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last one >>36261897
QOTT: what do you want to tell your crush?
I'm gay.
I'm gay in the male sense...for very feminine men...
im gay for transgender woman and also cisgender women
Post some pls.
I'm not into cis women, like at all. Never have been. Only like really feminine men.
I love you and I wish I could be with you, I wish there were not an ocean between us.
are u cismale? is that why u like trannies?
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yeah i never asked by ex to not ever pee in me when we were having sex bc it never occurred to me that he might want to do that or that it was even physically possible

pls post wrists n biceps

>QOTT: what do you want to tell your crush?
i've already told him everything i can
i just don't know if he got the message, literally or otherwise
that feel from the 70s. I remember spaces like this when I was a kid
>another email from Austin
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wtf how old are you
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unlovable loser gang
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Didn't get a bingo :/
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bro is lookin ROUGH
lotta lyin on these bingo cards so far

i dont do sports often and i use 4ch



blobby playing footsies with me in the other gen, come on blobby girl let's make it you and me
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tfw bad at kissing and my ex made fun of me for him being my first kiss after i'd already slept with like five or six guys before him
boyfriend wont let me get anymore cigarettes oh my god i have to kill myself
what if he lets you have a cig after every time you suck his dick, so he conditions you into sucking his dick every time you want a smoke
oh and then stops giving you cigs so your cravings get worse and more frequent which means he gets his dick sucked more
he wouldnt do that ive already offered something similar
just shut up. just shut the fuck up. stop posting. don't post. we don't care what you have to say. it's going to be shit anyways. fuck you. shut up. just shut up.
oml bro is a crack goblin
kat you need to invest in the latest ching chong filter tech cause god damn it ain't lettin good bro let AI filters take the wheel before you snap or hit record frfr
you didn't add me blorb
blobby add me on disc pls
lol i did this when i kissed someone for the first time the balance is so weird to get right but so awesome when you do get it
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Guess I'm doing okay most of these are arbitrary matters of taste
blobby the Tarnished Succulent
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You can never truly pass if you transed post puberty. You will never truly 100% pass, and not passing makes everyone not see you as a woman because nobody actually believes trans women are women, they are just being nice.
Oh no, that sucks
yo blob add me on the cord
how are yee lafchards
blobby help me stalk my ex
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i don't feel like my doodles are indicative of a healthy mental state
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Mono won.
She got the prettiest girl. Stop seething.
>She got the prettiest girl
no one cares about your gummy worm musical chairs bpd love mafia bro
ey tone... that so called 'love mafia' is back... they tellin me theys got business with you... watchu wanna do about it?
creepy ai shit
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you tawkina me? ehhhh, you know what to do... call big J. she'll take care of it
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what do i need to change about myself to be appealing to men
on it boss. you know i always listena you, T
i.d. as transbian
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where should i start
Mono doesnt even look like that anon
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gross i would rather die alone than date a transwoman or a transman or any kind of transgender person
i already have enough crazy in me for one relationship
the prospect of dating as a hon is so weird cause it's like, i know there are people who will look past it but i still can't date because i would resent those people for seeing me as a man
ok so iv been messing with it since about noon
cursor ide is the actual fucking future wow businesses are gonna be so productive
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hood evening denizens
how was your Saturday ?
I tried some gay stuff and now I'm farting all day at work

This is stupid, any tranny is likely to have a lot of these. Getting off to getting fucked by dudes is strange. And owning a nice trench is good for outfits
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>ai code editor
Miss Grem in general tbhon
Dnt think being a hon necessarily means they'll see you as a man. Vibes and such go a long way
Then you need an emotionally stable and mature bf who can deal with your craziness , which you're sure to find on 4chan.org
>mtfg anthem

Empty belly life
Rotten smelly life
Full of sorrow life
No tomorrow life
too bricked in proportion to how autistic my vibes are
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>Owns a katana/fedora/trenchcoat
which ??
I have a cfrush and shes 18
I liked her for a while
sh e never lets me follow her on
insta or anything
its fantastic fr i am so impressed with the integration
just reworked a whole bunch of convenience scripting i wrote myself a couple years ago and it was extremely comfy and accurate
ended up having one error i had to actually think about briefly in calling a nested loop in the context of a parallelized query execution
once i spotted what the issue was it fixed it based on the description
truly fantastic like WOW thats going to make people so much better at their job
4/4 for me old chum
if she doesn't want you to have her insta leave her alone
kinda crap still suicidal and not feeling any better after trying to draw since it's hopeless to htink i will improve
feel like crying and i can't
feel like cutting and i can't
i just exist so i can go sleep which i do so i can wake up again to await the next sleep
i just feel dead

i would love that so much but i don't think men like hat actually exist

>mtfg anthem
Don't if feel like the wind is always howl'n?
Don't it seem like there's never any light?
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
It's easier than puttin' up a fight
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why cant i be a cute anime character with a loving boyfriend who doesn't need to worry about life instead of a neet brickhon troon loser faggot fuck nigger shit piece of crap loser fucking bitch
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I thought the drawing you made of the field gun was good progress
>stead of treated you get tricked
>stead of kisses you get kicked
getting sui pushed by maiq the chasbian, sobbing irl
me too
pls ask for permission before posting my pic
No one dries when your eyes get wet an' weepy!
From all the cryin' you would think this place's a sink!
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thanks! i need to do a lot more than it feels like i have the drive for
but inch by inch etc
and doing some drawing is going to be better than doing none drawing

or at the very least wouldn't it be great to not have a corporeal body, so you didn't have to eat or anything and could just exist as a consciousness
i already feel like a ghost or an outsider, it would nice to get the positives from that too lol
try some more drawings from life rather than from imagination
relationships are wonderful anon cut the shit
did anyone else think that dicks got continuously bigger the older you got lol
i always thought that bc of the size discrepancy between mine and my dads but no it turns out he just has a sizable penis and my brain decides i need to remember this fact randomly throughout the day and it makes me want to blow my brains out among other things


there has to be a man out there who is fucked up in just the right ways to want to be with a tranny long term

that's the plan (for drawing)
if u r my therapist or the police then i have no other plans currently especially not ffor suicide
anime nigga type troons oml some1 shoulda gate kept all ur asses ong. trenda ass niggas
Kat you said Mono looks even uglier irl and didn't allow you to take pics of her
im talkin bout u blud
She just like me fr fr
>over a decade
>talking about dating men desu
u started late blud
dat makes u a trenda ass nigga
One of my fav kat posts she made pretending to be anon but got deleted by mods clearly being her LOL:

"Kat has to be away for now.
Eve.snd Mongo (you are a man by the way you never registered as a tranny to me and worse yet s rapist was hiding in you kys mongo)

eve you basically killed kat you intentionally isolated so mongo could textfuck you in secret while kat was begging for a response during her (I assume) cold turkey
you spam texted mono, a literal man, with how much you love him and that you will keep it secret from kat. Fucking monster.
I do not care what this newfags infested cesspit thinks about me but you are worse than the bile infested abusive subhuman that navy is. You purposely isolated kat and then cheated with mongrel who looks like an ugly man for months while kat ehent on cold turkey that almost killed her
I read her begging for a response from either of you scum when her pain was too great but your lust for this pretendtranny was strong you even told mongrel that you love her countless times s day and agreed to keep it secret from kat."


She's such a fucking retard
this is true
19 is too late
minors also shouldn't be allowed to transition from an ethical standpoint
Where the fuck is Eve anyway? Did she get tired of Mongobongo?
U said u wanted to be an anime character a second b4 tht post lol
>t. jelly honster mad that youngshits are happier than him
that's a phie post. you can tell because of the nazi picture
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>move in with her, lose 90% of my friends because nobody trusts you any longer since you are now in physical proximity of mono, she will record everything and sent it to everyone, be it secret pictures of you, audio recording or screencaps taken with her phone from your monitor
>never really regained these friends, have been nearly alone for over a year now just because i moved in with her

>get physically assaulted and rape threats, get terrorized psychologically so much your weight drops from 64 to 48kg(which i LITERALLY DOCUMENTED and posted here and not a single soul gave a fuck about it) and that alone was already enough reason to ward me when she did the fake suicide intervention call(nobody of her friends except one didnt give a shit about that either) but they have no rooms at the ward so im stuck in this fucking house , her friends dont give a shit except for a small few who really saw through her mask

>lose my other friends right now because she is dm'ing everyone she can with a claim that i want to let her freeze to death on the street despite me even caving at the end and allowing her to stay at my place instead of a hotel, she doesnt care and goes to a hotel anyways and tells everyone im letting her freeze to death by kicking her out of my house

>that comes from a person who has so much money to throw around they could just rent a midnight room at hyatts
>been sleep with a short combat knife right next to my face for weeks out of fear because who the fuck knows what she is gonna do to you, especially since rape threats

And then of course i got physically assaulted by her, which to no surprise not a single soul gave a fuck about
good times
blud really punched himself in the face to try and larp as a victim
janny believes in peace and love and positivity and free hugs and banning posters that are mean to eachother like the one above me
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my trans gf Kat looks better than most cis women and i can breed her as much as i want without a pregnancy scare or having to deal with child support when she leaves me
she's literally the perfect woman, perfect hips, perfect feminine face, soft girl voice, etc
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people are really negatively reviewing elden ring dlc for being too hard?
they would've never survived Midir or the Friede fights in ds3
I thought Elden Ring was intentionally easier than Dark Souls (like how that was intentionally easier than Demon’s Souls)
I'm bustin' her ass crust
I'm bustin' her ass crust
all night long
its performance issues
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hey trannies, how long do i ride out a persistent low grade illness before going to the emergency room about it? i can't afford the urgent care bill but it's not going away
>t. uninsured burger
why does this gen talk so much about crust? im hungry for pizza
I hope this isn’t the anon w pneumonia
how do i get rid of agp curls in my hair? :<
Why did u come to trannys for this question? This like the modern version of seeking out the oracles
how do i get that bussy
You all have no job, no money, and are losers. But somehow are constantly getting healthcare.
head transplant
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Overcome with lust Mono busts Kats crust with a single thrust. A cloud of crust dust escapes in a dust, the color of rust.
Ummm akshully the only thing that's ugly here is Ur attitude
Okki well there's Ur answer just go tell the doc Ur trans and they'll fix u up
If you are poor then you dont ever have to pay just go bankrupt. If you are not poor then never go unless about to die so unless you pass out and slur speech and heart stops never go. and get health insurance next year
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Over 2 years transitioning now. Past week I've fallen into a very deep depression, the trauma from growing up so miserable without knowing what was wrong with me is hitting me now.
It's so fucking hard to process I'm scared to get through all this
Put that mask and you so sexy baby, naw leave it on. Don't mind me I'm just gonna pull it down over your chin a bit more.
leave, now
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>the trauma from growing up so miserable without knowing what was wrong with me is hitting me now
and it will only get 'worse' as time goes by and you realize what you did as a child is because of what you realize now.
only to remember more and more as time goes by.
the feeling of a lost childhood, is pretty hard.
fight on, anon. we've all been there.
if someone else was posting about pneumonia not me, idk what's wrong with me :p
i'm the anon who's always here whining about being uninsured and chronic, also am currently sick lol
idk, i don't know anywhere to post that'd actually tell me if i need to go to the ER, and this is where i lurk already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i am poor but not so poor that going bankrupt wouldn't destroy me a bit, i'm trying not to be homeless and i already have maxed credit cards and a loan out
I wish to be dead because I was born male and have only male features.
become an artist with a dissociative disorder and draw ladies
then instead of suicidal you can be emotionally dead and wealthy
It's crazy how men can larp womanhood better than actual real woman. God we're such kings
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Luckily I'm hanging on with three blessings I've got
I'm like 85% of where I wanna be with looks
Age regression
I'll def get through it but whew it's crazy to realize I have trauma, been through so much shit but that's the first thing I'd count as that
ok mongo jr
unfortunately im older
Going bankrupt wont destroy especially if you already have debt like a retard.
aight man
oh I’m sorry I hope you feel better soon
hey Shannon
ok mongo sr
better ty <3
iite dawg ye
Well iunno for just constant low level stuff I'd go to a GP rather than er but iunno wht it's like where u are
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>a GP
lemme get like 20 bucks don't be so greedy
but you have to sort out your own retirement, healthcare is stupid expensive plus an ambulance ride will bankrupt you not to mention at will (or practically) employment wack housing market and high mortgages an unreliable and unpredictable government unstable banks and massive layoffs

what im saying is the high tech salaries in the US are largely to cover the above, thats not to say you wont have a comfortable life but 200k annual would be more like 80-90k in western europe in terms of comparable quality of life (which is very good), now imagine making over 250k there you'll live like a queen the hype for US salaries is a scam why are you moving your gf to the US when you can just be an company transfer to EU countries
>like a retard
fuck you i had to take out a loan to pay my rent or get evicted
the credit card debt is from before i stopped working, if i hadn't become suddenly too disabled to work i would've paid it down easily and had it improve my credit like i'd been doing
ty fren
>iunno wht it's like where u are
what it's like is lying around all day wishing for medical care seething at how my entire life has been put on pause while i wait for the american healthcare system to let me back in. first time i've ever wished i was a euro ;_;
>go to a GP rather than ER
i have a primary care doctor, and also non-ER urgent care, but since my insurance was cancelled they now bill for that stuff at the check-out and don't let you keep coming if you don't pay
i can't even afford my hrt anymore (went from $30ish a refill to hundreds), i am running on stockpiled E with no AA for a couple months at this point
lia can fund 1 tranners ffs a year yet chooses not to - and instead chooses to actively make the world sadder more suicidal and uglier
how u gonna earn it
im in a low col state at least
valid points but gotta play the hand youre dealt etc
>why not transfer to eu
kuz im a dumb redneck im not looking to live there lol, swamp is home
i plan to fund 1 of my ffs's a year
Oh shit u caught into me anon nothing gets past u
Wth that's fucked up sorry anon. Dnt rly have advice just hope u get into the system again
you are choosing to actively ruin my life - leading to my suicide. blood is on your hands foul wench
true my suipushing is so advanced its neutral jing
I'm not good at anything

Hello maiqfren
so trans women's bodies cannot ever psss as female post puberty so guess it's over then.
sometimes i go on fetlife and find pictures of people i think are uglier than me and then post them in passgen on here
>dumb redneck
checks out
you should hire mef as an intern
literally killing myself via my all or nothing plan for diy ffs since lia CHOOSES to NOT fund my ffs. will be writing out lia in blood all over my walls and carving lia into my flesh with my bone fragments
bro stop being a god damn greedy jew and give me 20 bucks wtf
does anyone know if this is liek the thing where girls kiss eachother
ending my life as we type
Ive thought about lafs theory and the more evidence I see the more I am pretty sure it's correct. Some people can get lucky with face maybe passing sort of (not really) but after ffs can actually look good, but nobody has face pluz body plus voice. nobody. each is already extremely rare on it's own, and surgery cannot make a body look natural. its really just unbelievably over. i do not know what to do because i know that transition is not going to work. I deluded myself for a couple years and had hope that maybe after more time on E we will see. maybe i just need to lose more muscle and gain feminine fat patterns. yeh none of that really changed the fundamental reason i will never ever pass and that is because my bone structure is beyond fucked as is most transwomen. there's really nothing left to live for desu
shut the fuck up laf
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here's that irl depiciton drawing of yourself you commission for $20 now hand it over
you either get busy livin or get busy dyin - im choosing the latter
laf looks female
your ass is grass bucko
i will get my revenge in the afterlife
lia has waaaay bigger jugs, dude
thanks me too :')
i've been trying to get approved for medicaid, if i can get on that i'll be able to start actually recovering. just extremely dumb i can't go anywhere but the ER while stuck waiting .-.
think i'm gonna take that other anom's advice and not go unless I am straight up dying. maybe i'll start wearing my watch again in case i need it to call an ambulance like a life alert lol
laf is horror story of how internet can corrupt future of bright young man into being a shell and nervous wreck of a person, and a crude imitation of a woman.
that's all of us here actually
Man i've been watching some pretty bad videos on youtube for longer then I should have over the past week and now my frontpage is fucked with nothing but terrible suggestions when before it actually pretty kino and spot on with shit i want to watch and i'm fucking pissed now because of it
isnt that dumb af?
i accidentally clicked on a 'top 5' youtuber video and now 90% of my frontpage is top 5 bs, even though ive clicked 'not interested' 800 times
hate when that happens. it takes one binge to ruin your algorithm and then for no discernible reason takes months to clean back out
i prefer long video but no wonder people pick tiktok instead
>what do you want to tell your crush?
"Sorry for that one time in December 2022, that was kind of embarrassing wasn't it?"
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>QOTT: what do you want to tell your crush?
Nothing, I don't like anyone.
They like ME
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God this is embarrassing to even write about but does anyone else get really bad spots on their butt??
Asking for a friend who really needs help dealing with them obvs
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i got none its just how it goes, still gonna smile. im alwys gonna look like a funny tranny at best
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Strange. Life was more dynamic when I was actively ruining it. Now that things are stable, I'm bored.
know the feel so i get piercings that hurt to keep me on my toes
for me it was my first tattoo. Maybe I should get piercings too. I've never had any.
I'll never say it but; I still think about you every hour of every day. I said I'll always love you and I meant it. you're the greatest thing that ever happened to me and I'm sorry!
they are fun
these videos always make me cry. dang. that conclusion really gets you
i wish things could be so different but they’re not. you can hate me after im gone but please never stop being yourself, i would go through this a thousand times again for the only person ill ever love. please don’t be so mean to yourself anymore. i love you more than you’ll ever know
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I haven't posted for hours and I'm still getting unprovoked threats
i see i see. :)
Why is this Chinese man sucking shreks dick?
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What happened to the op listing resources? Or is this the wrong general? Sorry haven't been here in probably around a decade.
the people who make threads are lazy and frustrating and also often nazis
it got reworked not that long ago, but retard dipshits that refuse to use the OP make the thread early and stop anyone from trying.
What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
wdym spots, like acne?
the real answer is to stop caring about passing. just accept being seen as a faggy guy sometimes
hell yeah this guy's class was raw as hell i love this guy as a teacher
I really wanted to get into stanford just for this guy
his books also rule
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cant wait to try that elden ring dlc can it really be so hard that people give it negative reviews?

basic skincare applies + avoid sitting around too much.

not interested doesn't do anything you gotta remove that vid from watch history immediately. also remember videos you hover count as played if you got that thumbnail autoplay on.
I wish Caroline a nice day :) ily Caroline
what about me
I threatened suicide against the one friend I ever had today. She helped me get HRT and saved my life.

She's the only light in my life.

I've been so terrified over losing my job. That's the excuse I want to use.

But the reality is I trauma dumped on her every day because I struggle greatly with social interaction. My therapist says I have undiagnosed autism, but that isn't an excuse for my behaviour, much less how I treated my friend.

I'm so sorry K.. I hope you can forgive me. I wish there was some way to make it right.

After I threatened suicide, she said nothing she ever says or does improves my mood. She said good luck, and that it's a depressing response to potentially losing my job. She said she hoped it wasn't too messy, and that she can't keep being the person I put in that position.

I hope she can just tell me it's okay. I never had a friend before.
No what about me
Sorry anon, Caroline is the only girl i love
>I threatened suicide
retard, they made a good decision cutting you off.
>you meet the perfect partner
>they ask you to delete crazy frog from the fuck playlist
do you stay or leave?
no, idc about love.
just wish me a nice day.
me, but unironically mambo number 5 on my playlist.
They did. They really did. You're correct.

I said I was detransitioning, insisted I was a man, and threatened to overdose on pills.
>can it really be so hard that people give it negative reviews?
fwiw i’ve heard performance issues (still) plaguing the pc version have also been dragging the score down, not just difficulty
if she wont fuck while listening to the animal crossing soundtrack im not horny anymore
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You can't expect one single person to break your fall. You can share things that are bothering you but you can't just dump all your shit onto someone else for them to lug around. If you just need to vent about something with no possible way for someone else to improve it, vent to a dog or a tree. It's just as constructive as venting to another person, and even better you haven't nailed another person to the cross of your problems.
Oh okay, have a nice day anon, go do something you've been putting off or have a nice relaxing day :)
ty anon, i hope you have a good productive day too!
You're right.

I should have done that.

But I've already hurt her now.

I wish I could somehow let her know how much she meant to me.
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why are old motorcycle guys kinda fruity?
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locked 60fps is pretty annoying but i didn't have issues beyond that on my pc when it came out. curious to see if my laptop can handle it tho (probably no).

life is a learning experience yeh. we fuck up some but we learn.
does anyone else find themselves slowly sinking into a pit of doom and despair for days and then you take a shower and actually that was all you needed and it feels like everything will be okay now
i keep doing this
I fucked up a lot, consistently, on the same issues.

I don't care about me fucking up right now. I want to make the bad feelings go away. I wish I had a way to know she didn't just turn away from me. I wish I had a way to let her know, make her know, that I never wanted to hurt her.
dlc update completely broke the steam deck version for most of launch day too lol
from is so good at everything about make game, but so bad at optimization
fyi the steam deck just runs on modified arch and it seems like some people(?) have some workarounds for that update if you're interested in that sorta thing
>curious to see if my laptop can handle it
i can on mine on integrated graphics just with some chug in dlc areas (played the whole base game with no gpu also) so if you have any kind of gpu in it probably yes
>for most of launch day
lol nevermind i missed this part my bad
well i don't really care about the stallout crash cause i always quit game when i stop playing anyway. initially it broke anticheat and decks couldn't even go online but now that that's fixed i'm good :p
>what do you want to tell your crush?
All I want is for her to know how much she means to me but I know that it would probably be wildly inappropriate because she's aroace.
well might be a good idea to stop repeating those mistakes. you talk to your therapist about it? like what the root cause behind this self sabotaging lash out at other ppl kinda behaviour is?

do have a gpu maybe it will work then thanks anon.
realest answer to the question. i always try to keep in mind that most people don't remember 99% of their interactions and it helps keep me going
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She wanted you to get better. Show her how much she meant to you by taking that wish to heart and actually getting better. Keep talking to therapist, and make sure to let them know about this development. Get a job that works with your autism (something where you're mostly alone or working w numbers or whatever your personal strengths are) and find a hobby outside of work to commit to, even if it's just exercising or reading or going for walks around town. There's a life after her. You'll make new friends. And if you focus on getting better, you'll find a new one faster.

Maybe bathe everyday as a sort of meditative practice.

Personally i got into it just because i like indulging in the female self care ritual.
Unfortunately therapist is new. I will talk about it next session.
I don't want to be alone, I like being with people, I'm just not good at being with people.

I want to get better. But I want her to be my friend too.

Thanks anons.

She upset me when she pointed out so precisely what my difficulty was. When I'm depressed and emotional I become distant and withdrawn and quiet. When I'm positive and happy, I become sociable. When I become sociable I create more opportunities for misunderstandings and trouble. I am happy, so I talk more, so I get into trouble, which makes me sad, so I don't talk, so people seek me out, which makes me happy, and I then push them away again.

There has to be some attention seeking behavior patterns in there too.
When moving around at night, make sure to fart constantly to ward off ghosts. Ever seen the victim in a ghost movie fart? Never happens. Ruins dramatic tension. Ghosts hate when you ruin dramatic tension.
Thoughts on moid sex after first time having sex with a moid
>It hurt at first but felt good
>I am for sure very much physically attracted to men
>Moids are I think worse at sex than women but other things carry for them eg; being stronger etc
>There is something uniquely dysphoria inducing about the prep and patience involved

Need srs after all I think like something about this made me feel very inadequate
>>There is something uniquely dysphoria inducing about the prep and patience involved
I actually don't ever prepare for this reason (and because I have an eating disorder so it was overkill anyway).

>Need srs after all

I originally had a slut phase using sex for gender affirmation but the dysphoria over having the wrong parts became overwhelming and I've started to become repulsed by sex.
>There is something uniquely dysphoria inducing about the prep and patience involved
basically why i hate sex as a bottom and no longer participate. could probably put up with it for the right partner but it's so much easier to not bother.
> the dysphoria over having the wrong parts became overwhelming and I've started to become repulsed by sex.
and such.
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do what i want or I'll kill myself
i'll probably die in bed after a life spent dreaming of a very different end
anyone know where i can find an incel tboy to woo me and stuff. like does anyone have thoughts on this article?

autostraddle dawt com/a-trans-guys-guide-to-picking-up-a-trans-girl/
>age regression
>a blessing
what the fugg
I hope to die showing off.
idk looks, weed, pissing your pants like what else canna girl want?
this article is garbage its justpickup artist bullshit for transmisogynist tboys
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I know people I find attractive but i do not have a crush.
I don't feel I'm in a position to date anyone atm.

Here is my bingo for funsies

Friede was really easy for me but slave knight gael gave me the most trouble.
>I’d normally avoid going to someone’s house or having someone to your house on a first date, but this is another point trans men have over cis men. It’s not as likely that a woman would “choose the bear” over us. It’s a cliché, and maybe has a dab of sexism to it that we’re not perceived as the same level of dangerous as a cis man, but, hey, it’s okay to use a little societal conditioning to our advantage.
LMAO she's going to get herself killed going over to a transwoman's house all alone thinking she's a man going to visit a woman, when the "woman" is 6'5" and 250lbs and the "man" is 5' and 95lbs. how committed to the larp do you have to be to endanger yourself like this
she's going to meet harsh reality and it is going to suck
>I don't feel I'm in a position to date anyone atm.
this is a smart and self aware choice desu, gj
opposite for me, gael was like 2nd try
but with friede i wanted to cry every time i saw phase 3
do people really not meet in public for first date wtf? i wanna at least show up on some security camera footage when i go missing yknow. gives them true crime channels something to put the big red circle and arrow over.
what are you doing here?
i've met guys at their place before and it has sometimes gone ok
other times not so much

im a transwoman
Hey, i need relative normal people knowledge.

Do they just sell sundried tomatoes in the supermarket? Presumably next to the other canned tomatoes?
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feeling an insatiable need to clown but no performance venue at hand, sigh
even if the plan is to go to their place or mine i'd still wanna vibe check at a cafe or something first just in case they're bad hygiene or cringe or something.

next to olives where i live.
They are normally jarred with the olives et cetera
Btw, are most the andro flags in this gen aspiring/actual andros or mtfs flagging that way defensively bc they don't feel like they pass? No shade but I'm curious
the other andro flag is usually paige
if andro flag is the one you got that's paige who has some rather interesting gender identity views.
and her worst crime of stealing valor from true androhons
if she's gonna be a passing bddemon she could at least not be a nazi terf too lol. like low effort blaire white up in here
where the template?
wait is that paige? ironic for her to talk like that with the whole sickly gay nerd look
literally the (You) ur replying to retard >>36267373
pls no bully
Weird, I feel like I'm a boring andro, Oris is also always getting into tussles with people. good 2 know amigos ty
sry i just cant stand illiterates..it’s my cross to bear

Who is using an andro flag?
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I'm not illiterate, just dumb and should be dead
im on molly rn
from about 6 hours ago back about 1/3rd of the psots are andro flagged. maybe all paige
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im sorry

Ahh, i didn't look at what thst one was called apparently.
ya in picrel those are all her
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wait a second... thats not evidence!
MOST interesting, the a in lgbtqa stands for analyst B) ty
the youth should always strive to love their influences but never become them
you are so powerful when you're something new, even when that new things leads you to becoming something you never would have thought yourself capable of
Mono won get over it
I am weirdly horny.
I am in the middle of completely unsexy things like shopping for beans, and my brain keeps being like would be nice...
Won at losing w how hard she lost
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Not a loser, yaay
No. The opposite. Won at winning at life. You're mad because you lost. I get it though.
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Won the crust
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so many narrowly avoided bingos, gotta be an honorary loser for this at least
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i love my gf bros
which race
why do you keep posting this
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pretty darn close
>nick lang pics and vids with heavy angles and filters
oh i like this
>nick lang in a candid photo of how they really look
dude stop posting this why are you doing this this is a trans space we don't like reality around here stop already
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also i am so high rn oml
i love duckies :3
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imagine if one day your trip leaked to your irls, your parents find the archives to learn their darling faggot has transitioned into the kind of woman who wakes up and posts meow on the tranny boar-- i mean, meow
you didn't answer the question you just invented a person
chill tf out gooner
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they would meow back
Not me
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well that was a little bit fucking close to be honest I would be livid m8
which do I not like?
don't beleive it. convinced it's you who else is that salty over kat
tfw khhv
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Oh thank god Im not a loser
I am literally just chilling, I don't have time for spergs rn
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Looks more like grace then it doesn't
just. soooo many people dog
its meeeeeee
this alice feels like she should be the mtfg mascot tbhon
based parents
janny must feel like she works at the state department
same, which of us has it worse? how's your life going?
if you're not ragoo then why are you here hateposting about kat lol
Main monitor, some literal who youtube let's players, second monitor jrpg filled with obxnoius text. There isn't a cis female in existence who's ever had this experience just fyi trender ;)
all the sex i've ever had was a mistake and waste of time
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what is an androhon.
sounds powerful.

i don't think they'd care they knew i used to draw porn to pay for hormones stuff i post here is pretty tame.
my cisf ex was very like this
she was extremely into wow mainly
My mother AND sister is like this.

Except my mom watched Emeril and had a book of sudoku and crosswords.
Did I ask
The amount of cisf women in the community of this game is kinda crazy, might be the story focus w well written female chars and low fanservice idk
Maybe they're just here for the hot men. Maybe.
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>what is an androhon
a tightrope walker between the osseous lines of the fates
an insceutable esoteric artwork
a sublime and precise living weapon
an ungenderable mass of raw humanoid power
my ugly ass
>bunny hubby
wait what game now i wanna play
Limbus company.
bless ty
ugh time to force myself to go for a run


my dad says i look ambiguous
i do not like blair white

how is shadow of the erdtree
And they love you too
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mmm ps2 cloud
I hate this game and the people that play it
but which game is it?!
im playing one of many
>person who invested a significant part of his life in you as a son still sees you as male (kinda)
>strangers see your pics and say you look female
pretty obvious conclusion innit
I assume kingdom hearts because people were talking about it before
the macdonalds happy meal of games
I assume
what if i rush past the levels and only play the game for gummi ship missions
throwing away the food and playing with the toy
yeah its one of the kingdom hearts games
its chain of memories that was originally a GBA game but got 'updated' graphics with the PS2 assets
omg cute
i want a house with a pond filled with duckies and feed them snackies all the time :(
Is that in the steam collection thing?
Yeah, when you buy the 1.5 + 2.5 remix you get like 6 games
with 2.8 final chapter prologue you get 3
and 3 you just get 3 + dlc
So I need to buy those 3 games which are like 10 games to get the full series? Is it all in order too or do I need like a guide to understand what to play and when to play it
>invested a significant part of his life in you as a son
but idk pics don't tell the full story, i think im andro at best
Yeah, you need to buy those 3 for the full lore
they're all in order when they get listed in the main menus chronologically.
Well that's nice. I might get them once I'm done w octopath 2
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the first game is clunky, but first games usually are.
how to avoid the rope
please help
I can bear w that, also how much of the story is abt the cool edgy characters there. Those r the ones I care abt. Not disney stuff. That's not cool and edgy. Also they should put sonic in it because I like sonic and it'd kinda fit.
>what kingdom hearts needs is more edge and sonic
distilled autism
this is a joke right you're doing a funny joke
Its basically final fantasy mixed with Disney
So you got all your angst with the FF crew.
Later on you get more original-to-kh ones, but thats spoilers.
I want shadow and sepiroth fighting cloud and sonic and I want it NOW.
this makes me physically cringe whether it's a joke or not
That's what I heard. Sounds good, tho edgy mickey mouse is still something I'm not fully over mentally
>edgy mickey mouse is still something I'm not fully over mentally
hes so fucking funny i love him
I love the billion dollar mascot I think he gets me I cried when the peanut man died
Wouldn't it be cool tho.
He makes me confused because it's kinda cool but also it's fucking mickey
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i will never understand nintendoids
mickey mouse trying to be serious while wearing a trench coat with a key sword is funny as fuck.
its so unserious, you autist

>it's fucking mickey
hell yeah
>fucking mickey
i bet sonic does
how are you calling me an autist when you're acting out the platonic ideal of autism, you're the male equivalent of buying fourteen stanley cups
you gatta go back, friend.
Blasphemy. He is a married man.
I am joining the war on trans people on the side of not the trans people
how do people find these palette swap ugly creatures so engrossing
They are very cool.
how? they are lame looking
if you want cool rodents read redwall
waow molly was fun i missed it sm
They look very good.
redwall mentioned redwall mentioned
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Those look like gay rats hags would read about
i've never played any sonic games besides the first original one and sonic adventure.
but i know that one because i was told it was the worst one, but it looks the most interesting
malebrained comment
It is NOT the worst one, it is just very mediocre
Though the character design in it and music is pretty peak
Do u know a guy called givesafuck
I believe his name is uwe givesafuck
Nono it's who givesafuck
uwe givesafuck
done you
I wanna become a thin cute goth girl but I can't stop eating ..is there a way through paranormal ways to completely rewire my brain? I need as many thin trans girls to model myself after
imagine participating in the culture wars at all. more cringe than this thread.

seems fun also like a pure brain rot drug idk if it would be a good idea to cause any more dmg.
the thread's not over yet
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Someone reply to this
Also post more sonic u fucking sluts
I am playing the videogame I cannot posting too much I want finish videogame
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.
Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.
I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.
Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad
Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.
You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
Be my gf I'm sonic speedrunners and I'm 30+ I'ma keeper!!!

Could you possibly ummm say less words!!?!
A most fascinating specimen. What do you speedrun exactly.
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Sonic 1, heroes mostly
Also other stuff but fighting games are my bread n butta also being annoying
I haven't played heroes yet even though I've played both adventure games but it does look like it'd be fun to speedrun
And yes you do seem quite autistic.
i don't see how it could get much worse.
Naw that's you
Incorrect. It would be both of us.
good morning male to female general
mac n cheese in a bucket
He is preparing to feast
kek its fine im already in the abyss
it temporarily fixed me so i will take it..
Summer seems to be starting, hitting 22c in the day. NIce warmness. Going to feel suffering in weeks time with 38c
fuck my stupid white girl life
dead cope thread
can someone make a cool and interesting post
no, im waiting for the next thread
women don't fart :/
why what is with this obsession with "goth girls" going around
why do so many troons use porn stereotypes as their goals
oh peege, classic mistake. that’s danganronpa!
a shocking amount of trans women are autistic as fuck and they get fascinated by stupid shit.
like how autistic little boys are fascinated with shadow the hedgehog and other edgy characters
>a shocking amount of trans women are autistic as fuck
haha yea glad that's not me
>like how autistic little boys are fascinated with shadow the hedgehog and other edgy characters
is drizzt do'urden an edgy character

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