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previouszche >>36323543
first for /int/ twink rape
esl edition
/int/ twink marriage
ç'est tout ce que tu as, putain?
i do, i have a linguistics degree
voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Friedrich NEETzsche
its not english what else is there to get
>Are you fat?
>N-no! I'm not fat or trans!
Winning the idgaf wars today luv
non, je ne suis pas une pute
that's cause bleagma used to call luvposter 'luvtranny' unironically kek
ieaux don’teaux speakeaux frencheaux, whateaux areeaux theyeaux sayingeaux?
I wonder if it will ever happen
bonjour gg
uhh it's too early to be malding
bonjour, poste ton trou
so people who know english can't learn another language?
youre overthinking a shitpost
you're underthinking a seriouspost
k luv
Hi Delta
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literally me
team edward or team jacob?
I could make things really interesting but I wont
team taylor swift
Bleagle won.
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i don't remember which is which but the werewolf was a better choice until attracted to her unborn child storyline
yes. beagle won... at malding 24/7
He's not even here and you're obsessed with an argument he made 2 years ago. He won.
Thoughts on Ethel Cain?
There was a huge disconnect between me and the girls in the class talking about Twilight because they all liked Edward and I couldn’t explain liking Jacob without outing that I wanted to get railed by a group of huff alpha bros in the woods
>all posts about him scrubbed from the archive
lol yep he's not here at all
Love her
how are you this obsessed with a tripfag
some anon brought it up and I responded. that's not le obsession. go back to your discord and cry in there, babe
See >>36329227
oh wow what an original post
she only has one listenable radio friendly song...
she needs to stop trying too hard
holy samefag
how is this even fun for you guys at this point
i luv when frotty takes on/off the flag to pretend he’s not samefagging lmfao
lmfao you cant be serious
halfway through 2024 and this is still the daily topic. And it will be the topic come 2025
she sounds like an industry plan
Why is Lana Del Ray forgotten
Hasn’t done something exciting since nfr
i think it's hell of interesting luv
like someone is really this obsessed with bleagle
to the point they think everyone posting is him
I love Chanel Ayan and she is the only housewife worth a damn
bitchma is always lurking and then malding in her discord later. give it a rest already
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Is this halal?
>watches real housewives
ngl u sound unhinged
IDK trips and flags sometimes reset. Its kind of weird, more so because I feel like the jannies are losing their damn minds. Everytime I come back here, I find out I got a banned for something I either didn't do or something I will probably do again, but the sentence was already served because I don't come here enough to be affected by such bans. Like I could just be using Tor or some bullshit to bypass their range bans if I wanted to go out of my way to bother them and see how many bans I can rack up, they aren't doing a great job of de-incentivizing trolling or low quality posting.
Everyone on this particular gen seems to get accused of samefagging. Consider it a rite of passage.
discord link?
you can just reply to me normally and i will reply back most of the time you don’t have to beg for it
sorry but i'm not a discordfag
It's private to prevent larpers and pathological liars getting in
i consider it insanity
then how would you know what happens in it?
Met their quota have they?
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long curly hair <3333
anons who do relay infos here all the time. for eg: shiza got kicked out by bleagma a few weeks ago or how they talk about us in their discord etc.
r u phoneposting

tbf back when we had poster counts ppl would literally be like um im not that anon on post 6 of a thread that had 2 posters so far its not unreasonable 2 think ppl samefag a lot even if some of the accusations r incoherent
It probably could be a delusion caused by the real thing at a separate time with separate people. Like wow I know a lot of people parrot the same tired out lines they thought was clever because they don't know any better, but it doesn't mean its the same person, original thinking and ideas are rare but churning out sheltered and deprived goofs are what humans are best at. Enough people use this site that I will say samefagging probably happens but not as often as people say. At the end of the day everyone here are tripfags that samefagged the Anonymous default trip at one point or another.
shiza was kicked by tex
Maybe instead of talking about ex trips and samefagging talk about something interesting?????
you can leave anytime
Really sad with how the West has destroyed Sudan.
not atm but Im also about to go play League of Legends because a thread here a week or two ago reminded me the game existed.

>its not unreasonable
Yeah this is what Im getting at too. Its a feature of a mostly anonymous website, not a bug.
shiza got kicked out by bleagma cause he called beagle a coon
Maybe talk about something fun and interesting???
Shiza w
whatever happened to Miss Poland?
ai generated
Why are (YOU) spending your summer on /gaygen/ instead of being with friends having fun?
I will start: I am at my grandma's house in the middle of nowhere.
>US has given $1 billion in aid to Susan since 2023
>European Commission, €355 million
fuckin eternal victims
post nowhere
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Le long monke top…
well yeah I tried to make him look like a hockey player
boys are only hot when they look athletic
im confined to a wheelchair
what is your ethnicity? you don't look 100% white
uhmm... pedosisters????
its too fucking hot and people are dying by the thousands each day of heat stroke
I'm working on my Vidya. it gets exhausting out in the noon here in NYC but I love walking to the library in the mornings. very beautiful clear day here right now :3
I like the shorts
I am just white but some norway/scand
The West destroyed everything so they can larp as successful as opposed to robber barons that profited from conquest. Its easy to be charitable when you take everyone else's shit and futures with political scheming. People will say shit like "its da jews" but Israel is only part of western scheming as a scapegoat and point of future expansionism in that region like every other proxy war. Zionists neither started it nor are they in charge of anyone but themselves and their lackeys. Birds of a feather though, most rich people around the world are not only friends to a degree but more or less even family given how political dynasties work. Sudan will be ignored until a generation is born that isn't burned out on fighting and willing to take up the cause, but the reality is most people's objectives are engineered with manufactured consent and modal scope fallacies so unless Sudan finds oil or chinese communists take up residence Africa in general will be left to self govern and relearn everything from the ground up since colonial powers don't want to take responsibility for claiming to civilize places only to turn people into that. Everyone wants to take credit for all the good things people who look vaguely like them do, but no one wants to take responsibility for the damage and stealing all that progress was built on. Collective guilt only for the others but not myself, amirite?
I am reading
its sad what pornography does to a man, they eventually can't get their fix from normal porn so they dive down into fetish porn and then eventually illegal things to get their fix until they end up cannibalizing a body like Jeffrey Dahmer, the porn to pedo pipeline is real
a porn star who is a pedo, shocking
thanks beenie weenie
What the fuck. I'm not surprised since he fucked really small people..
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Not reading all that bye
even your mom looks a bit Mexican or native American though
In no way shape or form is this surprising
>Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped. In addition to sharing child pornography via Telegram, SMITH is also charged with possessing hundreds of additional videos containing child pornography in his Manhattan apartment.
its what some gays said: "grow body hair and austin wolf stops calling"
not sure what to tell you brother
Feet :)
he's still going to be tweaking his nipples in jail like he's tuning channels.
i remember how he use to choke his small bottoms until they would go limp and pass out briefly, then he would fuck them hard before they can catch their breath, he was a groomer and knew certain techniques only CIA pedos and top human trafficking pedos know
between my toes please papi
it's always a pdf sign when men are against body hair
It has been well known among NYC gays that he goes after the short barely legal twinks
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how does one achieve this build
jeb kind of looks ftm
freshieanon is next, inshallah
you don't see any gay sites talking about "Austin wolf" ...
>throw money at a money pit problem we created until its fixed

Do westerners really think everything boils down to how much we give, even in this economy? The people don't get direct food aid in those places, but rather the money and help is usually given to and facilitated through the government camps which may or may not be corrupt junta that inherited its disposition from its previous colonial "civilizer"

Its like giving food aid to north korea. Even if the military just doesn't seize it for supplies, they will pretend the food came from the government and people should be grateful and legitimize the new regime, even if the food comes in English. There is no paying your way out of colonialism, a society that cannot face the demons of the past will be haunted by those ghosts in later chapters. It always comes back to bite you in the ass, IDK why elitists never seem to learn that lesson and just keep adding to the shit pile with modern conquests. They want more lebensraum but they don't want the problems and people that come with that land. And humans are not dumb animals. They might be animals, but we are apex predators, not insects and mice. Genocide won't work on all of us long term especially when people don't even know what a genotype is.
it was an open secret but no one wanted to do anything i think.
he turned off instagram comments lmaoooo
so yeah, biden basically won the debate
what can they do, lots of his pedo partners were willing participants
so lonely uwu
i like twinks but im not a pedo
>i like twinks but im not a pedo
t. austin wolf
omg im loving the posts babes ur doing a stellar job today, so proud
i like twinks and accept all the implications that implies
how many of you bottoms got off to Austin pedo wolf?
>the money and help is usually given to and facilitated through the government camps which may or may not be corrupt junta that inherited its disposition from its previous colonial "civilizer"
their dysfunctional government, incompetency and corruption is their own concern. only parasites know how to squeeze every drop of juice out of their "muh history of colonizashun and exploitashun". how come former british colonies like hong kong and singapore have done so well? they were ruled by the same le evil British colonizers too, right?
it's breaking news
Well child marriage is legal so long as the parents are ok with it, unfortunately. Even if we could do something about all the horny kids getting taken advantage of, the reality is someone is putting them in harms way in the first place, and usually its family or friend of the family. And so long as it remains legal as a parental privilege to send your kid off like the days of yore to an older man or rich lonely woman or a temple full of horny monks it will fuel the pedo culture. And pedos more than anyone else are probably some of the most politically active people. I mean they literally have legal organizations and exist out in the open as historic pederast groups. They are well organized, better organized/connected/funded than my entire generation. Short of them dying out or neuro imaging confirming it as a dysfunction that could conceivably be cured its not going anywhere. The ones that abuse kids know people out there want them dead, so they are attracted to the most ruthless and powerful to protect them. Thats basically how Epstein started, he would send underage kids to seduce rich people so he could blackmail them into supporting his club and organizing. The guy was a monster but also one hell of a networker and organizer to be able to get both current political candidates to visit him and earn his favor.
sis i will devour you
u must be very hungry indeed
not me. i've never been into him. I love me some paddy O'Brien tho
>is of their concern
Except its not because we operate on a global stage as far as intelligence and economy goes. More importantly the lack of an effective exit strategy for colonials caused this power vacuum and subsequent migration waves into their countries. You know that phrase "don't shit where you eat" well it the shoe fits...
t. landwhale
>child marriage is legal so long as the parents are ok with it,
pride month is almost over, r u going back in the closet or am i gonna have to push you in
it was way less evident this year and I’m happy about it. Pride is decadent and doesn’t really serve us anymore
>former british colonies
Nuance is beyond you, you are comparing apples and oranges. Hong Kong was taken up by the second most powerful economy in the world in addition to maintaining trade connections it gained under british occupation, while Singapore is not doing well per se. Its "doing well" in the sense that its like a gilded age Las Vegas there, but Singapore is a unique case of authoritarian rule with broad coalitional support from various factions, but its also like a 1 party state. Most other colonies in Africa on the other hand were created by subjugating multiple tribes who were not on good terms with each other at times, and forcing them to live in the same country together. These are incomparable situations, and frankly the british didn't really help their former colonies anyway, they either failed or succeeded on their own despite being deprived UK taking what it wanted and leaving it to squalor like in India. Riddle me this, if UK colonizing was so great, why did US leave and become richer? Why does most of the world celebrate an independence day except Britain? Do they hate freedom or something?
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Well, well, well.
only pedos use telegram, kik, and discord imo
we havent had a worthwhile political commentator since sissyspacek
and thats tea
push deez nuts, bich ass
yes girl.. some of the stuff that gets said on here is straight word salad
are femboys gay?
>Pride is decadent and doesn’t really serve us anymore
says texas's cumdump
some of them but far from most
they're double gay
I’ve never a straight man dating a femboy sis
it was tex and it was half a year ago, what an outlandish thing to lie about
And still a better happier and more fun person than you
This is why I use so many paragraph breaks, or 'reddit spacing'.

I have a biggish monitor and wasn't raised to find blocks of text containing multiple sentences two feet long stacked five deep very legible.

Also, screw phone posters. Small devices with small keyboards make small thoughts. Useless for discussion.

And I see Im not the only one getting shit for bothering to post underwear models in a gay thread full of sniping cunts that would rather bitch about trip drama. Just worthless.
I never left sis.
>they either failed or succeeded on their own
you're making my point for me lol

>despite being deprived UK taking what it wanted and leaving it to squalor like in India
this is one of the lamest takes that gets thrown around so much. I'm surprised you didn't mention India being the richest economy before colonization, never mind that the wealth was all concentrated in the mughal durbars and the common people were forever living in squalor for generations. they were not even allowed to get education. not to mention the caste system. the British actually brought public schools and colleges, post office, railway, bridges, radio communications and so on. India still uses the infrastructures to this day that were created and left for by the British

>why did US leave and become richer?
again making my point for me. I guess the generations of tenacious americans actually took charge of the shit and turned things around instead of being useless cretins waiting for gibs and handouts and wallowing in the victimhood of colonization

>Why does most of the world celebrate an independence day except Britain? Do they hate freedom or something?
dumb question. Britain doesn't have independence day because it has always been a sovereign nation throughout history
The US, of course. Up until 2018 it was legal in all 50 states. The loophole for this is that its heavily implied marriage isnt consummated until they are of legal age, but thats still pretty sus ngl like why not just marry them when they are of legal age then? Of course, some of these are basically just brides for rich men from overseas like Europe or Saudi Arabia. When they go to pedo friendly countries or the ocean, there is no law or law enforcement jurisdictions that could conceivably enforce the violation. This is why they are so brazen and out in the open about it, even pretending to be part of anti-pedo mobs while saying different things in different circles. At they end of the day they know they have the bible and religion guaranteeing their right to child brides, as well as covert and tacit support from both parties.

that dumb bitch used to get seizure when asked to define what's a woman lel
shiza literally posted that few weeks ago. go check archive yourself
not a huge bar with this lot isnt it luv
that is shiza retard
I'm Cooper. Ask me anything.
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sure but it never hurts to remind
how’s bergen
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thawlts on this?
huh? I swear there was the post but may be tripfags are fuckin with me
>no proof
>You are making my point
You are only seeing at such because you fail to understand my point: If person A steals from person b and gives it to person C, does person C still have a moral obligation to return the stolen property regardless of whether they can thrive or survive the slight?

>Yeah but India has always sucked
And by colonizing it, you proved to the world that colonizing doesn't work, nothing more. But you did manage to get China addicted to Opium and destroyed their society, and now UK society is dying to fentanyl. Something something goes around comes around.

>americans took CHARGE
Right, by force, negotiation, and forceful negotiation. But conquest will never be valid to anyone besides the fools who believe they benefit from it. By that measure, all the previous colonies should take over their former colonizer lands to "take charge" as you so delicately put it, but thats an endless cycle of war and of course, you would probably reject even if its still lassez faire.

>UK is empire
It hasn't always been "sovereign" and certainly not everyone even in the UK itself. Last I checked neanderthals were the first subjugated, then celts, then Yorkish vikingrs, then romans, then normans, right? I mean if you just happily accept yourself being conquered so much that you don't even see it as centuries of infighting and invasion, sure. I guess. But Irish and even some scots considered independence more than once. They don't fight during holidays and football matches because they all consider themselves the same sovereigns over their native land last I checked.
You can't reason with Americans. they are literally evil.
How's your mom? Nigger.


Who needs proof?
somebody is being a monkey that fell out of a coconut tree
who hurt you?
nta buy he looks like my brother in law who is always in and out of jail. he has six claimed children
how many do you have?
0 i am only 21. by brother in law is 34
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When you say claimed...?
i mean that there are more than likely more but he refuses that he is the father. we think he has nine total.
>popcrave tweeted about it
it is over
Does he not know about abortion?
bastardmaxxing hero
Trailer park behavior
Just fathered
I was worried for a sec
I kinda see the point in Islam. The age of consent should not be taken to exist in a moral vacuum; thats not how a functioning society works. Its tied to marriage. It was never intended to apply to homos and sluts.

A female married young has a lot less barriers to becoming a broken whore at 30 chasing dicks for a decade and then wondering why no man wants her. The same applies to men. Men are supposed to marry early and likewise grow out of any adolescent adventurism sexually.

Some cultures have arranged marriages between minors and YOUNG adult males. So the idea of a 20 year old man marrying a 16 year old is not as much of a moral stretch. In a moral society, sex is tied to marriage. It was never meant as a race to the bottom to suggest how low someone can bone someones daughter and certainly not their son.

Framing an AOC discussion without any marital context misses the point entirely. Youthful marriages were once the norm even in the US. A famous example is Jerry Lee Lewis. Or more recently, Roy Moore.

Men need to be held accountable in a moral society also. It doesn't do to have men going about spoiling unmarried virgins which is at least most of the point of having people marry young.

Regarding gays, there were sodomy laws. It would have made no sense to have them overlap over age. So when you decriminalize sodomy at the same time as 'female empowerment' you're naturally going to end up with chaos in all directions.

I honestly feel like a lot of this should be understood already. There seems to be a lot of confusion resulting from either a lack of understanding historical context or deliberate denial of the point of moral enforcement.
>You are only seeing at such because you fail to understand my point: If person A steals from person b and gives it to person C, does person C still have a moral obligation to return the stolen property regardless of whether they can thrive or survive the slight?
report back after the former colonies return all the infrastructures and services built by the former colonizing nation. oh wait they claim they're theirs

>And by colonizing it, you proved to the world that colonizing doesn't work, nothing more
one of the lasting legacies the British left in India was the English language making way for millions of indians to access information and avenues that I don't want to get into. let's just say that learning English language has become one of the most important things for poor indians to move up the social ladder in their societies just because of the opportunities it provides both nationally and internationally
But you did manage to get China addicted to Opium and destroyed their society, and now UK society is dying to fentanyl. Something something goes around comes around.
if that is so, then I hope china gets its own comeuppance too for subjugating the Tibetans, the Uyghurs, Hong Kong and Taiwanese too then. Something something those without sin cast the first stone

>americans took CHARGE
>Right, by force, negotiation, and forceful negotiation

>It hasn't always been "sovereign" and certainly not everyone even in the UK itself. Last I checked neanderthals were the first subjugated, then celts, then Yorkish vikingrs, then romans, then normans, right?
>umm you didn't make this apple pie from scratch because you didn't grow your own apple in the first place
he's 100% against!
right kek he never finished school
straight out of rural missouri, real angry motherfucker too
im worried he is still reproducing when he constantly goes to jail for acting like a violent cunt
mods deleted the Austin Wolf thread on /pol/ ..typical enablers
Typical stall at homo restrooms.
shitty behavior but he's fookin hot if he looks like that
if they don't do that then people like dan have sex in them. he probably still does anyway
>implying UK built infrastructure for the public by themselves for the benefit of all using their own money

Delusions won't earn you any favors.

>yeah but muh language connections
Dutch were doing electricity too, English does not have a monopoly on even most scientific ideas. The "english" word Algebra is itself arabic.

>Conquest is good when we do it, bad when everyone else does it
Well I suppose it does lead to more migration so if you like that and having poor foreigners slowly displace you by merely outbreeding you or you are like me in that you are so mixed you identify with everyone and its irrelevant, it has its benefits sure. But its a nonstop headache to hear everyone bitch about it all the time like they didn't invade a land full of "foreigners" and force them to assimilate in the first place.

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. Nihil novi sub sole, tempus edax rerum.
might as well just poop on the floor if this establishment is so callous regarding toilet dignity
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bich ass spotted at pride parade
What's happening?
Ban Americans from this website
post hole
i have never been part of a pride parade, but when i was younger i went to watch one but im shy and went alone so it was quite awkward
Rent free
Delta is a power top
you would fit right in with those eyelashes luv
They can't see your face so you're all good.
lol I knew it. That is why they had the debate so early in the year. They are getting ready to replace him. We'll get an earful from Maher tonight

delta is power virgin
Can somebody nutshell this massive discussion?

LOL I once knew a guy whose family was from mississippi, his father drew a giant circle around the state and said fuck high school and went straight to college outside the circle and got a degree early. Seems like no one else is in a bigger rush to leave flyover country than people who aren't rich and its cause there are entire small towns like that which are basically just hugboxes for unhinged tweakers etc.
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why aren't you on ozempic
i used to feel bad for the people but then seeing how he acted, cussed out my father, and hearing how he attacked his parents and grandma, i felt less sympathy. my sister is a toxic cunt too so they fit together happily tweaking!
I remember when I was a teenie and saw them on tv and still didn't get it. I didn't understand what my personal life had to do with batty middle aged men whining about shit I didn't care about and angry lesbians pounding their fist on the podium.

Later I got into activism for the underclass gays and learned it was even worse than I thought.
do you even want to be in a gay relationship sis?
He did say your borders are safe.
word is they're toying with either Gavin Newsom or Pete Buttigeig but it's a lost cause as trump is more popular than both
don't respond to me or my posts eve again
>Gavin Newsome
Most Americans schizo out about California and makes them seethe.
>Pete Buttigeig
Americans won't vote for a gay man who looks like he is a bottom.
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Have them both run as a pair. What is stopping America from having two presidents at the same time? Logic?
>English does not have a monopoly on even most scientific ideas. The "english" word Algebra is itself arabic
oh boy I don't want to even touch into the history of innovations that have happened from Britain. and wtf does "algebra" being an Arabic word prove anything? that there was once a time when arabs produced great works in science and mathematics before their religious fanaticism killed their spirits.
lmao. btw the Dutch were also a colonial empire

>its a nonstop headache to hear everyone bitch about it all the time like they didn't invade a land full of "foreigners" and force them to assimilate in the first place
This statement is true to every fucking world powers since the dawn of the human civilization. An even bigger nonstop headache is when pussies bitch and moan as if Europeans were the only ones to invade and colonize others
Don't you think the prison thing will be a bit of a downer for him?

jon stewart is a silver daddy woof
>The "english" word Algebra is itself arabic.
what point are you even trying to make by saying this you fucking retard
yes! we love guns!
not attractive and dyes his hair
It has been proven that African kingdoms were working on technology that the imperialists either destroyed or stole for themselves.
Why do you always express your lust for that guy in this manner?
yeah plus its also been proven that jesus and beethoven were black putin has the proof in his secret vault
flying camels
She is not sick
She was hit by a car when she was young
And I've probably had a very sheltered upbringing because of it
And that's clearly caused issues
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he is a daddy
which guy?
One of my first crushes I hung out with and went to school with, even flirted a bit with, was a blonde redneck girl I grew up with. I actually got along well with the nonracist poor working class whites, since we were all in the same neighborhood. So I got a pretty good grasp of the systemic problems and rights they also had to fight for. In a way, I don't feel "bad" for them in the sense that Im sure they are living their best life given the shitty options available to them and they have won many battles on their own merit like everyone else. But I do feel bad for the fact that half of their own so called "race" is perfectly happy with turning the country into a neo-feudal prison colony, filling it with mostly other whites by raw numbers. Like I'm sure everyone feels the same way about uncle toms and morenazis and all the other cringe people that never learned to love themselves for who they are. But most of those guys don't have any meaningful say over how society is run, they are just fringe weirdos who are just pets to people pretending to be their friends.
white mediocrity
don't talk about 98.5% of the posters in this gen like that
I told you guys, liking twinks and being a pedo are NOT mutually exclusive
just found out Nicki Minaj has an asian sister named Ming Li wtf I thought she was 100% blk
Fuck off Mad Scientist
Post your ideal bf NOW
What's wrong with wanting to live in a whites-only country?
>israel's genocide of palestine
>south africa genociding blacks underneath apartheid
>rhodesia's genocide against blacks
>france's genocide in algeria
>the US genociding filipinos
>the entire existance of the UK being one big genocide
ming li sounds like one of those fake chinese names from 90s fighting games
low crime rates, friendly people or at least the ones that don't attack you randomly in public, increase in home value, public decorum, etc. it's awful living with those, man
>whats wrong with wanting

Its not the wanting itself that is the main problem but the fact it is built on a genetically diverse category, because jeez it turns out no one is "pure" to begin with on a genetic level. "Whites" on average have 1-2% neanderthal DNA, they aren't even purest humans for that matter. You can make up whatever categories you like, but if they don't conform to genetics, its going to lose traction as the people learn biology in college as well as professional fields.

"If separate racial or ethnic groups actually existed, we would expect to find “trademark” alleles and other genetic features that are characteristic of a single group but not present in any others. However, the 2002 Stanford study found that only 7.4% of over 4000 alleles were specific to one geographical region. Furthermore, even when region-specific alleles did appear, they only occurred in about 1% of the people from that region—hardly enough to be any kind of trademark. Thus, there is no evidence that the groups we commonly call “races” have distinct, unifying genetic identities. In fact, there is ample variation within races (Figure 1B)."

The word genocide has lost meaning.
you guys bitch about black pipo, but IF ONLY you knew about gypsies
Its only low crime rates when you destroy the paperwork around war crimes. Russia and Eastern Europe begs to differ.
I beat my porn addiction sisters. Naked men no longer steal my heart.
Way to go!
When I studied abroad in Europe, someone told me: "Beware of gypsies" when I first arrived and told me how some gypsies will purposefully make their babies cry so their other chidlren can steal from you.
Is this peak top behavior?
that's a really advanced tactic, they usually just ask you for change then snap your wallet when you get it out
ok? that doesn't answer my question
i know man, i would totally trade all of that for soulful graffiti art and tacos
>No such thing as white people
Not doing this again with you. You knows you love living with white people and you know that you wouldn't have as good of a life if you had to go live around your own kind. All I'm suggesting is that you should admit it instead of amassing this huge mountain of denial that you've constructed
Should most men be used for forced sex (rape/molestation) at some point in their lives? What kinds of men are most rapeable? Can we agree that men who flaunt on IG are most deserving of sexo rape and that it would be morally defensible to sexo rape a guy who is in peak fitness and sexualizes himself on the internet?
>israel's genocide of palestine
go back to plebbit

>south africa genociding blacks underneath apartheid
there was never a genocide. South Africa has actually become an absolute joke of a nation since apartheid ended and the blacks took the charge

>rhodesia's genocide against blacks
what? the one thing close to a genocide was perpetrated by one tribal africans onto the other

>and so on
one stole my mum's phone pretending that he needed to call help.
Doesn't anyone else feel that the exaggeration of roma, refugees, turks, blacks ect. are over the top? It's like when someone from the US claims that Sweden is anarchy but most of the refugees have assimilated. Plus Arabs are sexy tops lol
>Plus Arabs are sexy tops lol
lmao no, arabs have dumb looking noses
stop having a muslim fetish
Ok but like, what even *is* a gypsy? I get that its supposed to be like Romani "indo Europeans", or a like a long lost vedic nomad steppe tribe that long mixed with populations in North America and Europe. But there are also just like white girls who claim to be Romani who don't know the language or culture or custom and see it as a fashionable trendy catchall for mystical instagram nomad (homeless wook at some point usually) but its like commercialized to the point its cringe.
I hate social gatherings! I'm so bored.
When you publish your paper on what genetics are unique to white people exclusively, I'll take you more seriously, but sorry, thats the consensus. I don't care how you *feel* about your genetics, your genetic test says otherwise. How you choose to cope with that is irrelevant to me.
Shut up dude
Do you like rough sex?
a 2 yrs old girl, her dad and mom were shot and killed by a 16 yrs old hitman just recently lol. shit like this would have been a national scandal in Scandinavian countries but this is an everyday occurrence now. Sweden has the highest crime rate in western europe as well
Its a strange time in US presidential politics. The left has no one to replace Biden. They picked the woman who finished last and dropped out early to be his VP. Likewise, there is no one to replace Trump either, as whoever he picks for VP is going to suck ass and the fact he insisted on running as a donor scam for the GOP made the only other legit candidate drop out early. He could've just kept playing golf and let the only adult remaining take the reigns who was a proven conservative.

But at the end of the day, both parties are too corrupt. The left shut down Bernie who is admittedly batshit incompetent but could've been salvaged through his popularity and some handlers if there was anyone left in the GOP that wasn't pulp rotten corrupt anti-American agendists looking to balkanize the nation and sell it off in corporate parcels. Which was traditionally the game plan of the GOP who instead figured out how to monetize losing. Now the GOP is stuck with the same "problem". When you're only chosen role is to weakly object to the left to collect on opposition donations while still approving their next grift for the same elitists, you're stuck being unable to lose to a party that can't win. When the burden of actual governance falls to a party that couldn't be less interested and has no values left, what are they to do.

And now that Donny is collecting all the AIPAC donor interest, they are really fucked. They may end up winning by accident again and have no plan for what to do with the victory if they get it.
It's her turn
... And make no mistake, Trumps campaign was a debacle until this shit in Gaza started. Any break he is getting from the US media is only because he lets Israel off the hook.

Which is going to suck for the EU who have been clamoring for the US to be the thug that hands Ukraine to them since 2014. Once again, the US citizens get stuck in a Jew vs Jew powergrab between the ones that want the money in east Ukraine going into the EU with NATO guns defending it, and eventually launch into Russia and those who want total supremacy in Gaza today.

Which is comical since the whole point of subverting Russia was to shut off Irans money. The whole world is in flames because the international hebes cant decide how to exploit the USs military fast enough.
>them walls of text
What the fuck is going on? Is Sissy back or something?
People are the victims of prejudice and are pushed to the outskirts of society and then people are offended that they turned to crime and the like
The prejudist's fault

Would anything be different if America elected Consuela from Family Guy.
>if there was anyone left in the DNC that wasn't pulp rotten corrupt

Freudian slip
Nah, Sissy always had humorous quips like calling Joe Biden "Zhou Baideng"
What would a gay civil war between left wing gays and right wing gays look like?
*Celestial Emperor
Then leave sis. No one will miss you. Cause they never really cared.
Kamala Harris became VP solely because they wanted a woman of colla as his running mate and unlike Tulsi Gabbard, she was more likely to toe the party line. nothing more. it was also the year of the St. George Fentanyl Floyd. so they had to get someone like her for le solidarity
jfc show some respect for the dead
Drunken scuffle at a club
it will be the twinkiest slapfight. not even mascs can fight
What would it take to see you at a club dancin?
Sure I like rough sex when the mood calls for it, but desu my favorite sex is roleplay fantasies and massage sex where I'm the focus of service. I prefer to relax while being pleased than doing all the work desu. Also I love telling my bottoms to ride my cock. But I'm fair and will do rough stuff thats a lot of work on my part if my partner wants it. Its a tired act for me, I just like regular healthy mutual nourishing love, but its not like my preference. The choking and spitting and all the other stuff doesn't do anything for me, I only react to my partners pleasure, so how that looks changes from partner to partner because I adapt to their individual desires and needs.
>pushed to the outskirts of society
getting free gibs and housing from a system that you never contributed to, exploiting the people and organizations of good nature, using their religion to offend the native values while hiding behind the protection afforded by the secular government. how the fuck is any of this "being pushed to the outskirts of society"?
World peace
It could've been until the Mexican president became a Jewish liberal after no less than 30 opponents were assassinated. A Mexican America would at least have some sense of national leadership. The Mexicans aren't the problem. Its the American leadership guzzling every third world immigrant they can get for cheap labor, running up housing and crime from unvetted illegals from everywhere else.

I tire of people on the right saying the left wants illegals as voters. The left cheats enough through that they couldn't care less about who is or isn't voting. Its about cheap labor and thats it. The only thing the left gets out of it that they care about is destroying whats left of the WASP and secular whites.

The left could win every election from now on and still have to deal with whites complaining. They hate whites because whites have a cultural memory of higher standards and accountability from government, whites can therefore recognize patterns of sabotage easier and whites ask annoying questions like 'wtf did you do with/to our money?'.
You're the one coping here man. You're coping with the overwhelming empirical evidence for white exceptionalism, so you cling to your little research paper like a geek. We know why Norway is successful and filled with beautiful people, while Haiti is dysfunctional shithole filled with cannibalism.
Agreed but they are really paying for it now.
Why don't you fight for it with your bare fists like your compatriot Harry Beau?
And Americans have mass shootings. Haiti wins
oh ok I'm sorry. here, let me repent

O St. George Floyd
How holy thou art?
The fentanyl runneth in thy veins
And the suffering thou endured for us all
The pregnant woman who thou held at gunpoint
And the knee of the oppressor on thy neck
Bear witness to thy great soul
The watermelons are now juicy red
And the river of Mountain Dew floweth divine
Hallelujah and Sheeeiitttt
you would seethe if i made a joke about a white man but you have no flavor.
Like the Night of Long Knives, the right wingers will help exterminate the left wing gays and drive them out of a territory, and only then they will realize that being a pickme won't save them from the same fate. This is why right wing gay organizations rarely last and even if they achieve some state and legislative representation, they will always be targeted even by their own "side" no matter how hard they try to "act right" (moving goalpost usually mind you, their words not mine). There is a sucker born every minute as they say.
Not just from the whole governmental protection times
From the off
It all has a domino effect that resonates in modern day
And religion is all just damaging bs

Can I marry you so I can flee the US
And you are lynching negros
We have soulful, vibrant cannibalism now as well in our third world corridor state
I'm literally praying, anon :s
Like that time Log Cabin Republicans decision to hire straight conservative Isabella Riley Moody as an "outspoken ambassador" for the group was questioned due to Moody's blatantly homophobic rhetoric. After stating in an interview that the LCR's statement of principles "really just grosses me out and makes me want to vomit" and posting on Twitter that "being ‘gay and proud’ is itself GROOMING," her name was removed from the group's website. Like these people are so enamored with the idealism of america that they can never truly understand what americans are actually like, so they have these hugboxes bankrolled by individual rich people where they can trick themselves into being class traitors and be useful idiots while pretending if they only just prove themselves enough with elitism and self hatred love erodes hate when more often than not it merely coddles it.
>religion is all just damaging bs
i knew missionaries. they were the craziest ones.
A y вac нeгpoв линчyютЪ.
there used to be gays who stanned ann coulter
So much evidence yet Im the only one with modern sources to back what I say. Its not evidence if its only in your own head. Show, don't tell, dipshit.
What would be the point
You'd just run into the same crap here eventually
The Night of the Long Knives was a political purge that had nothing to do with gay people. Röhm happened to be gay that's true, but he was also the 2nd most powerful Nazi in Germany. No one cared about Röhm being a twink chaser, he was killed because he had control over the paramilitary apparatus that had power over the entire Germany military, and had publicly criticized Hitler's leadership.
Well it's either support the right wing or have your country flooded by people that hate you and want to throw you off rooftops, so I don't know
BTW Norway has an oil fund, thats why they are rich. It has nothing to do with what their citizens do, I can't believe you are this stupid. Haitians on the other hand are a former slave colony, I have not seen a single slave colony that has ever thrived besides the slaver capital. Apples and oranges, and again, completely undeserved pride at having claims to oil by pure chance.
Muslims are sexy
>nothing to do with gay people
This is the kind of mental gymnastics pickmes will be tricked into believing. Yeah sure, the average nazi respected gay people, it was totally because one times Rohm had some constructive critique despite still being loyal to the party, thats why they had concentration camps for gay people, right? I'm sure prevailing social attitudes towards "pederasts" had nothing to do with it. I only ever saw photos of gay men though, but IDK if they cared about the lesbians.
"Before, during, and after the Nazi regime, men accused of homosexuality were prosecuted under Paragraph 175 of the German criminal code. This statute criminalized sexual relations between men. It did not apply to sexual relations between women. Nonetheless, beginning in 1933, the Nazi regime harassed and destroyed lesbian communities and networks that had developed during the Weimar Republic (1918–1933). This created a climate of restriction and fear for many lesbians.

Because there was no single law or policy that applied to sexual relations between women, lesbians had a wide range of experiences in Nazi Germany. These experiences were not solely determined by their sexuality. Rather, other factors shaped lesbians’ lives during the Nazi era. Among them were supposed “racial” identity, political attitudes, social class, and gender norms. Based on these factors as well as others, some lesbians (especially those who were working class) were imprisoned or sent to concentration camps. In these instances, they were classified as political prisoners or asocials. Jewish lesbians largely faced Nazi persecution and mass murder as Jews. In most cases, their sexuality was a secondary factor. The Germans and their collaborators murdered an unknown number of Jewish lesbians during World War II. "


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