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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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having feminine mannerisms doesn't make you any less of a person

You did see him this weekend, right brothers? You felt his touch? Let the world fall away around y’all?
enjoying the kiss of death hahaha jk life is sweet and too short already try and make something of it cause its gonna end sooner than youd like i cant sleep and i need to be awake in 2 hours and on the road AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Burping shallo like a baby and he's stinky. Uh oh.
I wish I was straight so bad. Being a lonely faggot was alright when I was in my teens and 20's. Now I'm 30 and it doesn't feel the same. I have the same group of friends since high school, they all have girlfriends now and some of them are going to get married soon. They barely notice me anymore. When we hang out together they spend most of the time talking with each other.

(in the closet btw)
how can i cop3 with being a mega bott?om?
if i get topped by a guy and i happen to enjoy it, then my dignity as a man is quite literally relinquished. how can i call myself a man if i prefer having my hole used by other men?
fuck it im not sleeping maybe i can sleep a little in the parking lot when i get there an hour early. this is so fucked.
you don't seem in the best of moods
can't you just say no to those in your family who want you to house sit?
wouldn't it be much easier for your brother to find a SF friend to watch his house
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need advice on taking nudes
feel like ive done everythings theres to do for my bf and i cant do anything now without being repetitive
it's ok to be repetitive
try not being nude, do outfits
all of these sock manufacturers should have class action lawsuits against them for creating inferior products that don't protect the feet from anything
i wish my town had an ikea
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You're all ugly bitches. Get flexed on
what is a mirror
>tfw he's really leaving, but you don't want him to because you know that then it'll really be over.
>tfw you can't tell him how you really feel
>tfw he hints like he knows everything and has all along

LOL that's tragic
a looking glass
the guy im dating is a pederast. should i dump him?
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is this freshienon?
no, freshieanon is indian and he isnt fit
not to be rude to indians but I doubt there is any 40+ year old Indians pulling in gay teens
i dun like nigtendo
Freshieanon isnt pulling anyone
freshienon speaks perfect English, he isn't esl
this a bop
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>you will never look like this without roids
feels bad lads.
Been going to the gym for a few months and really working on the diet
noticing improvement with definition and body fat % and shoulder broadening, but that's it
the gains are slow ):
in all honestly this is the ideal male bodytype >>36271328

there's a perfect balance between looking like a try hard like all roid bunnies seem to do and just looking like you developed your body naturally through living...
I get that I'm not ever sure I want the roided look, just wish - particularly with my arms - that I could build up muscle faster
Just feel I'm a little on the slimmer side of things idk
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>having feminine mannerisms doesn't make you any less of a person
is it true?
practice feeling your muscle isolations..
I'm genetically disposed to having skinny heroin arms
but I started doing imaginary bicep curls (pretend you have a heavy weight you're holding and flex your arms as if you're doing bicep curls) and have been getting good results
This has to be bait
It just has to
Like yourself
What's the point of being gay if you're not a bodybuilder?
do this in addition to using weights of course, right before you use weights
I think it helps direct the blood flow in your body to your arms before using weights so it helps to increase the muscular size over time
Nah I'm real as fuck babe keep sobbing
post crossdressing pics blu
Thoughts on going straight after lifelong homosexuality?

like God changing Jacob's name to Israel he overcame his sin
who do you like and hate the most from gaygen?
now you're pansexual Blu?
blu show us your cock, hole and ass.
Traitors should be shot
if your nose is stuffed up take a ear swab dip it in virgin coconut oil and swirl it around your nostril all over, add a drop of tea tree oil or lavender oil or something your like
just cleared up my sinuses
>holds up a mirror
wtf..people can choose not to be gay
switching to straight is like trying seafood as a child
you won't like it but eventually you'll develop a taste for it as you want something more complex
I'm too ugly. It's just not possible.
I don't really hate anyone. I'm neutral or positive. I like Santino and Shallo, Santino because he is nice to me unlike you cretins.
I'm not a whore
I'm a traitor?

It’s so sad how some people think all their is to life is genital stimulation.
every gay guy
butch erasure
you broke-a mah heart, libra!
here we have this beautiful condo for you for only $100k
ʰᵒᵃ ᶠᵉᵉ: 2500/ᵐᵒ
>/int/ twink couple apparently broke up
funny or sad?
did they troon out?
nobody is surprised they all look like they were pickled in vodka during the gestation period
we'll see whose cryin' when push comes ta shove. it'll be me! cause ya break'a ma heart
He has a nice tummy
Does shove ever come to push?
keith from scrubs was fine
i need to have gay sex
long distance relationships never seem to work out for many people if one of the partners doesn't have dual citizenship
i prefer perry
When was the last time you had sex?
we all the shove orgasm is a myth. that's just piss!
I dislike his thighs more than his face. Why are they so fucking gargantuan.
hi x
too long
god pls change your name i dont want to see "fart" all over the thread
fart fapping haribo
Good morning. Give me a few moments while I prepare your daily shaming and demoralization. I like to have my coffee and check the news first to see what examples of horrible gay conduct I can find first. It usually doesn't take long.
number 1 is how all the cuties in this thread and also me dont have boyfriends yet thats the biggest horrible gay conduct
would you want your bf to be able to defeat you in unarmed combat or not
do i even need answer
i would postulate thoughever that tops should want this too but not allow it to happen in a kind of paradoxical way
Thank you, saar thank you so much saar
where have you heard that?
they posted together somewhat recently
so true
I am still trying to decide where I stand on the matter but I'm leaning towards "bf who is completely evenly matched with me"
They’re still together last I saw
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We need more masculine men with cat ears, fight me.
you will wrestle too much and then both be too tired for sex i can think of at least 1 tripfag who would be really into this formulation
i am happy for them i do not see the need to broadcast ones relationship thoughever
Goood morning brothers
ideally i want him to be able to toss me around like a ragdoll
good mortning ser
have they ever posted anything lewd?
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Mm hmm.


Yeah it’s pretty weird, the other couple doesn’t do it. I guess they’re just massivr attention whores.

The breizhtwink sometimes will briefly share something lewd he did with the croat, but they’ve never posted anything lewd. As they shouldn’t.
very autistic thread
>israel flag
of course
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Fem does not mean weakness or submission. You must regularly remind people your fangs and claws lest they grow complacent and look down on you. I regularly attack and aggravate others just to keep everyone on their toes around me. It's better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both sisters.
How’s it going
Hold up. /pol/ thinks Joos suck because they are promoting/gaygbt/. Fags think Joos suck for the opposite reason. Joos. Why are they so powerfu
why are people so damn determined to find out who the bottom and top is in a gay relationship
Its all ad hom. Ad hom is the first resort of smooth brains with no argument. It makes up 80% of gaygens posts. Theres no thinking or accountability to reason here. Its not even deep enough to be beliefs. Just feelings like an infant. Even animals attempt to understand challenges.
because they want to know which one to treat like a man and which one to treat like a woman duh
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Ones considered a broken male, the other is considered a heterosexual on a pussy strike.
>you have to have a serious debate with me because... you just fucking have to okay??
>dreamed last night there was a guy with six inch long nipples chasing me around my house trying to murder me with a hammer
Can someone who's good a deciphering dreams tell me what mental illness this is so I can get this shit treated
I'm at Starbucks. The culture makes me uncomfortable. This is really where middle class people go regularly? White people?
Such a strange habitat.
All I wanted to do was draw in public.
you have a nipple fetish but you're ashamed of it. internalized nipplephobia strikes again
Hey darlings. How have your weekends been?
Humans naturally try to organize each other into hierarchies to determine who should lead and get things done. So it's natural to know who is the inferior and superior male. Just be a side sis.
morning king post pic plz
i feel like its one of those things people just bring up because theyre desperate for conversation
theres a lot of things like that, topics people dont actually have strong feelings or care about but they discuss it because they have seen it brought up in the media and want something to talk about
The tweet was by a gay detailing the pedo nature of gays. What part of that was an invitation to debate.
is this considered veiny?
https://unsee cc/album#lEdu3h4m07ll
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what do you think about this
shut up blitch
I wish they posted more lewd pics if they're gonna attention whore
I don't consider anyone in a gay couple a top because gays define tops as sucking dick and curious about ass 'play'. They even had to invent the term 'strict' top because gays love to hijack words as cope so often that nothing ever means what it originally meant.

If not all bottoms are anal and tops can suck dick, then there is no difference. Gays had to invent the idea of a 'top' because they drove normal men away.

Since a normal man would not be in a 'couple' with a man, it is reasonable to assume both men in one are gay. Gays have no standards or consistency, so there is no reason to believe either one conforms to any definition of a top. They just take turns make believing one is a man. They have to settle and compromise because for all the clap trap about loving men, they are incredibly incompetent at understanding them enough to approach a real one.

Thats what all that "vers" cope is, mental gymnastics to explain how they can simultaneously be attracted to manhood while bonding with a cocksucker. The same people who think masculinity is wearing a beard.
mental illness
Typical replies from troons lmao
don’t you ever get tired of this?
you date one (1) asian and suddenly you’re a rice queen
All true sis. Periodt.
rip anon
The thing that distinguishes men from boys, women, and faggots is boundaries. There are simply things that men will never do willingly and will use lethal force to enforce their boundaries if they're crossed despite ample warning. This is exactly what makes a man so attractive is because there are certain parts within him that you have zero access to, forbidden grounds. It's also why everyone wants to break in and take it because it is so rare and difficult to acquire. But once you do, you will likely die. The consequence of tasting the forbidden fruit is death.
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I'm not entirely sure how to tell you this but you 100% can be a manly man and still like other men.
Same thing happens when a woman dates one black guy. She's forever a coalburner and niggerfucker. That's just how it is sis.
post hole
I have never dated an Asian. Only white guys and Latinos. I would also be open to date other races, such as black men.
>you 100% can be a manly man and still like other men.
Yes, it's true you can be a manly man who likes men.
But you are no longer a manly man if you suck cock, take dick up the ass, or eat ass. If you do any of these things you are no longer a manly man.
Your definition of masculinity is fucking retarded. What am I supposed to do with my boyfriend, just jerk him off? You watch way too much porn or Andrew Tate.
You can kiss men on the lips and still be a manly man. But not on the cock or butthole.
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I don't like anal in the first place. Blowjobs and frotting are hot though.
jamaican rules
I would agree that manhood does not come out of the box, it has to be acquired, and people admire those males who acquire it quickly and easily. Softness in boys is expected and forgiven, but not perpetually tolerated because it is seen as wanton immaturity, resistance to growth, or fear, fear of the adult world.

There seems to be some intuition that if left alone to its own nature, young males will develop into men just because the stresses of survival and nature will discipline them into strength and determination. That becomes the story of human survival we celebrate. Those who don't adapt die. Those who don't die but don't become men are then seen as the abomination, whatever the deficiency in manhood.

Among those admired traits is confidence, the lack of fear. Since people are social, observing a lack of fear inspires confidence in the observer. It reassures people that things are safe and they rally to it. Its one of those traits people associate with size.
asians (barring indians) aren’t gross like black pipo doever
>or eat ass
why yes I want sex with haribo how could you tell
I have a strict definition of masculinity, but everyone has their own opinion on what masculinity should be. So my definition is nothing special or anything. You can still pound his ass with your cock. You can kiss his lips and neck. Bite his ears and nipples. Finger his mouth and butthole. Wash his back and lick his armpits. There's still lots you can do.
spoken like a true retarded boomer
They both look like they're on estrogen now. I hope it's just filters.
Skunk won
won what?
great now delta is here
I bet Delta has a cute little fagcent. Am I right?
Everybody does, get in line bitch.
He left and turned boomer loose on the general
Yeah I've done alot of introspection into understanding what masculinity is based on traditional expectations of men. There are certain roles and characteristics he must accomplish and prove his worth to be accepted as a competent man in society. A man must be able to be a protector and provider for the weak, (mostly women and children). A man must be willing to use violence to protect others even if he will kill somebody or he himself may die in the process. He should be able to bear the consequences of his actions if someone is killed or injured in his care. He should be willing to fight and die for something important he believes in, some greater good or higher ideal. Whether it be to die for freedom or for your family.
wow another thrilling response from delta everyone
I wanna be first on the list then make him my bf :x
have I hurt you?
He’s not gonna choose you pookie
There's alot more to masculinity.
How much money you make?
Do you have a successful career?
Are you physically strong?
How much weight can you lift?
Can you raise good obedient children?
You need to be ready to answer these questions when people test your competency and masculinity.
Ironic from you :3
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I'm just an old school conservative sis.
Perhaps. I look at the social interpretation as effect rather than cause, and look for cause in biology and evolution. I think you are citing courage and responsibility.
can you read one of the boomer posts in a vocaroo i want to know what a conservative fem top sounds like
why not? :/
Surprise cumming on his face while he's asleep
I'm mostly straight but I'd be a good bottom bitch for a handsome twunk if you catch my drift
nyooooooo >o<
i dont wanna clean my room -__-
Mostly straight is still completely gay.
all the inbetween stuff is just bi
alright alright what's all this then
90% straight
Because he has standards.
>90% straight
anon, only gay people lying to themselves say this
still biscum
delta is doing a femphobia... AGAIN
when isn’t he being a bigot vaguely disguised lol
She can't keep getting away with this sis.
biphobia silly
femphobia's tuesday
sup beenie what’s new https://youtu.be/6yjJcXBljyw
88 erryday though right
he definitely ate ate way too much every day of his life
The difference between straight and gay is a very clear boundary that should not be crossed. Similar to how a white woman is forever tainted as a coalburner if she has sex with one black man. A man is not straight anymore if he has sex with a single male. It's the strict boundaries that distinguishes a clear definition for being straight and heterosexuality.
what’s with this dudes obsession with coalburners
sorry i've been on /pol/ too much.
pro climate change
wait no 88 is radium I think
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i’m not buying it deltoid
But two men cannot have sex. Penetrating a hole is not emasculating. Asking to be penetrated is the most emasculating. One is making use of the other. The other is offering humiliation. Asking to be humiliated is gay. Using hole is not.
Do you ever get tired of playing dumb and helpless? It's pretty annoying to witness
Crime.... it's the way I'm lying to you
Even sadder if you actually are this dumb and helpless at your age, and still wasting your time not trying to better yourself? fucking grim not a life worth living at all
play with this
omg delta not nice... I'm 90% straight!
You can call it mutual masturbation, consenusal humliation ritual or whatever you want if you don't want to call it gay sex, that's fine by me. A man physically interacting with another man's genitalia that way is gay no matter if you're the active or the passive partner.
mutual masturbation is so hot
why always the hate

Delta is biphobe!!
yeah. that sucks. It's 2024 for fuck's sake.
truly a retard. i hate delta in the same way people hate the homeless that plague their cities.
How can you call yourself gay if you don't want to suck dick? Serious question.
>inb4 "I'm a total top"
No reciprocation isn't cool bro
Gaygen sisters, do you give it that huawk tuah? I do.
doing all right, nothing interesting to report that isn't just me sperging about arm locks though. how about you
p.s: fat riddim
referencing the latest viral meme with a question is a sign of true desperation for (you)s
what does huawk tuah mean?
im watching a bunch of digital art related videos and i noticed that women never seem to know how to correctly hold a pencil

guess it explains why women are more prone to carpal tunnel syndrome
yes especially with kissing
Don’t you even know that? Have you been living under a rock or somethin?
i want everything about haribo OFF THE INTERNET
I want to frot with haribo
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>gays who fantasize about straight men all day are going full circle and turning straight because it turns them on
we need a term for this new breed of agp-esque straightgays
97 degrees and I left an ass print on my couch
post print
he cute
>shitty tattoo
>facial hair
yeah no thanks.
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Is it the facial hair or the tattoo that's the problem?
>the bisexual is bothered by adult male characteristics
they're just young
boys never die
Cause it doesn't interest me? I've never seen a cock and think wow I want that in my mouth. I don't really care if the other person gets off. I'm just selfish and use others for my own pleasure. If you don't like it then I'll leave and not bother you anymore.
post is by a bipedo, so obviously the latter
guys I post are way hotter
he's too average

More like poor choices
no they aren't the croatian is almost 30 and the French once is like mid 20's
no way ?
I got banned for hate criming straight men again sisters.
Day 47 with diarrhea
Should I get a bong or a pipe? I'm off tomorrow and tired of Swishers.
this is why i'm banned from spencer's gifts
rip your hole
They have to be trolling
could haribo defeat chrischan in a hand to hand duel?
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cryptobros hijacking apu is just fucking depressing
they did the same with dogecoin they arent stopping at apu
I just want to heal
Bong. A purdy lookin’ one. Pipes are too cracky
that's over the time it takes for a parasite to leave you so i guess it's IBS due to those hot peppers you ate

what kind of pepper were they?
This weekend I ate grizzly pizza and beer and my poops are solid. I consider that a win in my book.
What’s wrong sis?
lol has taken $154,633,851 from cryptobros
My dude...have you gotten an HIV test?
"Unexplained chronic diarrhea is one of the HIV indicator conditions. If you have or have had unexplained chronic diarrhea and have not been tested for HIV, it is advisable to ask your doctor or general practitioner for an HIV test."
how many of you have hiv?
it's the fully diluted marketcap but currently $123,000,000+ have gone into the coin
sad that a thirdworlder can't tell when they have HIV..
that would be my first thought if I was shitting liquid for 47 days..
Modern tops have to work 5 times harder than their forefathers did for bottoms that are 20 times worse than the earlier bottoms were. It's called hoeflation.
you have to have sex to get haich eye vee
he has bragged before about having sex with random Grindr guys...
wish you the best lad but I think you already know what's going on...
you slept with the wrong guy and got HIV...its going to suck to have to admit these things to your parents
Reminder to be kind to Santino. He’s going through a lot <3
Would you be open to dating me?
santino (aka lil' Dan"
idk why not dolling talks to me
You're unstable
No one should date you ever
it would be a burden
I don't think you need a high paying job or lots of money to entice a bottom. Unless you're old ugly and fat.
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would you be open to wearing these for me?
okay? who asked?
I didn't ask you
Why? You just exposed yourself as a straggot. Why ever wear that nonsense?
akshually steve is lil' dan
Blu has such a nasty spirit and aura about him :/
I wonder how many gays still get HIV or an STD despite using protection or being on one of those "wonder drugs" that allegedly protect you from HIV.
lol this place is hilarious
I don’t rly know u so Idk
i just love black titties the most
they're so attractive the way they jiggle as they walk

chocolate milkies
I think I'm autistic because I wasn't breastfed
So sex is just something animals do for fun that by complete coincidence is named for the two sexes needed to accomplish reproduction.

And fucking holes is the same motivation as wanting dicks. Therefore both are gay because- and this is the key point- there is no difference.

Because if there was, that would mean only one is gay and cocksuckers would have no claim to the masculinity of the other. It would just be cocksuckers and men being men.

This thinking would explain why trannies splintered off. They needed the dress to get some distance from gay logic attracting closet sissies arguing about who's top and scaring away men who didn't want to be inducted into a cult just to get some one-night ass.
>So sex is just something animals do for fun that by complete coincidence is named for the two sexes needed to accomplish reproduction.
going to a group thing tonight with 8 guys :3. Public too, behind a warehouse.
Aren’t you the virgin guy who got molested by a daddy on a Grindr hook up last week?
I'm so helplessly in love for fucks sake why can't these feelings just go away so I can go back to normal instead of being obsessed with someone that will never want me?
5 guys past being a virgin rn.
you're really trying to get HIV fast aeh?
I'm on PrEP and doxy PEP. I got the monkeypox, HPV, hep A+B, and meningitis vaccine.
its always the most prepared who end up surprised when they get it
But you are the same guy? Who also posted his ass here for everyone to see?
"in love" is a euphemism for infatuation. Its literally your imagination. Its a dopamine feedback loop built on replaying the possibility of a fantasy desire being real. People stop 'being in love' because the fantasy doesn't survive actual experience.
yeah. I send that to guys on Grindr. I have a nice one so I'm gonna show it off
why are you trying to be catty rn though
Woah you have been effective in sleeping with new guys then :-) I can’t believe your body count is already five when you were a virgin one week ago. If you continue like this, soon you’ll hit a three digit body count :-)
Normies can be real psychopaths. If they get anything less from perfect vibes from you they will do everything possible to pretend you don't exist and even casually talk over you without thinking anything of it.
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I always thought he had something wrong with his health when he posted this pic of himself like a year ago. He looked so gaunt in the face.
he edited it to hell and back it looks like
I’m not being catty I’m just trying to get to know you.
I post here all the time. You should know, I think you are just secretly biased against me. I'm a catch.
Well, I don't have 'tiddies'(a bosom), I am male. Get out of here. Your kind isn't welcome here. You exposed urself
How???? Explain???
HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy
hi xanthippe how was your sunday?
>passive aggressive posts :-)
>omg what i'm not being catty
>have a nice one so I'm gonna show it off
stop talking about the tripfags, they're easy to filter but their orbiters are not
Rather have Steve posting than x*n or blu desu
if he just posted his ass I'd be okay with that
Yes I know who you are here in gaygen. I have read your posts and I like your content. But I just don’t feel like I know you personally well enough to say if I’d wanna date you.
Hi. It was ok. I’ve been super sleepy and just relaxed a lot. Made some granola and listened to some podcasts. How about you anon?
tell me about your penis king
I would never post my ass for all of you to see. I’m boyfriend material, not a street hooker.
i miss shizas racist ramblings about the hungarians
>And fucking holes is the same motivation as wanting dicks. Therefore both are gay because- and this is the key point- there is no difference.
I don't get your point. It sounds like you're agreeing with me here.
>So sex is just something animals do for fun that by complete coincidence is named for the two sexes needed to accomplish reproduction.
I disagree here. Our culture puts too many restrictions and rules on sex for it to be compared as a natural bodily process that animals perform. There are too many consequences (emotional, physical, and psychological) and punishments made when improper sexual activity occurs between humans.
i don't wanna be a bottom but i love getting pounded :(
my body is somehow designed for it, to please men. i can't deny it, it turns me on to be dominated by another male. i want it so bad, it hurts!

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