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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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previous >>36262213


Tell us about your first kiss, gigi :*
Never kissed anyone
Don't want to burden anyone with kissing me either
Haribo is dumber than Sam Altman
My first kiss was with a kindergarten girl at the age of 4, technically
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Thoughts on aspiring rapper Ian?
but my first kiss was at 16 and it was a girl so
did it feel good or bad?
my first kiss was objectively cute as hell
obviously it felt good who has a shitty first kiss i cannot relate to that at all
I never had one. And I'm no longer a romantic creature anymore. :/
I only want boring stability.
a girl got drunk and kissed me once it was like how girls kiss to show off for straight boys but it was honestly weird and rapey imo
my first kiss went a little like this
lol i still remember my gf wanting to show me her vajay in 8th grade, and me trying to talk her out of it.
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My whatnow?
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why don't you flip me upsidedown and fuck me sideways
When was the first time someone climaxed inside your mouth?
i got my first kiss at 10 from a girl who was like showing me bracelets or something and i was confused and didnt get it and wanted to go home and play modern warfare 2
What's the purpose of nofart, you should fart around 20 times a day
my first gf was kinda a whore i could just see her vag through her short shorts at the lunch table it was wild
seee thats cute af
i would mouth fuck delty with my tongue until he admits he's my little slut and only then let him hit it
When I was 13 maybe?
where my aussies@ can i get a hell yea
holy based
im holding them in for my bf to enjoy you know its like doing nocoom so you can train yourself to make big loads
Your farts don't accumulate, after a certain point they just get absorbed by the body and eliminated through other means
My precious /gaygen/ I have a very important question. As an extremely obese black faggot I have zero dating prospects and I don't see the purpose in my life anymore. My penis is microscopic and my ass is concave so I'm not even desired as a sexual object. I was able to distract myself with video games and media but I feel like I get sadder and sadder as the days go on. Is suicide the way out?
How big is your dick?
You could try losing weight...
better out than in i suppose
that's what they say about coom too
>/cis gaygen/
Since when did we start excluding transmasc gay dudes? I thought this general was for all gay people?
were those photos from the concert massacre in russia real?
russia reads as bumfuck but siberia is in russia so we stan a little
it is. the cis clause is unenforceable.
my first kiss was after my first date with my 10th grade gf we walked around neighborhoods and when we got back it was like this awkward moment at the end of her street on a cold night under the street lights and she was like i wanna tell you something and told me to get closer and then she kissed me and afterward ran straight to her house and i just stood there dumbstruck and then walked home :)
russia is nothing but small potatos
Straggot exposed. I fucking knew it, you filthy animal.
i was never gonna work between us im sorry
awww. did you have to eventually come out to her?
no i was in the closet and would agree to hookup with guys on craigslist and then not go cause of christian guilt and shame
smack my ass ss ss

Papi pi pi


Gawk gawk gawk….
I have decided that, by the end of the year, I need to have made some progress towards controlling my own mind
nigga what? lmaaaao meds NOW
was gaygen overrun by pooners or something? why the name change?
whose controlling it rn?
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control is an illusion. progress can only be temporary. improve your situation and all things will improve, and in time your situation will worsen.
>hookup with guys on craigslist
damn, that takes me back. good times
IKR Lmaoooo this nigga really said I'm finna control my mind, NIGGA WHO ELSE IS CONTROLLING YOUR HEADASS
Argentinian niggas crazy as hell
fag central
i could end the existence of several countries air forces right now if you put me in a typhoon
me with bucko
would cosign
It was my brother
just do your homework early dumbass
kek got em
Srry I had to
I thought I had anxiety but then it went away when I took allergy pills but then I read that people also use allergy pills for anxiety so maybe santino should get addicted to allergy medicine
drugs really are the answer to every problem
guess them ass shots was all!
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woop woop
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You might as well be a woman at this point
im a guy tho so idk what to tell ya
can I connect the dots with a non toxic marker?
Built for breeding
Well you're just a chasers next option after real Trans girls. That's your entire sexual market value
so true only women are skinny, being fat or roided out is a classic male secondary sex characteristic
tops are in endless supply chasers are just tops for trans
It's masculine. Regardless of if gender is socially constructed or not. It's what we have decided is masculine
Your tops are just "straight" guys in denial
ur tryin real hard
why is there a tranny named shallo posting in a cis thread
Harder than any top has been with you. He's trying to imagine you're a woman while he fucks you
attention seeking personality disorder
not femphobia in my gaygen
being fat is fem and womanly lmao it literally makes you estrogenic in comparison to normal men
we love our thin fems
Don't care breeding hips
Ignore them youre a cis gay with a cute body sweet shallo
thank you dan we love dan
Ladies and gentlemen, let me talk to you about Dan. I've known Dan for a long time, a tremendous person, really tremendous. He's smart, he's successful, he's everything you want in a guy, believe me.

I've seen Dan in action, folks. He gets things done. When Dan sets his mind to something, he achieves it. That's the kind of spirit we need in this country, that's the American spirit. Dan embodies that spirit, let me tell you.

And let's not forget Dan's generosity. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, always there for his community. That's what makes Dan special, folks. He cares deeply about people, about this country.

You know, I was talking to Dan just the other day, and he was telling me about his plans to innovate, to create jobs, to make America even greater. And I said to him, 'Dan, you're doing a fantastic job, keep it up.'

So, let's all give a big round of applause to Dan. He's a winner, folks. And we love winners, don't we? Thank you, Dan. Thank you for all you do. America appreciates you.
This entire gen is full of prison gays who just want an imitation of a woman
:3 boys boys

you make my heart light
idk where u get that idea. pretty much anyone who posts themselves gets attention regardless of body type
theres nothing womanly about me. im taller than 99% of you and id choke you out easily. if i was your dads son he'd be so much prouder of my superior athletic ability to yours.
All of it isn't nearly as positive as it is towards twinks. It's a twinks world right now
it is 4chan after all
>6'2 hsts repchads trying to lift away the dysphoria couldn't possibly be real
aren't those usually ay gee pees
shallo won
are you going to continue eating an alarming amount of beans while on nofart?
as it should be
team effort captain!
i havent eaten beans for ages
trannies always win
No, he'd likely be worried about your undeveloped jaw and mouthbreather physiognomy, and also wonder why you haven't gotten a job and moved out yet.
keep wonderin
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skunk lost
are there any good trips in this gen?
He's cute I'd pee on him
shallo is cute :)
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never change gaygen
beans are good for you, you should eat some
Why is every other poster itt a raging narcissist?
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>gay general
Xallo has a womanly jaw and eyes
stunting on these hons
can you do a cowboy one?
>id choke you out easily

girl you've been working out all your life and still look like a spaghetti noodle
i dont know why they couldnt have let them have /gint/ it would have been a lot better
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Would you date cyprus anon?
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i dont know anything about them sadly i dont really look at /int/
what do you use to make these?
cool beans
this is his best look imo
he needs to dress like this everyday
amazonian warrior shallo
Still having strong anxiety despite being under the effects of 20+mg of CBD. Gonna try benadryl next. One day I'll have the money to get prescription benzos.
fucking LMAO
Anyone else do hats and belts like this irl?
AI has made me realize how boring human fashion really is. We need to up our game.
I agree, more women should wear leather huntress ‘armor’ day to day and every man, otter, & twink in woody cosplay
this is it
enema before death so i dont shit myself
anyone here seen invasion on Apple TV+
https://x.com/DarthBeFit/status/1803776862281154692 this seems perfect for freshie anon
is that link pedo porn?
surprise nosebleed ruined my shirt
that shirt was ruined when you bought it
let's not get bitchy, just fierce
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>searching for the last monogamous gay man
I got told I have a snatchable waist
I can picture you on a stoop in northeastern New Jersey eating pillbugs you find on the ground.
he smashes them with his pissbottles first
Resourceful... Not like some hunter-gatherers SHALLO I know.
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It's an 18 year olds OnlyFans who says "teen" in every post. He would have to submit his ID for the OnlyFans
>was gaygen overrun by pooners or something? why the name change?
nah it's just bottoms fearing tops with no dicks
Friend's wedding was a great success. Really happy he found a good girl, I can tell she's gonna be an awesome mom. Got to hang out with all the fellas and even some old friends who flew in from out of town. Life's good :)
I notice when gays imitate women, its usually the worst ones. Recently I noticed parallel trends in female whores who spend their 20s fucking every man they can and once they are worn, withered, used up and burnt out, THEN decide its time to find some chump to 'settle down' (pay their bills and socially validate them).

The entire life plan for gays seems to hinge on that, not as a contingency but as part of the actual plan.

Thats never what surprises me. What surprises me is the hard wired incompetence it takes to believe others will want to accommodate them.
Skunk so fucking won.
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O M G, Shallo please stop I can't take this
31 year old and 23 year old? Yes or no?
I can see it in how angry you get over a post about whores. He called it 'his impact' iirc.
This dude don’t own no clothes.
Very apprehendable
Sounds like fun. I get stressed out about attending weddings because I’m retarded, but they can be a lot of fun.
born to sneed forced to chuck
Go to sleep holy fuck
Britons eat too many beans-on-toast to ever succeed at nofart
They look normal. Looks ok to me besides being social media whores.
i woke up 6 hours ago
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how do u achieve this mode ( i already have a small frame)
Would 15 and 23 be okay? Same age difference...
Lots of beer.
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glad it all ended up good and fun
the coast is clear my clothes are back in place
its a very hot week clothes cant be guaranteed anymore
Yeah it was a little stressful getting ready haha, I haven't had to wear anything formal in a while and I'm always fussy about dress clothes because I'm paranoid that they're ill fitting on my lanky proportions and people will think I look weird, but it was great once I got there. Really heartwarming speeches by the best man (who's also my good friend) and the bride's sister. Some really good drinks and a great live violinist too.
prolly easier for you idk i have broad shoulders and a decent sized rib cage but i also have a slim waist and relatively wide hips so it counteracts the frame a little. just workout and dont overeat or if you do overeat skip some meals
How did skunk break him?
no but dont drink beer as a calories just do it when its fun
What are you a vampire? 6 hours ago was midnight for you
I was in LA in the dead of summer one time and it was brutal. Too much heat isn’t good for my kind.
That’s cool. I have mostly dodged the formal attire aspect of weddings because most of my family are rural-type people lol.
what do u think of 4loko
I don't think its a "plan". I think they just use the 'marriage someday' as moral pretense to make slutting sound like dating as long as possible. Once gay dead they just bear mode and larp, and then finally just become fetishists, creepers or both.
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evil and chaos.....
it was before my time and i never had them since they came back
i went pub and when i tried to sleep i slept only 2 hours and woke up feeling super refreshed and was like ah what a fine morning praise the lord and then at 9am i flagged and was like "ahah ill have a siesta quick nap earnt it me im a sleepy lad" and then i woke up about 20 hours later
4loko taste like liquified jolly ranchers. just like fireball tastes like liquified big red gum
Lucky lol, it was an outdoor wedding and we were all cooking alive haha, at least we were all in it together.
You have perfect proportions btw. Wide shoulders and tiny waist is the best combo. You would be great at boxing or tennis too, aesthetics aside.
sometimes you just get like a 4hour in and wake up refreshed af
I want to sex you, pig. I will molest you big boymeat and then flood your pussy with my cummies.
i like big red gum way more than fireball

taking a 20 hour nap is me af
well it i needed to make a cup of water to drink because i was thirsty as well that didnt help but then it turnt out i was a sleepy lad
did you watch that the iron claw movie? it made me wanna get back into boxing not that its a boxing movie but just ring based sport
the only thing that could make me consider voting in the upcoming election is if one of the parties promises to bring back original formula four loko
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shallo food
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My question is where are all these gay deads. Gays have been visible for decades so there should be millions by now. So where did they all go?
this costs $80 in commiefornia
fuck that you alcoholic bring back SOBE lizard drinks
i would say this is my platform but my platform is already that we should cut ozempic w/fentanyl to solve obesity permanently
im going to pay my boyfriend an hourly wage trust me very good rates good benefits yes promise it good deal
imagine finding the perfect guy except he’s into pup play and is very public about it
Haha oh no don't eat garbage ur such a cute twink
Peanut butter soup
i eat the best meals and i always have im the only one who knows how to maintain this vessel please ty
No but I will have to give it a shot, it looked good. I also long for my sparring days again. I used to do muay thai and once you get the hang of the movements it's so much fun. Joe Rogan is right, when you start thinking about the offense and defense it does kind of feel like real time chess.
furries never leave the house i dont mind if my bf tells all his depraved discord friends
i only took like a boxing class a handful of times so im not experienced but i enjoyed what i did
im having spicy fried rice w/peanuts
someone explain to me the purpose of these gay fishnet shirts what the fuck is going on
Anything like this ever happen to you while sparring?
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no idea maybe its cause they like nipples
Nipple inspection
he fucks them
Wow you really put peanut butter in the soup. I was joking lol.
If you want to get back into it I highly recommend going to an mma gym. There's lots of little things you'll learn about positioning and posture that you won't get from most classes that are really important. Also they'll teach you sneakier stuff that you only learn from real fighting like how to pull people's gloves, how to post with your jab to obscure vision, etc.

forgot the link.
hot sweaty heart pounding cum scented e-sex.....
i wasnt joking when i displayed the ingrediants of my meal
i did bjj for a little bit but the risk of boners while my coach was demonstrating on me was too high
he will go to a con
is he topping or bottoming
this is hard
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Heh, yeah I know that feel. Also, this is what I mean by "pulling gloves". It works really well. I think it's technically illegal in boxing but not mma or muay thai.
just requires 3 people
you could go with him but then you will see the friends and they might be gross. and he will want you to join an orgy with him.
They keep saying skunk won but no one will tell me what ever happened to that delinquent
i kind of offended that my rafale pilot bf comes back from his 3 month deployment and rather then spending time with me the first thing he wants to do is a gay furry orgy you know what im thinking thinking im quite upset right now
i did some research & it looks like what happened is that he won
they were there for him on discord when you weren't
I’ll never doubt you again
is he bisexual
>military furry
Disturbingly accurate
only with futa furry porn but not irl
even robbed me of a scapegoat this is complicated just like real life this is a very convincing scenario youve created
i think ill go with it and just be his depressed shutin housewife and paint warhammers while he goes to gay furry orgies. he will keep me around just because he feels sorry for me and we will never have sex ever
he leaves you for another furry because the passion has left your relationship
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What if a furry was a actual animal inside the suit? Like a big wombat.
Shallo rape. Molesting shallo. Deflowing shallo by force. Taking shallo virginal innocence violently.
this is the plot of the nightmare before christmas
Tracking shallow movements by satellite hunting him down with a tranquilizer gun and making him your boywife bottom
can i have a happy hypothetical next this one made me sad
you could have been happy together. all you had to do was love him.
That’s sick
ok hold on can i message him frantically about how i still love him and i made a mistake and i really want to be his again and i will cook him egg breakfast and nuzzle his nose agaisnt mine like that time we did on the spree please anything oh my god im so lonely im nothing without him please take me back
im starting to wonder if matcha ice cream 2 hours ago was a good pre bed move when i gotta be up so early
imagine being able 2 talk 2 animals
why do people cheat?
want an answer that is not just them being awful
what drives a person to cheat?
i just ate a ham sandwich
I cheated on my BF who has a small (probably like 4 inches max) cock with a guy who has a big fat 8 in her today it was more satisfying. I sucker him and swallowed him. I'm going to do it a lot. Next time he wants me to fuck him (I'm 6.5"). I want to make him a regular fuckbuddy and stop fucking my BF altogether. I love pride. I just wish I had the chance to go to the bathhouse tonight too.
since when is ham an animal
Fat ugly loser BFs with small dicks and boring sex drives that our lives are too intermingled with. I deserve a satisfying sex life.
he says he still loves you and leaves his new bf to come back to you. two days later the new bf shows up drunk at your house and demands to fight you for him. he is also ex military.
i do whatever my bf tells me to do
ham used to be pigs
that isnt real its just a scary story people tell children
ok you stay inside he calls the cops and they shoot and kill the ex in your lawn because he pulled a gun on them the end
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we're in for another one boys i got 4 hours to find some sleep and im not even tired really. i got an emergency 5 hour energy i can employ on the drive tho but ima be nodding off when i get there prolly
I feel like I have bulging eyes.
are you going to the monterey bay aquarium
no but where im going is bay area
its pride rn so its the slay area idiot
is that why you have the housesittjng twink sitter flag
ur so rite sis
no this flag is for funsies
ill break it down for ya. i get called a tranny every thread. from what ive gathered on this board according to trans people between AGP and HSTS the HSTS are the hot bimbos and so clearly thats the one ima meme as ok yw.
3AM and I woke up because this 18 year old on fire island had his bday Friday and he's fucking insatiable. Dj why anyone would ever fuck anyone but teenagers. Talk about tight and lean. Probably too fat and poor to bag teens.
You have a teenage body is your face like a teen boys'? I was sad to learn you're actually super old. Hope you've been using retinol and sunscreen and drinking water, bby. Nobody wants an old twink unless they're keeping that teen look alive.
I'd you wanted a satisfying sex life you'd be eighteeniemaxxing at barely legal sex fests. I couldn't ever enjoy sex with somebody older than 19.
Explaining late hours on weekends just makes you seem more Indian, not less.
Imagine being able to talk to the newly legal members of gen Z. And in 3-4 yrs gen alpha will become the newest sexiest legal teens.
You wish faggot. I bet you like smelly Indian cocklets because they smell like curry and feasting on unhealthy slop turns your fat ass on more than actual sex.
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What's wrong with my eyes?
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What James O'Keefe really exposed is how easy it is to get gays to betray the government by stoking their egos during an undercover fake dinner date on grindr.

I can't remember the last time he released a video that wasn't a chatty gay happy to gush state secrets.

Probably because gays have no integrity. Or morals. Or ethics. Or core. Or soul. Future, peer respect, decency etc. All the worst qualities of females, really. At least women can become mothers. Gays just become consumers and pet owners. Without shit to blow money on they really wouldn't have anything at all, come to think of it.
Not as much as your skin color
Real eyes realize real lies
Gonna quit my summer job bc I lowkey can’t be around uneducated straight ppl anymore. I just got it for something to do this summer and luckily I don’t need the money so fuck that shit. Gonna be nice and work next week tho
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Am I ugly

What would you do if the stairs in your house were covered with grasshoppers and your shoes were downstairs so you were completely barefoot and there was an emergency?
I think jeb needs to sleep like a bet to cure his cankle edema.
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Dumb poor rednecks are insufferable to be around. Like just have a kid at 16 in the town you were born in and die. No hate tho like you do you just do it away from me
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I would slide down the banister like this
What if you slipped and fell and cracked your head and they had to shave your head to fix it?
what did they do
You look like you would bring some fire ass orange slices to the soccer game
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how was the hunting cabin?
like a middle aged woman
I have no idea what this means. I do not play soccer or football or futbol.

Do I look like a middle aged woman, or do I look as attractive as a middle aged woman? There is a difference.

I mean Martha Stewart is still hot af and she isn't middle aged at all.
Bingus my beloved
You and Blu should date, your features would cancel out and you would have normal looking children.
IDK who Blu is and my dick does not work, and also I have a dick.
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Blu is Me
Secure that limp dicked sissy! <3 True. Blu. Love.
you have nice eyes and lips

Are you one of those black guys that's secretly a giant weeb? Cos I don't like anime.
Not into sissies thx
I used to watch anime but not anymore
I watched a lot of one piece when I was younger but it became excessive so I stopped
I watch the occasional anime movie
Maybe I'll get back into it one day
Blu x Red is what I'm calling their ship. Bled. Rlu?
stop asking us how you look and take it to /soc/ already
I dont think im his type, my body so fem I even have tits. face is only masc part of me
I didn't you fucking cuck
I don't like shipping
Blu 8 months pregnant learning his boyfirend left him he looks at the staircase and ponders.
You just asked us if your eyes were bulgy
Well were they?
I love haribo
Puuurrrrtty sure I just witnessed the neighbors son sneak a dude in through the window
y r u looking at his window diva
You're a stalker
Mind your own business
I was going out to put my truck in the garage and I saw two lanky mfers climbing in through a window. Hard to not notice in your neighborhood, miss man. I decided it was the boy after the thought of a break-in passed
It would be hard to break in through the windows in your neighborhood because of the iron bars

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