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pussy sweat edition
last >>36257901
qott do you sweat easily?
>do you sweat easily?
>starts the thread with shitty facebook boomer meme

why ruin /mtfg/

It's either horny posting or being shit, and nomi is posting.
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I ghosted a guy for being shorter than me and darker and fat, I feel bad because he's probably thinking that he's too ugly to exist or some shit and I made him more insecure.
Should I unghost him and tell him his personality was also annoying? So he knows it's not all about looks.

My bad shoulder angel says yes.
I might not listen to a bad shoulder angel
>All tops ITT here switches at best
im pure top never forget

*curls up on your head and purrs*
pring pls
I want to cry
rapehon edition
be free little moth
I don't douche my pussy so no
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I don't understand how someone could prefer to top. Even if I wanted to my pp would never agree to it
Crying rocks. It feels really good.
can you bone smash (might have other name) your shoulders to make them smaller?
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where all my posters at?
oh your wall hehehehehe
Offline orgy
wish there were more older transitioners who have concise-ish ideas of their identity around here but trans spaces always lend so well to newly out transitioners its hard to meet people you can connect with well i should stop posting here

i have been transitioning for a long time desu
older transitioners in what way?
like radio?
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I wish more older transitioners was around just to tell me that things will be better, but then I hear old tranny grandmas on here yap and moan about how their life is shit or whatever and it just discourages me
been puking all day due to a hangover
on my thinspo arc

Consume an orange and sip some vinegar.
Remember that the good queers died, ones that survived were cowards, scumbags or (the best option idk if common one) they simply embittered seeing how much people hate us and how government tret us

Everything is gonna be fine.
yeah but I have nowhere really to go to cry besides the bathroom or if I literally walked someplace I think might be secluded
hullo sish
hate to say it but hair of the dog is the actual trick
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>The Good Queers Died
I don't really know what you're talking about but if I ever write a memoir it's gonna have this title
I know what you mean. I don't really live alone anymore or have my own room so it's been difficult at times. Worst case I just hide in the bathroom at work after hours
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KH1 beat, ignored the dalmations and winnie the pooh because I did them before and still remember it.
almost 100% certain they didn't add anything new.
having to hide yourself to cry is like nail in the coffin (is that how you word it)
kh1 beat. uh,
ignored the dalmatians and winnie the pooh, 'cause i did them both before and still remember it too
almost 100% certain they didn't add anything new, but its cool
'final nail in the coffin' is like saying 'the straw that broke the camels back'
its the thing that finally sealed the deal.
no one cares if i'm doing okay, and i'm not
i miss having friends
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it's pretty rough feeling like no one cares about you when you care so deeply about others
yeah ik i was asking about the wording but thanks for the other example, didn't know it
I'm sorry anon. It's difficult to meet new people but it's worth the effort in the end.
Boomer generation or gays and trans woman died of AIDS, many activists died due to living in poverty and being unable to seek medical help thanks to the social stigma, etc etc plus local things like Stonewall like bars being horrible place to be, special agents working against gays in both western and commie countries, lynchings, just thing of a thing and you could find example of it in some place of the world
god i miss him so much i would love to just lay next to him and not say anything, just enjoy his presence and being together in the nice summer weather with his arm around me and my head on his chest gosh i hope he's happy and i wish i could be there with him and make him happy too
i love him so much and it sucks not being able to give him that love, because he deserves to be loved so much
wish we could be making new memories together until we die, i don't know how i am going to live my life without him i always thought we would be together forever and without him it feels like im a husk
Today I made the potato tortilla from hell, but I am such a good cook it was still incredibly good, and my arsehole won't suffer it maybe. I am full of sodium.
i'm thankful for the ones who survived. they remember
you will get used to it, than you will feel numb about it just to have some mental breakdowns afterwards
Cry over it, spend endless nights thinking about him and talk about him with your friends or do whatever will make you feel better in a given second, just remember to move forward and pass all the bad things that have happen in the past so your future self will have a better life in which she could meet another HIM and hopefully this time staying with him forever
People should learn about them and how much they changed the world so they could also learn that they can change it too
im old as hell
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Crazy to think all that shit went down and meanwhile here I am hiding in my room
This except it's the guy in class I never really talked to but fantasized about living a whole life together with
How old??
G'morning thread! Got on the scale this morning, down to 163! Just 40-45 more pounds to go.
>Cry over it
i have
>spend endless nights thinking about him
every night for years i have done this, and days too
>talk about him with your friends
i don't have friends and whenever i try talking about him with my mother she just sighs and says i need to get over him already
>just remember to move forward and pass all the bad things that have happen in the past so your future self will have a better life in which she could meet another HIM and hopefully this time staying with him forever
it's tough when suicide seems so much more realistic

>This except it's the guy in class I never really talked to but fantasized about living a whole life together with
that would make it easier if i didn't know him the way i do, if i didn't have almost two decades of friendship and love that i thought were inexhaustible for both of us, but he may have never felt like that despite saying he loved me (not romantically, but stil)
120 is very low
happy that you're getting healthy though
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l8 30s
kinda semi-homebound with illness rn, so meeting people got taken off the table. not only can i not go out most of the time, but i've become kinda uninteresting from it. then there's online friends, who i can't ever get to invest in me cause they have real life friends filling that slot where i don't
>you will get used to it, than you will feel numb about it just to have some mental breakdowns afterwards
that doesn't sound very nice, i just want to be cared about :(
I'm 5'5" or 5'6" One of the two. That's pretty standard I think.
maybe, idk.
my doc said i should be ~130-135 at 5'7 and my build (i'm 155 currently)
im like 137 at 6'2
are you...healthy?
that doesnt sound healthy friend. especially at 6'2
it's not fair why did god make pring a passing shortoid while i have to be a brick with a skeleton no surgery can save
bringing cyanide to the next mtfg meetup
i wish I wasn't a repper and would do the things I'm most scared of, but I'm too scared. 6'0", obese, and huge bones just ain't gonna cut it. I'll probably wanna die more.

My boyfriend would support me through and through, but that ain't enough.
sure perfect lab results u can see my stupid skinny self just above
The fact is, I'm more female than most people here! I took my transition very seriously. Still do, who here besides I, dearest Pringle has gotten an Orchi?

I'm being sarcastic by the way.
playing chain of memories, and i'm glad they got haley joel osment back to voice act
but a grown ass man voicing 14 year old sora is super weird.
keesha wants an orchi asap
yeah that's relatable
im sorta homebound bc of mental illness and don't have any irl friends either, this place is my sole place to come for social contact. it's not the healthiest tbqh
>this place is my sole place to come for social contact
and its forced on the rest of us.
we can tell
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>do you sweat easily?
Depends on the environment. I hate sweat. it ruins my hair. It ruins my makeup. It makes me feel gross and ruins the fun for me.

Outside, in the sun? Hell yes. I literally hide in the shade as I walk around. I can't stand the feeling of sunlight hitting my skin. It makes things difficult with my gf when we're together during the day, because she loves walking around in the sun and I'm quite literally a vampire.

Indoors? Not really. Even if its 100 degrees outside, as long as I'm not in direct sunlight I don't mind at all. This is pretty good for rave nights as I really like dancing and socializing at those events but when I sweat I become really reserved and introverted because I dont want anyone to see me sweat. I care about my image a lot, too much sometimes. I avoid group photos because I always look like shit in them. The last one I was in I looked like a fucking ghost, which is great until they turned on the god damn flash.
what do you mean? im sorry i can be a bit abrasive at times
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This guy I met on Taimi who is a cis Bi guy is a theater kid like myself.

How likely is it he's going to troon out?
isn't Taimi the app with a really, really, REALLY unfortunate roster?
Wdym? It's good for meeting Queer people.
i think we already got the answer to this 2mins ago
I've only heard bad things about dating apps and only the worst things about that one, so I wouldn't know.
sorry, just got here.
>pring is using it
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Would transitioning have prevented her from becoming the greatest writer in history?

>Two loves I have, of comfort and despair,
>That like two spirits do suggest me still:
>My better angel is a man (right fair),
>My worser spirit a woman (coloured ill).
>To win me soon to hell, my female evil
>Tempteth my better angel from my side,
>And would corrupt my saint to be a devil,
>Wooing his purity with her fair pride.
>And whether that my angel be turned fiend,
>Suspect I may (yet not directly tell):
>For being both to me, both to each, friend,
>I guess one angel in another’s hell;
>The truth I shall not know, but live in doubt,
>Till my bad angel fire my good one out.
read as "kesha wants an orchi" and now mortified at the painfully true thought that kesha would probably be a proud dickgirl for the clout if she was amab
You don't look it
Yeah it's a bit crazy how we should do something to improve our situation and yet people are reclusive and too tired to do so
I just mean that you should make small steps forward no matter how painful today is, you don't have to visibly improvement every day but thing in perspective of weeks or even months. And if that situation looked like that for years than you need outside help to deal with it, at least in my opinion
Same but that's the reality of isolation, it's slow mental suicide or at least torture. If you want for someone to care about you, than they need to get to know you first so even if they don't show it you can ask them to go outside and just yapp about your problems
Savage Paige!
ty bread
>sorta homebound bc of mental illness
not to be a bitch but like, i honestly wish i was at this, i was there for about a year before and it was easier to climb out of
i can make friends when i'm a pit of despair i can mask, but idk how the fuck a bitch is supposed to have a social life when she spends huge random chunks of time in the kind of pain where you have to pause the tv because you can't focus anymore.
i genuinely don't understand how other disabled people live like this, i feel like a eugenics patient in waiting
oh thanks yea i've been doing therapy and recovery for years and years and such
on disability
on and off employment
right now im making as much progress as i can but im at a point where im just waiting for the vocational rehab people to get back to me so i can have some help moving forward
yeh honestly im so fucking glad i only get migraines every couple of weeks
if it were every day i really may have killed myself already
only thing stopping me from killing myself is that my entire life has felt like an endurance test and in case it is i don't wanna fail
i wanna land at the pearly gates after my hell life and backhand saint peter and say "more weight"
im going to hell so i try to enjoy earth
god i miss my sidesword so much, it was so pretty and felt great in the hand
Very hot
>I’m going to hell
you better not tho
based you're making forward progress btw. you have weird opinions sometimes but i would like to see you doing well. and being in the homebody life alone suuuuucks, hope you can find steady work you enjoy to not be in that
i try to enjoy earth too, but my enjoyment is limited by the fact that my body won't let me fucking do anything lol
"go out, meet people who share your interests, see the wonders of the world," all things i would do if i could consistently stand up again :')
what did you do w it
thanks, we'll see how things go

lol when my car burnt up, it was in the boot. after the fire got put out, i went to check what hadn't been incinerated and the sidesword, or what was left of it, had been welded to the frame of the car
oh no I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was in there

*strikes up the acetylene torch and puts on goggles*
kek yeah it sucked
i also had my first telescope and my bicycle in there too, both were reduced to smoke
That's good to hear and I hope you will find someone better soon and will keep improving in the mean time
In love with this song desu

I didn’t realize the fire was so intense did you ever hear what caused it

Pretty sure metal is just flammable at a certain high temp which is achievable if say a bunch of gasoline ignited.
no no clue, something just caught fire and like 20 seconds later everything was in flames
im glad i did what i did to protect myself bc if i had tried getting anything out of that car before it went up, i would've gotten badly burnt
groomer language
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Gasoline doesn't boil at room temp and it's the gas that really causes ignition. So it takes a minute of heating up some gasoline to cause the fireball to happen.

It is the actual real reason why the hero would have a moment to get out of the already on fire car before the thing blows up.
I’m glad too that would have been horrendous
my fat ex used to make sounds exactly like a seal when i fucked xem. now whenever i hear a recording of a baby seal saying "aaaahhhhh" i feel sad and guilty
i miss xyr xussy so much brxs

jet fuel can't melt steel beams
sounds like a repper misogynycoping
Caroline i hope you're doing fine, love you
meoww hello male to female general i have finished my day at work and am now enjouying a corona
ugh i want to get out of this hole im in but idk how
God I love musicals. How the fuck did I not realize I was a troon earlier in life.
emotional hole or like an actual hole

because you didn't have dysphoria
I'm so fucking stupid
i have no advice then sry
aside from drugs or self harm but those just make you forget you're in the hole instead of getting you out of it
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Finally getting my license back after a year of determination and self-improvement.

As much as life sucks, at least I'm not *there* anymore. Fuck whoever I was back then, I'm literally a whole new woman. I'm never going back no matter how bad it gets.

License back?
i am the mtf general, five stars
it does get better, but you have to have the strength for it.
lol no they didn't. a lot of them were pretty bad themselves. go look up what harvey milk was actually doing before he died.
I am like lemon
self harm sounds great but im too afraid of blood to cut and i dont want another burn scar
rare wife appearance in thread

Listen to asmr, bob ross, or do guided meditation while around lots of trees and bushes.
that sounds awful
what did you do naz fren?
yup, all others r impostors
huh... I have the opportunity to buy a condo. Not rent, buy...

It would be a life altering decision...
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how many bedrooms and how long would you consider living there
The one that seethes is awakened.
Caroline is my one and only waifu
Sorry Maiq, you can't move in.
hi kat
be comfortable around another human being
letting my gaurd down

Your life is more malleable than you think. If it's a good idea for the next 10 years, do it.
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no one is being cucked
We were never together brother
lol I already own a house these are the some of the main questions I would suggest reflecting on when thinking about buying a condo given they are harder to flip than houses
the one who sneeds....
I will post pictures you're not so fond of
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>Not rent, buy...
it would be so fucking sick to actually own property and not have to deal with landlord mindgames
i just got my renewal and a $50 rent increase which was somehow relieving
i was terrified i wasn't gonna get one at all or they were gonna price me out

but yeah depending on how much it would cost i feel like it would really ground you at wherever it is, which could either be a really good or bad thing
would only prove my point about exactly the type of person you are
Yeah my main concern is no longer renting. If the complex gets demolished at least they'll have to pay me out well to vacate. I hate my landlord. He calls my neighbors (who are from Zambia I think) "savages" despite being literally the most wholesome people in the area. Plus if he figures out I'm a tranny that'll definitely make my life hell.
Perfect way to make sure you're never welcome again
>nudes in DM's
When? Where's this coming from even?
And yes we're just flirting not partners
U can have interest in someone and not date them
can you transbians move with your drama to lesgen? it would be a more fitting place desu

what is so scary about other people?
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mfw the 35 year old drug whore threatens me
lesgen kicked me out because they didn't want to believe my life does indeed suck as much as it does

to be fair, when I was hanging out in there *aaaaalllll* I did was cry about my ex.
are chasers welcome here
Damn is kat really 35? She looks really good for 35
this is where being a tranny has some perks.. although we don't hit the wall when we become infertile, we get to stay youthful while cis women become aging moms
She does 1 hr of makeup daily
clara : )
it is like 104F here rn
Estrogen making you look younger is interesting. The posts above reminded me of the time I had to have a friend vouch for me when club security thought my ID was fake at a 21+ event.

I'm in my late 20s.
jeez that's hot... its 97 here and im avoiding going out. i had to pick up a prescription at like 9:30 and it was already almost 90 by that time.
you staying cool?
I was going out to a bbq but decided to stay in bc the heat makes me feel sick
probably gonna stay in tonight for the same reason even if it cools down to the 80s
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lol thats terrible

yeah I think my fears are mostly financial; I live in a v liberal area and my super and his family who live in the building who are basically the 'envoys' for the faceless scary landlord are rly nice people. Very thankful I don't live in fear of getting the boot because of tranny thing (at least so far)
i wonder why more menopausal cis women don't opt to take e
or if many of them do and i just don't know about it
It's your own words lang
Do I pull the html?
I dont think it's possible for trans women to pass. Not just me, but most all. And I dont want to be trans woman if I cannot pass perfectly as female, and would rather be somewhat gender non conforming man so I do not think it is right for me to continue to transition.
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She truly is a most marvelous specimen
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next time u want to threaten me, skip the threat and just do it
empty threats bore me
This endless youth is wasted on my husk of a life.
I need a steel pipe, about 2 feet long, 4 or 5 inch inner diameter, and a good plan about how to get it threaded or attach to other pipes of its size.
When i look up tapping tools wider than a few inches, the tools start getting really fucking expensive and intimidating looking. So i might need a machine shop to produce those parts for me.
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Yeah yer just too nice lass people hate on ye too often aye
No reason really

i actually used to do this for work. youll need a threading machine. call up a machine shop and ask them for a quote.
here we go again

Yeah, i thought so.
: /
For sure it isn't
On large diameters threads are turned on a lathe. To attach the fitting to a tank you'll need to weld it on.
yeah im sure you really fooled me by changing your syntax slightly
radahn... bf....
Ohh wait it's just mono getting wipped into harassing people if she wants to keep the druggie it'd make sense yeah
very relatable. what should we do??

I have welding equipment and i bought a new welding mask for this, but i want to avoid welding if at all possible, because i want relative randos to be able to build one of these things.
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shouldn't it be called grust? girl crust has its own erotic pheromones and flavonoids
The thing will not be under high pressure, so there won't be that force trying to undo the joint. In fact, it should tighten under operation.
i am being nice :((
i genuinely think that if your life is a husk and a waste then why keep living if you have the ability to commit suicide? i wish i could
Nigga we know it's mono stfu

Paige, if i'm not insane, then anybody killing themselves right now is being terribly terribly stupid.
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brain worms are wack i spent so long living abroad worrying about height i move back home i'm not even that tall heaps of cis girls taller than me. worried abt passing but the kids and teenagers of my relatives who have never met me b4 treat me like their young auntie nothing like how they treat the moids of similar age to me.
maybe wgmi after all. spent too much time in my own head rent free perhaps.
>have mono post from her phone
>when u get banned that post stays up
ong you've covered your tracks so well you two are truly geniuses
Wait until they call you a schizo for talking about what is literally happening in front of you
Classic move of theirs
meds + who gives a fuck + touch grass + stop posting anytime
Sometimes yes sometimes not
If only they shutted the fuck up
what meds tho? i'm open to new ideas
Things can change. The husk can be filled with beans and cheese then you have tamales.
I'm gonna see if this venlafaxine works, maybe try to join a sport or something.
shes on the psychic ivermectin
devil trips prove ur culpability
spoofing ips is not something that is somehow outside of ur capability lol get real
what's venlafaxine??
Stop talking to the abuser retard
And now the victimizing
It's an snri
do me a favor and stop talking. don't talk until i say u can talk.
Keep the harassment going lang the deeper the grave the better
You've got her right above harassing me again but please do keep going!
fr its wild interacting with the outside world after so many years of grind in relative solitude.
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When did I do that exactly?
Yes yes you're the victim kat
I didn't find voicegen, do I sound good guys???
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nobody cares please shut up
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How's the mono dick going tho
by talking i meant posting.
wtf r u talking about lang is not kats deadname
Well I didn't do it now nick
Aaaaaaaah dam
Worked too hard. Fought too hard. Suffered too much.

It's all finally coming to an end. I'm so glad I never gave up.
i don't have any pity for you
perhaps you've brought hostility upon yourself through your actions towards others
But in the end, it did matter?
one thing I don't know why...
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You can remove those apps you don't use from your task bat by right clicking and clicking unpin from Taskbar in the context menu.

i use most of those apps and autohide the task bar
I guess I *do* post a lot, eh?
Yeah by getting ur partner to harass her privately? Shut the fuck up lang
You were talking to me alongside your partner.
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Anyone want any mexican car insurance?

i read most of them.
do you have a sketchbook, or just pen and paper? draw your feelings out
feels as gratifying as self harm (sometimes if i need to i even draw self harm art, like awful ugly self portraits full of bad thoughts), but you don't regret it later
Not even denying it are we
Week ago more like days ago when your partner did her 19th add towards me
And keep insulting
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dear catheter and lampoon and mongo could all of you please act like fucking adults and resolve this in private instead of dumping dirty laundry all over thread, thx
>t. dreamer of nice thread
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im not posting our html lmfao
u r an awful person and you will always be one because no amount of help anyone gives you will ever be enough. you will always be dependent on manipulating others to survive because u refuse to do anything else with ur life except attentionwhore online and abuse drugs 24/7 and it is the path you chose. you're reaping what you've sowed, i hope you and tess have fun with each other
Whenever my friends start getting threatened unprovoked sure
STOP not start. I am baked.
all of this is on layers of provocation at this point, both sides of this y'all need to swallow your pride and apologize to each other. no winners, just both admit the things you fucked up
even if you were willing to do that and they aren't rn, airing it out in public only prolongs that
And proved it was you considering you already went to get the phone and could see it
More evidence is always better
threaten each other in discord. literally no one cares about your made up threats and you're all powder puffs who would curl up in a ball on the ground in a fight.
Harass her more and I might have to do something about mono's lovely job
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>try going back to elden ring after lies of p
>it feels like shit by comparison
holy fugg i can't believe i dumped so many hours into this, it literally plays like absolute shit wtf
glad i didn't buy shadow of the erdtree at this point

based tho i cud see anya shanking someone

sown* not sowed
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The couple I'm staying with really wants to have sexo but I'm just over here in the living room playing my vidya lmao I'm gonna get kicked out for sure
>constantly begging for money
ive had a job for months lol
i dont do dxm frequently anymore and i think having a couple beers is a lot better than abusing benzos and vodka constantly
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35 saying a word a toddler would be embarrassed of dam your mental maturity shows through
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Keep going
you bring suffering upon yourself willingly. apologize
let's arm her with 3 shanks then and let her remove Dutchoid, Germoid, and Spicoid from the gen (0
Anya's the best poster of the 4 anyway
>i cud see anya shanking someone
yeah desu
What did mono's licenseplate start with again? it was like a 0.. then I think a 5 in the 4th spot and then 2 repeated characters at the end was it?
lia what ai model do you use to get stuff without the dumb copyright content filters
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Sorry. Not interested in drama. I'll be back when I'm depressed again.
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lmao its just gpt-4o but be superduper sneaky and say 'inspired by' xyz
its hit and miss as fuck about logos etc, no idea what the diff is
like example it'll make these adventure time ones for an hour and then suddenly pop up with a model constraint error
when nvidia 50 series releases i want to build a self host of one of these tho real bad, i'm starting to run up a kindof real api bill at this point lol
stop lying about me thanks
What do you do with all those robots you build?
Repeating bullshit arguments, btw
is it bad if i would think about dating mohg if i were miquella
I said WHAT?
i have some of them posed on my dresser and nightstand, the rest are in a drawer in my dresser bc i don't have anywhere else to put them
Maybe literally look at what I LINKED there and you'd see it
bros they're so different and not at all the same
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Going to bed I don't understand what half of these posts mean. Night!!
Never played it but I don't think showers exist in Elden Ring world so I think I'd pass I bet everyone smells like shit there
mfw kat once again fails at constructing a narrative
how is she so bad at this
Are you retarded? It is LITERALLY what I said it was you ape
lol i just saw a vid of a guy explaining how you should always keep one hand on your holster while filling up your tank at the gas station if your town is so dangerous that you need to do that maybe you should move.
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Thats always a thing with model making, they take a lot of space to display. Have you seen those dioramas people make?
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I'm glad the US is still the western cowboy land I imagined it was when I was a kid. Also gunfire at a gas station isn't that just a kamikaze attack?
It was a way to put that it was replying to you with something sexual retard
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sleep well!

yeah they look really cool desu
im nowhere near that talented
are we 100% on laguna and kat being separate bpdemons, has anyone met "laguna"
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That's my quartz crystal I was holding lmao
And who was I "spreading it" to?? ur own partner?? that's that??

idk i think that's movie magic
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nomi why do u think every poster is the same person
Yeah I'm just going to disappear from some time seeing as ms victim is dedicated to making me go insane
Hf with manipulating people again lang
good please stay gone
explain to me you absolute geniuses how exactly im supposed to constantly make posts here today when all ive been doing is driving (on autobahn(not safe for posting))
can u leave me out of this kthx
those who hurt my kitten shall pay dearly,,,, ufufufufufu
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Evil Anya arc...
>my kitten
Kat does not have a car license
Kill yourself
this desu
i wish they had white castle here
same crystal burger isnt the same somehow
kat what the fuck
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ur getting p dark and twisted ngl..
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Did someone put lead into global estrogen production? This place is even worse than usual.
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im sad that the elden ring dlc is shit gameplay and storywise apparently
listening to george carlin on acid is so crazy
sorry kat im not erping with u no matter how bad u want it
yeah im fucked up and evil
He's not funny, just really upset and sarcastic
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Being excited for new releases is a skill issue, Paige-sama.

what he talks about isn't funny but his inflection is
Oops forgot to switch phones back to the one you planned to get banned to avoid allegations
Fucking retard
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idk if should cut tonight or save it for another time
upset over dad and ex and ex bff and just shit in general

i wasn't excited for it, hence not being disappointed but rather sad. maybe all the good artists and writers have killed themselves by now since all the good stories have been told already, so we have to exist in a world devoid of heart where media is defined solely by profitability rather than emotional or creative significance sobbingb
but i do
Nobody was talking about you at any point mono
We do not care
It was something, he was very popular. He would have had so much to say about the past decade but his body was tired.
has anyone seen blobby in thread recently
don't call me nomi wtff ;_;
i'm just commenting on how they're an uncannily similar kind of braindead
And it's the calamity retard again
:> if you're succulent uwu use me breed me <3
paige you spend too much time on /ic/ don't you
Kill yourself
what's the matter, scared to kill me yourself daddy? uwu
>try again explaining to mother that i'm afraid that i'll only ever be able to make surface level art with writing or gamedev or whatever
>she says i don't have any experience so of course i won't be able to make something good
>try saying that i'm worried that even if i do have experience and try my hardest that at best i'll make things that are like young adult tier instead of engaging on a deeper level
>she says i just have expectations that are too high for myself
is she saying im just a fucking idiot who doesn't have the potential to produce anything of true value

i haven't spent hardly any time at all there, why
i stopped by there yesterday bc i was thinking about drawing, but generally i go there very rarely bc i feel like shit seeing how much better everyone else is
if i spent more time there, my drawing abilities would likely be better though

ew why would you want that person around ever
like i posted picrel there yesterday, a comparison of drawings from a year ago (on the sketchbook) and from last night (on the loose paper)
none of them were anything more than quick-ish sketches, but still. i don't feel like i'm progressing no matter how much i practice and that's true for pretty much everything i do
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forgot pic
i have my reasons >.<
Your mom's nice. Give her a hug and thank her for being a nice mum
i do that often, she is great a lot of the time when her ocd and anxiety aren't in overdrive
it seems like she really cares about you, despite her personal flaws or whatever. she sounds like a based lady
why are you still harrassing her didnt you get what you wanted out of this.
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Couldn't sleep...
Your mom sounds nice. Everything you create in the beginning will be shit, if you can make money of it that's an achievement of its own. What's important is that you're doing something you enjoy. If you end up making money of that that's amazing.
she does, though sometimes it can feel like a bit too much where she can project her anxieties onto me and use that as justification to be a little suffocating at times
but yes generally she's a really good mother and im exceedingly fortunate to have her, to the point i feel bad that she's not a better person's mother. feels like her care is wasted on a bottomless pit like me, and that all i do is take from her without giving back. i try to ask her frequently if there's anything i can do for her, but she always says no. even if she's doing something and offer to help, she says no. normally if i try doing something for her, she says i did it wrong. I just don't know how to repay her kindness (not there's an expectation of repayment) aside from not killing myself.

she's very nice and idk sometimes it feels like she likes that i'm dependent on her more than i want to be
stop posting forever please before you make things worse
ugh ok that's depressing come to think of it. maybe family counseling would help. My own family would sooner murder me if I suggested family counseling, they're not very open minded people at all. I hope you're still going to therapy paige
I posted all htmls and never crop context out
Shut the fuck up and let me out of this hell already
erm why is chat lowkey kinda uncomfy bad vibes and such??
>out of breath and with a pounding heart because i got into another imaginary shouting argument with my dad

>I hope you're still going to therapy paige
i just started seeing a new one, mainly have just gone over history and answered some weird questions for her, like "how would you explain life to something that doesn't know what it is" and things like that
she liked my answers and said i thought really deeply compared to her other clients who she reported would answer "i don't know" to such questions, fwiw
autism + cluster b disorders + discord
If any of you retards try to stick your dick into either party of current drama you'll get what you fukken deserve
don't sleep with transwomen, sleep with their dads
sun tzu
The fuck did I do?
she posted all the htmls she has just leave her alone leave me alone and preferably stop posting
need sweaty swordsman bf
At least leave others alone
kat needs to be quiet before she puts her providers job in jeopardy
>makes up things to be mentally ill about
I don’t blame your dad for not liking you he’s put up with it for long enough you’re a grown man acting like this
fucking adult baby
your poor mother is so stockholm syndromed but you can’t gaslight your dad
kat needs to buy retinol
im not making anything to be mentally ill about, i just imagined telling my dad why i'm upset with him
>fucking adult baby
says you lmao
>your poor mother is so stockholm syndromed but you can’t gaslight your dad
my dad is the one who gaslights
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look everyone i make steak
did i do good my fellow transgenders
>imaginary shouting argument with my dad
i used to do this a lot in my head tbhq
never to the degree of getting physically heated though
lisa needs braces

kat needs retinol
>never to the degree of getting physically heated though
i also took a super hot bath lol that may have had a bit to do with it
the mash potatoes look nice, im not a meat eater so i can't really comment on that
rubbing my throbbing cockhead against paige’s asshole
lia needs a blanky
nomi chill out dawg
kat needs fentanyl
dental plan
Had sex 2 times last night ama
did he make you cum
was it nice
Nick Lang is going to kill himself and i will laugh when it happens
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yey finished injection
it wasn't that bad i think im getting better at doing it
It was with a cis afab
>tell her to put on one of her agp costumes
>best she can do is some hideous outfit
>lay her flat on her back legs up
>spit on her hole and press my tip in
>she’s grabbing the sheets and whimpering
>massaging her bare feet so her hole relaxes
>sink in deeper as she opens up
>tell her she is a bad son
>ask her if she’s even on birth control
>man brags about sleeping with a woman
>more at 11
I'm also cis afab
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im also cis afab
>whispers in your ear
you like the smell of whiskey on my breath don’t you slut
I'm a chaser
thread died because the girls had to jack it
wish my paint would get here already ugh
are you any good at kissing
gross beer is gross and tastes gross
hope u enjo y it tho
beer is yum btw
who has that needy empty bussy feeling
thank u paige i hope howver u r choosing to spend ur night
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*you enjoy
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u herd
saturday night horniness ugh ugh ugh
it tastes like piss and my dad
then why doesn’t paige like it
o ok
what does bottom chaser mean?
deadcope thread
fuck i missed the 66666 get kms
please please >>36266942
those sound like good reasons
you can’t help what you like even if it’s shameful
have you been posting off trip?
no, why?
I was kind of hoping some of the lewd stuff was you
why are you still here
>straight agp mtf
ideal partner
>good at kissing
lol absolutely not
i do not like pee nor do i like my father
I don’t like piss fetish either but the idea of a girl on her knees getting off to me pissing on her appeals to me fetish for horny girls
i miss my kitten,,, they will pay dearly for friving her away ufufufufufufu
idk at least getting peed on is better than getting peed in
my ex would pee on me and then make me wear the shirt for like an hour afterwards it felt kinda gross so i don't think it's for me
I agree that is gross
I would probably agree to pee on a girl if she really wanted it, preferably in a bath tub while we are both naked
pee isn’t sanitary or anything but it’s not all that gross and in those conditions she could wash off quickly
but it wouldn’t occur to me to demand to piss on much less in a girl and the idea of asking her to remain in piss-sodden clothing doesn’t do anything for me either
I mean there is a line even if it is something she really wants there is a line

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