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last time >>36267220
qott: fuck my stupid retard idiot baka chungles retardedstupid dumbass bullshit white girl life
i forgot the subject line on my first attempt at making thread kms
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first for suicidal ideation
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need mohg bf to kidnap(love) me

>no subject line
shit thread desu
this one has subject line!!! i tried making one 10 mins ago but i forgot the subject line be nice
but wheres the pun? why isnt it something like male to fugly gays or something?
its ok to be mediocre
can i be happy pplease? i hate my life
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>didn't start HRT until 21
>faggots on twitter tell me you need to get fat to pass

i was never meant to be happy, was i? what options do i have besides repping?
killsmyself because it doesnt get better
they're only telling you half the truth. you have to gain weight, then lose weight, then gain weight, then lose, then gain—until you realize you'll never pass. and then you research FFS and go into debt forever! hope this helps :)
repp or rope, you could learn to dissociate from your body so you don't feel dysphoria anymore and live as a feminine man to be able to at least express yourself and not repress too much, this is what i am trying to do but i am still too masc and straight acting bc i am scared to even be a bit feminine
way too late


ffs just makes you look uncanny

i started hrt at 22 and gainde 40 pounds and passed. i passed before too though
>ffs just makes you look uncanny
see i almost added at the end
>then you get botched
just for u peege
>have to walk half an hour towork
fuck my life
ty uwu
if even you want to rope, what chance do i even have, kms kms kms
I need to eat more potassium containing products.

*picks you up and puts you in her lap and pets you*

Yer gonna be fine.
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way more to do with your genetics roll than your age or weight but then again
truly a platform for well educated good-faith discussion on any topic.
only chubby girls are attractive. sticks are not wanted.
very very few women look good above 23 bmi and even they start to sag after a few years. maybe there's some cosmetic body sculpting that can buy some more years but chub is a path to doom especially with age.
no, only the hottest women are plus sized
sorry you want ugly sticks nona
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ladies i am worried abt my upcoming bottom surgvery

what if i cant nut to anime girls anymore,,,
sure some people like chub but i'm pretty sure sagging fat is one of the least appealing things to look at for just about anyone. recommending people go down that route seems irresponsible even just for aesthetics, not to mention the other health issues that follow from excess body weight.
>ugly sticks
why would anyone want ugly? or sticks.
subtle curves and tone look good on just about anyone.


You'll just need to marry an anime girl to nut inside you for you.
this is kind of retarded idk champ
by that i mean giga-retarded
actually so retarded i double took
bmi is like extremely racist
can kat stfu for once in her life
i like the new mean troll paul better than old paul
why is god so awful? why trans has to be a thing? and why me out of all people have to suffer from it?
id say the only ethnicity where the 23-bmi rule applies is probably eastern asian women because of visceral fat percentage but a lot of black women are still like superficially super thin at BMI 23 because they have much wider hips and larger chests on avg
We all age, and a BMI of 23 is literally healthy weight and not fat at all.
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im mean when people are stupid and also i have no filter when people are actually retarded
also desu the 23 rule doesn't apply to transwomen at all because transwomen tend to pull off higher bmis better than ciswomen and a lot of transwomen benefit from a little weight from a passing pov
bmi is a terrible indicater and was created based exclusively on like 5'10 white men
t.seething fatty
good afternoon my adoring fans
im around BMI 21 and because im intersex i will look like shit at any weight
this gen really fell off really fucking bad ngl, at this point even mmg is more entertaining
the black women you're talking about just have more fat, you're stupid and ignorant, shut the fuck up and go read some human basic biology
i WILL NOT obsess over this number it is MEANINGLESS
no you mfer
bmi is unironically like an extremely racist indicator do some research and suck my cock
you look so thin and small that you would crack in half if the wind picked up to 5 mph
this is literally what I research, kill yourself you cringe waste of space
radioman be like hmmm today i will make comments about the appearance and weight of someone with an eating disorder
it goes in the other direction too, as an example as i said above eastern asian women have lower healthy bmis and can be much healthier at weights that are underweight in white populations
it's just a dumb indicator
i've put on a bit of weight
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why is he so haunting
wish that game was good
and you will never have a cock (nor a vagina)
what is that from
bmi has been acknowledged as biased and racist by the overall scientific community with full acknowledgement though so something tells me you can say anything on a vietmanese basket weaving forum
your mom
its fun, i like the combat system in this one. even if we *are* just replaying through kh1 it feels like,

Kingdom hearts chain of memories
oh kingdom hearts never appealed to me, i don't like nintendo or disney so it's just like there's nothing there for me at all
Kat's Crust Is Mine And Mine Alone
of course you don't like nintendo you are allergic to good games

Because you fear that you will go bald and look like that.

Or at least i do. I'm going luaxana troi if i go bald.
I randomly got the first one for christmas when I was like eight on the PS2, and i've followed the franchise since.
Same with Sly cooper and those classics.
how many women at 23 are healthy and fit tho? women on avg are shorter too and bmi tends to skew towards unhealthy body composition within the normal range if ur short.
we never had consoles as kids, they were expensive and unnecessary, so i never developed any attachment to the nintendo characters and just see them as like childish and saccharine and just unappealing
plus nintendo's business practices are extremely shitty
I don't really care, and as has been posted above transwomen would probably be better off to consider ourselves according to male BMI than natal female.
Secondly, BMI is kind of fucked up in its core premises.
Most women aren't attractive if they aren't plump and ideally past the age of 40 anyhow.
having fat tits can easily launch someone into BMI 23 territory while still having extremely low visceral fat percentage

Dude, you need to play mario 64. It's just a good game. Youll enjoy it.
mmm fat tits
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books > games anyway tbqh, im glad i spent my childhood reading rather than staring at a cartoon italian jumping or a blue rodent rolling everywhere
>my gf
why do u keep lying about me lol me and marina are not dating she didn't get cucked u r delusional
Oh yeeeeeeah, that's why i weigh weirdly more than i used to for this tummy size. That makes so much sense.
what’s your favorite book paige
probably the warrior prophet by r scott bakker
i mean i did both
instead you spent it watching anime like a fucking loser
space sluts with big butts 3
this is why I have so many vidya consoles too
Nomi knows. She has played my Saturn.
shame you're still a fucking retard
I think Kat lost this time. There's no hope for her against the crowd of youngshits.
lateshits could never compete
cope and sneed lilsis

The games were and are all a great expenditure of your time. But games start getting too big to play them all by the time you get to wii and xbox.

But if you felt like exploring history, playing a bunch of old nes games is 100% worth your time even now.
why arent you playing the newly released habbo hotel: origins rn chat?
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because i used to spend my life scamming kids on the OG in middle school and i dont want to go back to a life of crime
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i know im only doomposting because when in rome and i find it funny.
also because i saw some bitch that looked phenomenal after only 1 month of HRT, i fucking hate them
because im playing some good shit instead
its harder to do that now because the average age is like 25 now. the old room games are fun at least
>saw some bitch that looked phenomenal after only 1 month of HRT, i fucking hate them
Yeah, that tends to happen when you take your transition seriously and learn makeup and whatnot.
are there volunteers helping make sure the pools stay closed due to stingrays with aids? i don't want to play if they'll allow such harmful creatures in the water
kek implying they dont look like a man wearing makeup
eh I have loads of PS3 games. and a Wii lol.
I also play Switch games emulated.
lol yes like the first day of the server there were afros in suits blocking the pool. classic
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>its harder to do that now because the average age is like 25
age range on osrs is around the same, and boy are there some grade A retards on there.
im not saying its not harder, but its a lot easy than we think i reckon.
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comparing urself to ppl who look better is always a great way to cultivate some brain worm activity.

different strokes for different folks i guess. never met a 40+ chubby person who's had an attractive body regardless of gender but plenty of fit ones that i think look good.

true and obviously everyone should assess their own health more holistically and not solely based on numbers like bmi. getting chubby for an mtf rarely means growing fat tits unfortunately.
lmao true. bondies baka frfr
divorced men in the mid forties... sexo....
their mid forties* reeee
when are you gonna miquellamaxx?
time traveller.... the 40s... the good ol days
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I NEED full bandos with my obby cape for barrows runs, you don't get it
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god i wish i could look like miquella but i haven't been blond since i was like 5 or 6
trying to grow my hair out though, it's still to short to braid properly
i need full dragon (g) to be a top G
the thing is though transwoman carry weight better than ciswomen usually and benefit from it in many cases in regards to passing.
ermmm its trans women BIGOT. bcuz trans WOMEN are WOMEN who happen to have trans experience
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they're most likely also in a better position than me. i'm still writing my coming out letter to my dad
i'm not comparing, it's moreso jealously. but i guess that's also comparing, isn't it?
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can always dye. and aim for that twink bod.

idk about that. teenage starters maybe but lateshits with fused hips tend to look pretty bad with chub. on avg it's probably about the same plenty of unlucky cis women out there.

yeah that's what i mean.
ive known people who became significantly less clocky from gaining weight because it softens features though. It's not an uncommon story and lots of people here had that experience.
Lovely little spies
And I've no logs
Ur already exposed either way
nothing to say cis?
atone for your crimes against the transgender community, cissy
cis women need to stop bitching about oppression when trans women go through it and more every single day
Sorry enbyphobic bigot you're not getting me this time, you're going to need some anti-enby spray
>i'm still writing my coming out letter to my dad
i didnt come out to my family, they found out themselves
Keep going
disgusting cissoid parasite faghag tier bitch
shitting myself
im enbyphobic because i believe 95% of the 'nb's are just trans people that dont want to come out or cis people wanting to trend and actually be a faggot
the last 5% are legit
Sorry you're not woke enough to talk to me. Get with the times grandma
I've been identifying as nonbinary since like 2013 I'd have probably killed myself by now if it was an 11 year long gag
facial fat redistribution requires some fat for sure and it's much faster when you gain it on hrt yeh.

for body shape tho chub is very much a mixed bag. your average bricky moidcoded mtf figure needs targeted shaping not softer less defined shapes to improve passing imo. much harder to create that waist/hip definition for example with higher bmi. obviously you need some fat for breasts and that softer feminine tone but it's a fine line to tread.
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>they found out themselves
when i came out to my mom and step-dad, they both said that they knew for about a year.
my biological father probably just thinks im a fag or asexual, no idea how he's aware of the latter
then youre part of the 5%
say 'transwoman' or 'transwomen' again and ill be contacting my lawyers bucko
Damn autocorrect really fucking beat my ass its so over
if you can't fuck the fat goth renfaire girl, become the fat goth renfaire girl (or even if you can fuck her have her feminise you lol)
>present exclusively feminine
>call myself a woman
and yet I'm nonbinary, I'm like the anti-theyfab
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good morning everyone:3 i hope you all have a good sunday. it is going to be 101° here
all is forgiven
carry on my nb fren
U ever thought about getting a hobby or like a job idk something to do anything at all in your life other than harassing teens you've doxxed?
may as well say wear shapewear to keep everything in place. i guess some ppl do lol.
Kat would be so much happier without internet access
Everyone that's ever interacted with her because of it would be too.
bad anon
At 35, ur a porn addicted, drug addicted tranny, w a "partner" that's only there to give you money while you doxx random teens online over them not feeling like it's okay to cheat and abuse them
You've no job, no car license, no studies, your own house is lent down by your family fucking dying and your "partner" paying for it, since you'd lose it otherwise
You don't even have looks anymore, you need to do an hour of makeup daily, like you've told me and it is in the htmls I posted, to actually even pass
Your own partner of 10 years wouldn't even dare say you passed without it
You are nothing but a failure
what did she do now
Continue to harass me and friends even when I don't post
some day you will die somehow and something's gonna to steal your carbon
guys i love habbo so much
convince me not to pay for HC and credits
Weight gain probably made the biggest difference in my transition tbhon
hey. is there like a list of mtf traits or something so I can shut people up who call me that?

Omg I loved habbo hotel despite being groomed a lot on there lol. The takeshi castle rooms were my fav
Wut do u mean
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me when mental illness
they just released an official old school 2005 server. it's 18+ and the average player age is too old for grooming so we're safe now
im torn on spending irl money
this is way over my head
i just want something to point to prove I'm not a tranny.
stfu omg you absolut alphaunrealpassoid

If you've posted here, you're definitely a tranny.
look at yourself ^_^
you keep fueling the fire. it's not going to stop if you keep giving them the reaction they are seeking.
literally my only time posting here before i have no interest in sticking around.
i'm just a dude i'm clearly not a woman

Good good. Don't tarry long.
I can control my reactions but I am not going to let my friends get attacked and just watch
>I am going to become a clown like character
>I am going to enact a funny kind of violence
I wish I was involved in obscure discord trans woman drama
sounds like there's no list or anything which is a shame. thanks for the help.
join associated discords and start flirting with the most drug-addled and/or bpd women you see. the drama will write itself
and people think you're a trans woman? do you have long hair?
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my local italian place is closed today.
idk if i can go on living
no I will not join the botnet nsa spy network datamining site
of all the good reasons to not join you chose the most schizophrenic one instead
please post the image where she has new juice please post the image where she has new juice please post the image where she has new juice
yes and
I am very mentally ill
Feel like the magic would be gone now I never rly got the whole relaunching old mmo thing
Feel like the only person who feels they need proof that they're not a tranny is a tranny
I mean I'm not but was just saying like the BMI thing is dumb I'm close to 23 BMI now and the fat gain has done the most heavy lifting
>At some point, I started arguing about how she shouldn’t post nudes anywhere other than to me, something I believe is extremely fair to do while being partners, and I directly informed her that it was harmful to do to while dating me since I’ve major jealousy issues
funniest shit I've ever read
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i'll just starve. or cook my chimichangas i have in the freezer outside.

lost media
save some for late. easy
What's funny about it
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What I did was when we weren't even talking, meanwhile, this is what you were doing for basically the entirety of our relationship
sisters... please. no one cares about ur discord screenshots
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I would LOVE for her to shut up and stop harassing me and friends unprovoked but alas I have to defend myself
We were not talking when I did that, you're incredibly unstable and break up with people then come back on a daily basis
It's all in the logs either way
Lovely comment about my looks too, coming from someone that used to spam threads with her nudes for attention
Guess that failed enough times for you to stop disgracing our eyes
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nobody cares
nobody cares
nobody cares
nobody cares
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juice restored
i'll save it for future use
me when i
The entire log where that was messaged is already posted, you're getting at quite literally nothing
And I'm more keen on going for eve now
ummm.... OK? I guess you WILL? and not even like ASK?! whatEVER
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>coming from someone that used to spam threads with her nudes for attention
Girls coming for herself

I'm crying. I'm crying and seething. I'm coping. I'm malding and seething. I'm no longer coping. Her juice.
erm meow
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are there any asian mtfs here
signal post signals post trauma activated
are you the same anon from a few months ago that used to say you suck and started posting random art?
if you are you got better
erm wut da
>absolutely nobody
>tranny talks about it's penis area and sex and orgasms
why do these freaks online literally unprompted tell you about their disgusting genitals? it makes me physically sick and literally anytime there is a tranny somewhere it does this immediately.
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they gave genie mushrooms
erm ahem erm erm cough it up buddy
a hon did this to my mother once I wanted to commit atrocities
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idk, what a bunch of freaks

Have you considered that you're hanging out in fucked up places? Like, you're here. Does that give you any indication of how your life choices might have been in error?
How does this situation even come up
had to go to a place that deals with trans stuff and needed a lift
Literally it doesn't come up, they just unprompted stick that shit in your face
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Blobby would you do me a favor.
A little bird told me you know of the employer of mono. If you were so kind as to share it I'd be most grateful, as I am being actively sent death threats by her
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yes that is me, It's been exactly 5 months since I started
ye i remember the first one
good work stickin with it
And they were just like anyway about my dick to Ur mum in the car? I assumed that sort of stuff was saved for Reddit posts tbhon
Ever heard of saying one thing with the intention to do another? Like I dunno have someone that's been threatening to come kill me arrested?
oh no I mean my mother was there because I needed a lift and this hon was a volunteer or something at the place
how much you paying
what happened to being a do-gooder lmao you are such a greasy kike
Is not having more drama on mtfg not enough of a payment itself
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how tf did that conversation start and lead there. wild.
maybe having a cold aura is a blessing.
blobby can u add me on discord
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did more drawing practice
not gonna post bc its bad

great improvement!
how about this
nobody gives a fuck
does that shut you up?
I only caught the end of it so idk how it started but it's put me permanently in the total hon annihilation camp
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Your body literally looks like a brick
>director of the shot at the last minute runs onto the set and turn the box so you can see the word diva on it
Sup mono
im joking obviously
this is the bad type of drama though
The type of drama that got me sent to the er and bedridden for the past couple days yes, I would love for this to end
stop interacting with them
>oy vey i went to the er because of discord drama oh g-d it's like annudah shoah help me blobby dox the bad white people


none of this is even close to as entertaining as potc was
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Lovely harassment session we have today
Totally no samefagging at play no
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post drawing anyway.

yeah fuck that.
for me it was installing grindr and getting the john 50 sissy posts that made me lose whatever little faith i had left for the lgbts.
i literally cried buckets over that in middle school when the book came out

>post drawing anyway.
not on a blue board, there is a penis in the drawing
you filthy filthy whore
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like it or not, mono is the queen of mtfg
now im even more curious. link ingur or something.
>for me it was installing grindr and getting the john 50 sissy posts
you don't like 40+ year old fathers trying to get with you while they try to get you to call them alice?
I don't think John 50 sissies really count as lgbt. More like porn broken dad core
gotta learn to draw all parts of the body otherwise it'll look weird when i do have to draw a penis

In janny we trust
>you don't like 40+ year old fathers trying to get with you
>while they try to get you to call them alice?
gross fuck no
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My favorite part of Mongo is that he is afraid to ever show his face in a video or anything that isn't a carefully edited and angled picture. At least our dear schizo druggie Kat has the balls to show her face in every unflattering angle.
repression is a hell of a thing
lean into sissyhood, you'll be a lot happier
sissy pride world wide
The queen of mtfg for realsies

Not bad.
Why would anyone ever side with K** even if you think Lagoon is a retard? K** spammed for MONTHS how ugly and abusive Mono is, gave us proof in form of vocaroos and pictures of Mono cheating and abusing her, being a rapist and sociopathic manipulator. Then as soon as the money and attention dried up K** went back to sucking Monos old man dick and starts gaslighting everyone around her pretending they're evil and psychopaths instead of just admitting the truth.
it's terrifying to me that these two are actual adults
i wonder what it feels like to fuck the gussy
abusive relationships can b like that tho
Some people just reach 12 and kinda call it quits on maturing
Just read the archive with mongos trip you'll see that everything she cares about is reputation and bragging 99% of her posts are about navy and that "HAHAH I WON IM CUMMING IN MY SEXY TRANS GF KAT IS SO SEXY BTW SHE IS SOOO SEXY BTFO NAVY" (ignoring that Kat is a busted xanax schizo who posts her tits for everyone to see for a crumb of attention 20 times a day) or the vocaroo that Kat leaked where mono was so concerned about how people in discord and mtf are gonna feel about her so this is all just some weird inferiority complex game for her
She can get abused all she wants but the issue is when she starts dragging innocent people into her little games and tries to fuck them up for her own benefit. This is why she's not the victim. She's an abuser too.
there's not always a clear cut line between victim and abuser though
not excusing any shitty behaviour on anyone's part, just saying that kat's behaviour is understandable on some level in terms of returning to mono despite mono being mono
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thanks for sharing.
what's prebeg? also good effort on the left guys face and shoulders.
have you done the upside down drawing what you see thing? or drawing by copying a grid piece by piece to constrain proportions?

yeah maybe not. i appreciate the social change efforts but the sexual liberation definitely attracted some unsavoury ppl too and there's basically no pushback. i wish i didn't know abt bugchasers.

i don't rly care if that's what gets someone off but can u pls at least say hi first so i can ghost u clean instead of opening with some shock site tier pic.
Paige sometimes I really wonder why god even gave you the ability to think if it's this poor
>have you done the upside down drawing what you see thing? or drawing by copying a grid piece by piece to constrain proportions?
i've done neither of those things, and rn my brain is burnt but maybe next time
>what's prebeg?
presumably pre-beginner

>be in abusive relationship
>end up going back to abuser
this happens so frequently it's weird to think it's weird
No, it really isn't because Kat is actually a grown ass adult and over 30 years old not a little kid. For her to have narc meltdowns for months trying to show everyone how evil Mongo is with proof and then returning back to suck the smegma off Mongos dick while throwing almost everyone who cared for under the bus and trying to make these people look evil and ruining their lives is not understandable for a fully grown adult.
I wish I could be in an abusive relationship
As if she wasn't an abuser herself
She's coming back to abuse mono this time, to exploit her for her money
Mono being an utter schizophrenic would've been enough of a detriment for anyone with good intentions towards their partners to stay away, but alas
what do you think severe mental illness looks like in practice if not this
>severe mental illness is an excuse to abuse innocent people and then play victim
they're kinda fun almond activating exercises defs recommend when you're feeling like some structured practice.
icic tyty. beg in any draw context autocorrects to begging in my head.
not an excuse but an explanation
it is an excuse and I'm tired of people saying it's not I will flip out in walmart I will I will
I'd prefer if you'd just not
>Abused person returns to abuser and that's why they're bad
Anyway there's no "sides" like you don't have to be team kat or team Laguna or something like there's obviously a lot of shitty dynamics and bad things going on but ppl would rather just treat drama like sport teams I guess
Best Paige posts I've ever read tbhon
I don't think there's much pushback cus Ur looking g atloke the dankest underbelly where most ppl even LGBT like care or give two thoughts about. Like in the scheme of things it's tiny and not a real reflection of LGBT ppl lol
I mean her mental illness is calculated enough to manipulate people all the time, keep logs of everything, not post actual nudes or porn of herself, keep a home with internet, take care of pets, food on the table and not kill herself or become homeless (only threaten to gather sympathy) so she has enough control over her actions to know that she is hurting people.

The bizarre thing is if something did this to you in this full scale you would probably get upset if people just replied "omg whatevs thiz person is just mentally ills ok?? thats an explanation what do u expect" you'd most likely be hurt and confused. But lacking the empathy to relate to someone who isn't you makes it impossible I guess.
can (You) shut the fuck up please? (You) really aren't that interesting
There are definitely sides. I'm never gonna side with a lying, manipulative piece of shit who throws gullible people under the bus who had trust and love for them. Anyone who "sides" with Kat is a complete moron and either lacking empathy or just waiting to get thrown under the bus next.
u can't expect empathy or intelligence from 99% of the people ITT sorry buddy
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No it's kinda just what happens when you're an unlikable pos
bruh, wtf is this thread lol
i bet in two years from now no one will be here anymore, also leave old sissy crossdressers alone, they are sad old repressed trannies trying to have a bit of happiness in their life, you can always easily block them and move on, they are extremely obscure and only on grindr and don't hurt anyone or le important 'trans optics' but ofc you have to bitch complain about it to feel superior over unfortunate people, if you talk with them and they get creepy, you chose to interact with them in the first place didn't you?
kinda want maccas for dinner
People need to stop eating garbage.
Lari, champion of sissy boomers
I would give precisely 0 fucks if kat would simply live fucked up ever after with some neutralizing force, either good for her or bad. But she does not create strong bonds.

Imo it's funny watching her set on fire person after person after person.

But like, just... dudes... learn. Maybe even warn the next bitch.
but it tastes good and i don't eat fast food often...sometimes you just want some garbage and thats ok
are any of the charli xcx songs worth listening to. theres a whole album but im not gonna listen to the whole thing
>Maybe even warn the next bitch.
That is very much the plan
You know what would taste good. Making your own burger with better ingredients that'd also be cheaper plus you get to do something fun for a bit
>The bizarre thing is if something did this to you in this full scale you would probably get upset if people just replied "omg whatevs thiz person is just mentally ills ok?? thats an explanation what do u expect" you'd most likely be hurt and confused. But lacking the empathy to relate to someone who isn't you makes it impossible I guess.
lmao what do you think blobbert and nomi are doing
literally just as bad if not worse
i make my own burgers all the time though. i also want fries and nuggies
You know what blobby have the maccas at least u don't have them daily
I mean I'd obvs just say just listen to the whole thing it's a short album but if u rly only want to listen to a few then id say sympathy is a knife, everything is romantic, 365 and girl, so confusing are the standouts for meee
Oh and shout-out to apple too
i am defending myself in advance for when i will john 50 later but have some empathy even for these people, repression fucks you up and they didn't live in a trans friendly time to have the opportunities of today, for them that sissy thing is their only little bit of happiness after a whole life of confusion and depression and dysphoria, and now they are stuck depressed with famillies that they had unable to even sui bc society told them to do it and conform..

What am i doing?

Kat isn't mentally ill. Kat is just a bitch.

Actually... hmm, actually she is a textbook aspd.

Well, while i do understand her. I still think that you have to judge people according to their actions. Sociopaths are still required to respect social contract or they will rightly be exiled from society.

And it's not me decreeing it, Val, it is what it is. When you aren't FAIR to people, you haven't simply squashed a problem, you are just creating a secret volcano of resentment that will destroy you, not me or anybody else.
360, club classics, sympathy is a knife, girl so confusing remix with lorde, b2b, i think about it all the time, 365, and spring breakers
not val
In this post:
>nomi admits he's a sociopath
Started taking my Lexapro again.
ty maybe i will just listen to the whole album. listening to 365 now and i love it
Mebbe you could become a guest lecturer and do ted talks about the trials and tribulations of a sissy boomer

Val went apeshit at me for saying that society would reject her for being bigoted.

I was fucking right then, and i'm right now. And it's not because i'm some kind of force that's gonna make it happen. It's because people just generally don't find bigotry cool and nice and over time it's just gonna lose one social opportunities. Plus the bigots tend to be the least socially adept people because all the more socially adept people just said "ok ok" to the "don't be a bigot" message. So basically, you're just attracting the best people, the best, by choosing to be bigoted.


In this post, anon admits she's autistic.

You don't need to BE a sociopath to understand sociopaths you silly filly.
nomi is just so unlikeable
passoids have no empathy
It's one of my fav albums of hers. Up there with HIFN. Just like so raw and vulnerable juxtaposed with like the club sound and aesthetic like I wasn't expecting her to open. Up so much on it lol
Do u like any of her previous stuff?
don't bother she's dead
tru tru almost everyone is normal just feels weird to be associated with ppl like that in any way. guess it's easier to accept all than to draw a line somewhere.

unsolicited gross pics aren't appreciated thought you'd understand with how many times ppl have expressed it here to u senpai.

Lol, you're killing off valentine? Aww.
why do you come here shouting about how everyone who doesn't walk on eggshells with you is some unempathetic bully?
like, no one takes it personally, it's just some nonsense you say that also makes you less empathizable because it's pissbaby behavior
fair enough but what i did was for the attention
i am partly trolling bc i am bored and suicidal uwu
The first 2 are accurate
Let me be unserious about the old dudes in bloomers please
Like it's just a fundamentally funny concept and like
They're obvs not all trans and most are just dudes with kinks and I think it's weird to suggest like poking fun at that is making fun of all repressors. Like it kinda insinuated that's why being trans is?
But if someone is generally dysphoric and is just so cooked in the brain for repressing for that long then I yeh I feel bad for them but there's humour in the tragedy u know
I am a proud crossdressing sissy geezer.
I am a profoundly strange person. I have many crossed wires. Just scratching a spot in my crotch and i feel a piercing sensation in my left shoulder(not deep, it's on the skin). I have countless number of these crossed wires.
wdym, i will probably kms in the next few months, i doubt my dumb ass will find the cure for transgenderism and i am too gigahon to even troon out
nope, you are not allowed, i forbid it, i am the defender and guardian protector of all the ugly creepy sissy boomers, this is my purpose here on this earth, all the other causes were taken by other activists sadly, it is what it is, sissy pride world wide
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losing interest in distractions
wanting to maybe not be alive idk
wish i were a cute puppet instead
Anyone wanna e-date

*dates you with each other*
Only if we e-breakup right after and then doxx eachother
i hope sissy gary is doing ok
im crying out for help but there is no help please just make the pain go away please please please please please pleas somebody please help please
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okay we play some bg3 first and say we're going to kill each other romantically in front of another trip and then we break up and post each others underwear pics
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i just want a boyfriend who kidnaps me and keeps me in a cocoon is that too much to ask for kms

nothing helps :(

You wanna be a living body pillow?
please help i cant ttake it anymore i think i may actually commit sucidie soon
I don't like baldurs gay 3 sorry. I fear I will never post revenge porn of you at this pace.
I'm heartbroken
Octopath traveler 2 solos. Also that pic looks cool where is it from
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I like tides of numenera
if it helps it's way harder to commit suicide tthan you might think if you've never tried before
but i feel like i should say you should call a helpline or something, it doesn't seem like you're choosing to do in a level headed manner but just sort of rushing into it bc of emotional impulses or smth, so a helpline might help you figure out what you really want to do or what you could do to feel better that isn't suicide
are you the same one with the crackhouse problem?
Might watch it one day
>tides of numenera
More gay stuff. Your taste is very very gay so far
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oh man i've missed swimming. my arms are jelly even tho i only did like couple hundred meters.
midsummer was cool.

pretty sure that's the intention for them all yeh.
>be human, see time moving forward
>but in your reality, time is not mobile, physics suggests that all moments, all of spacetime simply exists at once, eternal
>aka, the life you lead exists forever, and you exist in it forever
>choose to cut your slice of reality short, promising that it will always for all eternity just be a lead-up to the worst of all possible ends
how does this choice profit you? just something to consider
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>text from gf
>she sends me a twitter link to an underground rave she wants to go to
>notice the twitter handle
>It's my ex girlfriend
>look at the event
>It's my ex girlfriend's show
>my girlfriend invited me to my ex girlfriend's show
Life, is full of Fractals.

Somebody is getting eaten, i don't know who.
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oh no that's terrifying
paige you forgot to mention that she is a male dating a male and therefore a gay male
what if you went to it and just didn't make it a big deal
Bout to go make some girl cummies by jerking off my gock

I did that like 3 times today. So far.
idk how that's relevant
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>what if you went to it and just didn't make it a big deal
I mean, if I went I'm 100% sure it wouldn't be a "big deal"

I'm just not mentally prepared to deal with that part of my past, even passively without interaction. Even if we hypothetically don't even look at each other. I was a complete fucking mess back then and I've still yet to face myself after those years.
sorry but facts don't care about your feelings
sure but how is it better if i make my reality longer and live for the rest of my life depressed and miserable instead of just cutting it short now? won't actually be worse since i will have a longer and all miserable depressing slice of reality?
sounds like a character building possibility
>sounds like a character building possibility
Dammit. You just had to shift my perspective on this from an avoidant one to one of self-improvement.

I'll consider it I guess. I guess I have to face myself at some point if I want to move on.
I wish you the best of luck major
shut the fuck up maiq
grace = blobby

take well the lesson
I'm not maiq
Sup ESL bro
Sup Maiq
Newfag detected
Starting to have thoughts of hurting people again. I hate this. How do I make these thoughts go away?
>How do I make these thoughts go away?
by giving in and hurting people. you could start with animals if you want
why are you saying I'm maiq
I keep getting told I'm all different people on here
i dissociate hard daily to not feel the dysphoria, i feel like i am living in a dream and i have a hard time accepting that this is going to be the way i live for the rest of my life, i can't stop dissociating bc every time i do, i feel extremely dysphoric and awful and the pain is too much.. i wish thing were different..
You are.. (you).
the most horrible outcome
4 times.
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going to the Cape today gonna go to the beach
hahaha jk.... but srsly tho?
that femboy was right
i miss ex bff so much, i remember when we would go out to get lunch or dinner the wait staff would always bring him the check bc they assumed we were dating
or once we went to a place he had taken his gf, and the waitress she remembered us when i had never been there before.
clearly it looked to other people like we were a couple, i wish i would have been together for real
or like when a mutual friend group would go camping, i wouldn't get invited bc ex bff would always go with his gf and i assume he didn't want me to feel bad seeing them together
which i would have, but it sucks being left out too
i wish we could have been together, clearly there was something there that other people saw. and a number of times his smile and eyes seemed full of love when he looked at me
like we were on a busy main street full of people but looking at each other it was like they all disappeared and it was just the two of us there
why couldn't we be a couple for real
why did i have to get tossed by the wayside in favour of whatever woman he was dating
what was wrong with me that made him leave without a word to say goodbye
i still love him and think of him daily, it's what keeps me alive. the memories of when we were friends. i wish we could be making more :(
funniest shit I've ever seen
nobody cares
you are an obsessive clingy narcissistic pos paige that literally has nothing going on for her, that is about it
dead cope thread
I guess it's beddybyes for me
is it ur bedtime...
any good skincare routine? i don't plan on taking hrt.. i just care about necessary good stuff like sunscreen from what i heard..
it's about 22 hours past it and I'm a wee bit mad
i want more molly sob
grace will b responsible tho..
jesus fuck paige please
I wish i could get just beet greens. I don't like beets that much and i certainly shouldn't eat as many beets as i want to eat beet greens.
i will die as a virgin

Don't feel bad paige. Although you might not have him, you'll always have me... as long as you keep posting on mtfg and not a moment longer.
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ugh I'm glad I don't know *her* twitter desu....
must be difficult to see it
prolly brings up memories
>event by the ex
decent suifuel going there desu
go to bed Now...
ok I will when this ep ends I just don't want to miss anything
what are u watching
oh I meant ep like extended play its just this
rage comes from unmet needs. so if it's rage based figure out what you're actually mad about and solve (or privately rage at) that instead of taking it out on others to no gain
this is assuming things can never get better, that you will never grow to accept the things you can't control, that there is no happiness down the road.
like most suicidal people you also fixate only on the persistence of the problems that plague you, not on the moments free of those problems, the little joys. how many tasty meals, friendly conversations, beautiful afternoon skies, do you deprive yourself when you cut decades off your lived experience? it's vast added up
how is it funny

how is that narcissistic

ugh ugh sorry

Yeah, i'm the narcissist. She's just histrionic.
i like how blobby keeps clapping mono and the benzo princess on sight
omg that is so CURSED lmao
we r raving after i recover from ffs ive decided...
blobby is the real anti hero of mtfg
*curls up in front of the thread fireplace and purrs*
ugh i need more self esteem, went drinking at a bar with friends then went to a party and i was way too shy the entire time
its weird being the token tranny everywhere
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sunday energy
stop being "the tranny" then, be defined by something else. be the artist (you're already a musician), or the nerd, hell even be the otaku 4chan weirdo (don't lol, but ykwim). it can be anything, just present yourself as something relating to your core passions, and being tranny as incidental. that's how you get past being the token friend
only kuz i'v got such confy company
>doxing and suipushing and harassing vulnerable transwomen
nigga what
blobby nubs mashed this post

You should play talos principle 2 if you haven't. It's like... amazing after amazing.
i don't think it can get better in any way, the chance for that happening is very small
idk what she is, i am histrionic probably though, but desu, we both post nasty pics for attention and stuff so hmm..she is a bad person regardless..
male to funeral general XDDD
>>36275347 new >>36275347 new
>i don't think
no, you don't. you actively don't. in dissociating from your problems and pains you have lost sight of so much you should be thinking about.
i say think of all the little joys you lose, you completely disregard it and focus on "but the problems will persist." it'll make a huge difference in your life if you force yourself to actually see and think about and appreciate the good things, even just having joyful experiences itself reminds you what feelings you're pursuing and makes stuff like dealing with transition miles easier.
even if things are never exactly where you want, learning to live for the silver linings will make that okay, will make your overall experience stop feeling so net negative

She's not a bad person. She's been short-sighted in the past.

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