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diet coke edition

qott: Do you have any niche hobbies?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
My niche hobby is sonic and project moon. Thank you.
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my life is so over
it's zimbabwe's deadname
I draw memorable scenes from Baywatch.
i know more about 1930s geography than i do about today's thanks to hoi4
all my interests are normie shit now that weebs and gaming are mainstream
fly that 48 star flag proud
that's based
historical geography is underrated
do you ever think about how one day people will muse about all the countries that used to exist before they all saw the light and became american states
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Yes, their infantry uniform had short shorts standard issue. The queen of England shut them down because of the popularity of the Lethal Weapon movie franchise.
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>qott: Do you have any niche hobbies?
quite a few
some deserve to be their own countries
most of europe does not
I wish I was just a femboy or could walk my transition back into a boymode but everyone in my life will be lame about it. Anyone else had this experience?
if games have taught me anything
the more skin you show the more protection from harm you occure
>independent countries existing
sounds sus how can i know my McDemocracy and the price of gas are secure
containment countries for some populations
that's free real estate prometheus gave us fire didn't he
just do it if that's what you want
ugh yes i love seeing all the pretty lights
me when i stand up too fast after not eating for a few days
airplane windows don't open like that
>how can i make this about me
yeah give me a boyfriend and then i won't be starved 4 attention
im looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes
cant wait for the kat gets arrested episode of mtfg
best I can do is neet, mtg collection, 5'10", brown eyes
Mono cuck round 3?
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im into men, but the 2 girls i dated in highschool ended up coming out as lesbians.
one of them said she kissed me because she 'wasn't uncomfortable with it'
and the other said she couldn't see me as a man.
i have not talked to either of these women since we graduated and i started to transition.
i will never speak to either of them again (by choice)
this was 9 years ago and i still think about it a lot
hello! i'm new here. how to become a cute anime girl?
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jock size?
Navy, marina, the 2 police officers that are going to spit roast her.
the earth is the natural home of the american race
future generations will wear the blue jeans and watch the friends and francis fukuyama will be worshipped as a god while your people are looked back on as primitives
Look for hrtgen and follow the powers method
Navy is picky these days you'd have to be a youngshit passoid luckshit to get caged
>youngshit passoid luckshit
Ig I am that then
shh you've caught on to her plan
pig schlong is the only way she can get away with seeing men without mono breaking walls down in fury
guys help im locked in navys basement she keeps trying to make me fuck gremlin
The top tier groomers can be picky kms
navy is not picky for a fuck
These days she is. I miss the days she'd meet hons like me from here
hope the refugees go easy on the fiki fiki
remember that one manly baby tranny who drove to fuck navy and posted about it on twitter?
No, qrd?
does anyone want to come over and listen to the postal service
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do u ever just feel totally dead inside because you have zero self esteem and a pervasive fatalistic attitude and wish your dad loved you or your ex bff loved you or your ex loved you and that men would stop mistreating you or using you for an ego boost or sex and that u just want to fucking die fucking all the fucking time


idk some anon who really hated navy would post links to all the trannies navy would groom on twitter
How many milliliters of piss was it?
>would groom
I'm so mf jealous
yeh we can listen to mail men get eaten by the neighbor's pitbull. are you down?
who even are you
trip on tho navy
2022, with a guy in his early 60s who was a year or two older than my dad lol, and i was still in my 20s
did you call him daddy
Things like that can't be changed, anon.
You are probably looking for the wrong things, but it would be best to not hate yourself so much.
Join the fucking club, the one thing that me and many of the retards here share in common is considering the long sleep pretty regularly. No need to give into into.
im not really into age gaps that big, ideally i'd like a guy in his late 30s to mid-late 40s

yeah lole
joanna fucking reply ugu
3999 I got trips even on that
Because she couldn't w navy and didn't get enough time to do it w me since I figured what was happening the same day we were planning a flight
tfw too shy to be groomed
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i like dr mike's voice more than his looks.
and the other doctor being an assistant professor at UCSF is extremely impressive too.
they know what theyre talkin bout
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im me
no like the band
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woah that one looks so cool wtf it even has high heels
o you have like 50 tripcodes
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ty desu v kind
i had a date with a guy who was cute but i cancelled bc i was too anxious and knew i wouldn't be able to show up

thanks!! i really like it, even tho i didn't do it perfectly it still looks pretty good
>3 hours
qrd pls
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the sword especially looks grooby af
drinking soda.. coming back to life.. *wake me up inside*
yeah sowwy
what soda
never done that before but they look fun desu
erm im a vigin akshully and very shy akshuly soooo ya...
i'm only 15 mins in.
but dr mike asking questions as a doctor that never got official education on transgender healthcare to a doctor thats basically one of the leading experts in that field.
its just indepth on what *we* know, but people who don't have dysphoria might not.
like on of the subjects right off the bat is how they don't really like 'trasngenderism' being in the DSM, because people use that as an excuse to call us mentally ill when we're not.
but its there for insurance purposes
neat little things like that
coca cola
im too high to drink tonight with you, sowwy
pepsi better...
erm diet cock better ackshully
im gonna send u to a reeducation camp when i become president
Hey thats my gremlin you're talking about
All soda is bad and gay.
hmmm maybe but idk
hmm hmmm mayyybe
i keep declining out of fear of what you would do to me but navy is very insistent. i require rescue from the basement cage immediately
its a pro anya reeducation camp
It's been too long since I was evil. People no longer remember what I am when I protect gremlin.... Sigh....
I must destroy communism
0 cal soder is a thing.
diet cock iyea
next episode of mtfg: paul becomes evil, protects gremlin and destroys communism
>destroys communism
destroy THIS
Idk anon. All I know is you're really stupid.
My precious gremlin....

just drink it straight
i fear i have incurred the wrath of paul and must go into hiding
I've no idea of who you are
I need hobbies to waste less time but my brain doesn't allows me to, I can't even start learning how to play guitar :( and I wanted to start painting minies but it seems hard, expensive to start and like something I wouldn't be able to do for long anyway :C

gremlin sucks my toilet goblin is better
Take refuge in the goon cave madam president
just saw a lady pass by who looked suspiciously like mef in boymode
but wearing low heels which seems very un-mef
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i literally just become my mom as time passes jfc lol
most women see that as an insult
im just talking about our personalities. we just get along so well it's crazy.
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Okay then.
A pretty Canadian lady with a CS degree.
yes they do lol you can take a pic out of any plane
I've learned we were always very similar
they post here sometime?
officialpunishedmefmodervevo is the whole trip I think
yeah but you can't send a pic out of the window
first off u'd need a physical copy of the pic
then you would need to open the window and then throw the picture out of it
A pain in the ass, that would benefit greatly from consulting with a psychiatrist.
Gremlin is so fucking hot navy is a lucky man
there's definitely no way tho...
I think?
idk why anyone would come to this forsaken oilfield
>fucking hot
>looks like a young teenager
You just said the same thing twice anon
i miss gremlin
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I'm thinking about taking up boxing as a form of exercise.
I learn to fight a bit, and it gives me more than walking a mile or so everyday.
I think its mostly cardio? So i won't get big and beefy
>I've learned we were always very similar
yeah, i guess so. i think it's a lot easier to understand her now and so its just like a lot to process.
janny's cool
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i wish i were hot
i remember telling my ex bff how handsome he was and fawning over him
and then when i would complain about feeling ugly he would just say it doesn't matter, not that im not ugly :(
i wish i could've been pretty enough for him to love me
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sup navy
boxing is not that bad, but you have to be careful for overdeveloping your back muscles.
you wont get big and beefy, you're a woman. just eat like a normal human and you'll get a toned upper body and an increase in weight by about 5-10 pounds of muscle.
yup, it sure is in there.
do you think if you say this in every thread you wont get banned?
>you're a woman
Then why is it so happy.
That cat is living the life

transgenderism isn't gd is there's nothing wrong with diagnosing trannies with gd
ah fair
hopefully positive
I quite like the similarities I have to my mom
every time you get this urge rush to the mirror and say iwnbaw three times fast
i say it because i mean it anon janny is the coolest sometimes she gets confused but we love her all the same janny is like a beautiful waterfall or a winding river or a yellow waxing moon she's just the greatest
so um meow
your autism is very powerful
i just half ass quoted something from a video that happened like 10 mins before i started to write that post. if you want it happens in the first 15-20 mins of the video
i'm not getting into a back and forth with you because you write 9 paragraphs in each post when you get going, and are not afraid to keep it going for 80 posts straight.
you can do anything if you try hard enough
well all dance like janny one day
and swim like the fishes
I'll look into it, I just want to be healthy and be able to keep the weight off with something i'd enjoy.
Being a bit stronger will be nice
Drinking PRIME hydration.
Yeah well at least the cat is cute so it's fine for it to eat poorly

there's no need to argue with me what i said is true im glad you agree.
yeah, i do too. im glad you feel that way yourself
nah its super fun i did judo and really loved it i think you should try it out.
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It's mid and overpriced
Just start working on yourself non
I didn't intend to.
I don't think i'd like the grappling portion of it. But it looks neat.
>I don't think i'd like the grappling portion of it. But it looks neat.
that is the only portion. they dont teach striking jiu jitsus in judo
Love yourself anon
it's officially summer break!
school is over!
what are we doing for summer break /mtfg/?
im in the middle of a summer semester.
working, outdoors mostly.
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ok im going to bed, im getting dizzy and am having to retype sentences like 5 times.
Your potential self wouldn't want you to act like this.
Goodnight anon
Understanding yes, but it wouldn't prefer this obviously.
How to be hot? I need to be hot so people will care about me and give me any kind of attention :C
calm ur t rage bro
I am pretty sure she lives in Canada, but I could be wrong.
>idk why anyone would come to this forsaken oilfield
It will soon be part of my country, once you get rid of fucking Quebec. Also, much of Canada is beautiful. You know that though.
Smoke marijuana
if you want a lot of attention get off 4chan
you get nicer, higher quality attention in other places
my heart
I told the kiddo we're going to be spending alot of time together now that schools out for a couple months
and his immediate reaction with no delay was
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There are two wolves inside of me..
I'm generally really nice but I can't be nice here since most are being rude or really stupid. I hate absurdly stupid people. And unselfaware people. And annoying people. People saying stupid or rude things makes me mad.
that genuinely made me chuckle
Dealers I knew stopped dealing and I still haven't got into tor for some reason :<
literally where? not to mention I still wouldn't be hot after going out of this cesspool
>literally where?
More places than you might think, try to make friends that actually share interests with you. If you have them already, then try to meet some others within that umbrella.
no by oilfield I mean my home province of alberta
I know mef lives in canada but if she was in edmonton it meant mef traveled all the way from like ontario I think
alberta is beautiful tho
I think edmonton really deserves the name "deadmonton" this shit is straight up dystopic
but also I don't think many major cities are this green
there's grass and tree's everywhere even outside of the valley that runs through the middle
natural streams run off the saskatchewan river and they built parks all around them
but idk if moving here means you're gonna wind up living in an abandoned building eating out of dumpsters
I can't understand why people come here unless they just saw a pic of the skyline and river and went
>wow it's pretty
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Most unfortunate.
did a lot of cat sitting recently
cats are pretty cool
what's new with /mtfg/?
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was 2002 a simpler time
But where I would meet them? The only thing that is happening in my town are made for families with children with exception of two days worth of concerts that may or may not suck. The 2-3 clubs that are here are full of teenagers or are more of a pub than a club. And that leaves me with a re**it and going thru 100 unwelcoming discord server... Sometimes I wish MMOs would be pro social and fun things because of all this
thinkin about it for sure. I've already changed my name and socially transitioned though so i feel kinda dumb backtracking
oh whew sorry :|
my soul genuinely kinda died a little
it's fully sunk in that this kid hates me and I'm just a foreign invader to them
going to be doing aloot more babysitting
otherwise my life is like
nova scotia and pei are the prettiest provinces in canada


gonna pick marionberries and crab apples and preserve them

ip range?
gonna be doing like 9-10 hours of childsitting for almost 2 months
literally for room minus board
and he expects me to take apart and clean his ps3
and I still have to worry everyday about the stability of this arrangement :')
do i go to the pride parade for once or skip it like usual?
yet I'm such a nuisance
nobody here likes me
they all hate me and want me gone asap
wish I could just snap my fingers and die
i kinda like your posting and would be sad if you were gone
go with friends
>no by oilfield I mean my home province of alberta
Fair enough, the oil sands are good for us both though.
>I know mef lives in canada but if she was in edmonton it meant mef traveled all the way from like ontario I think
I'm pretty sure she lives with her parents. It seems to be a pretty consistent statement. Granted, she could just be lying.
>alberta is beautiful tho
From the pics you posted, it seems so.
>I think edmonton really deserves the name "deadmonton" this shit is straight up dystopic
Eh. You may want to question that.
>but also I don't think many major cities are this green
Most aren't, where I am from the largest nearby city is pretty green, but that is due to how spread out it is, relative to its population.
there's grass and tree's everywhere even outside of the valley that runs through the middle
>natural streams run off the saskatchewan river and they built parks all around them
Describing great natural beauty.
>but idk if moving here means you're gonna wind up living in an abandoned building eating out of dumpsters
It does some relatively expensive up there, but I am pretty sure I am not allowed to enter the country anyways.
>Something else you should appreciate
Do you know how fucking hot it gets down here?
don’t take what kids say personally
this is a lot of work for quite minimal recompense not trying to knock your situation just pointing out that the care you’re providing has a very steep price if a non-family member had to be paid to do it
I think what’s more likely going on is that it is a small, crowded space with a lot of tension
thanks anon
I just mean the two people I live with
the resentment growing is painful
I never really knew either of these family memeber until I moved in here
and I honestly like them a whole lot more
so it just hurts even more that they both seem to have rather me be gone but can't figure how to get rid of me
I'm like the hunchback from that dysney movie or something
What kinds of things do you enjoy doing? MMOs seem to be one of them.
ok i WILL
Quit trying to join the retard club that so many others are in. Just be genuine.
i need a boyfriend that wont get mad when i call him a faggot for liking me
bisexual men OP
born to suffer, made to thrive
all i want's to be alive
my drive's a push to see and love and make
but all that god provides is ache
they say to try but what's the point
in pushing for goals when i've got to appoint
with the reaper he wishes to see me so soon
i beg for the eve he insists on the noon
so much to see, to do, but more
lovers on temporally distant shores
who could've learned my name but forevermore
will i be left unknown in the pits of the earth
for my cardinal sin, my own fucking birth
>the janny is getting paid by the gang
meds now
hows that "flight" going btw xD
anyone played any good RPGs lately?
soft recommend for Citizen Sleeper
not planning on leaving this thread anytime soon
my last haitus wasn't fun
>small, crowded space
apartment has two bedrooms, a bathroom and a main room that includes a kitchen and a ground level balcony
roomy until I'm thrown in the mix
I'm honestly really confused about all this
have another cousin who is the cousin I live withs stepbrother
not technically related to me but we grew up together very close
and he's trying to set it up a situation where we all live together with him and his girlfriend
so 5 people in what I'm told will be a bigger space
the idea of moving terrifies me
I'm not sure how things will look for me under this arrangement
nobody really tells me much about this kinda stuff
hug nazfren
post airport picture lol
am i a janny
How do I learn to anglefraud in pictures?
God I hate my name
Fucking pharmacy lady
Keeps asking for it

Even though I know
The I.D. system has my
Preferred name in it
no even if I like vidya, anime/manga, cooking, some books but I also wanted to get into painting minies, writing and playing guitar but my brain is stopping me from doing so. And even if those aren't the best hobbies to have I'm interested in anything that seems interesting to me at the moment be it some science, politics, movie I recently seen or whatever else but those things aren't something that I watch/read/do things about regularly so those aren't the best to find friends online base on them
And I know it sounds like I'm saying I like nearly anything

the oil sands are good for no one western nations incl canada and the u.s use foreign policy to increase the price of oil/gas to subsidize unconventional oil recovery projects such as the oil sands and keystone xl pipeline this creates jobs but also leads to inflation and pollution which is a net detriment to the economy if russia and opec flooded the markets with cheap oil and gas these projects would be useless this has happened in the past
Get bi one so he will just want to have a threesome with a guy instead :>
I know that is a tough situation and makes you feel like you have no control over what happens to you
that is a genuinely scary feeling to have to deal with day in and day out
but I have a strong impression that these family members love and care about you
they also have a lot of cares and concerns weighing them down, you probably see some of them but others are invisible (which can make you feel even more guilty)
on the other hand, having someone there who can help is certainly relieving some of their anxiety
you’re doing valuable and good work
no one cares, stfu
calamitous intent detected
born to feed

made to sneed
do u think shes going out there to give her a hug??
still waiting on that airport pic lol stop larping
not sure what you mean
>Citizen Sleeper
best rpg I've played of late was probably fear and hunger
not exactly new and I still haven't finished the first one
but I had high expectations going in and they were exceeded

the person who told you to stfu is rude im just joking around
I would meat laguna.. heh
Go ahead and stop your unfounded conspiracy nonsense there. You going to talk about the non-existent petrodollar agreement next? First, the oil sands expands both of our economies, which helps prevent inflation (notice the "helps").
>yet I'm such a nuisance
>nobody here likes me
>they all hate me and want me gone asap
No they don't, you can be pretty cool to talk with sometimes.
navery you would meat any body even janny
My endo really blocked me from responding to their most recent message lmao
does seem relatively expensive up there, not does some relatively expensive up there
Still not me mano
you WILL be hondosed and you WILL like it
that lady is a nazi i would never be near her thats messed up sorry for reminding you of that person you can have this piano as my apology
send them dickpick by mail than
When I started with him I had already been taking 6mg E and 50mg bica for three months, and I got labs a week after starting that were 200+ E and sub-40 T. He switched me off bica to 25mg spiro and after I pestered him to do labs in 3 months instead of the 6 months he originally wanted, my E had dropped to 100 and my T had jumped up to 150. So I've been asking him about raising my spiro dose at least to 100mg or going back to bica and he just insists on increasing my E dose instead and that bica is useless. Honestly this is equal parts baffling and frustrating.
that's pretty convenient
oh sry mb got that victim mentality
sneeding unironically it seems
you're why no one read my rant poem -.-
who even keeps making these screeds is it nomi
trust the process :) doctors always know best
It's my birthday today, first birthday i've had since starting hrt, feeling goodn rn. :)
How are you all anons
boymoder birthday
Happy birthday !
happy birthday anon
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Happy birthday anon, please enjoy this digital cake.
>You may want to question that
no it's legit
homelessness rates have doubled
everyone but the uber wealthy is doing poor
violence is sorta commonplace
I'm starting to see people be more brazen in daylight hours
I like our new mayor tho he seems like a guy who really wants to improve things not just for the upper crust
>Do you know how fucking hot it gets down here?
I do actually like winter and despise the heat kek
one of the reasons I don't want to move out of this country
>the oil sands are good for us both though
I'm not a fan
my last vote was for the green party
hugs anon
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Mono was a strange man, with an even stranger fetish. He found himself inexplicably drawn to the crusty skin around Kat's ass. It wasn't just any crust, but specifically the brown crust that appeared after a long day of Kat sitting down and posting on 4chan.

As soon as he caught a whiff of it, he would feel an intense rush of arousal. Kat was unaware of Mono's fixation, but she couldn't deny the strange way he would stare at her whenever she bent over. Little did she know, he was imagining the taste and smell of that delicious crust.

One day, Mono couldn't resist any longer. He took a risk and reached out to touch the crusty skin. To his surprise, Kat didn't pull away. Instead, she let out a moan of pleasure, and Mono's boner grew even more massive. From that day on, the two of them explored their unconventional desires, finding pleasure in the unexpected joy of crust.
happy birthday anon may this year see even more progress than the last
that game seems too scary for me but thanks for the recommendation
Haha forgot to put trip on whoops

Ty everyone you are all very kind and i hope you have nice birthdays aswell :)

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Mono was known as the king of 4chan. His intelligence surpassed everyone on the forum, making him unbeatable in any debate or argument. But his true obsession was Kat's ass crust. He would spend hours scrolling through her pictures, imagining the taste and texture of that forbidden delicacy.

One day, Mono stumbled upon a thread where someone challenged him to a game of wit and cunning. The prize? A taste of Kat's ass crust. Mono's heart raced with excitement as he accepted the challenge. The game was intense, but Mono's wit and intelligence prevailed once again. As the winner, he was granted a private meeting with Kat. But when he finally tasted her ass crust, he was disappointed. It was nothing like he imagined.

In that moment, Mono realized that his obsession with Kat's ass crust was just a fantasy, and he had been wasting his time and intelligence on something meaningless. From that day on, Mono focused his intelligence on more meaningful pursuits, and became known not just for his intelligence, but also for his wisdom. And as for Kat's ass crust? It remained just a distant memory, no longer held any power over him.
y does attention feel so good
She looks so bogged here oof
erhm... what the sigma
nothing beats finding an album and falling in love with it before you've even heard the whole thing
Cause our fathers didn't love us.
usually it takes me a couple listens to really love an album
good find anon
if you're gonna post self made pornography can you put it on an unsee or something
Caroline come back please
You ever gonna post a pic of your ugly mug in raw light close up with good resolution or will you keep hiding behind low res, smoothed out pics?
I would again question that view. It may seem that way, but Edmonton is a far safer place (statistically), than where I am located. Where I live is still alright though.
>I do actually like winter and despise the heat kek
You and me fucking both, why my ancestors chose this hot-ass place to live, I'll never know.
>I'm not a fan
Don't blame an economically valuable part of your economy for all of your problems.
>my last vote was for the green party
A commie that likes the color verde, and economic devastation. No matter, we'll probably talk again.
I'm hoping if I manage an income maybe things will calm down a little
oh sorry
I can't say I don't feel that too but by "here" I meant the place I live and sleep at not the thread
it is
personally I'm easily scared but I love spoopy horror regardless
something I especially love is the gane sorta expects you to run from some encounters like you run from the monsters in games like id or mad father
and being chased is basically one of my most primal fears
even when it's a non horror game if I wind up deciding to flee enemies and they gove chase it makes me scared kek
same bestie
>oh sorry I can't say I don't feel that too but by "here" I meant the place I live and sleep at not the thread
Why do you feel that way?
2 bad its my only redeeming quality
ty though :3
yay being a child of neglect is the best
i'm so strong and independent and sad
sob im just a nice girl..
There's a pill for that
>got home from work yesterday
>boymoder friend standing in front of my door
>parents threw her out because they found out that she is trans
>her clothes, her phone, her laptop, everything is at her parents' place
>told me she doesn't know what to do she is terrified of being homeless.
>fuck it
>I tell her she can stay at my place
>She hugs me and won't let go for a good ten minutes
>I tell her it's gonna be all right
>Fast-forward to 10 minutes ago
>She finally cried herself to sleep

Guess I'm gonna go and buy her some girls clothes tomorrow in the morning. Any advice what else I can do for her?

Sidenote: I'm a guy so any advise on how not to mahe her feel uncomfortable is also appreciated.
No you are not, nice people don't need to say that they are nice.
yeah weed pills yummy
stop with this creepy fapfic bro
it's a rye bro
post your neoaxewounds, you sluts
ok i'm a woman finally
now how do i transition from poor to rich
iow the latest 16 year old you groomed ojline has arrived on the Greyhound bus. wtg navy
because he sorta implied that if I continue being so incompetent I'm gone
and also every single other day like clockwork there's a new issue to criticize me for
i had a mimosa today and didnt even feel it sob
the tenuous grip i have on my sanity and positive self image would be swiftly shattered were i to engage in sex work unfortunately
not because it's bad or i look down on it, i just know i couldn't handle it
>because he sorta implied that if I continue being so incompetent I'm gone
Clearly prying, but who is "he". Also, why would they judge you as incompetent?
>and also every single other day like clockwork there's a new issue to criticize me for
Aren't you going to be babysitting for awhile? They have to trust you somewhat.
i want to die

haha wow good timing on this one
i am tho :(
>talk to someone well adjusted
>hard to relate
>talk to someone with trauma
>oversharing, mutual triggering, doom spiral
>talk to vpets
i know which option i prefer
>but who is "he".
my cousin who keeps a roof over my head
>They have to trust you somewhat.
I guess
but also he doesn't seem to be that consistent
I'm not allowed to play games on his ps4 anymore because he thinks I caused the data corruption issue that's common to ps4's he recently got
despite the fact that I've been here almost a year without hirting any of the electronics here
infact I fixed a tablet he couldn't get working
and recently he's asked me to clean out his ps3
like crack it open and polish with isopropyl full cleaning
and he seemingly cares about both consoles
idk I feel like I'm the opposite of appreciated or trusted
he doesn't even ask me if I fed his kid
he asks the kid
who has a habit of lying for fun and for gain
and I'm really lucky the kid has yet to realize he can throw me under the bus for an extra dinner
I can never really understand what people are thinking or their motivations besides my brother
that much is clear
>my cousin who keeps a roof over my head
How did he imply that exactly?
>Not easily predictable
He definitely recognizes that you know more than him, have you tried leveraging that occasionally?
>he asks the kid
I saw the rest too, that does seem rough. However, this has went on for almost a year, and nothing terrible seems to have happened.
>idk I feel like I'm the opposite of appreciated
not to be antagonistic but what do you expect to be appreciated for if you don't really contribute to the household
She is obviously the go-to tech support, why would you conclude that they don't contribute?
I watched that Inside Mari video essay and this trans thing is fucking weird and the egg shit is creepy. Anyway I am emotionally unstable and I cut myself and I'll never be a chad I really liked when being treated as a femboy I was kind of treated like a girl.
>date men
>take it in the butt
>shit on the condom
>extremely apologetic
>he freaks out or acts like i did something wrong

>date a lesbian
>take it in the butt
>shit on the strap
>extremely apologetic
>she is absolutely confused
>doesn't understand why i expected her to be mad or grossed out
>"it's a butt. of course there is poop in it? is everything okay? i had fun but i don't want to stress you out or anything."

why are lesbians more capable of being compassionate and reciprocal wrt sex stuff than like 99.99999% of men?
bc 90% of men are freaks
>this has went on for almost a year, and nothing terrible seems to have happened
this is true
I should probably worry less considering I have yet to be cut from the plans for the next move
>have you tried leveraging that occasionally?
not really
I'm not very assertive irl
explosive temper if you push me hard enough but otherwise I am generally pretty shy irl
at some point I had enough snide comments made at me I snapped a little and tried to explain how issues tend to just happen and it's hard for anyone to really predict or debug issues with sensitive electronics
no dice
didn't want to listen to me but wasn't as mean about it after that
just continually implying that obviously he didn't cause anything and so....
there's only one person to blame...
>How did he imply that exactly?
well he sat me down and explained that it would really suck if something bad were to happen
and that I'm only still around because I have a purpose
and that I'm failing said purpose
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>talk with mum a bit about therapy stuff
>she gets upset that previous therapists didn't fix the issue
>tell her it's not the therapists job, it's the patients job and it's my fault i don't have better self esteem
>she says that's partly true but she thinks the other therapists should've been trying other approaches
idk what she thinks therapy is supposed to be like, but like it's a one hour appointment at most once per week, and different things need different attention and to be addressed over other things. just makes me feel like my inability to make progress in therapy is my fault, even though in large part the nature of mental illness and depression and such make it hard to achieve significant lasting progress ime. i try hard hard hard to interact as fully as i can with my therapy and my therapists tell me they're impressed by how well i can grasp things and that i have good insights and make good progress but like
it feels like playing fifty two card pickup where someone keeps slapping the cards out of my hands, and then my mum getting upset that i haven't picked up all the cards yet
im just a fucking loser and a failure
sneed to die

not gonna say anything
not gonna say anything
not gonna say anything

that's not a particularly significant contribution imo, google could do as much

>egg shit is creepy
fr it's definitely groomer language
>Anyway I am emotionally unstable and I cut myself
>not gonna say anything
you already did, so you might as well keep talking.
no that will not be good for the quality of the thread
>google could do as much
You overestimate a significant amount of most populations.
you're already destroying the quality of the thread by calling self-harm based and stirring up shit while claiming you're saying nothing
ugh baka zoomoids

ok sorry
nothing really
I don't expect it I just feel like inhaman garbage
would do everything I do here even if I was receiving literally nothing
it's not for praise or for gain I'm just venting because I'm selfish
no that's fine, have you tried talking to him openly about the tension between feeling resented for not doing anything, and not being trusted with the responsibility to do anything? or maybe setting some sort of clear expectations for what he wants from you?
evybody b nice theory 2 all one another think cud?
35 dreem is real friend
no fren :{ wish cud happen tho yeh
>I should probably worry less considering I have yet to be cut from the plans for the next move
Y'all have to move often? I know rent is rough up there, but I didn't know it was that bad. Not sure how aware you are of the finances though. Do you work any?
>Had reasonable responses to unreasonable criticism
It seems like they had at least some understanding that you were right, which is good. There are a small few who refuse to admit they could be mistaken.
>Vague stuff
Do they really feel that way about you? You seem a decent enough person, even if you are larping. I say this, knowing that you willing vote for commie garbage.
Also, are you drinking?
POLL: Is Hidetaka Miyazaki a chaser?
is that retard still "flying" in a "plane"? im a catalogfag but im invested in the larp
Me. Fuck, *willingly. Talk shit, I deserve it.
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he can chase me
>rigger messages me saying he hopes im doing ok and that he misses me
>respond immediately saying its nice to hear from him and i hope he's doing ok too
is this giving the wrong impression, or coming off as socially starved

which retard flying where to

overgreebled chinkshit desu
>overgreebled chinkshit desu
i like the lighting of the photo
that would be a good idea but communication is not my strongsuit
I wanted to start doing the chores around the house since I have neet freetime besides watching the kid but he told me he'd get angry if I did that
amazingly enough I'm almost sober
smoked some weed like 6 or so hours ago so not completely but mostly
no alcohol today or yesterday
maybe my eyes are aging but idk it looks hard to make things out

>that would be a good idea but communication is not my strongsuit
you could write down a list of things you want to talk about so you don't forget about anything when your mind goes blank during the conversation
also you could consider being sober, that would save on money
is it generally correct to assume that anime avatars on discord with she/her in their profiles are trans? trying to slide into some dms
depends on the anime
if its meguca then yea probably
>flew from madrid to morocco 2 hours ago, after a 3 hour layover (10pm morocco time)
ugh european walkways look so much better
all the ones ive been at look so scuffed T_T
>not gonna say anything
u already did babes
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tumblr banned me for being a transfem and lets just say im not coping too well
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actually that post was mean pls disregard it it has been deleted :3
gonna go to bed now
nice larp kat
>can't fall asleep
over it is
Everyone knows you are not flying to laguna you demented ass crusted narc bitch 99% what comes out of your "" mouth "" are lies you're probably on your way to suck more smegma off monos cock

You have a track record of lies and druggie meltdowns when you got confronted about why you told everyone for months how mono is a rapist, liar, cheater and evil bitch you just said """ um sorri hehe I say stuff when im angri xD " so clearly it proves that you can NEVER be trusted
lol have fun with ur larp kat u insane drug whore
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play nice breasties
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i am hosting a reverie and there WILL be a peace treaty...
Just wanted to check, be careful with the alcohol. I drink far more than a normal person should. Be safe Canadian-homie.
looks like she has horns made out of poopa
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kill yourself mongo and go wash kats shit crust off your lips your bitch doesn't even want you and constantly doomposts how bad her life is because you can't make her happy nigga
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You got me.. and how'd you figure I'm paying the jannies?!? My secret plan.. brought out to the open for everyone to see.. Curse you! If it wasn't for you meddling hags I would've gotten away with it!
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this aint it
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you were so mad that someone called you on it that you didnt read the post you were replying to. you might be retarded
>amazingly enough I'm almost sober
Just wanted to ask.
>smoked some weed like 6 or so hours ago so not completely but mostly
Fair enough.
>no alcohol today or yesterday
Good, I still have issues with drinking. It happens. Hope everything goes well, my Canadian Homegirl. Holler at you later.
would force femming violent male convicts decrease recidivism?
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sissy parole
JC, shut the fuck up.
Have you been alright the last couple of days, relatively speaking?
no and i hate you i don't like you
probably because ur big amab male and 6'5 bro
am i even trans if i never put on female clothing or try to do makeup because i know i will look like shit?
Prob not worth it if presenting feminine doesnt alleviate dysphoria
ur trans ur just retarded :3
Fair enough, I won't either.
Don't care if you like me or not, I just want your life to improve. Good investigative ability though, have you been alright?
would if i had one m8
please fund my axewound op
go away
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i dont either so i just wear loose tshirts and jeans
booba is still obv but idc, and if someone asks if im a tranny i say yes or ignore depending on the vibe/situation
almost 4 years btw
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today i will self harm by coming to this general
>be me
>girlmode passoid 100% of the time
>want to get FFS anyways
>take some pictures for FFS consult
>must be drivers license style no anglefraud
holy shit I am a hon I'm going to kill myself i look disgusting i'm so sorry to all the women I've raped with my presence
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>qott: Do you have any niche hobbies?
I'm really into origami.
>go away
Probably not anytime soon, but I'll do what I can.
Hope things are well with you, Det.MEF.
Make sure to take care of yourself, and try not to be a retard. Must suck when someone has a little concern for your well-being. We'll talk again soon. Hope you rest well.
Need a cute sissy on my cock fr.
>be me
>gigahon 100% of the time
>requiret FFS to improve QoL
>take some pictures for FFS consult
>must be drivers license style no anglefraud
holy shit I am an omegaultrahon I'm going to kill myself i look disgusting i'm so sorry to all of society for having to witness with my presence
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Do you think I could pass?
ya u could pass inside of me
china's 932nd final warning
you were never my friend at all, were you
i am so stupid
Sorry I only want to bottom
I'm beyond faggotry, i have morphed myself into this weird beast molded out of some distorted image imprinted on my ego carved out of equal parts of sexual desire, the shame of being raped as a child and all the self loathing collected during my adulthood into this pathetic shell of a being who developed out of some genetic framework with a fully functional X chromosome and an incredibly faulty Y chromosome that couldn't even make viable gametes.
bestie what are you sayingggg im still here
me when i got scammed in osrs
lemme trim ur armor
for you, free of charge. just need the armor
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kindred spirits, you and i
what is even happening in here anymore
i just got back from the movie theater i took some pictures it was a great experience and they even included a short documentary after the credits which was super cool to watch after everyone left lol
Delicious salad.
>messages i wish i would receive from bestie but never will again
Mood I miss my bestie too but we should be true friends and be happy for them and understand they moved on from us to libe their dreams.
request denied
>we should be true friends and be happy for them and understand they moved on from us to libe their dreams
no, fuck that, i don't have to just be okay with people i gave my effort and trust to ghosring me
>day 2 on hrt
>2mg estradiol daily
>1/4th of 50mg cyproterone every 3 days
>can already feel tits growing
>they are already "budding" and getting firm and more sensitive
normal or am i cursed with big honkers
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My mom called me bdd today which sort of upset me because i thought i was good about not making my insecurity obvious irl. :<
A little faster than average but still normal and it doesn't mean anything in terms of how big they'll get. It happened to me and it's 2.5 years later and I still don't have much growth
this hollow uneasy feeling just grows and grows
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the future proceed
while hairline recede

the time becomes shorter
while nose becomes somehow longer

the mikes lemonade is hard
while the erections are soft and fleeting

it hurts.
but still i will winner!
i can do it and so you!

will live forever gmigmi!!!!
awooooo!!! :)
im built for kind words and kisses
im none of those people but it's a shame to see you so angry at the world in spite of your circumstances. no one ever needs to be told the things you're saying in these posts, even if they've hurt you, and even if you're hurt. i hope you can be okay some day
germany will be smitten but u will be saved i fear..
direct orders..
kat neither me nor laguna has any connection to the janny please take meds for your delusions
you are insane, you're threatening to post her doxx on pol and int because the plane ride was an ovious larp, you know that if you attempted what youre threatening to do you will go to prison for a long time. stop larping.
really hope reincarnation is real :(
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me too.
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i'm gonna reincarnate into a catgirl
i miss my soon-to-be gf already
Lmao why is this board so insane?

So it seems
>Lmao why is this board so insane?
Attracts the easily impressionable psychos from all walks
Same, we're just doing pride together and i'll just ghost her afterwards.
i think my dream would be to reincarnate into a real human person yuh
with cat ears and a cat tail too and big kitty paws
fellow thanatophobic?
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i really hope that it isn't. i don't think i could commit to another one of these.
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I wear big pants because it's what I have plus what I find more comfortable. Stop the cope kek
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sure you do you i just want to be real
can one be afraid of death if one has never lived? i don't fear death at the end of a fulfilled life, i lament the real life i was denied
well i'd take anything really. reroll, heaven, hell even. just any chance to finally truly exist that i could inhabit
I didn't say be ok, we will never be ok again but we should at least be happy for them. True friends would be.
Also grace kys
I think so
for me I've always been too afriad of death to let myself live
then I worry about time lost as I tick towards the inevitable
I am a corpse worrying about when the worms will devour all that's left
she's on a trip and i don't want to codependent so im trying to find ways to entertain myself, real hobbies are hard
>I am a corpse worrying about when the worms will devour all that's left
never in my life have i related to a sentence so much. felt this way since age 4 maybe that's why in my 20s i ended up with a void where my life was supposed to go
What are you damning anon.
You. To hell.
based me next
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gonna be a fun day tomorrow
g'night /mtfg/
gn fren sweet dreams
No ty
You look great. I'm impressed, jealous, and want to touch, so damn.
No but anon it's all a lie it's the flared pants making me look good..
you'd have to be pretty lucky to have a body like that
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i miss sarah a lot when she's sleeping.
I can turn those pants inside out if you'd like.
i think you just found the unsexiest way of saying you're gonna take someone's pants off, incredible discovery
I can't sleep :(
>clean coil with isopropyl and salt
>now every time i hit from it it tastes like seawater
fuckin, oops
I dunno she seemed to like it
challenge accepted
is this a promise to do worse? i expect it fulfilled if so, you'd better have me dryer than ben shapiro's wife
tfw never been told i'm good irl
Caroline come back
I can peel you out of those drawers like a banana.
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Not me at all.
That's not that much worse
dying omg. this may also actually reverse itself into being funny enough to become a line that would work on me kek
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Is this chinas TRUE final warning?!?
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woah, more schizo drama
>gigahon elfi and anya
keep thinking she's lost it as much as she can then the lass finds new ways of making me go "damn she really lost it now"
It could be
schizo. meds. now.
china is great for being conflict avoidant they're just like me
Did u get the new don yet
Always expect the.. actually this is expected
Who r u flirter anon..
Do u like the sonic IDW comics or the sonic Archie comics more
Same old anon
>Did u get the new don yet
while it's tempting and she's a funny tank, both units kinda require their defense skill as setup and it's not really great + being in base pool means i'll probably pull them some other time. We'll probably get a new heath ID at the next RR for the season ,so i'll just work on claiming stuff from the season
don't let this weird drama between two people that should (really) be private stuff get you twisted: the burgois have grown artificial brain tissue organoids and are using them as computing power
>made fun of any Transgirl who transitioned too late to have hipbone growth.

nooooo, not the hipbone growth you have no rightttt

LMAO, ridiculous
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>being with Mono is so unsatisfying, dry and boring that she craves the drama instead
So it's someone I know yes.
I get all units always, it is the law I abide by
What the fuck
i see that lasting 5 minutes before it gets a brain eating parasite.
neurons are not meant to face the world alone. they evolved to displace all immune functions to other cells
New bread
>Final Spark faced many challenges in its early years since the organoids would die in just a few hours. The company has worked on this shortcoming and improved its MEA systems to ensure that organoids live for 100 days.
it's kind of unbelievable that the organ-growth technology has gotten as far as it has
>we should at least be happy for them. True friends would be.
well i don't know how she's doing but in theory yesh ofc if she's happy i'm happy. same for all the other friends and other loved ones who've ditched me over the years, i want them all to be thriving
>I didn't say be ok, we will never be ok again
yeah this though ;_;
You always ask and it's always the same
leave the europeans alone lady there are enough pretty people in america!!
if a speck of dust gets into a modern chip your laptop is dead forever
maybe takes awhile but i think we can figure out how to keep a biocomputer in some kind of quarantined housing lol
Well I am pretty stupid.
panama disease.
they have no immune system.
the moment a lifeform hacks one, their entire company evaporates. plus we might have a new covid. usually lifeforms need to get past our passive immune system to start trying to hack our cells. lets give them a naked brain to practice on.
Beautiful women can be dumb and still get by dw :p
no lol. viruses are smaller than heat expansion channels.

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