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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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earlier than freshie anon, faggot
chiaotzu lookin ass
Tips on how to grow a womb up your ass?
why are the OPs always the most repulsive stupid shit imaginable that nobody here wants to see my god
cant wait to drive back home tomorrow and not have to go on any more trips any time soon i just need a month of my own bed
I'm looking out the window and the landscape is all white. Winter is finally here
It's summer, Mexican
i think a cough is going around and ive done gotten it
i thought maybe id taken too many zinnies yesterday or something but lots of people were coughing today
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zyn mentioned
How the fuck did women win the whole gender war? How do I cope with this?
where did young steven go? did he lose interest after losing his v card? too busy slaying IRL?
If I was a Pokemon I would be Mega Lucario. He is so cool. Would you date Lucario?
That's an animal you freak
straight couple bought me some shots but i said no #gaypride
let the breeding begin
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think my boyfriend likes me way too much
seems unhealthy
what do
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How degen is this? A shocking amount of gay men are cool with fucking me here.
brownies are good
the recipe called for dutch process (alkalinized) cocoa powder and I don't have that and also I think it tastes a little weird, so I used regular and regular is quite acidic and I think again I didn't use quite enough sugar but at least I didn't use too much salt this time.
Could have been even more nuts. Next time I will use a little less cocoa powder and a little more sugar. I use pre-toasted sugar (baked caramelized sugar) so it isn't gonna be super sweet no matter what but I didn't use quite enough for my pallet.
My family prefers it not too sweet and complains all the time about food being too sweet so it will be perfect for them though.
ball hairs are getting really long
Not it’s not it’s an pokemon
Thank you for the only post worth reading itt thus far. I enjoy hearing about interesting things from people with lives instead of six word phone posted mean girl exchanges over trip drama.

Brownie sweetness is a debate. Too much tastes like pure sugar and too little makes it taste like a wad of dough. I guess it depends on which ingredient the sweetness comes from. I would guess chocolate should be the vehicle for delivering it.

Enjoy your brownies and be blessed.
Might go see if there's a good shota thread on /b/. Ttyl divas x
back to the retirement home old man is seven words
im playing warthunder :)
lol veganism causes diarrhea?
the issue is santino decided to be a hoe on Grindr and caught HIV from one of his random hookups most likely
but doesn't want to believe he could ever get it because he's allegedly a "top"
I've had straight couples do the same for me, I was a bit slow to realize they were a bisexual couple interested in a threesome
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homosexual gay male intercourse
Me and Tomb Raider 2
I honestly hope both Koreas gets wiped off the face of the earth
China should have invade a long time ago
not music
Back on tha dark souls
go listen to some real music and stop being a dolt
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I still remember this scandal
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kpop just copied polish 80s pop
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kpop is just uncreative in every way
makes sense why so many "zoomer gays" like it since they didn't grow up in the time when being gay meant being an artist and have no talent
creativity as a whole has fallen off as people find it easier / safier to repackaging a new flavor of spiderman. there's rarely original content and ai has only made things worse.

look at the reviews for the acolyte.
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a traditional twink
People saying they look better than me last thread why do you betray me like this. Am I not hot?
that was you samefagging wasnt it
I think its just the younger asian generation in general who want to be europeanized and americanized so bad they steal, borrow, adopt, copy from different european and american cultures over time and try to put their own spin on things..
the variety of cuisine is the only good thing about asian cultures besides some of their building techniques

its funny how they never really adopt anything from other cultures..
sis you ended me
good night
squeezing testicles
No, not bullshitting either
you would look better if you shave your head

good morning friends, how was your weekend? :3
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I wish he would arrest me and force me to sniff his feet and pits and crotch and ass
Cure your gayness
>posts white npc naked model
its what you desire to be due to your self-hatred
All I want Is to twink out, get a nice butt, and achieve trap mode.
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is this the group with the NMB48 girl in it?
post it Jason
Any reason not to block every faceless profile who bothers you on Grindr when you are very clear about only being interested in people with a face?
no reason block away
I’m not sure, a friend of mine just introduced me to them so I haven’t had much time to learn about them >.<
not every one wants their face to be seen publicly on dating apps for multiple reasons
most of which aren't nefarious
I can respect that if all of you respect my preferences too and bother to read my profile bio
I need to participate in the development and spreading of more resistant gonnorhea variants
I navigated this by just sending pics & stats in first message and being the first to reach out
I wonder if I could learn to program (I don't have autism).
I learned to do it and I don't have autism
I made a platformer
Nice ai art
exactly, if they're unwilling to send pics in private than I would block them
How are people ok with not speaking to a friend in like 6 months and then just start talking to them again? It's so fucking awkward. Like dude I don't know you any more, you're a stranger again.
when you have a real connection with someone it doesn't matter how long it's been since you've talked to them, you can connect whenever you cross paths again
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^perhaps my favorite Jewish text

reading anything good lately?
The people I consider close friends aren't really that close to me, and any closer makes me uncomfortable. I guess other people have a stricter definition of "close friend".
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These are my favourite Jewish texts
verified New York painter got commissioned for a piece that will display at a moma exhibit and is using one of my insta pics for reference. Getting $300 as compensation. W I needed
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the magpie was back
okay and? you think you're so fucking cool now, deltoid?
Who so that?
Did you show him your feetsies?

(The magpie is actually a robot I have created to attempt to capture the fabled Delta feetsies)
I beg your pardon
the rhyme

you're not getting my feetsies
nobody deserves them
who the fuck is troye sivan, i swear he just popped into existence a few days ago
I think it's more like only child + moving houses frequently as a child stops me forming strong connections
Ai generated twink from tumblr
i’m alright doing it with close friends but anyone else is out of my life by then
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Azealia Banks put it best
First the straightoids turn our gay bars and clubs into bachelorette avenues, then they take the rainbow merch so flashing a pride lanyard or armband means nothing anymore, now they take the word partner??? Allies was a mistake
Poppers advertiser
She ate and slayed.
What is “pedophilia x incest aesthetic”?
He has been around for many years. He’s known as a gay artist who sings sad songs.
are you going to sawcon?
What is your opinion on being too old to be gay, getting a beard relationship with a woman (who is bi/lesbian, so a 'double beard' relationship), and existing in a dignified but non-sexual relationship?
What does that mean?
saw con deez nuts
troye sivan and his younger brother are both gay and share the same bedroom...

he even says he likes to wear his big brothers underwear
I miss actually owning my videogames
No they don’t
You don't need to use subscription services.
There is nothing dignified about inceldom
Wish we had a better gay icon to represent us instead of a melodramatic queen. Where the confident and excellent gays at.
no i mean in general, even steam is just a glorified rental
special editions were always nice
Way to go Dan. I’m really happy for you and you didn’t post about a hook up.

Was that so hard gaygen
what if the paining of you turns out really ugly and you hate it?
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he showed me some examples of his casual practice stuff and I’m confident in the execution
is he going to draw you as a woman?
>use explore on grindr to look around tokyo
>loads of super cute guys
>basically all bottoms
>i'm a 6'3 white top who like asian guys

i should really visit there before im too old and fuck some cute asian twinks

do asian bottoms like tall white tops? im in decent shape and masc too.
is the exhibit about aids?
It just makes sense if you leave out the dyke part. Tf you want a female to blackmail you for life. Just get away from gays at 26 when its no win. Ofc if you were dumb enough to be "out" you're pretty much fucked. You would then have to move and cut ties at a minimum. Nothing dumber than looking around and thinking a bunch of pervs you never met waving a rainbow flag are going to be of some help backing up your life when your smv hits the wall. Thats the pedo bait they sell gullible students that think it will get them laid when its just a creeper campaign under the 'proud rights' banner or wtf ever
>do asian bottoms like tall white tops?
Come on.
No it’s a picture with my chihuahua

No I don’t think so
everyone likes tall white tops but asians and whites are a common pairing
are you fucking kidding me? there isn't a single masc asian in tokyo?
what? when did i say that?
idk, kinda sounded like that, also i wonder if the japanese bottoms troon out too
there's a few "woke" gay asians who hate all white guys
ikwym besides its creepy if you try to reconnect. People change and a lot. If its more than six months I dont even pretend to know them or make eye contact. Real life moves forward. Idh for little kid shit. If our association mattered we would've stayed in touch. Trying to cling to sentiment or nostalgia or whatever reaches a point where it feels as gay as it looks. Situations keep friends not people. Frankly being blind to the awkwardness is offensive. "Catching up" is just cringe. Nothing against them just grow up. Life isn't some gay movie. All those 'reunion' memes are for family women. As bad as retards that cling to alums.
I sound so insanely gay in all audio recordings it's incredible, it must be so obvious to my family I'm a fag. I mean, that plus not being a retarded sociopath like all my other close male relatives.
haribo is my type of boys
their loss but as long as theres a few cute smoll asian bottoms who want to be railed by a big strong white man then i'd be satisfied
*of boy
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And they say twink death doesn't exist
jesus christ...
idk who that is but he looks fine, just doesnt look 20
Daylight comes to those who live
But those who die, they never see the sun
*he used to look fine
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hi can we paint models or maybe go on long walks at night together or eat spaghetti
from twink to butch lesbian, oof
do you like to be dommed haribo?
what models?
Thats literally me but you all want more because you're greedy and apparently I'm not good enough
If everyone had stayed in the closet they still would've gotten laid, had none of the social stigma, no expectation of monogamy, all the social privilege and that little bit of inhibition would've decimated stds and ability to read others kept social retards out of the scene. We wouldn't have to be associated with loud, fat, ugly socially incompetent pink haired whackos representing us in media.

Which is exactly who pride benefits and makes me think thats exactly who dreamed it up. Fats, ugs, freaks and social retards. Which sums up the term gay pretty well.

If you think thats an impressive display of logic, heres another shocker: 2+2=4.
2 + 2 = 0 in the additive group modulo 4.
Start an onlyfans
We need more wmam porn content
we can do whatever you want to do. Let me be your topslut.
You spilled
That's awesome dude, congrats. You're famous now.
He poured
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no i actually hate it which is why i need you to try as hard as you can to do it so i can show you how much i hate it haha
i have been painting chaos space marines recently i have 40 to paint and i have finished 26
whare are you from bisexual flag anon
And that's the plant-based cruelty-free gluten-free vegan Fairtrade tea
>whare are you from bisexual flag anon
hi mate
how can i know you are being truthful.
Take his word for it.
going to ikea with haribo
tu ments sale pd tu ments comme tu respires
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how often do bottoms think about topping and tops think about bottoming?
>how can i know you are being truthful
ask me anything to say in french

Non mon ami. C'est la vérité.
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make me a vocaroo where you say "haribo you are a very dumb bottom. stupid dumb bitch bottom. get a job you lazy stupid bottom oh my god i hate you fucking moron"
Post a picture of your bookshelf (with readable spines)
Pls say I want to colonize your arab bussy haribo
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bisexuals... the most evil creatures lurking the thread
>be me
>go shopping
>ask for where I can find string cheese
>"sure, right this way ma'am."
I feel so heckin affirmed anons. Second time I've been misgendered outside.
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I'm not at home anon
sup piggy why don’t you marry rollo do you hate black people?
freeing myself from the shackles of consumerism to become the übermensch
what a thrill...
Men speaking French is one of God's little treats
but anon he is not an arab
i hate ronald reagen
That's a really unflattering topknot cut.
He's dead sis. Get over it.
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I love Turkish men in jaunty hats.
I stopped getting bottom thoughts after I cured my depression and felt healthy again.
i fucking HATE turkish soap operas
He is british so…
Your mistake was assuming that most people are rational and competent individuals. A naive mistake you should've corrected earlier sis.
Magnificent Century: Kosem is pretty good though, everyone in it is just horrible, in a fun catty way.
Aren't his ancestors normands or something?
>can't tell if guy I'm fucking is genuinely being obsessive and weird or if my bad personality and undiagnosed mental problems are making me interpret normal shit as unhealthy
>tempted to cut and run either way
you know who else were nomads? the hungarians, god i hate hungary
Magyars, more like fagyars
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My ex wanted to top every couple months, dick was a wierd shape so it was whatever. I dont know how often he thought about it but actually doing it was rare and I was still on top
I dont really think about bottoming but Im not opposed to it. Stars gotta align and all that, usually Im thinking with my dick
>Flabby neck
So many skinny guys assume it'll stay that way then, poof, suddenly they get a gut because they took it for granted. Be warned.
common deltoid W
Do I have a flabby neck
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my ancestors are saxon af
How do you work your neck out?
spot reduction is a myth
"i thought persia was prussia because their names sounded like each other"
It shows a lack of muscle tone. A lot of guys are slim/skinny when they're young and mistake it for being fit, so when their metabolism slows then the bad habits they pick up suddenly take effect. Think of skinny-fat nerdy guys who were always scrawny, then the sedentary lifestyle, bad diet and no exercise catches up.
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I kinda want to kill myself
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how tall are you and what is your weight
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Why do guys always say i'm, a sweet person? Is that the equivalent of nobody loves you in the gfay world
Same. But I externalize it sis. I provoke others to kill me, so I don't have to do it myself.
idk why u suddenly think its ok to spam purple bc ur fucking them
fuckheadism is so ugly
I consider it an insult if somebody calls me a nice guy. I make an active effort to correct their misunderstanding and make sure they know I'm not a sweet nice guy. I will be an asshole and hurt them until they know not to cross me and watch their step around me.
sauce pls
Im not just going to call you sweet, Im going to pinch your cheeks while I do it
If you touch my face, I'll break your nose sis. I will call the cops to get myself arrested for aggravated assault.
Someones been told too many times hes cute when hes angy?
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Do gay men commit domestic violence against their partners?
175cm tall.
Im sure it happens but if theres no woman getting hurt I dont think anyone bothers calling the cops, its just a scuffle between two guys
only if you consider bitch-slapping and shouting loudly "domestic violence"
there is a thing where women start domestic violence and men end it basically what im saying is we need equal rights and votes and emancipation for all bottoms *throws half empty wine glass at you*
its a stupid question really what sort of things do you like to do and also whats your opinion on whats your thoughts what hobbies do you what part of france are you from do you think that charles de gaulle was a good president and also can we be my boyfriend can you
i am so tired damnit but they wont let me sleep
People disrespected me too many times cause I was a nice guy and a people pleaser. So I had to be an asshole and put into jail once to remind people that my kindness is not a weakness to be taken advantage of. It made me learn to get away from these people cause I know they are the kinds of people who like to take advantage of kindness.
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Feeling depressed and suicidal as fuck rn
I've never heard of any cases of gay domestic violence. It sounds pretty rare cause gay sex is so accessible and no strings attached that it's difficult to imagine someone so invested in another gay man to use physical harm to control
or keep him. Unless they're some psycho serial rapist killer, which don't really exist anymore in these modern days of Grindr and Twitter.
Tankanon if he Asian
Just ate two bagels with cream cheese, mild cheese and jalapeños.:)
Gay men have one of, if not the lowest rate of domestic abuse. However I have heard of a few cases and they are always one huge violent explosion when I guess one partner 'snaps' and the other starts swinging back. So far less common, but when it does happen it's usually pretty violent.
That's a lot of questions haribo.
this was a good ass post are you catching up on gaygen
they are making me pretend to me a medieval knight can i post more tomorrow
I like to read. I like to ride. I live in Ile de France. I don't know a lot about Charles de Gaulle. I'm closeted.
please don't hurt yourself
>meet a guy I sort of know through mutual friends
>hot as hell despite living in hoodies and track pants
>basically lives like a NEET
>actually a hyper competent programmer with a well-paying job
>his main hobbies are archery and video games
>apparently learning to speak russian
>once got drunk and infodumped to me about antique guns and trench warfare
I can't not fuck him
>learning to speak russian
awaiting the invasion
they got this place in Alsace called "Petit France" and you think that sounds quite cute and picturesque until you learn that the Germans used to call syphilis "the French disease" and that it was where they used to banish all the syphilishavers
i dont know how to talk to people
deep lore cool. place names are always full of this annoying garbage to be fair. like "pretty swamp" very creative you stupid norman mongoloid imagine if you put that in ur dnd setting
Is he straight?
he sounds bi
I feel like some rich privileged white boy king, I swear if I told to kill himself they'd do it. They just do whatever I tell them to. The first bottom who stands up to me can be my husband
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yalls problem is you dont control your man. You have to control your man. I control my man. My man tries stayin out drinkin with his whore chasin friends he knows he gets the pan. That pan comes down on his head and he knows whats what. Aint no man comin in this house stinkin of booze at 2 in the morning gettin the dogs all riled up. He gets the pan
there are probably dozens of places in s fl named a native american word that means big water
Maybe. I think he has family that was from that part of the world. I wouldn't mind invading him ifyouknowwhatImean.

I'm not sure. I've only talked to him a few times and it hasn't come up in conversation. I know he's never been in a relationship either way. I'm planning figuring out next time we talk. He seems to appreciate directness and several of our mutual friends aren't straight, so he'd probably be fine with it.

Shit I hope so. I'm fighting literal demons not to draw him all the time. I think I have brainrot.
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sisters, what do I do if i am attracted to my male friends???
if you've actually genuinely fucked there and this photo isn't just a hoax, then my god are gay men degenerates
You tell them sis.
remember anita sarkeesian? i wonder what happened to her
Omg yall I kinda accidentally took a plane to somewhere OxO
Oh you use violence to control your top? I don’t.. it’s illegal and I don’t wanna go to jail
you've already been there
Maybe I have learned from my mistakes. Did that occur to you?
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am avoidant
She gained 40 lbs and married herself in one of the saddest displays imaginable
for real, they could have tried a little harder in my opinion
is bad art valid? and i dont mean so bad its good like tails gets trolled, i mean mediocre tumblr bad
I think people often conflate quality and liking something. For example, Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. A lot of people don't like it or hate it, but that doesn't mean it's bad nor that isn't valid as art. It's good from a technical standpoint, but wheter someone likes it or hates it is independent from that.
Another example are Blu's drawings. From a technical standpoint, they are bad (and I already told her why), but it doesn't means they are not valid as art either.
asian twink top x white muscle bottom
italian otter with curly hair
skinny dork with that "bully me" personality
surely something can only be valid within a context, what does universal validity even mean?
am a lunatic that is going to get you one day
what percentage of the time do you not feel that way?
with a name like pietro?
I can't stop listening to "speaker rapes listener" audios :(
LMAO at least he gave you some water
but sex in the humidity of the summer?
I like sex only when it's cold and frigid
post ur hole rapemeat faggot
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that makes no sense at all
Is it really that bad to want to be put into a chokehold while a guy I've never met (who is stronger and faster than me) slams his meat into me, despite my cries in pain and protests?
can you reverse the brain damage caused by alcohol or is that shit permanent
permanent :(
sorry sis
it isn't
are you all bottoms here btw?
smells like bottoms all i'm saying
last time i went to the wards they injected my big manly butt with something they said would reduce brain damage from alcohol... idk?
damn :/
well, i shaved my balls. feels pretty good now
>Seen a guy a few times
>Found out his nerd hobbies go deeper than expected
>Like to a wierd degree
How good does the dick have to be before its not worth it?
What kind of hobbies?
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but sis... that's really scary :(((
Like I knew he played card games theyre all over his desk but apparently he is like a card game referee and goes all over the state and out of state every weekend to be the nerd referee and that just feels like its too much yknow?
when it crosses over into obsession
guys that are passionate about their hobbies are cute
you dont deserve him
i love cock, can't get enough of it. i'd practically do anything for some dick
Every weekend obsession, i cant get any time friday to sunday
Calm down its just cards
> i'd practically do anything for some dick
That’s embarrassing sis. Have some dignity
what game?
have you guys really talked about it already?
Depends how bad
time for meat
Idk I think that’s a fine hobby. A bit nerdy but it’s like gaming I guess? He must be smart. Maybe. I once almost went on a date with a guy who’d do role playing in his spare time with plastic swords and stuff. At first sight he looked socially adjusted
Dick would do anything to get away from you lol
Magic I think? The cards are brown on one side and white or brown on the other
I dont want to just walk into his life and demand he change everything but like Im not just 4 days a week no matter how good those 4 days are and he already told me he isnt bringing me wherever he is going on the weekends
Many guys with their dicks want me.
Proof? :3
Also, who the hell are you sis? You just come in here outta nowhere actin like you own this place. Get a fucking grip sis.
I run you. Now go back to posting all day and don’t even think of hiding off trip like usual :p
all asians are bottoms. you wouldnt even barely feel anything

4.5 in asians is considered huge for them, if youve seen an asians dick pic online and it looks big hes probably just really short
>t. asian connoseiur
What do you like about Asians?
i fucked an asian once. his ass smelled weird and his dick tasted fishy
I've only been with 1 who's my boyfriend but physically? Probably the size difference, I'm 6'1" and he's 5'3".

But he tells me all the guys in his family are like 2 inches or 3 in the dick department.
So the only reason why you wanted him as a boyfriend is because you have a fetish for short people and for Asians?
They usually have a great work ethic unlike some greedy fat greasy jew gyspy thieves :/ (you)
How good can it be it sounds like youre dating a magic judge
What’s good about a good work ethic in a partner? The money that comes from it? so you’re a gold digger?
>What’s good about a good work ethic in a partner
If a guy is a lazy fuck at work he is going to be a lazy fuck everywhere else
I wonder what it’s like to date an Asian. I bet they copy you a lot. Like, your personal style and mannerisms.
This retard think work ethic is only about actual jobs
it’s weird that he told you that. you should absolutely talk to him about this if you feel like it’s worth trying to salvage
There's nothing wrong with that sis.
He has a fat dick and a body type i like and i dont think he knows it
Just like you have your day job and i respect that 40 hours a week but then you have a second 'job' and its when everyone normally has free time so theres just 3 straight days of nothing to do because he has to go 3 hours away to make sure some neckbeard isnt playing pretend the wrong way
>Magic judge
>Body type you like
Liking the morbidly obese isnt a flex, Im sure you can find the same thing in a guy that only works one job or even doesnt work at all
A real relationship is based on love. Not fetishes.
May God help y’all.
No, I just liked him because he was really nice to me

goes a long way surprisingly
what would you know about a real relationship as someone chronically single and online all your life? quickly
You’re projecting a bit too much now Sisma
No answer? lol
That’s actually so true. Being nice is so essential. Niceness is the basis of our societies. And it’s the essence of goodness. I’m a big fan of being nice to others. It’s a big and important value for me
You don’t know anything about me sis but your attempt at insulting me revealed a lot about yourself.
Everyone hide your valuables theres a thief in here (xanthippe/conservativebottom)
Don’t you have anything better to do than harassing random strangers on the internet? Like, get a hobby or something :-)
>morbidly obese
He isnt obese hes just like Big with a capital B like if there was 0% fat he would still be 240 easy but he cooks a lot and eats a lot and its a little wierd but he has a lot of deer and stuff in a big freezer (not as wierd as the card games) and his arms thighs chest shoulders are all just BIG
You call yourself a prince but there’s nothing royal about your behaviour.
Uh oh, is he a person of colour?
One with an actual admitted criminal history of thievery :/
where's horror I need the advice of a fellow floral enjoyer
>rowling as op
>no cis
another pietro rebranding?
Going to hang out here until the new thread gets deleted and remade

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