why'd I get blocked just cause I'm too schizophrenic to use my real account
Didn't you guys' server get nuked last time? Why would I let my real account get nuked
Literally 1984
Probably for the best though
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It's not a horror story, just got into a situation with one that doesn't like me aiming for "being too masculine".
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oh my god that sensation is so weird and tingly is that really what having testicles feel like?
stop posting your nasty ass feet you freak
*looks up*

anyways, did we ever make that steamgroup here?
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It's da joos
Da joos Making da kids have a gender
the jews literally made you a degenerate freak
wolfgang specifically? yes. everyone else is fine however
it seems to be at the very least similar, but my partner said yeah that's pretty much what it feels like to them. it's a weird sensation but i kinda like it lol.
The Jews are coming for my foreskin
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why is the file name strawberry?
dios mio
Why do you like this picture so much?
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are you fucking retarded? no cis man dates pooners because he wants to get with a man, they just see you as an easy catch because they see you as a mentally fragile piece of meat. cockslut pooners are so retarded. sexhavers deserve 0 pity
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la creatura
>its skin is simultaneously slimy and peeling off
it's ok some people have to learn the hard way otherwise they'll never get it. never trust cisoids, easy
I have excoriation disorder
god I want to punch this goblin in his fat fucking retard face
When and where
And post physique
You’d be attractive if you weren’t insane
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zamn mods are shleep
bet wolfgang is too dumb to ban evade
nope, wolfgang regularly ban evades and report bombs people with VPNs but the mods never do about about him

several of us have been banned for calling him a fat pedo hmm i wonder why?
I started at 23 and I feel like a lateshit for it, I wish I could've started sooner but it is what it is I guess.
Are you pooners more or less stable then trooners?
why does he have stiches on his nose
stable in the sense we have restraint not to sexually assault people? yes
about the same
Not enough restraint to not shoot up schools though :/ (weakfag-malebrained)
It's funny
that's why you get with a cis guy that likes masculinity, when you're already masculine beyond the point of return
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Just took a long as fuck nap, ama

Depends honestly
Why is it that every time I see your pics I get overrun with an uncontrollable urge to goon?
I diagnose you with bisexuality, it’s terminal
So hot. You're that perfect in between as far as I'm concerned. Thank you for existing lol
I’m very stable im mostly stable im very
Ty ty, I’m here for the androgyny appreciators. The truly based amongst our society.
>got told I would be hotter with piercings
Fuck my stupid chungus life
I’d be hotter with a tongue piercing
didn't terje also get a lot of people banned a few years ago? maybe you guys are just breaking the rules by constantly bullying someone for no reason and spamming up the threads with your stupid art.
what art?
Wolfgang is stinky tho, we don’t like stinky ppl
When you're so cooked all you can really do is laugh at your own situation
KEK common manlet poonchudder L
Not a pooner, either way don't kick a man when he's down come on bruh
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hahaha, what's up "dudes" enjoying injecting yourself with a steroid until you become ugly bald little monsters? yes yes, you're totally masculine when you act like a gross little boy, and you *definitely* can be the teenage boy that you want to be, to escape whatever sexual assault you experienced in the past. It sounds SoooOoooOOoo Hard for you guys, hahaha
Minor posts worst bait ever, asked to leave ftmg
Hot pic, didn't read text. Do you have more hot monster girls to share? Pls and thank you
Have you done anything today besides neet all day?
what's the poon consent on Beetlejuice and other musicals? are they valid or gayden media
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you pooners are always the same, effeminately calling anything derisive "bait" while being fembrained losers who treat transition as a purely cosmetic thing, because why shouldn't you? ftm's have it so easy, because at the end of the day, it's easy to make yourself ugly, and when maturity finally dawns on you, it's always ftm's detransitioning, going on social media, conservative tv interviews and everything to demonize actual trans people. Because you weren't
>Do you have more hot monster girls to share?
i don't have many on hand, i don't particularly go out of my way to find monstergirls in particular.
not a pooner but holy shit if a transmale told me they were into any form of musical i'd probably laugh at him for being fembrained to such a staggering degree
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Are you a natural flatchestoid? And you choose to waste potential on being the biggest fembrained whore on earth? Kys
this is so me coded
because you are baiting. you don't actually believe anything you're saying, you're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what will get you a bunch of (you)s
I fully, and 100% earnestly believe every single thing i'm posting.Transmen have it easy.
Yeah, I have no tits. Looking for keyhole top surgeons atm.
Pfffttt this post really riled up the manlet poonbrigade KEK ywnbam chuddderpoons
Transmen are physically and mentally superior to their peers, reinforce the rightful notion of male superiority while still maintaining the grace and positive sides. They have it easy because they deserve it. They deserve so much more. I love them cuntboys
Holy fucking shit hang yourself autistic simp faggot, they're foids anyways they won't let you his xer chudgina unless you're 6ft+ Chad it's over for you. Cucked beyond imagination
maybe if your definition of male superiority is being an ugly bald manlet lmfao, yes, please tell me how they still have feminine grace and positive feminine sides too
I don't even really intend to rile them up, no, I want them to read my posts, think they're too good to reply, and stew on it. Contributing to the rot within themselves, how they'll always know something is wrong.
>I don't even really intend to rile them up, no, I want them to read my posts, think they're too good to reply, and stew on it.
Behold reverse psychology baiting
I'm reverse psychology baiting and regular psychology baiting, i'm catch 22 baiting. Now im going to take my ogre rapehon self to a cafe, get a coffee, and try not to think about suicide for the rest of my day. Still, keep giving me (you)'s while im gone, stupid pooners lol
Wow being right all the time surely feels great. Everyone should be as intelligent as I am
I'm a surgeon ready to top you on your keyhole
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>Wow being right all the time surely feels great. Everyone should be as intelligent as I am
this, but unironically.
so you came here to brag about how severely mentally ill you are? oh no im so sad that i can't be a man in a dress who will never pass, how will i ever manage to go on knowing i don't want to kill myself over my irreparably male ribcage...
Holy fucking kek this is the saddest, most pathetic le literally me bingo I have ever seen. Do foids ACTUALLY? UNIRONICALLY? you will always be a manlet btw
Been feeling it lately
>so you came here to brag about how severely mentally ill you are?
Yes, i'm mentally ill in a way that transmen aren't (actually trans) and i'm coming here to gloat that i'm the only person who truly suffers! me!
It's ok bbg I could take care of all your mental changes
>t. 5'1 poonchud incel
The gen fucking sucks this time huh? Anyone have cute pet pictures or something.
A great psychologist doesn't need to be tall or have a penis
Psychologists are faggots aka lesser men
>cute pet pictures
yeah we can do our nails and look at cute animal photos
you are the furthest possible thing from what a woman is, you're not actually trans you're a male playing a caricature of how you think women act. you've never interacted with enough to ever learn the intricacies and that's why you'll never pass. because you are an ugly 6' balding wide-ribcaged male who thinks the solution to being an ugly ogre is to become an ugly girl. you're probably pornbrained enough that you believed you can take estrogen and somehow actually look like an anime drawing. it's too bad that ugly girls only get laid in the first place because they have vagina.

honestly, why haven't you killed yourself yet? you'll never be a woman, nor will you ever pass as one, physically or mentally. even the way you write reeks of male. the only people who will ever be feel attraction to you are people who think you're a taboo freak. you'll never be introduced to your any of your partners families. sad!
see u can tell transmen aren't even good allies because they just copypaste pol rhetoric at you when they're upset lol
Well this wasn't a very creative way to put it
I'm not an ally to these people whatsoever
>sperging over Jews
>promoting degen cords
No thanks
I giggle when a disgusting hon dies
this post is another reason why I don’t post here
you kinda deserve it though dont you
>got a Kek from the slutking himself
I'm so pleased >.< thank you for your kek sir, please feet pic for me to goon
who's to say
how long until you think that one ropes himself? lol :3
i would post my cat but im mad at her for trying to eat plastic again
>female genital mutilation
It's a Islam thing, not Jewish: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_on_female_genital_mutilation#Islam
why do rapehon trannies always victimise themselves the minute they get their own bullshit thrown back at them, is that how you freaks think women act or something? average rapey male behavior.
thank god you're chemically castrating yourself, you were probably a massive danger to society before you went full pornbrained and turned yourself into your own sexual fantasy. actually who am i kidding? you clearly still are one.
at least your dick doesn't work any more, but nobody around you knows that. you still carry the stench of a creepy man and that's why people avoid you. people can look into your dead sleep deprived uncanny beady little eyes and tell you're nothing close to a woman. you are blatantly not trans.
please unironically kill yourself. i genuinely mean everything i am saying to you. you're a freak stain on society, you'll never accomplish anything, you'll never breed, you abandoned those possibilities the moment you decided to give in to your woman fetish. never call yourself "actually trans" ever again.
To avoid big tranny double incision scars, could you get a breast reduction then keyhole? I think there are some breast reduction techniques that don't use nipple grafts if you're not too large but I don't really know much about it
>Contributing to the rot within themselves, how they'll always know something is wrong.
Nobody cares about miserable bitterhon incels who take out all their misery on others via anon posts on 4chan
From what I've heard getting a reduction can prevent you from getting top surgery or cause issues with it. A good bet to minimize scarring would probably be to be very diligent and careful with scar care if you can't get keyhole/peri.
im not reading alladat thanks for the (you)'s ladies
Manlets are pussyfree betas
Why do they say this as if most ftms arent dating cis women.
lmao how can i be pussyfree if my pussy is with me at all times?
KEK cis women hate cis manlets let alone a dickless poonchudder incel. You can't breed even if your life depended on it lol
leave it to polspergers to mix it up
breast reduction leaves scarring that looks like T anchor top surgery, it's just hidden under the boob
you're welcome sir
come on if you're gonna hate transmen can't you do it properly? buzzwords are fine, but you should really mention how most transmascs are being performatively trans to try and escape sexual assault that happened to them in the past
Most ftms are dating cis women though
No because they aren't even doing that. It's literally just a foid moment because they want to be le quirky they aren't even abused or their father "abused" them by not letting her have a pony as a 6 year old so she holds a grudge and purposely destroys his daughter out of spite even if it means she suffers too. Woman moment
thats more ftm femboy type stuff
FtC (female to chud) omega "males" can only date cis lesbians because literally no one sees you as a man or respects you as one either. No straight cis male would even speak to a pathetic limp clitty pooncuck other than to make fun of xer being an intelligent while she gets railed by 6ft+ chads
poor misguided little girl
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this muffin top is driving me insane i know i need to just keep up my diet and let T work itself out but my god it's like the last thing to go huh
This applies to all FtC women thoughever
HOLY KEK Jeff Nippard? The phone looks as long as your arm PFFFFFFTT
Are you autistic
okay sir
please come up with something better, it's like water off a duck's back, it's like im posting on /v/ or something, "sir", as if it means anything to me. Please. Im begging you. Try and actually do something malebrained and come up with a real insult
would kiss your stomach
do crunches or something idk i don't work out
no thank you sir
pooners are so fucking boring, you're all just quirky tumblr girls
omg bestie ikr im sooooo ugly ):
i'm 5'3 jeff nippard is goals desu
aw ty
i do, i just need to get harsh about processed carb and sugar intake. i'm not burning what i need to
you copy and paste responses then get mad when people copy and paste responses.
>you copy and paste responses
i have not done a single copypaste this entire thread
all your shit is the same though, might aswell
same as what, i come to my own conclusions through interacting with transmen
are you retarded? all your posts are the same, fym same as what
but they not tho

lol mad
I'm in.
Hopefully I remember how to eat pussy.
I definitely remember how to use the strap.
Let's see how this shakes out
yeah im mad what kinda question was that?
>a manlet cuckold loser is my goal
Let me guess? Dating a bi girl but you both peg eachother? And she even pegs your chudgina? Yep, woman moment
Go away already you ugly rape ogre
make me, lmao
you're so boring and mad
talking to you is like talking to a wall, why do u expect us to give you a thinkpiece. You have some serious male entitlement
>you have some serious male entitlement
another brilliantly catty effeminate "own"
deflecting is a male trait
uhuh, you're doing a really good job of that aren't you
Im not. Youre doing it again. Not facing your flaws is a male trait
>not facing your flaws is a male trait
lmao, i don't know why you're invoking facing my flaws, not to mention how i'm very open to facing them. I'm a 6'1 ogre rapehon who will never, ever pass, i'm so full of anger and a violent bitterness that, before my inevitable suicide, i can only ever externalize and hate others. I find no joy in my life, i'm a shut in, and despite being actually trans (a rarity in the ftm general im sure), i will never be a woman in any way that counts

if not facing your flaws is a male trait, i wonder if that's why so many tboys transition lol
> 6'1 ogre rapehon who will never, ever pass, i'm so full of anger and a violent bitterness that
>I find no joy in my life, i'm a shut in, and despite being actually trans (a rarity in the ftm general im sure), i will never be a woman in any way that counts
>i wonder if that's why so many tboys transition lol
yes, because theyre men
no its because they're trying to escape being sexually assaulted in the past typically, or trying to find a sense of individualism that isn't quite there. it's why they always want to be the woman in relationships
>Not facing your flaws is a male trait
Have you literally never talked to a woman before??
wouldnt they not want to be the woman if theyre trying to escape that
Incel propoganda
Is feeling suicidal 24/7 male brained
>wouldnt they not want to be the woman if theyre trying to escape that
maybe, i know the feeling
serious question: why haven't you killed yourself yet
beats me, i did cut my wrist a bit earlier though and i've tied a noose before. I typically cope by smoking a lot of weed
The skinwalker thinks it expects any sympathy, lmao. Do a backflip on your way out
you don't "think you expect" you either think or expect, and i don't think nor expect any sympathy.
Die rapehon die
trying my best you garden gnome
Make like harambe and get shot for encroaching on a child you gorillahon
Hurry up!
lmfao you make me laugh
You make me sick
You fags cry about there being no good posts then proceed to ignore normal posts trying to start normal conversations in favor of arguing with retards, insulting each other, falling for bait, posting e-whore nudes and gossiping. Pathetic
Nice quads
It has always been this way, it's just trip drama, tranny hater and some schizo
ty, i earnt those quads
(intact) amab here

there isn't too much a difference between a wet, erect penis- IF the circumcision is done surgically, by a plastic surgeon, AFTER the man is fully grown. But baby circumcisions always result in way more scar tissue and is noticeable 99% of the time.

But cut cocks are consistently dry, the skin has a noticeably different texture, and they struggle to have sex without lube (unless the partner is extremely wet the entire time), uncut cocks can get a tiny bit less erect and glide on the foreskin, which kinda simulates lube even if neither party is wet. My current partner tends to instantly dry up between orgasms, so It's nice to still be able to have penetrative sex with her without lube when she wants to keep going. After 5ish minutes of pumping a dry well, she gets nice and sloppy again and I can actually get fully hard again. I think that's kinda how it's supposed to work? I haven't had a huge number of partners, but she loves it.
oh well good luck in the future then
what future, lol
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a spectre continues to haunt /ftm/gen
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RIP Arturo, he was the best boy :(
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thoughts on this?

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