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last: >>36319180
qott: whats your favorite meal to make at home that the rest of us might be missing out on?

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my meals consist of a majority diet of weed and instantly prepared things that can be put in the microwave or oven for a single person to consume. I will intermix this with the occasional order of pizza or other form of takeaway.

I thought about killing myself again today
>Cops support Trump
Yeah no shit the pigs support a bully.
pork roll egg and cheese salt pepper ketchup on a hard roll
how does one become this retarded?
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Can someone let me know when they talk about lbgt/trans stuff?
I need to finish watching this lecture
imagine being a tranny who likes cops. you know what they think of you right?
wow you're so brave!!!

that's not RIT is it
>We had clean air
>Claimed during his presidency that Wind turbines cause cancer and tried to shut them down.
Why do you want to be women?
because men are icky
>Trump: We lowered insulin, not him
>Biden laughs
Lmao, Biden for once got a win during this shit. I have a friend with Type 1 Diabetes, and he now only pays $35 for his Insulin where as during Trump he paid almost $250
>look at clock
>only five minutes have passed

i don't, i just have severe dysphoria over my sex and so i take hrt to help alleviate that whilst presenting in a feminine way but realizing that that doesn't make a woman even though people use female pronouns for me
What if prong ran for President when she turns 35?
everyone hates us lmfao ur acting like it's somehow ONLY the cops or they do at a higher rate than genpop, it's not like i support them blindly either, they're just another group of retards like all the other groups of retards on the planet, surprise surprise
I don't care about social.
But physically my brain rejects a male body.
I felt genuine distress and suicidal when I was going through puberty,
Tried SSRIs, tried therapy, none of it worked.
Got on E and now i'm actually stable, the changes improve my mental and physical health, brainfog is gone, etc.
But who really knows
just go make some food
I could never lmao

no i don't want to listen to the fucking debate
its actually joever for biden
have you spoken to a trans woman whos been arrested? me and a bunch of my friends have been groped or mocked by pigs when going to jail.
don't resist arrest
dont commit crimes then retard? also, again, you think people other than cops wouldn't also do that? delusional as fuck
I got pulled over about 5 months ago, and the pig let me go, I was surprised.
Gender dysphoria, brain's fucked.
But women are weaker and bleed from their genitals every month, and their skeletal structure makes them more susceptible to injuries when they play sports. It seems to me that wanting a female body as a male is like wanting a physically worse body.
i got detained because my mom was a drug addict and we were in a trap house when it got raided (twice)
both times i got called a fag, i was only 12 and had long hair.
but that was in like 2008
didnt resist arest
my paperwork for court stuff got messed up after a minor traffic violation. i got a court date i was never notified about. received a failure to appear warrant and was arrested when pulled over for a broken taillight. went to jail, got a court date, released same day. everything got dropped in the end.
>errrm my cronies said u were the WORSTEST so HA
drink every time they describe something as either the best or worst
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born with a sense of wrongness abotu my body
felt like being feminine would fix it
did it
I'm surprised we haven't gotten to any form of trans talk yet.
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who is the artist who makes these lovely pictures?
the us govt needs to invest the social security trust fund into the overall market just like every other sovereign wealth fund it'd keep it solvent provide a return and provide a massive stimulus to the economy
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yeah it looks like snale's but a lot of people stole their artstyle after they went MIA for a few months
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enjeflll / enijefl on twitter i think
luv snale
yeh, need it now too because UBI is going to be needed in 20 years
>rich kid complaining about "pigs"
PHEW ok i made omelet but fucked it up because i wsa super axnious
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>stole their artystyle
it's not hard to copy, picrel was something i made in 15 minutes yet became my most popular drawing on social media just because it's like, very basic and derivative of snale's work

snale isn't a very technically skilled artist but that's not really a bad thing, art is just art
I'm not rich anymore, I'm actually pretty poor.

>Trump is talking about golf during a conversation about cognitive ability
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yea sorry spelling issue
anxious and depressed is normal state for me but it was worse bc i had to leave my room

They're both talking about Golf!
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I don't think that's xer. I searched for "viuvza" but I can't find anything except a closed twitter account.
uh and specifically bc i was cooking in my mother's kitchen and i know she always gets really upset with me if i mess up and so i was really worried and went to flip the omelet which i can normally do easily but instead i threw half of it off the pan and onto the stove dials and some landed on the floor and i almost started crying
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dad was mean to me
girls like you need an older gf to make ask their meals and take care of them
thats what geriatric old men with dementia talk about
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sorry but im into men
picrel me with my imaginary bf
im also an adult who can cook, it just needs to be in my own space
i just am one
need to hurt a cute girl very badly
you have a good brain
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luv tkmiz
need to be a cute girl very badly
giga cringe
see there you go nice work
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im p sure thats enijefl
here is post
Commercial break 2. I am genuinely shocked we haven't gotten to any discussion about trans rights. I'm wondering at this point if it's even gonna happen.
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no u
just bee urself
i hope not
>I'm wondering at this point if it's even gonna happen.
it would be cool if it didnt. politicians shouldnt have a say in treatments
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me in the background on the right
did you see the picture of my sisters kitty I posted last thread?
this picture reminds me of sonny boy
>qott: whats your favorite meal to make at home that the rest of us might be missing out on?
i've got this like, really simple but close to my heart recipe that my mom used to make as afternoon snacks and its just sliced banana and (preferably melty) cheese rolled and packed into a spring roll wrapper then fried until crispy. it's nothing crazy but its super easy to make. its a really nostalgic snack for me so i make it every now and then when i can find some good bananas to work with.
nobody cares
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>.> niu
based ty
>Closing statements
Oh thank god.
I like her :)
i like her
i fucked it up though sobbing

yea it was a nice cat here is dog
yay trannies not mentioned
she is good :)

ty paige
they look like nice dog
I'm surprised. I genuinely thought we were gonna get mentioned.
i wonder if trump's comments on letting isreal wipe out palestine will get him less or more votes
i honestly don't think it matters, trump voters couldn't care less about either country and don't know where they are on a map.

two more debates right?
Not sure.
30 days until sn supposedly arrives
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i wish being trans wasn't so unpopular
its scary
Weird that having a medical condition is unpopular.
super room (louded)
not really that weird. ugly = ew = evil
Kind of like leprosy I guess.
its easier to get rid of inconvenient people than to accomatate them
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Learning biology is mad weird.
I feel like we went from learning about microbiology rocket science that i got lost on constantly.
To asking which genetic trails are variable to invariable. Which is common sense stuff...
pic rel
>Learning biology
this kills the transgender
major headache from being at my friends apartment all day an not drinking water.. just took advil...
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make sure u drink water especially in the summer.
huh who?
did u shave part of ur head
no but i cut it myself poorly but not im letting it grow out
dats da light reflectin im p sure.
glare even.
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My doc says she can swap me off of spiro to get on lupron.
Idk shit about lupron, what are the pros/cons?
I really appreciate my girlfriend for buying me a game to play together but I really hate hunting games and this game is so boring but I feel obligated tot play because she spent her money on it and I get really uncomfortable when people spend money on me especially when I dont ask for it
just break up
awesome pants
lupron is probably the best/safest anti-androgen to get if you don't want to do monotherapy
no i like her i just dont wanna play a game where I hunt animals for sport
Pros: basically the gold standard AA
cons: u gotta get stabbed with big needle
you are incompatible
but you know neither of us
lupron makes you stupid
honestly, if you aren't similar in every way possible, just break up, delete facebook, and hit the gym,
its not worth the minor inconvenience for someone you love.
if i was president i wud fire everybody then fire myself
yeah I need to lock in
re0 version best one.
ok gn
sooooo, how are we all doing on preparing for the second trump presidency sisters
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have good sleep
that friend ain’t got water or
hyped tbqh its gonna be pretty entertaining and i live in a solid blue state so im not rly worried at all
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it was inevitable
just gotta hope that they're inefficient and stupid like they were in 2016-2020
kanye reference
its amazing what you can accomplish if you're skinny and have a full head of hair
i hate every single one of you
what happened
kanye reference?
they sold their hair to buy drumsticks for their loved one
but their loved one sold their drum kit to buy them a hair brush.
real sad situation all around
dead cope thread
betting markets have been rough for awhile but it only gets worse it seems
given recent events for people you allegedly care about one would expect you to give a shit about the situation. maybe you're just stupid, that's okay.
yeah fr our only hope is trump fucking everything up again pretty much. even then another four years of him controlling court appointments and it's basically over for this country. they'll finish borking elections and sit in power forever punishing sinners and making the government useless. tory britain, big and trad christian edition.
(except because we're big if that happens it could be dangerous to union itself on a scale of decades)
yeah. the supreme courts just gonna overturn decriminalization of homosexuality and turn every lgbt issue into a state legislature thing in the worst case scenario., its pretty gross but i cant do anything about it
>given recent events for people you allegedly care about
who do i allegedly care about and what are these recent events
who are you anon why r u calling me stupid
Today, I thought about killing you, premeditated murder
I think about killing myself
And I, I love myself way more than I love you
The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest
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What do you mean by makes me stupid?
One of the reasons I dislike spiro is because it gives me brain fog

I don't mind if its not too often

Ya I don't really trust monotherapy too much. Like every girl I've known in person doing monotherapy has a bunch of acne.
Why a big needle?
>What do you mean by makes me stupid?
lupron makes you stupid
sorry im not familiar
is there anything backing this up
fwiw i do injection monotherapy and my t gets blocked w/o issue but i get not trusting it
can u link ur source
yeah i can
realistically i'm just gonna hang out in my red state as long as my hrt is legal, then the second they try to take it i'll be with family out of of the country.
i want to fight but with electoral politics broken that basically means mass demonstrations, and americans have proven twice in the last decade that we can't sustain those, first with occupy and then on a larger scale with BLM, january 6th too. always the same, everyone just went home before the goals were achieved. too many cops, too many people with bills to go get back to paying, etc. it's hard to imagine a way out in this state of affairs, it seems like first things need to get much shittier and people get angry enough to remember their rights. but like, can we not just stop the fire before the house is burned down?? sigh
could u please link ur source
decreased consciousness is listed as a potential side effect
nobodys gonna save the US
that much is clear
the ears of government have been shut to the people for a hundred years
>why are you calling me stupid
well >>36324950 is either insecure fear cope, or stupid, or you're an ugly hearted bitch who wants to watch the world burn so you can spectate the suffering
stupid is the charitable assumption here
i like entertainment what can i say
literally killing myself
Can't say for sure but I believe it's due to being IM only? The ppl I know that have it done say the needles are pretty big
the people can save the US. i do agree electoral politics have become useless for anything but stalling for time, but we have one peaceful nuclear option left (constitutional convention), and past that there is of course one more option but it's not a comfy one.
either of those could happen with enough rally, we just need a unified message and the right organizational framework to mobilize the limited portion of peoples' dwindling free time that they can devote to street activism.
no one seems to be trying, and it might not be bad enough yet for enough people to do any of that. but i think there's still some hope. foot shoved uncomfortably in hope's mostly closed front door kinda situation
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people don't move till they're hurting and hurting people move towards violence.
theres no peaceful solution left. its just an inevitable civil collapse in our lifetimes
hopefully you're a retard misusing litterally
lol no i do im and use 25g needle
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never bring an army into rome
never carry weapons into the senate
no im in the bathtub rn and bleeding out drn
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well, you know
>watching your country get poorer around you, people suffer more, the prices of foreign goods skyrocket, gays and trannies getting hatecrimed more, pushed out of employment housing or healthcare more, womens' rights pushed back, black voting rights pushed back, public roads and services begin to crumble as federal funding dries up, everyone in the country being miserable and hateful about all of this, all while the circus keeps us from stopping the collapse of our economy democracy and ability to survive on earth
>"ah yes, entertainment"
i hope this is fear cope, but your vibe has seemed more and more nasty so iunno. if you really feel this way i unironically hope you get hate crimed
i mean im not really a fan of either party neither of them can be called left wing in any true sense of the word, they both support zionism at least when it comes to the mainstream party establishments, we still live in a police state regardless of who wins, i dont see why its so awful for me to think its a little funny that the former reality tv star with an orange spray tan is probably going to win his second term after doing a terrible job his first time as president and inciting a failed insurrection when he lost the election. like yeah its bad for trannies but it doesnt mean its not entertaining
>your vibe has seemed more and more nasty
what do u mean by this
maybe dont do that
people are already hurting. they aren't apathetic because they can't feel what's happening. everyone can even if they mislabel or can't even verbalize it. that's why i say we need unified message. and we need some really charismatic protest leaders like we had in the 60s. those types have been funnelled into influencing or beaten down into normal jobs, but they still exist and can be found and recruited.
once upon a time it was a death penalty offense to cross the pomerium armed, now citizen and senator alike clap like apes for pompey and his goon squad waltzing around wherever they please. but pompey is a fool, i worry more about what ceasar is waiting behind him in the wings to be honest
ah yes, a known successful builder of egalitarian states kek. did you know, peaceful movements to overthrow governments actually require far less support to succeed? takes 2.5% of the population to topple a government peacefully (max not min, it has never failed past that), but 3.5% to do it through insurrection. something to consider
rly hope this is sadposting not seriously something you're doing, please be safe and care for yourself. people will miss you if you're gone even if you don't see it now, your future happinesses are waiting for you and begging not to die with you, please give yourself another chance <3
>i will watch the country burn with twisted accelerationist glee because neither party is left wing enough for me
oh okay so yo just stupid. that's okay you'll grow out of it
godspeed anon i hope whatever comes after is better than the shitty existence we have, gotta have some serious conviction to slice ur own throat tho ngl
better than being a neolib bootlicker xd
US politics is actually in pretty damn good shape when compared to the truly dire situations in the UK and Canada
the rhetorical and optical polarization belies a deeper unity — the agreement that decades of neoliberal policy must come to an end
the result is a historic, and I would argue surprising to most Americans, amount of bipartisan cooperation and legislation
it’s not merely opposition to neoliberalism but also a growing agreement that popular opinion needs to be considered more seriously than it has been in the preceding decades (i.e., populism)
you could even see this in the debate tonight: as much as the two candidates traded hyperbolic insults, they also argued over which of them should get credit for a number of effective and popular policies
i envy your hope for the future, anon
>the truly dire situations in the UK and Canada
i understand the uk but why canada?
for trannies canada is the best option
it's funny how every member of the couch potato vanguard i speak to has the same canned responses to justify doing literally nothing at all. you're all such cowards
canada is kind of hosed
you have to keep in mind that transgender issues are really a very niche topic
far more important is, for example, the problem of affordable housing for significant portions of the population
this is a major issue in the US but it is truly a crisis in Canada
yeah its over tb.h
can u do me a favor and stop being s o y
if we don't hold onto hope, the future is a void of dead possibilities. tending that flame is always the first step to healing a crumbling society imo
canada is good for rights, no longer for healthcare. the wombo combo of harper's conservatives into trudeau's liberals leading the country basically has them britainizing (rotting) they're just a few decades behind the UK on it. but their healthcare is like, catching up fast to NHS-rot. i have family up there and even in major cities getting doctors appointments and referrals and such takes months or years, ERs are crowded, etc.
at least that's another "not as bad as the UK yet" tho lol. canada still actually builds houses sometimes
not clicking ur virus bud
>lazy baby too afraid to engage in activism
>also literal commie
>telling me not to be onions
kek, kek and a half even.
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Politics zzz
erm ur privledge is showing sweaty
jk lmao u live in a 2nd world country
can world war 3 start already im bored
if you want to invoke change or do good then join a leftist org in your area, if you can find one. as long as you share a common goal of helping people around you you'll get there. though sometimes that sucks big ones lol there was an anarchist one i spent time around that had a pamphlet with examples of solidarity and one of them was people in hong kong blowing up a hospital some people don't really know what they're talking about
oh great another one of the bpd children here to lord about how enlightened she is for not caring
this shit is so catcher in the rye core, being the biggest fucking losers and thinking that's cool
yep the political and economic situation in Canada is terrifyingly bad
major US intervention may be required before the end of the 2020s
yes i wanna get involved in work like this but probably more on the mutual aid side of things
anon who are u and why do u have such a stick up ur ass about american electoral politics
Try to change any of what you're talking about and see firsthand how little it matters to even think of it
You are talking about the concept of gravity as if it were something new or some sort of variable in your control
the problem isn’t building them, the problem is affording them
and, scarier yet, what the Canadian housing bubble portends for the Canadian economy
better cops than niggers, statistically we're safer with them
try not caring about people talking about politics
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>nigger cop walks up to
>suh y boi?
ur response?
hope UK mtf friends can escape hell island but Canada is their best bet and that is a out of the fire and into the frying pan scenario
imagine being this much of a racist cuck.
I'm eating deviled eggs.
who asked
i'm eating the devil
>fp didnt say goodnight to me
killing myself
im eating nomies ass
cope fatty fat
i'm tired of dealing with idiots like you. the world is ending and no one cares and that's WHY it's ending. you can blame it on the corporations and the bougois all you want, but it's your responsibility too. i may buy the product and pay the bills because i don't want to starve for protest either, but at least i give a shit and take action where i can.
>see firsthand how little it matters to even think of it
it didn't matter, until you came into thread being an obnoxious brat about it. if you don't care enough to not be part of the problem at least have the decency not to inflict your stupid on people who do care for literally no reason
we have already taken command (“operational control”) of the Canadian military — almost 22 years ago !
the lack of racism is the fatal flaw of the zoomer
they are tired of you
when you're a superpower they just let you do it
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This nigga so retarded
>no one cares and that's WHY it's ending
most of us just realize we can't do shit about the train wreck in progress and want to have some fun on the way out
> you can blame it on the corporations and the bougois all you want, but it's your responsibility too.
lollllll syq
so true thats exactly what i was thinking !
u is retarded blud fr
WELL you may have 0 power, not enough billions to buy your way into it, and the rich may be wasting resources millions of times faster than you could ever hope to accomplish even if you dedicated your life to it BUT. EVERYTHING is still your fault. Just vote, vro
I don't wanna make any promises but if I'm not insane we won't even need to get off capitalism.
oh i misread you, you meant talking about politics doesn't change anything. well, that's dumb.
discouraging apathy here means a space i hang in is less full of jaded shitters, so yeah that's already a win
besides that, you're just wrong, the public do have political power. all of it, if they move enough in unison. this is what i meant about couch potato leftists. you blackpill yourselves and create a self fulfilling prophecy. the work is impossible so never try, then millions of people all over the world end up thinking of their government which is just made of other dumb monkeys like them as some kind of godlike force of nature on par with gravity.
you'll talk about how non-leftists can't imagine a world without capitalism, but you can't seem to either. i am literally right wing, and not as devoted an activist as i should be either, and i'd bet i've still done more to advance left and progressive causes in my life than you and anya combined.
all this discussion reminds me of that time that the american military bombed an american neighborhood because the local cops asked them to
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I mainly just wanna get off Spiro cause of the brainfog, reduced breast growth, and tummy fat retention.
Monotherapy sounds nice, but you apparently need injections for that, but my patches are omega super nice and comfy and effortless rn so I sorta wanna stick to those if possible.
protesting works RETARDS
>yes i wanna get involved in work like this but probably more on the mutual aid side of things
okay missed this part sorry but i take back most of what i said. the parts calling you stupid at least. this is based and better activism than voting by like x100, def do this.
i've been getting a concerning vibe off of you lately and am also just really tired of political apathy but i didn't really give you a chance to say if you do anything. you don't seem blackpilled like laguna
the world began to end when humans were put on this earth only god can save us
tbf bombs are the best way to handle shitty afrocentrist child abuse cults
>i am literally right wing
kys immediately
lmfao this website sucks
well given that it's how we got votes for women, prohibition, unprohibition, votes for 18-21s, and the civil rights acts (among other things, not to mention examples abroad), i would say that yes protesting with the right strategy does work.
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>i am literally right wing
keep that secret, I hide my powerlevel amongst anyone but an inner circle. One of these days I will convert another tranny to esoteric Hitlerism or die trying
The main problem is that corporate forces control where people are directed to for news and other sources of news are delegitimized, and if you watch their preferred news sources they leave out tons of context about the corruption and conflicts of interest. Typically they are just stenographers.

So like, old people are almost exclusively getting their news from cnn, msnbc, and fox news, who all treated all alternatives to Biden as not serious, which made all the dumb impressionable old people believe he really was the only choice.

And you really can't get the olds to check out alternative news because hillary clinton said fake news.
activism is worthwhile no matter what
one time my bong broke as soon as i filled it up so i protested outside the dispensary with my friends and they gave me a free bong
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Protesting works v well what doesn't do shit is talking about it on the fucking tranny general of 4chan
there's nothing stopping you from clicking that little x button in the corner of your screen there
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one day anon
not a nazi fuck nazis all my homies reject ideologies based in hatred.
i'm right wing in the small government free markets kind of way. really only even count as right in conversation with leftists
im not blackpilled i think mutual aid and similar work can make real positive change in communities i am just so fucking disillusioned by electoral politics i cannot be asked to care anymore and if trump is going to win i will find it a little bit funny but i also recognize im in a privileged position as a tranny in one of the most solid blue states in the country the election doesnt affect me nearly as much as it does others
as for like what ive actually done so far the answer is pretty much nothing ive shown up to a couple protests for palestine and gone to a few benefit shows but i so generally remain in the house and that obviously hampers my ability to get involved in any sort of community organizing or mutual aid efforts.
also curious as to who this is like have we talked in the past i am pretty dumb when it comed to IDing anons pls forgive me
giga lolcow honster claws typed this
this chart is so funny in context of how this board is 99% ukraine support and deeply divided on israel-palestine
we're just where reddit trannies and twitter trannies come to argue aren't we
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80% of trannies think you're one of us, might as well join your true friends under the black sun and stop trying to coddle up to those too far lost to bolshevism
At least keep the politics in pol holy this is the fucking tranny general on the lgbt board and ur coming here talking about being a nazi and protesting

we're the worst of the worst anon!!!
damn bro i was just a normal person but then these people think im X so i become X because they already thought i was X
sorry kitten
My feeeeeeeeeeeet.
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>nomis feet
>if trump is going to win i will find it a little bit funny but i also recognize im in a privileged position as a tranny in one of the most solid blue states in the country
oh yeah i forgot that this is the initial thing you said that pissed me off. i live in a red state and felt kinda aggreived by "not in a blue state your life doesn't matter" vibe
also yes we have talked a fair few times i think you'd remember my trip if i posted it. am anonposting for a reason rn tho so don't really wanna say who i am, but generally we've had nice convos and i've thought of you as someone nice
but yeah this is all like, very understandable. it sounds like basically none of the mean things i said were true, you care and just like, have your own life to live rn. that's where most everyone is and me too like i said i don't do as much as i should. apologies for behaving so much like i belong on this website, i try not to do that
i don't base my political opinions on what others think of me, if i did i'd be a marxist of some kind. i only care about cold hard truth and the ways we can use it to improve human life

I just matched with a total babe and I don't want to mess it up.

What should my first message be?
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is this real vieo or the pic harvester does anyone know how to tell, i don't remember the trips
also if real: pick a shared interest from her profile or something related to one of the pics, use it as an ice breaker into asking her about herself.
leading with "what you've shown so far is cool" right into "tell me more" is THE winning strat, very few people don't love to be found interesting. plus it's where you find the genuine interest at
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you’re delusional.
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These pants making me look like mewtwo vra
should i watch the debate
how cringe is it
fraudulent stance fraudulent sweatpants
haram thoughts..
all right wing trannies should be forcibly detransitioned. like you want right wing shit so bad? go ahead and have it.
omfg mfhmm
need to make laguna fear for her life
hrt wouldn't exist without private pharma research
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Cope harder?
in a sexo way not in an insane 35 year old way dw :)
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idk if its possible to do that, there's not much more you can do than have a complete and total schizo hound you consistently on a general you can't stop frequenting. If u want to make her feel bad you could probably point out how her body she worked so hard for, really doesn't strike as particularly feminine beneath the clothing and flattering photos and such
show us that hairline and give us a smile then luv
lets see those chompers
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My hips aren't there blud
her body is hot and i want to cover it in scars and bite marks
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No vro it's the angles vro
sexo Now;
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I constantly measure shoulder and hip ratio on all my pics and ik perfectly it's around 1 on every single one, idk what ur doing schizo drawings of me for
that waist and hips were made to be held omfg
omfg frfr lagyuna so sexo awooga!!!!!
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>too anxious and ashamed to go buy alcohol
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Noo anon it's the angles!! The flared pants!! Edited on gimp for sure too!
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i just don't think it's that impressive is all
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shes MINE.
marina please get some color into your wardrobe do you have one pair of black pants or twenty pairs
I don’t like the anxious and ashamed part but I do like the not drinking yourself into oblivion part
Wtf does the left and the right even have to do with eachother?? Mono for the love of god take ur meds
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grace bought a cringe anime tshirt 2day
wow i didn't realize laguna was kinda twinkhonny
I only wear black. It is what I do. People kept pushing me off of it but I will not falter. This is my purpose.
omfg laonga so much sexo af!!!!! dude11!! im gonna freaking come to that roblox avatar body
why do you think dysphoria is inherently left wing? Not every sufferer of it is a degenerate sex pest, some of us want to desperately get away from those types and the ones who enable them. The right wing makes me laugh, the left wing makes me either angry, depressed or sad
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Y'all wanna take a gander at this and compare lmfao
How's the hip growth going buddy
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Love my gay faggot life
reddithon energy
You don't actually play mahjong do you. You're just posting a picture of Needy Streamer with Mahjong Ear Accessories. You don't know anything about Riichi Mahjong
better than yours honey
hows the stunted gyno mantits?
what happens when you take away the last way to cope?

i wish.
I do play mahjong i also play bridge
cool fit littlegooner
File deleted.
U look like an a4 sheet of paper niggaloo go take ur meds so you can see reality properly
bank robbery
this is a good shirt nice job
hope you grow out of this
might have to take the uncomfortable step of personal growth
I want to cum as a matter of principle but i feel so unhorny it's like horniness was a fever dream i had in my childhood and it's not real anymore.
Ahem no nsfw. Apologies.
holy shit bro is coping hard af rn
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my grandma plays bridge
i can't wait until kat calms down and/or goes away and people stop sympathizing with laguna long enough to remember she's literally just kat 2
If u wanna see smth well developed u should take a gander at ur partners nose bra
dw that chest reads male, as with your face and the rest of your body
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Whatever you say mongo
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Bridge is a good game. Probly my favorite table game after poker
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>gymmaxxer vs foodmaxxer
epic comparison
looks good tho
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Bro my hand is literally on the left of the line can u draw well????
what does that even entail? deluding myself into thinking its ok for me to look like this in public?
lmao cuck
narrrrr u will make to the liqqy store inshallah
if i was mono wouldn't i be pushing sympathy for kat or something? but the fact that you jumped to thinking i am one of your drama adversaries is just more proof of kat 2 theory
she does
bro idk im checked out of the drammz
Very true anon very true
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wtf u blocked me :(
why do you care what you look like in public? If you like it do it, stop letting the opinions of faceless nameless people dictate your life
>inb4 some beta tier cope/meek submission to parents
do you ever play pool any more
how you look is fine, how you feel about yourself is the issue
Ur actively harassing and insulting me now plus do it on my dms half the time u had it coming
you know very well those curves are just.. i dont have words, only an overwhelming urge to hold them tight

that made me lol
i think u just got mad i was doing it in the thread instead of in dms, you never even told me why you wanted me to add you in the first place, truly bizarre
it shouldnt make u lol it should make u afraid
Because you played the same games I do. And I told you directly I wasn't going to talk to you after you started sperging out at me for looking better than you
tfw no man will ever want me like this
>do you ever play pool any more
Parents sold the table
I have the same shirt but in red
no way am i leaving the house without walking into traffic so i probably shouldn't.

i hate how i look even after 9 years. started too late with bad genes ngmi. my parents are supportive but what good does that do?

you don't know how i look like. i don't post face here anymore.
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no, i simply pointed out that you are very lucky to have the figure you do, you luckily started hormones young and you fortunately have good genetics, yet you insist that this was somehow insulting to you, and transition is merely the product of hard will and gumption, which it isn't and i'm sure most people in the thread will agree with.

Even before that, you showed zero interest in me, you showed an astounding lack of social skills and all you seemed intent on doing was posting in this general which, i eventually begrudgingly started doing more of, which is why i am here writing this post.

You were using me, as a prop, to talk about something you enjoy, in a very one sided manner, which we didn't particularly engage in very strongly considering your extreme disinterest in the other party of the conversation
it's okay to rope if there's no one who will miss me right
You were spamming me with saying I'm lucky for the span of 5 hours while I ignored you, said none of what I got is because of effort, and sent me sh pics randomly while making me spend half my day attempting to help you while you refuse any advice
based desu
drinkie delivery
Not to mention directly telling me I look like a fat 16 year old kid and similar insults often, you're even insulting me here now too for absolutely 0 reason by doing shit drawings and edits of my pics to make me dysphoric
ur acting like she owes u anything beyond wanting to talk about games with u
on top of that why would u not expect to get blocked after harrassing her
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Ooh the incredible advice from a 19 year old with ego problems, yes i totally "refused all advice" instead of hearing all the pithy, basic bitch advice that literally everyone under the sun can piece together in about 5 seconds, heaven forbid i show anything other than gratitude to this basic pittance of "advice"
>spammed for 5 hours
lol, that's one way to put it, i thought it was funny
despite everything, i still don't want to appear like im her schizophrenic detractor who does also frequent
>Not to mention directly telling me I look like a fat 16 year old kid and similar insults often,
I didn't tell you that
>you're even insulting me here now too for absolutely 0 reason by doing shit drawings and edits of my pics to make me dysphoric
Huhhh, what's wrong, i thought you were so sure that all of those pics which were, admittedly very very shitty drawings, were totally beneath you, yet here you are saying they make you dysphoric
hey, she asked me to add her in the first place, idk, i know im a hater to some extent i just think its funnyyyy
Ur showing the dogshit person you are with this reply very well, I'm not even going to bother entertaining your delusions any further
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>Ur showing the dogshit person you are with this reply very well, I'm not even going to bother entertaining your delusions any further
You got upset that you met someone who isn't obsessed with you or at the very least, attracted to you in a way that would make them not directly cater to you.

Grow up
>You're an egotistical bad person that wants to hurt me for removing me!
>Yeah I was harassing you for fun lol
Iq check failed
>harass someone
>send them self harm pics
>harass them more but in public
>you blocked me :(
get real.
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Xanny witch found the old discord pics wowie
>>send them self harm pics
huh, so Laguna's talking to you on discord about this too? i didn't mention that in the thread

you're an egotistical bad person, and i was harassing you because it's funny
Despite EVERYTHING i'm not retarded enough to talk to you, person who i assume Laguna referred to as Nick
no one is going to take this defense seriously we all know you'll just say whatever it takes to cheat with marina sooner than later
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Can u guys make a discord or an irc or a skype group or a ventrilo or a suicide pact or a mumble or a teamspeak or something and stop shitting up the thread.
I mentioned the sh pic myself right now
And what do I do if the retards start attacking me I didn't even do anything in public to warrant more drama I just want to talk about sonic and the food I cook
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wish I wasn't male.
and constantly post photos of yourself, tripfag, basically do everything in your power to be as "look at me" as possible
honestly laguna was talking about breaking the law almost as much as kat, janny would be justified to give her the untouchable perma'd treatment. then her simps and haters would also have to stfu.
but that won't happen because janny is a terf and this is free entertainment
go cut urself more u pathetic drugwhore
both me and jade are allowed to do what we want this has been communicated over and over again i dont know why u keep trying to push this narrative
Meds now.
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I have pride in the body I got after years of effort and want to show it off. The fact you live in shame over your own failure to make your body into something you can be content over isn't my concern
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Yes, you certainly were lucky to have good genetics, and start hormones early. Congratulations.
>I didn't even do anything in public to warrant more drama
kek, mtfg demons can't help but resort to the "wah wah lie and say i didn't do anything" defense
she's just hot larry folks
Im considering just colonizing another tranny gen to escape these retards but i like most of the ppl here so that sucks. Guess its obvious the moderation team doesnt care.
>mtfg demons
you're so right anon, i'm so glad i'm not some variety of regular here
She did actual crimes w doxxing and posting revenge porn twice, I say mean words to her often
World of difference between those
I've a strict diet and gym routine u couldn't maintain for the span of 4 hours
idr if you you use disc but if you do there's the server. or you could just friend the mtfg people you like and avoid gen related spaces.
hope thread just nicens up though, you're a way better presence here than the people who are annoying you away
Yes, you have a strict diet and gym routine

On top of the incredibly good fortune of starting hormones young, and having good genetics.
I was talking normally until people started harassing me. Scroll up
les gen is comfortable
someone will, i said that to her but i wish i were wanted too lol, i actually do love someone but she doesn't want me
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I'm tired and lonely. I should just let testosterone consume me...
Weren't you insulting me for not looking good considering how much effort I put?
no no, there's posters, and there's demons.
like, soft vs hard r. some posters here are hard r mentality, because they are hard retarded
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honestly i was shitposting when i did those, hence the really stupid optical illusion arrows, it's funny as fuck
ah i see, and laguna is the demon variety and i am the humble poster variety
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nanny state diff unlucky. cud steal from parents liquor cabinet but their generosity is the only reason i have a roof over my head so i better not.

yeah anymore. i posted face when i first started transition inspired by those nice timelines i saw. wanted to have one for myself.
under a different trip back then, never under this one. i don't want people to see me because i know it's bad. the only current ppl who have seen an anglewhored pic of my ugly mug are salt and snew.
Thanks for the good advice. I hope it nicens up too
Im not les tho im bi. Is that allowed
the first thing you did in this thread was interject yourself into a discussion to say it was boring and everyone should shut up, then start posting pictures of yourself. you've been consistently a pest
>Humble poster
You literally spent the past hour harassing me
you have a very light connotation of harassment if you think a handful of reposting the same images you yourself were posting in this very thread, is harassment
They were talking about being nazis wtf am I gonna say about that that's positive?? Are you retarded?
she's not even an adult yet rlly i can't really blame her for inserting into discussions and then wanting to draw attention to yourself when you're like, immature and lonely
reposting someones pictures with ur schizo lines drawn on them to try and portray their ratios as being worse than they are is in fact harassment
Just reposting vro
hmm maybe I am misremembering but I thought I saw your pic
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Not rlly
Wao, three posts, i'm totally Harassing you for not being absolutely endearingly positive about you
>Not rlly
great rebuttal schizo
i posted some but not of my face.
>Insults you for your body
>Spends their time doing 4 drawings of you with worse proportions than in reality
>Says all you have now is because of luck after you've put 3 years of consistent effort on yourself to get where you are
>Starts sperging out about how you're an egotistical schizo for removing her after this, getting harassed privately daily, and being sent sh pics while pushing away any and all help
You're genuinely mental
look at the messages above this post you made, the nazi trolling literally only started after you showed up and derailed.
were you this anxious and upset before the move btw ?
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I posted that as a joke, then started getting harassed immediately
i don't hate her for it or even want her to leave (like her cheesecake posting earlier that was niceposts) but i will blame her if it's infecting my thread
actual children younger than her are able to learn to not stomp around demanding attention like she does here
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i am amazed at how much you're projecting how much i care about these proceedings onto me, and i am happy that, at the end of all this, my intentions from the very beginning were achieved, is that I was a mental strain on an obnoxious tripfag for this amount of time. Intentions I was never unclear about too, and it's genuinely hilarious how much you self invite this all on yourself. I am happy that i am finally, finally entertained after all this.
>actual children younger than her are able to learn to not stomp around demanding attention like she does here
exactly! hence why it's so funny to see her sperg out like this, she's just a stupid little child and, while it tanks the quality of the thread, it's at least entertaining for me, as someone who doesn't even use this general
I am literally just replying to harassment whenever you bitch about me
Maybe look at who's causing that as the issue?
eveyone be nice :D
i've never not been upset about this stuff but it was easier to cope before i lost everything for sure.
i mean it looks like you shitposted and got shitposted back at.
"harassment" lmfao, if you approach a cluster of people talking politics just to say "zzz politics boring" what else do you expect to happen
r u guys coming to my bands show tmrw
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Insulin price drop was due to independant researchers / biologists just growing insulin in vats no?
Im not up to date with american healthcare horror lore im sorry I might be wrong
laguna really do just be a larry clone
i purely think she's too young to understand banter, hence the excessive "your mom" and "meds" type posts
>too young to understand banter
its the unironic autism akshully
that also tracks

have you ever even heard of a non autistic sonic fan?
>I am literally just replying to harassment whenever you bitch about me
flat fucking lie, you entered a conversation, threw a lengthy bitch fit, then started posting more of the same selfie you take to post here 100 times a day which i ignored, then you posted "wahh wahh i didn't do anything" and now we're having this retarded conversation.
i guess if you wanna continue telling blatant lies you're free to now because i'm sick of you making me scroll all over the thread to point out that you're lying
Damn Bravely Default 2 at 60% discount? Talk about a good deal
hi mono
it’s just import t to keep in mind that the issue rn is not really the brainworms stuff but the completely normal pain that any reasonable person would feel having their entire life disrupted like you have
what I’m asking is that you consciously try not to fall into the habit / pattern of taking that pain out on yourself
sleep well Shannon
this tracks and i'd be fine with that if not for the fact she keeps also throwing tantrums and being a narcy shitter. when laguna is in thread, either the thread is ABOUT laguna or she's polluting the entire atmosphere because it isn't
Preparing the pasta rn shits gonna be fire I even got the ingredients for some carbonara set up
can i have some
i mean yea nomi is also autistic and a narcissist
ive said this before
laguna is just a younger nomi
when i first came to the general the other day she was having a tantrum about her stalker, which is totally justified, but turns out she just has tantrums over everything. shame. i thought i could be her friend , but she didnt want that...
pls post pic of pasta when ready
beginning to remember the entire thread was just okay with kat being a destructive narcissist psycho, until she got replaced in that slot five minutes ago. you're all just going to groom her into being her worst self and repeat this stupid cycle.
maybe this gen is just not a nice place to be, might just fuck off
Post on your own chans then>>36326662
>beginning to remember the entire thread was just okay with kat being a destructive narcissist psycho
No i wasnt lmao. Plenty of people werent
That is the plan
now I am hungry might make some noodles
I just remembered I still have those here. Maybe I'll make them next week
why next week ?
i've only been here a few days and the writing is on the wall
Can’t say it’s a secret
I've been eating too many carbs.
fernando, my love
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its been affordable outside the us and even in the us for the longest time. the us just happened to have a cartel setup with no regulation that hiked the price up after the 90s from $9 to $500 per vial and it was a safe bet because the govt would partially subsidize it to prevent literally everyone from dying.
the price stayed around $10-12 elsewhere in the world.

is the issue that i can no longer hide from the world in a hugbox of drugs n kisses or that i'm an ugly self hating neverpass tranny?
doesn't rly matter which is to blame for me being upset more i have to deal with the latter now.
marina my darling
Goodnight mtfg. Nibbles says goodnight too.
goodnight nomi
ig the issue is that you’re hurting like anyone would be in your situation
but it can be alright, you know what to do — be social, stay connected, avoid self harm, don’t wallow in self loathing
not saying it is an easy road but I think you have what it takes to walk this road and you can count on salt and me if you need some support from time to time
bro america is so fucking cooked
should i rewatch lain tn
in re insulin the issue was that US law provided that American healthcare could not negotiate price w pharma companies unlike literally every other country in the world
the argument was that if the US govt refused to pay pharma would have no incentive to develop and support drugs
this essentially worked out to the US taxpayer subsidizing lower prices for people in UK, EU, PRC, etc, etc
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ur all stupid lol
need to see how marina's skin glistens when covered in blood
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Tarta de queso
dead cope thread

pastry of cheese?
i'm extremely taxing to chat to when i'm spiraling and irl interactions are what caused the spiral. would rather not poison the last few relationships i have online and i feel like i'm gonna do something stupid if the spiral goes any harder.
appreciate the positive attitude tho n take care.
you made a maiq cake :3
were actually fucked no matter what
the only people who act their age are the dead. living people defy expectations.
great post
Thank you, next one will look way better
I hope it is not copyrighted.
no that's not true at all, babies act like babies, if babies started going and walking around and talking they're like, what, the boss baby? what a headass quote
very flattering !
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The pasta looks a bit more proper at least.
oh wow looks tasty
It can and will be better.. next time I'll get a better mold and follow the recipe with less freedoms
It was actually
It comes at a great cost. I ate too much this time so next 2 days there's no eating. Pure fasting weekend. Gotta make use of my sped up metabolism from eating so much lately
Very true..
good night mtfg my band has a show in 14 hours so i should probably sleep soon
starting another rewatch of lain before bed tho
waow haf fun w show tmrw..
Sleep well a-nya
night kiddo
oh fml just remembered i need to wake up for a work training call in 6 hours
Sleep fast then.
make me
>marinara general
ill take it over
>daddy.. pp... general
>i miss my ex bff general
>trans women are gay men general
>i hate u for having surgery general
>fisher price gunpla general
>im a racist general
ugh i do miss him though i wonder how often he thinks of me
or sometimes throughout the day i'll wonder what he's doing, if he's still at work or if he's gotten off from work, or if he's eating or on a date or sleeping or whatever and what it would be like to be there with him or how things might go if we saw each other
i doubt he thinks of me as much as i think of him but he's got to think of me at least a little bc we were so close for so long, i hope he has some good memories of those times i just love his smile and i miss his big warm hugs i wish we could've been together kms
>im a racist general
i am the very model of a modern racist general
jk im not racist
>trans women are gay men general
i haven't said this in like days desu im trying to be nicer
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ugh and just thinking about kissing him... or staring lovingly into each other's eyes.... or snuggling together while it's raining outside...
he's so wonderful i would do anything to make him happy it just sucks that not talking to him is the thing that seems to make him the happiest bc i have so much love for him it feels like i'm drowning in it
that wasnt an invitation to talk abt ur ex bff btw btw
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you've just never been in love
maybe he'd still like you if you didn't spend all day trying to make your life worse
i don't, i do the opposite
you're like that one weirdo nazi chaser that's been making threads about how he misses his ex that dumped him for sperging out for literal months straight. u 2 should date
i mean i literally am rn
i just dont post abt it
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Crismas came erly
its whatever. all this stuff is in your head anyway. experiences never wait for you to catch up, they catch you off guard and teach you what you're getting wrong. you'll be fine
it's all So Juvenile ,
i wish someone would see me just to confirm i'm really here on earth
a claasic blunder: to be so desparate to blend in to the crowd, while simultaneously yearning to be picked out of one. pick a lane brother
you people are all kooky
i dont think i can
you can do anything. it's more a matter of what you want ime. but that's the hardest thing to figure out
i just want to exist without feeling bad about it
you will, anon. just keep going
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The fact a sonic x mario rpg in the style of the mario & luigi RPGs hasn't been made is ridiculous. Bioware got the license to make a sonic rpg and fumbled it too, so it'd be helpful for Sega to try it since it'd 100% help fix that old mistake. Idk. Or maybe just make a new sonic rpg. I've no idea why it hasn't happened yet, the biggest issue sonic team has is having 0 idea of how to make the gameplay right and adding too much gimmicks so making a rpg about the comics or some of the new series would just make sense since most sonic autists are there for the stories and character interactions
I will summon a car crash soon.
I will start flexing over being 4'1 if that were to happen.
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extremely relatable anon.
Deceased thread
i am doomed
i want to die
can you kill me please? i am scared of suic :'(
>you lack of social skills!!!
>spam SH pic to someone

fucking psychohon istg
I saw Laguna at a grocery store in Madrid yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
new bread
how can one achieve the same body? Especially hips, those are fenomenal

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