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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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prev >>36286741
Are you ok dating fems?
what is your best actual theories on freshieanon given that she literally posts pics of random college boys?
a) /pol/cel
b) trannie saboteur
c) actual sexy boomer
d) actual creepy boomer
e) indian
f) cooper
g) different trip (write name)
h) fbi glowie
i) other write
we are all cooper
jesus christ this shit is so fucking annoying just ignore the pedo
a d e f i (mentally unbalanced)
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Let me ask here again since it's a new thread
How over is it for me with this physique? What can I do to improve it? I know it's bad. I've started cutting out a lot of garbage and have been walking for 1 hrs daily.
https://unsee cc/album#aPVQFTQiaHcp
butts are gay coded
i think that the "everyone over 20 is a fat gaydead except me for reasons i will not elaborate" troll we know as freshieanon and the person who posts random teenage boys on every single board are two different people
I would date an indian ngl
ask /fit/ qtddtot
a c and h
hot right-wing fbi boomer daddy
Casino or 7/11?
Missed the new thread and posted this on previous one. Today I consumed three of these soft antibiotic pills and two activated charcoal pills. I didn't feel the need to shit, and passed very little gas compared to yesterday. I also didn't feel the characteristic stomach churning.
E is the only one I'm sure of.
just do a bro split and cardio
> the 24/7 posts about teenagers are totally multiple people
you've gotta be joking or retarded
I tried to do side planks yesterday and uh I cannot really do them, not with my feet resting one on another anyways I have to splay my feet to do it
I did sorta do a reverse tabletop where you have one hand down one hand out (wild thing) but I need to work on my positioning
first time on this site newfag?
G its this one: >>36288895
do ab/core exercises isnt gonna do anything for you rn just a waste of time
What's a bro split?
So just keep walking like I already am is enough? Or do I need to do more?
need male cuddle buddy.
Hi Santino. Thoughts on my unsee? It's bad isn't it?
i'm trans sry
probably this + the whole trip is a larp created only after another trip debuted
but they arent ready to face that truth
do you think im a different anon?
are you drunk?
side planks and wild thing are good for you, just hard, maybe I will try some easy balance today

when I exercise im thinking, god I hope I do not have a stroke or a heart attack, not, omg I hope I get six pack abs
look it up. walking isnt gonna do anything fat people walk around all the time.
What do you do for cardio then
Ill copy you
oh, that's cool and all, but i'm gay
god fuck you
i dont do cardio
man that must be rough lol gl ig
i havent slept in days take it easy
You fucking fat liar. How are you so skinny then?
bought some of this wackity assed syrup on a whim because I'm into rose / floral flavoured things but this shit is made with sandalwood and vetiver so it has this distinctive "cheap men's cologne" kind of thing going on. idk what to do with it the bottle is pretty big
that sounds so good im drinking another yogurt soju highly rucommend
You're an average current year skinnyfat male, just exercise and eat less goyslop
i dont like eating
pan tadeusz fucking sucks
Is walking for 1-2 hours with a calorie deficit good?
Wish there were healthy roids :/
bf doesn't like games
not sure if it's a good or bad thing
at least he won't sperg at league of legends or some shit
but then playing games together can be comfy
tried drinking it with soda water and I'm not feeling it but I'm determined to find a good use for it. maybe I can make it into ice cream or something
>eat less goyslop
what are you cooking today anons?
cal deficit stir fry
im trying to sleep could you keep it down?
get on keto intermittent fasting move heavy object listen hardstyle
you WILL go hungry iron sharpens iron as they say GET IT DONE
i ate a chicken and pasta pesto pesto pasta
i made massaman curry
I'm not a fitness expert, but I know there are better alternatives to just walking, even if you don't wanna run you can for example walk up and down stairs repeatedly. I don't mean you should stop walking tho, just don't spend so much time just walking and do something else.
join ukraine foreign legion
not fit?
good. you will be
im about to blast these free weights sorry for my parents 2am workout i hit a new pb yesterday 300 gram bench AM SHREDDED
Made chicken parm for dinner with my boy last night, so tonight probably just some steamed broccoli and a protein shake with a workout for dessert
download grindr
not gay?
You will be.
so wait, did shallo's parents drag him on this week + family vacation to see other family members BECAUSE they knew if they left him behind he would shack up with random dudes and disgrace their home so they've been having to drag him around everywhere they go?
Will this give me twink body
-_- never gonna have bf
yeah teddy grahams
I can picture Blu addicted to meth and begging shallo for cock.
With my skinnyfat body? I don't do drugs. But I'd beg him for his physique.
i don't like when blu is posting
you can put it on desserts and maybe make mixed drinks with it
haribo... why are you on no fap?

maybe they want him there anon

i should exercise more, been hard to find the time. weather is picking up though, so maybe some much needed outdoors time
Blu is infinitely more interesting and insightful than your fat brown ass though
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i purchased shish taouk and it came with rice and baba ghanoush
Santino I’m not interested in your little territorial pissing contest brother lmao go on about your day and try not to shit yourself
any of you anons play guitar mine suddenly keeps buzzing and idk why its kinda worrying
it might be full if bees have you checked for bees?
not even you believe this
No one replied to me T_T
i would have never figured you for a blu fan i will now make dua for relief from diarrhea for you
Wild you’re mad at me because you come off like a pedophile
god damn it haribo
tug one out
it won't make you taller either way
a box of bees would sound noticeably better than my playing so it seems unlikely
more like donna fartt
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i made a fvcking templar vow ov chvstity i will not coom until iim a fucking french legionnaire panzergrenadier assault attacxk battle in the war i cant be neglectfully spilling my vril over my tummy because of pixel twinks on my screen
I can fix you
I'm mad because you called me one
How the hell do I come off like a pedophile
... i'm not sure if you need less bullying in your past or more bullying now...
im gony look like brad pitt from troy 2002 the movie and shag cooper in his tight pink arse
santino is a douche
Tbf I said I believe you could be a suppressing one, not you are actively one. That means I have the faith in you that you would never actually diddy a kiddy brother. It might just be your foreign genes idk man. You just have the look and your manchild lifestyle plays into it
Santino Is my biggest fan :) I'm so happy.
Have you ever been hit on by a pooner irl?
can’t wait to see you turn into a mutated mass of flesh from the explosive psionic power unleashed by nofap
wait you're a top?
No one has ever hit on me. No one.
Do you think Haribo leaves musty farts around the house or does he properly wash his ass ?
i dont have to listen to you. youre not god, my father, or my boss.
well duh ugly lol
What do you think about Haribo's ability to defog a mirror using only his ass ? Real or not ?
what do you think of the impending israeli invasion of lebanon?
Well I'm not a suppressing one either
>foreign genes
>the look
The hell do you mean by that anyway
How can I fix my ugliness? I can't just be stuck like this. It's not fair.
i have to put a cap on this bit before i get out of control
Br*tish and g*nger
he has an apu blanket that he farts into and sniffs whenever he’s feeling anxious
yeah, i didn't think so somehow. don't worry haribo, you're cute, someone will deep dick you before long.
I hope he's real, I'm only 18 and need an older bf for financials support.
could freshie anon the greatest mind of our time?
i need to watch that arnold schwarznegger documentary about being a power lifter so i can know how to pose
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>Enough of this. You are gays. You will obey me. I command you. Do as I say.
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you're more than just skinnyfat
you're definitely overweight and 25-30% bodyfat
ew why would you post that
What if we dye your hair and infect you with revitiligo? That will take care the code orange issue and then we just have to worry about all the rest. Listen brother as long as we keep you away from the schools things will work out for you
Bmi says I'm overweight so it checks out
Took 2 edibles at once today and it was insane. My whole body felt weak and a little tingly. I was floppy like a fish and I was laughing at stupid stuff. My anxiety didn't go all the way away. I had a mini panic attack, more like an anxiety attack, on the way home in my car. I'm starting to think these gummies aren't doing anything for my anxiety.
no shit retard lmao
Have you even gotten used to one? Edibles ought to be respected because they can hit you harder than you'd expect. It's absolutely horrid for anxiety if you're the paranoid or anxious type. Keep your intake low to where you can handle it.
I use to work with blacks with a similar bodyshape and they all had diabetes. Reduce your calories intake to 1200 calories and you'll lose 1-2lbs a week. Add some assisted push-ups, assisted pull-ups, squats, and different dumbbell exercises. There's so many workout videos you can find on youtube, but you really don't need to do cardio if you reduce your calorie intake.
1200 calories a day for 3-4 months.
Call me dumb and boring all you want but joke or not don't slander my moral character
delta has the same bodyshape
Well they were 4:1 CBD:THC so I thought it would be calming. If anything it made me feel worse. I thought CBD was the calming one. I heard Benadryl works against anxiety, I'll try that next when I get my paycheck. I spent my last one on fast food and vidya so I'm broke.
Male hands
I prefer cardio over those. I've never been diagnosed with diabetes. I hate push ups. I hate pull ups. Squats are okay.
I've stopped eating a lot of the crap that was filled with terrible terrible calories. So that's a step I guess. I've been drinking more water too.
is this black eagle? lol
I'd been taking 2 a day, waiting for the last one to wear off before I take the second, for about a week before I tried 2 at once today. I definitely won't take 2 at once again unless I develop resistance or something idk how this works.
if you really have serious anxiety you want to sort your life out first doll
oh ok, well I would start sprinting and running if you have good running shoes
do you have any uphill streets where you live?
sprinting uphill will give you the best ass ever
or running upstairs in a skyscraper..
I keep telling myself I'm gonna take a hike in the morning but when I do wake up in time I decide to blow it off because I don't have the will to get my clothes on. I think I might have the D & A double whammy.
a lot of people don't think of liquids as having calories for some reason and end up drinking 500-1000 calories of liquid a day on average
stop drinking anything but water
why are they always playing mario kart when they take pictures of themselves idgi
it says blu
I said what I said and I meant it
I didn't notice what game it was am i a coomer
Running doesn't sound so bad but no upphills. Can I go up and down stairs? I just want a good butt and to achieve twinkdom.
Eating was the only thing that made me feel good when I was sad, so I'd eat garbage and not care because nothing else made me happy. I want to be a bit healthier again. Drinking anything but water should be easy, but I like coffee.
you can run up and down any stairs
its just that more stairs in a skyscraper with a lot of floors makes it easy
as you don't need to go down as much and then back up so you don't feel as exhausted
its the upward movement going upstairs that works out the body good
jogging down doesn't do anything
What episode of Hansen were you on and, follow-up, was that arrest why you don’t leave the house now?
yes but he's cute
haribo farting
yes :s

coffee is ok but green tea is better because coffee dehydrates and makes you hungry after so stay hydrated and get a gym membership to do cardio and eat in portions :3
no lol
lie again
getting a nice butt is also about back arch you need flexibility this is the grossest post i will ever make
Ugh. I know I'm just so ugly and insecure about my body. It basically makes me go from a 4 to 2. Bad genes. Life is so unfair.
I actually hate tea no joke
i basedjacked basedhard when tolkein did the lightning sword thing at helms deep but its in fucking deuteronomy what a hack
riding a bicycle is fun
rollerblading or skating is fun
skateboarding is fun
there's so many ways to get In shape
sitting butteryfly sits
toe touchies
standing toe touchies
I already said I don't know how to do any of those. No one ever taught me.
you dont have to drink tea but it helps a lot with weight loss and brain productivity more than coffee since it dehydrates and makes your teeth weaker and yellow :s
meditating helps too
you can learn things on your own
watch a YouTube tutorial
have you tried dancing? do you got the rhythm in you?
>i dont have these items
>i cant afford them
there's always an excuse
what do you think of tom bombadil? merry fellow or mincing fag?
aren’t you an adult?
i adhd skipped most of tom bombadil
OK I'll try these. I'll give green tea a try. I am just a caffeine addict.
It's too hard and requires too much money
>how DARE you not grow up as privileged as I, cretin? You must love bring this way!
So what if I am? That doesn't automatically mean I know these things.
why did blu ignore my post what a meanie i was serious you need to do pilates
in Morocco they often travel by scooter, donkey, or pickup truck apparently and don't use bikes
Sorry, post a link or soemtjing or say it again in detail. I need precise instructions.
does your family own a donkey?
Sorry. Caps.
the victim mentality is so gross sis
and that's how you get to the grocery store? that's kind of cool
imagine having an elephant as a your cat
I'm pretty lame at body dancing, but have a pretty groovy mind.

>in context, immediately interpret the text as HIV-A-PIZZA
I took bottomanons advice. Not my fault I can't ride a bike. If I was such a victim, I wouldn't be trying to make better health decisions!
I'm gonna leave you for a while and by the time I come back I'll have sorted all my shit out
Bye bye
you won
Blu and Santinof roced to work out ujntil they love themself.
Santino isn't fat like me. I'm just a pig. He's a Greek God.
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smoking on that shit that gives you low-functioning autism
Blu forced to smoke crack and heroin until he learns what love is and then he's kept underwater in a cage of mirrors to understand how to apply that to himself.
What's a sad excuse of a human being?
divas is it true ffxiv is unplayable now
ever fantasize about straight men?
you seem to imply it was playable before

lmao! i am not believing everything i read on here
i want gay bf
this guy is always wanting to hang out but we don’t have much in common
he’s thin, longish hair, he has kind of a bitchy condescending attitude
he makes crude oversexualized remarks about girls we know
he unilaterally talks about porn type stuff
in our forced “hang out” sessions he tries to neg me but it’s just mildly irritating
he also sits too close and generally intrudes on my personal space
at the same time I know he must feel really lonely based on random details he has dropped about his life and I kind of want to give him a hug
is this some kind of gay flirting?
you should it makes this place fun
It's insane how trannies want to take children from their parents because they don't want to subject them to HRT and puberty blockers.
Absolutely smoked a poor bunny rabbit with the car on my way home tonight. Actually feel so bad lmao
i hope a berber slaver sells you to a date farmer
i miss nyomanon
>tfw no bf to be my bigspoon
speaking of hungry
cuddling? in the summer? :o
it's 74 degrees in my room, not too hot to cuddle with clothes on
I think my father would've appreciated my art, too bad I never showed him while I had the chance.
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horny and sad

Cancer season realness
what kind of art?
woah i just found that julian assange is being released
God I hate my fat fuck BF I wish he'd drop dead of a heart attack already. Sadly he'll probably wait until his 50s and waste both of our lives.

t. Not a larp
Divorce him.
don’t know what you got till it’s gone
white gays be like
freshpedo b leik
>white gays be like
Not married but own property
Don't know what you got 15 yrs down the line. FUCK. If you date somebody with a history of fattie problems personally an in thir family... Trust that they will have fattie problems forever. Just pray that,they have a heart attack and die. Seriously. Need an evil djinn to kill this fattie.
freshieanon is a white supremacist
Sounds like he owns the property hehe
reynhard sinaga be like
> is that a white straight guy? *drops pills in his drink* plap plap *goes to prison to become a chink ladyboy*

Equal ownership. And I make more. Really pathetic that he still thinks he can just get fat. He vehemently opposes doing cardio too. I wouldn't mind if lifting did anything for him or his diet wasn't garbage.
Hopefully he just dies tonight
Why can't fat people have heart attacks even more often?

Give me hope anons what are some things besides heart attacks that might kill my fattie BF soon?
I tend to overheat quickly, so I tend to crank the A/C when cuddling -w-

being a Cancer is suffering v_v
If that were true since you’re not married you could be honest with him and fuck other people. Instead in reality you’re whining because you need him for whatever creature comforts you’re getting out of staying.
an fwb id most like to get with is a cancer and he just won’t let either of us have it. it’s a great mystery
yes and?
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I made homemade mayonnaise. I think I finally have the recipe down pat.
I'm going to make tuna melts.
is this a flattering angle? my friend was bullying me about my lack of a lewd catalog >.>


hmm, if he’s anything like me, sometimes the emotions just clash and we end up avoiding things altogether
it’s a “catch us in the right moment” kind of things ^^;
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i can't take my mind off the extension cord up on the couch
the agony of being an otherwise straight male trapped in a short fem bottom body. is there a place for us in this world?
My anxiety isn't nearly as bad now. My stomach has been clenched all day and it still is but I'm not feeling tightness or pain in my chest or gut anymore, and my thoughts aren't drifting toward the anxiety as much. My mental defenses are being reinforced by the moment, each second is another brick on the wall.

I think I've crested the hill.
the church
i don't believe in no religion, although i may practice parts of buddhism to keep my chakras in balance.
Oooga ooga
exactly. We’ve been friends for almost 2 years now and seem to really understand each other, physical chemistry is perfect. but he’s so independent and hard to read, inconsistent

Yeah we have too many mutual friends for me to be the villain. I do cheat a lot. But I'd like to just find a good relationship without people thinking I'm evil for not staying with a fat fuck loser.
Would like to see these twinks crush each other's balls until they're blue and mushy
even though i'm a total bottom, sometimes i think about topping other bottoms
I feel a kinship with him, very fickle feline energy -w-
and thank you Dan, I’ll keep it :3

a weretop… owo
you think a shirtless pic on tinder is too much? i don't want to attract whore bottoms
My idea of a "cheap date" means under $10. Total.
you’re welcome and keep slaying and buy thongs
need twink suck my pnis
i was in california last week baka
words meaningless, nonverbal comms only
is it a staged shirtless pic or a candid one?

I never thought about buying a pair, I’ll look into some
only ever tried jockstraps outside of my briefs >.>
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y didnt u suc my pnis
coms offline
staged ofc. im not trying to get skin cancer
>hmm? tiny :\
>proceeds to walk away
>coke zero
>shitty potted plants
name a more iconic fag duo
then I’d advise against it -w-
candids are innocent and cuter :)
candids imply i have friends and a life
who watches this content besides lonely closeted 50+ year olds? so embarrassing
yeah, I’d say that’d be a common expectation… O.o
wouldn’t you want to come off that way?
how to block the white people spam?
too much expectation. why would i give off the appearance of someone i'm not?
Fit white men are fucking GODS. They should be allowed to rape whoever they want with impunity.
I should have gone into cs
I don't find shallo that fit...he looks skinnyfat imo..even /fit/ would say he doesn't look like he lifts

start by getting a hiv test
petition to publicly hang all /gaygen/ posters
I’m already hung in public iykwim brother
IS PICREL PLAYING FUCKING MARIO KART?INSTANT SMASH (I am obsessed with Mario Kart thanks to Schaffrillas Productions)
he said he wanted to give me a back massage tomorrow, what are the chances this ends with me touching his cyock
cant believe i got called skinny fat on a monday night

A person who uses a tripcode, i.e. a tripfaggot. Although available, using tripcodes has always been strongly discouraged by the anonymous culture of this website. Guess which board, and specifically which regularly occuring thread on a board, most consistently makes use of this uniquely identifying technology, so that the users can bitch at each other over their meaningless faggot lives?
Keep seething you anonymous npc

You are one of the worst of them
Coming from someone like you, I take that as a compliment.
What’s the point of being anon?
What's the point of having multiple trips and trip names?
So that other people can identify me when we interact with each other. I have many friends here. How many friends do you have here? When you arrive here, how many say “yaaay “anon” is back”?

Your reflexive use of "npc" is ironic, because where tripfaggots are concerned, it's contrary to the real meaning of the term.

"npc" came to denote the unthinking, uncritical normie mind, the dullards. the tripfaggot better exemplifies this trope, because he is the type to demean himself by creating a facebook account, or an instagram account, and believe himself special for doing so. Homosexual that he is, he is a narcissist, and has a compulsion to uniquely id himself in whatever stupid seedy place he visits, even when doing so may be actively harmful to himself, as the effeminite bitching among tripfaggots and those who watch them on this particular thread seems to indicate. In additional to the original mental illness and defect, people who post here with tripcodes are like women.

You are using a website which is well known to be frequented by racists, pedophiles, and racist pedophiles.
Tripfags have personality, anons are just grey nobodies that fill out empty space here.
hidden under the shade of night while staring into anon's window. watching. waiting owo
>You are using a website which is well known to be frequented by racists, pedophiles, and racist pedophiles.
oh your dad browses this place too?
reee ee
but why have you changed it so many times?

I know that you're mentally a woman and unable to understand this, but the whole pleasure of the website throughout its history has been the ability to simply focus on some concept or idea, rather than people. Even if it's some stupid fictional anime girl, the hard problem of consciousness or repairing chairs or whatever. The point about women and active gay men is that they collectively ruin things because they don't care about straight men's autistic hobbies. /lgbt/ is a nice little ghetto (the entire site is a bunch of containment boards), but /gaygen/ in particular is rife with dull, unwarranted narcissism from a bunch of tripfaggots who don't seem to have anything better to do with themselves. "Hehe you just watch yourself sweetie I saw what you posted on twitter four months ago". Have sex with women, impregnate them and then don't molest the children.
in all honesty, you kinda are.
now post your onlyfans or where do you cam whore.
i want to throw money at you.
it's funny bc you think xanthippe can read
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im not
>making gg memes
>everyone else is too involved!
you cant make this shit up lmao
ok, post the link. I'll be the judge of that.
I just know that you're cute.
You’re welcome to focus on concept and ideas rather than people. There’s no one here saying you can’t do that.
The Panthers won the Cup and I’m feeling good! How are you guys this fine evening?
morning here.
had almost no sleep, feel like shit, have to work.
glad that you're good.
Yeah fuck, that sucks. Good luck making it through.
Well, not that I have a choice.
how's the heat treating canada anyway?
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i see a jelly roll

Pretty normal early-summer weather so far. Not too hot.
hazel hoffman?
lucky you.
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Yeah I can’t stand extreme heat
huh, he's surprisingly looks like hazel hoffman.
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what is considered extreme heat for canada or for you?
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Like more than 35 degrees Celsius
Do gays really like sports?
We like sports and we don’t care who knows
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pretty much same here.
i remember the days when 25+ celsius was extreme heat. good times.
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The gooner hour…
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unless you have nsfw stuff of him, stop posting this garbage.
how is spamming not b&'able?
Beaglesis, our response?
psychopaths are honestly so boring. i'm glad i don't understand it, means i'm not a bitch.
give it a rest
Why did you start a thread? Everyone is sleeping rn

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