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dead cope thread >>36248293
qott what do you obsess over
how long does it take for boofed progesterone to absorb
anywhere from instantly to several months, idk specifically
less than an hour
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>crime doesn't pay
>being gay is a crime in some countries
>therefore if you get paid it isnt gay
>fast forward to today
>go to friend's house to hang out
>says hes a bit low on cash
>asks if i can do it for free instead of the usual $20
should i be worried? like, hes nice... but im not gay. kinda thinking about cutting him off idk
>20 bucks for sexo
cheap desu
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Heheh replacement tablet finally arrived gonna draw lewd stuff now
wat are you talkin about
i really want to go on a date with a guy soon, and like that's always been an option but idk men are scary and im still worried theyll murder me lol
tried watching promare it hurts to watch tbqh
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honestly my dad is just a shitty fucking person
exceedingly narcissistic
cruel sometimes
uses humour or making someone laugh as a control tactic
loves plausible deniability
i don't fucking hate him but i fucking hate a lot about him
This is only tangentially related to me being trans but whatever. I'm graduating with a bachelor's this September. This took me over five years, and I basically crawled my way over the finish line with a shit GPA and no internships, in a field where the bar for entry-level positions is so absurdly high, people with 3 internships have to apply every day for a year before they get an offer. Any semblance of a social life I had is gone too. I used to exclusively hang out with other queer people and most of them I've drifted apart from as they descended into political radicalism. I'm really fucking lonely, unemployed, poor, overweight, out of shape, and I've done nothing but stew in my own misery for the past two months. I need to change things, to fix myself somehow. I just don't know how.
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Yes. I think it really would've been easier on the eyes if it was just 2hrs of Galo taming that bratty bottom
Sounds exhausting
Has anyone seen Caroline
>2hrs of Galo taming that bratty bottom
ugh hot
>Sounds exhausting
my mother moved recently and i moved in with her
father decides to go for a vacation like ten minutes from where she moved to, like 3 hours away from where he lives
i asked him to just choose somewhere else, i didn't want to have to deal with telling my mother and maybe upsetting her or not telling her and then risking her running into him and his wife, and he just laughed
that was months ago and he decided to just ignore me and do whatever he wanted
and of course he's going to hide behind oh just get over it i'm not going to run into her but i fucking just know it's a control thing where he's choosing to come here just because he knows my mother wouldn't want him here, or that i wouldn't for that matter because i explicitly said as much
and just a bunch of other stuff not gonna get into it but it just sucks

that sounds scary :(
what's the degree in?
Computer science, lmao.
yea that's rough, unless you're brown/indian good luck getting anything with that degree
from what i've heard, certifications are the important thing these days
Fix your metabolism so you have the energy to deal with your problems. Sounds like youre sedentary.
>ex bff is playing helldivers with that stupid fucking faggot friend of his
this is too much what the fuck
im going to go insane

was posting recently
how did it go ?
I'm considering just applying to whatever random computer-related jobs I can find desu. My original goal was becoming a software developer, which was something that I just... arbitrarily decided I wanted when I was like 16, back when any chump with a bootcamp certificate could get hired as a dev. Things are very different now. I honestly don't think I want a career in the tech industry, period. Company culture has only gotten more toxic and hiring requirements get more and more absurd with each year. I could stick it out, sure, but I think it'd break me. I've no idea what I want to do with my life if it isn't software, though.

It's a problem for sure. What does it actually mean to "fix my metabolism" though?
she don't wanna frot you maiq
pls don’t be so jealous
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you...you do it for 20?
ur trolling
control those frotting urgers chaser
I obsess over my self image because I am a transsexual.
I won’t be kept on a leash
what if it’s the other way around
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Watch out! Maiq is currently on the prowl! Danger! DANGER!
seriously why is he still friends with that fucking stupid shitty fucking faggot and not me
watch out I’ll get ya !1
The autistic trans girl I met on grindr, that refused to do anything lewd after inviting me over to fuck, is now upset with me because I'm happy with just being autistic train convo friends. Did she want me to keep trying to fuck? Women are so hard to understand sometimes...
Lol wat, that'd be crazy but actually come to think of it that's probably right
that guy is probably fun to hang out w, that is why most people are friends
I'm absolutely the worst childcare provider
almost hilarious considering I actully took classes on it and this is literally my moms dream
but honestly it's kinda just sad
because his hole is tight and warm.
so im not fun to hang out with? we had lots of fun hanging out together so it can't be that

so is mine
Big pp?
Is anyone in those threads Czech or buys HRT there? Idk if I'm too stupid or if ddg is a shittier search engine than I thought but I just cannot find the standard price of neofolin there ;C
maybe the twunk is really bad at helldivers and he keeps him around to dominate his ass....in video games yeh
yes I reckon it is
what happened ?
do you think you’re fun to hang out w
you're a terrible person inside and out paige ofc nobody wants to hang out with you. maybe at first, but once the faccade ends ya it's ovah
Prefrontal lobotomy is the cure then.
I don’t know that you need a cure, you don’t seem to be sick
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Unsure if I should consume the devil's lettuce inside since I'm just crashing here and it might be inappropriate but I really wanna get high and play horror games since I'm alone on a holiday
nothing worth note
it's just obvious I'm struggling more than I'm succeeding
kiddo still can't seemingly predict the consequences of their actions
every day I have to enact some for of discipline
I don't even believe in it but otherwise I'll get in shit for whatever the kid does and I don't feel like risking the roof over my head rocking the boat
I feel like this kid needs someone better than me here
but idk they did get kicked out of the chuldcare system in this city for tveir behavior previous so idk who would even be up to this
Do it, but leave an iou
i want to study theology but i don't want to go into academia and i have no interest in becoming a priest
yeh kids requires discipline all the time
it’s not an easy task you’re probably doing okay or at least better than you think
you sound like me !
so I have devoted much of my life to doing this very thing
idk never seen it
unless you mean mine in which case no not at all

gonna kms

>do you think you’re fun to hang out w
yes i can be, ppl generally like me
i can be a bit awkward in groups but one on one it's ok

>you're a terrible person inside
you have a bpd diagnosis right
and based on how you are here it shines through a bit so to speak
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It's not really legal here and some people are really not cool with it. So I'm not gonna tell them :|
Ah I remember wanting to study that because it sounded cool but I'm too retarded and I'm not really sure what I'd be working with afterwards. Wish being a priest was as cool irl as it is in rpgs and movies and stuff
I hope anya's dad didn't kill her
I feel like my only real positive is that I'm not straight up abusive
which is sadly really common where I live
you are a selfish asshole paige, and def not fun to be around
i wish some of you baby tranny faggots would get some fucking self confidence about yas.
what the fugg maig u don't think it would be fun to hang out
people like me and i have a nice time spending time with other people sometimes
like that rigger
or the ppl from sword group
they all really liked me mostly until blobbert

what it's a fair question
that useless faggot is a spoiled rich kid, who also cried while asking my best friend to let him suck his dick
i've never ever made ex bff feel uncomfortable like that ever and yet im the one who gets ghosted
while those two come from rich families and can travel the world with impugnity

t. larry

see what happens when i have self confidence>
everyone tells me im delusional for thinking i could have friends or anyone who likes me :(
What do you mean, what happened
stop trying to make ex bff happen
it’s not meant to be a roast tho
I don’t know what kind of work you’d do w a theology degree unless you wanted to work as some kind of pastor or similar
it prob went alright other than the usual awkwardness in an estranged relationship
I dunno I often thought so but intense mood swings can be difficult to navigate
thanks, I was worried when she said he didn't know.
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What's up, anon-sama?
im not, i know it's over
it just hurts seeing him continue to be friends with someone who treated him way worse and way more creepily than i ever did still be his friend, while i get dumped for no reason

i don't like having mood swings though, its not a choice
well that is a pretty huge positive in a child’s life
no I doubt anyone likes being that way
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he obviously doesn't want your cringe stalker ass paige, don't you think you are a bit too obsessed about someone that doesn't give a fuck that you exist?
>it just hurts
only kuz you're obstinate as shit about this
catch a crush on some other dude they're not that special
i am in love
it's not like im harassing him or sending him steam messages bc im upset, im literally just venting
i keep trying to move on but it's hard especially without someone else to feel that way for and with my dad reinforcing the feelings of loneliness that made me so close to ex bff in the first place
i haven't met a guy yet who i've crushed on aside from my ex but he was a pedophile so i try to not think about him
Why do you people argue about one relationship? I haven't read the whole thing but aren't there more girls and chaser than 1 (one) of which that are available on this site?
lurk moar etc
Lia is right plus indulging in idolizing fantasies is not really live anyhow
I never cared about generals drama sowwy :3c
off that's sad how people waste their lives here instead of having happy lives whit what they've got
they're in a drama-poly that gets off on stabbing each other in the back and then making up. it keeps things spicy
it's not idolizing you would get it if you met him
and i have tried dating, it's just tough out there for a 30 year old unattractive neet tranny faggot. lia resorted to prison transbianism, and even the most conventionally attractive posters itt like kat or navy still can only manage to date other trannies instead of normal men
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Happy friday gamergirls!!!!!!!!!!
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>I don’t know what kind of work you’d do w a theology degree
Dress up in hot priest or nun clothes and get paid for it. I'd wanna do both
like imagine if i told u to stop idolizing jesus christ
u arent in love ur fixated on someone intensely and its one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen

mtfg cancel play polycule when?
sounds like they aren't poly but a trauma bond group instead but idk
>u arent in love ur fixated on someone intensely and its one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen
try looking in a mirror then retard
paige just shut up already god you suck
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>look in mirror
>see my beautiful gf who i live with behind me
>go and hug and kiss her
stalker faggots couldn't comprehend
so your point is just 'im above this'?
grats anon way to go
>resorted to prison transbianism
but im not into men, and t4t is the most satisfied iv ever been with a love? why are you so defensive on this its crazy

if you didn't want to date men then why are you dating transwomen lmao
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Listening to music mostly, anon-sama.
so this is kinda what I was referring to earlier
>like imagine if i told u to stop idolizing jesus christ
damn and you argue this is healthy
>if you didn't want to date men then why are you dating transwomen lmao
because i'm attracted to them and i'm not attracted to men?? like are you gonna try to play the 'theres no diff' card again here, if theres no diff why arent you interested in t4t
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yea but the kind that actually got female development from hrt and isn't just a larping gay man with a fetish. u wouldn't understand the concept hence u projecting that onto others.
its funny how after all these years u wont admit that ur different from most of us and just a coping fag
no I just never had the time or knew about people here enough to care and i rarely used generals
walked right into that one kek
I'm jerkin off my girl cock right now gonna make some girl cummies

you could take a sabbatical and study at a seminary.
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whatever im gonna go shove lemon slices into my pisshole, it's gonna be much more enjoyable than interacting with toxic ppl who can't understand being in love
i hate myself so fucking much

because i like masculine men, not feminine men (or masc men larping as feminine such as urself)

transwomen are all male
you're not different than i am
stop arguging and bitch about trivial shit and start posting frilly panty pic selfies for real
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>toxic ppl who can't understand being in love
tbf i wasn't trying to hurt your feelings about it but i getcha gl pooge feel better
canyou unban laf already i miss her retarded rambling
She's not banned, she's just smarter than us so she left.
shes been perma'd longer than anybody lol
I have thought about going to for a short stay at a monastery
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Ngl never using this website again just seem like a good idea the neurotic 24/7 online neet worthless ass trannies getting boring as shit with they badass gangster roleplays
Peep the hat I got and shite tho it look good bra
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Trips of trvth
meowww hello mtfg
it's pretty cool how if you're a jew you can just take a year long break from work every seven years and you get like 5x the holidays
You can't take a full year if you want to keep your job. Maybe a government job, but that sounds like bs.
nice hat but looking at it I can't stop imagining a girl in shorts and bra doing some modeling for something related to cars or streatwearer who has clothes so baggy you just see a pile of clothes

i don't think unpaid leave would place an undue hardship on the employer

" Title VII also requires employers to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of an employee or prospective employee, unless doing so would create an “undue hardship” on the employer."
woof woof
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think i'm just gonna go back to being gay. being a tranny is terrible
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That's a good vibe to strive for I'll get that noted
I just bought it cuz it kinda looks like the hat from the picrel guy. Minamimoto from twewy.
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looking at dresses when all of a sudden
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mogs me
I would buy it and hide it in a cabinet for however long it would take me to girlmode just to discover it later and want to wear it next time I'm outside or cringe with how it doesn't fit me at all but if you can pull off that type of look lesbians might be interested in you a bit more
dress with pockets... at this point I'm thinking it a cloacky thing with how many transfems want them instead of using purse but maybe it's cultural thing
Ur legitimately more of a sexpest than Nomi paige and hayato combined
But then you have to date guys with a lisp ;_;
kek people gonna clock me for a long list of other stuff before its pockets
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It would 100% work w this fit. Specially considering chains. If only the edgy little pendants showed a bit more.. maybe a ponytail would be fine for this
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I need to just copy the whole fit but make it show more meat via croptops etc
I think that'd work well if it doesn't hide shape too much
If velvet from zestiria can pull it off then so can I
like what? you take yoor dick out outside?
idk I'm bad at fashion but you look lesbian
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naw i just look clocky picrel
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I'm pretty nympho yeah
what about it
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And that's exactly the vibe!
You truly do get it anon.
you're ok
not I just get the vibes not fashion
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That is what I meant anon.
I like having pockets *and* purse
carry too much stuff around for just a purse
got that rumbles in my buss tellin me about to have explosive diarherra any minute now
i wish i had long hair, i expect 3 years until im satisfied lol
Get a bigger purse
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if i dont do my eyebrows tn can one of u faggots come and kill me?

you'll b more powerful once u figure out layering clothes
>knife x 3
>gay flag x 2 (bisexual and rainbow)
>cheap "femme" glock or other small arm
>photo of the queen
>full make up and cosmetics in case of needing to reapply it
>T 72 in case of needing to show your tranny communism
>few mangas x 27
>powerbank x 18
>vodka 1L x 9
>pepper spray x 5
>apache helicopter in case of asian
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not a bad idea
current one is starting to wear down from use
I should get something even clockier than the zelda handbag
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Layer.. clothes..
The what?
Cutting hair larp didn't last for shit dam
Just like your relationships lolmao
Too hot for layers isn't? Less is more.
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I unironically used to wear this around in public
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ty ty
>long hair fucking sucks so badly
this is y i don't let it get v far past my shoulders these days


im still layering, just depends on the wind etc, i have light blouses for summer
>Less is more.
mainstream basic women r plagued by a lack of layering making them look like default background characters in a disney movie
If it's heat dependent I'm already wearing too much for it
Light blouses? The fuck am I some sorta fag?
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Moreso upset at you still being alive after the 128th fake sui attempt
Maybe make an actual one this time? If you even know the concept of honesty considering you did nothing but lie to me and mono and literally everyone surrounding you for months
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>Light blouses? The fuck am I some sorta fag?
they're good with ribbed crop tank tops and short shorts, especially if the blouse is oversized and cuts off below the short shorts
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for me it was nice because it protected my neck from a sun and then it got hotter :C and having to fight with it in wind if I forget/can't bath sucks too, oh and now I'm scared of hairdressers cutting it short because "your a guy and guys doesn't have long hair tee hee" and now idk how to cut the shitty ends of mine when it's in the most awkward length for it
I found a post on tumblr with databases of old pride pins and those were very good but this one is better to wear daily than that stuff (if I can find any now)
I fuck with that cat planet heavily
I'll see what I can do.. I need to look like a strong type of fag not the weak kind
Do you have any suggestions for layers? I just upgraded all my base basics but I'm too stupid to wear something on top of them
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good one too but check Paul Arthur's
All I'm seing is jackets and coats. Am I supposed to always wear one and that's that? Idgi.
What is it Caroline.
cute planetary kitty
Wait this nigga roleplaying fucking CAROL now? The bitch she was sobbing about on vc all day wahh wahh she's so useless vro we had to set up her own neet payments waaahhhh
Dumbass nigga gtfo
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>I'll see what I can do.. I need to look like a strong type of fag not the weak kind
idk which sort i dress as, but i feel as though the make up of ur body matters more than clothes in many cases

it greatly depends on ur own style and aesthetics, if u have clothing 2 layer i recommend just spending an afternoon trying on ur base layers with additional layers on top 2 experiment. the article i linked earlier is important, but so is general information on dressing for ur body type and dressing for ur silhouette in general

jackets and coats r good, but also look into; sweaters, blouses, flannels, overshirts, dress shirts worn roughly on top, smaller under layer bigger top layer
etc etc etc

i cant post myself as reference alas but biggest recommendation if u wanna dress better is 2 get pinterest and use it for fashion
>make up of ur body matters more than clothes in many cases
Yes. I must be strong. But clothes help too.
>get pinterest and use it for fashion
That is literally what I do.. I like nothing else than crop tops and oversized jackets 2bh I haven't found anything as comfortable to my eyes just yet
Maybe a coat would be fine depending on the tackiness
>Not having a flat belly is horrible
>Cheseburgers are tasty
I hate this world
The captcha was KKK btw
Yeah anyways nap time it is
sweet dreams
How did the meeting go
i don’t want to be a woman because then i would have to interact with women and i don’t want that
Hmmmm, I've tried layering the lighter stuff I own before but always felt kinda stupid. Maybe I'll try again in a bit. Can I (you) you later for feedback if you are still here?
i think women are amazing friends and most men gross me out personality-wise desu
I'm different
why would you have to interact with women
not too bad
hes a werid guy and a piece of shit so spendting time with him is always awkward
he didnt put 2 and 2 together and realise im a tranny he just thought it was weird that i was wearing short shorts and stuff
idk it was okay i guess
i walked around boston and met up with a friend and got pizza from my favorite pizza place after tho, and the celtics parade was pretty cool
>he didnt put 2 and 2 together and realise im a tranny
Lmfao, did you have your hair backwards?
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I like this one, could also be
20% more penis than your last gf
Some things are best left unsaid
Oh yeah??? Test me
Don't feel like
You just can't think of a good quick test, and I get it I can't think of one myself
i hate women and women hate me
because that’s what you do as a woman
is it still possible for me to have sex if i can't do anal (tummy issue) and don't want to penetrate anything (dysphoria issue)?
it feels like no one would want just oral and hand stuff and to not even touch me basically, but that's kinda all i can offer ;_;
i hate that person
I don't know Maiq, you definitely say some questionable shit sometimes. No harm, no foul. Just saying.
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I wish I knew fashion and all that esoteric knowledge in beauty with everyone saying conflicting things without specifying about which type of skin, hair, face whatever else they are talking
femcel lesbian be like
what about frotting? some bottoms likes it also try hooking up with a lesbian that doesn't care much about penetrative sex or get a strap
Still being a dumbass, I see. Did anything decent happen today? It can be a little thing, but something nice or calming must have happened?
it's not required that you interact with women any more than you do now
>femcel lesbian
transwomen are neither of those things
i am not a femcel or a lesbian
my family screamed at each other
they’ll try
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>That is literally what I do.. I like nothing else than crop tops and oversized jackets 2bh I haven't found anything as comfortable to my eyes just yet
desu that's a lot of what i wear but i also add additional layers like a sweater under the big jacket, i also like rlly long flowly coats and short crop jackets a bunch

maybe i might no b here, i have irl life etc

>I wish I knew fashion and all that esoteric knowledge in beauty
just google it and research, read articles. cis women arent just born knowing this stuff its learned.
>without specifying about which type of skin, hair, face whatever else they are talking
i think ur issue is that u just have such a low level of knowledge

>(tummy issue
i doubt it, i have ibs and i do fine

i thought u said u were leaving fag.
stop taking out ur own internalized transphobia and self hatred of ur failures and appearance on others and get a grip
women will try to interact with you? idk I don't think they will any more than they do now just because you accept you're a woman
>just google it and research, read articles.
nta but idk what to even search also it makes me suicidal
women interact with women, men interact with men.
girl PP. I am a girl. I have a PP. girl PP.
not feeling it
Don't ask me how I'm doing. I don't want to talk about it
How are you feeling then?
men and women interact with men and women both, you're not going to get extra jump scared by women just because you're a woman, just remain aloof and you'll repel everybody
you had the spirit tho :D
I mean I know but it's just a bit too overwhelming to go into blind when I don't have income to waste on clothes that I will wear once or twice plus I think I look like a ogre every time I see myself in fem clothing and I'm scared of that dysforia now days :( also do people on pinterest use body/face/hair type in tags when they upload things? it seems obvious but they may not be doing so
>my family screamed at each other
Christ, just had to fuck with me, didn't you? Just a small moment is fine, even if you were playing vidya.
You had a small window where you were being quite a bit more positive a few months ago, did something happen?
Also, due to some of your posts, and am starting to feel like you just hunt for empathy on here. I have been in some pretty terrible places, and never had the outlook you do.
I'm losing it girlies I'm losing it
you have so much hair damn most impressive
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>i thought u said u were leaving fag.
came back
>stop taking out ur own internalized transphobia
it's literally just fact
transwomen are male
lesbianism refers to female homosexuality
ergo it is incompatible
likewise, femcel is short for female incel. while many posters here are incels, none of the transwomen itt are female (sobbing due to no kikomi chan posters)
>You had a small window where you were being quite a bit more positive a few months ago
i don’t recall
>am starting to feel like you just hunt for empathy on here
is that so wrong. i scream into the void because i have nothing else and sometimes it replies.
>I have been in some pretty terrible places, and never had the outlook you do.
well good for you
Caroline i love you
Dude fuck off
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>me after eating two donuts
I'm at first GG local. It starts in 30 minutes and I'm in the bathroom crying out of nervousness, why is this happening right now? Gfd
??? we're trannys we're not girls who are u talking to?
Really? I just cut like 2/3 of it off
What's GG
grow up
Guilty Gear
gay grindr orgy
It's really thick, do you do anything special haircare wise? also don't lose it just yet I need answers
>tranny showing up to a guilty gear local tournament
what is it like being a stereotype lmao. pay attention to those distance chuckles and whispers, they'll be about you 1000000%
it is happening again
>A tranny plays a fighting game with 2 canon trans characters
Wow what a shock.
>play fighting game for trannies
>laugh at trannies who show up at locals
perplexing. anyway have fun pring take it EZ
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wore the swimsuit. went for a swim. social obligation fulfilled.
wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
I just want to be a girl. I'm tired of being a tranny I just want to be a real fucking girl god damnit
frotting seems super hot but i don't think guys would be into it and i don't know any other mtfs :p
>doubt it, i have ibs and i do fine
well yeah same (or something in that neighborhood) and yes if i was willing to starve myself and take supplements and whatever i could probably get cleaned out enough for very planned sex. but i don't want any sex that bad, and i don't even really find anal pleasurable
>i don’t recall
Scheduled a therapy session and you weren't doomer-posting as much? Were you doing drugs?
>is that so wrong. i scream into the void because i have nothing else and sometimes it replies.
I'll admit, it is interesting thinking of myself as part of the void. Appreciate the literary touch. However, you are just fishing for empathy/sympathy. If you were to evaluate your life objectively, what is it like externally vs internally (obviously, you should avoid details that are too personal, I am the redneck)?
>well good for you
Quit bitching, just letting you know. Your struggles seem to be purely internal in nature, assuming you aren't just lying.
I don't think I can do this, I feel like I'm having a heart attack
Are you post SRS? I couldn't go for a swim shirtless nowadays...
some gay bottoms are into it for sure so try searching for one that is bi it's rare but may happen otherwise lesbian sex with or without toys, even with boys
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>nta but idk what to even search
they rlly arent teaching basic computer skills anymore
start here
>also it makes me suicidal
what doesn't make u suicidal?

read the above linked article
>once or twice
yea that's y u buy hallmark clothes 2 start and versatile and functional pieces
>body/face/hair type in tags when they upload things?
no fucking clue what u mean, u need 2 actually engage in this stuff so u stop having this weird fucking skew of smarmy intentional misunderstanding.
people on Pinterest just post images then the pinterest system shows u similar images that's all that it works like, u use other peoples outfits as reference and inspiration its not guides or anything

ur rlly not slick, this is laftier logic that only makes sense in ur internal world of self hatred

then stop being a tranny and b a girl idiot

just get good at douching or research specialized douches. plus the pills arent that bad or rlly an issue bc they're generally good for u if u bowel issues
ugh afternoon nap feels so good
did you have to wait in line for 20 seconds
>Scheduled a therapy session and you weren't doomer-posting as much? Were you doing drugs?
i barely remember any of that. life passes like a blur, i could have made it all up for all i know.
>If you were to evaluate your life objectively, what is it like externally vs internally
idk what this means exactly but: i wake up, go to work, work, come home from work, sleep. i cry on my days off. i spend a lot of time hating myself for not being normal and for never being able to act like “myself,” no matter what i do, and also bemoaning that iwnbaw. i am so alone. the prospect of “living” this life for years more weighs on me. i’m so empty
>Your struggles seem to be purely internal in nature
family, economy
>what doesn't make u suicidal?
cheesecake, usually.
i feel stupid in every single clothing item
dang paige still at it like 3 hrs later alright
nah i wore shorts for the bottom. looked like gym fit so not as weird as i thought it would look.
and yeah topless is not an option lmfao.
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just stopping by, i haven't been posting itt for that time desu
which souls character shud i get ready for dlc
oh man hilda is such a comfy show
idk how to play those but healer victoria kuz lower hrs and seems agp braned

idk that's a kinda boring one
all i do use summons and healing magic to support them
i'm thinking either peege or scarlet thot, probably peej bc that's the character i first used and it'd feel right to continue the main game on that character
plus the sheer amount of content in between the healer and endgame is enough to make me burn out in its own right, not to mention doing an entire dlc after
the build i settled on was mainly magic, but focusing on sword sorceries (sworceries), and that seems like it'll be fun to go back to
>read the above linked article
Thanks I'm not in the best condition mentally and so I couldn't go thru articles sorting out the thrash myself also it's late so sorry if I word things in a confusing way
>no fucking clue what u mean
Does people who upload stuff there or make public collections use things like long face, round face, square face, apple body, pear body and things like that to tag out pictures there. I haven't used it in a while and I just don't know if I should search for stuff in tags or by vibes and mercy of the algorithm alone because I know it could run in cycle for some reason back in my days
>yeah topless is not an option lmfao
I don't even have normal boobs yet and I would look so strange on a beach :C
youre a pink pony girl...

why are you so rude.
it can take a few years just give it time anon (assuming your levels are good).
>i barely remember any of that. life passes like a blur, i could have made it all up for all i know.
You're probably lying, I would appreciate it if you would do that less. However, be a retard if you want, I suspect it is easy to recognize when it is me, and you can always check.
> i wake up, go to work, work, come home from work, sleep
Haha, I do something similar.
>i spend a lot of time hating myself for not being normal and for never being able to act like
So? Why hate yourself over not being normal? You seem a decent person, even with some of the bullshit you spew, there is something predictable about it.
>bemoaning that iwnbaw
Why? Do you care more about someone actually loving and caring about you, or just an idea that doesn't actually matter in that context?
>the prospect of “living” this life for years more weighs on me. i am so alone.
I am not sure, because you could obviously be lying, but I honestly think you could find someone who cares about you. Even with "some", of your obviously apparent bullshit.
>family, economy
Fair, I just haven't seen it mentioned. Those things can suck, but you don't mention them often. Your concerns are often focused elsewhere, it would seem.
I though they were too good so I posted them in few places and I discovered that having nonexistent testosterone is ok when transitioning my endo said those are fine yesterday too, but I'm still concerned about them conning from how they look and idk if it's just because of 1st stage of tanner, brainworms or if it's real or is it because of the perspective or cold or whatever. I hate overthinking things
>So? Why hate yourself over not being normal?
because not normal = bad
> You seem a decent person,
i have evil thoughts
>Why? Do you care more about someone actually loving and caring about you, or just an idea that doesn't actually matter in that context?
idk what this means but i cannot be loved
>I honestly think you could find someone who cares about you
don’t want to

why do you think i lie?
i have conetits after 5 years
cones happen when they're growing yeh. idk if ppl are just impatient abt it or why it's such a meme. do some ppl get stuck with them? do they not use all the breast growth hormones?
almost 4 years, and same
its joever
have you tried prog at this point
my tits are totally tubular my dudettes
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mine iite id just like more
any drastic steps like estrogel direct on the tid? (breast cancer risk)
i just do my injections and try to boof prog 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
>because not normal = bad
No, not normal == abnormal
>i have evil thoughts
Better not to get into this, but so do many of us. At least in a certain place, at a certain time. They can be restrained, and don't have to rule us.
>idk what this means but i cannot be loved
Disabuse yourself of that notion, yes you can. Don't want to get weird, but we are geographically quite far from one another. So, I am not trying to be a weirdo. It is just obvious that even your self-hate spergs show that you are a decent human. For obvious reasons, if you would take just a bit of time to think about them objectively.
>don’t want to
I doubt it, at least when your feelings are averaged out over time.
>why do you think i lie?
You explicitly said that you might have lied in earlier threads.
>i could have made it all up for all i know.
Maybe you did, and maybe you didn't. I would appreciate you being more honest though. You can always try to check who it is.
is it pawsible to lose 30 pounds in 5 months? my srs is coming up in november and i don't want to still be unfuckable even after i get a pussy.
Does anyone wanna edate and then post each others underwear pics
yassss bestie, me!
Hey babe lol do you wanna get offto doujins and cut ourselves together in voice chat on discord ?
>a booger flies out of mouth
i am going to kill myself what the fuck just happened
>but so do many of us
breh mef talks about going on shooting sprees
do you know what your SHBG & dht levels are
also have you tried mixing in oral estrogen at all?
theres theory that first pass liver conversion of e2 to estrone is a positive for tid development but as with every aspect of this its conjecture
Yes, but check with your physician on the healthiest way to do it. You could also do it after SRS, or start before, and complete after. This is not a recommendation, just want to give what I consider decent advice.
omg yesssssss bb. add me x
Yes we are..
>breh mef talks about going on shooting sprees
Just remember, you don't actually know me. Disclosure: I have been told by other men that how much I think about killing others is abnormal. Mef, you know it is.
However, I refuse to do it. My thoughts do not have to equate to my actions.
Me. Mef, you know who it is. My bad for the typo.
I use one of those silicone scalp scrubbers. I rotate between using a minty cowash and a nice curly hair shampoo. I try to use conditioners that are sulfate and paraben free. Honestly tho it's been a year since surgery and my hairs still bouncing back
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Mef, cut the bullshit. Thanks.
She does have some bullshit, sometimes I wonder what her life is actually like.
WARNING: killing myself fuel aahead
https://unsee cc/album#Etdu4KHKPbvj

>No, not normal == abnormal
> It is just obvious that even your self-hate spergs show that you are a decent human
>You explicitly said that you might have lied in earlier threads.
that is not what i said
what i am saying is that i do not trust my memories
>You can always try to check who it is.
you keep saying this and i do not know what it means
>do you know what your SHBG & dht levels are
>also have you tried mixing in oral estrogen at all?
i took pills for like first 3/4 years
is there a way to be less transphobic but still believe that transwomen and women are fundamentally separate groups

was a meme from ages ago
>tfw my tits cant get cleavage
i should vlog
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>been telling people I have small tranny tits for years
>actually get a measuring tape and see
>C cup

are boobs really this small?
remember that everyone's body react in a different way to them and some people are stuck with them as far I know but I never read on the science why is this happening may be something with low calories may be not, I hope mine would look ok and than be perfectly round on the bottom after prog
have you eaten when they developed and were you lvls ok?
as above
small but good shape 3/14
if you would buy a 5cm smaller bra it would be D cup and if you would buy 5cm loose one it would be B cup hope it confuses you even more
you just have a broad male ribcage
you are trying to delude me
i seent that cleavage baka you are misleading the public..
dang ok theory rejected
thx anon
do u ever feel like shit for an entire week after visiting your dad and then cry when talking about him
yours are nowhere near as bad as mine. they are disgusting tubular cone abominations
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You almost got me to go grab the measuring tape and check
I'd rather not know.

38 C seems normal so I'll take that as a win.
don't fall down the rabbit hole of body checking, it leads to nowhere good
do not listen to this person >>36256064
here, this will help you on your journey
iz so over 4 me maybe if had real bewbs would be girlmoding rn
unironically hiding the measuring tape from myself is self care. My pearl shaped body will carry me.
I don't have cleavage in my bra, i think if i got a pushup or whatever the ones is that crams boobs together might do it
>Heroin junkie offers you a hit
no thanks.
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Overcome with lust I bust Kats crust with a single thrust. A cloud of crust dust escapes in a dust, the color of rust.
No, you are attaching ethical implications to something that does not inherently possess any such thing.
Your main preoccupation on this board, is just self-hate.
>what i am saying is that i do not trust my memories
Fair enough, you explicitly said that you might have said something that is not accurate on this board. Good enough?
>you keep saying this and i do not know what it means
You either do drugs constantly, or are a fucking retard. It is easy to check who I am, as in, the fucking redneck retard who continues to interact with you. In the hope that you will quit being fucking stupid, and just live your life.
my hero
Holy shit, we're so fucking back https://screenrant.com/ranma-new-anime-remake-returns-rumiko-takahashi/
>i should vlog
God, the net-brain is going to fucking destroy you.
Just try to be honest, but avoid personal details.
>It is easy to check who I am, as in, the fucking redneck retard who continues to interact with you
but not like i can "check" that

what did you think of my tits? it's over, right?
>was a meme from ages ago
>is there a way to be less transphobic but still believe that transwomen and women are fundamentally separate groups
Yes, just treat them as individuals. EZ-PZ.
Once mono is done do you think Kat allows me a shot at breaking her poopy filled ass crust?
i cud b ur hero bby...
cud take away ur pain...
>but not like i can "check" that
Again, I am fairly certain my typing style is pretty distinct.
>what did you think of my tits? it's over, right?
I do remember a talk like this. My mother is lacking in that department too. It doesn't make her less of a woman. Get your hooks straightened out.
what's the point in hooks if i have no boobs?
good choice

yea i do that
Based shouldermaxxer
Trying me again. Why don't you just quit doomer-posting, and live your life? You having, or not having boobs (you do), isn't a big issue for most prospective partners. Also, quit fucking trying me.
based alpha gigachad could take those 2 manlets on ez
we cant stop winning folks
>yea i do that
Things are alright then, just be ideologically consistent, as much as possible.
when i do that ppl call me a terf and say i should stop projecting my selb hatred
Don't be tryn me like dat you don't kno me dawg
>when i do that ppl call me a terf and say i should stop projecting my selb hatred
Bro, no one says you have to sperg about your belief system whenever you are questioned. Just say you treat people as individuals, and go from there. I have been banned from places for similar statements though, so your mileage may vary.
i love depression feeling like you weigh as much as much as a ship anchor when you move, and wishing you were a ship anchor so someone would drown you
ill see you in west hollywood playa yeah... thats right i got my eye on u. u cant count on dat yessir mhmmmm
>Why don't you just quit doomer-posting, and live your life?
family, economy
>You having, or not having boobs (you do)
they're tranny tits, so worse than having none
i have no clue what to do for the next 2 months i dont want to sit in my room depressed
Beauty, brawn, and charm.
nick lang's poopy male poophole must be such a horrible letdown to plow
she's got it all
maybe. she's born with it, maybe it's maybelline
Just got back from GG tourney.

7th. I was eliminated 3-0 by this guy playing Sin who was calling him Akuma, like from Street Fighter. He ultimately ended up winning the tourney, so I'm not too upset.
get shit on shitter
Also I think it was Grendel who said there'd be trannies there. I didn't see any. In fact it was ALL dudebros, and me, a lone tranny.
suck dick in someone else's room depressed for example in yours father room
Bicycle trip
guarantee they were laughing at you behind your back too
>family, economy
Fuck, join the club. Almost none of the lives of anyone here are perfect. It is what it is, and it does not stop us from living our lives without. I know things are probably rough, but you can get away from stocking shelves if you just put forth a little effort. You aren't actually a retard, though I will continue to address you as such.
>they're tranny tits, so worse than having none
How? Look, I'll obviously reply to your retarded-ass again, but IRL many things are in you favor. You probably know that. Be careful, but start by trying to find someone you share interests with. Granted, you seem to become more and more dishonest with every reply.
cant get any always get rejected
dont have bike or money
I only heard laughing once the whole time. Was during my match too, because I fought a guy playing Giovanna in an Wallbreak combo when he was losing. Beat him 2-1.
Me. Typo.
>in your favor
Not, in you favor. My bad.
I can't stop crying
Summer job
Not any of the other two, but just do some things you enjoy. I didn't read every part of the thread, but things you enjoy can usually lightened the burden a little. Also, you could just go for a walk by yourself.
>cant get any always get rejected
offer them weed
huh maybe i am autistic
Why? Your main issue is the (((them))) nose. You could find someone.
local tranny grosses out dudebros with their hon pressence
No one said anything lmao. Only time people talked to me even was pre and post match, and when the, I assume host of the tournament asked me what name I wanted to use, which was, of course, Pring.
>huh maybe i am autistic
Maybe, but that isn't an excuse. Learn from others, if others can do it, so can you. Keep what you reveal to a minimum. It is not uncommon to run into those who dislike/hate you, just because you try to explain your position with nuance. Don't lie, but don't just tell them everything.
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you said pring and not emily.... wtf///

that's fair ty nonner
can't wait to get absolutely fucked up tonite
I'm just emotionally unstable
dunno what causes half of this
Everyone used like "gamer" names for lack of a better term. You think that guy's name was actually Akuma? Guy was white as fuck
be honest how bad did it smell
>that's fair ty nonner
Hope it actually helps some, I have seen the pattern. Also,that was a strangely accurate insult, much appreciated. You'll be alright, just do your best to learn.
I can't smell, when I got the Flu back in 2015, I lost my sense of smell. A good portion of guys there tho were slightly overweight. Guy with the Akuma name was buff as shit and had a long as fuck beard tho
how do i think of a name i dont want a boring basic normie one
maybe that's not why you're getting hired, are you showering before your interviews?
...yes Paige. I shower every day.
>I'm just emotionally unstable
>dunno what causes half of this
Woman-shit, this is not meant as an insult. However, understanding that you are not the sack of shit you actually think you are is worth quite a bit. You seemed happy with your hiking pics.
>can't wait to get absolutely fucked up tonite
You are definitely still retarded though, do shit in moderation.
I'm making Spaghetti with meatballs and gonna watch I Saw The TV Glow again :) How's everyone else spending their evening?
If you can't smell, you can't taste either? Must be easy to lose weight.

what ingredients are you using
I can taste.
Just some ground beef for the meatballs, seasoning it with a little bit of paprika to be a little hot.
hi can you stop using this thread as your dear diary? thank you!
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evens lies of peege
odds helden ring
dubs go to bed
>just put forth a little effort.
i don't want to
>start by trying to find someone you share interests with.
sounds like a bad idea
what's the point really?
I'm actually curious what are mefs interests
same, i'd be interested to know
I was
back then I was still depressed and anxious alot
so I'm not sure what happened to get me here
>You are definitely still retarded though, do shit in moderation
yeh I am
just smoking weed and drinking beer
also being given shrooms
but I'm not doing those right away
>i don't want to
Then continue being a dumbass.
>sounds like a bad idea
You have interests outside of your bullshit. Lie on here all you want, it is obvious you do. You could attract people purely by your appearance (Lord, strike down me for saying this). However, just starting with someone who shares similar interests (quit pretending you fit in with the other degenerate pieces of shit that find their way here). It is a good place to start, and you can begin with the more normal ones first. Let things go from there. Be fucking careful though.
when u sneeze and start seeing stars
yep thats a sneezing and then seeing stars moment
>back then I was still depressed and anxious alot
>so I'm not sure what happened to get me here
You being stupid, there is no reason to desire some eternal fucking hell for yourself. Hike again, by yourself. See if things feel a bit better.
>yeh I am
You probably aren't, but I will give this advisory warning: Don't let things get out of hand. There is no real reason to hate yourself.
means you have turbo super covid and you're ganna die in 7 days or something.
perfect combustion of manly souls!!
>It is a good place to start, and you can begin with the more normal ones first.
i tried having normal friends but i do not like having friends it is stressful and not worth the hassle
>You could attract people purely by your appearance
What's stressful about having friends
being a nerd heh
dude GROSS
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>be mtfg poster
>im so ugly im never going to pass
>its so over i just want to give up
>god i hate myself
>im such a hon LOOK
>posts pic of most normal average looking woman in existence.
I was thinking about going hiking since it's summer
but I'm not sure how it would work
my city has a protected wildlife reserve in a guant river valley I might try to see
because otherwise any real wilderness and especially the mountains and trails I loved are quite a drive away
that said I am really lucky we have the river valley
it's gorgeous and if all else fails I could probably walk
I really love nature but also I have a irrational phobia of all bugs/arachnids and some plants
that's the most poverty headphones i ever seen and thats before i noticedi t's taped together. jesus lilbro
God i love Caroline so much, i want to marry her
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having to exist in the eyes of another
bruh get real
you don't know the half of it
Bro that's the most scuffed shit ive seen, they look pretty cool
That's based actually, if they work they work
>bruh get real
you look like a normal ass farm girl
they are so uncomfortable
>i tried having normal friends but i do not like having friends it is stressful and not worth the hassle
I am talking about the interests; not the friends, you fucking invalid. You have intimated that some of your interests may be less than orthodox, but you can save those for later. Get to know them first.
you. If you aren't careful, many people will.
>Your picrel
Quit being a fucking retard. Mef (this is your name), many people would find you attractive; I would suggest concealing this until you are comfortable as well. Look, terrible people exist in the world, and you probably know that. However, your physical appearance will never be the issue.
i have no idea what you're saying .
look at picture
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what is the interest is cannibalism and mef is being a freak because theyre trying to protect everyone else?
I fucking hate how boring my life is. I have noting to do, doesn't pass, too mentally ill to do hobbies or try dating, ghosted my friends and still doesn't want to meet with them due to anxiety, dropped out of uni a year before I would do engineer paper because I couldn't do homework for it or learn not to mention writing that shit at the end, I just NEET walk with dog around neighborhood and sometimes cook aside from that it's just wasting time in front of puter and all that because I don't like being born with skin flap instead of another body opening for dicks and fungi. I should have killed myself by now but I even lack the courage for it most of the time. Any tips and tricks anons?
stop feeding mef the humble bragger's ego bros
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>what do you obsess over
fictional characters with bob cuts
Stop being a 4chan tranny and go back to uni dumbass
I called my pharmacy because it didn't list my E on my prescription medications page.
They said my E wasnt sent, but the other prescription was.
So I called my doctors office and they said they'll pass the message to my doctor
Brand new day, end of the day friday rn, E still not sent and now my doctors office doesn't open until monday.
Give me the strength to be patient with people, lord. jimminey christmas.
I do know what I am saying. However, just take care of yourself. Try being a little less retarded if possible. Also, I looked at both. I'll see you again, take care of yourself. Seeing your bullshit continues to be frustrating. That being said, I do need to work tomorrow. I'll see you again.
this is my life
i think i should die
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I legitimately don't know. Ever since I was a kid I thought it was the coolest, most stylish hair style.

pic rel
>you will never get topped by the Major's fully functional cybercock while she tenderly calls you a good girl for taking all of her
why live
You probably shouldn't, however I'll talk to you later. I have to work. Enjoy your sleep.
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I was outside doing errands for senpai
when I saw this
should I go
like unironically?
and try to meet people or something
I had the same shitty headset. Did you dig that out of my garbage?
I literally had panic attacks there and no strength to learn anything so I couldn't even do practice work while I was there, I passed 5 semesters only because of how good I am at getting thru standardized schooling even if those standards are all over the places also friend helped me and now I can't even meet or respond to them because of some stupid mental barrier
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Why is the word lazy spelt like lazy but pronounced like layz. Surely it should be spelt layz like phonetically
yes, go. If you don't like it you can leave. If you don't go you won't know if you missed out on something good.
english is a made up language but everyone should know it because it superior to other languages
its ackchewally la-z
... every language is made up
could be nice!
i always have trouble breaking into conversations or not feeling weird going to things like this alone
but like other person said worst case scenario you just dip if you dont like it
maybe when they were deciding how it should be spelt they just got layz
what should I do with salmon fillets
we should all speak simlish
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how's the fashion
>I was thinking about going hiking since it's summer
You should, you seemed legitimately happy in those pics.
>because otherwise any real wilderness and especially the mountains and trails I loved are quite a drive away
that said I am really lucky we have the river valley
I know the feeling, whether you believe it or not. My state has several pretty distinct regions.
>it's gorgeous and if all else fails I could probably walk
It is, I love the mountains.
>I really love nature but also I have a irrational phobia of all bugs/arachnids and some plants
Is conforming to that worth avoiding all the beauty that nature has?
Though this was ds1, im disappointed in you
should i get botox?
eat them

i've played ds1 enough already
Nah, a husband
it wears off, so give it a try.
can't do that
but does it wear off completely??
>but does it wear off completely??
yes. in like half a year.
r u shure? like completely completely?? i'm scared
also don't want to invade female spaces
yeah and you should get buccal fat removal too
i just want to give a boy some sloppy toppy rn ugh ugh ugh
Its not like an oil injection, it wont make your face look weird.
It gets injected into the muscle to paralyze the area of injection and smooths it out.
If it didn't wear off it most likely wouldn't be used.
if i got it 100 over the years would it eventually go back to it's original, virgin state?
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i want to stop feeling depressed
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As we march to the rhythm on the palace floor
Chandeliers inside the pyramids tremble from the force
Cymbals crash inside the pyramids, voices fill up the halls
step 1: stop saving pictures of other tranny hons
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ugh idk if i should eat something or just go to bed
maybe go food shopping right before the shops close

i haven't done that in ages

posting lyrics is cringe
posting wankcord screenshots is cringe
you're cring
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DId too much stimulants and now I can't sleep yay!
Just stop being sad start being happy lmao. Is this that twink dark souls game btw? Is it gud?
If you over use botox, the injected muscles will atrophy due to lack of use because they've been paralyzed. Leading to permeant changes because your body has to adapt.
We're talking years of use, thats why some hollywood stars looks like absolute ghouls.
In select areas like the forehead to get rid of wrinkles isnt ganna make you look like a monster.
But thats from overuse. Don't go to some shit like a medspa, they will fuck you up. You want to see an actual physician about it.
yeah ages >>36256010
>Just stop being sad start being happy lmao. Is this that twink dark souls game btw? Is it gud?
yes it's fantastic, probably tied w bloodborne in my heart
the weapons aren't quite as memorable, but everything else is great and it's a touch easier which makes it easier on my anxiety
i'm scared
i saved that pic months ago
I'm just here to answer questions, not reassure you.
Your decision is yours.
ugh forgot pic
le epic
I hate poland never meet queer living close to me not to mention trans girl i hate it also public communication is not the best so I will have to make up a lie so my dad will drive me for a hour so I can buy HRT uggghhhhhh... even this thread is depressing
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evens go to food shop quickly
odds just sleep
dubs eat pasta
just stop posting
it'll be over soon
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Forsakened, I am awakened
A phoenix's ash in dark divine
Descending misery
Destiny chasing time
Disappear into the night
Lost shadows left behind
Obsession's pulling me
Fading, I've come to take what's mine
i'm just playing pretend that i'm a girl but in reality i'm just a guy
go away then
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Hons are a disease to real transgirls. We will never be accepted until they are eliminated
i think free surgerys can help with that
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I would genuinely rather be a gnc male than a non passing trans woman so looks like im gonna have to stop my transition here :/
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same but being trans isn't a choice unfortunately
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put chives on my baked potato
yeah, you can say i'm a professional chef
yeah it is. the left made it so dysphoria isn't required, you can just be a girl if you feel like it for any reason even fetish is a valid reason
could go for some home grown chives on a baked potato
sometimes a default emoji is funnier than a custom one
I am the left and I say that's nonsense, perhaps some people can choose their gender and don't get dysphoria or reverse dysphoria from hrt, and perhaps some people transition only socially and would get reverse dysphoria, but we don't have to accept all these groups are the same kind of trans, so to be more accurate I'll say unfortunately that first type of being trans isn't a choice
: )
nonono you're trans if you TRANSition
so even if you're a freak pervert that nobody will ever love that transitioned due to fetish reasons and not due to dysphoria, you are trans!
duh, stupid authoritative figure of the left.
we sent it in the weekly pamphlet like 5 years ago.
its good shit
genuinely hate the misinformation that the trans in transgender/transexual stands for transition I am going to explode
apparently an entire sword group
put grimes on my car radio
yeh, you can say i'm a intentional deaf
what does it mean
transsexual is still transitioning your sex
unironically what is the difference
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>put grimes on my car radio yeh
>you can say i'm a intentional deaf
the fuck does cuno know what chives are? cuno's not a gardener
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i may be heavily depressed and pretty upset over dad and my ex bff and such but at least i found my guilty pleasure soda
it means your assigned sex/gender is on the 'other side of' your actual or neurological sex/gender
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i found a doodle on the internet
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would you be implanted into a a generic cyborg model if you could
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oh yeah?
prove it
i am carrying my gender from one place to another
do you look like motoko
Maybe, if that guaranteed eternal youth. How generic are we talking? If the cyborg could grow hair I could see myself being adopting a chrome body.
as in transalpine gaul
the gaul that's across the alpines from the romans that used the term, cisalpine was the same side
language is cool
I want to say "no" because no one looks like an anime character.
generic like the major's body, there will be other people that look exactly like you but I guess you can style your hair
Yeah, I would. I see only benefits. A generic body isn't the worst thing and there's still lots of room for customization there to express myself.
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Oh but I sure know what you have done
this makes me think about ghost in the shell differently, I guess remaining generic was partly her choice, she could have quite easily customised her body a lot more aesthetically, I hadn't considered that
you are a terrible person
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Oh please do post more threats to have my arguments get more validity
The google doc is going to be thankful for this harvest
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Oh but I am not one to leave the full truth out am I?
i dont care about discord drama
i dont care about discord drama
i dont care about discord drama
is it your fave because the i in Squirt looks like it's cooming citrusy green jizz?
I guess I just don't understand the benefit of posting about drama here instead of discord
it's bc the name "squirt" is funny
Squirt is yummy, was one of my favorites
along with Cactus Cooler.

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