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last >>36252025
qott do real tops exist
why are they so rare
lets go janny lets go (clap clap clap)
gay sex with men who won't abandon you (impossible dream)
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>do real tops exist why are they so rare
theyre not rare, it might be a skill issue on your part
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Overcome with lust I bust Kats crust with a single thrust. A cloud of crust dust escapes in a dust, the color of rust.
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May I clarify before the bitch yaps that this isn't me
you do no such thing
>mono staring right into the camera
one you make small children cry, everyone is terrified and disgusted by you, everyone walks on eggshells around you, the other people might thing you're a little weird but youre still good people
>qott do real tops exist
For transwomen or just in general? But yeah daily reminder that "mega top navy" literally has pic of him (her, whatever pronouns they're going by lol) with a cismans dick in his mouth and also got his ass eagerly fucked. All tops ITT here switches at best.
i dont know what game to play next
>check on fetlife
>fifty bottom posts for every top post
>check grindr
>every dude is a switch
>check elsewhere
>every chaser is a bottom
i'm talking about actual handsome straight acting men who are attracted to transwomen, they are exceedingly rare ime

what are you in the mood for
maybe crypt of the necrodancer could be fun since you like music
>relying on online dating/hookup apps
would dudes really ask you to top them on grindr?
I suggest the new Elden Ring DLC with two new bosses

Mongo the Crust Rapist
Kat the Schizo Druggie
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Can I get a sword named after me or sum
>what are you in the mood for
I've been playing a lot of horror lately. So either I'm keeping that trend up or switching genres, possibly RPG or shooter of some kind. Although with shooters its hard to find good single player for and I'm not sure if I want to get into a team/competitive shooter, although I used to be really into battlefield and I heard 2042 is good now.
>maybe crypt of the necrodancer could be fun since you like music
I've played that a lot in the past. Maybe it's time to get into the DLC. I'm sure it'll go on sale soon.

wrong person?

Jokes aside, I definitely should play that. It looks very fun, I've enjoyed every FromSoft game that I've played since Demon's Souls. Got winded with the series around bloodborne era.
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>I had a crush on you
>But now I feel more like a platonic love for you I feel safe around you and you are my best friend
>I dont know if ill ever feel different but I dont want to date anyone right now
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>Katja Lang
Nope all asleep or away as of current
Go harass them on dms again though!
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'The slow retard blade of anon'
I completely forgot Halo Legends existed. Hit or miss anthology but now I want to rewatch this with my gf
yes, but now i dont want to fix it.
i hope you find a good game. im playing MGSV
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hmm do i just go to sleeb now
>im playing MGSV
That's a very fun game. I think I have about 800 or so hours on it across platforms. Have you beaten it yet? Interested in MGS3 remake?
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>this 35 year old ass nigga is beefing with a teen online
KEK lmao even
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no but they have switch listed in their profile, so i know it would be an inevitability

how else would you meet people

stalker shadow of chernobyl is a good mix of horror and shooter if you haven't gotten around to that yet ig

why not learn to draw instead of relying on theft

what am i if i were a boss
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>with my gf
Just imagine Mono gently opening Nick's ass crust with her huge dick. Then they kiss.
>stalker shadow of chernobyl
very good idea, thank you
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Keep the harassment going champ
Do you like rpg for story or autistic numbers?
no worries, gl. don't forget patches and basic mods to make it stable
>why not learn to draw
some combination of it doesnt interest me, im too lazy, and i would be bad at it
speaking of theft im messing with this new 'cursor' ide and its so good wtf
>Have you beaten it yet?
i got to the point where you meet skull face in that long cutscene, then got busy with life and never touched it again.
but im determined to beat it this time.
i heard it wasn't finished and i dont know if im ready for another game series that will never be finished, but ill be strong.

>Interested in MGS3 remake?
i'm eh about it. its neat, but i'd rather they finish 5...
i got fond memories of the original, so i prob wont pick it up
>do to me what you want,
You're a grown ass 35 year old with dick and balls beefing with a teen on the internet. You already hit rock bottom through your own pathetic actions, you perpetual victim.
how can you listen to that voice it sounds like his diet is pure suylent while listening to NPR and huffing his own farts
god forbid someone sounds a little fruity, homophobe.
i take it you dont listen to a lot of technical tutorials it gets way worse kek
Both, I guess. Not sure where autism falls into that. I recently finished Baldur's Gate with my gf and we're playing wasteland together

>but im determined to beat it this time.
>i heard it wasn't finished
Yeah Act 3 was cut because of Konami. There's a lot of unresolved stories.
>i'm eh about it. its neat, but i'd rather they finish 5...
Makes sense. Konami kind of ruined any chance of Kojima working with them so Metal Gear is in the creative dust (hence a remake instead of a new game). I think the last "original" metal gear IP they released was Metal Gear Survive. It's just a soft-canon side story that's a co-op base builder.
there's a difference between fruity and obnoxious anon
ugh i know that dude just loves talking about "injustices" and "systems of opression" jesus fucking christ it's like chinese water torture if the water was smug about being wet

no i just read stackexchange and twenty year old forum posts when i want to learn something
>no i just read stackexchange and twenty year old forum posts when i want to learn something
ya ngl after doing that for 10 hrs a day every weekday for 15 yrs im excited to have a new option
lia shutup
Hope me trans friends are doing okay
I know some of you aren't but I wish you were
no U
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>ya ngl after doing that for 10 hrs a day every weekday for 15 yrs
no wonder you trooned out, i would have gone insane too
ok but you too ok? you are annoying
Repper here
I guess soon to be roper

I can’t be a woman but I can’t deal with these thoughts anymore I try to suppress them but when I try it seems like they come back even stronger
I’ll never be a woman so neither will any of you.
just take hrt and be satisfied that you're doing something to help ease the dysphoria while also not forcing others to pretend you're something you're not
I wish Caroline a good day, i love you Caroline
its the microplastics desu
true but i dont wanna
stay breezy tranon
What a sweet chaser
ugh i hate how linkedin only lets you see a set number of pages in a certain time frame if you don't have an account
maybe im looking at his page too much
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>I’ll never be a woman so neither will any of you.
anon is ganna come to all of our houses and forcefully inject us with testosterone
'if i can't be a woman, you'll all be men... BY FORCE'
sort yourself out.
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U guys think 11 pages w all htmls screenshots and other evidence linked besides is enough?
double spaced?
I don't even know what's going on but what do you gain by posting it here
Its half screenshots I'm not even going to lie to you this shit would get me a C- on preschool
Getting an abuser out of the community
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time for sleep
hopefully it'll go well
gl nite
iv never once read one of these dumps
like there just isnt any dopamine in it and theyre always so confusing
you people suck at data presentation
who you goin after now mr blobby?
how many docs include nick poopy crust hole?
No. Go through everything and include everything. Don't cheap out
>if i take hrt i am already a woman
hons think this? fr fr?
its a good coping mechanism
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Give me a moment..
Yeah I like tits
should i detransition?
3 years on hormones and i just look like an uncanny genderless creature at best with weird curves or a teenage boy at worse. i dont know how much longer this can go on.
How do mtfs genuinelly feel about the fact that the trannyjak has become the most popular symbol to represent them in the 21st century?
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Unrelated to the drama but just as a general questions why do so many BOTTOMS try and roleplay as tops? Pic related. Why does a turbo estrogenized bottom who gets her ass gaped open by men or other transwomen pretend she is gonna be a big assertive top to anyone?
Lack of real life experience
ya leave it to chads like me ssmh
harder to groom as a bottom
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Are you guys excited for Brighter Shores?
release date is for Q3 of 2024.
So most likely September.
Exs being people that abused me too, I already clarified this weeks ago
I dont let abusers get away with it
I can't take the staring and the sympathy. And I don't like the questions "How do you feel?" "How's it going in school?" and "Do you wanna talk about it?"
i'm a real top, but you won't like the reason why
chatgpt sucks it can't do simple math it almost always gives you broken code unless you're doing something like web development.

if you tell it's messing up it will gaslight you


npr is great. this american life, radiolab, freakonomics, etc.
Bro I'm a real chad topper like I'll straight plow the brown out of your poopshoot with my PP and get that bitch squeaked up on god
nooooooo soldier, please keep fighting
another happy customer, it seems that hrt worked as intended
are you using ChatGPT 4o?
larry is STILL posting here? i thought that romania faggot life failure surely would of moved on by now. good lord find a rope and figure the knot out already sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

im shilling for this shit real bad at this point but that legit isnt my exp
it's sped up my dev time on some medium complexity scripting by like 10x at least
code it produces is usually pretty close to what i need, and 4o does a really reasonable job of adjusting what its already produced rather than continually dumping new broken solutions the way 3.5 did
also the data analyses it produces are really impressive esp for the time it takes, this stuff is blowing my mind on the daily fr
i still didn't solve my trans issues for now, also i have nothing better to do, why are you hating?

>also the data analyses it produces are really impressive esp for the time it takes, this stuff is blowing my mind on the daily fr

can you give me an example.
oh ok this is actually pretty cool.

this is so lame, they should focus more on making pictures of women with big boobs more realistic
Yo i heard Kat's nudes got leaked anyone got a link
a simple work related example i had it do earlier today was an analysis of cron job execution history across 200 environments that i want to have better observability on but have put off kuz its not really that important
took maybe 10 minutes and now iv got a script that dumps a report of executions, evaluation of start/end/duration relative to the actual intended schedule, success/fail
basically just makes it easy to see whether anything is fucked at a glance

not a super complex problem, not something i couldn't write without it, but something i wouldn't have written without it kuz it def would have taken me way longer and im a lazy shit

personal one recently was doing a review of medical lending options, projecting payment amounts for 3 different loan amounts at a couple different interest rates, checking my DTI in a few different stress-test type scenarios like if my income reduced, if i had a major unexpected expense, if my monthly bills doubled etc
again not an especially complicated analysis but also one i would have taken a ton more time to do without help
>life failure
just take your hrt fr
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I think it's time guys..

I think snow people enslaved the plains people but couldn't interbreed for the most part and the male snow people tried a lot more often than the female snow people, so more male neanderthal got into us than female neanderthal.

I also believe that's why we're more masculine. We aren't more masculine, we just look more like female neanderthals.

Very little neanderthal dna remains, so very few tops. And female neanderthal rarely bred, so far more male tops than female.
It's not time. Go back to bed.
i just want to be happy
my only sin was being born into this world thus i suffer now

*curls up on your head and purrs*
day of reckoning...
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reckoning what
in due time
now you're just being oblique like kat
I reckon Kat's gonna get wrecked...on
hello, is this a bad time?

*curls up on your head and purrs*
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The suspense is killing me
Maybe I can forgive you after all
ma waifu
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Google doc exposing kat for generally being an atrocious person alongside htmls of her, old and new
I'm gonna go eat some cereal now.

is that a cigarette
i refuse to do my injection unless lagooner comes to boston and has sex with me rn
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I just want some cereal.. with hot milk..
as if you need them anyway cissoid
dont blow my cover also nice trips>>36258774
ok time to retire that tripcode
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'Tis I! Anya!
i want a snack but im too lazy to go downstairs
kind of a shit doc ngl lmao
>center justified the entire thing
>same info that's been spammed here for a week
really bruh
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Cereal time.
>Ignores blocks of context, new info and new htmls
seriously i promise you none of this is new behavior or news
everyone knew how this would go, several people gave genuine warnings
>kat threatening suicide
im fucking shocked fr she did what
And y'all just okay with being buddies with a known abuser, doxxer, blackmailer and manipulator?
i guess the main question i have after reading the doc is what the fuck does anyone get out of interacting with kat shes truly a black hole manifested as a human being
are we all buddies is that the vibe youre getting
I don't let people I dislike into my inner circles servers thats all I'm getting
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They get to enjoy opening her crusty poopy ass crust
It's Friday. I worked 12 hours and now I'm having a smoke, a drink, and pizza.
you want attention thats all this is
>i dont let
ya good luck with that captain
I only want what's best for you ;_;
And back to being aggressive against me oh my
Your words may not have translated to this very well
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somehow the cringiest always ends up being mono in every drama its wild
>being aggressive

clicking this link will reveal the name on my google acct
I don't even know who I'm talking to kek
Open a priv window.
people keep saying I "look mean" :(

smile more.
Oh alright, yea that's who I thought. Everybody should make up and be friends, please. I am willing to facilitate dialogue, I've read a couple books and I studied international relations.
I actually do have a very nice smile (thanks to braces) and very nice cheekbones but I unfortunately have a bad case of RBF and deadpan voice
When I rest maybe I slept 3 hours today because of nightmares
idk how to explain it besides 'permanent bedroom eyes' but it makes my eyes look like im upset all the time. paired with RBF, people are always asking me whats wrong...
>people are always asking me whats wrong...
ohhhhh I know this feeling so well
i understand. people say to me that i look scary. it's a strange thing
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Hello guys, I started E (gel) approximately last week, in that week I have gained an unreasonable amount of fat, very feminine distribution.
I also take bica for around 3 weeks now.

why the fuck am I gaining so much fat? literally 7 days ago I was bones-visible thin on my ribs, now I need to do an inhale to see them
I mean I aint complaining, It just seems almost physically impossible since I havent had a huge calorie surplus
It's called WATER retention.
bro what the fuck is this webm why are you posting ur nudes here 1 week hrt and jiggling ur fat around
zomgz ur ze wameens now
why do u have so many trips lol
I did NOT need to see that shit
doxxable information delete this
why are some early transitioners always so gung-ho on posting nudes
i accidentally leaked my tripcode
Use the money you can save on food for other things like ciggies, alcohol, and recreational drugs.
bottled up sexuality suddenly getting uncorked
cia enhance
I dunno maybe it's because I was sexually active long before I transitioned but when I started my transition I kinda just wanted to skip cringe-regretful nudes stage and go straight to being a washed up 20-something year old woman on a self-improvement quest
had you already explored being a squishier person sexuality wise? I think that's what it is, suddenly people are just discovering that part of themselves
No, I don't think this explains it, at least not for everyone. It's not necessarily sexual, it's more like losing body shame if that makes sense.
>had you already explored being a squishier person sexuality wise
I guess? I was never naturally inclined to lean into it. I'm not exactly a "squishy" girl. Only one girl I dated was able to get me to drop the serious punished cyberpunk neo-noir schtick and get me to melt like a popsicle on a hot day and act like an UwU anime girl.

Man, I fumbled her HARD but that was a fun situationship.

this makes a lot of sense, thank you.
I think that counts, for a lot of baby tranners this is the first time they've been able to occupy this kind of role

I think there's definitely still something sexual to it, or at least flirty
need to sleep soon
work in the morning
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I just took 4mg of kolonopin for fun. pls tell me Im a retard who didnt take enough
have fun fren, be safe no opis and easy on the booze
what can i create/handcraft for the woman i love? i don't have any particular skill
kandi bracelet that says something meaningful in some way to both of you
lol lmao even, thank you for this and god bless you
i want to practice typesetting gay love poems to give elfi nice feeling thingie
mby cud do that?
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it's that time again when i gotta buy some whey protein and i'm gonna end up with the most atrociously sickly flavored sludge on this planet.
seriously it doesn't even taste that bad plain why do they insist on making it gross with ultra sweet choc/strawberry/vanilla? why can't we at least get fresh/crisp flavors like greenapple or smthn?
>inb4 get this product
basically no longer residing in a first world country when it comes to product availability ;_;

a lil crochet animal.
transbians are so cringe lmao
cum tribute
homosexuality is reel
ugh it feels rly nice tho
i accept my cringey fate
there are a fuck ton of new cutscenes in this final mix of KH1
riku just added into preexisting cutscenes and i'm here for it.
cannot imagine playing a donald duck game
ya, protein powder tastes like ass, i had some banana flavour once, it was eww, i had to force myself to drink it and i will almost always upset my stomach and feel a bit like puking afterwards, that shitty ass fake sweetness is so fukin bad, with milk is better but i would get my stomach even more upset bc i think i am a bit lactose intolerant..idk how braindead gymbros enjoy that but they must do otherwise they wouldn't sell it at all.. you could make pancakes with it and it will be better but yea extra calories..
thank you!!! i'll look into it

i like poetry but it's extremely hard to not make a ick

thanks too, but we're both too old i think
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yeah... he deserves to be in more games
but it also has winnie the pooh
you are way too ancient for this though, i can't imagine living up to that age, at least you got to see the dinosaurs so that is cool i guess
it just screams arrested development to me
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i unno my mom is nearly 60 and she likes cute lil things like that but u know ur situation better ofc.

>lactose intolerant
oof i'd die.
also you're still here? bruh.
do the autistic kid thing and make coupons for stuff they can redeem with you
being trans is still an issue for me
when it stops being an issue i will bounce or kms idk
you're a retard who i envy
i feel like shit all the time and i hate feeling like this, i want to rope but oh, having depression sucks so bad, i wish i felt better
im actually going insane. i have see patterns when i close my eyes and in the dark at night in the wood of the floor and the leaves of trees like faces with tusks and other distortions and repetitive distorted thoughts about words from this website like agp permamanmoder and im worried because i have brain damage fron meth and cough pills and weed and dmt and cocaine
how long are u going to keep this up for ?
so true bestie but i didn't do any drugs, also you are fine, if you are aware of going insane, you are not actually going insane, just stressed out or smth, actual crazy people are not aware of it
Please dont rope.
Itll add fuel to the 41% meme.
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i am severely autistic and i want to kill myself over it
i am a repper dw
the sad thing is that the number is a lot higher since that statistic doesn't take into account reppers, manmoders or people who detransed and afterwards roped, those still roped bc they are trans, this is true for most trans statistics and most of them are wrong, especially the detransitioner numbers
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you're still a fucking clown, eat those (You)s up hero. try going outside without wobbly legs the next time.
damn being trans is really deadly, imagine 1 out of 2 people that you see on the street attempting sui, very few cis people actually ever attempt statistically, probably one of the worst things that you could possible have, if 41% is the official one which i assume to be optimistic and being done in a progressive place like america and still leaves out a lot of people that don't identify as trans but are trans, the real number is probably like even 60% maybe even higher.. damn..
rope already god damn
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Guten morgen thread.
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what did i do wrong now?
hi carolina
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So that's what Kingdom Hearts looks like.
Hello, anon-sama.
>So that's what Kingdom Hearts looks like.
god bless ps2 era games
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I hate them. My zoomer brain cannot stand the blocky smear graphics, anon-sama.
am i a zoomer if im 26
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>It refers to the generation born between 1997 to 2012. This generation is also called zoomers.
It seems so, anon-sama.
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I miss Dakota :(
She went to bed a lil while ago and I'm too upset to sleep so now I'm stuck here again
Blocky smear graphics are charming and soulful, Zoomerline
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oh god im the boomer of zoomers
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Good meowning, enjoy the weekend frens! :>
Guten Morgen Carol-sama

This is supposed to be the big leak?
It's nothing new at all, just classic victimmaxing.
People were like "Laguna showed me in private that it was really bad", but then when it comes to public stuff you always show the same boring irrelevant things.
No death threats you said you received daily, no slurs, just the same old stuff you posted 10 times already.
I expected nothing and still got disappointed, do better please Laguna
>no good meowning everynyan
you fucked it
>Trans girl and I begin talking
>She tells me she's pre hrt, younger than me
>start talking about how to begin for them
>they inevitably flirt because testosterone is a hell of a drug
>fall for it everytime because girl flirting with me make me silly
>inevitably just want to erp with me and not talk about their transition
>We stop talking cus im not horny enough and I never find out how it went for them

I'm a bad big sister and a rapehon arent I?
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Idk you also have to factor that a lot of the people who rope arent rrans and were mistaken, went too far, and saw no way out, so how much would that reduce the number by?

The genuine only time I was suicidal was as a teenager when I never thought Id escape my homophobe dad and my only way out was to join the military and run into bullets so I could sdie and my family would be proud.

Uwu swallow
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>Blocky smear graphics are charming and soulful, Zoomerline
The equivalent to an old hag in the age of color movies nostalgic for the Golden Age of Hollywood, Kota-obaasan.
Yes, you are nearly a hag, zoomerhag-sama.
Guten morgen, Kat-sama.
You could still message them, anon-sama.
>pre hrt
>stop talking cause im not horny enough
Yes, you're a rapehon.
You went after someone whos pre-hrt and still basically a boy because you somehow got it in your head that since they were a girl in their brain and that means you can get off on it.
Thats weird
>what did i do wrong
not rope already
Nope, it me, the other black haired german :>
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You know what Carol? You're never getting a blue crayon from me again, games were better back then
They usually remove me from their friends lists because I cant goon enough.

If I saw them as men I wouldnt be a rapehon. Why wouldn't I see them as women?
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Something about the image made me think Kat-sama.
They were not, you are just a hag, Kota-obaasan.
I posted here a couple weeks ago on passgen. Was told i pass but i am extremely ugly been thinking of roping ever since.
that scenario of a confused cis person is very unlikely, i am sorry for what happened to you when you were a teen, i am glad that you have been doing ok since then
my bad
can i prevent the breast growth from hrt somehow? i would like to start hrt again but i want to try being just a feminine man first to see if it is enough, the gyno and limp dick would affect my dating prospects if i go gay dating bc i have no way of explaining those besides " i am a tranny"
if need be, breast reduction.
or wear a binder
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me and my girlfriend make out and swap progesterone every night

based or cringe
based and cute
>hit on by a milf at the bar
>free alcohol
>still want to kill myself
didja have funnnn
idk it was ok
got to see some friends and not being terminally online helps
sitting around constantly being reminded that im an ugly ass bitch is still not fun tho
i think that you are kinda cute, you shouldn't be that hard on yourself
guru larry
It's always nice to go out. Don't be so hard on yourself ^_^
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>Suck up to TERFs for 4 years
>They still will not back you at the GE
Who could have foreseen this.
yes, but it'd permanently stunt breast growth and squander any passing potential you have
if you can't decide what you want boobwise but do want everything else about hrt just bind and decide later
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ik it sounds like a cope but ppl rly do have different preferences.
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mogs me
Hm. I think I'm about to get sad again. I'm going to sleep before that happens.
>any passing potential you have
kek, it never existed in the first place
i could wait and get top surgery for my existing gyno and that would solve it without having the scars but idk if i will want to honmode later on, i will see i guess, i am not in a hurry
yeah and having a unique face like this makes me want to fucking kill myself
constantly being called pretty by someone and then ugly by another person is mentally draining and fucks your self perception up to no bounds
i am literally never coming back from this headspace
you are ruminating way too much about this and care too much about what others think, just don't think about it and live your life, why do you care if you are ugly or not, i am hideous and it is whatever
you still haven't ever tried long enough to know if you could pass (or tried at all for that matter)
don't restrict your future options
>getting sanitymogged and given good advice by lari
grace officially terminally wormed rest in bdd
bc ur retarded
its less thati care abt what others think and more that i look at myself more objectively and understand how i look
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Made some Apple Muffins! :>
I really need a husband/wive to bake and cook for regularly one day..
stop scrutinizing yourself retard
do basic maintenance, don't abyss gaze, take photos for fun not for worm reasons
it is ok to like care about how you look and try to look as good as possible but once you did everything in your power to improve your looks, you should stop obsessing over it and accept it as it is, plenty of ugly people just live their life and are happy, if you worry 24/7 all your life about how you look, you will never actually live it, if someone didn't have a hand and they focused and complained about that all their life and never moved on, they would fail to see their other working hand and their working legs, and they would be stuck sad forever and never actually live
very nice kitchen, the muffins look alright
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yeah the fucked self perception sucks like i feel like im getting gaslit and hugboxed by friends when they say i look fine or whatever when i'm tweaking about it. i know they are just trying to make me feel better when im struggling which is cool and i appreciate it but it also makes it so i can't trust them.
i don't show myself to most people or leave the house much because i fucking hate how i look and im certain i'm not wrong about looking hideous.
i'd be dysfunctionally avoidant without the hugboxing tho so idk what to do.
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had really bad nightmares what the fugg
don't can't go for run i am think
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morning gang!
Woah your kitchen looks so nice
its ok they're just dreams not real
bed is just a little sweaty and i feel like puking so running really wouldn't be a good idea rn is all
hope u slept well
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Good morning, anon-sama.
Well technically it's my moms kitchen, but she hates cooking and rarely bakes so I'm the only one using it.
Like the muffin stand thingy hasn't been used in years, it always stands there empty.
Today was a great opportunity to use it though, and I agree it looks nice filled with tasty treats :>
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they're so cute in this world
Yo retard I'm getting more death threats rn ms victimmaxxing
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i wish i were a cute character so i cud always b cute instead of an ugly old troon

very posh looking desu
Good morning, hope you slept well
Yeah, I personally would prefer a more practical one, but while I'm still living there I gotta make the most out of it
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Is this Mono-shi trying to bait Laguna-sama? You're 30+. Please find a hobby.
Gonna be real, they also only taste alright. They aren't bad, but they aren't as good as the apple pie I baked before.
They are pretty simple to make though, so thats a plus
>Good morning, hope you slept well
i havent slept yet
Bro that's not you who got pinged
i wanted to feel important too
does anyone know how to 'rehydrate' cookies?
i accidentally left mine out on the counter and now theyre hard as fuck.
they were chewy yesterday
leave me alone of course its not me im so sick of all of this
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hmmm maybe put them in a plastic bag with a wet cotton ball? It's how I makeshift humidified cigars before I had a humidor
Haven't posted here regularly in years. I look and it's the same people as like 2020... Is it just because I'm in my 30s and life is different with time and stuff or is this place seriously just a time fragment just stuck in time?
i'll give it a go with a few of them
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put it under some running water
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Well, you better start then.. sleep is important fren :o
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>want to try going back to sleep
>do not want nightmares again
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Don't do this shit is gonna get soggy yo! You'll ruin them forever
listen to asmr of some guy talking. It makes me feel sleepy and safe
I just came back from a walk during which I started thinking how easy it would be for me to have good or at least normal life with me choosing different high school that would suit me better with where I could go in reality and learning about HRT and how it is not big uncertain thing that could work or kill you instead I have been forgetful ADHD teen influenced by transphobic info of the time. I would be so much les depressed and done with transition, I would be happy now or dead instead of suffering the prison I have made for myself heck with in more high pristine school someone might even hint at how depression like I am or that I could have ADD. and now the only thing I can do is to cry and disassociate in front of the screen, I can't even start drinking without quickly becoming a alcoholic
i dont know how to deal with that shit instead of just moving the date I face reality into the future
am i just stupid for not seeing a obvious solution to all this? is it my fault I can't deal with the past or be happy in the present? please tell me if there is a way for me to be happy
you only have to take care of yourself, do what makes you feel good, don't put such pressure on yourself young one
I'm 23 uni dropout without any knowledge or real workforce experience who wishes to never go outside and for whom walking out the dog often seems like too much, I can't take care of myself it's not that easy
then die
I'm a 32yr old transgirl with schizophrenia
No your mi wief
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Thinking about holding off on my next injection just for a little while until my boysmell comes back. I miss it...
I hoped for genuine answer instead of kys
This is 4chan btw
im not the person who tried to help you.
im a person that gets annoyed when someone offers advice only to get met with another list of bullshit on why you cant be helped
No I'm you and you're not like always you've been
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Is that you Naz? :D Please treat your anxiety. It's paralyzing you. Please take your meds
Let me kiss u
The person to whom I answered I was younger and in much better position please don't stress over me
No, I've posted here as a anon or under this name when people assumed I was Carole or someone else, for some reason I can sound like every trip here or smth
Kinda crazy I used to spend so much time here when it's so boring
Maybe I am just getting old
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>for some reason I can sound like every trip here or smth
Because every trip here seems to be a self loathing mess. Every anon too for that matter. Hard to keep track of who said what
Probably because it's dead af now. Go to bed grandma
gm gang hope you got good sleb
I wasn't even self loathing back then at least I think so but I'm sorry for being just another annoying tranny
Where do you read manga nowadays?
i wish i could talk to my therapist, these trans issues are so annoying and no one like gets it
I love edrama
oh yeah?? prove it
paperback on ios
tachiyomi got a takedown a couple months ago so not sure if somebody is doing a fork of it
Wanna be my gf
>paperback on ios
based as fuck, I started using that when MangaRock got taken down
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im gonna drama all over the place
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no... england is now part of the kingdom hearts lore....

You're adorabz.

I'll fix it, just hang on.

The mean girls would have already doxed all the juicy secrets about each other. Now they're just a gaggle of harpies pecking at each other.
Just get rid of it already
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It's over, anon-sama. We won.
Yeahh, I need you to have that neovag

>encouraging girl pp murder

yay someone wants to dox me yippie11!11!111!!!!
>evidence of threats from tess and kat
>evidence of doxxing
>evidence of revenge porn
>evidence of harrassment towards friends and associates of laguna
>evidence of manipulative behavior
like yeah its not a bombshell but it does clearly show a pattern of awful behavior that kat refuses to take accountability for
I NEED more drama who wants to be my kitten
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Holy quads this is what I call a win

Why has no one cut off her arms and legs and cut her vocal cords and trussed her up on a swing?
im over here victimmaxxing my shit rn i got manipulation tactics on my discord im seeking pity im victimmaxxing as fuck im a victim man like for real.
This would be me, actually.
watched her do the same exact shit to sophie rizz and navy i dont get why you suddenly give a fuck
Never late to start caring
i was never really aware of the details before, i hadnt seen the pattern of behavior (apart from the manipulation via constant suithreats) laid out before. before this my view on kat was that shes a pitiable addict who needs internet attention to sustain herself which is still an accurate view of her i'd say but now i see her as actively malicious and it doesnt sit right with me how she always manages to avoid taking accountability
never late to start crying
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me and my italian bro against the world
Fuck I should play these games
they're pretty fun.
KH1 is a little jank, and they tuned the bosses to be waaay harder than they needed to be on some of them.
>taking accountability
what does this look like exactly
kuz from the fence it just seems like the 10th round of cap dumps for attention and calling everybody an abuser while making keyboard warrior threats and woe is me posting
which is exactly what youre complaining about
what im saying is maybe she should take a break from mtfg circles and work on becoming a better person before she comes back
and you intended to accomplish this how
Noticed that its coomer cisguys who dislike frierens English voice men are weak and will not survive the winter
omfg, this transbian shit fake drama is still going on..
well I mean
she's not in server rn and keeping it that way would be pretty easy
>we swapped one for the other
fair enuf
lasagna should do that too
one of them is demonstrably worse in my view
Post cute gay porn.
to be fair immediately in the server laguna is vibing and mingling, where as kat messages in server were still just vague drama posts
i'll stop arguing then but if this turns into more spamming bullshit expect an itys
>using discord servers
cringe and pedocoded

After all you've been through, what worse harm could joining discord possibly do to you?
Why would a straight dude want to fuck a trans woman?

Why would a straight dude want to fuck a plastic tube? All that matters is what they have in their mind.
i never said a straight guy, i said straight acting
Go watch a porn of a guy fucking a fleshlight and think of how they are thinking of doing that to you. How much they want to be inside you.
put your trip on dude you are so fucking revolting stop being a sex pest
didnt you drink pee out of a pedophiles asshole?
it was a pedo's pee out of a tranny's asshole, and it was only once, and i broke up w him bc he was a pedo so it doesn't mean anything
injection question
i do intramuscular and usually when i push down on the plunger there's some resistance, i have to push kind of hard. but i just did my injection today and this time there was zero resistance. like i barely touched the plunger and it just went zoom, down. it freaked me out bc ive never had that happen before. am i gonna die
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is it a tattoo or part of his jacket?
did you aspirate first? or use a different gauge needle?

part of the jacket, since it goes over the yellow trim on the jacket
what gauge is your needle?
did you make the needle go deep enough?
thats a broach
I've been at work for 20 minutes and have performed no work so far and do not plan on doing anything for another 15 minutes or so
I used a 22 gauge needle like always and it went all the way in like usual. no pain or anything, also like usual. just confused. it's like maybe the syringe itself wasn't air tight? it's the only reason i can think of why the plunger moved so easily

Do you push the air out of the needle before injecting? By pushing until a bead of oil appears at the tip of the needle?
idk it happens sometimes, if you're not coughing or having any major issues right now then you're alright
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it's a really long story

She didn't know he was a pedo at the time and broke up with him when she found out he was. But yes she is a horny perverted bottom who does fucked up crazy sex if her dom commands her.
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aaaah I wanna play horror games but they're too scary shit sucks yo. Developers really need to cool it with the scary stuff
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They should make SPOOKY games
not SCARY games
play point and click horror games
try stasis
It sounds crazy and kinky as fuck at the same time so it got my interest
Dream state of horninese so if I'll ever achieve it I'll make sure that if a guy wants a threesome with another tranny he may be a pedo
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I don't know the difference. I just hate being chased by a big monster and having to hide D:
I think I will yes. It's just that I really dig survival horror but they're too stressful. Was gonna say I've heard about Stasis but turns out I have it in my library but never played it.
next bread >>36261897
waste of fucking time, it just knocked me out. just took three mg rn awaiting on taking some vicodin
at this point I dont care I just wanna die!

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