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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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gotcha. Holy fuck that was a bit of a shitshow
what happened ?
Some poor guy made a thread about a personal issue at his work and it turned into chasers commenting on random trans guys' bodies and talking about rape and shit
as always
Why are so many of my friends trooning out.......
Kill transgenders. Behead transgenders. I don't count btw I'm just an observer entity
wait are you trans too?
You're not gonna believe this one, but I very well may be. Wouldn't it be crazy if there were pooners posting in the pooner general? Seems pretty unlikely, why would they ever do that
not just pooners post here sadly
can we make a new one this one sucks
why do so many ftms wanna be mtfs
why do ftms love bbc so much?
>why do ftms love bbc so much?
most ftms don't like the bbc because of the transphobic news coverage
I’ve never seen a gen go so horribly that a new one is started
Congrats guys
i think we should actually just stop posting the general altogether
Heyy I was wondering why replies stopped on the other one but new gen hi
its like always
Never THIS bad
When was the last time you saw a gen get completely remade
In my opinion there was no need it felt like the usual but if it serves like containment thread for chasers better.
immagine having a secret pooner thread
whats wrong with that? are they just fakers ?
Breaking news: Pooner malding that he’s not quirky and special. More at 6.
Ftms: what would you do if you would get raped and pregnant?
The exact opposite actually. I'm mad that tranny ideology is ruining everyone. And I don't count not because I am special (I am not) but because I am an observer that does not count towards anything, I'm not really here at all. I don't think you could have possibly misinterpreted my argument any more than you could have
I dunno I just wish people could be normal. It would be nice if I could be normal. A normal male, even, however this just goes around in circles and does a mathematical proof of transgenderism unfortunately
any more than you did* christ brain fried time to stop talking I believe
terje has suggested i get elf ears
> tranny ideology is ruining everyone
No. tranny ideology is the best thing that’s happened to the west. Do you want me to kill myself or something ?
Yes, unless you're a cute vagina boi.

AMAB troons and ugly mutilated women should rope tho.
You’re new that’s ok
It's the other way around.
As tryhard afab who wants to mutilate her body you jealously co tribute to pussy deficit and plummeting birth rates, thinking only about satisfying your mental ilness, that isn't even in your self-interest.

You can be a FtM, but be a cute FtM. FtMs who look like hairy fat abominations of real men are essentially worthless.
thank god there's plummeting birth rates image someone would put 100 mini tranny haters into the world
I would at least do the right thing and give them all blockers and estrogen. Which I can only assume would happen consensually, considering th’s obsession with feminization and disgust toward masculinity.
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Hello fellow poons, remember to go outside and touch some grass/algae today!
> plummeting birth rates
This is a good thing, way to many people up in this bitch
God no please, that's for women, slutty woman. Whores
> you’re new
I ate an orange outside today I expect applause
go back to where you came from please
i want my partner to rape me and breed me desu
ftmgen ends up shitty and awful all the time. its gonna be the thing that kills my addiction to this board
Internet usage really has gone down the shitter recently. The only few gens I use are at any given time either spectacularly dead or being shit up, I couldn't even browse plebbit as a shitty replacement if I wanted to because all the redlib instances are rate limited. All that's left to do is watch youtube, stalk a github repo's issues and PRs, and stalk its associated forum. Sad world for procrastinators
You really are
I’ve been around since 2018. Been in the /tttt/ STREETS
Trans women are women, even if your religion disagrees. Therefore they practice FGM >>36279001
Cool story bro
FGM is the act of cutting off the clitoris. Trans women, unless post op, which most aren’t and that’s okay, don’t have those genital structures. Therefore, they can’t be victims of FGM. This doesn’t mean trans women aren’t women, they are.
Stupid fucking take from a stupid fucking ditz. Predictable.
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>Trans women are not women and therefore mutilating their genitals doesn't count as FEMALE genital mutilation
Transphobia in the tranny board? I could never imagine.
By the way mutilating the female genitals of trans women leads them to have fucked up srs results, you could say there is a homomorphism between trans women genital mutilation and cis woman genital mutilation. It's sad to see that there are still people in the "western world" from supposedly "progressive" backgrounds doing this sort of barbarian shit to trans women.
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sorry anon you literally cannot experience female genital mutilation if you don't have female genitals
circumcision is not on the level of cutting of the clit, the equivalent to that would be chopping off the head of the penis.
You can experience it after you get SRS though
women can have circumcisions the way men get abortions
Ok? What does that have to do with my comment?
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….. I’m not saying trans women are men, they just have male genitals a lot of the time. Trans women that are post-srs can most definitely fall victim to it though since they have the anatomy required for it to possibly occur.
Be happy it’s something you don’t need to deal with. FGM is a horrible practice.
The vast majority of female circumcision is more like male circumcision. Other forms are very rare, about as rare as male genital mutilation.
You dont have to have female genitals to be a woman,
You're the one falsely equating genitals to gender.
No matter how much you twist it having your clit cut off will never remotely compare to having your foreskin snipped which is also barbaric to perform on people who cant consent
clap clap clap
either its shitty or empty
There is no female circumcision there's only female genital mutilation
Trans women are females, therefore mutilation on their genitals (which will also lead to their genitals to be mutilated by construction after srs if they decide to undergo it) is female genital mutilation. Why the transphobia?
You should be glad you weren't born with a penis, there are millions if not billions of penis havers who have their genitals mutilated.
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No its not, literally the most common types of FGM involves damaging the clit
Trans women are females, therefore any mutilation on their genitals is female genital mutilation. Easy to understand.
Trans women are women that are male. I am a trans man, a man that is biologically female. We are all valid in our identities and lives, but that doesn’t change the reality of what we happened to be born with.
It’s okay to acknowledge biological reality. This is why people think we’re all retarded and dont understand basic anatomy.
most of it happens to the hood
trans women are male women they are women but they aren't female women
That’s still extremely painful, the clit is extremely sensitive so leaving it exposed constantly is very painful.
Transphobia from a pooner? I could never imagine.
You still dont have female genitals regardless of how phenotypically female you look unless you get SRS

the female in Female genital mutilation refers to the genitals and has nothing to do with gender
I’m not transphobic, I just understand material reality and accept the situation I was given.
Most trannies also think this, your kind just so happens to be somewhat common around these parts.
Sounds like.... just like... male genital mutilation and female genital mutilation on trans women.
that would be slightly worse than circumcision regardless because the clit is more sensitive than the head of a penis
Mutilation on trans women's genitals is female genital mutilation unless if you don't consider trans women as women.
If you think that ywnbarm then keep doing that by all means, but this is no reason to be transphobic
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Females have almost triple the amount of nerve endings in the clit than the entire penis has. I’ve never heard of someone circumcised complaining about their dick being in constant unending pain.
Soon were just gonna start saying there is no such thing as trans
Acknowledging I was born female doesn’t mean I don’t think I’m a real man. I just so happen to be a man with female genitals and anatomy. That’s okay, it doesn’t bother me.
You dont have female genitals unless you have SRS
genitals do not equal gender
Woman is a gender that's independent of genitals
Trans women are phenotypically female but that doesnt change the fact that they have male genitals unless they get SRS

what you experienced is male (referring to your genitals) genital mutilation which is circumcision
No, even in its "most harmless" form, they remove more than the hood
This is objectively false. Both sex organs have the same embryological origin, which means they probably contain roughly similar numbers of total nerve endings. This discussion is basically a bunch of self identified AFABs telling trans women that their pain is not real and doesn't matter, unlike real AFAB pain. You should be glad you will never feel the pain of having exposed penis glans.
You’re very stupid
not even the little plastic ones? that i wear at home and nobody sees?
The clit factually has about double the nerve endings of a penis.
No, The clit has double the amount of nerve endings in a smaller space
4,000 vs 8,000+
the equivalent would be removing the penis glans, which doesn't even happen
The genital mutilation of a female is female genital mutilation
Trans women are women, and therefore mutilating their genitals is female genital mutilation
In addition to that, if a trans women decides to have vaginoplasty, her results will be botched, so it is still mutilation. Not sure how you can't understand this.
You are very transphobic
I saw a few sites saying that this has been debunked by modern research.
Ywnbaw cope more
In some countries (Malaysia) they too just snip a tad of the clit hood in an actual clinic. Anyways dont snip any bodyparts off healthy babies and toddlers
>haha, cool, but still it's not as bad as it could happen to some girl in africa(not to me though,but I am still victimized due to being an afab) so it's not that bad, cheer up you fucking tranny, you vill be happy with your botched vaginoplasty
Do you wish you had a circumcised penis that much?
>Most trannies also think this
You do not speak for me
> transphobic
I haven’t said a single thing to invalidate trans people. I’ve just stated that trans people have genitals associated with their birth sex in most cases.
>The genital mutilation of a female is female genital mutilation
wrong the genital mutilation of female genitals is female genitals mutilation. a penis is not female genitals
>trans women are not female
>noooo i didn't say a single thing
Dumb bitch can’t keep up. Classic
If a female has her genitals mutilated, is it not female genital mutilation?
I said 8,000+ because the actual number is more and no one knows the exact number https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/smsna/101464

>The genital mutilation of a female is female genital mutilation
Just because you are phenotypically female doesnt give you female genitals, you have male genitals

If you attend a support group for survivors of female genital mutilation and you admit you don't have female genitals Ie a penis and balls you will be kicked out because you lack female genitals
What you underwent was male genital mutilation
Trans women aren’t female, they are male that is correct. Female is a biological class of characteristics, gender is separate from that. I’m not a male, I’m a trans man, a man who is born female. That’s not invalidating to say.
not every female has female genitals, so no
If a female has male genitals its not female genital mutilation. its male genital mutilation
>If you attend a support group for survivors of female genital mutilation and you admit you don't have female genitals Ie a penis and balls you will be kicked out because you lack female genitals
Transphobia is everywhere, the same will happen in one of the head terf's shelters.
This doesn't make any sense, what makes genitals female other than being attached to a woman?
And why would a woman with not stereotypically female genitals have to accept that somehow her pain doesn't matter and doesn't deserve to be called mutilation?
So, if a female has her genitals mutilated, is it not necessarily female genital mutilation, right?
hooooly schizo i hate trannies now
They gain female secondary sex characteristics so its incorrect to say they arent female in some ways
But they have male genitals regardless

if you're on T you have likely developed male sex characteristics
I phrased it more harshly than I meant to. I see trans people as almost intersex if they’re on hormones since you have mixed biological traits. I was just being snappy and quick when I shouldn’t have been.
>So, if a female has her genitals mutilated, is it not necessarily female genital mutilation, right?
Depends if she has female genitals or not, if she has male genitals (penis and balls) its male genital mutilation if she has female genitals its female genital mutilation
>what makes genitals female
xx chromosomes, if a woman (or a man) has xx chromosomes, then they have female genitals. if a man (or a woman) has xy chromosomes then they have male genitals
I hate transphobic pooners like G who deny womanhood to trans women.
False, its dependent on whether they have an SRY gene that works or not
This. It’s really that simple.
No ones saying that trans people aren’t who they say they are. This is the tranny board ffs.
not my thread and im sorry about that but that is definitely invalidating to say
>I hate transphobic pooners like G who deny womanhood to trans women.
You are still a woman you just don't have female genitals anon
Yeah i called anon out on that
she's right yk
show pussy right now if you want to talk about what is or isn't female
Trans men are real men
Nah you're right
I used to think you were kinda cool cause you would be nice in threads full of transphobia but nevermind lol. I should stop using 4chan. I don't know why I keep coming here.
I’ll admit I was a bit snappy, but I still stand by the fact that trans people have the genitals of the sex they were assigned at birth. That’s not transphobia.
Saying I’m a male isn’t correct, I don’t have male sexual structures.
Shut up nigger
Leave while you can anon
an organism is female if it produces egg cells. if you don't produce egg cells, you aren't female. you can still be a woman because being a woman isn't bound to biology, but you can't be female, by definition
She’s just a dumb slut that feels the need to comment on everything
Trans men are real men asshole
Saying you are male is correct
saying you have male genitals is incorrect
Not necessarily
Yes we are, but saying I’m a male is silly and wouldn’t change anything about my current situation.
How is it transphobic to say trans women are not biologically female? That doesn't invalidate them, there's more to being a woman than being afab, most of the women you see out in public wear clothes so you won't know if they have a pussy or not but they still get she/her'd because gender is social.
I can understand if you have massive breeding hips or something it might be hard to call yourself male but you'll get used to it
>I’m a male isn’t correct
You literally called yourself Female to male?
Most based post in the thread
hes being a nigger retard ignore him
you're a male who doesn't have a male reproductive system but you're not a female and calling you one is entirely obtuse and unreasonable unless it's a clinical setting solely focusing on your genitalia.
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I just want an ftm shotaboyfriend to cuddle and love and treat well and to cook for... why wont anyone ever love me im so tired
you can turn a blind eye on it sometimes because we're humans, and you can say female to imply "woman" and not the biological concept of an egg producing organism
I dunno, it just not true so I don’t say it. I wish I was male, but that’s not going to happen in my lifetime. I just accept my cards I was dealt with and try to achieve what I want with that.
You have male sex characteristics and female reproductive organs
just say that and dont call yourself female
Is this bitch retarded?
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Dawg I look like this, is the male in the room with us rn?
It’s truly okay
youre not even a man in the trans man sense of the word
Are you even on testosterone or do you have androgen insensitivity syndrome?
>How is it transphobic to say trans women are not biologically female
Hormones make me biologically female you dumb pooner.
Btw I’m going to goon to your pictures later
I’m on T yes
Probably twink genes, I look like a much less manly version of my brother.
must breed
What’s your levels?
Why are you even on T if you're never think you're gonna be a man.
I can see why you are saying that you are not male.
Haven’t gotten em checked since going back on. I was on hormones on a poondose for about a year in 2022-2023. Went back on about 3 months ago with a starting dose of 40mg subq weekly. I get rlly bad allergic reactions to my T though so I don’t know how long I’m gonna be on it in the long run. I really like how T makes my brain feel though at least.
Sounds like business as usual to me
Estrogen doesn't give you a female reproductive system.
And? Females who have a hysterectomy are still females.
Hey prince
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/ftmgen/ was better a decade ago when Will the cis still posted. Idk what you assholes did between then and now to scare him away, but it sucks.

Will, if you're out there come back and say hi
Don't you know? Lesbians are attracted to uteri, menstrual lining, and yeast infections.
basically yeah
>nooo you have male genitals and you will never be female
the self proclaimed "AFABs" itt
what do you look like? i think i'm going to look 16 forever, t stopped working after a certain point
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G is the only female in this thread who I can tangibly see as a man. The rest of the ftm population are female women. Hope that clears things up.
>t. cis man
I think and know I’m a man, I’m just not male
Based, jork away poonking
Tbh idgaf about that specifically, the vibe is just cursed in comparison
hot u should consider shotamaxxing
>tfw would like to date a pooner but have intense repulsion to medical scars like top surgery inflicts because cis gf who shattered my heart into a million pieces and ruined my life years ago had chest surgery too (not booby removal, open heart surgery) that left her chest very scarred so now when i see a scarred chest i think of her and i also am just squicked out by cosmetic surgery in general and the thought of someone i love willingly having a part of their body removed for no reason other than "i dont like it" causes me intense anxiety
You can have male genitals and be female anon
You're just mad that people don't classify your circumcision as the same as FGM when its MGM
date a pooner with keyhole
Go with a non-op they/them then
wait did someone in here unironically say that circumcizing a trans woman is fgm?
that is crazy
i guess that could work, but the problem is if the decide to get the surgery after i have already met them and fell in love with them it will give me intense anxiety. i know this because that exact situation happened to me
if i can find one that isnt an insufferable cunt, that may work
Yes, that’s what started this whole thing.
Please read the rest of the thread next time before calling ppl transphobes ;-;
Yes someone came in here and said circumcising a trans woman is FGM which is why we were arguing
>Please read the rest of the thread next time
shiggy diggy
You were still being transphobic G
I rlly wasn’t
you were still being transphobic though
yeah that's stupid its obviously not the same. still sad my srs will be worse though
Wash the salt out of your cunt before you shrivel up, Christ.
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Trip on G
at least be man enough for that
Yeah, I am glad you understand that females have it worse than you. You were circumcised, some cultures have that, it's fine.
I dont know what you are but i can tell you dont belong here
shoo faggot
It's crazy to me that trannies can get away with saying all sorts of crude, disgusting things about pooners but the millisecond a pooner claps back it's "omg i cant believe there's a transphobe on 4chan this is unbelievable why are pooners like this?!"
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That isn’t me, I promise
I have said nothing wrong nor did I attack anyone
And you aren't a bear.
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You're true, but this wasn't that type of situation
he was being legitimately weird
i think it's disgusting when mtfs are awful to ftms as well. i think trans people should stick together we are all in this together
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i wonder who is all behind this drama today hmmm
Your circumcision isn't the same as FGM anon
if you say that to people irl you will be laughed at
Wrong image i was supposed to post the one where an mtf made fun of an ftms genitals
he snapped back and she called him transmisogynistic for repeating the same shit back
FGM on trans women is FGM.
Most people irl are transphobic, they will laugh with our very existence or with "her penis".
because the trans community keeps the same male/female dynamics from before they transed, if thag makes sense
I don't know who you are, I'm just going by my observations on this website in general.
>And you aren't a bear.
Yeah no shit anon I'm a human, I don't know if you know this or not but "bear' is actually a term used in the gay community to describe big, hairy faggots like me.
People are weird on this website all the fucking time. There's a massive crowd of trannies who openly despise pooners because they're "throwing away their womanhood" or whatever.
This is what I would think too. I'm not a tranny so I don't know the details, but it seems like there's only ever trannies that want to chase pooners, or trannies that think pooners should be hung from the rafters. I don't know why there has to be such vitriol. It's just like how cis men and cis women hate each other I guess.
where's the hole that gets sewn shut when you perform fgm on a penis?
You dont have female genitals so you physically cannot have FGM done to you
I wish it weren't the case but this is 100% true
Yeah this was my thought pattern too. It's like some fucked up, twisted version of heteropessimism. I guess it is the fate of men and women to constantly be at each other's throats, with women always getting away with bullshit and men being villainized if they speak up. Weird.
>to describe big, hairy faggots like me
I know retard, this is what you aren't.
He? Do you mean G or me?
I am female, females can have FGM done to them.
Most cases aren't like that.
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just applied for a really good job… let’s hope i get it
post it
Fgm and circumcision are not comparable
Sad but true, I hate this bullshit
The only way to avoid this is to disconnect entirely from the community
But you are also retarded for thinking you dont have male genitals
>I know retard, this is what you aren't.
6'0" 220lbs isn't considered big any more? What the fuck I hate inflation
stop poisoning the well retard
idk for me im neither of those i just feel some level of bond with other trans people because we have similar struggles that we can understand and cis people can't. obviously its different what struggles specifically affect trans men more or affect trans women more but overall i feel like trans ppl are stronger together
>Most cases aren't like that.
who cares how many there are? they still happen so answer the question
Tbf it's not ad common outside of this board. but seeing how some people talk about trans support groups irl and shit makes me wonder...
Where’s gloves I want to see some more retarded takes on this
You dont have female genitals you have male genitals, it doesnt matter that you have tits and look like a woman you still have a penis and balls so any genital mutilation done to you is male genital mutilation
Gloves got banned for calling TH a pedophile
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I know a few pooners IRL and they're pretty cool people. All of them are some flavor of asexual or a gayden though, maybe it's the straightpoons that are vitriolic. Don't meet many straightpoons, I guess they're more likely to be stealth about it.
Everyone is stronger together, anonette. Yet ever since the days we were banging rocks together to make arrowheads, we have always allowed tribalism to separate us.
yeah i guess i just wanna fight against that in trannies bc we are more alike than different
Free my nigga
There's no way
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For real, he did nothing wrong
Tranny hater is jan jan confirmed
Genital mutilation of trans women's genitals is FGM.
Genitalia mutilation of females constitute female genital mutilation.
I am not a male so this can't be a male genital mutilation
Joe should be banned as well
I wouldn't be surprised considering I got a warning for saying I'm not an ftm also marked as off topic.

I was told there is a new ftm trip called X: is he hot?
Is this the schizo who ruined the Silent Hill 4 wiki?
Well you're fighting the good fight, I hope some day you can change some hearts anonette.
what labia do they cut off when they do fgm on a penis?
we dont have female genitals dumbass our female genitals can't be mutilated because we don't have them
Doesnt matter, you have male genitals
Most people get circumcised young. At that age it's not like you were transing (unless you're a youngshit) so you were not female.
As I said the mutilation of the genitalia of a female constitutes female genital mutilation.
mtfs are real women because they resort to victimising themselves as much as possible at any slight confrontation
And? They can transition in the future.
So are the people in this thread.
Doesnt matter, no matter how much you like to cope, taking estrogen doesnt make your genitals not male unlike the rest of your body you cannot change your genital structure through estrogen
no it is the mutilation of female genitals that makes FGM. a penis and balls is not female genitals. listen. im an mtf who was circumcised too. does it suck? yeah it limits our future srs options. but its not the same as fgm and to pretend it is is unhinged, it's erasure, and it's frankly and fundamentally weird. please go outside
we're not victims of FGM anon
You're the only one here trying to victimise yourself by claiming struggles that you physically cannot experience
the best part is this faggot probably isn't even mtf he's just larping as one because he thinks it makes his argument more valid, a sad estrogenless man
When are you doing a sexy hospital photoshoot?
It's it being done on a female that makes it FGM.
>a penis and balls is not female genitals
They are if they are on a female.
>but its not the same as fgm and to pretend it is is unhinged, it's erasure
Your position is erasure.
More transphobia, cool.
Yeah, didn't expect any better.
do what if they can transition in thr future? It happened to you when you were a male
I unironically think circumcision is a problem but calling it fgm is retarded. My heart goes out to those missing their foreskin
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G has all the BASED opinions
Because G is KING
Bow bow BOW!!!!!!!
>It happened to you when you were a male
It affects trans women after they have srs.
>My heart goes out to those missing their foreskin
But not to the girls getting botched surgeries because of FGM.
post hrt with timestamp enough is enough
I want to impregnate him and force him to take estrogen so bad
Will that make people in this thread to stop being transphobic to me? Will it make them agree with me? Will it make them to think critically? Will it make them consider trans women as women?
The answer is no, so no.
Listen, lady, at the risk of being old hat: You're kinda putting the carriage before the horse here and I'm not sure the juice is worth the squeeze on this one.
>Yeah, didn't expect any better.
You're the one confusing genitals and gender anon
post vial with timestamp
it would prove you aren't larping, you're already refusing so i already know you're lying lol
love to see even my ftm brothers hate wahmen and their bullshit
See >>36310773
What do I gain?
You are going to continue being shitty to me even after that, so what do I gain by proving anything?
They love identifying as AFAB apparently, and keep identifying with the sisterhood and victimhood of cis women who underwent FGM. They jumped to eat me alive because I am the girl that spoke.
if there's shit everywhere you look, it's probably because you have your head up your ass
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Noone hating on wayment they're just saying circumcision and fgm aren't the same
Your claims are so absurd no one thinks you're mtf, until proven otherwise with a vial and timestamp you are a larper cisoid and therefore we cannot be transphobic to you
it wouldn't hurt you to post it but i know you can't do it because you don't have any, i would recommend you actually work on getting some, you clearly want to be a woman otherwise you wouldn't be pretending
No, just in this thread. Maybe the shit is you.
>They love identifying as AFAB apparently, and keep identifying with the sisterhood and victimhood of cis women who underwent FGM. They jumped to eat me alive because I am the girl that spoke.

No we arent, i barely identify with being afab. we're just saying circumcision and FGM arent the same and you are delusional to pretend it is

post estrogen vial
What do I gain, given that your behavior towards me won't change?
What do I gain? As I said, you will continue acting the same.
I am back mid next month but I doubt I'll be alone in the room. Sorry, daddy.
they see trans women as women they just don't see dicks as female genitals because they aren't.
>i'm actually perfectly normal, it's everyone else who's crazy
actual legitimate schizo behavior
>What do I gain?
credibility, otherwise no one can believe that you genuinely believe fgm affects mtfs
We will stop treating you as a schizo larper thats pretending to be mtf

its not that big of a deal unless you dont actually have a vial
>>36309558 Love how nobody said anything about this lmao.
>>36310814 FGM on trans women is not circumcision, it is FGM.
And according to the other anon they are quite similar.
>post estrogen vial
Still waiting to see a reason.
>we're just saying circumcision and FGM arent the same
I have heard that before "we're just saying that breast milk and trans milk aren't the same!!!" anyway the other anon seemed to disagree, but it doesn't matter either way, since FGM on trans women is not circumcision, it is FGM.
>they see trans women as women
Lol, did you see the posts?
And that's not the issue, they reject the femaleness of trans women in general, I showed proof of this previously.
No, just the people in this thread who identify so much with AFAB womanhood they decided to attack me.
You treated me the same even before the first person doubted my identity, so meh.
See above.
I am willing to post it if I can get guarantees. Perform self-circumcision on your phallo. (or are you going to consider it FGM as well?)
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Posting vial isn’t a big deal unless you don’t have one
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not that hard btw took me 1 minute to do
as we can see we can throw this whole wall of text out the window because there's no estrogen attached to it.
yeah you're larping

If you were actually trans you'd know its not a big deal and that everyone does it
If you really were trans you would've done it by now
>No, just the people in this thread who identify so much with AFAB womanhood they decided to attack me.
>it's not my fault for being a massive retard, it's their fault for reacting to it! woman moment!
Oh so you're just transphobic against FtMs, got it.
What do I gain? I am fine with seeing the people who harmed me suffer. Show me a picture that shows your full apology and I will send you my vial.
You did that before anyway. The funniest part is that when I first posted in the thread I didn't even claim to be MTF, other posters deduced that and then claimed that I was larping despite never claiming it. Although they were correct in that I am in fact MTF - note, male to female, I consider myself female, who can be a victim of genital mutilation.
What would I gain?
This is literally what happened in the thread, I am not putting any word in their mouth and I didn't say what you are claiming that I said.
What would I gain? Where's your apology? Written on your body please. And then I will share my vial.
i'm semi sure this is either a larper or a specific mtf that riles up ftms by calling them women and posts the responses with the numbers cut out to call them transmisogynistic for ragebait
post vial or stfu
>what do i gain
fake tranny backed into fake corner after making dumb fake argument. touch grass
using more words won't suddenly spawn a vial into your hands
>Written on your body please
With a sharp object
Where is your apology?
>or a specific mtf that riles up ftms by calling them women and posts the responses with the numbers cut out to call them transmisogynistic for ragebait
I am not but this person is probably much better than how you are slandering her, given that you are doing the same to me.
You don't even consider yourself female, why should I care about what yu are saying?
newfag poser. if you weren't here before 2013 you're forever a new faggot, kys. typical foid behavior
no vial, no care
My apology for what nigger? I'm not sorry for not believing you have estrogen as you clearly don't have any
I made this last night. What the fuck happened here I thought it would be a normal gen
I have no reason to take a picture as of right now.
You didn't care before either so idc
post vial fake tranny
Everyone feeling particularly retarded today huh
I could equally respect a transman that is at least 5'8, I cannot for a manlet trans or cis.

If you're not tall, just stay a woman
Your apology for treating me this way from the start of the thread for saying the simple truth that FGM on trans women is FGM and that trans females are females..
Post dick fake m...
literally who are you
Yes. Please help.
It's not transphobic to accept reality. I'm also a trans man and biologically female, but that doesn't mean I'm not a man. Same goes for trans women. We'll never be able to be reborn as cis, but that doesn't decrease our validity. We're not saying that none of us will never be real women or men, we're just saying we know we're not cisgender.
i do consider myself female. im taking female hormones to fix the fact i wasnt born that way. and unlike you ive posted vial to prove it.
then we have no reason to take anything you say seriously. i bet you spend your free time writing shitty novels no one reads
A real man who dictates who isn't and who is a man
In the very slim chance that you're actually being serious, I'll explain it to you clearly.
1. You are not a female.
2. Males are typically snipped when they are a baby. You were not even cognizant enough to know what the difference between male and female are at that point. You were not a trans woman, you were a male baby and you had something done to you that unfortunately many male babies do. The doctors who did it to you did not go into it saying "yes! I am currently performing female genital mutilation on a female!" they were performing a circumcision on a male baby. The fact that you are now trans is post facto.
3. You do not have a clitoris or labia. You have a penis. You can identify as a woman, but biologically you have a penis and the penis is the male half of the equation in human sexual reproduction. It does not mean you are a man, but you ARE a male. There is a reason why the terms "male" and "female" are also used to refer to electrical plugs and sockets respectively, the male organ slots into the female organ. It is a purely clinical description of the reproductive organ you have. Once you get SRS you will not have a female reproductive organ, you will have a male reproductive organ that is reproduced into being a facsimile of a vagina. You will never, ever, be a female.
When did this degenerate into genital mutilation discourse
I dont use a packer, post vial or no1cares
Sure, you are not a male, I am a female however.
Good for you. Why do you support positions that claim that you are not female? Such as that genital mutilation on your genitals would not be female genital mutilation (genital mutilation of a female). something doesn't add up
I'm 5'7 please please please please please please please let me in
There's no amount of hand or tummy pics that could save this thread
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has anyone been watching any good movies recently? i watched ‘late night with the devil’ last night and i also want to see the new mad max movie.
i agree i'm 5'5" and transphobic repper
post vial fake tranny
I watched Kanashimi no Belladonna (movie) and Pink Flamingos the other day. It was pretty good.
Sorry kid, rules are rules. Now get in the breeding pen.
You don't know who I am or what I'm posting. All I said was that I don't believe you're trans, I owe zero apologies
TH is a cunt
I watched kstews lesbian movie and uhhh, the ending was something
No listen I can walk on my toes from now on it's no big deal
trans ppl are born that way so you're wrong there but the rest is correct.
i don't. anyways prove you're not just poisoning the well. post vial. or pills if you're on hondose
You didn't anything I said seriously before anyway.
>1. You are not a female.
Transphobia by a faggot? No way! I would NEVER expect it!
Since you are probably retarded, yeah, I am being sarcastic. The most transphobia I have received was from cis gays. Unironically cis men were always fine with me.
>Males are typically snipped when they are a baby
In your shithole maybe. Not only males though. Trans women too.
>You were not even cognizant enough to know what the difference between male and female are at that point
They also do it without anesthetics btw, so even if you don't remember it, your unconscious does. It also fucks up your future vaginoplasty.
I will also remind you of this >>36309558
>The doctors who did it to you
Not sure why you are assuming it happened to me.
>yes! I am currently performing female genital mutilation on a female
Most people don't consider trans women as women.
>It does not mean you are a man, but you ARE a male
Keep the uneducated transphobia going. Hormones make you female.
>There is a reason why the terms "male" and "female" are also used to refer to electrical plugs and sockets respectively
Because for a lot of people penis = male and there isn't any way around it. For these retards a 70 year old hon performing vaginoplasty is the enough to make her a female.
But this is not the actual meaning.
>SRS you will not have a female reproductive organ, you will have a male reproductive organ that is reproduced into being a facsimile of a vagina. You will never, ever, be a female.
Drop the G
>>36311043 These are the people you support btw.
No reason still.
I don't believe you are human.
I didn't claim to be trans before people claimed that I am fake trans.
People like you are the reason why transphobes think we're all delusional. You're a woman, but that does not mean you're cis. Please explain how someone can possibly be a female without being born one, because while I know gender doesn't equal sex, female is a sex. How do you change that? What do you think female or male even means?
Green Room, honestly I can’t recommend this movie enough.

It’s an A24 horror movie, and it is kino

>A mediocre punk band must escape a neo-Nazi compound after witnessing a murder. It goes… realistically
>a24 horror
>green room
wtf thats where i get my weed
>but the rest is correct
>Once you get SRS you will not have a female reproductive organ, you will have a male reproductive organ that is reproduced into being a facsimile of a vagina. You will never, ever, be a female.
Is this what you agree with?
Why is everyone putting words in my mouth, when did I say I am cis?
>Please explain how someone can possibly be a female without being born one
Hormones? What's with all the newfags in this board? It was very well accepted until recently.
>because while I know gender doesn't equal sex
Gender identity doesn't equal sex but gender does. Saying that a trans woman on hrt has male sex is literally the definition of transphobia. This board has gone to shit. >>36311166 here are who you support btw
Pooners support FGM and transphobia.
Okay now I am also convinced you're a larper. I have never seen a tranny be pro-biological essentialism before.
>trans ppl are born that way
What about the ones that have no dysphoria? I'm sure there are people who are born pre-disposed to being trans or even just born trans and realize it as soon as they know the difference between boys and girls, but let's not be dishonest and say it's always just a congenital condition you are aware of from the millisecond you are born.
This thread would be better without all the Californian queers
you have to post vial
>b-but i don't wanna
this doesn't matter
LOL did WG delete their server? you stupid fat fuck
didnt know we were back to doin this shit, fuck gender theory i guess lol
Yes lmao
He’s now in my servers lolcow zoo, it’s quite funny
Okay I understand. So to fully transition into the other sex you need to be on HRT. Is that it?
That’s what I’ve been thinking. Since when was equating sex to gender a trans rights thing.
thats how i know its just some poltard trying to stir the pot, no tranner on planet earth believes that shit. that literally goes directly against the notion that trans people exist
post vial
im somewhat biological essentialist
>what about the ones with no dysphoria
they arent trans. and of course it cant be articulated at birth but i have no gender based trauma or anything and felt dysphoria at age 4 and fell into a depression after learning about biological sex not long after.
im from oregon!
>they arent trans.
I'll award a based for that one because I'm also from Oregon and I known having that opinion publicly here would have you crucified.
im stealth so it doesn't come up much thankfully
No reason or me to.
>pro-biological essentialism
You are confusing words, retard. biological essentialism is used to refer to people who think that you can't change sex, like you.
>What about the ones that have no dysphoria
They are not trans, retard.
>and say it's always just a congenital condition
It's not a congenital condition, it's something more, and you don't need to be aware of it.
I know it's not really a thing in FTM spaces, but in trans women spaces it is. You would know if you browsed this board for more than a few seconds. It's common for people to call out "female-only" spaces and people who consider trans women to not be females for what they are.
Yes, in right dosages, for a long enough time, correct, this is the most important thing to decide someone's sex.
>post vial
No orders from someone who doesn't consider himself to be female and supports traitors to the trans movement.
>I don't believe you are human.
Neither are you
biological essentialism refers to people who believe sex and gender are the same thing. you're arguing that you have changed sex into female and that is what makes you a woman. try harder chuddie
we are all asking for one single thing from you nothing else matters
i do consider myself female. also very funny way to show you're super pro trans and definitely one of us when you're willing to call me a man to heckin own me and call me a traitor. you're kinda funny know that mx. well-poisoner
I never said or even implied that trans women shouldn’t have access to female spaces.
>n-no u
so smart wow
Most real trans people agree with this. Especially trans people in this board.
What will you give me back?
You clearly don't, as you simply accept what they are saying against you and cheer them on.
I don't call people who don't consider themselves female as "she", sorry (not sorry).
You said that trans women are not female, why would trans women have access if they are not female?
Post vial or you're not trans
you know how many vials you could have posted by now if you were a real tranny?
post vial >>36311311 just tell xer to post vial
xhe cannot wiggle herself out of not having an actual vial of estrogen because xhe isnt actually trans
>or you're not trans
I would like to become cis, so no.
Why not
If you were trans you would be able to post an estrogen vial within 5 mins
you're a larper
I would talk with you if you were female.
I don't feel like I have to prove anything here, even if I was not trans my arguments would still be sound.
Sure, but why?
All that yap and no vial
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>SRS you will not have a female reproductive organ, you will have a male reproductive organ that is reproduced into being a facsimile of a vagina. You will never, ever, be a female.
The person you are cheering on btw
This is true for me as well. Just because trans people will never be cis has no bearing on whether they should be allowed into spaces reserved for the gender they're presenting as.
ok this will be the last from me. the reason you have to post vial is because you're being insincere. you are arguing in bad faith. you are only here to make an ass of yourself because you think you're asserting some sort of dominance over the gen. upsetting other people brings joy to your twisted ass, is all. if you really wanted to prove your point, you would post a vial, but no, that's not your end goal. you don't care about trans women or fgm. you want to argue for the sake of arguing, and the more you reply, the more you're proving this. this is self evident. consider doing something worthwhile instead, get help
why so trans men look like fat ugly babies
What would I prove by posting the vial? My arguments should stand by themselves, not by who I am.
>you don't care about trans women or fgm
If you look at my first post I was very kind, people jumped on me right away because they identify with the struggle of being afab.
because women look like that. Doesn't change when you transition
I dont care what you have to say if you're a cisoid, your opinion holds little weight if you're speaking about a topic that involves trans people

>If you look at my first post I was very kind, people jumped on me right away because they identify with the struggle of being afab.
No its because you said something retarded

either way post vial
i consider myself female as can be seen by the fact i take medicine to make myself more female
ok well i didnt read his whole post and yeah thats a disrespectful way to say it but its not completely wrong
Get your eyes checked, you dumb piece of shit. Half of all the trans men look like cis men, and I bet you would say the same thing about a fully cis guy if someone told you he was FTM.
>I dont care what you have to say if you're a cisoid, your opinion holds little weight if you're speaking about a topic that involves trans people
You didn't care either way. You basically ignored anything I said before and repeated the same thing. So what's the point?
>No its because you said something retarded
It was right, but transphobia and violence against trans women is ok here.
>i consider myself female as can be seen by the fact i take medicine to make myself more female
And you blindly side with (and therefore accept the position of) people who say that
>SRS you will not have a female reproductive organ, you will have a male reproductive organ that is reproduced into being a facsimile of a vagina. You will never, ever, be a female.
>You're a woman, but that does not mean you're cis. Please explain how someone can possibly be a female without being born one, because while I know gender doesn't equal sex, female is a sex. How do you change that? What do you think female or male even means?
These are the sort of people who think that FGM on trans women is not FGM, they just think that trans women are not female, which is why they are not eligible for genital mutilation that is done on females (and therefore they also don't consider them capable of going to female spaces).
>but its not completely wrong
Instead of striking back against the transphobia in this thread you felt like jumping on me for defending trans women's rights lol.
don't bother there's no getting through him
>but its not completely wrong
If you don't consider yourself a female why should I consider you as one?
>misgendering is fine achually I swear I am not transphobic guys!!!
You’re not a tranny, if you were you’d have posted a vial an hour ago
You’re a larper, not trans so it’s not misgendering.
Lets All Love Lain.
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Fuck whatever you are talking about I got an egg with two yolks the other day
Did you give me a reason to?
Wow my dysphoria is cured!
But for real, the transphobia in this thread is literally pol-tier.
FINALLY, the only fucking good reply to my thread. Thank you anon
Shut up bitch
Nice I haven’t had that happen to me in a while
Haskellslut was right about you.
Yeah, that quote which we neeeeeeeeever heard before is better than the issue of FGM for suuuuure.
You are a worthless cunt. You are a sodomite, a sinner, and you will perish in the fires of hell.

Anyway what do you guys think of cloaks? I can’t wear mine right now because of the heatwave but I can show it
Try harder.
What are you even talking about? I'm just sick of assholes telling me I'm a transphobe for having a different opinion on the definition of 'female/male'
If everywhere you go you smell like shit, then maybe you shat yourself anon. Maybe you know, you are the transphobic asshole. Try talking to the girls in this board. "Different opinions" my ass, this is what the terfs say.
Big fan of cloaks be a vampire
What are you even talking about? I'm just sick of assholes telling me I'm a transphobe for having a different opinion on the definition of 'female/male' (I'm literally fucking transgender)
See >>36311744
Transphobic self-proclaimed afabs are everywhere. Being transgender doesn't change anything. You are self-hating, what do you want me to do with this info? Go detrans if you don't consider yourself the sex that you are transitioning into.
What do MtF and FtM mean?
Actually, I was wrong. I forgot about intersex people and didn't understand the arguments. This was entertaining though
Mtf’s are fuckin silly
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I'm against this "AFAB unity" bullshit and even I think you're being retarded trying to lump foreskin circumcision in with the material realities of FGM.

You're either crazy or trolling. And since I can't tell which: well done.
>Go detrans if you don't consider yourself the sex that you are transitioning into.

I fully believe that you are a whiny woman, regardless of your AGAB.

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