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Previous: >>36284218
QOTT: Have you ever worn makeup before?
that qt on the right could get it ngl
take your pills, retards
Women famously hate beautiful cis men with long, luscious hair
i should
yeah dude, I had like this faggotry I was stuffing deep inside of me, then one time I was home alone and my GF was out, so I was like haha I should try on some of her clothes and makeup I bet I won't enjoy this I can't be a fag. Now I have an agp monster I have to feed like every 6 months.
This is sarcasm...right?
Obviously. NTA and don't need to be
A middle aged black woman panhandler in front of McDonalds called me "sis" today, but I'm dressed male and I walk like a male. Is it a sign? Should I transition? Should I run back and find her and give her money so she can tell me like in one of those cringy hollywood "magic negro" films? I'm so confused. I might have been thinking about how I wish I was a girl but there was no reason for her to know about it.

Yes but I look quite terrifying
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Every 2014 tranny just HAD to look like an ogre. Just looked like absolute SHIT back then. I thought transitioning was so fucking pointless back then because these people were walking around, screeching like banshees, with their SHITTILY dyed hair, atrocious wardrobes, and 3rd grade nail polish. Fuck them.

I could've transitioned if even ONE of them looked normal and showed me that you could do it successfully. Now I'm stuck in this god awful male body because these autists weren't self-aware enough to wear a fucking hoodie.

Fuck you 2014 trannies, fuck you.
I grew up thinking transvestites were a funny thing from british comedy and if I wanted to be the funniest thing imaginable I could dress up like a woman
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yo are mine that noticeable or am I just being bdd brainwormed?
When did your AGP begin?
5 for me
Probably 5 or 6, at the preschool. I already envied the girls there
OMG, literally me on the left.
>Creepy long haired incel
but he's not tho
go to the gym, retards
just a few months after I started masturbating, late onset
the person on the left ain't no incel, the fuck?
Damn relatable. Thought it was a bummer I was a boy.
is that Michael myers from the rob zombie halloween reboot
Oh god yes lol i thought this was repgen not “ami trans?” Lol
Bruh, raise your hand if you thought transition was literally cutting your bits off and breast implants lol
I ind we stand every bit of this. Susan’s org did irreparable damage to my psyche. I thought everyone was destined to be a hon like transvestite. I thought the girls with breasts and soft skin were just born lucky to be hermaphrodites, then one day I learned what hrt was and that’s why those girls looked closer to cis women. I felt like the biggest fool. I can’t really blame myself because that pos site Susan’s didn’t allow hormone talk in names and doses. A whole generation in the dark because of that stupid fucking website.
Yours are noticeable. The thing with hrt is that it’s so gradual, you don’t notice the day by day changes. Stare at your chest, then look at the chests of pretty much every other male and it becomes very obvious you’re growing breast.

Again you may not notice it, but think back to when you were a teenager and girls started growing breasts over summer break and come back with obvious growing breasts. You’re thinking you’re hiding that when everyone else can tell.
I feel bad for the late onset people. I knew at 5 something was “off and different about me wanting to be a girl” so it wasn’t as shocking when I discovered the word for it. I can’t imagine finding out I’m trans as a teenager pretty much as puberty is starting. That’s rough.
i hate how i have a twinkish body but the head of an mma boxer
i look like a joke
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I didn't know I was trans until I was over 20.
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same, I malefail often with people who don't see my face because I have long hair, but my face is ngmi, twinkhon at best
if I transitioned at 16 I would have made it
she called you "cis"
got too drunk yestedray
not enough alcohol today, not enought energy to buy more
if i don't get through today, just wish you all the best
literally lol'd
Do you work?
How do you have money to buy alcohol and drink all day
neet bux
cheapest vodka is not as expensive
get some minimal survival money from my relatives, that's how i spend it
(used to be money from i had a job)
wish i had a normal life though, no shit im a repper
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>can't pass even with gender swap app
>live with parents as NEET

real and true
at least i can still pass with a gender swap app hahaa...
same :/
transition already sis
stop grooming
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>faceapp detects me as female on some pics
stop it
I have long hair, that doesn't make me a girl
>transition already sis
you first
i can't pass with a gender swap
bro it's not as hard to pass with it, i'm fuckung bald and it still makes me looks ok (when it adds hair to my bald head)
we are both old men, i give durian a pass
Transitioning sounds way too hard and I'm very lazy.
is anyone else here refuse to make a video game character female?
i dont want to let myself indulge in any femininity
you refuse to make a video game character female, i refuse to make a video game character male
we are not the same
yeah you're cringe, i'm based
simple as.
always. i knew what it meant and i couldn't risk anyone questioning me about it so i always made the most ugly boring man character i could
it's 2024 nobody would question you if you play a female character
i live in a shithole i would know
unless it's a mental repper thing, which is understandable
yeah, back in the days i always made a dwarf with a long beard or something, now i just don't give a fuck because who is gonna judge me really, i have no more friends
>it's 2024 nobody would question you if you play a female character

Yeah people definitely still care. And that's just one of the issues.

1. Not passing so you have to wake up every day and look at a hon in the mirror.
2. having to navigate social spaces now that you're a beasthon, making everything more difficult for you. that includes finding employment
3. having to deal with permanent body changes which will stand out if you decide to detransition
bro we are talking about video game characters here
yeah, being a hon irl sucks, what can i say, you are not wrong
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Nevermind then
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Repress. Doctor's orders!
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How the hell do boomerhons raise a family and have kids and maintain a career with gender dysphoria?

I always blamed my failure in life on my dysphoria but I'm starting to think I'm just inherently a retard.
They don't. They are victims of ROGD.

This is why the argument about repression getting harder over time makes no sense. This is the first generation where transitioning is a thing.
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I can't find anywhere to discuss this but I believe gender dysphoria is a complex illness which develops from a variety of factors including abuse, psychosis, personality disorders, genetics. etc. I fucking hate how every trans space has walked in lockstep in how to interpret this disease.

Fuck the internet now.
I feel like my urge to troon out is affected by the lunar cycle and that it gets strongest around a full moon
I am so conflicted over whether it's worth trooning out, I keep repping and then it comes back up. I am naturally androgynous, but when I say that I mean I'm like a perfect 50/50 split of feminine and male features. I would need to get plastic surgery to pass, but I don't like the idea of plastic surgery to me that's like holywood shit, a real slippery slope. I've contemplated the no breast growth stack, that way I can still manmode. Like fuck it's weird in some photos of myself I look feminine, in others I look masculine, I always look "pretty", and if I cover my brow bone with my fingers, I look VERY feminine. I think I'm just going to let curiosity get the best of me and take the raloxifene stack.
noticeable yes, but honestly just looks like gyno.
>almost troon out at 26 literally go to doctors office over it
>back out and rep
>27 want to troon again
Should I just cave this time?
Why are you making this nigga paranoid? Dude guys can have some serious fucking gyno. I've never taken the tranny pills and I have never had a flat chest.
can someone please just drug and force fem me?
just rep harder bro, you will beat the tranny thoughts this time
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the OP image is unironically my biggest fear and why i dont even try to make friends
Make it stop the pain won't stop
the suffering it never ends
make it end
the pain
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The world needs more living "magical repper hobo" tropes.
Did that for the last couple of days, so now Imma try and go dry for a while.
We'll see how long that'll last though...
how many reppers attracted to men are living out as gay men?
Right now I've got an old guy on a homo app calling me his girl and saying he's going to kiss and fuck me "like a real girl" and he just made up a girl name and started calling me that, honestly it feels pretty good so I'm thinking right now I'm still straight. This is totally straight right guys?
Hell no. I stay inside 16 hours of the day and I don't want to be around anyone.
>take pics of myself
>share in CIPG
>get told I have potential
Fml fml fml fml fml fml
I think homosexuality is dead. HSTSs will make up approximately 40% of the gay population in the future or more.

I have noticed that even in gay places there is a search for heteronormativity. Increasingly difficult to find someone who appreciates male homosexuality at its peak (manly man v manly man)

In Arab society it is already like this. If you are gay you are forced to transition. And I think we're getting closer to that.
you mean chad
Why do I look like a pretty woman in some pictures, but an ogre in the next, how is this possible, it's not even intentional angle fraud, why am I cursed like this.
subconscious delusion
>HSTSs will make up approximately 40% of the gay population in the future
>approximately 40%
>take care of myself and try to be more feminine
>"its not enough, itll never be enough. whati wsnt is impossible"
>"it'll hurt less is i just don't try"
>give up.let myself go, remasculinizing as a result
>less stressed but unhappy
>desires to feminize return
it may never end
If you repress hard enough the desire to feminize just goes away.
Lies lol but for some people (either strong or mild gd) it is like cumming from a handjob and being like “i knew i should have went for some pussy” lol
there is no way that a guy with those looks can ever be an incel lul
I just watched I saw the TV glow. It's fucking grim. I'll troon out soon anyways, but this was just a reminder if my worst nightmare, as there's a non-zero chance I end up like the main character in the ending.
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I'm not on hrt and pretty skinny but was fat (185cm 65kg now) and my nips poke out like that so probably gyno
Just take the unabomber pill and repress your tranny thoughts by killing people
this is so fucking true I wish there was serious research about this to figure out how exactly post nut clarity magically gets rid of dysphoria and then develop a cure with neurological magic to get rid of dysphoria permanently
Nowadays masturbation only turns my dysphoria worse,lmao
I keep going from "I am 100% gay, I only get off to men fucking me so I must be gay" to "wtf why do I only check out women in public, there is no way I am gay men are fucking gross I would never"
It's a nightmare, I would love to just be the typical androphilic gay faggot but I don't think I can legitimately be in a relationship with another man, especially if I don't have a feminine body.
Based. This is the hottest thing for me.
>I keep going from "I am 100% gay, I only get off to men fucking me so I must be gay" to "wtf why do I only check out women in public, there is no way I am gay men are fucking gross I would never"

Extremely relatable.
I used to pinkpill reppers and reee at you to transition. My apologies. I wish you all a good life.
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Should be enough evidence to sustain/justify reping
women take care of their looks more
ill check out hot guys just as much, when i see one
He looks cool as fuck
Yeah okay then you might be legitimately androphilic.
For me it's extremely frustrating and confusing, I have no idea how to reconcile the fact that I am honestly disgusted at gay porn and never watch it but at the same time the only way I can coom is by imagining a man fucking me, it sucks I hate it.
its weird im into women but romantically i might have been always into guys too
made out with a friend once
never sex tho but since starting hrt i think i have become fully bi due to meta attraction
im getting thoughts like
"does he find me cute?" now i dont know what to do with this
They look like gyno.
Ur good to keep not wearing a bra, most people seeing your gut jutting past your tits will assume youre just a fat man.
That helps for a lot, but not all.
People who sat that will say any hon is passing.
>you look like a lesbian
>youre just like any midwest woman
>gender is just a label
You may end up happier but likely youll be an ugly freak that people hyper notice
Very common. Use the tiktok anime face thing, its better at id’ng men
Its just takin estrogen and wearing illfitting clothing.
Both of you are cringe, its a game avatar who cares
Agp is how
It is very complex, I’m sure the next few decades will shed more light on it if its allowed to be discussed without moral backlash
If youre actually andro then i say it is worth it.
Ffs isnt super drastic if you dont want it to be.
On the flip side i always thought i was andro and even after ffs i get id’d as male by strangers
I fall into the type of bisexual who says they are romantically attracted to one gender and sexually attracted to another.

I think women are more beautiful and better people than men, and I would like to have a relationship with one. But I am disgusted by the female genitalia, as much as the anus, obviously.

And sexually I just want to be fucked and suck cocks. But the idea of being in a relationship with a man makes me bored or intimidated.
what changed?
I respect your right to choose for yourself whatever is comfortable for you. I dont know your circumstances. It was unkind of me not to think of it.
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>me after reading that drinking alcohol reduces testosterone
Skirt go spinny
>I am honestly disgusted at gay porn and never watch it but at the same time the only way I can coom is by imagining a man fucking me, it sucks I hate it.
This is me, how do I stop
I thought I must be straight for the longest time because gay porn did nothing for me and turned me off pretty quick. But I see guys in real life and find them very attractive and fantasize about having sex with dudes all the time.

I'm starting to think mainstream gay porn is just garbage.
you know smashing your balls kills all t instantly
or just take bica if you want that
alcohol will make you disgusting
It is. I watch male on shemale porn only because of how bad gay porn is. I hate vaginas but gay porn men on average are really gross. The prolapsed anuses dont help.
It also ruins your skin, gives you old man face and a beer belly. And, you know, the other health problems too I guess.
This whole trying to cope thing is a full time gig huh
Need time off where the feelings don’t exist
life is cope as some schizo once stated
Interestingly, whenever I drink my beard grows.
i am tired. there is no help ever coming. there is nothing i can do to improve my situation. i am just utterly fucked.
Take a nap then
Today I'm going to drink a lot. Become depressed in the next few days. So start having a healthy routine, try to be productive, get discouraged along the way, return to hedonism, drink again and start all over again. Without any kind of human contact or fun.

This is my life since I was 15.
a forever nap, yea
it's weird how real life can't compete with straight/tranny porn (same thing) and gay porn can't compete with real life
I want a vajayjay and boobies
I asked my therapist if she thinks I could pass and she said yes you can pass from the feet down
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>walk to bathroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror for 40 minutes
>walk back to my chair and resume staring at the ceiling
>repeat every hour in case something suddenly changes that will allow me to pass as female
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>that pic
lick my balls
i want to kms uwu
yummy romanian repressor balls mhm
God I look disgusting. I cant do this
What you didn't understand
Time to edge for 6 hours while watching sissy humiliation pornography.
Are you me?
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>When you take a photo of your extended family and you have the biggest skull there despite not being the tallest
repression does get harder over time
and this isn't the first generation where transition was possible lmao
blah blah blah dysphoria

Never worked for me, it always makes it worse and I have to get incredibly high to stop feeling disgusting
Not trans then.
everyone else is so far ahead of me
lol no

not me so please do compare yourself with a true old sick dumb crazy loser?
to feel better
should i buy sn? will i regret not buying it later? idk what to do
do whatever you want
sn is shit lol but you apparently knows better than me so whatever
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tfw oscillating between grief and rage.
what is good, tell me?
Repper4repper could be the solution. Expect one you would eventually troon out. You need a committed Jane 50.
We need to ban all attractive women from media so I never have to see them.
do any of you ever experience brief moments of autoandrophilia?
cyanide (well it's shit and painful af buy quick and finalö)
helium plus sedatives
ig other inert gasses like argon plus sedatives
yea, i can get turned hard by my body if i want to, if this is what you ask, most of the time i get turned on by it at least a bit and i always did
If OP's pic wanted to troon out should he?
So much pain, so much suffering, so much struggle for all those years, all of my will, all of my strength, anger, hate.
It took everything i had just to fight it to a stalemate by myself.

And yet Almighty God made it go away effortlessly when i opened my heart in good faith. Christians were right, praise the Lord. His power is glorious.

I would not have believed it a decade ago.
No Christian upbringing, No brainwashing, No therapy, no forced cure or conditioning. Just the genuine anguish and sorrow of a distraught Man begging God to give him strength to be what God intended…and the answer provided by the Almighty.

Trust in him. Ask and you will receive.

Ask Him to make you the man you should be, you wont regret it. Every ounce of pain and suffering i endured was worth it to feel this.

To defy the demonic dysphoric doom, demons had planned for you since your birth. When nearly all hope had faded GOD TRANSFORMS YOU INTO THE MAN YOU WISHED YOU WERE. IT BECOMES NO LONGER AN ACT. BUT A REALITY.



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Based and GODPilled
for me the effect post nut is that when i look in the mirror i feel like i look prettier and more androgynous. when it wears off i go back to noticing every masculine imperfection
your god is shit, literally fiction, and your faith is blind subservience to abusive authoritarians
I like pissing anywhere, that's the best part of being a dude
Nice fedora
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When i think back to my atheist phase I cringe. Thank god I grew out of that.
give me a pussy
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>even exhaust pipes get to have a pussy but i don't
The God cope will only last a short while before you plunge back into the despair that is trannyism.
You are not cured, your brain is still broken.
I get off to gay porn and shemale porn occasionally because I'm like 95% bottom and the idea of myself getting dominated and dicked down is hot, but I still like women, pussy (eating out more so than the penetrative sex) etc. and absolutely can't imagine myself having sex or getting into a relationship with a guy. Real life masculinity in all its forms just disgusts me and weirds me out.
My brother in Christ, are you saying one should or should not rep?
Cos, if the end goal of identity and reality is transcendence and spirituality, then the condition of the body should not matter.
Galatians 3:28. We are not our bodies. We are our heightened identities within Christ. Anything that blocks that realization is sin--the turning away--and should be removed to enable our progression toward true reality and completion.
I'm an atheist but I want to Christ Cope. Life seems pretty pointless and pathetic as an autogynephile and maybe taking up religion will help compensate.
i want to be in a transbian relationship so fuckin bad
if you meet another repper that will happen
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>cope cope cope cope cope

Modern people don't even think of true vs false it's just cope vs not cope.
how was she?
also so many years of repgen and no one still hasn't made being a man work and be fun, it is over
Have there ever been any repper x repper relationships that were successful ie didn't end up with one or both of the pair going trans? I want to believe. Also it's so hot to imagine two guys trying not to think of how much they want to be women as they fuck the shit out of each other please let it be real
Any reason not to rope?
If you're white, under 30, and haven't been a pound over 200lbs in your life then there's no excuse for you, sorry.
for what?
been godcoping for 4 months now
it’s works when you actually attempted to transition because you get to see with your own eyes that transition is nothing but a path to perdition that isolates you from the rest of humanity. i encourage everyone to transition just to see how fucking garbage it is.
>under 30

I've been attempting to lock myself into longer term chastity for a while now, but I can't seem to get to a point where the device actually stays on. Eventually something gets rubbed the right way and it pushes out, or it will stay in but pushes out just enough to get hard behind the ring and then it stays hard, maybe I'm sizing the cage wrong? Hard I can get up to 6 inches. but soft, I'm very soft and I can only measure maybe 3 or 4 inches, which are pliable enough to get squeezed back to about 2 inches. I've tried tying the cage around my waist tighter as that helps push the head back keeping the base from filling with blood. And then I put on some skintight underwear but that ends up pushing the device into my pelvis really hard and I always have to remove it eventually because I'll start to bruise. Any suggestions?
2bh im too fucking neet and lazy to look up how to inject estrogen. it looks way too hard and scary. needles and all that shit no thanks
>still no real way to rep
Any hope for the future?
take your vial and and one sterile insulin needle
remove metal flap from vial
remove needle from package
insert needle into the rubber membrane on the vial, flip it all so the opening is facing the floor
draw as much fluid as you want
pull the needle from the vial
clean the area where you want to inject with an alcohol wipe
plunge the needle into your fat tissue - is like zero pain normally
push the plunger
someone say something?
I’m saying, when you undergo the spiritual rescue that i did.

You wont have to rep, there will be nothing to repress. You will be saved.

You are correct, we are not our bodies. I am me, my soul, my spirit. When i understood that. dysphoria melted away like it was nothing.

so was i. i never had any cultural christian upbringing so it really did come out of the blue.
What future technology will help me to rep?
idk, we will probably be long dead before any technology helps us in any way
I’ll pray for you, i hope one day. Your pain will be lifted as well.
You are not a monster, you are not a mistake, it was never your fault.
A sinful world made you sick, God is more than happy to help make you healthy.
Life is so amazing when the curse is removed.
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your cult is dangerous authoritarian trash enabling a return to fascism across the globe right now by convincing people to have "faith" in literally whatever the strongest and loudest voice says, something that should have been discarded long ago and relegated to cultural studies

if humanity is to survive it will be thanks to your kind being forgotten or reintegrated into a society rooted in evidence and the real world, not subversive fiction
Christbro Ex-Repper here

thats exactly what i wished at my lowest, and Almighty God in His infinite mercy, granted it to me.

I am in love with someone who knows my secrets, but still accepts me and we do not engage in anything that promotes it. She understands it was an illness, a problem of my past.

I love her, free of envy or anxiety. As any normal man would. i never thought it possible.
gtfo of repgen
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the path traveled to the dark pit revealed as a dead end reveals the true path to the light.

very true brother.

The nature of Angels is to never fall, the nature or demons is to fall

The nature of Man is to fall and rise again.
you are living waste pushing toxic trash on others because you were too weak or too abused to know better
I see. Let me ask you this:
If one can achieve heightened spirituality without altering their body,
And another cannot achieve heightened spirituality until they alter their body
Are these equal?
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Nobody cares. You don't get automatic brownie points on the internet for being an atheist anymore. That time is long dead and atheism is falling into the cultural trashbin while theism is coming back. Too bad I guess.
fuck you retard, I don't care what you think and I don't want brownie points, I'm just responding to some creep trying to hurt people
i was not raised christian, my faith came to me not in a Church, it came to me at my lowest, when i was most alone.

I begged the universe, any force that would listen, i wanted to be free, to be normal
bald tho
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>if you're white
Right, go on.
>under 30
Well, I can still recover...
>haven't been a pound over 200
Well. Fuck me.
ok cmon i dont usually care about what people believe but this is literally cult behavior
>theism is coming back
maybe in the terminally online chud bubble
then i say to you this.

Do not listen to any mortal man, do not become a puppet of a corrupt institution.
Dont even let me command you, i speak to you as a friend, not as a leader.

Live your life, find joy in it, cherish your loved ones and live as a good man.

Dont waste energy on hate, even though THEY want to bring us into ruin, i will not waste my time or energy on them.

I want to spend my time helping others, i dont believe in shaming, i believe in uplifting those who need help, just as i was.

i didnt rely on hate, self hate or loathing to be cured, i was cured by light, good and positive energies of God.
Have your faith in private, dont follow mortal men.

how is it a cult when my faith is practised in private? for me alone. my hidden strength.

What harm could there be in asking for help from the Creator? Try it.
>how is it a cult when my faith is practised in private? for me alone. my hidden strength.
>What harm could there be in asking for help from the Creator? Try it.

it's your funeral, i suppose. i assumed someone inducted you into it at "your lowest" ... which is like definitively how cults work.

at the end of the day, its whatever makes you happy, i respect a lot of christians in my life and i think theres a lot of beauty in it, even if i am not personally christian. but are you really happy pretending to be a man? give it up
You couldn't even get a majority position among the scientists you worship.

Dying ideology
This is really awesome https://youtu.be/xDmaPIKrC-A?si=qMPpAKyqYOF_BqD7

I wish more trans are hons so I could laugh more
I sometimes see you post about wanting to be a woman when horny, but not when just living a life. What does it mean if I have the opposite problem? I self insert as a male in various fantasies, but want to be a woman when not horny.
it came to me by myself, when i was alone.

i am reborn. i finally enjoy being what i am naturally, a man.
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Anyone else have a lot of health problems that are unrelated to Dysphoria?
Going to be 25 in a few days
oh if only I wasn't born
Yeah quite bad ones but it is what it is
well, pride month is almost over
haven't felt any pride just feelt ashamed of my fucked up life and jealous of all people who actually can do it and come out
at this point it really is almost only this flag (that looks kinda cool desu) that keeps me on this board, what else there to say really, idk
What is the most bizarre thing that's unexpectedly triggered gd for you anons?
i can't believe dysphoria will murder me and i will have to kms, fucking hell, this suffering is so horrible and i feel so alone with this shit, i honestly don't see a way out of this, fuck

? weirdo
i have a psychiatry appointment in a month. took a long time to finally get called in. idk what got in my head to ask to be referred to the tranny pipeline. i don't care about dysphoria any more, i don't care about anything
sounds like depression?
good for you, i'm still too much of a pussy (and poor) (and alcoholic) for that
i'll probably get there and just say that im sad and leave it at that, i don't have the guts to transition either
what the fuck is there to even like about being a woman
I may not be able to be a woman
But I will always be able to masturbate to the idea of being a woman.
And that's enough
i may not be able to be a woman
but will always be a faggot
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i look so fucking old at 23 its insane
people would think I'm taking the piss if i told them im 23, they would think i'm in my 40's.
Hello fags

Just take your pills

T faust
I' m 31 nigga u aint special
Started hrt at 28, I looked like Dugin at 25. Now I am 32 and I pass without ffs
i don't believe you, comrade, dugin even without beard looked pretty scuffed
don't know how or where you pass, but good for you, i guess
For the past 3 years I've been considering transitioning off and on, and now the urges are coming on again because I've fallen short of a very important goal for myself. I see transitioning as giving myself a goal to aspire to (even in the most dreary, uneventful life), a reason for hope, and basically killing off my disappointing past self to give myself a sort of fresh start. I'm an ROGD case -- I discovered egg_irl 3 years ago when I was 16, and from that developed AGP and GAMP that's gotten so severe that all of my masturbatory fantasies (I don't masturbate often, at most once a week and I never watch porn) revolve around imagining myself as a chick with a dick. The worst sexual thing I do is go to Discord trans fetish servers and sext/cam with random chasers while wearing drag -- basically a virtual hookup. I don't really have any gender dysphoria; my ideal self is a little boy first (I wear almost all clothes from when I was 8-12), adult woman second, and man third. On top of that, I have the most autistic malebrained consoomer interests (Lego, Transformers, Hot Wheels, Thomas, mecha anime), so I'm a stereotypical AGP sans porn addiction. I live in denial of my real age constantly (I'm not an age regressor or ABDL or whatever) and refuse to see myself as an adult man. I haven't had a haircut since first contact with egg_irl 3 years ago. I would have transed by now if not for fear of letting down my parents by taking away their only son. I hope I'll be able to live life without transing, but at this point it feels inevitable since I'll be an embarrassing John 50 if I keep on repping. I don't think medically transitioning will do anything to help me pass except growing chesticles and softening my skin. HRT will just make my body produce more testosterone and I'll end up with a self-inflicted autoimmune issue or hormone imbalance or whatever, and FFS will give me a weird plastic surgery look that will make me look like a weird demon after 30. Advice?
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>conventionally attractive, well-groomed man with beautiful long hair
>creepy incel
goddamn, the hatred people have for gender nonconformity is unbelievable

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