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Qott Now that G is board KING, who else is coronated into other positions of /ftmg/ royalty?

Qott 2 What bathing suit would G look best in?

Qott 3 What would you do to G if locked in a hotel room with him for 72 hours?

Last >>36304985
G will be my queen
(QOTT 3) Hit him on the head with a large cartoon hammer repeatedly. Plot twist: The hammer is made out of a soft fiber
What the fuck lmao
You look so pretty with an Iranian man's beard
Why are most pooners transphobic and support FGM?
Does being happy make you dysphoric?
Don't fuck up this thread too oh my god. My one's already ruined
Just ignore it and it'll go away, anon.
>who else is coronated into other positions of /ftmg/ royalty?
Joe is the emperor
>Qott 2 What bathing suit would G look best in?
Whichever one he picks out
>Qott 3 What would you do to G if locked in a hotel room with him for 72 hours?
Constant aram 1v1s, whoever loses the most has to pay for the hotel room
How did you know this lol who are you. It does in fact do that. Not just in the way the reddit post does (though I tend to be a lot more masculine in my texting mannerisms), just feeling in any way happy makes me feel like faketrans for not hating myself all the time. How did you even know this
You two are the ones who fucked it up by the way. You are the ones claiming that trans women are males and will never be female. This generalw ill always be transphobic
no lol. depression isn't manly
Fuck off this is /ftmg/ go harp to the other mtfs
Please fuck off this board. Transphobic fucks like you who call trans women males don't belong here. Go to your nb afab womb space, it will suit you given you are poondosing yourself and you plan to detrans anyway.
You need to be put on one of those tard overstimulation boxes. You’re acting a fool.
We need less transphobic nohrt nb afabs in the trans board.
You will never be a woman, you lost your chance in the womb. A man cannot revert to a woman but a woman can develop into a man. Basic fetal biology.

Cry about it gorillahon
veiny, ugly, shaking male hands typed this post
>talking to girl
>she sends me a voice memo of her literally SCREAMING at me to pull my dick out
m-my ears bros…
Literally neither of us are being transphobic, you dumb fucking cunt. We're just saying trans people can't become cis. WE ARE BOTH TRANS. We are both valid, we just know we will never be able to be cis. How fucked in the head even are you
Now THIS, is transphobic
stop responding
>stop responding
stop responding
>stop responding
stop responding
>stop responding
stop responding
>stop responding
stop responding
>stop responding
Girls these days want people that they perceive as having a dick for nothing more than their genitals. Which is why female genital mutilation causes a significant issue in the american and jewish transbian wlw community.
>We're just saying trans people can't become cis
Nobody claimed that trans people can become cis, you make this up. Literally strawman argument. I don't care about being valid.
Instead you claimed that trans women are male, which is absolutely transphobic.
go away
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Stop responding? To the only somewhat interesting larp this gen has gotten? The one that made the thread alive? Fuck you dumbass
>let me tell you what's a woman
Okay what do you define as female/male? You're also forgetting the fact that I have literally stated myself that I know I'm not a biological male as well. I'm not a trans woman hater, I can just accept that I can't be male like a cis guy is male. I'll never be able to have a dick naturally. I accept that, but that doesn't mean I'm transphobic. Sex doesn't equal gender, and female doesn't equal woman. Get a fucking life.
Would a woman pick you or the bear?
Listen asshole this isn't the thread for real transphobia. Fuck off and spew your bullshit somewhere else.
>Please fuck off this board. Transphobic fucks like you who call trans women males don't belong here. Go to your nb afab womb space, it will suit you given you are poondosing yourself and you plan to detrans anyway
Stop being transphobic
Funny you say that, in my eyes your post is much worse. The guy who posted this is just a retard that posts shitty monkey memes. You on the order hand spread actual transphobic rhetoric.
Being a self-hating transmasc doesn't make your transphobia any less shitty.
>Sex doesn't equal gender, and female doesn't equal woman
It literally does, enough with these transphobic takes. Funnily enough I only see them on shitty subreddits and ftm spaces. We used to not have any of this here.
Can you losers at least make a you cringe you lose thread to post this in
I would pick the bear because it wouldn't be consciously transphobic unlike the self proclaimed AFABs here who clearly are transphobic.
oh so we actually are doin the "male=man female=woman shit" lol
This has always been the case in this board and in other sane trans spaces (not that I consider this board to be sane, as we can see from this thread).
its literally not nigga quit lying. also post vial with timestamp you masculine male
It's the other way around. We often see "allies" saying "oh sweaty, of course you are not female, you are a male who identifies as a woman <3" There is nothing more transphobic that that. You would know if you bothered to step for one second outside of whatever shitty spaces you are hanging in and check this very board.
I have always been more of a woman (female) than you will ever be a man.
You are completely twisting my fucking words. Also you still haven't given me an answer to the question: What the fuck do you think a female or male is. Because we're clearly not seeing the definitions the same.
>I have always been more of a woman (female) than you will ever be a man.
>what is a woman?
Ok matt
Anyway, I said before that sex is determined by the hormones.
You're not helping our cause.
idk how anyone could get upset at this post it actually made me laugh
>You are completely twisting my fucking words
I am not twisting anything, it's the truth, this is what the "gender is not sex" crowd is all about. No trans woman wants this shit. How about you go and ask in this very board? Preferably during European hours.
>Anyway, I said before that sex is determined by the hormones.
so are you saying that if you stopped taking your tiddie sprinkles for a couple weeks you would return to being a male
>our cause to be transphobic
>a couple weeks
Much longer? Yes
Sorry, I didn't realise this was the same person. I thought I was arguing with some theyfab baiter.
So what's more important than sex is secondary sex characteristics.
I would say that hormones is the main thing and then the secondary sex characteristics. Sex is a spectrum.
hey guys do you like super mario 64
so do you consider chromosomes to be of any importance when determining sex or is that just transphobic pseudoscience meant to keep trans womyn down
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Is she female?
Never played it, I wanted to get mario 3d all stars but I was completely broke when it came out so I was never able to buy it. I know I can just emulate but I don't like how it feels to emulate on a computer and have to use keyboard controls or pull out a ps4 controller that I'm not used to.
No, I don't. Because I know there exist 100% women with xy chromosomes. And I am not even talking about trans people. If you mentioned the SRY gene it would make slightly more sense but it would still be wrong.
So gender isn't a real thing and sex is the spectrum?
ah ah ah, i think you meant to say "female" there no?
Gender = sex for trans people on hrt.
Gender identity exists, and so does the gender the people perceive you of.
And yes, sex is a spectrum, intersex people have been saying this for decades.
I'm not disagreeing with you, just asking.
It's the same thing.
Oh okay I get what you're saying. Yeah I agree with you. I still don't think what I was saying earlier is transphobic, because there's a lot of people who understand being 'female' and 'male' as something that can only being achieved at birth, but I understand what you're saying now, thanks for explaining it.
ah right, forgot we were doing biological essentialism.
i diagnose you with being a narcissist and a retard who is going back to recontextualize things to make your position seem more valid in a needlessly aggressive way. trans women being male does not detract from them being a woman at all. you are overcorrecting because you are insecure and even the slightest bit of dissonance from your rigid world view is seen as a personal attack. you are a classic narcissist and a fool as well. you are doing more damage to the trans community with your insane crackpot ramblings than any 54 year old shouting slurs at a trump rally ever could.
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you are the furthest possible thing from what a woman is, you're not actually trans you're a male playing a caricature of how you think women act. you've never interacted with enough to ever learn the intricacies and that's why you'll never pass. because you are an ugly 6' balding wide-ribcaged male who thinks the solution to being an ugly ogre is to become an ugly girl. you're probably pornbrained enough that you believed you can take estrogen and somehow actually look like an anime drawing. it's too bad that ugly girls only get laid in the first place because they have vagina.

honestly, why haven't you killed yourself yet? you'll never be a woman, nor will you ever pass as one, physically or mentally. even the way you write reeks of male. the only people who will ever be feel attraction to you are people who think you're a taboo freak. you'll never be introduced to your any of your partners families. sad!
>because there's a lot of people who understand being 'female' and 'male' as something that can only being achieved at birth
Yeah, isn't this the entire logic behind "ywnbarm/ywnbarw"?
>but I understand what you're saying now, thanks for explaining it.
You are much nicer than literally anyone else I talked to today. I hope you have a nice day anon.
>trans women being male does not detract from them being a woman at all
If you call a trans woman a male expect her to ghost you forever unless if she is economically dependent on you.
>you are doing more damage to the trans community with your insane crackpot ramblings
The damage is calling trans people their ASAB and claim that it can't be changed. I am not causing damage for calling out transphobia.
im literally talking to my trans friend rn and she (male) agrees you're a retard
and before you go ahead and say "nuh uh ur not!" please be a dear and post your estrogen vial and timestamp already
>Yeah, isn't this the entire logic behind "ywnbarm/ywnbarw"?
Okay yeah that makes sense. I mean if we're going to get rid of transphobia, we have to get rid of the importance of sex. And the only way to do that is to decrease the importance of gender too, which leads to them ending up being defined the same. This is all making a lot more sense.
>You are much nicer than literally anyone else I talked to today. I hope you have a nice day anon.
Thanks anon, I try not to be too rigid.
>and she (male)
I hope she either stops being self hating or gets better friends.
Now go and ask the girls in this board what they think.
yeah and no true scotsman puts sugar on his porridge right hon?
I don't doubt her trans identity, unlike what you are doing with me.
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>and what is their gender determined to be?
>male, aged 18-30, cause of death assumed
At least FtMs can reliably pass as men through twink or dwarfmode. 90% of MtFs are fucked for passing. I can see why MtFs seethe so fucking much on this board at FtMs.
I have nothing against real trans men.
Bitter jealous cavehons the lot of them
Nonpassing ftms = usually hot tomboys
Nonpassing mtfs = hideous gorillas
Life good right now
I didn't do the thing where I procrastinate on playing games by watching youtube instead for no fucking reason
Bed time now
Ignore him and use my laptop instead
Would likely have to get as far away as possible from him, he probably smells like weed
I am a real trans man, yall just don’t like to acknowledge it for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You are an attention whore who literally admitted that you are going to detrans anyway.
real if i was them id be jealous of me too
No you're not. You're small enough to pass for a child on a sinking cruiseship
When did I do that lmao
>you have to be gender conforming to be trans!!!!
Putting on a loli dress and acting like a stereotype of a woman doesn't make you extra valid, hon.
>>you have to be gender conforming to be trans!!!!
Wtf are you on about? I have nothing against ftmfemboys
Be my bf to prove it.
So then what are you bitching about?
in a dream I had about you :3
You are a straight man. (chaser)
You're a bottom
You're a midget
You're a woman
You're a Jew

You're the furthest thing from a trutrans aryan ubermensch
I am not??? I literally said that I have nothing against trans men wtf?
Is everyone in the ftmg threads 24/7 on their period?
It's Übermensch with an ü
Not even going to engage with that retardation. *Inflates you making you big and round*
Consider yourself my enemy
I'm not ftm I just come here sometimes because ftms are bros
What did you mean by "real trans men"? Because most people on this board who talk shit about trans men not being valid mean it in the sense of "you aren't a bald bearded hairy musclebro who embodies every male stereotype, therefore you're le trender afab"
Nonbinaries don't count go away
Isn't this person's beef specifically against G? Why are all you bitches dogpiling her?
because G is cute
g is literally cute and valid everyone else is a faggot
Then what was the point of your sperging and calling me a woman
Cute <3
Most upset over the fact I’ll never be aryan
All faketrans get the boot

Even if we had to weed out the thread to only a handful of posters it's better than being occupied by fake ass bitches
>muh faketrans
What makes someone faketrans, Alice? Not acting like a stereotype?
Cucks simping over an onlyfans hoe
I will defeat you
I couldn't care less about your mess of a gender identity and I don't mind the attention whoring cause you're hot. But cucking your bf and trying to fuck strangers off 4chan is pathetic
He's not going to fuck you, why would you transition into a simp you pathetic fool
The ones who don't consider themselves female.
>Then what was the point of your sperging and calling me a woman
You said yourself that you consider yourself to be female, and at the same time you consider trans women to be male.
don't care, you're ugly, G is cute.
They're jealous because he's famous and hotter than everyone else here
*Give you aids* teehee sowwy
G literally had sex with 4 ( FOUR ) people here. And the head was so bad Joe booted her ass on the street
She said that she is going to detransition soon anyway.
Idk why G bothers with t4t when he's clearly desperate for Chad chaser cock
Errrmmm sorry bud, straight men like me don't get AIDS.
"g is cute" is exactly why g isn't valid. g is a slut. g is a whore. i would be a faggot if she weren't actually literally a cisgender straight woman pretending to be trans for attention online and cheating on her boyfriend like the roastie fuckpig she is
the man simping for an onlycucks hoe on 4chan calling me ugly, only a degenerate gorillarapehon virgin cuck that lives in a basement would fall that low
so envy then
just say you think he's hot and go. Can we stop with the G sperging? No way you guys care this much about some whore
the moment someone cuter than them exists women start seething
It’s quite insane, yes
???? I wouldn't have any issue with G if they stopped repping as something they're not. Its an insult to people who take being a man seriously.

Fucking enby enablers
You could filter them? Ignore them? It's literally your decision to keep getting red with anger every time he posts
Blocking them is fembrained shit. I want them to admit they're not trying to be a man.
and your tantrum about it every single fucking time isn't fembrained?
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you can go harrass him in his discord server or something stop clogging up this fucking gen you ape. That'd probably make him horny though
New thread without whore simping
Stop validating her
stop being a little baby
I only misgender him when he deserves it. Right now he does not
This made me kek a lil
“You’ve been bad today, no pronouns”
Madd u laugh twice. I'm a comedy god
>spanking a brat and calling him a bad girl because he went too far with some shit
>he develops a misgendering kink
>nothing works anymore
gonna have to put them down
>300+ posts of bait taking
are you guys fucking serious
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Works every time
not only that but ftmg's are taking over the board like aids in the 80s
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I support ftm /lgbt/ colonization
based, probably killed some diaper transbian threads
Woah woah, I thought this was /ftmg/ not bitterhon gen

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