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Yuri Day Edition

QOTT: Do you like yuri? If so, what is your favorite yuri?

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous thread: >>36270438
not liking yuri on yuri day is a sin and i'm not a sinner
my favorite, for no particular reason, is probably akuma no riddle
She lives in the SanFran area of California, so maybe?
No I meant if I knew her from online.
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How many do you do?
Up until about two weeks ago I was exercising, meditating, journalling and reading almost everyday but then I messed up my streak and now I don't. I just go for walks now cause I'm too lazy to do anything else.
I really need to start doing my hobbies again so I'm not a loser who's only hobby is media consumption.
>dad reminded me that I should get a gf
feels bad man
i've successfully made my parents think i have zero interest in a romantic relationship so they never bother me about stuff like that. plus they care more about me getting a "real job" anyway. don't let other people pressure you though you'll get a gf eventually
Hit her with the omega jaw-lock anaconda 600psi tit bite 5000 last night and she screamed at me. Idk if this one is gonna last.
I think my favorite is Shizuru/Natsuku and Claudine/Maya
Any hot weebs in here? I'm trying to discuss how Aikatsu's best ship was rinao
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What are your favorite candies anons? This chocolate is so good oml. Kasugai/Kanro muscat gummies and Ghirardelli caramel filled chocolates are another favorite of mine.
As for yuri, I don't really care for it. I used to watch it when I was young and closeted as a cope, but I think there's a lot of tropes that border on offensive and/or infantilizing. Oniisama e and Octave are good though.
My old man didn't start taking it seriously until I was older, so I'm glad that he at least acknowledges that I'm gay now. I had a gf for awhile, but we broke up because my college friends were kinda judgemental/shallow and I made the mistake of overlooking that (no judgement towards her whatsoever).
If you have large boobs and aren't a landwhale then you're essentially hot.
If you're not a landwhale then you're alright.
I'd like to thank that one anon who told me to go to the doctor. It was oral thrush. She did prescribe fluconazole. The appointment wasn't nearly as embarrassing as I had imagined.
>large boobs
define large
I think a lot of the tropes are amusing
Like in watamote and mucielago
But there's more serious ones as well, you'd be better off reading it because there's not really any that come out aside from cgdct
Idg the obsession with big titties. I just want my partner to have a similar breast size to me (+/- 1 cup size diff max)
how big are your boobs?
>QOTT: Do you like yuri? If so, what is your favorite yuri?

Madoka Magica, and Madoka and Homura WILL get married in the fourth movie.
Yes please answer
I'm not really obsessed, but I do like them
I'm assuming you're around average then
Mine are D but still the bounce of a big bossom is titilating
Mine are DD
I do live in CA, but i live in LA, i also know enough people in SF to know i have stalkers over there that really really REALLY hate my ass for speaking out about not wanting to play with penis. schot winner crowd lives out there and think im lying to them about real lesbians not wanting dick. he cant grasp that everyone on earth is NOT me, and maybe, i might be right.
ngl, i came here because in the chans, its really hard to bullshit your way across an argument.
You might, im all over the place, if i want to make myself really big i can, but i like to stay small and to the point. I need people alive, being happy with me has nothing to do with that.
I like
they don't look that big or at least i don't think they do
Then it's a happy surprise for whomever gets to see them
My Adventures with Superman has become the household show we all watch. It's surprisingly very good. Superman is kinda oversensitive cucked-fuqboi and they raceswapped the ginger, AGAIN but they give Jimmy Olson a main character part instead of the side character shelving.
Why the fuck would I want to watch a lois centric show?
I hate that bitch
Worst character in the entire DCU
She's even dumber and more selfish in this new one, you'll love it
I hate her
They act like a lesbian couple
But she's really horrible
I'd prefer if she just went away
>no gf
>wagie/no job
>live with parents
>post on /clg/
me but i grew out of my weeb phase
What phase are you now?
yes and?
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American women.
Who will be my gf?
me! me! me!!!
You gotta tell me about yourself first or post your own contact.
I'm not fat, I'm somewhat retarded
I work out, like games and anime, nature
Don't like politics or arguing about little things

Morbidly obese, iq of 7
My only workout is at the bingo hall, I love protesting outside abortion clinics.
I don't like minorities.
Jumping on vr for a bit then bedtime
popping in long enough to answer qott. I fucking loved Prism and was so bummed that it got cancelled over copyright shenanigans
Sorry I don't like fat people but the rest is fine
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Why are butch girls so cute I want to hold them down and doll them up against their will.
i'm not a butch but i want a girl to do this to me
I will do it to you
aaaaaaaaahhhhhh i love women !!! !!
What do you love about women?
amazing, beautiful, clever, warm, soft, loving, i just think girl is so awesome
I was really into Kase-san but took a break when the college arc started and read the entire thing in bulk. Oh my gaaawd. The constant jealously and lack of communication actually annoyed me compared to years ago. I realize they're high schoolers but jeez.

I liked Gundam Witch, it brought me back into yuri while Shiz/Natsuki was my introduction. Saying my favorite is pretty hard though.

I recommend The Blue Star on That Day. It's self-published so the author updates in her spare time as she has a full-time job. I think there's a donation link to support her somewhere. I don't know. But this is one of the few series where I've seen a character have a sexual awakening. Here she realizes what she was feeling while making out and decides to sleep alone.
I think picrel could have fixed me if it was done to me before puberty it is too late now
late to yuri day i fear but i recommend takemiya jin's itoshi koishi and yorita miyuki's her kiss as manga reads
No, you would have just acquired a different type of brainworms ("trauma made me gay").
I'm fat (real)
Should I kms?
this girl is so extremely retarded

she screams "read lesbian history!" by which she means read heterosexual feminist history bc she thinks the fact that political fakebians still unfortunately existed in 1960 proves that real lesbians don't exist and that we're all just supposed to asexually hold hands in feminist land
no you should just go on diet
Just woke up… alone…. again…. with no qtpie beside me….

Sflr but I’m a 32D. I’d prefer 32C but 32DD or another 32D is fine as well.

One of the most romantic things for me is to have me and my partner do each other’s makeup at the same time too. We don’t even have to go out either, we can just do it for fun and look pretty together at home for the rest of the day!
I hate that word
Ok but that sounds like you are justified and like you actually have a reason it makes you less immoral than "ecchi anime made me gay"
Psy ops are really powerful these days. Don't blame yourself for being gay, blame the government. How could you resist? Nobody can resist the psy op. You're okay. It's a natural consequence of being exposed to the mind virus, kind of like getting freckles in the sun. You're gay, so be gay.
You should eat 1400 calories a day and buy a used bike and then ride it for an hour every day until you stop being fat
You're so right and you just reminded me of a theory I have, I don't really blame the government though I blame pollution. The pollution in the air and water causes defects like autism homosexuality etc. The higher percentage of both these days is because there is more pollution and microplastics not because of any other reason like everyone else says. It was never my fault thank you anon
I think I'm the only person who didn't LOVE Madoka. Friend streamed it for me a few months ago and we finished it in a single day. My thoughts on it were just "eh, that was alright, but nothing special."
Do you ever find yourself agreeing with men on women being trouble/difficult/emotional etc?
Yes, but we aren't allowed to admit that.
>noooo you can't be emotional how dare you experience basic human functions just be an unfeeling sociopathic autist like me
>tfw no yurifriend to stream yuri to me
Post your reaction when you see a tranny.
Last time I saw a tranny I asked for a double cheeseburger (they were the shakeshack cashier)
I like the buns they use
I'm going to do it, today I'm going to have sex with my gf

I hope my love lies bleeding wifebeater and fresh tan lines are enough to counter this shitty cough
Anybody else started walking naked around their house? It’s so hot rn this summer is unbearable
Global warming is real
You can't convince me otherwise
And yeah I'd do the same if I wasn't living with others
Elon Musk is couping my country again :(
Bolivian anons are like rare pokemons.
me too. its political fakebian stupidity.
I like yuri, though I come from a Western femslash fandom background. Nowadays I'm really into Magia Record ships but that's kinda of a niche fandom
If I were you and your roommates are all women I’d just convince them to walk naked with me and then I’ll secretly ogle their bodies huehuehuehuehuehuehue
i would, but then me and my partner would be fucking like rabbits xd
i hate the word partner
my wife hates the word “wife” so ive been conditioned to use partner instead lol. sorry if that triggered you
i fucked your wife
I met a lesbian today.
Was it yourself?
no fair don’t leave me out..
would you fuck me too? we can have a threesome xd
No, it was a random person who I overheard talking about her girlfriend. It was clear from context that she was a lesbian.
your wife will poon out, nona
were both femmes, so idts. she just doesn’t like the word “wife” because its usually used under a heteronormative context, and she doesn’t want to follow that
>its usually used under a heteronormative context, and she doesn’t want to follow that
So is “partner”. When a man talks about his partner most people assume his partner is a woman.
Ur wife sounds retarded. I would call her my girlhusband to mess with her though
Gonna start calling my gf my bitch and see what happens !remindme24hrs
partner sounds more neutral to her

>Ur wife sounds retarded
shes a lefty but besides a few words shes not super obnoxious about it so im fine. we both enjoy discussing/debating politics and its what brought us together
smoke break now. still no gf
I love boobs
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My Brain dredge up a forgotten memory. Have you ever read Electronic Gaming Monthly when you were younger? Do you remember these guys? Christ I remember subscribing just to get that one page every month when I was a preteen and here I am almost past my mid-thirties...

I was looking for some of them online and I found the artist started a YouTube and animated them. It's like finding an old childhood friend.
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talking to women update:
>in pharmacy
>defs gay worker who i've seen before drops something she's carrying
>autism mode off
"i'll grab it"
>grabs it and puts it on the shelf for her
"thanks. do you need help looking for anything?"
> don't say it, don't say it
"ah yeah i'm looking for the worming stuff"
"it's here" >points to shelf behind us
"ok thanks"
>stuck looking at fucking worming tablets with here right behind me
>didn't even have what i wanted lol
Oh my god just ask her out already, what is she going to do shoot you?!?
If you live alone why bother with clothes.
I for sure dont
How bitchy girly they are
So yes
Italian women are better than American women.
i'm not attracted to her
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Do you Western people like everything big? I don't get it
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What’s not to like about big breasts?
Everything in moderation?
they unironically get in the way of intimacy
t. big boobs haver with a big boob gf
How do I find a big boob girlfriend?
Please sandwich me
As lesbians, why can't you be better than men drooling over big tits and butts and acting entitled to gfs?
Political lesbian spotted
You're laughing? I showed you my 9 inch clit and you're laughing?
How does it jump from boobs to entitlement anon..
I ain't better than no man
>t. moid
Entitlement is pretty cringe but being horny is normal unless you’re asexual and it makes me feel good when other women like my body kek. That’s why I always wear cropped/tight shirts if I know there’s gonna be dykes at the function
Lesbians and straight men are allies.
as a soon-to-be pharmacist
please leave us and the techs alone
At this rate, there'll soon be more bisexuals in the lesbian community than lesbians.
in general, there are more bisexuals on earth than just gay, or straight people.
Bi's just can use the cop out meme to get away with it.
>there'll soon be
If only you new how bad things really are/always were...
There always have been anon what are you talking about. Lesbians are one of the smaller lgbt populations for whatever reason and bisexuals are the largest
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Vids like this are so funny to me like just imagining her oiling up her tits in preparation before she started filming and then redoing the shot multiple times to get the bounce just right kek
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As someone who’s relatively flat I have a big boob on big boob fetish lol. I wish I had big tits and can rub it all over another girl who has big titties, preferably with oil like this >>36318893 >>36319042
i wonder what people think when they see her put oil on her tits and then get in and out of the car for 30 min
Left 2 cups of milk out on my desk for so long that they're starting to curdle and my piss bottles are getting cloudy. I'm hitting rock bottom.
>Piss bottles
Begone moid
>she can't aim her piss
Skill issue honestly
>duolingo streak: 142 days
By definition, the lesbian community would only include lesbians. The joke is that the virus of bisexuality has spread so pervasively that the lesbian community will soon no longer even be itself.

Like the ending of Invasion of the Body Snatchers: there were more aliens pretending to be human than there were actual humans left.
I'm a woman uwu
I want a gf I’m actually into and in love with but whenever I seek one I get a ton of attention and exponential returns on any casual interest I show and proceed to shut down and ghost everyone. all of my serious relationships and even long term fwb have been people that I’ve been ambivalent about but in forced proximity with that would not leave me the fuck alone no matter what my reaction to them was so that I eventually got used to them being around and passively ended up with them by eventually giving in and not turning them down anymore. does that make me an avoidant, a closet autist, or some kind of sociopath

both proximity relationships lasted five years before I finally got annoyed enough to leave. I was a good gf to them other than not actually being genuinely in love with or attracted to them
Thats weird to me, may i ask? how could you be in a relationship with someone you are not interested in? ..
no matter how much i crack my head about it, i cant bare the idea of dragging someone around like that.
They could be so much happier with someone who loves them back. idk, i dont like being dragged like that so i dont do it to others. Im all like a, "go forth and be Happy" kind'a person.
If i cant provide them with a genuine happy, why would i take away the possibility for them to find it with someone else?
I become interested in them as people and care about and grow to love them, I’m just not in love with them
I’m a romantic and don’t mind putting out in a romantic way to make someone I care about happy, regardless of how I feel or don’t underneath it all

they were genuinely happy with me because they actually were in love with me and I’m a good partner, I helped them gain forward momentum in life and kind of dragged them around with me on my path and adventures which both were amenable to. I’m objectively pretty easy to get along with and interesting to be around and like taking care of people so it’s not an uncomfortable arrangement until it is

I don’t even really lie about it, my soon to be ex knows I’ve never felt the same way about her because I told her and she didn’t care and still wanted to stay with me and marry me because our life together has been pretty idyllic otherwise and she knows I love her as a person. I had to pull the plug
Thas deep..
Never thought about it this way...
thank you for a new understanding of said behavior.
Why can't you tell me why I need to be better and what's to be better than?
You're the only entitled cunr here.
We're just being ourselves, tranny.
Cunr is a new word
Didn't you know? Look it up
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Is that heaven?
It's Turkey.
I wish I could squirt on command. Not as a sex thing, just for self defense. If you're being mugged you just pull down your pants and spray them like a skunk and they'll go running.
>Invasion of the Body Snatchers
fan of 1956 or 1978?
i am stinky like india
Isn't they just peeing on them?
So I was like 'biiiiiiiiiiiitch'
And then what happened
I was just referencing the Key and Peele skit. I don't have a girlfriend. The original post was a meme.
Everyone knows that Squirt is the liquid concentration of the divine feminine. The reason women become hysterical if they don't have sex is because the divine liquid builds up and imbalances the gynochackras.
One hour
Yeah but squirting on command is essentially just peeing.
I always thought that it was a porn thing
I love it when a woman has a puffy pussy. You know, like, when the vagina sits upon a mound of flesh, not just a fat surface on the crotch.
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'78 of course.
how is she doing that??
This debate is fuckin Brutal, Biden's voice sounds worse than RFK does!
Who cares about third-world shit?
Uhh, you should? Even if you don't care about American politics, the entire world's trade is standardized in USD.

Do you listen to girl in red?
how do you mentally get to the point of pulling the plug? i feel like im a people pleaser and what little long term relationships i had ive just gone along with until she breaks up with me. i think its really less people pleasing and more cowardice but its just made me so nervous to start anything new since it feels like i keep getting stuck in the cycle you described
I'm not interested in your mother either.
Not that anon but I mean, if I find myself more relaxed alone and prefer staying alone than be around that person then I'm definitely done with it mentally
You mean like a fat bulge or like beef flaps?
Like a bulge I guess. I'm not a big flapper.
I have a rather large bulge, is that rare? It sticks out a lot
You have flaps huh
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Posting in /clg/ until I get let back into the lesgen discord server
>drooling over tits and butts
That's literally what sexual attraction is though? The male entitlement stuff is cringe but I don't think that's as much of a cisles thing honestly. Like if a girl is fat and ugly it's obvious why she doesn't get any girls.
Men on the other hand seem to be really harsh about stuff like makeup, makeup, shaving, race, etc. And they'll call you a bitch and all sorts of bad names when you reject them. I've never had girls act like that.
Oiled up bodies look so damn weird to me. Like peking duck.
I go nude at home too. It's better for my skin.
I think that look is cute but it kinda weirds me out when the pelvis is really narrow and there's no fat on the mons pubis at all. Girls with bigger labia are more fun to eat out though.
Can someone explain to me how getting a shared nipple ring with your gf is a bad idea?
It would be kinda hard to get around right?
Thank you Joe Biden for ensuring a Trump presidency. o7
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i literally would heem everyone in this thread
omg you're back
Do you like girls with no friends, no prospects, who don't go outside, don't have a job, and whos only hobbies are tv and video games
she could fix me
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I can't tell if her form is any good from this angle!
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>Do you like yuri?
>If so, what is your favorite yuri?
One that I like to reread again and again (every time I get disappointed by other ongoing works) is Soulmate.
Good plot, good leads, very cute and wholesome.
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Why do I love cunty alpha office women?
What's the difference between the male gaze and the lesbian gaze?
There is no difference. Lesbians adopt the male gaze, and hetero male sexuality, culture and memes in general, and act like f2m transsexuals in order to be hip and cool.

So many of you pussies are scared to love a woman as a woman, so you love women as a man, assuming the male role, looking for male POV and male virtue and male whatever. Trannies, the lot of ye.
make me a sandwich
Go die in a war.
None. They're kindred spirits.
Give me a chance..
the military wouldn't let me join even if i wanted to
it feels weird starring at someone for no reason, realistically, i have to talk to them. I dont tend to like people who suck at communicating.
Its weird. If i do stare, its got to be because i got stuck thinking about something you did and im working it out in my head. Things that attract men is not the same thing that attracts me.

I call bull shit, on the young one with the ANYTHING less than 10 years experience when hormones and pick me im cool are the only thing on their minds. If i, in fact am interested in you, im interested in impressing the YOU, not the people who have nothing to do with the girl im going to be in a room alone naked with.
Going to the loo. Would it be wiser to browse 4chan or play a brain-numbing 3 in a row "game"?
fuck michigan
Date night, be back late. You kids behave
>page 9
Did you give her the ol' lickaroo?
We had fun. Dinner, a few drinks, slowdanced a bit, then she fugged me to sleep. I saw the face of God and he hit me with the Buddy Christ
She's been snatched.
I think it's the thought of them domming you with that bitchy attitude. I worked with one at a TV station in the midwest. She was on-air personality. Professional, smart, personable on air, dommy bitch off set. We used to have to strap with mic transmitter to her thigh and she always made sure you were kneeling in front of her, your face in her pussy when you did.
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>when you're an omega in heat and your cycle syncs up with the only alpha in the office
I've never had my cycle change to sync up with other women in the office. I guess I'm the real cock, and you are all subby hens.
pretty sure it's pseudoscience. i've lived with mom for many years and we never synced up.
follow the video without any stops (it's just 5 minutes) and tell me at which point you gave up.
I didn't open it, does that count?
Now I'm going to open it just to feel superior.
reported for advertising
i see you didn't last the 5 minutes
I gave up at 2:30.
t. noodle arms nerd
It was a blatant effort to advertise a site.
what site, you faggot? youtube?
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My legs burn and are all wobbly like I was doing exercises
>but I wasn't doing exercises
I'm scared of getting a blood clot because I spend 90% of an average day sitting. I tried to start hiking again today but the trail was shut down.
not YT. don't remember the site's name.
start walking daily as part of a routine. look into couch to 5K
i know it's a little early for Legs On The Wall Fall but i think it could be done
is this supposed to be difficult? besides the ones where you have to bring your elbows together (i'm physically unable to), i didn't have any issues doing the whole 5 min
did i do them wrong or something?
means you're not completely sedentary and have some strength in your arms
>1400 calories
nuh uh it should be 1200 cal
i felt the burn in my arms but lasted the whole time
Finger me asap
Get a used bike on facebook marketplace and ride it every day
>1200 meme
Most people who attempt this end up with a binge eating problem eventually. Even 1500 is okay so long as you try to get some activity in
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>my sis turned out to be a lesbian
arm strength and finger strength are different
anons it might be over for me
Sure hope she doesn't rape you hehe
Why would she rape a man?
before throwing him out of a plane?
she's my sister...
The person you're responding to is that weird psycho tranny that comes in here once a week and goes off on long rants about how all lesbians and terfs dedicate their entire lives to raping as many pre-pubescent MTF trannies as they possibly can.
at least you can talk
damn, why are you so mean?
was getting caught part of her plan?
of course
>twink and traany flirting in public
Gross. Drop the GBT.
Why does this >>>/gif/27464703 turn me on so much????
em, i don't get it, what are we doing?
well congratulations, she got herself caught
em, what? i don't get it AHHHHHH
i'm so confused
what's the next part of her master plan?
i don't know, what are you doing? why are you asking so much? what? what plan? AH, what are you doing? i'm confused ahh
>QOTT: Do you like yuri? If so, what is your favorite yuri?
cause you have a piss kink
But I don’t… thats why I asked.
How can you not have a piss kink yet find a video of two girls peeing on each other hot? You are in denial I think.
Unironically didn’t a larger percentage of clg anons (including me) admit to having a piss kink than the general population a few years back. Piss kinks are inherently lesbian
Not my ass, i wasn't there at the time.
Thats a vehement No from me.
>a few years back
i wasn't here a few years back so you can add me to the list lmao
Literally tying a cute girl up, making her sit on my lap, kissing and tickling her until she pisses herself and then having to punish her for making a mess has been one of my most consistent sexual fantasies for years. Idc if it’s degenerate anymore cause every other sexuality does grosser shit
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I look like this desu
marry me
Ok sure
are you a tranny?
I lied i dont look like her
what do you look like then?
I have long red hair blue eyes and freckdls but my body is like hers pretty mjch
Yea Im pretty hot and awesome desu
i know ur probably a tranny but discord?
Acct has a moid name so i dont get hit on in on the hobby discords i go on (it still happejs)
Bedtime, goodnight guys
tf are you talking about? the sun just started to rise
I think that poster is an Ame*ican
Is liking traps straight?
i smell trannies in here....
i'm built different i am on around 1200 cal everyday and never had any problem with binge eating
Breast reduction surgery is a crime against humanity.
I wouldn't mind smaller tits. I'm a stomach sleeper but I hate waking up with sore tits.
Put a pillow underneath your stomach while lying prone.
There definitely are some here
k, chud
Keep on seething tranny
you're a bishit sorry
i'm a real woman, chud
real women don't deny there are trannies here
i didn't deny it tho
why'd you call them a chud then?
idk chud
Sex with women
sex with trans women
I think you mean sex with men
I've defended Jojo Siwa because I thought it wasn't fair ppl hating on her cause she was "sexualizing" women when fags like lil nas x did worse. But then she released a vid of her sexualizing with moids and that's it, I'm joining the Jojo Siwa hate train
some of us have trans girlfriends, don't be a jerk
I didn't realize people hated her for sexualizing women I thought they hated her for being cringe and making dykes look stupid.
is she post op?
kek women who has trans gfs avoid lesgen because lesgen is full of fags who hate real women and vaginaz
>Ignore the designated female tranny lover gen
>Shit up the female non-tranny lover gen
I've been blackpilled on this gen. Its all trannies. The only real women aren't active anymore for that same reason.
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I am entitled to women who look like this
I am entitled to men who look like this
I would ask her to dress up as a one piece character
We got some names picked out but we haven't settled yet.
New thread?

How do you know?

Is it going to be a girl or boy?
How far into pregnancies do you have to be before can you can tell anyways?

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