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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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irrelevant >>36312908
what a disgusting looking creature
twink4twink sex with haribo
put down the mirror
touche ugly fuck
i christen this thread (gay)
its not disgusting but who didn't have a body like that when they were 18-22?
why so rough on yourself?

who was the top and who was the bottom?
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10pm is far tooooo late
90% of men
Baptize us with your piss!
>>who was the top
random men in bathrooms
I guess I grew up in a different area where that was the average body.
Bag balm, the cure for everything, cured my monkey butt. I hate the heat. I'm cold weather boy.
its hot outside maybe theyre busy turning the aircon cranks like in snowpiercer
low testosterone posting
Is Berlin a good destination for gay sex tourism as a bottom? Asking for a friend.
why don't /lgbt/ anons hook up like that?
reminder that low testosterone = fat, lazy, mental issues
aprons deodorant?
asians HATE white boys
Germany is ugly, there is nothing I like about Germany at all.
We're all fat and too embarassed to hook up.
its lewb
most Asians are ugly and we them too
True but they men are good looking. Some.
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what /gg/ finds attractive
This general has regressed so far into the vibe of men playing as socially warped tweenage girls that its just no longer interesting. I can handle flamers, dullards and menthols but not all at once to the exclusion of all adult sane discussion 24/7 for months on end. Its like troon rehearsal or something.

tldr you people just have nothing to say.
the aprons?
why are you replying to such an obvious bait?
i'd play with his tits
No we don't sis. What the FUCK
>reminder that low testosterone = fat, lazy,
explain bears then
He’s gonna get sexed in the kitchen monsieur Delta
I just look at asians as dolls, I can see why you may one to collect one, they most likely make much better servants than blacks do.

I wonder how different things would be if we didn't colonize Africa but colonized Asia and brought them back as slaves.

I think this country would be much further along.
Gays have no standards
what about them?
I started eating my old veggie diet again, and i've been able to poop much more easily and more frequent. It's been so much better than being keto. I hardly eat as well, meaning one day i wont be embarrassed to post a picture here. At the moment i f refuse because im a big ole fatty.
>be me a college top
>drunk slutty straight college bros partying and vacationing all over my beach town rn

>too scared to fuck one because I'll 100% get shitdick

hes roleplaying as a sexy midwife
a painter's apron for true artists
use a condom?
rollo would be all over you, like blacks on collard greens
This is what people who don’t have sex but wish they did falsely post online as a ‘cope’ to excuse their own lack of experiences. That’s the only thing I can approximate for this sort of exaggeration.
post the last 5 guys you had sex with, let's see your "standards"
I love rollo. He's a sweet boy=)
Same. I see white men as sex objects. But I don't mind being seen as an object like a doll.
I don’t have pictures of my hook ups saved in my phone like you probably have pictures of guys you wish you could hook up with saved in yours. Also you’re probably a twink obsessed basedboy that hates masculinity so I’m sure we’d disagree even if I did.
I'm happy that my butthole is in recovery.
how convenient
Even ftms are manlier than you lmao
is shitdick really that bad?
i am obsessed with twinks
>tfw no interserrestial top
I have nothing to prove to you I just wanted to inform you that you’re incorrect.

Verifiably untrue. I have a real large penis and balls and thick, coarse body and facial hair. Although I’m slender it doesn’t inhibit me.

This was fun. Need food.
can we aknowledge how much quicker these threads move when its just standard /gaygen/ and not retarded shit like /cisgaygen/ if another cgg gets made just ignore it and make a gg
no one wants to have sex with you lmao
I’m a Dan supporter. I root for him always even when he fucks. GO DAN!! :-)
Twinks are peak beauty. There's a reason twink is the most popular porn category worldwide. All other gay tribes are copes because they aged out of and can no longer pull off the twink look
Apparently my body can handle alcohol and vegetables. I just cant do meat. I think thats wied because ancestry says im 50/50 english, german. Are genetic diets bullshit?
you changed your trip again ahahahaha
glad you're moving on to something better then
remember when ‘anon’ tried to say that wasn’t a thing she did lmao
>I have nothing to prove to you
why do you keep bringing it up every thread then?
genetic diet?
Oops I did it again :-*
she went back to the original one that got spoofed
Thanks Xan. I’m taking a break from hook ups for a while and working on some self improvement. I had some kind of horny spring favor but nothing panned out how I would’ve liked so we’re trying a hard reset.
>im a larping troll that hops around on and off trip
yeah we know
Tracing hour ancestry and comparing their diet to your own.
hatred in my veins
end her
I get it, you’re an alpha too with a high sex need but even alphas can go through periods of introspection and celibacy. That’s where a lot of growth happens <3
I’ve hardly posted the last few days so every thread is a large exaggeration. Do you have a proper grasp on reality or too busy gooning to twinks you can’t meet and accusing gays of not having standards?
thrombosis in my veins
ily I'm glad you keep exposing xer and ****** for their cattiness
lmaaaao coonbot/xan/f for femboy found dead
aint no way im eating potatoes all day
we can only hope :-)
i listen to stoner rock but i don’t smoke weed
I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats, and a bottle of vodka today. Curious how I'm full and have no desire to eat.
post hole
the irony
youre growing the fields of elysium in your digestive tract is why
>not the first post by this IP
pukewarm please
I could. Potatoes are the best!
The Flaming Lips are my favorite rock band. I hope they have one more album left in them but American Head would be a perfect stopping point.
jesus christ you're so bad at these
>if I say it people will believe me :3
Not an argument + I don’t care
>Are genetic diets bullshit
lactose intolerance can be genetic but meat intolerance is a weird one considering that we, homo sapiens, are carnivores and it's even argued that the consumption of cooked meat using fire caused our brains to evolve further
you people discuss the most inane shit
Except they never have any proof weirdly oooops no screenshots? Ever?
You won. You broke their mind literally
Gonna take this as a compliment, even though i'm not up on greek mythology.
pietro and his goons unironically have killed this thread
Not gaygen anons wishing me dead again. That just shows how socially maladjusted they are :-)
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Why won’t white men sleep with me? :/
Sometimes they think we’re the same person too
>gay general thread
do you even, retard? do you???
do you have a degree? Maybe it would help your chances
Lmaooooo. I’m not a psychiatrist but I think that’s a symptom of schizophrenia :-)
I'm fine with milk products. I have zero issue with milks and cheeses. Meat takes a lot for me to process. I'm good with eggs. In fact, for diner tonight I am having rice, beans, and eggs. My family have been in the states since the 1600's, I can't imagine that's enough time to evolve in any meaningful way.
they are mindbroken
just like harrison
Our worst posters and scared everyone off
it was a wheat based remark
need a pack of twinks to swarm me and rape me to death by draining my dick
twinks are prey animals, this is unlikely to happen
Elysium is the place where the heroes go to after they die :3
xanthippe and beagle are scared of him? Why? lol that’s kinda funny :-)
They are just your fans
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"Over 40 Hooters have permanently closed based on "current market conditions" of "under-performance" - Experts are baffled.

"Some may say it has something to do with their laser-like focus on a "multicultural strategy" using a well-thought-out "marketing plan" to show their "dedication to diversity and inclusion", yet those theories have yet to be explored."
You just learned I'm an idiot. Welcome to knowing me. I'm literally how the world sees Americans.
why are you talking about yourself like that?
On 4chan, "trip users" refer to users who post with a tripcode, a way to identify themselves uniquely in a thread. Here are a few reasons why anonymous users might be considered inferior to trip users on 4chan:

Identification and Reputation: Trip users can establish a consistent identity across posts using their tripcode, which allows others to recognize and potentially build a reputation around their contributions. This can lead to more meaningful interactions and continuity in discussions.

Accountability: Anonymous users, by definition, lack any persistent identity on the platform. This anonymity can sometimes lead to less accountability for their statements or actions, potentially fostering disruptive behavior or trolling without consequences.

Trust and Recognition: Trip users may be trusted more by the community due to their identifiable presence over time. This trust can influence how their posts are received and interpreted by other users compared to anonymous posts, which are judged solely on their content rather than the reputation of the poster.

Community Engagement: Trip users often participate more actively in ongoing discussions and can become recognizable members of the community. Their contributions may carry more weight or influence within the context of the board's culture or specific threads.

Overall, while both anonymous and trip users contribute to the dynamic nature of 4chan, trip users may be perceived as having certain advantages in terms of identity, accountability, trust, and community engagement within the platform's unique environment.
ive never been to a hooters in my life
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Looks like it’s time to bulk up then
does anyone have an archive/pastebin of a bunch of greentexts
eeww moles
imagine being gay…
Thank you=)
I’ll pay you to sleep with me (from Maryland)
ok and?
bleagle won
I love cute emo gay boys
i honestly gained some respect for pietro when we all learned it was just an elaborate scam
It's not everything it's cracked up to be. Everything in your life that sucks is enhanced tenfold. Cheers though.
he privated his twitter changed his last name on his facebook and removed everything on there so idk
yeah I messaged him and told him but I’ll never post the messages to keep his privacy duh
My wig transformed into an 18 wheeler and rolled out
maybe you're just a shitty person with a shitty life
slay amirite fellow millennial
Yes hunty. Boots down.
It's giving gaygen
he lost dom and that sent him in a spiral
he still causes rent free seething months later he won
Could be that too. Maybe being gay is universally accepted, and the struggles of gays are misreported. Maybe we dont have it that bad.
beagle is such a goat trip
they use a different name on doordash uber eats etc so it might just be that the food is gross
Hi sis as I’m back and this is the name I’ll be using from now on
omg everyone welcome back black eagle/kurowashi/scarlett blaze/harrison from maryland
uhh hooters' main attraction was the big tittied blonde bimbo waitresses in skimpy clothes, luv
what is being revived
stfu luvposter noooticing all you do is come to troll this thread
Chances are +50% that if the person shown delivering is a fat white woman, its a black guy on his way with your food. God knows why.
I was responding to horror. get in line if you need attention, luv
once u get ppl in the door with the big tits they still have 2 get them 2 buy the food and/or merch
The beans, they beckon me unto the turlet once more.
I only like the small red beans. them in chilli sauce with chunks of beef and cheese is sex in the mouth
Oh honey, let me spill the tea on this Buffalo chicken wrap! Picture this: tender chunks of buffalo-spiced chicken, sassy shreds of lettuce, and a generous drizzle of creamy ranch, all wrapped up in a soft tortilla. One bite and it's giving major life—it slays with every spicy kick and crunch. It’s serving flavor and fierceness in every bite. Darling, this wrap isn't just a meal, it's an experience—something that'll have you gagging with delight and ready to snatch seconds. Honey, if you haven't tried it, you haven't lived!
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You can do better bby, I’m actually pupbrained lol
who asked?
Sounds delicious. Just because i can't digest meat well, doesn,'t mean i wouldnt have that for dinner after we make the sex.
My post: Fun
Your reply: Bitter
i need to be bred multiple times a day
Did Lee Harvey Oswald take any feet pics?
i can't remember a single post from the 3286 ones you've made since january that was fun
Is knowing that information supposed to be a flex because it’s having the opposite effect
why are you so obsessed with him omg sisma
you're so slow kek, you're supposed to be embarrassed about spending all your free time in this thread
my hair almost reaches my shoulder blades now :3
pube hair?
im 100% cisgender versatile gay male but if I could I would like to be a cis woman in a mixed orientation marriage with a gay man and force him to use his gay penis to fuck me and impregnate me
Everybody wants to date a twink.
I did that once, but now i have a small bald spot, so i have to keep my hair short.
my hair is brown and curly :3
the irony lol
what an creative comeback
what an
being a grammar nazi in 2024 is crazy
is there a white harrison?
being an grammar nazi
um its part of my linguistics degree sisma
sorry, *an white
we had this lady at work come in and talk about how we can uplift and open our ears to first nations and black voices. she talked about how white eyes vilify them and immediately see the minority body as a criminal.
do you guys just argue every day?
just pietro samefagging
is this your first month here?
was she jewish?
this post aside is any of this really an argument
ideal top bf
bad taste verging on mental illness
trip on babe
i dont think so. she was indian
pietro is the troll in here that also goes by prince and has been starting fights in here all the time
Not every day just when I see an irksome anonymous post
based as fuck
nta but you really feel called out there
any proof of that or is it all your schizophrenic delusion?
i didn't notice. most seem like trolls to me
Been a while
you need to stop mentioning this person that never posts already
atp I think you're the one just stirring shit up because you get bored of it being slow
maybe gaygen just isnt comfi anymore
right here
is pietro the new cooper?
Discord is very comfy.
cooper was never real
cooper was just another pukewarm larp
in the sense that someone needs a scapegoat to call out? yes
listening and learning
what the fuck kind of retarded insult is this lmfao oh you have 24/7 access to all human knowledge it’s CRAZY you’d avail yourself of it
Same guy as always, he does this every summer. My personal theory is that his free state-sponsored tard handler graduates in May and then he's on his own for three months and he just can't handle it.
I searched the archives for that one time you posted your face then used that to find your full name
yeah normie is just a little slow and new here
calm down frotty
Anyways. This place is more miserable than ever especially with Americans. Bye!
yadda yadda yadda whatever POST HOT MEN!!!!!!!
luv luv oh-oh
luv luv yea-yea
>retarded insult is this
are you slow too? they ignored my whole argument just because i had an extra n in my post. I called them out for it you actual retard
Just caved and drank diet soda. Am I a bad fatty?
sisma put on a transflag to samefag, lol
Nooticing how calling out pietro leads to this every time
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Got you
not knowing the difference between a and an is kindergarten shit why would anyone take anything you say seriously after seeing you make the same mistake as a 5 year old
i poisoned the machine learning well years ago by talking stupid all the time & now im finally seeing the fruits of that labor & on pride month #lovewins
why is the post counter gone
bruh, we are concerned about your mental health
jesus christ dude, an or a you still understood my post didn't you? get a fucking life lmao
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he also stole my berries
she is so obvious
home depot presents: gaygen
I blame Dan
i didn’t even read your post due to the aforementioned error, do better
Rope retard
why are frotty and bliggy so defensive
>same language skill level as a first semester kindergartener
>calling other people retarded
How does someone even make that mistake? Wouldn't an ESL default to using a for everything?
skunk lost
pietro lost
dan lost
marea lost
cooper lost
this is an big brain post
You're the one refusing to read the posts you're replying to
What did I lose?
good night
>half-jewish half-black
>drama queens
>iphone users
>spend the whole day stirring up gaygen
they have so much in common
i didn’t reply to the post you made the error in though, have you taken your meds today?
idk really i just felt like putting you in there
>tfw no cute butt bf
you literally did but okay
Bleagle quit /gaygen/ he is not here.
asian bottom x white top (also bottoms)
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but then we get reported for spamming because it draws attention away from cat fights

This gets reported for being nsfw despite showing nothing but a happy trail while fat hairy bare asses are allowed. Mods will even delete fully clothed men in tights or shorts just for showing a dick print

Thats how this general is run. Its just containment for troll

This has been deleted three times.
fat ass bottom x fatter ass top
rofl i’m half now? does this mean i can make aliyah
how do people bring him up every thread lol
It is one ESL troll obsessing over him.
fapping to fat asss tops and spurting cream all over the place
Is it pietro sisma?
Good he’s not cute


She won
the rules are stupid. this website isn't sfw to begin with
>Its just containment for troll
it certainly works
Yes. Bleagle doesn't have an interest in posting here anymore. He has a boyfriend.
there was only one guy obsessing over bleagle and it was not pietro
He gets banned because he's notorious for spamming those videos on other boards for unrelated reasons.
just saw you hate richard round and go
this feels like a bot post
it feels like it read my post, looked at its accumulated data, mashed them together, then vomited this post out
in her head it always is luv
ok fregoli
Filming your butthole is hard. Anyway, my butthole is no longer irritated. The best shot i got was of my fat leg and my gooch. Should I upload and get banned again or nah?
>Good he’s not cute
Boxcord won
i still feel like hiroyuki is going 2 drop this website sometime nov-feb now that he sort of not really has 2chan back
mashing a top's ass with my tongue deep inside
Super duper pooper cooper
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>'revival thread'
>look inside
>it's the same old schrodinger's cat trip beef from 6 months ago
is he still streaming?
When you don’t reply to my post directly it is a victory for me, every time.
who is that?
no shit
he's the same one that posts as 'prince' and brings up pietro two years later
finally, some good content
what happens with new ownership
At least he stopped spamming the fucking dom picture everywhere
i don't spend enough time here to know. the video is whatever
>cat trip beef from 6 months ago
they are really insane
Every post you make is a victory for me because it keeps reminding me how desperate you are for attention
Except no, no and no. I'd ask you to elaborate except I don't think you actually have a story and are just making things up.

If this were a frog or ww2 pic, it wouldn't get reported as spam. But because its just a distraction from drama, it will get reported

Or because one trip is mad I dunked on fat hairy asses.
>halfway through 2024
>there is still seething over beagle
my fucking boy
Thanks for replying to me directly this time. You wouldn’t want me to keep winning would you?
ikr, imagine being obsessed with pietro
you are steaming red at being called out. the entire thread is sick of you
Most people here hate me, lol. It's all good, can't please everyone.
he took what was supposed to be mine. yk what I say sisma talk shit get hit. he deserves everything that comes to him now
that's not even true??
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and who am i supposed to be?
Noootice how xanxan always goes off trip when the drama starts and hides lol
What I hate is what the time you spend here is doing to your life. You appear to be in a rut and need to get away from this before the rot gets into you also
the sands of coopers vagina are gushing out i fear
and why are you supposed to be someone? a bit too self important
I love my fans
shut up cooper
you're the guy that broke bleagle luv

He’s just posting as Dan (pietro)
Cooper won
xanthippe being disingenuous and leaping with alts?! nooo never!
if everyone is sick of me, i must be someone innit?
I cherish the few of you that don't mind me=).
I tried to get away, even had a bf, but there are certain situations in place atm that make me give not even a little shit about what's happening to my life. So, i stay drunk and talk shit. Thats my life now. Hope none of you have to ever go through it.
it's almost july and you're still posting about bleagle this is projection
I posted that I just wanted to fan the flames. Or did I….?
the moderation here has been really shit for a while and idk what changed
Remember when beagle couldn’t even pay for the dick he wanted
so %90 of posts are harri, cooper and pietro. okay!
still shit look at this place
****** could never be ********
no Harrison doesn’t post here anymore
Stop saying that. it's all pietro
I'm gonna off. Cheers gg
please do im sick of santino
That sounds like a bannable offense
***** ** * ******** ***** *** cooper ***** ***
You never do anything with your doxx anyway
Gib Santino bf
>posting bligger name is illegal
>threatening other posters with doxing is fine and legal
lmfao at the sheer hypocrisy
You’re gonna pull a random image from google street view again? Shut the fuck up
Santino… let’s have a baby.
I hope you recover and find something new to explore soon. If you feel all you can do is witness time, I advise seeking more to witness. Take some comfort in at least enjoying safety as long as it lasts. Not even time can take back the past things you have enjoyed.
bucko bf >>>>> santino bf
atmos can you come back fake santino has a point here >>36320887
Haribo is so fucking hot hhhhnnnnnnnnnnnggggg.
imagine threatening to dox and then virtue signaling. sad!
Are you really still seething over him?
Aaaand the gypsies are back at yelling and beating each other at the middle of night. I love europe.
big agree
>comparing me to some brown fatass
Dantino forever
he's been seething about that for years now
he's literally hotter and not as annoying as you?
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freshienon and his harem of twinks
You want to be remembered so bad kek
no shade to cucko but he has a hank hill ass
its so embarrassing
they're all so short and who is the bloated whale on the right
all shade to santino he's santino ?? like be fr
I already am silly
why are they wearing timbs
swing and a miss
Girl please, the second you stop posting 50 times a day people are gonna forget you right away. You never post anything worth remembering in the long run
they're in their faux black era
I think it’s Han JiSung
No one here does these threads are irrelevant trash. The importance you place on them is what separates us.
Its not clear to me there has ever been any actual moderation, just selective and grudging enforcement of rules. Its not like the governing mindset on any of these boards have any vision beyond taking a break from IRC once in a while to issue some short ban that invariably has more to do with some drama than whatever rule was cited.

They dont really do community or culture here. Its just low effort spam and nsfw control. Thats really about it. Beyond that it can be a flourishing troll cave for all they seem to care.
theyre working girls
has he posted face
Plenty of people here does, you're just not part of them kek
No haha. But you do you!
remember when i said you were bad at these?
No you’re extremely forgettable and not fun
new >>36321091
new >>36321091
new >>36321091
my body has a hard time with thicc meats (pork chops, lamb chops, beef, steak, jerky, etc.)
and anything that tastes tough in the mouth and requires a lot of chewing
but digests chicken and other lean meats quite easily...

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