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this thread is for the boys
only top lads welcome
previous thread >>36270314
A Smidge of Smadga’s Smegma, the new novel from Vile Schlomo, author of Cum Squad!, Jacking Under Fire, and his memoir It’s Draining Men (Hallelujah!)
Tops don't wash dey ass
I suspect I am only gay because I never had sex with women.
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I don't like calling other guys my "bro."
ok dudebro
the fem behaviour
>other guys
> other
Aren't you a woman?
Do not seek a woman until you are ready to show her you are a man. Do not let her anger you. Do not look for a good woman in a shit setting. And do not hesitate to walk away from a whore nor call her one. A straight life is only as good as straight plan.
i wash my tops ass with soap. i delicately shave my tops hole, then, still in the shower, i begin eating said hole. and before finishing up, i gently tease his buss with my erect penis, but i don't put it in (heh), oh no, not just yet. i wanna see him squirm before i fuck his ass
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How is facial hair a bad choice?
on progressive: idk what im doing either girl!
ok muchacho
no I'm femme and male.
You're gonna make it sis.
it reminds him that he's having sex with a man not a boy
slap my ass and call me a faggot when you kiss me
i want to beat you black and blue and dump you in a ditch next to a wawa
>I'm femme and male.
why are there so many fucking bottoms. we need super AIDS to wipe out some jesus
not much is going on, moving soon
gigantic chune
sorry guys I have a life now so I cant post anymore
you just posted
i have a bf now. instead of posting here, i spend my time getting bred by my bf
t. Bottom
i was not there when that happened chile
yes. i am. but i'm worthy unlike 90% of other bottom whores
wich man would you let shit on your mouth
Same here
lets spread super AIDS to the other bottoms then
would you date a really handsome poz guy?
I don’t really want to kill other bottoms that’s a bit extreme :-/
ugh so boring -.-
i wonder how many of you are really seekers like me who have become bored with everything in this world and the gay lifestyle
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only if he had some sexy muscle wasting to go along with it
You're so strong sis. An inspiration to us all.
Am I past it ahon?
Did u guys know males (and the y chromosome) are literally more evolved than females (the x chromosome)?
>gently tease his buss with my erect penis, but i don't put it in
This is the classic shower move, especially while you're scrubbing / massaging his back & vice versa
I wish to learn less about the world sis. The more I learn about how this infernal shithole works the more I hate it.
Yeah, but no anal.
>This is the classic shower move
dont act like you understand my prerogative, my constituents.
to me you're just a peasant
Only the boring get bored
Just pretend it isn't real anon
big boobies
I sometimes feel romantic attraction to women, but I never feel any sexual desire towards them.
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Bro they only have 1 active sex chromosome why would you want to do sex to them when men have 1 and 3/4s
>normies need years to figure out this shit when you can just take DMT or 5g of mushrooms once
i am ready to return to the eternal void.
what causes someone to want to become a tripfag? mental illness? intense desperation for attention? i genuinely don't understand what would drive someone to want to become someone recognisable on such an infamous website
>be a top
>bf is also a top
feels bad man
I don't. I want sex with men. Romance with either men or women. But women don't like being treated nicely these days so it's over for them.
you can have a personality and don't have to be an NPC 4channer spouting buzzwords
Question for gaygen: how many of you had anonymous sex with adult men as a teenager?

Is this a common gay experience?

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im the cutest poster in all of gaygen
all fags want to be topped, it's in their dna
NDE's and hallucinogens don't necessarily reveal any deeper truths other than that we are chemical computers.
Hope it's not soon anon try to use that as a source of strength.
It's a nametag so I can make fwends and have conversations across multiple threads with multiple people without confusion
Some women do, but if you prefer gaysex it will be more rewarding to treat a man nicely.
idk ask harrison
you asked this multiple times already
all it is is ugly's opinion
this is the first time i've asked this question
you mad bro?
why you mad?
Are more guys unattractive these days or does my taste just get more picky as I get older?
The problem I find most often with the gays is the homosexuality. Just like retards, they don't know they aren't really people, just roaming lifetime patients. Basically anosognosiacs.
>they don't know they aren't really people
Sis thinking this of other people is literally one of the telltale signs of autism as it demonstrates a faulty theory of mind
For some reason I can't stop listening to Aphex Twin and Tegan & Sara. I don't even like their music, but they're weirdly captivating.
Yes I know those two are nothing alike, but the both have weird rhythms or something.
This is your reminder that you haven't listened to kid A in a while and that you would enjoy it
I've never listened to that. I don't know anything about Radiohead. Thanks for another weird song though.
If u like aphex twin you will love radiohead from OK computer on and should listen to all of it
But kid a as in the album not just the song is one of the best weird rhythm electronic albums
>Did u guys know males (and the y chromosome) are literally more evolved than females (the x chromosome)?
sauce, por favor?
Google y chromosome evolution and also male vs female chromosome activation we teaching mans to fish 2day
It's nonsense for multiple reasons, just ignore him
I'm not a fake
I'm not a mistake
it's set in my DNA

(100 points if you can guess what song :3)
uhh debaser will not be IGNORED, gurl
Actually instead of the second one Google this: do females have less active chromosomes
Trial and error is part of fishing

bigger dummy
I can never tell a lie
No u
Im trying to lose weight and get nice and slim without going to the gym. Is walking for 1hr a day and fasting the way? Will doing 3 sets of 30 unweighted squats give me a bigger butt? I'm new to this whole exercise thing. I only ate below 1000 calories today. I want to be sexy.
>Classically Y chromosomes are thought to originate from X chromosomes through a process of degeneration and gene loss.
>source: ncbi.com
no we need a pinkpilling campaign. target the young ones
Yes but we have the x and y active while they only have 1 active x
The y is bonus and gives us dicks and cum
You have an extra chromosome than other men, that makes you more evolved.
oh okay cool cool but hold on

When u really think about it, being a man is kind of like having a sort of sexual downs syndrome that makes you retarded horny
Please help me with my fitness question I want to self improov pls
debaser is so smart he probably has 24 chromosomes
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im the fattest poster in all of gaygen
is that debasers fursona?!
post fat
Hello haribo.
Is no one going to help me or offer me advice? It's a genuine question
eat my shorts
>men who wont breed crowing about genetics
Always cracks me up
im sleeeeeepy
Take this stuff https://youtu.be/I-YDUXLpdFg
>men who are ignorant crowing about the enlightened
is debaser a gooner?
Of fucking course when I actually want to self improve you all ignore me or try to sabotage me
>oh em GEE blu!!!.
>Stop whining! Ugh! You need to try!
>are you seriously asking for advice right now? NOW I've totally lost interest
Fuck you. Fuck. You. This is NOT a joke.
I'm a spiritual gooner but I try to save it for the weekend so only like Sunday evening through to Wednesday afternoon
Something about this makes me think it's a joke
Straight guys posing.
you fags should approach life with curiosity instead of judgment
So true sis your judgement of them is so valid
that wasnt even a judgment...
All I wanted was help. I beg at your feet for help, and yet you laugh in my face.
debaser is about as dumb as blu, but at least blu is occasionally self-aware about it
the thing he debases is his body why would you look to him for help with your body
Fat and gassy post. Get your GI tract in check before you come for me.
I advise you to exercise more for better fitness you are welcome
penipenpen in bosbos nao
debaser is the vaush of gaygen
Shame be on the ones who spit in the faces of the downtrodden in their time of need. I shall my vindicated by all your sins by the lord our god.
which god?
The right one
Imagine debaser farting right in Blu's face and giving him pink eye.
You like being trodden upon you are like a lamb before the lord
gonna get high and play with my hole uwu
hole playing is serious business, never do it high
It's medicine it makes your hole feel fuzzy :3
Take it back
but i have ass hair for that though
oh you're right, i might fall off my bed if i'm not careful. better do it on the floor

Captcha: DOGJON
but why? i thought you liked him
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another weekend gone by

No beefy himbo bf

running out of it is what it is
safety first
Sis he's a commie and probably a pedo
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debaser ready to marry dan
So absolutely no one can help me with my question? You're all fat and useless. Go eat your McDonald's fatties.
its hard to give exercise/dieting advice unless we know your current height, weight, and bodyfat ratio
determine your calories intake and eat a max of 1200 calories a day until you lose the weight you desire
>Want to lose weight fast!!!
>doxx yourself! Limited time only!
Nice try.
I don't feel like it. I just drink a lot of water and eat as little as possible
i take it back, blu is exactly as bad as debaser
how eating disorder-y
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commie bf
I'm literally skinnyfat. I wish.
I got a "clouds and rainbows" gay scented candle
Or care.
>tfw the weed doesn't even get you high
is it all just fake? like i go to the dispensary and everything. is the cake really a lie? has it always been?
bro's. i don't feel so good :[
Make sure it's not just cbd, else take a tolerance break
nazi penis
focus on playing with your hole
Is it the end of /gaygen/?
It gets to a point where you need a ton to feel it and it only lasts 20 minutes at best, then you are expected to up to dabbing or some garbage. Tolerance breaks become pointless too. After a while its just not worth it. The daily routine just kills it after time regardless of how you use it, vape etc
stop eating KFC
gaygen will live on in our hearts until the last poster and lurker dies ;(
this is why everyone should be abusing multiple drugs at a time
I literally don't
I eat subway instead
or none, crazy
it's not a great long term solution.
that’s how you end up like blu
my only drug i need is spotify hardstyle
his issues are not drug related
Edibles make it easy to up your dose without hurting your lungs, so imo it's a skill issue. Tolerance breaks work 4 me, but I don't use weed as a daily routine thing in the first place unless I'm big chilling which I can't regularly do anymore
"live by the gun, die by a gun"
"live by the lifestyle, die by the lifestyle".
What exactly are these supposed "issues" I have? Im just different from you normies.
very eastern euro prawn stars coded
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there's reasons you don't mix. speed ballin killed chris farley
ya but with edibles, it's like garlic. you'll smell like it when you sweat it out.
i miss him
I simply wear good smelling deodorant
i had a dream where a typhoon strafed the nextdoor neighbours and was doing cool aerial bfm manuevers and then a tornado was doing low passes after that and stuff and for some reason i called that a typhoon too
and then i was like floating in the sky and they flew into a toilet bowl
most of them are like, who is chris farley and i'm just like, no, who he could have been.
some of his snl bits were fantastic.
i don't have time for all that and it won't make any difference.
i used to freak my shit to hardstyle in high school and now you got me fiending to get a train run on me at a festival
uh oh haribo had a toilet dream and wet the bed
Yeah, because it doesn't exist. You liar.
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nuh uh
bro trust. people get nose blind super easy if they do it all the time. people can tell. it lingers. so if you wear colognes you can either try to mask it or accentuate it. so say you had some lemon sour diesel, maybe get you a cologne with some citrus in it to complement the sour undertones and clean it up. or maybe get something woody and earthy to make you come off as a bit more rugged.

did none of you watch queer eye with carson? jesus.
what i do is dance around my room and box the air and do 10,000 pushups to each their ownhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQSclS6BivM
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Jesus is my virtue
but Judas is the demon I cling to
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haribo, what do you think of picrel? did cryptobros finally go too far?
The cia is trying to psyop me into being a furry by making the cute wholesome comic I follow start doing a porn version
I haven't seen it also the stuff I take is more chemical than herbal anyway. I've never smelled any dankness from it and I know the smell and recognize it on other people.
bro. rule 34. your fault for lookin for it.
Is that the one with the wolf and the bunny?
Nah I'm pretty sure it's the deep state
the debaser trajectory sort of made it inevitable
The birds https://twitter.com/pegu2726
Maybe sissy was right about the crows
i like it i think he is going to make it i wish i had money to buy some
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so tired I can’t even perceive Sunday scaries

bath time before house of the dragon, maybe my suffering will end this week
Bad haribo, crypto is a worse investment than slot machines
Annoyingly catchy
Eating raw sliced jalapeños
how was your day in the land of brittania, deltooid? :3
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you are probably right but i love him so much
i remember my little monster phase in high school
picture perfect pussy
what if i farted in my sleep
You did
help my boyfriend wont allow me to have another boyfriend
what do
mortification of the flesh
this is hard
start by saying you want a threesome
>joos try to auction palestinian properties at los angeles synagogue
>get rioted
Buying property in the middle east is like buying a sand castle on the beach.
that was the last good album by lady caca
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me when i wake up every morning
Whenever I start working out I lose motivation bc it takes too long and I lose faith in myself and worry I can't do things perfectly and will end io wasting my time

Don't be a greedy slut
same here in the u-essay
why don't you let me bounce on your big cock
so sleepy... but the bedsheets are in the dryer
why dont you let me bounce on your big bedsheets
this twink is 34 and just married elon musk's ex lol
Wtf is “networking” on grindr even and why does the twink want to do it with me
wait a little. longer, and you'll have a warm cozy bed, that's when it's the best
you people actually use grindr? gross
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because you belong in a crib with a onesie
you see it too?
I bet he has a really big dick
Found my ideal dream guy on Grindr and he has a room alone, but my BF is still fucking awake ugh. How do I get him to go the fuck to sleep so I can go suck dick, fuck ass, make out cuddle and laugh with a handsome man?

It would be cool if my BF died of a random tragic cause like a plane crash or a lightning strike or something so everyone felt bad for me but I could also get an actual hot handsome successful husband. It's unreasonable that I make $60k/yr more than my BF AND he's fat.
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The sluttiest sexuality yet none of yall are getting laid
you guys are mean but youre still my friends
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I really am tired of hearing new made-up words for whore.
the fact that no one created a pepe & apu cartoon similar to South Park is possibly the worst crime against humanity
nosqueak: 0
r9gay is faster than us to be fair its a lot of idiots fighting so
What is gay divorce like? Do they even exist.
two timing hussy
your dad cooks you spicies. and it STINKS
Can someone tell me something nice
I've lost all hope, all of it
I made a dressing with this apple cider vinegar (fancy) I bought and it weirdly stinks almost like fish. Its from 2022 I wonder if its gone a little off, but its vinegar, its not supposed to. Maybe its just like this.

Anyways I made turkey burgers and salad for dinner.
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i got jersey mikes and pepsi
my dad packs DOPE lunches
i dont post there i just checked it
As far as I'm concerned all divorce is gay
this is my favourite apu
how do guys who e-argue a lot cool down afterwards do you like put on smooth jazz maybe pour out a beer have a cigar how do they like cool their jets after a good e-quarreling session
I don't get in internet fights because I'm an adult
how many girls with a fat ass did you see?
spongebob memes are bottom coded
I log off the computer sis.
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Hi bros. Have a good night
my kot has been retching since yesterday and i’m worried :s i’m taking him to the vet but i hope it’s nothing serious
Furious anal masturbation
Im a widdle spongeboy who needs his holes filled (,,> ᴗ <,,)
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>start working out once to twice a week
>I am getting more gains than before
/fit/ was right again........
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Patrick is a top.
I biked 10 mi across the river to a train station as it was getting dark and then took the train home.
I also did a short, 20 min easy gentle yoga class to warmup for that.
this is haribo’s world, we’re just living in it
I feel like you have to be incredibly vain to take a selfie.
cool down from what
man egg in french kill
did any of you guys ever play dragon quest 8
I'm going back to Buenos Aires and it kind of feels like when you are woken up but want to sleep just 5 more minutes
To see your Dr?
i didnt go it was brought to me
just the one where at the beginning you have a dream that youre a dragon and kill all the villagers
that's dragon's dogma you himbo
No I just fap to the doujins.
just think of all the cute guys in the world jerking off and cumming right now
the zionist entity will soon be destroyed
all that wasted cum :(
no it's ok. they feel good and it's healthy. :)
i cant take this anymore
why cant i stop thinking about dick so much all the time
its torture
what the fuck are these urges
The stars call out for hot gay sex.
I made a big batch of brownies:
yuo must make a boyfriend
i have one but its not enough
its an issue
Why do all my straight friends think I'm straight but as soon as another g*y gets a whiff of me they know I'm a turbo bottom slut for cock?
My mom gave me some soft antibiotic pills, activated charcoal and a probiotic lol, I feel like an old fart already having to take 4 pills a day
why so many pills
do you have aids or something???
What happened sis? Are u ok?
*cough* *cough* *wheeze*
i neeed..
i need..
I neeeeeeeeeed
Shitting my organs out
>its brown tripfags rambling on for weeks about how much they poop
sight another repeated gg plotline
you are obsessed with bleagle
smells like brownies
sleep deprived to the point I’m in physical pain but still awake. not ready to carry on tomorrow
you baked brownies :0
What is your diet like?
Vegan :(
brownies have 15 minutes more to go
the senpai complained about them being too fudgy the last two times (I thought they might like them that way)
so i am cooking these until they are 210f in the center and DRY
they are still baking
they have lots of toasted pecans in them
I was craving dessert
im bad at brownies because im never sure when they are done so sometimes i burn the bottoms or overbake them :/
If you're being serious here that's your problem. You probably have some kind of nutrient deficiency. Sorry you're having to go through this btw, sounds awful, will be praying for you.
good lads
I have had sex so so so much hotter with guys hotter than most of you can ever imagine except for maybe Jeb, Holden, Steve (I think he's hot?), and Shallo (assuming he had clean hair at some point), and maybe Santino during his peak and anyone else hot if there is anyone else hot on this shithole board lmao.

Seriously what losers most of you are. Look at Blu or Cersei or the 1000x trannies in this gen. For most of you your best hope is finding a mentally deranged straight trannie chaser incel.
I hope he beats you for drying out the brownies. Why can't yo ever get it right?
embarrassing post
He looks 14 and like somebody freshie anon would hit on and get rejected by
Seriously look at Blu. I am similar in appearance to Jeb, for context, except I have short straight hair and a harder jawline and green eyes instead of blue with a similar but slightly higher BF and more muscular body type. Compare Jeb and Blu/Shiza and then imagine comparing me (similar) and a creature like Blu/Shiza. You literally can't.
I just turned the heat down to 300, and the first thirty minutes were spent baking covered - mind you i made a double batch which is hard to do with brownies
you want to aim for 200-205F in the inner part
an instant read thermometer can really help
in this case it was actually about 185f cuz I stuck the thermometer into the chocolate chunks part but its also about texture you can see the crumbs get less moist
post fiseek
Prostitution. He thinks you're old/ugly/fat enough to need to pay him for sex, and he probably right except you're also a NEET and poor.
Based. Your BF is definitely going to beat you. I hope he leaves marks.
gaygen is giving me severe brainrot
Ok bud
could freshie anon be a pooner with touretes?

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