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Bunny Edition

What is your degree of social anxiety? Do you go out dancing at the club? If you were a pretty female, would you go out dancing at the club?


>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
24 and I'm diagnosed.
I love you too!
I have extreme, clinical social anxiety. I struggle doing even groceries.
How do I deal with this shit? Nobody will ever love me. :(
ehehehe you sound like someone I know lel (endearingly)
Never been to a club in my life, don't know how to find one and I dislike being awake after 9pm.
> What is your degree of social anxiety?
> Do you go out dancing at the club?
nope, clubs are for old ppl, i like daytime activities
> If you were a pretty female, would you go out dancing at the club?
nope, i would go shopping
many agps find love...how? idk
How can you not have SA? I don’t understand this.

Seek out women who like femmy guys, and bi women. Try to join bi groups/events, that’s my plan.
I would really like to date a trans girl also, but I’m scared that being around one would make me too jealous.
> How can you not have SA? I don’t understand this.
wdym? if you mean like getting a little nervous before going up to do a presentation at work, that's normal and not anxiety
i found a scale just now: https://nationalsocialanxietycenter.com/liebowitz-sa-scale/
i score exactly zero on it, those items are just every day things
My face is so fucking disgusting....
Sorry for not being as active in this thread... The agp feelings and thoughts haven't been as constant, specially after I started lifting and losing weight. Ladies now check me out and make me feel more manly...
No and no. I stay in my room all day. I hate the club
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Played ck3 with my AGP friend and we made an AGP hon dinasty.
She looks a lot like me!
Would it be alright to dip my toes into testing the extent of my AGP by buying "programmer socks" and shimapan underwear off Amazon? I bought some cheap tights at a Winn-Dixie last year and they felt pretty good to wear, but they were too short for me and I was too nervous/embarrassed to find a bigger size later from any other store.
>What is your degree of social anxiety?
I get panic attacks from just thinking about going out in public. I get panic attacks over the fear of having panic attacks from going outside. When I'm getting ready to go out I'm typically freaking out, panicking and sweating to the point where I ruin my clothes and can no longer go out. So I think I might have at least a mild degree of social anxiety.
>Do you go out dancing at the club?
I haven't been to a club in 12 years.
>If you were a pretty female, would you go out dancing at the club?
I don't think passing would fix my anxiety. Clubs are terrifying.

Hi, new to this gen. I've been exploring what I am lately. I don't actually know if I'm AGP, I'm bisexual but kinda low libido and interest in either sex these days.
That is extremely cringe
I don't disagree with you there. But ordering shit off Amazon is more innocuous than a single man ordering normal women's clothes from literally any other store, and I'm sure as shit not about to go into a brick-and-mortar store to try dresses on or anything.
>What is your degree of social anxiety?
very high. I'm a shut in nicely that barely manages to have some kind of relationship with family. I try hard to be normal. However, with people in general, I suffer highly. I don't have a social life. Only Facebook friends.
> Do you go out dancing at the club?
Never. It's cringe. Clubs are only for beautiful people. The whole social dynamics of alpha males and thots is pathetic. Who would want to participate in that shit? Besides, I don't enjoy club music. I just can't dance to that.
> If you were a pretty female, would you go out dancing at the club?
Obviously. I would be rewarded with attention
should i low dose for 2 years again for aesthetic reasons
you should have full dosed this entire time anon
no anon
I want to dress up like a japanese school girl, should I wear cardigans and dress shirts made for guys, or ones made for women. Womens sizes meet all of my measurements, except bit too short on any sleeves, and way too high bust-size (cause no tits).
Shirts, I don't know. But I've bought women's cardigans off Uniqlo that fit well enough when I get larger sizes. Except I also intentionally went slightly over my own size because I like the loose/lazy silhouette available to some long cardigans for women.
how do you distinguish between feeling like a woman or an unwordly artistic man
Everyone who transitions has some AGP. Otherwise they would just be gay men.

What makes a difference is when you admitted to yourself you felt like the other gender. If it is early enough you'll be homosexual. If it's later, you'll bond to heterosexual boys in high school.

The younger you transition, the more likely you didn't go to high school and we're having interactions with the gay community before you were finished puberty
am i trans if my dysphoria lessens whenever i take my antipsychotics
Been trying on my gf's clothes to see what works, her cardigans are a big nope so ridiculously flowy it just makes me look like I have even less shape lol. I've got a work shirt of hers that unless it's unisex actually fits perfect. I still look like an absolute unit though.
Actually just checked it's a port authority ladies large, looks pretty good. Long sleeves and loose fitting shit is doing the opposite of putting in work.
Are there skirts you can tighten the shit out of with a belt?
I guess it depends on what you're into. I prefer flowy garments that make me look smaller/petite because that's what girlishness feels like to me. But I can see merit in wanting tighter clothing as well.
it's called a corset
a friend of mine is suddenly talking about transitioning out of nowhere and wishing he would have gotten on puberty blockers as a kid, later becoming a "cute femboy with a body like a woman" (his words)
part of me knows him as a guy who says crazy shit all the time, but part of me is afraid that he might be somewhat serious and is fishing to see if i would support him doing this. i'm thinking watching anime or maybe porn is doing this to him...

what would be the best way to shut something like this down before it gets out of hand? esp. without looking like a hypocrite as i'm on hormones myself as a secret manmoder....
just cut him off, no point in trying to surpress that
well i wouldn't want to abandon him, we've been best friends since childhood...
I have severe, crippling SA for my whole life. Idk, I feel like all AGPs are supposed to have it. I guess I must be wrong, considering people like Kris Tyson.

Are you socially isolated at all, or do you have lots of friends that you interact with?
Give him a wedgie and push him into a locker.
i'm sorry but it's the only humane way of dealing with freaks like us
i know it hurts, but it has to be done
i'm sorry to hear that, it must be tough :/
but no, i'm just a normie, not a shut-in or a social butterfly, i have a few good friends to hang out with or go out
that would be mean anon
i guess i'll have to be there to catch him when he falls...
i tried to convince him that it was completely crazy but he sees nothing wrong with it, and even started asking me if women like "chicks with dicks"...
Not that anon, but I wouldn't exactly say I have SA either. I have difficulty connecting with others, but I don't get crippling nerves when there are supposed to be work parties and things. I don't like hanging out with people but that's because I feel like I'm dishonest/insincere all the time and it feels "rude" to present a false mask to others.
But I don't know, I guess it's a difference in connotation?
>if women like "chicks with dicks"...
Okay, yeah, I can see the reason for not being unconditionally supportive. Maybe I'm just a fag, but I don't really appreciate people using AGP and still trying to have relationships with women ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why do you not want him to troon?
You are AGP too, why would you be legitimate and not him?
Unless you think he's too retarded to make his own choice in which case, why even be his friend?
>using AGP
Wtf does that even mean?
>still trying to have relationships with women
How is trying to use men in a meta attraction way better?
Am I the anomaly if the idea of transitioning is ALWAYS accompanied by some weird unexplainable erotic feeling that is not necessarily always sexual arousal but is definitely of a sensual nature?
Like what you feel when you touch a hot woman or something
Yes, at least before I got blackpilled about my passing abilities by this board at 19.
well i don't think it's bad if agps are with women, esp. if they know what they're getting into upfront
what's bad is when they suddenly troon out while having whole families. i think that's messed up

i'm not supportive because i don't think he understands how serious it is and it would end up hurting him, his life is kinda in shambles right now, that would just be adding fuel to the fire, he's already on anti-schizo meds now for example
also this was just after a weird convo with him talking about how the ominous """they""" are feminizing men or w/e, reminded me of pic rel but in real time, really weird
i just don't want him to make a mistake...
your trips demand I acknowledge that you're a fucking terrible person and should stop pushing hateful rhetoric on your friend, look into the facts and be supportive you asshole
what hateful rhetoric? i don't think he likely has gd, and i don't want to get his hopes up of becoming an anime hrt femboy, he's 27...
i can tell he's looking some of this stuff up too, he mentioned a potential hrt regimen to suppress his testosterone...
How do I make an appointment with an autogynephilicologist…?
When is he going to ask you to fuck him so he could feel like a woman
That's just a psychologist anon
i hope not, but i guess there's a non-zero chance now, i just remembered he has grindr on his phone :/
I don't know, I guess I project SA onto other people all the time, especially when interacting with internet people.

I'm not this >>36295407 anon but probably have exactly the same as them.
I give a 98% probability for him having jerked off to the thought of you fucking him with him being a girl
Like I am AGP and I jerked off so many times to the thought of my friends fucking me you wouldn't believe it
Hope that goes through your head the next time you two lovebirds talk again :)
No anon
This anon >>36298930 has a point their friend needs to understand that the “pink fog” is real and you can get so excited and interested and horny that you make decisions you regret when the feelings pass. They need to know that they shouldn’t get their hopes up and think they’re the same as a cis woman, being a manmoder is very weird uncharted territory and not to be taken lightly if you’re gonna have your head in the clouds you need to keep your feet on the ground

We admit you to the tranny council but do not grant you the rank of transwoman
yeah nah, I'm not saying the friend shouldn't be reminded to be grounded and realistic and look at the real effects of hormones and the limits of crossdressing and makeup and surgery, but you're just spouting the usual repper gatekeepy bullshit because you're concerned about muh optics

I know it's weird being a manmoder fucking trust me I'm 4 years in and it's surreal, but there's nothing that says this person has to do that and can't socially transition or figure out what works for them, and if they're expressing concerns over what looks like gender dysphoria they should be directed to resources rooted in real evidence on how to recognize and deal with that
ah i see, i guess it's not a bad guess though, people with SA still want to socialize right?
i imagine it's easier on the internet than irl
he's asked me quite a few times for a threesome before (mmf), he probably did ._.
i'm unraveling all of our past convos now...
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Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Kayla's post
>How is trying to use men in a meta attraction way better?
but intimacy with men feels better
Fact is, everybody has some AGP. If not, they wouldn't transition.
>What is your degree of social anxiety?

I don't know, sometimes it's very high and sometimes I'm comfortable interacting for some reason.

>Do you go out dancing at the club? If you were a pretty female, would you go out dancing at the club?

No. No.
I think some HSTS's have MEF, which can be confused with agp
chatgpt post
Whats mef?
So a woman on television with a lovely southern accent and a bubbly happy personality and it triggered me a lot.
>put it away for several months like it doesn't exist
>comes roaring back
>spend two weeks entertaining the idea
>put it away for several months again
such is life.
rebranding of sissies
I think I'm having a really hard time, because I was a legitimate twink who didn't enjoy any of my twinkhood because I was trying to be a good student, then bouts of severe depression. It's so over.
what a difference three months made
first comment is just ywnbaw which trannies know second is just muh utility
damm you can put it away for several months?
I highly doubt that sexuality is determined by who you socialize with. Though admittedly I’d probably have ended up gay if I met other gay kids
fucking disgusting
hey it's radiohon
>social anxiety
only slight
recently I accidentally went dancing with lesbians
>pretty female
I am
Big soph post
It’s fascinating how even transitioning AGPs can find being feminine egodystonic.
I never had either and honestly don't want either, I just want to cuddle.
Regardless that's not my point.
> How is trying to use men in a meta attraction way better?
It feel more honest
Story of my life...
This doesn't make any sense at all.
Also feels has no value, substantiate your claim.
>Regardless that's not my point.
you threw this "meta attraction" bullshit out there and I'm calling you out on it because its annoying when straight transwomen get accused of having a meta-attraction to men. I seriously find it insulting
Nigger you said you really don't appreciate AGPs who want to have sex with women and see it as legitimate to gatekeep them, what are you on about?
Also you aren't straight.
Trans women who have sex with men is not straight sex, it's either homosexual or meta attractive.
Meta attraction is real and it's 90% of the sex with men MTFs have.
Good thing you find it insulting, you sound retarded.
I think I’m too tired to write one of my walls of text. But trying to become a women feels so weird if you date a women. Like, anyone remember greekoid? He was attracted to women, and even though he was a youngshit it was obvious him transitioning was a mistake. He was very clearly a man. Even though he apparently looks like a woman I will never refer to him as “her” because of his actions. It’s because he felt inherently masculine love to another woman. I wonder how many trans lesbians would detrans if they ever truly fell in love with a woman.
>trying to become a women feels so weird if you date a women
Trying to become a woman is weird in general, we are literally men and not fembrained either.
>Like, anyone remember greekoid
I mean yeah greekoid was disgusting, but was trooning really a mistake for him?
He looks like a woman, he'll always be there seen as more of a woman and more valid than any lateshit full androphile.
Also many gynephilic AGPs aren't like him.
>It’s because he felt inherently masculine love to another woman
Yeah it's not at all because he was a disgusting stalker and completely fucking insane and rapey, it's because he felt attraction to women, which is something 90% of trans women have.
where did i say that? dumb faggot
>>36303541 this post is not me dipshit >>>>>>
>>36303541 my posts

So your argument is that intimacy with men is better so it makes androphiles more legitimate?
Are you actually AGP?
You don't seem to make it to the IQ cutoff, you appear barely sentient as is.
I dont know if im AGP or hsts or whatever desu these terms are new and weren't used when I first started transitioning
Are you over 80???
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dont get snooty with me twerp
The concept of AGP/HSTS has been here since the 80s.
> Yeah it's not at all because he was a disgusting stalker and completely fucking insane and rapey, it's because he felt attraction to women
Well, alot of men are creepy stalkers. The entire incel community exists. Viewing a woman as a goddess who is inherently above you and who you will do anything to acquire is one of the most masculine things in existence. Yeah it manifested in a creepy way which made him a cunt, but even if it was more benign it would hurt his legitimacy as a woman. All I’m saying is, if an AGP can feel this way about a woman, I question whether he’d be more happy just being a traditional husband. Greekoid certainly would be happier as a masculine husband, I think, idk.
> *black-and-white thinking*
it's okay for agps to find men physically attractive too, blanchard is rotting your brain
I had come across them long ago but it wasn't so prevalent in discussion amongst the groups that I was involved with even therapists I saw over the years never talked about them. You guys on this forum use it extensively and its exhausting to hear. You think it somehow makes or breaks it if you are really a tranny or not. Thats my interpretation of what goes on around here.
It's rare. Bisexual males are uncommon.
You sound like a boomer.
no. but I grew up with them
Twitter has suspended my account indefinitely for using the word cis.
ngl you do sound old, correct observation otherwise
bi males are more common than gay males, virtually all agps are bi i bet
kek don't be cis phobic, it's a slur
older than you likely.
I wanted to make friend with the cool fascist french trannies and maybe expended my Parisian tranny circles...
I'm so sad.
What a piece of shit website.
I hope Elon fucking dies.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger.
>bi males are more common than gay males
That's not true.
Most bi males are just bottoms who have agp or straight pederasts who like hairless feminine bodies.
Nearly all AGPs are meta attracted, not bi.
for sure, you're probably gen x
I wonder how common it is for AGP to also be pederasts or auto-pederasts.
close but no
should i post my cd pics to twitter
I don't think it's that common for us to be pederasts.
Pederasts are basically super straight like us but in the opposite way.
However I think it's common for AGPs to have autotwinkophilia.
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do it
How is it super-straight but in the opposite way?
really? maybe an older millennial at most then, nothing younger
i'm at the tail end of millennial
i wanna attention whore but at the same time not compromise my privacy lol
yes im an older mill my generation has kids in high school its bizarre and creepy
don't give up privacy anon
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>using AGP
*slides into your AGP slot*
Pederasts : so straight they want to fuck young boys and twinks because they look like women to them
AGPs: so straight they want to be women
I think I have some degree of pederasty. It’s interesting when the pederasty will merge with the meta-attraction and I’ll want to be topped by men who are masculine and muscular but who still have a boyish quality to them.
I do too but I feel like the origin in AGPs is different.
Less of hypersexuality and more of having your heterosexuality become expanded by paraphilia.
I’m not even hypersexual. I’m of the super low libido type.
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>bunny edition
>no cute bunnies
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>Bunny Edition
next time make it Cunny Edition





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little bitch sluts love my dick they love the taste
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tiny femoid whores love my cock they drink the cum
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eating her out the day of her first period
ever get an agoraphobia diagnosis?

She’s an AGP bunny
I'm such a fucking joke.
Every single one of my measurements are bad.
My face is super masculine.
My skull is big.
I can barely put on size large hats.
My skin is ravaged by acne scarring.
My shoulders are wide.
My hips are narrow.
My feet and hands are big.
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This is me
They aren't very good because I've never seen anyone really like that desu
Unironically funny for AIslop
I naturally don’t get morning wood.
wait this is ai generated???
what if we made a campaign to convince people with agp not to transition?
i was thinking the facts of the matter could get them to reconsider:
- hrt kills your libido, making agp no longer fun
- hrt makes your penis stop working
- low test is unsafe for agps
- you will alienate your wife and kids
- etc
> low test is unsafe for agps
cause it causes health problems
most of those can be fixed with estrogen replacement
> hrt kills your libido, making agp no longer fun
I have practically no libido. I have nerv masturbates in my life
> hrt makes your penis stop working
Kinda part of the whole point
> low test is unsafe for agps
I think my lack of libido points to me already having low testosterone.
> you will alienate your wife and kids
I’m not married.
we shouldn't let them believe that
but you're not agp then?
i actually think most agps transition because they see other agps (or just "people like them" if they don't know of or believe in agp) transitioning
i don't think there's a way to stop this chain reaction anymore
But I still find the idea of being a woman hot, even if I can’t get enough energy to masturbate to it. I love gender bender fiction
thats how da'keesha dances btw.
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Yes, it will get woke soon though.
what if you fucking killed yourself?
Why shouldn't AGPs transition?
Also all of these are perks or do not matter.
You don't understand what AGP is.
This is the funniest thing I've seen today
yeah, social contagion and fomo
oh i see, my bad
wow, this is amazing
are you agp?
> Why shouldn't AGPs transition?
i want to change the perception of agp and i think that starts with promoting proper life paths for agps
some agps should transition but most shouldn't, we have alternative life paths for them that would be better:
- tasteful crossdresser
- artist/musician/author
next step will be dismantling the porn industry so that agps don't become coomers, it's basically a drug epidemic now
> Also all of these are perks or do not matter.
are you sure about that? most agps i see online complain about breast growth, dick shrinkage, fertility, dating, etc
> You don't understand what AGP is.
im agp
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Holy shit HRT is useless.
blanchardism (which you evidently don't understand) and its derivatives are meaningless transphobic bullshit and you should feel bad for advocating for and parroting the same rhetoric being used in actual policy and law to restrict your rights and those of others
You actually have a decently attractive face. Not feminine, but it’s probably look hot with ffs

Also nice shirt.
the only way i could be a tasteful crossdresser (if i crossdressed) is to remain a manmoder on estrogen (very butch woman in my head)
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i just think agps these days are jumping too quickly (and too late) into transition when there are more viable ways to deal with ones emotions
Love your curls
>when there are more viable ways to deal with ones emotions
like what? what alternatives do you propose, and what evidence for them exists when compared to the proven safe and effective treatments for gender dysphoria (which is all "having" or "being" "AGP" is)
I saw "we saw the tv glow" with my friend....
Damn, it hits so fucking hard. Insane.
I'm usually super cynical when it comes to tranny stuff but actually it's insane.
I really hope ffs can help....
Also ofc I need to get laser and hopefully tretinoin will stop flaking my skin around my mouth eventually.
I think we often jump too late into transition.
Getting a haircut tomorrow from my grandmother.
I will have my AGP friend make sure she doesn't go overboard.
wouldn't it be easier to manmode on testosterone?
cognitive-behavorial thrapy and tasteful crossdressing or creative works
>wouldn't it be easier to manmode on testosterone?
absolutely not, i can't comprehend why you would even ask this, are you repressing or something?
>stop repping at 22 with support from gf at the time after she found my stash of girl clothes
>get ffs at 24
>pass and get to live my agp fantasies with loving cis gf that views me as a woman
feels fucking good, i deserve this, i put in so much effort and have been through so much
you're wrong and willfully spreading misinformation to harm trans people
>hrt kills your libido, making agp no longer fun
For like 2 weeks sure and then it came back.
hmm, why not? i feel like it would make sense:
-> manmoding
-> T makes you look like a man
-> really successful manmoding
most manmoders i see in the manmoder gen look like women desu
cbt has been used before in the treatment of paraphilic disorders
i'm presenting as a man so i can keep taking estrogen, not the other way around
gender dysphoria is not a paraphilic disorder
I hope it's really obvious to anyone else ITT that you are literally taking the anti-trans stance of advocating for conversion therapy and denying others' lived experience to suit a predefined conclusion
i go dancing at the club and sometimes when i get drunk enough i get laid and when i'm very very lucky it's with a hot cis woman

i am a pretty tranny

too scared to approach the qt ladies when sober tho
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hmm, i often see agps complain about that, YMMV then?
oh i see, well that's fine then
i don't want to convert agps, just give them an excuse not to transition
i'm pro trans ppl too
how do you make AI-generated image macros?
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agpbros/agpsisters... I wish I was a tradwife
I'm so confused
read a book or two
I'm so jealous.
I need to become a woman, or kill myself.
have you considered becoming a crossdresser instead?
I don't like women's clothes, I want to be a woman. I want to see a girl in the mirror.
I want to be that strong, cool woman I wanted to be and imagined I was at 16.
Or will die trying.
ok bros, here's the question. The proverbial genie comes out of the bottle and he gives you a choice: he will grant you a flawless transition, you can have lovely tits and a pretty face, beautiful voice, nice height, even a perfect pussy if you so desire, but you are forbidden from ever pursuing women in any way and you must have romantic/sexual relationships with men for the rest of your life. No loopholes: you will never be allowed to look at porn featuring women, only gay porn. The genie will not change your sexual preferences. You will have the same attractions that you have now.

Alternatively, you can be a man moder suffering from AGP for the rest of your life.

Choose wisely.
ok, what if you became the kind of man who could date her instead
yo that sounds like shit bro, how would that be any consolation to this dude
>you get what you want BUT you also get what you want
>do u accept?
can I be alone like I'm now because no sexual or romantic desires involving others? or am I forced to be with men?
if agp is attraction directed inwards, what if we directed that outwards?
I don't want to do that. I want to be her. I am AGP and dysphoric. Is that something you don't understand?
I'm not a dude...
I don't even want to. It's not about sex. It's about a lot more than sex.
It's almost spiritual in a way.
they say agp causes dysphoria in agps, so if you reversed agp will you reverse the dysphoria?
> I don't want to do that.
why not? if it was easy to do so, why wouldn't you do it?
>why wouldn't you do it?
Because it would be identity death. It's just not me. I'm not meant to want that.
you have that option, you don't have to be with men.
look at this dude
then there's no downsides for me
The intellectual level of this gen really has dropped since the summer vacation.
it wouldn't be death, just a new beginning
What I have been since I was born would die.
I would never take that.
I'd rather defiantly kill myself.
why does agp drive people to want to harm themselves :(
you can still become a handsome man for a nice woman
>What if she was right? What if I was someone else? Someone beautiful and powerful? Buried alive and suffocating to death on the other side of a television screen?
It hits so hard...
Repression has killed me inside.
I feel soulless.
I was meant to be that strong and cool woman that I dreamed of and the dreams were squashed by reality.
i’m pretending to be a nice handsome man for my gf, once she’s in too deep i’ll trans on her, but until then it’s just stealing her panties and bras to jack of in
You look like Finn Woldhard
why, she'll be hurt and confused :(
i’ll show come out to her by sending her a video of me bottoming in full drag
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is there anything that would convince you not to and remain normal?
Female is not just a male with long hair
no, i hate cis women
he's mentally ill please understand
why? is that why people become agp?
what's wrong with you? why are you here?
no but you wouldn’t really wouldn't be able to comprehend how dysphoria and same gender attraction intersect with one another while operating under a cis heteronormative society coalesce into what is called AGP. based on your disingenuous questions asking people why they can’t “just man up”
what do you mean, i'm ok
i'm here because this is the agp thread and i want to talk to agps
i just want to understand and maybe convince
Probably. I’m already meta-attracted and don’t really care for woman at all.

I get what you’re trying to do here. If AGP can lead to meta-attraction, why not meta-AAP. And then meta-aap will lead to normal attraction to women. However, I’m doubtful if this can work in most cases
fuck off and stop trying to hurt these people
AGP is a a symptom not a cause and certainly not a cause of itself. some cis dude notices that canadians trannies wanted hrt and they generally fell into to categories. twinks and older men. he does some pseudo stats publishes a bit and gets to claim discovery of AGP. what is AGP if not simply “not HSTS” and when HSTS is so rigidly defined by falling into cis man’s idea of what a trans woman ought to be, it frames AGP as some form of false transness. but that’s not actually the case. the twinks and the old men both wanted to get hrt and srs, their internal suffering was the same. the twinks have a more cis normative end goal so they are seen as more palatable. often times it matters not the individuals sexual attractions but merely their appearance, as AGP and HSTS have become proxies for bad tranny and good tranny
like i was thinking if that anon focused on their attraction to women maybe agp would go away and they would want to be a man?
i don't want to hurt anyone :(
so far it seems some agps only want to hurt themselves like that anon who wanted to die when i suggested maybe being a handsome man
is it really agp or death? what about the strong cool woman who won't find her husband now??
hmm, okay, i think i understand, but what has that to do with your gf then and hating cis women?
i was making shit up to piss you off, you seem like a classic “shy nerdy guy respecter”
Almost all gay men who think about being women have some AGP. Without it they would never transition
oh, i see, i'm not a cis woman, i'm an agp too
>YMMV then?
Very much so and it depends on what meds you're on, spiro doesn't tend to nuke your libido.
> like i was thinking if that anon focused on their attraction to women maybe agp would go away and they would want to be a man?
Maybe. There was one stalker-creep on this website who we call Greekoid after his home country. He transitioned as a child and passed, but as an adult he fell head over heals in love with another anon here and I think he said he would detrans just to he with her. This did make me question if very gynephilic AGPs should transition.

However, it’s also clear that alot of AGPs ARE more naturally feminine. Maybe not as much as HSTS are supposed to be. But many of them have a history of wanting to do feminine behavior as children. Many AGPs also get non-sexual emotional satisfaction from acting feminine. I’d say that AGP is probably more likely the symptom of a lack of masculinity in childhood. And that AGP is just a way to cope with being attracted to women when you feel like you can never be a strong man.
are you the genie?
It's a little weird the "you can't look at porn featuring women", and what if I want to have a MFF threesome?
In any case I'm so bored and confused that I may accept
you can't have an MFF threesome, no. yes I am the genie.
Yes, I go out dancing at the club. In the beginning I was nervous as hell but over time I got used to it.
are you a pretty girl!!!
Ok turn me then, but do it tonight, I dare you. It's not that I'm sure it's a good idea but it feels like it would be interesting than just living in a world with no imageboard genies
yeah man I really can. I just lose myself in pursuits, and I try to androgyne max as much as possible in my cursed flesh suit.
yes, i remember the greekoid, they were quite creepy, i couldn't imagine what was going on through their head when that happened. scary stuff. detransing probably wouldn't have helped the core issue there.

and hmm, idk, i feel agp is probably more a symptom of repression of femininity than anything to do with attracting women.
in my case, part of my attraction to women was actually thinking i could really be myself around them, whereas around other boys i had to be masculine
the idea of detransing for a woman or being stuck in a relationship with one as a man sounds terrifying.
No I'm a crossdresser barely resembling a girl, but nobody seems to mind.
Dude that’s epic

Based. Enjoy riding dick for the rest of your life.
God dammit why is my nose so TALL? Can I make my nose less tall with surgery?
> Based. Enjoy riding dick for the rest of your life.
God I want this so much.
>What is your degree of social anxiety?
Pretty high
>Do you go out dancing at the club?
>If you were a pretty female, would you go out dancing at the club?
I am and I do
Yeah it’s pretty hot to think about. You know what else is hot? Sucking your bf off regularly and swallowing his cum repeatedly over a long period of time, and knowing that you’ve swallowed countless loads of cum makes your connection to him stronger
Yeah, still a man, your genie powers suck. Get good noob
Is HRT the only way to get this back side?
>tfw starting to have episodes of genital dysphoria
Just watched "Glen or Glenda", and holy shit, things never change.
that is why transitioning for AGPs isn't some kind of passing trend, it's a social chain reaction that won't end as long as transition and/or being on E are possible
> It was widely considered one of the worst films ever made upon release.
lol, the plot synopsis sounds about right
shy nerdy guy extinction event
its mostly anglefrauding
Actually, the movie is pretty good. It's basically a documentary on agp.
I also just watched a movie called "Adam is eve" which is literally a french AGP movie about a boxer who has fantasies of being a woman and gets forcedfemmed by a female psychiatrist and a surgeon.
She becomes a woman and becomes a nude dancer, and eventually gets straight T4T marriage with a pooner.
It's so insane.
Christine Jorgensen's case really created an AGP explosion in the early 50s.
agp would be so broken if we could just exercise our way into cuteness
i'm too old to be an uwu catgirl...
so are most cis women
they can still be cat women at least...
sigh i wish i was girl
why the boner?
is it bad that i gawk at late mtf transitioners and their stories? they're usually hilarious, esp. if told from the point of view of their (usually pregnant) wife
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Grandmother cut my hair.
How over is it?
I would like to look like picrel
kek what a sad man
it's not a bad cut, wish you'd take a bit better care of your hair though
last pic looked like you were ready to start a band
>grandma cut my hair
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Yeah ...
Btw we found a kitten and named it Anne Lawrence.
It's eating a dead baby bird.
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Also I do take care of them, I wonder what more I could do...
good kitty
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Anne Lawrence is now soundly sleeping in the garage.
I wish I was this cat
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She ate two dead baby birds and two cups of diluted milk.
Cute cat on an ugly hon.
She was clawing at my breasts through my t shirt it was kind of painful lol.
I knew you'd would start posting face again. Once an attention whore, always an attention whore.
boner? i wasn't even hard :(
oh i'm sorry anon
post less sadness and more yuri
How did the baby birds die?
There was a big storm so the wind just pushes them off the nest.
frick i think BBL is my newest trigger word :c
i neeeed to be a plastic fuck doll..
giwtwm whyyy cant my brain be blank
disgusting. am i really the only one with cute butch lesbian AGP?
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So many chasers desperate for a tranny's love and I can't fullfill their desires because I'm a 6'1 man.
i can't think of how to cross the line between manmoder and butch lesbian MTF though
i'm already growing a mullet
maybe voice?
Not full blown butch but like futch tomboy would be awesome.
I hate being a hon subhuman.
i wish i were a woman so i could mentally think about having an aesthetic
> futch tomboy
show an example of what you mean
How do I make peace with my ASE? Knowing I'll never be able to experience love in an authentic way and never be able to open up about it to anyone outside this board because people will think I'm a freak?
thats like complaining about women in a comitted relationship getting fat
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For me it's tradwife.
>pic unrel
You lot deserve this
deserve what
>tfw i don't know a single person who is voting for trump outside of literal far rightoids
>still seems that a bunch of rightoid retards are gonna vote the guy in
i picked an awkward year to attempt transition didn't i
do i still start hrt
Start it, it's unlikely he'll do much anyway.
a total hrt ban is on the table, i'm worried about that
Yeah no that's completely absurd and impossible.
Also you could buy 4 EEN vials and a box of 100 needles for 180 dollars and be good for 4 years of trump presidency.
>Also you could buy 4 EEN vials and a box of 100 needles for 180 dollars and be good for 4 years of trump presidency.
do those vials even last 4 years
i'm really fucking stupid i tried ordering come EC vials and couldn't so i might just talk to an informed consent clinic
>do those vials even last 4 years
They last up to 8 years.
>i'm really fucking stupid i tried ordering come EC vials and couldn't so i might just talk to an informed consent clinic
I mean it's really not that difficult.
>They last up to 8 years.
if stored properly. i know i'm gonna do something dumb like core the vial or something if i use it for too long
>I mean it's really not that difficult.
i am really, really stupid. i almost bought a $500 vial of estrogen from inhouse because i'm that stupid and paranoid about diy vials being contaminated and shit because i'm a loser retard
>futch tomboy would be awesome.
This is my ideal
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new agpfuel just dropped
to be loved
story of my life

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