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previouszche >>36321091

qott: so, which one do you choose, gigi? :3
Trad, healthy, aids ridden, probably have some decent money.
imagine wasting the only life you get on this earth pleasing a boss that don't care about you
>qott: so, which one do you choose, gigi? :3
Azealia banks
The one without all the non-white people
There's an old joke about visiting flyover land and time zones and how you set your clocks back 40 years. The left vs right reminds me of FIP vs the grove, so I guess you could make the same joke about taking the pines ferry
I'm gonna make money by making vidyas by myself. so this doesn't apply to me lel
just fags bein dudes
lmfao i haven’t seen this one in a while
Niggers are gross
right makes you cringe, left gives you aids
>/cis gaygen/ start a thread with a fucking
twitter screenshot
lol literally the worst general
my aprons and lewb came
Naked apron butt shots when
keep seething, luv
seething how?
being attracted to men is retarded. done with that shit. cya later losers
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>lose 35 pounds
>barely any of it comes off my man tits
Do I have to go to either?
time to stop delta
oink oink
The degenerate board has flags wtf
Stop what?
pol always had flags
oh my god biden
*sighs* what now?
What the fuck was that
He is slipping harder
he skips like every 10th word hes supposed to say its hard to understand
grim. very sad.
He remains me of my grandma Edna
It's okay bros maybe the other guy will miss more words
im glad im canadian holy shit. americans are really about to elect someone who wants to kill gay people
Cringe nigger for real
I don't want to get shipped off to the MAGA death camps where they'll be gassing and burning gays 24x7...
most countries arent accepting migrants anymore so lol you are out of luck
>im glad im canadian
funniest post I've read on gigi today. thank you, gayleafanon
bigrant crime
You can be attracted. You can tap ass once in a while. Making it a daily larp is retarded though
This is what happens when you stop bullying fems and let them out of the closet. Absolute faggotry.
i’m ridin’ with biden #deathtoamerica
Trudeau at least protects gays
My bottom keeps beating me at chess bros..
You're think about this all wrong. Get on the right team and watch them crush the competition. I update my snitch list to trade for privilege already.
If you're white you're an expat.
what an embarrassment to the U.S. this presidential debate is
it's elder abuse
it's elder abuse
Trump is finally warming up. I can't believe how weak Biden opened. jfc

The "debate" is garbage though
The US should have nominated AOC and she would have beaten trump
What are you burgers worried about? Just vote in the deep state puppet again and let the oligarchs run everything like you did last time?

Sorry, "vote"
i actually dont want americans in my country. you screwed up your own country. dont come here and vote for politics that we dont want. you deserve this.
Nobody wants to go to your pajeet infested shithole anyways. The Liberal Party destroyed your country
Both sides are just waiting for acceleration at this point. Trump might buy us five minutes from extinction but at least it will be more entertaining. Neither can govern for shit.
>americans voting in someone who would genocide them
They're both doing so bad. Kennedy would've looked like an actual option if he was there, which is scary.
Silence troon
oh yes. the muslims, the africans, the punjab thugs that Trudeau has invited with open arms, they're all in canada to protect le gays from threats and violence. lol. lmao even. no actually, roflmao
Biden are you awake
Do gays drink water? Do they have kidneys?
Fems are known to have inherited the secret art of reverse osmosis sis.
did i miss the debate?
no its still goin i missed the first 15 min
Not voting until we get someone under the age of 50 in the white house.
theyre talking about jan 6 yawn next topic
We need a tall, muscular, gay white guy with a big dick to really turn this country around
what meds is biden on
hunter gave him percs instead of adderall

Is Biden AI generated or what?
Actually he does not remind me of my grandma Edna. My grandma Edna was more sentiment.
no but i am
delta raping a wild bottom from the forest. first he beats the bottom into submission while the wild bottom screams and cries for help trying to get the attention from its nearby bottom tribe. delta then holds his hand over the bottoms mouth and begins unbuckling his belt in anticipation while grinning and laughing at the bottom thats crying under him in despair and pure terror. delta forcefully thrusts himself into the weakened and terrified wild bottom until he reaches orgasm. with a final thrust delta lets out a loud and ferocious moan while the bottom lets out a quiet and weak death rattle, it then closes its eyes to the world forever. delta gets up petting himself on the shoulder and heads back home. another day of successful rape.
what the fuck the fuck
Trump owned 4 no friends
What are you burgers complaining about. America is the best county in the world and you complain about some old guy. Be grateful and eat your burgers, burger.
i hate how americans make this website all about them
the debate is the only thing keeping cis gaygen from being the dead thread it always is shut the fuck up faggot
I'm not complaining biden is based
*the world
We need Obama back sisters. Bring the nigger back.
Keep me out of your fantasies
wot, mate?
Michelle 2028 Barack as vice how based would that b
uhh everyone on Internet is american unless proven otherwise
Biden said that none of trump's cabinet liked him or endorsed him
>tfw no masc white American bf
no it would not. we need a president that's not beholden to either party for once
We need President Azealia Banks
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Bro literally why though we have a good guy party and a bad guy party it's optimized
im voting for the geezer with the fattest ass
That's t dawg, it's spray tanned too
typical debbie brain take
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I live in NYC. I have had it with "le good guys" and their ways. I would take Rudy Giuliani back anyday
spray tans are based real tans cause cansor real men leach chems through their limbic system
I live in Berlin. I have had it with ''the good guys' and their ways. I would take Hitler back anyday is how you sound.
god bless america
Hitler mentioned
>That August, she posted xenophobic remarks about Swedish people after performing in Sweden, adding that she "would really love to see someone bomb the shit out of this place"
if i was american i would vote for trump. biden looks like he could die of an heart attack at any second.
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Kinda based ngl
and? I'm sure that cop and the other german who got stabbed in his head and chest by the afghan muslim immigrant and died horrifically would have loved to get some superior moral lessons of a lefty fag like you
That's ok man you're allowed to vote for the bad guy you live in New York lol
Kinda true actually I'd have to see a cost benefit analysis to say for sure but I'm thinking it's based
It's ok if he dies lol who cares another good guy gets it
Cops deserve acid poured on them.
The only problem with biden dying before his term ends is that it would mean Michelle doesn't get to be the first black woman president
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>Debbie with the Reddit light side vs. dark side takes
>cops are le bad because they catch too many black criminals
i miss larriposter
>Yes I deepthroat the boot, how do you know?
They're knock knock jokes it just so happens to coincidentally be the case that the current candidates are actually a good guy and a bad guy sometimes the Republicans aren't that bad
I like cops actually as long as they follow the rules
>I like Nazis as they kill gay people
of course, a leftyfag like you would say that kek
Cops are scum period. Absolute scum. These are government employees with guns. Grow tf up. Anyone who thinks they do fuckall to stop crime isn't paying attention
Gonna go cruising in Europe next week wish me luck. Any advice? Never done it before
idgaf about cops so long as they dont pull me over for speeding
I trust cops.
I don't support the Nazis or what they did, but the history behind gay men in the movement and the influence and power they had is pretty fascinating after you read about guys like Ernst Rohm or Edmund Heines. Eventually the gays had to be purged from the movement though
This is jeb btw forgot my trip
What's wrong with government employees having guns that's sounds cool
>That's ok man you're allowed to vote for the bad guy you live in New York lol
It's a city where you get jailed if you defend yourself and your loved ones right now. meanwhile there are thugs with 10 or 20 charges roaming free in and out of jail cause of the spineless democratic leaders who are all about pandering and virtue signalling. that + illegal migrants flooding the welfare system. your "good vs bad" view is very naive and plebbit-tier, bruv
Its not naive. He doesn't actually believe anything. He just likes attention. Its just a troll. He doesnt actually know anything or care to learn.
yanks out
I love men so much it’s unreal
Your city having a cringe law sucks 4 u bro its not like that everywhere new york is a melee pvp zone like every megacity on earth I kinda feel like all you do by giving everyone guns is allow ranged. I like guns though and new york gun laws are cringe.
At least one of those things is true but most of them aren't you're kinda casting a wide net
holy shit biden totally melting down in closing statement, lot of sputtering like he was drowning
Yea he's been flubbing his words a lot who cares lol its funny
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Imagine last second biden tag teams out for michelle and she wins it from the top rope
Goodluck. Do you mean a sea cruise or something else?
we have cringe law BECAUSE we are ruled by demfags
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im voting for whoever will LEAGALIZE AIDS
im voting for whoever will bleaglize aids
zinnys are gone city wide but ginnys are on sale
is zinny a new kind of benzo
its just tobacco pouches. idk my cousins husband gave me some and i think its a neat idea cause you dont need a spit cup or nothin
Damn I got u hooked huh
Ann Coulter is a hot dude
u aint did shit
They're not tobacco it's straight nicotine that's kind of the selling point
I was a bad influence maybe
they're nicotine pouches. they're tobacco free
yeah i just looked up on youtube i didnt know that part thats coo
thoughts on Steven van de Velde?
would you date a guy who committed a sexual crime in his past?
i am going to try this
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>caring about guns, at all, one way or the other
>unironically describing things as cringe
lmao, even
I don't respect gays who don't have guns
good luck they fuckin out everywhere
i like guns. i shot a shotgun with one hand once and it really hurt my hand but i didnt wanna look like a pussy and not do it
stick a gun up your butt and booom
I don't wanna carry, but there are so many assholes on this bitch of an earth sis..
how about no scott
No like a place for gay cruising lol. I’m going on vacation and I wanna half a lil fun
I remember fun.

And hope.

And dignity.
You should, guns are a lot of fun and you actually can protect your home and yourself. It's a win-win
Just stay away from places where the migrants congregate. They come from places that hate gays, even cute twinks like yoy.
I remember none of that..
Bush then Obama then Trump then Biden

when was the last decent president?
Go to Germany and get yourself a German twunk:

Every time I cook, I pretend I'm cooking for my imaginary bf and think about how I'd teach him certain recipes and how he can help me prepare certain ingredients
ahh, fuck! nnh. haah
Sounds like someone just got coomed in
gn anon
i can’t believe jeb is a whore
Teach me how to cook sis. I keep ordering goyslop.
aren't all teen mothers?
attractive gay twunk from an affluent conservative family
i can entirely believe he's a whore
I work for a luxury kitchen appliance conglomerate but have no idea how to cook lmao
>tfw no bf that enjoys cooking that i can treat with luxury kitchen equipment and have teach me how to nourish myself without spending $450 a month on fast food
I was the same way at one point. First I'd make sure you have all the necessary tools first. A good collection of pans, pots, and skillets first. Mixing bowls, some wooden spoons, some whisks, some spatulas, a strainer, a liquid measuring cup, and a set of measuring cups for solids. That should give you a good foundation for what you need.

I'd recommend to focus on just cooking breakfast items at first as they're generally easier. Whatever your favorite breakfast item is, just jump into it and find a recipe online (I'd recommend a video on Youtube as that will be much easier to follow if you're just starting out). Generally you're going to enjoy the cooking process more if it's something you actually like. I started with scrambled eggs. I have my own recipe after trying out others and combining certain aspects that I've found to work best, but the important thing is you have to start somewhere. The first time you follow a recipe and cook something, it probably won't be great. The first time I cooked scrambled eggs they came out pretty plain like something you'd get at a cheap diner. But over time I followed other recipes like the one from Thomas Keller and now they're pretty freaking awesome. Just make a list of your favorite foods and find a good recipe for them and try them out. Over time you'll just get better and better and you won't need to follow the recipe anymore as you'll remember all the measurements and ingredients and the process. You'll slowly get used to all the cooking skills required for every recipe and level that up too, it just takes time.

The French chefs are always the best and I've learned the most from French chefs themselves or chefs who follow their practicies. Some chefs that have tons of content and recipes available online that are fun and easy to follow I'd recommend that I regularly look up:
Chef Jean Pierre
Chef Jacques Pepin
Chef John from Food Wishes
Chef Thomas Keller
Chef Heston Blumenthal
Chef Marco Pierre White
>tfw no bf to cook for and slowly make him grow a belly (but not the feeder fetish health risk obesity kind of way)
Back to, back to, back to, back to you
I don't wanna fall right back to us
Maybe you should run right back to her
I don't wanna go back, back to
Back to, back to, back to, back
One thing I forgot to mention too is to have a good dry spice rack. Grocery stores should sell a variety of different spices. You'll want salt and pepper obviously, but also things like garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, basil, cumin, etc. For a beginner I'd recommend just getting one of those variety packs to start out with, but eventually you'll know what spices you need. Fresh herbs and spices are always better. Dry spices get the job done but fresh spices just bring the dish to a different level. I wouldn't go crazy with fresh spices at first, just get the dry spices and if a recipe specifically calls for fresh spices you can get that separately. Over time you'll just get more comfortable with cooking and put your own spin on things or find a way to make a dish more enjoyable for yourself
Wow thanks for the effortpost. It sounds like repetition, trial and error are the main practices to learning how to cook. I cook eggs, but haven't cooked meats yet. I'll read it over.
way, way too much time, effort, and energy required here
i don't wanna get home every day after my stressful 9-5 job and have to think about all this
guess i'm gonna keep ordering goyslop
And it's good to have other ingredients that are commonly used across a variety of dishes or used for cooking on the stove (you'll also want some baking sheets and glass baking dishes for anything that requires baking). Flour, cooking oil, olive oil, sugar, etc. I'd also recommend getting a good Dutch oven or two. They're extremely versatile and great for cooking soups and stews, which I do a lot of
yearning for, a gaybf to cuddle n squeeze and like. basically someone to give my affection to for the rest of my days. i think love is real
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>i think love is real
I finally got to see my bf again. Had a burger and got to nut twice. Life is good brothers.
How’s it goin for yall?
feelings exist, it's true
You're gross kraukur
Will getting a dog help me pick up hot guys, similar to how straight guys get a dog to lure in chicks?
if you really intend to employ the cute animal strategy, as a gay, you also need a cat
But cats are for bottoms...
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get a savannah cat
long kitty
Who is the elite of gaygen?
Pick one
I finally found a solution. The CBD didn't work but Benadryl and Magnesium did. Idk which one is the one that fixed my anxiety but one of them did. I'm impossibly calm right now. Nothing can phase me.
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i feel like shit
Stop drinking, you're gonna get fat
not possible
Well maybe you feel like shit but you look like a million dollars sis :-)
I want to diddle your fiddle for a sktitle
If Hyacinth was online you'd be sorely testing his vows of chastity you tempting tempted you.
sometimes i wonder if im my uncle reincarnated. he died right before i was born and we look alot alike. so much so that my grandma wouldnt hold me as a baby cause i looked like her son who just died. and maybe life is something you gotta see through to its natural end or youre forced to do it again.
One day I'll find a goth bf
one day ill stop posting cringe before bed
fag sex
Is it possible to be a gay daddy type if you're a 5'5 twink manlet?
Uncut coque
Okay I pick bf
That’s me
yes but it's very likely to be cringe
Uncut cock in stinky male buttholes
Honestly slay
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good morning, gayg. It's looking like the president biden lost his first debate. Is Trump bad?

also it's my older brother son's 1st birthday. happy birthday landon
post hole
Is this a new Baku larp
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Nah, I've been accused of being him before. I like anime guys but dont use discord or know who he is except being named baku though. Gm
how do i achieve a prostate orgasm
ask your dad or mom if they notice any similarities
what was your uncle into and did he die of overdose or suicide?
past life regression hypnotherapy could give you those answers
I can be a goth bf
Black people can't into goth culture
all lies
Why not? You burgers adopted it even though it's the culture of Great Britian.
we need taylor swift for president
Goth cultures out. MAGA culture in.
Americans are retarded lmao
don't be rude, that's our culture
i know. it's so disenfranchising. man can go on a live national broadcast and because he lies with confidence the people sing his praises. he's over here saying they abort babies post partum. goes on a racist dog whistle rant and you guys are like wooooo maga!

really is idiocracy. you deserve president camacho
how's that wall coming along eh?
finished yet?
so realistic
ai generated
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Macron did it first
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blumpf trumvph
desu i think they both did embarrassingly bad
need furry bf
just fuck a teddy bear
or a dog
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The story on this one is funny. Both are porn actors. A leftist made "Twinks for Trump" as a joke around '15 or '16 to parody the idea of gays for Trump. But a bunch of gay Trump supporters (including these two) didn't realize it was a joke and started collaborating on FB and it blew up, exasperating the guy who started it as a joke who shut his parody site down.
tired meme, but bearsonas are cute
there’s an over abundance of canines fursonas
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Not to be confused with "Twinks for Trump" started by gay Jew right wing reported for Gateway Punidit, Lucian Wintrich, who also happened to be the guy who started "Its ok to be white".

This is from a photo series he did picturing his then Mexican bf. Many such photos (Wintrich is a photographer)
I don't care
didnt ask
wasn't trying to meme
>twinks for Trump
>Its ok to be white
it isn't
Twink toes
America is done for! Might as well just let Trudeau take over call America, Amanda
I think I should come to America and become president. First black african president OwO America needs a hero
you can't even fix your life
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Neither one was at peak performance and I don't think either ever will be again. But it really was a lot worse for Biden. Trumps flaw was he didn't say anything original, showing his campaign is pretty much just a retread. But Biden came across as very weak, frail and disoriented to the point of inspiring actual pity for an old man. He never did anything bad enough to be dragged around like a meat puppet in his sunset years and should be just getting care.

Bill Maher is going to be furious. I would put money on him demanding Newsome to replace him tonight on his show. They just don't have anyone else that would have a shot beating Trump, fairly at least. It was poor judgment to run him in 2020, but they really didn't have anyone else then either. Making the least likable candidate for his VP just for optics was a grand mistake. I think they assumed Kamala was going to mature and clearly she wasn't able to.
>you need to fix your life to fix a country
Let me guess, you think you need a lisense to drive too, you fucking cuck? :/
Presidents don't take they meds
but you live in America
wish i had a moonlight greatsword
Me looking at you like I understand what you mean - :)
My sex is a fartfucker. I’m a sinner and that’s why I posted here so many times. I have raped and been raped. My death will be swift but I will NEVER kill myself. My gay pride is like a parade of tears the trail of tears homo native americans. I wanna die like a ketamine hot tub: Chandler from Friends.
do you like the new DLC?
No, I don't. :/
its dogshit, they should just remake King's Field, the souls formula is dry
69, both performing fellatio
Ni ta ma de hei gui, zhe shi wo de bing qi lin
you got exposed for lying last thread
Why is /int/ so gay?
It’s broader than that. 4chan in general is incredibly gay. Nerd cultures all started becoming gay/trans over the past 10ish years for some reason. Probably it’s the antichrist doing it.
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Not just gay. HOMO gay, the gayest gay. And theres nothing worse than homosexual gay homogay.

Its just too gay. With gayness.
I'm extremely honest. Painfully honest, even. :/
you are the least honest person itt and that includes shittyshartek
I demand amusement.
another blu lie
look between your legs
>sex with boys
>sex with girls
Who is he?
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>mfw trump will be the president again for four years
Idk its just one from Lucian Wintrich's 'Twinks for Trump' photo series.
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they got n2 a slap fight about golf i think theyve both completely lost the plot
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Baby shark
hmm i want chicken nuggets
wallsocket deluxe version out now everyone go listen
t. shallo
no ew
too late
Joe Biden in the debate is how I feel like arguing with you idiots. You make me feel old.
are you uncut?
/int/ twinks
why do you keep making this post
i miss luvposter
I remember when Beagle accused me of being luvposter just because I said luv lmao
I wasn’t gonna do it anymore but just because you said that I’m gonna keep doing it
I don't believe you
sasha sex
french twink sex
Hot zoomer foot sex
absholut madness luv
>Trudeau at least protects gays
Trudeau does not protect us by completely assraping the economy.

I never got that shitpost of like "economic stability or lgbt rights", especially how it went in the direction of "oh yeah i can just choose both B3". Really, economic stability and lgbt rights are correlated. As long as people can put food on the table and feel confident that they can continue to do so, people will generally fuck off when it comes to social issues and permit people doing shit like having gay sex. That's how the world worked up until the Industrial Revolution wherein a good 90% of the population were basically slaves without the guarantee of a master's provisions at the end of a day's work. It was only when the economy, in spite of its initial flaws, began to levy wealth into the hands of at least the working people of a handful of lucky nations did we find ourselves in the position to once again be a part of normal society.
12 hour thread is crazy for summer
1990 is too white for me, so 2024
Asians for Trump
I'm here, luv. it's hilarious how luv posting has endured in gaygen for so long kek. it all started when I used to respond to cersi's retarded angry posts with "jealousy is not a good look on you, luv" LMAO. xe was so hilarious and entertaining. oh the good ol' days of gayge
is it true you're fat
there’s no point to posting here anymore
very much underrated in fact
I wish they just posted porn of themselves already
no. I'm neither fat nor a tranny
post hole
new bread >>36328858
nice tummy :3
(shame you are a faggot)

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