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All German Performance Edition

If you could have any vehicle (car or otherwise), what would you get?


>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
What if AGPs are denied intimacy and the ability to lead a normal life because they are instead meant to use their intelligence for a higher purpose? What if it’s basically a marker given by God to show that these men have been set aside from the rest and are not meant to start a family.
I'm trying to spread the truth of agp on twitter.
What if I took a shit in your mouth because god told me to do it
It's not. Those people are too precious to be wasted without leaving progeny inheriting those traits.
we'd see more evidence of that throughout history and crossdressing would have been held in a higher regard for males as a sign of a people set apart...
...AGP creation myth genesis story when?
Honestly I feel like AGP being high IQ might be selection bias.
I'm on twitter and while AGPs have specific autistic interests they are somewhat versed into, and might be slightly more intelligent than average, they certainly aren't very intelligent.
I'd guess 105/110 average.
I want to believe we're all 120 iq on average and all that but I'm not sure.
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I want to wear this type of pants so fucking bad
ask them how they would have felt if they hadn't eaten breakfast this morning
those look comfy
Hmm. I know that area code.
>If you could have any vehicle (car or otherwise), what would you get?

I never wanted to have one.
a bike
Maybe an electric bike would be my choice

How am I more horny on cypro (12.5mg/day) and sublingual E (2mg every 12h) than pre hrt. (4 months)
I don't masturbate at all but I have these horny thoughts every once in a while which are way more powerful vs I masturbated every day at least once and didn't have horny thoughts, just needed to cum.
Anyone who uses Twitter is cringe
I think women are very horny, they just don't need to cum. It's a big misunderstanding between men and women.
Toyota ae86
Crown vic
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Firefly Allroad frame, Ti-only option, Allroad Ti fork, fender and bag mounts, and internal routed everything. Rotor 1x13 gruppo (10-36), Enve X Classified G23 wheelset, Parlee Carbon seatpost, Selle SMP F20 Si saddle, Enve SES AR aerocockpit, Challenge Strada Bianca Pro TLR tires, Speedplay Zero pedals (I will literally die on this hill), Tacx Deva bottle cages because Sagan uses them and I want - no -NEED - to have sex with Sagan, ok I just doxed myself, see you soon internet.
Hey AGPgen, if I wanted to get into cars, where would I start?
Should i just troon out? Does it feel better?
ah yes *stares at picture of car* i am definitely feeling like a car enthusiast right now
play car games
Before going on hrt, I was doing a lot of stuff that in the right social context would have eventually turned me into some kind of monk.
depends what you're looking for, sometimes you just exchange old problems for new ones
what kind of monk, buddhist, christian? or do you mean more generally?
>ah yes *stares at picture of car* i am definitely feeling like a car enthusiast right now
It worked for me when trying to understand my tuner-bros better: Sylvias are also acceptable. I am a normal guy though.
Does anyone else sometimes get dysphoria attacks that feel like panic attack and cause physical pain???
>>/gif/27379833 got me thinking...
is crossdresser x crossdresser the most kino agp pairing?
1. gracefully masculinize into old age with healthy habits
2. happily male after post nut clarity
3. have someone cute to be with when ur horny!!!
no I'm not a John 50 yet, I'm only a John 40
yes and I was at my most "agp" during these periods of time using porn and masturbation to constantly escape, even sleeping with a bra on eventually just to feel something there

don't let it get that bad
i wanna be the bentley girl
How do I stop hating AFABs?
why do you hate AFABs anon?
They're so annoying, have you ever talked to theyfabs?
A part of me fundamentally looks down on feminine traits desu.
I find them shallow, dishonest, pathetic.
oh i don't talk to internet people much, here is my only guilty pleasure in that regard
>A part of me fundamentally looks down on feminine traits desu.
being agp must be torture then
can't relate
I love feminine traits
>being agp must be torture then
Well my agp is mostly anatomical, and furthermore I tend to try and forget that women are like this and instead focus on the cool women that exist.
Idk how you do that. At all.
Feels so shallow. Bland.
I wish I didn't hate women.
>Odd feelings since age 5. Specifically tights or CDing in them. Wanted to do ballet, but forbidden. Grew up w/ psychosomatic illnesses.. Never felt sexual attraction to girls..Repulsed by masc males, but gets feelings towards twinks/femboys/tomgirls. Privately CDs pretending theyre one themselves. feelings have strengthened, buying more female clothes. May spend hours and late nights partaking in this solo CD behavior,.
Is this AGP or something treatable? Thx for reading.
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I don't know man, but this general always amazes me, because it seems like we have about 15 different sub-types of AGP. It kinda seems that we are all, indeed, AGP, but we can be very different.

For example, I have some similarities and differences with you:

>Odd feelings since age 5.
unclear, maybe slight curiosity about what it would feel like to have a vagina, gay feelings about wanting to be anally penetrated
>Specifically tights or CDing in them. Wanted to do ballet, but forbidden.
no cross-dressing urges or clothing fetishes at all until I was in my 20s.
>Grew up w/ psychosomatic illnesses..
plagued by them endlessly.
>Never felt sexual attraction to girls..
Always been extremly attracted to women.
>Repulsed by masc males, but gets feelings towards twinks/femboys/tomgirls.
dead on
>Privately CDs pretending theyre one themselves. feelings have strengthened, buying more female clothes. May spend hours and late nights partaking in this solo CD behavior,.
dead on
Meeting my AGP friend again in a few days, I'm happy.
Actually we'll both meet a third agp friend while here.
Should be nice.
I'm spiraling. Knowing I'll never be in a cute lesbian relationship is slowly eroding my soul day by day. I'm getting close now, I can feel it.
I just need a supportive t4t relationship with boundaries that are respected..
Given my actual background, it would have been christian. But I'm definitely speaking more generally. I focused a lot on asceticism and meditation because it was the only way to help my symptoms besides drinking or hrt.
If there was no way for me to transition, it's the route I'd go for sure. Full celibacy, regular fasting, and a dedicated creative focus to keep me distracted.
I want to kms....
Omg I'm reading this fucking article from 79 and all of them trooned earlier than than me and passed and became pretty girls.
They were all born 40 years earlier than me and yet I only trooned at 24.
How am I so fucking faketran???????????$&2-$&2-2-$-2-+jzuduftzhdoyuejahzvzvzhzyuxhalsf
I need to kms
That makes two of us I guess
Raging at her?
If so nice not to feel alone...
I always found these stories from back then uniquely soul-crushing, and it's nice to meet someone who relates to my whole thought process
I'll see if I can see more of it.
I would never have been allowed to troon back then as passability was a requirement.
That said HRT was OTC.
surely our suffering means something
ah, understandable
i feel happy for her desu
it's probably too late for me, but i find accounts like these wonderful
aren't we all technically youngshits by 70s standards? for being <35 or 40 or w/e?
Yeah we're pretty young by their standards but fairly early transitioners (midshits) did exist to mog us mid 20s transitioners lateshits.
does apggen have a discord server gimme link
maybe... just maybe... you can't find a consistent definition and the "official" ones are both self-inconsistent and premised on unfounded assumptions because it's a heavy-handed attempt to paint all trans women into one of two boxes for clinically diagnostic/processing purposes with absolutely no nuance or consideration for the reality of what those people are saying and what they experience in their lives
second puberty snuck up on me so fast
>mofos will drop a link quick but not say anything on the server
having a sensitive ass is the biggest agamp trigger out there
i'm built for it :3
there's usually a handle on the door, you pull that and it opens
My dad might become constitutional council judge if the far right wins he says.
I'm hyped to see my fren.
I want us to test my theory that eating a lot + walking a lot = more fat redistribution.
So I was thinking about the possibility of me just living as an ordinary straight man and dating women. And in doing so I came to a few more profound realizations about myself. Here’s an unfinished list of all the problems I’d have dating a woman

1. This was a big realization for me. If I truly love a woman, I’d want to be as emotionally close to her as possible. But here’s the thing, I am borderline asexual so sex is not so important to me. And woman will always trust their “girlfriends” more then even their husband. So I naturally find myself falling into the role of the gay best friend. That’s what happened with my last girlfriend. I hated being her bf and much preferred being a close friend she could vent to. And I never cared for the sexual side in the first place.

2. I’m very much a “princess”, and I mean that in the worst way possible. I’m a perfectionist who likes everything my way and am prone to losing my mind over simple things. These are very feminine characteristics and show that I’d rather be the woman in the relationship.

3. This one is obvious, to the extant that I have any sexuality at all, it is exclusively AGP with a large focus on the meta-attraction side.

4. My complicated relationship with my mother has caused me to become repulsed by the idea of a relationship with strong woman. Mostly, I don’t want to be emotionally controlled by a woman. I find the idea of being controlled by a woman in any way deeply repulsive. If you think this may have something to do with why I developed AGP, I’ve thought that too and wrote a whole freudian analysis of myself in a previous thread.
>authoritarian suckup continues to jerk itself off while sucking
What can I say, I've always been an obedient little bitch to authority.
fascist scum
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name one thing i can buy rn that will either make me feel pretty or make me coom (both is fine too)
>there are agps in this thread right now who don't have a full female wardrobe
what's stopping you? do you like larping as a male all day?
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Just fuck men
It's not said.
Personally I think it's possible she was hsts, but I think she was simply one of those early onset, effeminate, pseudo HSTs agps.
They're often at least partly androphilic.
Are these Frenchie's thighs
I'm never cute
i wonder if many agps have similar dating problems
some of us are solely "body" agps: wearing women's clothes while not looking/being shaped like one won't make me feel pretty, just silly
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Is it better to have agp with the body of a chad (attractive body), or have agp and a mediocre male body? I'm leaning towards the latter.
What good are female clothes if you can't wear them and be accepted? I realize that sounds dangerously close to shoving your fetish on unconsenting/unknowing people but I just get all kinds of sad sitting at home crossdressed (because I LOVE crossdressing but to the degree that I need someone to see me doing it). I have transvestic AGP that has social AGP as a prerequisite. It's a balancing act of how much can I do interpersonally and how feminine can my fit be vs. how much discomfort from stares/being found out can I handle.
depends on your version of agp i think
the latter of course. Being even more masculine would be kind of mortifying
AGP girls are awesome and belong with substitute father figures
I really should shouldn’t I? But the gay community seems kinda disgusting. It’s so ironic I’m an AGP but I relate a little to why HSTS transition to date straight men.

Me, except it twas merely a phase… Wonder what my life would’ve been like if I was more insistent. My mother once told me she had serious suspicions I was trans, before I grew out of it. Thing was my parent’s supported all of my feminine interests and I lived in such a sheltered environment that I could never be bullied for anything.
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What should I do? Cumming doesn't help..
Only thing that heloed briefly was cuddles with another trans woman but that's not going to be regular, yet. I'm trying my hardest to be sweet and open with her though.
I think being a chad would maximize my unhappiness
would you want to roleplay a stranger (but actually your bf) picking you up as a prostitute
nta but I would, I've actually thought about that before. Unfortunately I have a somewhat long-distance gf
Disgusting faggot freak
Y-yes, it's one of my fantasies. It would be really awful if that asshole made me loiter in some skimpy outfit in a really seedy part of town...
I would not want my gf in actual danger so here is how I would do it
I’d ask her to pick out a dress that is classy but also slutty, some sheer black panty hose, and heels, bright red lip stick
drop her off at a fancy hotel bar and go park the car
head into the hotel and act like a stranger sitting a few seats down the bar from her
send her a drink and go from there
this is fake btw
Why not both? Classy outfit in a trashy part of town. Isn't that the classic recipe for h-hot?
I don’t want her to be in danger
>Is this AGP or something treatable? Thx for reading.
>I don't know man, but this general always amazes me, because it seems like we have about 15 different sub-types of AGP. It kinda seems that we are all, indeed, AGP, but we can be very different.
For example, I have some similarities and differences with you:
So i'm not alone? I am AGP? Nobody knows what I am, except prob thinking im gay bc no gf or wife. I get scared that I'll get beaten up or worse if people truly found out. I wish I was just straight.
bump ?
Fiske 5 extraordinary cases of gender reassignment 1979
I hate that I'm a Chad.
5'11, wide shoulders, acne scarring, manly facial features.
It's joever.
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If anyone is AGP, you are AGP. It's debatable whether AGP really exists, but that's what we debate here.

You can spend more time reading the materials and interacting with other AGPs, or you can take the pink pill and decide that AGP is fake and you are really just a girl on the inside, or you could start wearing skirts around town for fun and be "that guy who wears skirts around town for fun."
Then go be a Chad lol. Some of us are trans because we weren't lucky enough to be Chads like you. Our bodies and brains were too feminine to be men so we became women because that's what we were meant to be. If you aren't like that idk why you're even trying to be a woman lol, you're clearly not supposed to be one.
AGPs are trannies who don't have "feminine brains"
imo that's what blanchard was really tapping into with the dichotomy. not some bullshit about fetishes.
thoughts on chastity?
yeah and I'm not an AGP, I'm just an HSTS who was browsing the board. You should stop trying to be a woman when that's clearly not what you were made for. As someone who had no choice to be a woman, it does give me a little schadenfreude to see the kind of Chad who would have bullied me in high school crying that he can't be like me.
doubtful that that anon would have bullied you
I happen to have dysphoria, a concept you obviously aren't familiar with.
Also I've already seen you before on this board, you went to a thread with height hons saying you were happy because they would have bullied you yada yada.
Go troll somewhere else.
I've asked and asked, and never gotten a straight answer about it. How do people get erections in a chastity cage without getting a penile fracture (broken penis)?
I was the one getting ostracized for being weird.
But there's no use trying to argue with him, he's a troll.
idk how to explain it, your dick just can't grow when it's constrained.
Where did this idea come from that all trans women who don't fit the HSTS stereotype were gigachad dudebros, when the generally it seems to be that soft, nerdy guys tend to transition into non-HSTS trans women?

If you ask me, MTF transsexuality that would be sorted into either category comes from some sort of underlying neurological intersex condition that may affect the brain in some ways more than others, and only in some cases does it make the brain of a straight woman. The brains of cis lesbians resemble straight men's in some ways, but that doesn't make a lesbian a man, and I think we see the same thing in the trans lesbian.
I was a soft, nerdy guy with a masculine body :(
>MTF transsexuality that would be sorted into either category comes from some sort of underlying neurological intersex condition that may affect the brain in some ways more than others
Suggesting a neurological intersex condition to explain MtF transsexualism when most transwomen are so obviously malebrained is stupid.
Prophet Blanchard (PBUH) was right about ETLE and a priori predicted the phenomenon of therians and BIIDs.
Occam's razor favours the solution of ETLE.
The intersex brain theory is wrong and deboonked by brain scans.
It was a pre-blanchard theory.
That said our brains are different.
Just not more female.
Just like autistic brains aren't more masculine, just bigger.
But that was comparing both lesbian and straight trans women against cis women generally, as opposed to separating gay and straight cis women. All that test discovered was the part of the brain responsible for androphilia
Straight trans women do not have a brain like cis women either, beyond the feminized part that is responsible for androphilia, and is also present in gay men.
how do i trigger my agp discreetly and on a budget?
I definitely want to see more research done, mostly admittedly in the hope that something will validate trans women once and for all. If not, a little part of me wants at least HSTS to get to be women, and the other would see them dragged down to being men just like the "AGP"s they look down upon, that if they're not real women then at least they don't get to be either.

I know not all straight trans women are like that but too many are.
But we don't need to have female brains to be validated.
What fundamentally makes a woman is her appearance and her social integration, not her brain.
Hence why lesbians aren't less women than straight girls.
The idea that it's the brain that makes the sex is false imo
i think i'll buy the meme calvin klein underwear. i've never had a matching set
But the brain makes us everything we are, makes us human, why wouldn't it also control your true sex? Unless you consider being male or female to be purely a social construct, in which case you could easily make the case for the abolition of gender to begin with.
I am a gender abolitionist yes.
Who isn't?
I think we will advance beyond sex and gender in the next 3 generations as we start controlling our genotype.
Doesn't mean all gendered and sexual signs should disappear, but they would become fluid and free to chose.
My dad compared my (25) and my brother (14) shoulders and his are significantly wider lol.
thats cool when are you bottoming for him
He's still shorter than me lol.
But he's heavier.
Jocks weren't the bullies, it was the nerds and the queers. They were always assholes and when people pushed back they would pretend they were the ones getting bullied. That you're here gloating over some total stranger is good evidence that you're just an asshole and that we shouldn't believe your victimhood claims.
I love having a shaved body so much it's fucking unreal.
I think gender abolition is dumb. Men are men and women are women. Some people are also in between, and we should embrace that, but that doesn’t mean that everyone else has to abandon gender.
What is a woman and what is a man?
Generally speaking, a man has XX chromosomes and a woman has XY chromosomes. But if a biological member of one sex acts and makes effort to look more like a member of the other, it is acceptable to say that they have “transitioned”
>a man has XX chromosomes and a woman has XY chromosomes.
When Plato spoke of men and women, do you think he had chromosomes in mind?
No, the point is it’s an easy way to differentiate between men and women because it works in the majority of cases. Yes, intersex people exist. But they are rare. You could just as easily define it over the genitals. The point is biological sex is real and the basis for gender for most people and we need to accept that. However, we can still make a sort of “exception” for those who strive to become “effectively male/female”
How can someone look at this case and say
>This person is clearly neurologically intersex, they are somewhere between male and female neurologically
The fact that BIID/GD are very frequently comorbid clearly points to a neurological cause that is unrelated to male/female brain.
>the point is it’s an easy way to differentiate between men and women because it works in the majority of cases.
So a biological female that passes for a man is a man and a biological male that passes for a woman is a woman?
Yeah it's pretty insane lol.
For the most part, yes. Pretty much the biological sexes are different, gender is how society views the sexes, but gender is not arbitrary because it is based on real neurological differences between the sexes, which is why it can’t be abolished. However from a pragmatic perspective, a trans person who sufficiently fits in with the gender they transition to should be accepted. Misgendering Blaire White is ridiculous for example. However, is Blair White ontologically a woman? Is any trans person ontologically the gender they identify as? It’s too blurry for their to be a straight answer, so I focus more on pragmatism then what a person ontologically is.
the problem with sexology as a field is that it is dominated by people with heavy psychology backgrounds
psychologists will often make up concepts out of thin air (e.g. ETLE) that have no basis in neurobiology (i.e. how our brains lay the foundations which later determine behavior) to describe phenomena
it would be like if drug makers formulated new drugs on the basis of their own beliefs of how substances affect the human body rather than relying on biology and chemistry to prove their claims, that's how you get homeopathic folk medicines.
but anyway, ETLE wouldn't necessarily be mutually exclusive with a neurological explanation for transsexualism. ETLE is merely a name for an observed behavior and behaviors can be unlearned.
which also suggests that ETLEs can be learned by anyone and recreate the same symptoms

furthermore, as you can see in >>36270763>>36270926 >>36271040 some individuals have purely political motivations in their explanations behind phenomena
by basing transsexualism behind political beliefs (what the wolrd should be) and not the science of neurobiology (what the world actually is), you can actually cause undue suffering by taking medical treatments intended to alleviate/cure mental conditions based in neurobiology that one **does not** have.
it's like taking SSRIs off label and later complaining about its effects despite you not having clinical depression

we could also throw into question the AGP v. HSTS dichotomy as harmful diagnostic criteria as it has no basis in neurobiology, the true typology should be transsexuals v. non-transsexuals
wherein Ts/non-Ts would both include individuals formerly recognized as "HSTS" or "AGP".
Only transsexuals would recieve medical treatment, and non-transsexuals should probably recieve either therapy (HSTS) or anti-psychotics and possibly chemical castration for hypersexualism (AGP).
Ah, the memories. I loved this shit so much as a kid. Still do XD. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oJkQJj9-pVc
Yes, psychology is totally evil, not mentally castrating people with fucking antipsychotics.
> The fact that BIID/GD are very frequently comorbid clearly points to a neurological cause that is unrelated to male/female brain.
not necessarily, "GD" in the case of individuals like these are conflated with the gender dysphoria of actual transsexuals. Behaviors that seem the same to outside observers are lumped together by psychologists.
it would be more likely that this is a purely a case of porn-induced psychosis rather than any neurological condition.
this individual could have been saved by anti-psychotics and chemical castration, rather than letting their porn addiction spiral out into beliefs that they were a female cripple.
One day they'll wake up wondering "what have I done" and "why did doctors do this to me!?" and then later go on to become ammunition for conservatives looking to abolish treatments for transsexuals.
I hope that one day we end up living in a future where people can just casually change their sex. I can’t wait for transhumanism.
Lmfao, post-blanchardian troons ALWAYS end up reverting to "actually these identical dysphorias totally aren't the same and one is caused by le evil fetish while the other is due to our beautiful fembrain.
i should add some AGPs may be helped with therapy as well. i've heard anecdotally of some individuals being able to cure their AGP through self-help techniques alone, which would lend credence to the idea that AGP is a vague term encompassing many different underlying conditions only superficially similar in behavior.
anti-psychotics would be the last-resort for treating the most extreme AGPs.
many desisting AGPs would agree with this stance, because they recognize they aren't transsexual. and then later go on to cure their AGP.
i don't think agp is "an evil fetish", milder cases are entitled to enjoy their sexuality. the problem is psychologists convincing the more extreme cases that they're transsexual, so they end up taking unnecessary cross-sex hormones that make their mental illnesses even worse and destroy their bodies.
This is pretty hot https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iZilA_R0jgA
How do you define transsexual vs non-transsexual?
I'd drive the most environmentally friendly car on the market alongside my collection of gas guzzling motorcycles.
>some individuals being able to cure their AGP through self-help techniques alone
Doesn't happen. All admit they are still AGP. Ex gays claim the same but always end up still being into men.
>AGP is a vague term encompassing many different underlying conditions only superficially similar in behavior.
>many desisting AGPs
Virtually all of whom admit they never had dysphoria, or still have dysphoria, lmao.
>the problem is psychologists convincing the more extreme cases that they're transsexual,
They literally are.
Transsexual means someone who changed their bodies. You must mean dysphoric. And yes, they also evidently are lmao.
>they end up taking unnecessary cross-sex hormones that make their mental illnesses even worse and destroy their bodies.
95% of trannies are AGP in the west, and only a minuscule percentage regret. Your numbers aren't making sense.
Can y'all stop it with the "muh IQ" shit. We get it you're a fucking sperg.
I can't read the thread because the cringe is awful.
brain-sex that doesn't match the body-sex vs. various other conditions that lead to one believing one should take HRT to treat it
i will say that i'm not entirely against non-Ts being on HRT in certain cases, the jury is just still out on whether it permanently improves psychological well-being or if it will cause an eventual psychological breakdown in the long term and prove to be ultimately harmful
> Doesn't happen. All admit they are still AGP.
well this would arguing over anecdotes, it would be best to study the neurobiology in AGPs who are cured vs. those who admit they can't, the one's who claim to still be AGP might have a novel neurological condition
> Virtually all of whom admit they never had dysphoria, or still have dysphoria, lmao.
dysphoria is a symptom, dysphoria from non-Ts should likely not be treated in the same way as Ts
so perhaps we simply just haven't found the treatment to their version of dysphoria yet
> 95% of trannies are AGP in the west,
*95% of those taking cross-sex hormones
they aren't necessarily Ts
> and only a minuscule percentage regret. Your numbers aren't making sense.
and probably all Ts, most AGPs would get reverse dysphoria
A bit ago I came up with a plot for a post-apocalyptic dystopian story. The premise is that a virus wiped out the entire female population which lead to a collapse of society where all that existed were gangs who constantly waged war on each other. Eventually, a group of scientists and military personnel developed a faction that became the most technologically advanced and they discovered a way to biologically transform men into women. Under the guidance of their glorious leader, they started conquering other factions and then forcing them to give up some of their members to be turned onto women. The transformed would then be sent through a reeducation camp to make them good wives and mothers for the new world order which would be a fascist society with strong gender roles. The plan is to control men by being the only source of women in existence.

The storyline I had planned would follow two characters. I haven’t given them names yet so let’s call them Edgy and Demure based on their personalities. They originally meet in the reeducation camp, but the develop very different views. Demure accepts the reeducation and strives to become the model citizen and women that the society wants her to be. She become so good in fact that the glorious leader falls in love with her and start a romance. Edgy on the other hand manages to escape back into the outside world, however, she has to cope with the fact that everybody is trying to rape her so she ends up having to find a strong man to protect her, who ends up becoming a chieftain in one of the gangs.

Eventually, I was thinking of an ending where the two characters knowing each other is able to help them to convince their husbands to end the war between their groups and the fascist society makes peace with the gangs/tribes rather than trying to conquer all of them
>brain-sex that doesn't match the body-sex
Doesn't exist from what we have seen lmao.
>dysphoria is a symptom
No. Dysphoria is literally the issue. Trannyism was called gender dysphoria symptom by the most significant transition clinician of all time, Fisk.
>and probably all Ts, most AGPs would get reverse dysphoria
Nigga almost no one gets reverse dysphoria. You just debunked yourself.
This just smells like another flavour of "they should only give hormones to the people I like"
It's not possible to determine who's ""actually dysphoric"" and who isn't, all adults who don't have a caretaker or something should be able to access HRT
That does make me curious. /agpgen/, what do we think about Chris Chan?
Note that I said "should be able to access HRT", not "should be allowed into women's spaces / sports / etc. without question"
> Doesn't exist from what we have seen lmao.
well if you don't understand that gender exists in the brain, idk what to tell you :|
the belief that all of differences in male v. female behavior and psychology is down to socialization/cultural factors is insane
let's forget that though, my main point was the treatment of AGPs, not transsexuals
> Dysphoria is literally the issue.
let's use an analogy: dysphoria is akin to a cough.
a cough can be caused by several different conditions: flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, common cold, etc.
if the cause is viral, treating it with antibiotics won't help and can actually harm you (your microbiome). if the cause is bacterial and you treat it with antivirals, you can actually die from its side-effects (e.g. immunosuppressant) before the bacterial infection subsides
so treating all AGP dysphoria as the same is bound to be harmful for many AGPs who would better be served by other treatments
> Nigga almost no one gets reverse dysphoria.
*knock on wood*
i'm not a radical who wants to restrict people, i agree 100% and think HRT should be available OTC to all adults, i actually don't mind people experimenting either
it's just that once you throw in the medical field, you'll now have the potential for other people to do harm to you (malpractice) instead of solely yourself (self-responsibility), and you can convince people to help you chop off your legs or whatever because it gets you hot and horny
we should keep the medical field more conservative and help only people we are sure to help while those outside it should be held accountable for their own actions

and maybe if there is some subset of agps who are kinda TS in their own way, that would be an interesting avenue to explore in the future and i would encourage them to explore that now on their own without the dangers of those being misled into medicalizing themsves and later ending up detrannies who want to take away hrt for everyone because THEY made a mistake
i don't know much about chris chan beyond what i heard about them from other people, but i think that they're a casualty of the current tranny zeitgeist
instead of treating transsexualism as a medical condition, activists and psychologists convinced a deeply mentally ill austismo that they were a woman and they ended up raping their mom :(
can i have an agp girlfriend, please c:
It's only a matter of time before you become the agp girlfriend
Don’t be a groomer ):<
Being an AGP manmoder is boring, I want to go back to larping as an incel on hrt.
Why does the thought of becoming a tranny so arousing holy shit why would my brain do this to me
no. i don't have no agp. but it would be pretty hot to have an agp partner and encouraging her fetish.
Dangerously based
I am >>36274130 and >>36274133 gave me an erection
this makes me happy. :3
This is why it is absolutely essential for AGPs to get SRS.
Anyway I’ve put quite a bit of thought into this setting. What does /agpgen/ think?
no. them getting ladyboners is cute.
Hot af but my romantic AGP hates that the transformation into women leads to being under a man, which feels inferior...
that girlies need big, strong men to protect them, no matter if they're a fascist dictator or a tribal warlord/gang leader
and that women are needed for men to not fight each other into human extinction
could be made into a disney/pixar movie
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How do you guys think a dress like pic rel would look on a guy's frame? I need something more interesting than amazon skirts to play dress up in
>that girlies need big, strong men to protect them, no matter if they're a fascist dictator or a tribal warlord/gang leader
Why can't I help but hating this (besides finding it very hot) despite my misogynistic education? It feels so wrong.
What do you mean by “romantic AGP”? I also feel like it’s kinda empowering to be desired by a strong man, not inferior at all. Like, this is a gigachad who can do almost anything, but all of his desires are pointed towards YOU. And his love for you motivates him to become even stronger for your sake.

I started to uncontrollably laugh for like 3 minutes straight after reading this, because it pretty much perfect encapsulates what it’s about XD
Like non sexual AGP that makes your heart swell and fantasize for hours rather than get aroused.
In this I'm a strong cool soldier woman or whatever. Not masculine but very capable.
>empowering to be desired by a strong man, not inferior at all.
I can't see that. Any common whore is desired. Is the 8 years old girl fucked by the cult leader empowered? This makes no sense to me.
it's natural frenchie, most women want to tap into their feminine energy and that can be easily done (though not required) by taking the role of a feminine women in a relationship with a masculine man
the idea of it being "inferior" is a result of your upbringing unfortunately :(
but it can be unlearned :)
>misogynistic upbringing
you're on the right path, you have to understand women being supportive to men comes from a place of generosity, care, and love and not subservience
>Why can't I help but hating this
That's because your brain is not completely rotten.
It's hard, I think maybe because my sexuality that was inverted liked strong women/ tomboys in the first place, so the AGP itself doesn't value subversient women, only my masochism makes me like it.
But at the same time I feel faketrans from not wanting to be a dominated woman at the service of a man outside of sexual fantasies.
I can't help but see feminity as inferior, it's sad.
I feel faketrans, trutrannies want to be subversient to strong men like real women :(((
>like real women :(((
No real woman apart from the brainwashed conservatards thinks like AGP trannies. Just relax and do whatever floats your boat.
>not wanting to be a dominated woman at the service of a man outside of sexual fantasies.
that's literally all women lmao
They want to be utter cumdumps slut whores in bed and to dominate outside of bed
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I think basically I have 3 main fantasies:
Least sexual and most egosyntonic: super strong and cool asexual officer woman who does war crimes and is basically an anime antagonist.
Mid sexual: cool lesbian who wears Barbours outside but dresses and nice chemisiers inside, has a wife, 3 adopted daughters, a dog, and lives in a countryside cottage with a nice garden
Most sexual and egodystonic: being the loyal wife of a strong man who directs me around, sees me as inferior, but is loyal to me
i mean, i didn't say all, there are obv. masculine women who wouldn't be into that
and if you're into that, that's fine
It’s just as possible for a woman to view a strong man as inferior. I’m sure we’ve all seen misandrist women who just think men are tools to be manipulated. I read a little about Jung’s conception of the anima and animus and it might have something to do with that… of course, the healthiest way is for both a man and woman to see the value in each other.
Yeah but I'm not into men romantically.
But being a gf to a strong guy would be hot even outside of sex.
But anyway I'm way too masculine for that and always will be.
Meta attraction is for somewhat short, feminine trannies, even if ffs makes my face pass (I pray it does or I'll probably kms) I'll still be 5'11 with shoulders, hands, feet, a rib cage bigger than most women.
Yeah that's fair.
Men can be cool, but when they fuck women, I see them as corrupters..
High-fashion that looks weird on a real woman, will look comical on a tran
aren't models usually either clocky cis women or trans anyway
the opposite would be true
But how can you even compare that to other AGPs, when probably 99% of AGPs don’t have any such fetish? None of us do
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>clocky cis women
blanchardian motte-and-bailey
they promote their theories (e.g. ETLE) as being the absolute truth (the "bailey") but when you point out inaccuracies and question the plausibility of it, then they start throwing out crazy distorted stats to validate their position (the "motte").
It's harder to defend the bailey, so you fall back to the motte and conflate the two.
While the reality is that 99% of AGPs aren't into chopping off their limbs, that 1% is maybe technically greater in proportion in AGPs compared to the average pop, thus "our theories are true".
they also do this with pedophilia, and conflate it with AGP by also saying "it's highly comorbid".
it's pretty perverse desu
Ok I just came I don't want this anymore
>they also do this with pedophilia, and conflate it with AGP by also saying "it's highly comorbid"
The funny thing is that Blanchard himself has said that he never observed any notable overlap between transness and pedophilia despite working with tranners and pedophiles throughout his career. The worst kinds of Blanchardists are the ones that do this cherrypicking where they invoke Blanchard’s typology to make their demonization of hons appear scientific and then disregard everything he actually said on the matter.
well blanchard's views have been superseded by blanchardism and neo-blachardianism, it's probably too late
>Least sexual and most egosyntonic: super strong and cool asexual officer woman who does war crimes and is basically an anime antagonist.
Isn't this just The Saga of Tanya the Evil?
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>But how can you even compare that to other AGPs, when probably 99% of AGPs don’t have any such fetish? None of us do
I have no idea what the actual figures but there is no doubt that there is a high rate of comorbidity between GD/BID/Species Dysphoria (therians)
Without ETLE, it would be quite difficult to explain why this is the case.
Conversely, ETLE very neatly explains and predicts the comorbidity, the erotic target inversion is "flipped on"-
Once we know a person has AGP, we know that he has an erotic target inversion, all that is required now for him to have BIID is an attraction to amputees.
Therefore, AGPs are more likely to have BIID than the average person because the latter needs erotic target inversion + acrotomophilia while the former only needs acrotomophilia, a much more likely event.
This also explains why so many BIIDs have AGP, they have an erotic target inversion and all they need to potentially be AGP is gynephilia.

ETLE is so obvious, I can't believe how it's not an accepted fact by now.
Yeah, that's kinda my thought process. Plus it's turning out to be a lot easier to find fashion dresses that have a good shoulder measurement without being way too large in the waist and hip
Yeah kinda, actually the first anime I watched.
you're confusing yourself. The question that matters is "what percentage of AGPs have BIID?" In all my travels on the internet, and seeing AGPs every day living in a blue city, and with every case study I've ever read on AGPs, about 99% of them seem to be without BIID or animal-philia whatever you want to call it. About 99% of them are without age-regression pedophilia. You are trying to make the case that BIID and AGP have a common cause, but I doubt the numbers support that. I mean /tttt/ is overwhelmingly populated by AGPs, and we've just about never had a BIID on this board.
looks like you're going to have to learn this lesson the hard way
Being at 20 BMI with a fully shaved body is so good sisters.
My tummy is flat and slick, my boobies are nice and somewhat perky (still small tho), I feel light and free.
If only my face wasn't disgusting.
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>looking down at my twink body in the shower
oh yes, I love myself
>looking in the mirror
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>and seeing AGPs every day living in a blue city, and with every case study I've ever read on AGPs, about 99% of them seem to be without BIID
Acrotomophilia is extremely rare, it is to be expected that most AGPs won't have BIID, but I am sure that an AGP is much more likely to have BIID than a random person.
>You are trying to make the case that BIID and AGP have a common cause, but I doubt the numbers support that.
I don't have the numbers and I doubt anyone has or will ever have the numbers on this, but going on the BIID and the therian subred*t, Gender Dysphoria comes up very frequently, it's hard to not see the high comorbidity.

See pic related, N=250 of a random reddit survey but 65% of the therians there identify as trans (AGP?) which is very interesting.
the dubious idea of ETLE aside, this would suggest that this phenomenon is simply a fetish that got out of hand due to porn addiction and gave the sufferer delusions
it would inhumane to affirm it with medical treatment, beyond chemical castration and possibly anti-psychotics
> but I am sure that an AGP is much more likely to have BIID than a random person.
there it is. no matter how small and insignificant the association is, it *has* to mean something.
>no matter how small and insignificant the association
Who said it's small and insignificant?
>this would suggest that this phenomenon is simply a fetish that got out of hand due to porn addiction
No, it's not "just a fetish", just like the intense longing for love in heterosexuals (which clearly has a sexual origin) isn't "just a fetish".
It also has nothing to do with porn consumption as most people with AGP/BIID had it long before they ever watched porn.
The only proven relief from AGP induced GD is medical transitioning, anti psychotics and such won't do much just like they don't do shit for homosexuality.
What is this
So, how exactly do you know if you're trans, or at the very least, not-exactly-cis?
I've never given, like, serious thoughts about my gender/sexual identity before, but looking back on my behaviour and prevailing fantasies, they can hardly be considered cis/het-normative.
Self-inserting as a woman in sexual fantasies since... as far back as I can remember, realization that my attempts to get a girlfriend were just so I can appease the idea of what the average "cishet guy" ought to do, being genuinely disgusted and bothered by misogynistic remarks on 4chan and irl as well, desire to cross-dress and so on...
My fantasies were strictly just... sexual in nature before, but lately I've been getting aroused and fascinated by the general thought of being considered a wife or a girlfriend. If there's someone on Discord I like flirting/erp-ing with, I genuinely daydream about going on a date with them, kissing and cuddling, all that stuff.
There must be a point after which a fetish isn't merely just a fetish anymore, right? I don't exactly visit this board or LGBT spaces often, but I'm starting to feel compelled to learn more about my situation. Is this what "questioning" means?
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You are AGP.
Most transwomen today have the exact same developmental history as you describe here.
So in a sense, you are trans because you have the same condition that Kris Tyson has and he chose to medically transition and self identifies as trans.
A lot of other people with AGP don't transition, so the trans label is kind of a strange one.

Of course, this is /agpgen/, if you'll ask the opinion of a more liberal leaning place, you'll get cuddled to death and groomed to believe that you are innately a woman somehow and the sexual fantasies you have are merely a manifestation of your innate womanhood or something and that you are totally trans transition now transition NOW
i'm not sold on agp as a sexual orientation at all
a sexual partner is external and doesn't really describe what we see from agps in the first place
what agp as a sexual orientation would look like in practice is ironically buffalo bill, wearing a woman suit and roleplaying your object of desire,
but not actually being/becoming it (you ultimately want to still be a man)
if that's the case, there are far safer methods to practice that sort of fetish that does not involve medicalization and surgeries (i.e. breast forms, cross dressing, and actual real life skinsuits that aren't made by killing women)

actual agps on the other hand, if it's the same as the sexually-caused form of BIID and other sorts of distorted thinking, it's clear to see that the dopaminergic effects caused by excessive masturbation has led to reinforcing delusions, like one must cut one's legs off or dick to be happy
if you cut off the fetish, the delusions lose their strength, which will happen once the agp takes more than a hondose of HRT or especially undergoes SRS
that's also when the agp will reach the lowest point in his life
chemical castration would be better than this, at least it's not permanent...
You know, I wish the medical and cultural privilege of the first world were available to me in case I ever decided to bite the bullet and transition.
Where I live and where I'm at in life right now, it's not even the slightest possibility, and it kind of... makes me sad?
how is this not just describing that it's all symptoms or expressions of gender dysphoria?

what's the difference between self-identifying as trans and being really trans? what makes AGPs not trans?
> how is this not just describing that it's all symptoms or expressions of gender dysphoria?
it's plausible
the etle anon believes it's the other way around
i'm just taking those ideas to their logical conclusion/how they would ultimately be seen in the real world
i dont wanna think anymore
can someone take away my brain please
i cant handle life, iwn be happy & free
But a smart girl that acts like a bimbo is a huge turn-on!
honestly tempted to rape my brain with bambi sleep
not rlly my brain holds me back too much
dr. slut, do you use breast forms/ hip padding, etc?
Just breast forms. I've considered hip padding, but no storage space and they don't work once my outer clothes are off lol
I use a little butt/hip pad from amazon, it's pretty cute. I like it with cute tight skirts and tight jeans =)
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A cute little yellow pickup like picrel :3

How do i find a gf/femboy bf to crossdress in the mirror with. Im 5 years hrt and thats still my sexuality lmfaoo

I know what I jack off to. Its a sexual orientation. And becoming a woman and feeling pretty/expressing yourself how you want is deeply fulfilling both personally and sexually.

Ugh need this. I like always revert to 18 bmi and scary boney looking. Even 5-10 lbs make such a difference its crazy
Anyone else here who just doesn’t masturbate?
No i mastyrbate like 6 times a day lmao
no we are coomers

I feel like a filthy coomer even though I do it less than once per day
how do u age as an agp transwomen? aren't u all sort of terrified of looking like ugly weird lesbians like i am?
I'm actually pretty pumped to be an old lady.
I mean, I don’t particularly want to be Wendy Carlos, but… if the choice is between Wendy Carlos and Angelo badalamenti…
Definitely not as good as men aging, but ill cross that bridge when im old
I hear about this shit all the time and I have been told I am agp as an insult like fucking one hundred times.. how do I actually fucking know if I am? wtf does it mean? I have been called agp just for being a bottom and not vers, so I dont get it :/
I wish that were me but to me the defining part of agp is being "attracted to yourself" so idk what I'll do when i look in the mirror and see something old and unattractive.
Do you get off to feeling and looking like a hot girl? Thats it. People who use it as an insult are dopes. Have fun
Holy shit I will never look like a woman due to my giant fucking face omg.
I "schlick"/rub myself a few times a day. I dont enjoy ejaculating and masturbating normally doesnt feel like anything anymore
Any agpgen-ers get srs?
I hate all of this.
Trooning is so shameful and shit if you're not naturally feminine.
Some men just have a feminine, face they don't look into the mirror and see a masculine monster.
I'm a fucking clown and should be shot.
It's uhh inside what counts Anon
At least my online fapfrens think of me as a girl
The shame is your choice. If you really want to be feminine, youre feminine. Congrats.

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful."
Oscar Wilde
I guess. But I'm not feminine inside. Just an autist with an obsession with the idea of being a girl.
I can't believe so many people look kinda fem in their late 20s and I looked like a Chad at 19...
I never stood a chance ffs.
And the irony is that the more you suffer (the more masculine you look) and the more you put effort in (stop manmoding etc), the more society and other trannies will hate you and look down on you.
It goes beyond shame. I'm dysphoric.
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Manmoder fit to get my friend from the airport today.
You Schlick what? Your taint?
My peepee glans you dumbass
you got tits frenchie
It's not noticeable I think.
No one has made any remark.
I have a sport bra but I didn't chose the size well so it basically doesn't allow me to breathe and I never wear it.
It's 28 degree today so I can't really wear a pullover.
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>The shame is your choice. If you really want to be feminine, youre feminine.
Not how it works honey, wanting to be a certain way does not make you a certain way.
>The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
Sometimes you should probably try to keep some things under control pic related
It's funny how people probably just think you are really gay when in reality you are so straight you want to be the woman
How did you find that picture or me????
I think people just believe I'm a normal straight guy desu.
That pic is one of the worst things Ive ever seen
>I think people just believe I'm a normal straight guy desu.
lmao no they don't
We call that jerking off
so much this!!!
why do people like that even exist
Lots of beautiful trannies were once normal straight guys. Well.. maybe not the normal part...
Can i dm you on discord? I felt very similar
Yes sure.
There is no 'jerking' involved so no
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He's just a guy with an unfortunate weird sexuality.
Just shows you the extent of which sexuality regulates behaviour, if your sexuality is directed towards some weird BNWO race meta attraction fetish shit, you become this instead of being a normal family man that fucks his wife a few times a week and likes titties.
Ok people are definitely noticing your tits lmao
>*full-out assault on my eyes and sense of decency*
pls stop
i'm keeping that a thumbnail, tyvm
Lmfao, the funniest thing is this guy is literally straight and hates black people
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Imagine how many such trannies Blanchard saw in his lifetime and how all of them insisted they are attracted to males.
Blanchard being the homosexual faggot that he is obviously noticed that they aren't really attracted to men hence pseudobisexuality
I will never look like a woman, everyone agrees :(
when you get older, you'll probably become attracted to older women.

t. 40, and I like 30-50yo women.
Omg why do my shoulders feel so wide?
I've been told they weren't but they seem wider than that of the large majority of guys I see???
why not?
Because xhe came
isn't that good?
Omfg I hate endos, after FIVE fucking séances he tells me he won't prescribe me anything and I should stay on diy because anti androgens are all bad for the prostate.
>anti androgens are all bad for the prostate.
it will literally explode.
I have been stuck in this hell for 10 years now. I know what I want, then I panic and I don’t know what I want. I got on hrt and came out and lived as a tranny for about 2 or 3 years, which made my panic a lot worse. I had to get on antidepressants after having unending panic attacks at my boobs growing. I felt like I had made a giant mistake. But after calming down and listening to my feelings I accepted that I really didn’t want to get rid of them, nor did I want to be a man again. But they still make me freak out and I still question myself because of it. Did I mention I’m an unpassable manmoder? Also a hermit who sees their friends maybe twice a year on average?

I’m sorry I have to just blurt this shit out. I’m 31 now and there’s no end to this in sight. What the fuck do I do to get past my terrible fuckups and turn my situation around? I am just a messed up casserole of mental illnesses
I fucking hate these "people"
He'll never see me again ever
Oh, I and I actually have an appointment with the gender clinic this week. They’re probably going to ask what the fuck is up. Should I tell them the whole truth? I thought I was making progress with this shit but clearly not
I would if I could, but I have to do it every now and then to prevent atrophy. It always makes my OCD worse too.
Why did I have to be such a disgusting man?
Wide shoulders, disgusting skin, masculine facial features.
It sucks.
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Another goon session to tranny porn where my brain suddenly and without explanation self inserts as the man when I am about to coom FUCK MY LIFE FUCK IT
>without explanation self inserts as the man when I am about to coom

You realize that's literally just because that's what you don't want, and that it's an intrusive thought right? You're trying not to think of it and it pops into your head.
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No it's not intrusive I don't mind it it just really confuses me.
Even when I jerk off without porn it sometimes happens.
I can start fantasizing about being a dainty female thing being fucked in the ass by a man and then as I get close to climaxing I start seeing myself as the man fucking the dainty female entity, not in an intrusive way, I have no idea why this happens.
I think I have a eating disorder.
i hope you find peace anon
aren't a lot of them not really trained/educated for this?
imagine being an endo, for decades you've basically only handled routine diabetic and thyroid issues
then the tranny pandemic happens
since "tranny physician" isn't a real field yet, people come waltzing into your practice wanting to do crazy things with their hormones
prescribing AAs probably sounds insane to him
He officiates in the middle of Paris, it sounds unlikely that he's never treated any tranny in his 40 years or activity.
Also last time he said he'd ask more qualified colleagues and would come up with the best treatment.
And now he's telling me to keep diying because all anti androgens are bad????
This is transphobic refusal of care and goes against basic deontology, ethics, and his hypocratic oath.
What a fucking piece of shit.
thanks babe me too
is France TDSed Frenchie ? I heard bad news
Eh. Not that bad but there is some TERF activity. I was talking to the most famous TERF in the country but she stopped once I told her I was autistic. I think she wanted to frame me as an evil AGP predator so me being autistic kind of goes against that. In general TERFs dislike the autism-agp connection for this very reason.
The recent TERF book was a success and completely botched Blanchard's typology.
The main character is a 50 year old AGP sissy who masturbates in women's toilets and almost goes to jail.
It's crazy.
But the main TERFs (both Jewish, ofc) who wrote that book are kind of setting themselves up for failure by supporting the far right openly and revealing their power level way too early.
Kind of concerning through.
I wish I was just gay they seem to have so much fun
do you dress up when masturbating? what do you wear?
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Botched in what way?
And that's interesting, is it really the perfect deflection?
The PITT people have a somewhat similar understanding about what an AGP is now that I think about it.
>Botched in what way?
TERFs obtained institutional power in the UK through masquerading as leftist feminists. This way liberals couldn't go fully ham on them, and right wingers could use them as a caution against the anti LGBT/ fascism accusations.
By going full right wing essentialism they undermine this and just become run of the mill rightoids.
>is it really the perfect deflection?
Not really because it doesn't really redeems trannies as a whole in their eyes.
It just means we aren't actually AGPs and the real AGPs are the totally not imaginary bearded men in drag invading women's toilets.
And I remember reading that book when it was linked here.
Liked it a lot but it made me OCD that I'm not really this way and just a regular heterogroid.
omg i hate myself so much (for non agp reasons)
Same bestie.
oh i meant the typology, i wanted to know the francian terf thesis of the typology, so far i have:
- boomersissy predator truAGP
- confused autistizoid pseudo agp
what do they think about hsts?
> UK through masquerading as leftist feminists
oh i thought that was the case and they were just shooting themselves in the foot sidling to the right?
Waiting for my AGP friend at the airport.
Right. They literally think AGPs have no dysphoria and troon because of sissy hypno. Despite citing MTIMBs in their notes. Which also contain r/sissy and r/ask_agp threads lmao.
They also think transmaxxers are their own type which ofc is laughable.
>what do they think about hsts?
They hate them deeply and thunk they are the one claiming trannies are better than women, when it's obviously AGPs doing that.
They also believe in the mythical special non ago non HSTS trutrans biological male dysphoric transsexual who aknowlegdes she is a man and hates other trannies.
>shooting themselves in the foot sidling to the right?
A bit for sure, but they pretended for a while.
is having demeaning meta attractive sex with strangers same as cutting yourself
lmao, i'm loving this new terfchard expanded universe typology, almost enough characters for an rpg campaign
> r/ask_agp threads
are you telling me i'm probably documented in some private terf wiki somewhere, that's unsettling
French TERFs know about fucking Isaac uncooked so probably.
>meta attractive sex
are you having sex in vr? sex is sex, lmao
but to answer, yes, that is a form of self-harm
why is it demaining to have sex? I find it full of joy and wonders.
first of all you're not attracted to them and still getting plapped like a bitch second you probably ask them to slap you around it's not like femdom is real
Jk Rowling has been sneaking these kind of AGP characters into her books since like 2014. Good to know that French TERFs are using the same playbook.
But you expressed great frustration at the event. That’s called an intrusive thought, and it could very well just be OCD, which most of us show signs of.
Wait. OCD is a common thing here? I thought it was just me
Bruh OCD is literally ubiquitous with AGP (at least self aware agp) same with autism.
i got ocd from meditation :(
cured it with more meditation though :)
whats AGP. and please take me at face value that I literally have no idea. Except I believe you still are attracted to cis women
autogynephiles are straight men who get a boner when they wear panties or think about having tits, and then they build their whole lives around this fetish

see: Caitlyn Jenner, Kris Tyson
I know someone who is on the spectrum, has OCD, and has told me they wish they were a girl a few times. In fact, I also have both of those and am a trans woman... oh no
a woman trapped in a man's body
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this is still so true even today
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A motorcycle, easily.
Can too much ERP as a girl turn you trans?

what did you score? me: 23
>But you expressed great frustration at the event. That’s called an intrusive thought
Wtf so if I stub my toe and I express great frustration at the event that's an intrusive though?
No, stubbing your toe is not a thought
best example of MEF I've ever seen

and the difference b/w it and AGP
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hey guys, I just wanted to say I love all of you, thank you for existing. I really mean it when I say that this gen helps me. No one else understands us but us. We will all find our way eventually.
>We will all find our way eventually
I hope so. I really want to be a woman
thx and pls make the next thread as well
ok I will make
new thrad


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