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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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previous >>36307524
i remember when douchebag was a device used
by players of sports that was essentially a bag
placed on the penis filled with water that kept the penis clean while engaging in exercise.
i think they still do that
I'll be 33 soon. I own a house and make six figures but I've never had sex
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Here lies /gigi/.
Who housed a lot of trips,
From sex pests like Dan to Harrison from Maryland,
Featuring lolcows like Cersi and Fat Debbie, don't forget Conbot the thief renamed Xanthippe
And Shallo the himbo, to Haribo who he couldn't top,
As well as Tank the incel to Delta the virginal,
Now this thread rests in the dark, along with Tex's genitals.
jeremy elbertson irl
Bro you can host you could be banging mad dudes rn
white guy x asian guy
what is picrel from? I have never seen this Mariah
wot now?
that's what internalized homophobia does to a man
>internalized homophobia
>making common sense and instinct spanning all human history everywhere a pseudo pathology
>In the trooniverse, men are women and up is down and healthy is sick woo hoo lets just make up shit and live in our imagination
do you use pain meds
Completely blow'd out for colonoscopy tomorrow
I dunno, it was big when stan twitter was a thing but I never looked up the source.
Where do I go to meet young gay asian men?
I'm so hungryyyy but I think I ate my calories limit for today u_u
I'm autistic and mentally ill
How do you make so much money and own a house despite your disabilities?
I've worked in the tech industry for over 10 years. I've come close to being fired multiple times. Had to go on disability and go to a psych ward a few times but that never helped. My performance still isn't that great but they keep me around. I just force myself to keep living pretty much, no idea what I'm really working towards
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almost 4th of July
everything hurts
I’m not a sex pest I always connect with the intention of sincerely giving and receiving love. but I’m happy to be included in the eulogy
need a bf with that body god damn
imagine being a filthy mongrel that hooks up and has one-night stands *puke emoji*
You're working towards getting a bf and now that you can afford your own place you can invite guys over to it and date one of them
Mental illness + autism doesn't mean you can't date as long as you aren't too far off the deep end
You seem like a ray of sunshine
u dont do that? wow...
>Never let crushing stress and emotional infirmity stop you from trying to sodomize men and dress it up as relationship by using words like dating
bitter hours
I sleep
>tfw probably drowned
Only as long as you think you are
Gonna try to find work at a sushi restaurant to look for asian men. Is this a good idea sisters?
was this pic taken at a "Market of Choice" location?
No guarantees there lol
The human spirit is a terrible thing. Here you are toiling and suffering your ass off for no end goal in sight. Just meaningless pain and suffering. I wish you were dead so you didn't have to suffer anymore.
oh wow so edgy look how hard that guy is wow so dark and serious everyone look
I'll keep my expectations low. I'm aware that 95% of men are straight. It's rare to encounter asian men anywhere unless you're in Chinatown I guess.
who hurt you sis
Try the library
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>I'll keep my expectations low
Ahhh just how it always should be
The library is not really a social environment, but I'll try.
lets hear about ur awesome life then buddy
there's always a gloryhole on the bathroom stalls
I'm not a whore, but I'll keep an eye on it.
i need some sexual healing
i need to fucj a guy face to face and he blows my brains out as i cum inside him
do asians even like whites
boredom and larceny
god i hope so
They mostly do. My parents love white people.
Imagine how much crazier sex would be if there was a 1/1000 chance to just literally explode every time u cum
being attractive is a double-edged sword. sure, it's nice to receive compliments, but your standards naturally become way higher than average. if i was average, i'd probably have an average bf by now.
You also get unwanted attention from women and ugly people.
sometimes I want to feel girly
i usually like white gays. i don't want to date someone who looks too similar to me, although honestly i am into fem twinks so we might have a similar aesthetic, but at least we don't look related!
I know that feel sis.
Nobody wants to deal with mentally ill social retards
faggot behaviour
Other people that r like that do
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What are you doing?
im waiting for my laundry to finish drying before bedtime
i pray i dont wake up
preparing to head to the mountains
under 80 high temp
fresh rain in the streams
i'm gay
as in, homosexual?
thinking about slitting my throat with a box cutter to calm myself
drinking a beer or 6 and playing elden ring (first playthrough) i want the werewolf man to fuck me raw
good night uwu
anyone got ye olde murals?
sweet dreams
i got quad 4s pls respond
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wdym ye old murals?
woeffle's old furry murals
I didn’t get to see my boyfriend today and this burrito I got for dinner ain’t hittin’. This is tragic brothers
thats right starve and die you troll fuckers
What happened here anon. Why is it a ghost town tonight?
Proud of u
Ask discord peeps
That sucks and is also relatable
morning, fags.
Why do so many gays hate right wing gays?
I dislike anyone absorbed in something silly and mundane like, politics.
can you provide examples to that statement?
I'm making baked cod bowls with rice and asian sauce for lunch to take to climb a 1000 ft hill. Wish me luck.
you sound white
>absorbed in something silly and mundane like, politics.
Then those are your politics. Deciding to not contribute views to your societys management is still a decision that expresses your views. Willful ignorance is not only popular, its a plurality. So no matter what happens, you logically have nothing to complain about, since you decided to never contribute a view whether you bothered to learn about the issues or not.

You just want to be managed with none of your own participation. Some people just willfully choose to be helpless, ignorant and completely unresponsible like kept livestock or pets. So they share the fate one would naturally expect.

This isn't an insult. Its just a deduction of your own statement.
good luck, anon.
Sounds like fun.
I believe in you.
Politics is the sewage runoff of great art.
By all means, count the corn in the shit if that gives your life meaning.
>NK to send 100k troops to Ukraine

Putins pissed. He just had Bolivias president over who just declared Israel a terror state after a failed US backed coup. I think instead of a military response, the plan is to set diplomatic fires across the world for the US to race putting out. Theres a lot of soft moves he can make in Latin America to keep US State busy lol

The sly fox is on the move.

What's your go-to order at the bodega?
what's a bodega?
It’s a Latina thing. You white boys wouldn’t know
It's where blacks and Latinos go to buy candy and soda
Its just a latin american term for a small grocer/convenience store.
siete once?
Siete my dick
how big is it
Siete inchos
aww cute
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Gay skaters? Lame. Gay emos? Lame. Gay goths? Hell yeah
i think a gay skater would be cool. i'd top one
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i just like 90's fashion
everything went to shits past 2010 really.
people still dress like this though
I want to live in a post-clothes world
ew no I wouldnt want to see certain people naked
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I feel like we're soon at the end of a cusp, something has to give. I feel like the U.S. needs to be destroyed, I say this as an American but it's the only way forward.
no thanks, i'd have to explain why i'm hard all the time
>I feel like the U.S. needs to be destroyed
if only
why does the image feel ai-generated?
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that would be kinda gay dude
where is this scene from?
ahead of it's time?
>circa 2005
>XY magazine
You wouldn't be hard after walking into any Walmart in America
I didn't say it was.
That particular image gave of the vibe.
>Old hag shouting into the void.
Kinda unnerving. Like most of ai generated images from past 2 years.
capitalism is a boner killer
Something about emo twink gay porn from the mid to late 2000s is so kino
T H I S.
You get it.
It's not just any old hag, I believe she was a popular actress in the 90's. I'd have to look more into it. She looks so familiar.
Jesse Star was the first emo femboy gay pornstar.
skating is gay to begin with
remember him?
i have a date with a guy today im really nervous can u guys wish me luck
good luck.
good luck
its less gay than rollerblading and that's what matters
how are either gay?
no but I remember so many others similar to him but I was too young to hang out with any of them
>I was too young to hang out with any of them
same here.
I miss my folder filled with shit like that.
There's this misconception that once something's on internet it's there to stay.
Well that's completely not true as we see more and more.
Most of the shit I used to store is nowhere to be found on internet these days.
Much of the emo stuff is gone too and lost to history.
I remember stickam in 2012 where many gay emos would hang out on video chat until it went offline. I would pretend to be 16-18 (even though I was like 12-13) to talk to emo/goth boys on video chat.
you wouldn't get it..
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I love russian twinks so much bros.
Most are extremely homophobic though.
Part for the course considering in what environment they grow up.
for me it was forums.
damn, that was a very different internet.
now everything is behind some discord server.
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>Most are extremely homophobic though
>western media
Unless you mean an intolerance for flamers, which is just natural. Flamers have the same social appeal with guys as girl gamers but irl.

Anyone who does impressions of the opposite sex constantly are just tiresome company
Dude. I'm russian.
I'm a bit more qualified on this subject.
post russian penis
Butt crack hnngg
Anyone remember milkboys?
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Yeah but you're gay, so you're always go to think you're a victim of something or someone until they are having gay weddings for kids outside St Basil's under a rainbow flag.

The whole point of calling yourself gay is to single yourself out so you can complain about how you're treated for being singled out. Its to make everything that has been reasonable all through history seem like an injustice and grievance. It exists to declare perpetual war on family and reality to see how gullible people are and how far their compassion and patience can be pushed.

Then its eventually drag shows for kids. It just never ends until someone steps in and ends it for them.
Imagine having gay people living in your head rent free so you go to /lgbt/ to post this.
kek, find some hobby to distract yourself.
this behavior is not healthy.
yeah. They usually posted the finest twinks.
Russia mentioned
>tfw no russian bf
I think the trans movement is to gays what Obama calling America racist in his second term was to blacks. Straight people listened to gays bitch and whine about military service and marriage for two decades and when they finally got it, sat back and said nothing when a minute later trans showed up to start bitching about locker rooms.

At that point people just lost patience and wanted to punch every gay twiddling their thumbs in the face and its been measurably downhill ever since.
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Know the lore. Since skunk rejected me, I will straight-pill on gaygen, and around 4chan, and round perdition's flames before I give up.

To the last I grapple with thee, from hell's heart I stab at thee, for skunk's sake I post my last meme at thee.
Im sitting on the toilet
Shitting it through
Thinking about you
And all that we’ve been through
Now flush
Not yet
Still shitting
I have diarrhoea
But that’s not something to fear
You rhymed through with through
No bf hours
They had interesting blogposts and forums too.
Old hags reminiscing about the past
Nothing of substance
Remember gworls, if he doesn't want to talk politics it means he's right-wing and ashamed of it. Know your worth sisters x
I’m not fem enough to know what gworl world is
Im sorry. I have to post this.
Pride month is almost over
They look comfy
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me and who
Don't care. Still voting for Trump.
Who's your favourite shotacon artist? I'm torn between Mitsui Jun and Tsukumo Gou personally.
calm likkle chewn
beenie mentioned :)
I've never heard of that honestly.
Google's top result gives milkboys.net, but it's a blog.
Is that it?
stop being mean to delta
peak comfy.
delta from lancanshire
delta from beyblade
I like animals. They help me relax.
I can appreciate that.
People usually suck.
going to capybara wikipedia was a mistake.
just reminded me of this short film i saw ages ago
I'm not afraid of being racist sis. Politically we should be on the same page or close to it I think. I didn't take the vaxx, I don't support pride or gay marriage. I don't wanna talk politics on a first date, but it's fair game on the second date to quickly know if you're compatible.
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I would
(I'm Bavarian btw)
it is if you're a bottom
they have some pretty dudes on their nat team
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how is my body
i am trying to twinkmaxx but still have 12lbs to lose
Trump is a lot more honest, lucid and to the point than Biden. Why would I vote for Biden? Biden arguably isn’t even alive. He is kept alive, by political necromancers.
Going to value village as we speak
Show pits and navel
You're covering half your body sis. I can't see anything. Give us a better angle to look at.
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I kinda want Biden to win again just to make people suffer. I don't think Trump will fix anything, I know Biden can make things worse. It's gonna be shit either way no matter who wins cause no one can stop this trainwreck in action.
Looks good besides the recess in your chest. You seem insecure about your body though.
do cardio
you dont look bad, but that fact that you try to twinkmaxx makes you undesirable by default
I found out my boyfriend was groomed online when he was underaged and I feel so disgusted by him now.
What do I even do with these feelings.
I know it's not the reaction I'm supposed to have at all.
We haven't done anything sexual in 5 days and he's noticing that I'm not very touchy at all anymore.
I cringe when he kisses me.
Did anyone ever feel something similar?
lmao what a chest
>groomed online
Isn’t he dating another twink?
On reddit of all places.
There's still some sexual pics of him there I'm pretty sure. Some guy was pushing him into this.
It's so gross.
uh-oh, thats even worse
Masc gays are so fucking fragile lmao
twink for twink is a surefire way to troonery, but go off babe
You’re obsessed with trannies
uh-huh, right
Honestly? Feet.
white fem twink x asian fem twink
how did you find out
Twinky twunky
I'd love to give you a pedicure and maybe chew on your toenails a little
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Me and this guy have been going out together for a while and he told me he feels ready to become exclusive. I’ve never been “exclusive” with someone before. i’ve always jumped to boyfriend, and I’ve loved that!

He says he likes calling someone his boyfriend/partner/whatever only when he’s in love. I can kind of see it from both sides, but I don’t know. We’ve kinda hit a road block because I don’t know whether to agree to it. Does this sort of thing work out? Is it common? I really like him but I feel weird
This is the closest thing to gay monogamy.
sounds rare but I've seen multiple occurrences of it
why is it somewhat common?
No one wants either.
Because potatoes and rice go well together
moving but on the blockchain
Bottoms use diet toothpaste.
Used to be milkboys.org
how do people get groomed? just don't be stupid
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>just don't be stupid
they fail this part.
Why Americans are so overly dramatic? Like why?
t. pickpocket when he gets caught.
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need more...
I think it's less sexually charged than masc4masc, so there's more romantic and personality involved. It can fall victim to social media vanity though.
being fat and hairy isn’t a personality sis
year of the goon
typical brainless fem response
E. coli and chill
do you guys ever do something during sex and think "haha wow this would be so disgusting if not for the heat of the moment"
yeah i live for it
they remind me of those two /int/ twinks
as you wish.

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>as you wish
forgot webm, fml.
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Sounds like something a prison gay would think
Sounds like you don't know how to say no when he pushes you into doing stuff you aren't comfortable with sis.
most gays aren't
Cutting food out has been easy so far... making tea. The hunger isn't as much an issue as I thought.
is it common occurrence?
I keep hearing about these /int/ twinks, but
never see those threads myself.
Anorexia doesn't work if you're already fat. You'll just end up like Cersei.
I just limit myself to 1200 calories or less.
I've never seen cerseis belly. It feels like I've gotten a bit skinnier but I can't tell if I'm delulu or not
no he was just sniffing my balls after a workout and i thought it was funny how gross that is when you really think about it
primate behavior.
i couldn't respect someone who did that
Then start browsing other boards
this pic makes you look like you have boobs
one of the /int/ twinks started dating an asian, though the latter isn’t a twink.
weed bad
I have no personality sis. I'm just a mirror here to reflect your briliancy.
is water cooling worth it?
I heard the Chinese like to drink hot water but I don't think I could get into it.
weed good
weed bad >:(
Sniffing armpits, butt cracks, and pubes or balls sounds gross but that's where our apocrine sweat glands are
what killed gaygen? the narcissists or lack of schizos
>sounds gross
is gross. those areas smell because of bacteria
why do you dislike mascs
the constant faggotry (pejorative)
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>what killed gaygen?
the cuteness of it all
Anons who bullied our best posters, who then left
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How does masc4masc cope with this?
It's common enough that when he said the two /int/ twinks I thought he was talking about a different pair (The Portugal/Spain femboys who met in real life)
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they're both fem4fem it seems
neither are masc
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it's too hot for clothes
if you're going to continue to post grotesque AI-generated softcore porn can you put on a trip or name please
I don't think masc4masc individuals are watching malay tiktoks.

He never said they were masc4masc. Google "reading comprehension worksheets" and get to work!
absolutely not
I love Clairo
Stop with the cyberbullying, please. Gaygen has had enough and needs to heal.
anything done by the human brain is AI generated
there is no difference between human-created art and computer-generated art

both are just machines given a set of skills
Gaygen is about connection, bonding and communionship. Not about cyber bullying, pedophilia and ageism.
a new era of cum
Gaygen isn't about what a lone Xanthippe thinks it should be.
As an anon, you don’t get to decide Gaygen’s strategy statement. The trips decide that.
>porn turned me straight

I was literally a gay top at 16 and then went down the porn rabbit hole to bi porn and then straight porn and now I'm 21 and I think I'm just straight, I had sex with my first woman last week after 5 years with dudes.
This is such a Bish post except he bottomed for women.
Wrong on all counts sis.
Ok anon. If you’re so smart, tell me what’s it about, then? :-)
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I love tex
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imagine being allergic to strawberries
i would just die
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Walk, walk, fashion baby
Work it, move that bitch crazy
Maybe if you have low iq :-)
I'm so glad Pride is almost over. Goodbye gay rainbows.
Post Xanthippe feetsies
what was the scariest thing about jail?
not as low as someone who would get caught for shoplifting clothes
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the entire site has died in traffic due to the implementation of captcha filters to prevent the flow of conversation
This website has had captchas since I started using it in 2009.
but they haven't been this bad where they make you wait 5 minutes to post a thread or 60-120 seconds to post a new reply
Mine are all instant. Some websites shadowban people because it's much more effective against bots. Maybe 4chan started doing it and I never noticed because I'm not a bot or a spammer.
The mods literally killed /biz/ by introducing email verification. They reversed the rule recently by adding a 15 minutes wait time or you can verify email to instantly post, but it's too late.

I have occasionally suspected being shadowbanned here but every time I test it with some sort of spicy comment I get a (You) which is visible to other posters. Now, the initial respondent might be some bot, but still.
i still feel like there was smtn deeper going on w/the biz situation & the site-wide poster count changes. i mean like obviously shitcoin scams were a problem but i think most shitcoin scammers will just buy a 4chan pass
Hiii horror Long time No see. How are you doing?
"/gaygen/ is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In /gaygen/ you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the /gaygen/ motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends." - Xanthippe !fJGCk.nHz2
post hole
Sounds like me, thank you for quoting me :-) <3
My brother's long term gf who he will probably marry is phobic of homes. I want my brother to be happy but sometimes I want a giant cement block to fall out of the sky directly on top of her.
/biz/ was a mistake in the first place. It brought tons of off-site posters, shit memes, and its central topic has nothing to do with the core of 4chan culture that really does not need any board additions at this point besides the rare containment board.
you want the person who chooses to be with a homophobe to be happy?
Life is complex yes. I've been very close to my brother for most of my life and he isn't like that at all. I don't want to hang an ultimatum over his head that if he marries her he loses me.
it isn't that complex
go outside it’s a beautiful day
new >>36318953
new >>36318953
new >>36318953

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